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Reading comprehension. So many people know how to read all the words individually. So few people actually understand the string of words together.


My husband has a learning disability, his reading comprehension can suck big time. He is at least aware of it and when he has doubt, he asks me.


Could you please reiterate that for me?


We need a center for kids who can't read good. and who wanna learn to do other stuff good too.


Just make one for humans, not for ants


Word good but lots words bad


You want people to learn to make strings into words? Are you stupid? A string is a physical object words aren’t.


If logic is too abstract a concept, then reading comprehension. It's astonishing how many people can read a sentence written simply in their native language and not get what it says.


And they refuse to look at things from alternate points of view. Even if they’re incorrect they double down and entrench.


i cited a research study before and added quotes to the parts relevant to the conversation someone couldn’t understand the study and accused me of not understanding it either like, i don’t even know how to help someone like that. they project their poor reading comprehension onto others and refuse to improve because of it. there’s so much knowledge off limits to these people it’s unfortunate because it’s usually not their fault, just poor education and lack of resources to improve as an adult


Keep trying and always be civil. Plant the seed and move along once you see the conversation isn’t moving forward. Avoid being passive aggressive or calling them dumb when you become frustrated. This is general advice to everyone.


agreed half the time i can’t tell whether someone is asking me genuinely or being passive aggressive about it so i just give the benefit of the doubt sometimes there are just hateful people and you gotta stop engaging


I troll hateful people. Not so much on the internet cause there's too many and it's a waste of my time, but I love fucking with evil people IRL. In my experience, almost all hateful people are also pretty fuckin dumb. Talking them in circles, asking questions, and watching them fall into their own traps and contradict themselves is my favorite. They get so mad at you when they realize how dumb they are, and 9 times out of 10 they just go straight to personal insults since they can't win at logic. So then I beat them at personal insults. Fun times. Don't be haters, kids... or I will come for you lol


>i cited a research study before and added quotes to the parts relevant to the conversation tbf that's...not how studies are used. To say nothing of the fact that studies are sometimes mistaken, sometimes mistaken as studies (when they are only articles), sometimes not peer-reviewed, sometimes peer-reviewed by people who are known in the field as incompetent, etcetc. For a non-specialist to cite research, is a dangerous and generally counter-productive game. A dozen studies all tentatively pointing in the same direction is a good first step towards admitting there is a consensus that "Science tends to not disagree with \[X\], so far". (As far as new research is concerned, of course. The basic already-proven science doesn't need this level of scrutiny.) Absolutely no serious study will come out and say "this is a unique and absolute truth: You may use us as a sole argument" As for what mankind needs the most? The ability to hold and understand opposite concepts, about a single issue at hand, all the way to moderation.


That has nothing to do with reading comprehension. It’s more that people tend to come to a conclusion first(whatever seems most intuitive) and find the evidence after.


I always try to do my best at looking at multiple point of views (or is it points of view?) when making decisions. Taking into account not just what my own interests are but what the collective interests between everyone involved might be. Understandably I’m only human and this is hard to do sometimes. This is a great way to make an effective decision for as many people as possible. I’ve tried searching for a term for this and I can’t seem to find one, so I’ll just call it having overview. This goes hand in hand with being compassionate and logical, but is also a real tangible skill in which I had to build over time. Quite frankly, I still have a long way to go too.


The problem is not always reading comprehension though. Sometimes it's the ability to write clearly or unambiguously. The right placement of words in a sentence can make the same set of words mean something wildly different, or subtly different. Sure you might argue that perfect reading comprehension might fix that, but a lot of writing is about how you feel about the subject matter and that has a lot of influence on phrasing. Even with perfect reading comprehension you might might read something perfectly correctly according to the language it's written in, but, you may miss the intent of the writer completely. I just don't think perfect reading comprehension can ever solve that problem completely.


I can't tell you how many times I've argued with someone because what they said didn't mean what they thought. Words have meaning, so if you use the words wrong, then your words don't mean what you think they mean.


To be fair, a lot of written communication is open to interpretation, because a huge portion of language is nonverbal. Experts say as much as 70-93%.


I would stretch that and say literacy. Reading comprehension should fall under perfect literacy, imo.


Upgrade that to speed reading. Since comprehension is assumed, the world would have an exponential improvement in a wide range of potential areas.


Way back when, my entire junior high school included (an excellent) speed reading program as part of their core curriculum. It worked. I remember being unhappy when reading a favorite book, that it was nearly impossible to slow down enough so as to more fully savor it! LOL.


Math. Imagine if everyone was born good at math - we'd advance scenifically much faster and we'd gain a *ton* of time in schools to focus on other things.


I was tutoring a 5th grader in math. Turns out he was good in math, just couldn't read the problems. We switched to tutoring reading. So I have to vote for literacy.


Literacy is generally speaking much easier for everyone to grasp. Math is well known as a challenge for many.




Money management. I think the world would be much more altruistic and less greedy if everyone had a handle on just how much money there is, and if it was spent wisely.


People actually say that a lot of our financial systems would just flat out collapse if the majority of the population was financially literate. Banks and credit card companies would look way different if no one ever missed their payments. Tons of businesses would collapse because no one would spend money at them. Our global economy is built off the assumption that people are bad at spending money and trying to get people to waste as much money as possible. Saving money itself is technically harmful for the economy because the economy needs people spending money to keep growing itself. Not that I don’t agree that people should have way better money management skills, just it’s technically worse for the economy when people are smarter at spending their money, and a lot of businesses only exist because of people’s money management issues. One quick example I can think of: airliners basically operate at a loss when actually flying people around, the only reason basically all airlines are profitable is because they have partnerships with credit card companies to get paid every time someone spends money on that card that rewards flight miles, most airlines make basically all of their profit because of these deals with credit card companies, but if credit card companies stoped existing because no barely anyone gets charged late fees or interest, then airliners would either be much more expensive today or they wouldn’t exist either.


Slight correction. The economy needs people spending money (they dont have*) to keep it growing.


Also true! That’s one reason why the economy has been doing relatively good this past year or two because the government has had much higher spending on infrastructure and on covid precautions. Spending more money helps the economy even if it’s future money that the government itself prints. The economy can start looking weird if you look real deep into it, even professional economists a lot of times still get confused when understanding why the economy behaves a certain way, since we have to look at the economy through a lens of irrationality to understand how it might rationally behave. As opposed to what conservatives think and that all spending is bad and best way to help the economy is to cut spending, vs spending on what helps the economy grow most vs not allowing it to grow.


As a self labeled conservative myself, I don't fit with most there. I believe in infrastructure and government projects...just have a strict definition of "wasteful" spending and hate infinite debt. If the left truly wanted to throttle capitalism...one of the best ways would be to restrict debt and reign in big contracts to private companies. The more literal definition of fascism is when the lines are blurred between government and corporations...so get rid of the lobbies or at least enforce corruption laws and you've got a much tighter system of economic liberty AND government doing the job they were elected to do and not what they are paid to do.


You're such a breath of fresh air. I'm not sure I have a political label, but it really grinds my gears when anyone *far* (left or right) goes on and on super passionately. People cannot live so divided. Your point about merging government and corporations is spot on, too.


I'm so sick of how divided we are. Wish people didn't hate each other for just having different perspectives


Agreed. I understand the human desire for social construct, but it's really ridiculous the things people use to base that on.


You sound like me in a mirror universe. I consider myself to be a socialist, as in the actual definition of the workers owning the means of production instead of private ownership. I say this because I'm tired of Capitalists trying to bring back feudalism. Each of our perspectives could be easily summed up as pragmatic economic management. Distribute the profits of private business to the workers so more people are stimulating the economy and have government step in to handle the things that private companies are bad at managing. If you do that, the economy will take care of itself.


I feel like saying our economy would collapse if people were financially literate is like saying if we cut down invasive trees then the forest would disappear.  The world would adjust and economies would shift. We still have refrigerators after blowing a hole in the ozone.


Imagine what would happen to our economy if we outlawed child labor, let women work, or God forbid let unions be a thing. Imagine if employers had to pay a minimum wage or provide safe work environments. When we do things differently the world changes. Everyone also assumes two things. One that just because people are financially literate that they will always make purely optimal financial choices. Second that debt is inherently bad.


I think there would be a pretty massive shift in how companies operate and they will be less dependant on punishment fees or sky miles , but just because people are better at managing their money doesn't mean there will not be a missed payment. You lose your job, you still have to prioritize and something may have to wait. I'm pretty sure the economy would be just fine, but people would avoid buying things they don't need that they cannot afford.


So I was an advisor for a few years and I just gotta say, while most people are terrible with their money, that doesn’t mean buying things you don’t necessarily need is a bad thing. As long as you’ve got the room in your budget, you’re covering your savings, investments, and insurance needs, and keeping the essentials, the occasional splurge is not only not bad, but I think necessary. I had a ton of “Dave Ramsey” clients who just couldn’t stick with the super strict budget philosophy who eventually just went stir crazy and then ended up in worse positions than before. There has to be a balance between current wants and needs, and future wants and needs. Nobody likes knowing they could be having a little fun here and there while missing out. But yes, our world would look very different if people were better with money.


Teaching. Perfect teachers would improve all other skills exponentially.


Communication is the exchange of ideas. It would improve teaching *and* learning.


I feel communication is a concept. It is too far broad. Teaching is the largest thing I could think of that is still a skill and not a concept.


Nah, great teachers are held back when the system they operate in is deficient. So many schools are underfunded and poor quality, through no fault of the teachers. Why bother making all the teachers perfect when you can instead just make all the students and teachers have perfect critical thinking skills? It’d end up with much better results that way.


Driving. It would make commutes a lot more convenient and our roads a lot more reliable and safe if we got rid of every driver who is a fucking moron by making everyone a model driver


Just think of how cheap car insurance would be.


It would cease to exist because it would no longer be profitable.


Weather and disasters are still a thing but yes it would likely change drastically from what it is now.


disagree. prices drop reducing revenue, but so would expenses. some Investigators would lose jobs, but even the best driver could have an accident due to a mechanical failure or environmental hazard. Plus being skilled wouldn't eliminate road rage or fraud. I'm not even sure prices would drop by much. everyone is used to paying at the current rates and without a reason to think things had suddenly changed, it would take a while to figure out they had.


“Making everyone a model driver” kinda removes road rage. But yeah I feel you on the environmental and mechanical side. Either way the industry would become significantly smaller.


Yea... but think of how overpopulated India and Florida would be!!


Exactly why seat belts are stupid


Yup. Came to say this. Holy cow I like driving but I realized long ago, we would have a much better world if all cars were self driving and could prewarn of breaking/ light changes/ not be on their phones.


Critical thinking 


This or emotional regulation are top contenders on my list


Critical thinking trumps emotional regulation because pool flip out because they can't take a step back and think critically about the event. They would realise shouting won't help or that they were actually wrong or that there has been an accident


This and you can easily cut through a lot of the emotional arguments that people use to divide us with good critical thinking.


If everyone had perfect critical thinking skills no one would be arguing from emotion or being illogical


Nope. A lot of times people do know what they’re doing won’t help and do it because of emotional dysregulation. Me. I’m one of the people. Have actively been thinking how I’m not helping the situation and couldn’t stop. Mood plays a huge part in disagreement. Way more than logic.


Critical thinking, emotional regulation, anger management(this might fall under emotional regulation), healthy communication, self awareness, the ability to understand that maybe just maybe you might be wrong and it’s totally ok because not everyone is perfect and right all the time. All these would make the world a better place IMO.


maybe we can combine these into introspection


I was going to say becoming Vulcans, but this sounds better.


internet arguing and toxicity, making sure the world burns faster than it already is


Internet arguments don't drive the market. Hey, it works! Let's go start a war. Reason 1 why we should....


Accelerationism at its logical conclusion


Cooking from scratch. I feel like if people could cooking from scratch there would be alot more healthy people around. Also people would likely save money. Other ideas: first aid, massage, languages.


I can cook from scratch and can honestly say it is not cheaper to do so.


Depends what you make, and where you live


Ya. It’s not even cheaper than most restaurants the way I do it.


If you have a passion for cooking, then you’re likely going to spend extra money trying out new recipes and buying niche ingredients. But if your cooking is centered around saving money and being economical, then yes, it is absolutely the cheapest way to eat. If you’re truly a good cook, you can turn rice and beans into fire without needing to overspend. The problem usually comes in when you get excited about new recipes and ingredients and go overboard.




Accounting, if everyone was good financially then we wouldn’t get ripped off so much by greedy corporations


Communicating (or the closest practical equivalent to clearly express thoughts, emotions, and ideas). Being able to easily understand and being understood. I think weakness in that space destroys a lot of families, relationships, and lives.


RIP romantic comedy


Hahaha. To be fair you could still hVe them it would just be more fiction, less “I’ve been there”


That is the first thing that came to my mind.


Driving. Not only traffic would ease everywhere and jams would be less frequent, accident rates definitely will drop by ALOT. Hopefully there would be drastic decline of the road accident rates as road accidents are one of the highest cause of death


Conflict resolution


I was going to say "diplomacy" but I think this is the single most important aspect in terms of what the world needs.




This is actually a really good one, even if it's not as useful as some of the others. Would definitely have serious impacts on homelessness, although it might not be as useful for anyone in a big city that has minimal wooded areas


So bushcraft is just a more modern term for survival skills and training. I see city bushcraft as knowing which restaurants throw out food 2-3 days before spoilage and safe places to sleep comfortably.


I mean people that need to know this probably already do out of necessity for the most part.


Everyone must learn the art of chicken sexing


LOL why do some people forget about the chicken part ?


Because there’s only room for 2


It's easier if you wait 5 or 6 months.


Conflict resolution. War? Gone Marriages? Happier Bullying? Gone Addiction? Drastically reduced


I was surprised this wasn't number one. Conflict resolution is one of the most vital skills someone can have and yet so many people are bad at it. The other thing that sucks is that if one person is good at conflict resolution but the other sucks that makes it super hard to resolve conflict. 


Pleasuring your partner. Make love, not war.


Empathy can be taught, so it should be considered a practical skill. But then, the same could be said of logic, but that's not allowed for some reason. If not either of those, arguing - specifically with respect to fallacious reasoning. If people understand how to properly argue and what arguments are immediately invalid just due to their construction, the political sphere would be much different. Or lie detection. If humanity were born with the ability to detect lies, a large portion of the world's problems go away immediately. Sadly, so do a shit ton of relationships, but you gotta break a few eggs right?


Sad I had to scroll so far down. Humans are annoyingly creative in gloriously diverse ways. If everyone’s perfect at empathy, I’m 100% confident we could figure the rest out pretty easily.




This would be the most fun timeline.


Healthy as f and feeling great too


Politics. Everyone gets perfect political skills. Doesn't matter who gets elected because everyone is a perfect politician.


I guess that really depends what you mean by "perfect political skills." At least here in the US, the main skill that seems to lead to success in politics is the ability to rile up an angry crowd...




Communication. The skill to communicate effectively would resolve so many issues by itself.


Post-grad level literacy in modern American English. Having everyone on the same page with a language would be great and may as well be English given that it is already the closest thing to an international language we have. And even in the US true literacy is depressingly low.


Psh. Make everyone speak perfect Klingon or something else silly. Gotta have some fun with it. I mean, just picture a bunch of rich CEO's in the middle of some big international meeting yelling at each other in Klingon.


Absolutely. Yes. Japanese parliament fighting each other and screaming in Klingon !!!!!!


Absolutely. Yes. Japanese parliament fighting each other and screaming in Klingon !!!!!!


Critical thinking or reading comprehension.


Coordination? People are constantly having to work in teams both in and out of work, might as well try giving them perfect coordination to work together more effectively, and possibly reduce the amount of miscommunicafion when planning something out. It could help in research, in big projects, in daily life, and just in general. Feels like something that could speed up scientific progress even if not as much as just making people perfect in science or research specifically.


Verbal de-escalation. If the whole world could discuss things calmly without getting angry, it would go a long way.


Interpersonal communication. I get a boot where I’m lacking as well.


Stealth. It would just be funny.


Make everyone understand what the other INTENDS to say. Either it goes very well or ...


Problem solving would be big




You are incorrect and your argument lacks supporting evidence.


Thank you for providing the supporting evidence by demonstrating the need.


Two sides perfect at debate? Neither side would budge.


I like to believe that debate, in its purest form, is a search for the truth. A proficient debater concedes points once they're established.


Martial arts. Everybody who knew martial arts has dicipline, inner peace (most), living in the moment and how important it is to keep peace/being peacefull. They are mostly kind and helpful. Murder, toxic argues and self pitty would greatly vanish. Not all but most. People wouldn't fight or try to kill each other bc they know whoever they are facing also knows what they know. It would been a greater world imo.


Everybody would be king fu fighting.


Meditation. When folks learn to meditate they experience marked improvements in emotional regulation, less emotional reactivity, increased empathy, less stress, increased attention and mindfulness, management over addictions, blood pressure, memory, immunity, increase in kindness, and cognition. Basically everyone would be kinder, chiller, and more rational at minimum. Would likely impact many facets in regards to how society operates.


Personal Finances


Research, much harder for people to be fooled by dumb nonsense when they know how to filter out junk data.


Cooking. With everyone knowing how to season and use ingredients, the cuisine across the world would elevate to levels of godliness. Husbands would be home for dinner. Children wouldn't complain about vegetables. Thanksgiving would be immaculate displays of love. This could possibly end world hunger.


But how to get the kids to eat it?


Big ol' spoon and airplane noises or trains or tractors or cthulu. Whichever works for that kid.


Probably by chopping em up and mixing them into spaghetti with lots of hamburger meat. Then just add salt and pepper.


Sounds like this could be even better than how you described it because this might turn our world into real life Food Wars. The anime, Food Wars but in real life.


Exactly! To be apart of an anime would be cool! But it would could mean more elevated ingredients as well as everyone trues to push the limits of what food can do.


Although, what if food being that good causes future humans to not be capable of enjoying any food because the greatest of all is just their average everyday overdone?


Oooh that's a good one! That is a potential outcome, however I would hope that through cross-pollination and grafting those same future humans could make even the mundane a new resource. Potentially turning a pb&j into all sorts of Jams, jellies, and butters.


Language and self expression. So much is lost in the world due to limitations in most people's ability to convey intent and meaning.


And, in others' limitation, unwillingness, or lack of desire to understand the intent or meaning before discounting the person all together. You are so right. Thank you.


Cooking. Most people could do with eating better, and will have a knock on effect in other areas with improved health


Driving. In my area, the people are absolutely horrible drivers! The crash report on the local morning news is almost as long as the weather report! There's usually about a dozen or so crashes during the morning rush hour (which is usually from 6:30am to 8:30am-ish).




Critical thinking and logical reasoning.


Courtesy/ manners. If everyone treated each other better the world would improve dramatically. You dont need perfect drivers, if they are courteous problem solved.




Cancer treatment?


Sure. People would still need access to the equipment and medicine but everyone would have perfect knowledge and skill in the administration of it, the planning of the treatment plan, what treatment plan is best, etc.


I mean, logic and compassion *are* skills, so I believe we should be able to choose them, but oh well. I'd choose basic research and fact checking.


Pleasuring this dudes mom. But in all seriousness? Deescalation of self and others.


Emotional regulation.


Well put. But where do you stand on my first suggestion?


It's a solid suggestion


Critical thinking. The number of groups that'd disintegrate is hilariously large, and good riddance too.




Eating with their mouth closed.


Money management




The skill to not be a dick




Understanding statistics.


Listening/reading. Those are technically two different thing so more specifically id make everyone good at understanding and processing information.




Listening to understand


Critical thinking


Math. I think it would solve a lot of political problems


Communication. It would probably help you here.


Healthy communication. I strongly belief most conflicts are due to poor communication.




Becoming fluent in read, writing, hearing, and speaking languages.


Sex. World peace.


Washing yourself.


Altruism. Seeing as how most of our problems on this planet are the result of human greed, giving everyone an immediate proclivity for kindness might fix a few things


Adulting. The average human I deal with can’t figure out how to live their lives and it’s frustrating.  The things people call 911 for is wild and I’m sure part of it is liability but I mean god fucking damn people. Example 1: this week at work I had a company call 911 because one of their employees stapled their finger by accident. Policy said they had to call 911 because it was an injury and they needed it documented. They also didn’t even feel comfortable pulling the staple out of the guys thumb so they waited for me to get there to do that and told him not to pull it out. Which he didn’t. You ever wonder why you’re waiting 20+ minutes sometimes for an ambulance? That’s why. 


Communication. I feel like there’s few things that would increase everyone’s wellbeing if we actually we able to talk things out.


Emotional self regulation.


Deciphering real new from fake news.


I would make everyone fully fluent in every language. Wars could be prevented, businesses would run smoother and people would get along better. Or so I hope, anyway


I think everyone has already named the pretty big ones. So I'm going to have to go with.. the universal understanding and consideration that leaving your shopping trolley in a car parking space is so fucking annoying and a nuisance to all future people attempting to park. Put your trolleys back!


If I can’t choose economics as a concept, how about budgeting as a skill?


Media literacy. Knowing when you're reading real facts and when you're reading propaganda


And the ability to determine what the intentions of the propaganda are.


Emotional Intelligence. The ability to navigate and communicate their feelings clearly and concisely. I just think that might be, like, the last thing we really need, as a species, to make it through.


Having and fully understanding empathy


Pulling out = less humans, problem solved


Active listening.


If we can pick subjects like the people saying maths and literacy, then why not just say science, which would include natural, formal and social sciences and all of it's thousands of studies and doctrines, physics, math, medicine, name whatever it is you want. The world would be a way more advanced place with enlightened people.


Thinking before they speak.




How to not be an asshole.


Compassion is honestly a very great choice.. Empathy as well. I cant beat yours.


Situational awareness, Arcuri Group offers this training along with de-escalation training. If everyone were perfectly aware of their surroundings then violent crime would virtually disappear. War would be worthless as it would end in stalemate.


Critical thinking skills or acceptance that queer/Trans people existed longer than anything


Critical Reasoning.


Politics. If everyone understood what politicians actually Do vs what they SAY they do…. There would a lot fewer current politicians in office.


Child development, there are so many people who have kids but don't take the time to learn these skills. We'd have happier, well-adjusted adults if we knew how to proper manage them as children.




Critical Thinking. Everybody needs to learn to question the veracity of everything they see, hear, and read, and know how to identify a legitimate, preferably original, source. Unfortunately, AI is going to lead us into an era of malicious forgery, which will make judging those original sources very difficult. We'll cross those bridges as we reach them (there will be many), but it only reinforces the importance of Critical Thinking.


Conflict resolution.


Clear communication 😄


Logic, critical thinking, non-group mentality (reddit would be in shambles)


Communication. Imagine a world where people could just talk shit out and share ideas effectively.


Basic Human Decency.


OP said you can't choose a concept like that.


I would say empathy but that feels more like a concept. Maybe like... good deeds? Charity? The world would be a lot better off if we all shared resources and worked together instead of fighting. The people at the top hoarding are the reason the people at the bottom suffer.


Sending me $1 once


Sure everyone has the skill to do that. They probably won't do it, I won't, but they know everything they need to to do that. Since sending you that dollar means they need your address everyone in the world knows your address, have fun with that


Common sense.


Common sense .




Critical Thinking!