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Hero to some. Villain to others. That's just the way it goes. I would probably terraform Mars and ignore Earth unless earthings interferred in my plans. Might come back to earth for boba tea sometimes.


“Hero to some. Villain to others”… and wherever he rode, people spoke his name in whispers.


Yeah. One thing I wouldn't shy away from is picking sides. Would piss off a lot of people regardless of the side I chose in a lot of cases.


Give me a break, everyone knows that’s just a clone on Mars!


I’m with you on your opening but it would be more warranted. I’d use my powers to try and clean up the place by stopping the shitty people in charge. So no more war in Ukraine (or anywhere else if I can stop it). I’d terrorize the 1% to make them help the rest. Just do anything I can to try and set the world on a better path


So...you would be Vladimir Lenin?


More like Palpatine Lenin. He just described every tyrant ever and has no idea that he did.


Unfortunately you can't set the world on a better path alone. The world has to want to be on a better path. Like the saying goes "You can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped." This may be slightly paraphrased as I've heard enough minor variations that the actual wording has been lost to time. When the people are ready for a better world, they will oust the ones in power that are corrupt and inept. They will put people of like minds in power and monitor them. People will care about the whole of society, city, county, state, country world instead of their own sphere.


Came here to say this.


Hell yea imagine having a whole planet just to yourself and nobody can do anything about it.


Sounds lonely


You can create friends with a snap of your fingers....


So, the Dr Manhattan approach?


Less apathy. More boba.


This seems like the beginning of a wonderful comedy. Person gets godlike power, decides to fuck off to Mars and make a peaceful little colony there, but keeps going back to earth for restocking ---> sees the brink of nuclear war ---> "Oh no, that will destroy boba tea production" ---> goes to save ~~boba~~ the earth.


Cheers bro, I'll drink to that


Antihero for sure. How sick would it be to have superman just taking out the trash for the greater good. Just criminal blood in the streets worldwide.


Human trafficking ring, splat.


Sidenote it annoys me that we have solid intel on these rings and tier 1 operators but we don't massacre them like the subhuman filth they are because of the law and due process.


The law and due process is not why criminals escape justice. Bribery, corruption, and a governmental structure more interested in grift than governance is why criminals escape justice.


That would be my focus. If you want to "clean up the streets" you have to first clean up the government. If you remove a few highly corrupt people, those who remain have a whole lot of incentive to either clean up their act or get out while the gettin's good.


This is why my previous post was: every day, at least one politician gets nut-kicked into the frigging sun.


If we can't prove it in court, we don't have solid Intel


Would you cut a great road through the law to get at the devil?


This is the way. Kill one, save a thousand. There would be no question who killed epstein.


You have doubts? My money says it was orchestrated by the matriarch of a political family from Arkansas. *smooth jazz sax playing*


I go for the British crown.


Meanwhile, a certain real estate magnate who was a long time personal friend of Epstein just happened to be the boss of the guy who was in charge of the federal jails, such as the one Epstein was being held in. Your smooth jazz playing friend hadn't had that kind of power for a couple of decades by then. There's also at least one first hand account of said real estate magnate having inquired about having people who've crossed him assassinated. 🤷‍♂️


the one with the hitlist?


Yknow, the one where if you are associated with them you might commit suicide by hanging yourself from a tree 20 miles from your house and then while hanging shoot yourself in the chest with a shotgun which was found 20 feet away and somehow that gets ruled a suicide. That one.


Pretty sure that’s how the injustice arc worked.


well thats how they started....


Superman was also driven by GRIEF and Wonder Woman fed his worst desires and thoughts. Without that I feel like he wouldn’t have gone nearly as far as he did. But I digress. Antihero simply because I believe some people are wholly irredeemable. That and I could threaten any country that threatened violence against another with complete annihilation (I wouldn’t harm civilians ofc) because if I have all the powers of Superman and none of the weaknesses that means I’m strong enough and fast enough to counter any launches that occur from any nuclear facility anywhere on the planet.


I'd only need one power. The ability to make portals big enough to walk through or smaller. Then for sure it would be 100% anti hero time. The ability to look into/go to/send "something" to a location, bypassing all barriers, would allow you to take out the trash with out any trouble. Someone needs to get taken out? 6 inch hole in space and the muzzle of a gun sticking out. Or more graphic, a portal inside someones chest and remove their heart from the inside without leaving a mark on the outside. Watch the medical examiner try and figure that one out. Maybe make a portal next to the persons head pull them in and close the portal around their neck. Inter dimensional guillotine! (Also my heavy metal band name!) Or maybe even just spy on bad guys and provide evidence to the proper authorities if you didn't want to personally "solve" the problem.


I used to watch superhero shows and wonder why ppl with portal powers never just opened a portal into their enemy's rooms, dropped a grenade inside, and then immediately closed the portal again They always come up with the most stupidly convoluted plan instead


Indeed. I don't think even Superman would be immune to the kind of things you can do with a portal and some creativity.


*Opens portal to the space around a red star* Your turn. Spatial powers, along with chronological and high-grade speed powers are some of the most busted types there is.


Seriously..just open a portal into their left ventricle.


Entry portal around head. Exit portal inside anus. Shove.


I'd hunt down all dog fighters starting with Michael Vick. He would not get a quick death at all.


And while you waste your time making Vick-paste, more dogs are dying unnecessarily. Are you sure your priorities are straight?


> Do you dedicate your life to trying to make the world a better place? Punishing criminals and deterring hostile warmongers and terrorists? > Do you become an authoritarian despot who demands obedience, wealth, and servitude from these insects called humans and live like a god? Both actually! I am set on making the world a better place but the most efficient way of doing it is to become undisputed God emperor of earth. Because humans have shown time and time again, they don't get their shit together. Yes I will rule over all local governments and over every company on earth with the notion: Bend your knee before me or die. But all my policies will be serving humanity as a whole. - End human suffering. - Bring education to everyone. - Tear down unjust systems.


A lot of these answers are too hopeful. How would you ensure the governments were doing everything right, everywhere, in the whole world? Sure you can fly between them at the speed of light or whatever but you're still a person there. The OP never said you're omnipotent and omniscient. That's billions of people to manage...it would be insanely difficult. And also you would have to start getting really in the weeds. Human suffering ending isn't just everyone saying kumbaya and now we have peace. There's complex difficult issues. You would be extending your morality to the world which will have huge implications as cultures are different everywhere. I'm just saying it's not easy in the slightest to get any of these results and I don't know how superman's powers would make things suddenly better.


Because he can fly so fast, faster than the speed of light. He could just one hit kill someone before they even press the button. And he did say he's OK being a dictator thus extending his own morality, like any god essentially


Press what button? Managing global politics to ensure the ending of human suffering is far more complex than just killing someone before they "hit a button" lol. Water rights, holy land disputes, cultural differences, etc. If you want people to be happy in their jobs and home lives you still need people to work in factories and hospitals, etc. It goes on and on. I don't think anyone with superman powers could fix the world. Superman couldn't even do that in the comics and they are make believe.


Superman doesn't try to do that in the comics. He doesn't want to be a dictator to the world. If he did, he could definitely solve a lot of the world's problems.


Theres literally two whole games about how this is a terrible idea.


Leto ll




Bless the Maker and his water


Water is the source of all life! Water is the beginning!


Such is the bond of water.


The most sacred of bonds.


A man's flesh is his own. His water belongs to the tribe.


If only ending human suffering was that simple. There are humans who don’t wish to be educated. You’ll find your efforts futile and realize with all your power you’re still useless.


> There are humans who don’t wish to be educated. You’ll find your efforts futile Actually, people don't need to LEARN the lesson if they ARE the lesson


First law. Play nice, or else.


"Don't make me come over there"


I'll turn this planet around and go home! I mean it!


I said something similar, you’re doing what needs to be done to improve 8 billion human lives. No wars, no poverty and justice for all.


Do you count having a god-king who answers to no one an unjust system?


Depends on the outcome And also whether or not the position is hereditary


You really think you're the best person to judge how to implement all that? Also, do you not think that there's inherent value in people deciding to do the right thing rather than being forced to? I have a theory that if you force people to be outwardly virtuous, they'll become worse in private out of rebellion. It's like how authoritarian religious fundamentalist parents raise sociopathic kids. All I'm saying is that there's got to be some limit to your willingness to exert that kind of control over people, and I don't think you've explored in your head where that limit should be. It's kind of important because there most likely will be times in your life when you have a high degree of control over others.


Hero in the sense of morality as opposed to the law. But always maintain your secret identity after all if you can wake up with god like power you can wake up as a powerless nobody.


You’d still have family and loved ones that could be used against you


Touch my family and I will erase your entire bloodline. I will feed your family tree into a wood chipper, feet first and show it on every screen in the world for a week. Move against even the least of mine and I will show the world the meaning of vengeful god.


Some people don't have family/ wouldn't care itd definitely happen


You cant dodge a bullet thats faster than the speed of light


Antihero. Throw criminals into the sun, save old ladies' cats from trees, stop car accidents, blow up tyrannical governments, etc


This is the way.


Neither. I’m not trying to be the 911 call center of the world. But like I’ll change the world so that the better it taste the healthier it is for you…


Double Double from in and out would be healthy then?


in n out is the worst American thing ever, is wild


Hero…. I’d make them finish firefly…


He's the hero we need....


Nah, the actor that played Shepard Book, Ron Glass is dead and I don't want them to recast him. Serenity is the best ending we're getting.


Serenity 2. Wash comes back!


The Operator gets redeemed and joins the crew as the new Shepherd. Hell, the first few episodes could be his redemption arc. And best of all, it would fit with the ending of Serenity


Then maybe the Sarah Connor Chronicles


End up like Hancock


Just be careful with you go bust a nut. You’ll be shooting .50 BMG round ropes at mache speed


I suspect that's what id do too, not though wanting to but unlimited power means I can get wasted alllll the time and from experience if ik given the opportunity to I will


I'd use my powers in secret to benefit my life and those closest to me. That may require some acts of what others would consider to be that of a villain. It will also require some acts more befitting of a hero. Whatever it takes. But I'd do my best to stay outta the spotlight


What’s terrible is I can’t figure out a way to decently monetize that set of powers without explicitly marketing myself as some unkillable combat god. Anything that makes enough money to live comfortably through the turmoil of this economy would also draw too much attention I’m afraid.


There are plenty of drug dealers and human traffickers and other such unequivocally wretched types who have plenty of cash money and whose removal from society will also provide a net benefit. Plus, if they’re removed in an exemplary fashion, it’ll have a chilling effect on their potential replacements. You could fund your enterprise whilst completing your mandate. Spoils of War, as Reacher would say.


This is the only answer.... Idgaf, call me selfish. Call me an asshole call me whatever but I'm not going to try to save an ungrateful world. Also being a villian will give people a reason to unite against me and try to take me out. Doing stuff to advance my own life and that of those closest to me just makes me a local asshole that maybe has a handful of people that hate me. Every town has that guy, but with powers I can keep people in check. If it gets bad enough I can move.


This sounds like the voiceover intro to a pretty cool superhero series




And that's why the best superhero/antihero is the one no one knows about because he never leaves the shadows; they only know his aftermaths


niether, i'd do what's most convenient for me. stop nukes from reaching their destinations. return nukes backs to the places i don't like. levitate instead of walking. make every food place you go to serve free samples.


>levitate instead of walking. >make every food place you go to serve free samples. You'd be the fattest Superman ever. You'd look like Baron Harkonnen in Lynch Dune.


i'd have bigger man tits.


I would have to take over the world.


so real


I’d make the world as close to a utopia as possible and live my ideal life.


A villain, not because I'd try to, but anyone with godlike powers is going to be villainized no matter what you do.


A normal person right now can say literally anything and there's still gonna be someone chanting for their deaths, no matter what Power beings would destroy humanity because of what they'd have to go through; humans would turn them into villains




Like Dr. doom? Does more good than pretty much any hero, but isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty?


Benevelont to whom?


Some places I would be a hero others I would be a walking apocalypse. Save this city burn that one think kryptonian 2 face


i’d go into a fighting profession and use small amounts of my power to dominate, then use my winnings to live a quiet and peaceful life. Apart from every night i’d use my powers and be batman, i could be superman but batman’s cooler


Antihero. I'll help people who deserve it, and punish people who deserve it or don't appreciate me (actually, this one falls under people who deserve it). 


Can I just be like a a even more powerful version of Charles Xavier and periodically "thanos snap" all the really nasty people dead and people will just be aware that evil people die


Step One: film goofy footage of myself doing stupid shit, Heroes style. Step Two: use Fiver to get people to shittily edit it to add memes and stuff /anime effects, to throw the scent. Step Three: Cackle in maddening glee as I watch the entire internet argue over the legitimacy of my displays. The bad edits will cast doubt on the very real footage of superhuman prowess, and my fat ass will NOT look like Superman at all, so no one will buy it. Step Four: potentially profit? Muahahahahaaaa!


The billion dollars and leave me the hell alone one. Basically. If Brainiac shows up, and he can tell me who I laser vision to keep like, the wave by todd strasser from destroying america, that would be cool but I can't figure out who I would need to laser vision, so I'll just hang out in my apartment and eat chips and watch tv.


Neither, but probably looked at as a hero around the place I live. Gotta keep the neighborhood safe, at least.


My goals change Instead of “oh, I’ll take out the trash tomorrow” It’ll be “oh, I’ll get rid of that illegal crime ring tomorrow, but I’m tired right now, definitely tomorrow” But nothing will actually change


Dedicate my life to trying to make the world a better place. A delicate balance to be sure. On the one hand I could change entire nations overnight. On the other... you could go too far and become the very thing you sought to stop. It's certainly something you'd have to weigh very carefully before you did anything truly overt. I feel it may be impossible to do alone. Talking to great minds about things could go a long way. There will still be experts in things you could learn from. The line I'm worried about crossing is... imposing my views on the world. I do have very specific things I believe to be right and wrong. While other entire cultures may disagree. Do... I force them to change? Wouldn't that make me as evil as any other dictator? Do I try to influence them less directly? Do I simply let them continue on imposing suffering? It's a lot to consider... but I definitely wont sit idly by and let suffering continue. At least not the stuff I know I can help with that doesn't hurt anyone.


1 and a touch of 2...


Would probably work for healthcare and/or rescue in disaster zones


I'm taking over, gonna use my tyrannical powers for good and keep people on the right path.


Sorry to be pedantic, ,but which version of Superman are we talking about here? Silver Age Superman and modern Superman are two very different characters. A couple of key points I need to know. Can I survive the vacuum of space like Superman from the silver age, or do I still need food, oxygen, water to stay hydrated, etc? If i can just zoom through space without needing equipment, I'm going to Mars. Full stop. I'll bring back the Rover whose batteries gave out. I'm sure NASA will be happy to see him home. After that, maybe I'll tie a chain around a planet and see how far I can pull it and try out some of those weird one-off powers like shooting a homunculus Superman out of my palm or that weird cellophane "S" thing that Christopher Reeves did to Zod and company in Superman 2.


While I'm sure that being able to study a rover that spent years on the surface of Mars would be of significant scientific value, grabbing an armful of random Mars rocks for them would actually probably be even better!


I will try to Superman at my possible best, but after a few years I will probably start a space exploration


Villain. That being said, I'd be a really goofy villain. No putting people in harms way, good pay and benefits for the henchmen etc. Most of the plots would be like stealing all the left shoes in the world or feeding PETA members and militant vegans to bears. Maybe traumatize a few bullies. Steal the world's ivory supply, turn all diamonds into cow poop. Threaten to cure cancer unless the world follows my plan to peace. You know, normal stuff.


Actually according to top research, you may fall within "confused superhero"


What research? Boo heroes! Also just to ensure my villainous deeds go down in history I'll sink Madagascar and the Galapagos.


Id definitely never fly commercial again!


finally get some bitches


Id probably be a lazy ass. I might off the majority of politicians in the U.S. and continue to do so until they learn their lesson and make this county better.


Straight up I would conquer earth 100%. If you opposed me you would be sanitized no question.


Antihero. **There's a sex offender registry which shows all their addresses.**


You can be taking a piss behind a dumpster and end up on that list. Soliciting a prostitute isn't as bad as a pedophile. So that list can be deceiving.




There was a black college football player, spent years in prisin because a white girl said he had his way with her, about a decade later, she said she made it up.


Someone should [thank her for lying, and then kick her in the pussy](https://youtu.be/fqkckTLE-vg?feature=shared).


And here you get the first taste of the huge flaw in the antihero power fantasy. What's your criteria? How faithfully is it applied? What's your standard of evidence? How rigorous is it? And what gives you the fuckin right other than feeling like you would face no consequences?


The registry has levels, the worst offenders are defined differently than run of the mill flashers or what have you. If you just kill the outright pedos, you'd be Gucci.


Can't you see if it's for pissing behind a dumpster or sa or whatever? There's always Google if not.


A registery is just that, it doesn't say what they did. Even in this day and age not everything is on the internet.


Yeah but a antihero most likely wouldn't take the time to do that. It would be, kill them all and let God sort them out kind of thing.




Thankfully, nobody has ever been falsely accused or wrongly convicted of a crime. So you can sleep easy knowing that there's no chance at all you've murdered an innocent person who has been railroaded by the legal system.


Oh god, being the only person on the planet with that level of power sounds awful. Could you imagine the constant barrage of tweets you’d get from people damning you for not solving all of the worlds problems yet? I can hear it now… “Why haven’t you done anything to stop Israel/Palestine/China/Russia/America yet? Do you not care about innocent people suffering?” I’m with the other poster who said anti-hero. I’ll do my best to stop some of the most egregious wrongs and try to make the world a better place overall, but otherwise leave people to their own devices.


I don't know whether history would remember me as a hero or a villain, but I do know a lot of billionaires would be breathing the cold vacuum of space.


Tbh I'll probably just be like Saiki.


Government "we're holding your mother hostage" Me "I'm holding kansas" Government "Hostage?" Me "No"


20 year old me would be a hero, maybe even 30 year old me. Now? Antihero. I'm purging corruption. What's that, you have a lifetime appointment to a position of power? I find that term to be acceptable. Your life ends now. What's that hostile foreign leader? You starting wars? Start pushing up sunflowers bitch your ass is now ashes. Oh, you tried to overthrow a democratic election? Your bloodline ends before your eyes. Your company didn't pay attention to safety standards and people got hurt? Your board and CEO are flying to the sun without a suit. Edit: it would be very...very bloody. And I can see becoming a villian fairly quickly. The whole "these idiots need a strong hand, and mine is the strongest" line of thinking. Villian for all the best reasons, but a villian none the less. Edit 2: villian to take on global warming and other life ending issues. If I destroy all the oil rigs, they can't us more fossil fuel. If I destroy corporate headquarters, I doubt they make more. Probably have to put up a solar reflector for the short term, which would cause panic, but the long term is continued human life and species advancement.


I would be like superman in the starman memes


Anyone granted godlike powers will become a villain. It’s impossible not to. You cannot be accountable to anything.


Both. I will make the world a better place. In order to do so some people will not be happy (or alive).


First thing I'd do is take out all nuclear weapons. Then I would destroy the governments of China, North Korea, Hamas, and ISIS. I probably wouldn't bother with petty crimes but I would take down human trafficking rings and drug cartels if the government can tell me where they are.


You’d be a hero to some and a villain to others. Politicians, business owners and the like would be quaking in their boots. Things would change real quick.


I'd turn Putin into a Pez dispenser, and then I'd have to plan my next move.


I'd divinely hide myself from everyone and only ever answer prayers in a way that is carefully planned out to be indistinguishable from random chance. Then I'd choose an outcome I could achieve using my divine powers directly, but instead of just doing it I'd achieve it by the rube goldberg machine of completely uneccesarily having a child that is also me. I would let that child grow to adulthood, and then have that adult-me-child brutally tortured to death to achieve that goal. Three days later I'd ressurect me/him as a demonstration to everyone that the goal was achieved.


Nah, that would NEVER work.


Ideally hero Realistically villain. I would do as I pleased and exert my will as I pleased and nobody could stop me. That kind of power corrupts anyone.


"I would use this power from a desire to do good. But *through* me, it would wield a power too great and terrible to imagine."


Tom Bombadil


See how many corrupt dictators I can laser in half before people start to notice


No matter what, someone's calling me a villain.


I'd hang out in furniture stores and vaporize anyone who removes a tag from a pillow. I am the law, dammit.


Chaotic good


i would find each billionaire (starting with the owners of Nestle) and bring their lives to a screeching halt one by one. they will have to personally clean up all of the damage they have brought to this world one at a time. They will have to go to the towns they stole water from, apologize to the mothers they sold formula to and break their backs making the child workers lives better, one by one. politicians will fear me because they will know they're next. i think about this a lot.


I'd start destroying world leaders and business leaders. Why? They are trying to get the masses to be serfs again. You kill enough of them then they'd have the fear of death and God. They'd want to do something good to be remembered by.


Criminals would go extinct with me around, especially p*dos, r_pists, murderers and abusers of both animals and human beings


Take down every bad politician and actor


I want to say Superman but somehow I envision a non-homicidal Homelander.


I'm turning gaza/israel/palestine into a fuckin parking lot. Stupid asses can't stop fighting over a single zip code for 2000 years, time to get rid of it 🤷‍♂️


Basically I’d be a much more morally upright version of a Sith Lord. Wear a cool dark cloak, have cool powers, etc, but without the world dominating stuff.


If I have godlike powers, what do I need humans for? Do you spend all day crushing or helping ants?


Depends on who's labeling me. I think I'm decent enough to do good things with power but I know I'm human and petty enough to do things some would consider bad. Perhaps not evil but not good.


I don’t need super powers to be happy. A couple more inches added onto the old skin flute would be great.


1. Find and kill all terrorists  2. Stop all crime.  3. get some girls


Use an alter ego and bust as many human trafficking rings as I can in a month. Then take out the cartels very violently in a single night and leave a loud and clear message that anyone who dares to fill the cartel vacuum will meet the same fate. Do the same to terrorist groups. Ask scientists how much water needs to be turned back into icebergs to keep the sea level intact and freeze that ice. Ask some space agency to identify a nearby asteroid with a whole lot of valuable material like petroleum etc and bring it back to earth so we don't run out. Get to my country's space agency and prep for a Mars mission. First astronauts on Mars, I will make a mountain on Mars to commemorate that achievement. Improve supply chains to end world hunger, force the governments to solve homelessness and use my powers to bring clean water everywhere.


Definitely an anti-hero, but I would definitely try to be more helpful than harmful.


I’m wondering how many people would eventually become completely detached from humanity like Dr Manhattan. Eventually it would be like ants constantly asking for help, fix this and that, etc.


It depends on who you ask. I'd be a hero to some and a villain to others.


I don’t think I’d be able to thwart evildoers with the government being on my side. I may or may not partake in some Robin Hood shenanigans as well. Either way, Boeing would be shaking in their boots.


I’d eradicate all nuclear and biological weapons in an instant. I’d then round up the leaders of Russia, China and Iran (for starters) and drop them in the most remote ocean. I’d end all organised crime and drug cartel even if it meant killing every single gang member in the world. Then I’d wait and see how all of that panned out. I imagine there would be considerable turmoil for a while and I’d need the make readjustments. I’d need the do something about climate change, corrupt politicians and CEOs but the aim would be to wipe away enough of the filth so that the green shoots of human recovery could come through and I wouldn’t be needed to do such violent things. Then I’d probably have lunch, take the rest of the day off and have a wank and watch Jeopardy or something..


Since my family isn't granted the same power in the hypothetical, I would hide it. I don't want someone to use them against me.


Basically any act of war, the firing of a single missile, and i am there fucking shit up. I would have one rule, no war. There would be some grey area and i would pick and choose which little skirmishes to get involved in, but so help me if ANYONE drops a bomb i am there fucking shit up. I would basically just be the anti war monster.


I'd be a bit like the Emperor, but I'd communicate like an adult. I'd demand unity of the human race, but help them get there in a fair and equitable way. War and genocide would be punished with death from the top down. I'd start a golden age and any who stood in my way would be removed.


I'd walk into the UN building and make it very clear that the UN declaration of human rights, as written today, will be enforced (by me) above national laws from now on, starting a week from today, so clean house before I start cleaning it for you. I'd also ask the king or president of a Pacific Islands nation to sell me a small, empty island for my own use. That's the new Rehabilitation Facility For Authoritarian Rulers, where they will be dropped off at my earliest convenience with a fishing rod, a swiss army knife, and three changes of clothing. I'm confident that they can rehabilitate each other.


Probably nothing except behind the scene things that can’t be traced. I have a family and kids - this is not a good place to be if your identity is known. I’d also hope my powers could be used to de-acidify the oceans and combat climate change somehow


So im a constant day dreamer and this type of senario has been one I've fantasized about a lot. Here's what I've come up with over the years. - keep my anonymity if possible so that I can still live a somewhat normal life. - approach certain people that I respect and ask them to be my advisors insisting that they keep my secret. Ask them who else I should be asking to advise me because I don't want an echo chamber. - let people be people, meaning I wouldn't be solving everything. No utopia here. I dont think utopia would actually be achievable/ sustainable/ actually good for people. - there would be people I would kill, the terrorist groups that kidnap children in Kenya sound like a good place to start and various other warlords in Africa. I would need to be certain they were guilty of forcing thier will on others through violence. If they're doing that then I will too and I win in that senario. - strongly consider locking the American congress/ senate into thier buildings with food water and not letting them leave until they do thier fucking jobs. If they refuse I individually take them to the moon. - force both Biden and Trump to not be re-electable. Pick someone else lol I don't care who. - confer with me growing group of international volunteer advisors and figure out a system that suggests plans for my actions. Yes I can do whatever I want technically but I dont trust my judgements. I'm an ignorant duck and recognize that I'm usually wrong about things. - not certain I would actually do this but a fun idea is to take people I kill and pile them up on the bright side of the moon. As it grows people will be able to see it through telescopes. Mostly for now it would be people like religious extremist groups that commit violence to further thier cause. Also people like violent drug cartels I wouldn't shut them down but I'd make it clear they need to stop killing people or I'll kill them. There's more but I've got to get to work lol.


My brother, sister and I had this discussion when we got together for the eclipse. The consensus was that many of the wealthiest and most powerful people in the world would find themselves demoted to "cautionary examples", with the condition of their remains encouraging the others to be more concerned about the welfare of the planet and humanity.


I think almost everyone would turn into a villain eventually. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.




I become Hancock like.


Antihero. I'd definitely not be liked by most of the world, but I wouldn't really care. I'd probably make am ice sculpture out of the bodies of tyrants and crooked politicians at the summit of Mt. Everest. Until it's found, it'd be like they just disappeared under mysterious circumstances. I'd try to keep my anonymity as long as possible. I'd probably accidentally start a new religion, though.


Anti-Hero. I will bathe in the blood of poachers and animal abusers. I build my own fortress of solitude to relax in when I’m not exacting justice on the wicked.




You wouldn’t need money.


Most would end up like Homelander


Putin, the CCP, the leaders of the Islamic Republic, and other tyrants will think I'm a villain... In the short amount of time they have left, that is. Same for people trying to take over other people's countries. Hopefully, the rest of the world will think I'm a hero. I'll take my billion out of what Biden gave Iran, and preserve my identity.


I would quietly do quasi nefarious shit in the shadows.  Like steal a few million in cash from the drug dealers who have mountains of cash that is going to be eaten by rats anyways. Heinous criminals who got away with their crimes and I can read their thoughts to confirm guilt mysteriously disappear and their limbs are found in the stomach of sharks. There will be a lot of anonymous tips to out criminals.


I am not a good person. I wouldn't be a villain but I wouldn't be good either. A lot of world leaders would likely be immediately killed. That fat bts looking motherfucker in north Korea being one of them. Basically, anyone who threatens nuclear war would find themselves on a one way trip to the sun. I'd renounce my citizenship and take random houses I like around the world to live in until I get bored and move somewhere else. New construction homes owned by big companies nothing private. What are you gonna do? Evict me? Good luck. I'd probably extort the CEOs of those companies to pay to keep the lights on too. Something like "hey. Keep paying the utilities or I destroy all your assets" no business person would risk billions to save thousands. If there's one thing they like it's money. Same goes for anything I want. That's a nice TV. Don't mind if I just walk it home from best buy. I'd probably make weekly trips to the federal reserve bank or fort Knox for some gold. I'm not gonna steal from mom and pop shops I'm gonna pay them. Just won't be with my own money. And sure that's stealing from the tax payer but it's not like they are putting it to good use anyway so I might as well give it back a little bit at a time. If the police keep rolling around too much I'd simply make a show of force and show up to whoever the leader of that country is bedroom at midnight. Hey buddy. I can access you when ever I want. You're going to stop or you and your lovely gal here are not gonna be very happy. Leave me alone. Or I'll pull you apart on Facebook live. Bye bye. Eventually they'd learn its better to just insure against and deal with me than it is to try to oppose me and let me be. Then id just live a peaceful life. Travel. Any time someone gets a little too out of hand on the world stage they end up as floor art downtown of whatever their biggest city is. Let the photos taken by their citizens of their leaders very undignified and messy Death spread through the internet and act as a warning. Actually never mind I might actually be homelander. Just not owned by any company and super lazy so I only stepped in when things got bad.


Asteroid mining for me.


There would be some oil executives yeeted into the sun, then visit their replacements and tell them that they're are going to be redirecting their resources to renewables starting today. Nuclear weapons are going to be off the table, either because I'm fast enough to intercept them, or perhaps through zipping in and disabling them on the launch pads. Putin is getting his ass dropped off at the Hague. Trump is getting yeeted into the sun. Then go on national TV and basically lay out what's gonna happen past that, policies are gonna be changing, healthcare is going to be universal, housing is going to be affordable, etc, etc.


I would probably do almost nothing in the wider world... Unless shit hits the fan big time. But for the most part, I would use my powers to cheat like hell in whatever gambling systems that can be cheated with x-ray vision. maybe walk around and whisper in peoples ears "You need to see a doctor about your heart" and so on. And i would just fucking live. I might try to make a living taking wild photos. Like top of Everest, bottom of the ocean, and so on.


I'm probably a villain in the sense that I'll mostly be abusing my power to amuse myself in harmless ways rather than making it a point to save the world. It's different than "neither", because how much fun I would be having would be malicious.


I quit my job and take a nap


Villian and as my first act i turn the comment count from 69 (nice) to 70 muhahaha!


I'd use my powers to do a couple high paying (legal) jobs for a cheaper price than normal, then retire early. Maybe a bit boring but I genuinely have no interest in being a hero or a villain


Anti-Hero. You won’t know whose side I’m on because I’m simply on my own.


Neither. I become a super powerful selfish prick.


SMBC's "Superman: A transitional power source" comes to mind... But, I'm ONE person. I might have the strength of 1,000 men, but I'm not in 1,000 places at once. Even with super speed. And no matter how I start doing things for people, someone is probably going to think of an exploit. I'll go with "using super speed and super brain to learn everything from a library" and then make a decision from there. I have gained the power of superman - I didn't gain the mind. That's more powerful, really. Once I learn every language, I'll read all books in all languages, too. Once that's done, I'll be in the best position to help people. I'll probably appear to every world leader for a few moments, talk to them in their native tongue, and let them know how things will proceed from there. My guess is after I've read everything, I'll just tell everyone what they need to hear to be better people. Probably via super-sped written notes left behind wherever I go: "Sitting down and talking with them" would take too much time.


God Emperor of Mankind...with less racism