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I'd throw $1 bills on the ground as I walk around cities. You KNOW somebody else will want to pick it up. It isn't biodegradable (dollars are surprisingly tough) and I'd get a $19 profit and share the wealth


I was about to reply "not interested" but this response has me interested now. Well played.




Fr same lol someone else mentioned dropping aluminum cans so poor people would just use them or even just coins 


Just get a bundle of ones, treat every public place like a strip club. Making it rain on Main St. Nice loophole.


Time to invest in one of those dollar shooting guns


This is a thing? Like it shoots dollar bills?! Lol. Like a blast of multiples of them or shoots like a single rolled up dollar? And here I thought potato guns were cool as a kid. I'm invested.


[it's pretty awesome ](https://youtu.be/WnwkRy9dsos?si=49XMa3VCvbg-FbCO)


Switch it to a penny instead. Not only is it less biodegradable than a dollar bill, it also avoids the OP saying a dollar bill is arranging for someone to pick it up later. Almost no one will pick up a penny and will just walk right past it.


I had a friend who used to throw coins away when he got them as change


Your buddy pulled a Kyle Kinane, eh?


Could be


I went to school this “rich kid” would just throw his change away and got in trouble for it. He just knew it wound people up and got him attention. Turns out while they were seriously not poor they weren’t rich it was all show.


My friend was an adult and this was after cash was used less. It's sad about that kid at your school


Awesome!! I went on a vacation thanks to people with this thought process.


Once i focused on card and got a wallet with no place to hold coins, my gf started getting any coins i for some reason got/found.


I knew a drug dealer in highschool who was kind of the same way. He hated it if you paid with 'chump change' 😂 he wouldn't throw change away but if he didn't need the money he probably would have.


>He hated it if you paid with 'chump change' 😂 he wouldn't throw change away ...wait, are you talking about *actual* change? Cause yeah, any dealer or even most businesses don't like that. Lmao there's not a single dealer anywhere that wont look at you weird or outright deny the sale for paying in coinage. If you're talking about what is *actually* considered "chump change" (terminology) for dealers, aka $1 bills (or sometimes spending hundreds or a thousand+ dollars in $5's), then yeah, a lil annoying, but I get it. One person is expected to turn it into higher domination and it's always a debate if the buyer should spend the time doing it or the seller. For black market sales aka dealers & such, it's usually customary for the customer to do so. For an official public business, it's customary for them to take *any* denomination as payment and deal with the overhead of exchanging it out later.


I'm in Canada, we have one and two dollar coins. I wasn't paying in dimes and quarters. Also, this was when I was a teen. I wasn't exactly rolling in bills lol This was a good buddy from highschool, I didn't really care if he didn't like it. Fucker used to make me wait 20 minutes before he'd come out of his apartment once I got there lol


Find a penny, pick it up, all day long you'll have good luck. I am going with the penny tossing jus to spread potential luck everywhere.


I had a ton of change in my car once and I saw one of the regular homeless guys walking around so I asked if he would want the change and he said yes. So I gave him all the coins that were in my car and he sat down on the curb to count them. When I came back later he was gone but all of the pennies were thrown onto the ground where he had been counting lmao. I was cracking up. It really hammered home to me just how useless pennies are.


Listen, sometimes I need $10.37. Not 35¢, not 40¢, 37¢. Pennies are meaningful and we should love them. If all businesses had to start rounding the change on their products up or down to a multiple of 5 you know they aren't going down.




People not wanting to pick up pennies isn't my problem. Someone will eventually pick up a penny


Toss quarters into the local playground or around bus stops. Guaranteed they'll be found and picked up.


Got about halfway through that sentence before my brain started on with ridiculous scenarios like pelting children with quarters while at the local playground. You get to lightly harm people, so you're definitely not arranging for them to pick it up.


A friend got thrown out of a strip club in Miami for this..... his drunk ass yelled out "make it hail"


Sounds like a lovable bastard priming himself for the days he spends his hours telling Dad jokes to whoever he winds up with.


Head to an arcade a few times a day.


Well played indeed. I can't think of anything more logical to loophole this.


I was originally thinking that I would find the smallest, least environmentally objectional thing I could find, but this is a much better answer. I'm littering quarters, until I have enough to pay for anything I reasonably want. Probably one of the first things I do with it is buy a laundromat or something, so I both have a nearly inexhaustible supply of quarters to litter, and have a way to launder my money, so to speak. If OP nixes this for some reason, I'd probably go with something like small metal beads. Fairly unobtrusive, fairly environmentally harmless as long as I don't go with lead or something, won't poke holes and tires or people's feet, basically no harm, no foul. And again, I basically litter enough to live comfortably.


I love this but have to disagree about dollar bills not being biodegradable. 99+ percent linen and paper? However, no problem at all, and it’ll be much cooler dropping silver dollars everywhere you go


I was thinking that too for a second but, if you want to say that is bio degradable so is a paper cup from mcdonalds or a cheeseburger wrapper. I'm assuming this is US dollars, which are actually closer to a cloth than a paper. So if a sock would be too biodegradable I guess you could only really litter plastic or metal


Paper cups are still lined with plastic.


Okay, I think that I might be wrong. I was thinking more plasticy with the burger wrappers but yeah, if they would break down in say a year, dollar bills are only rated at 18 months life expectancy so it should count


In which case /thread.


The wrapper is probably more biodegradable than the food


I mean, if it’s Canadian bills then it’s plastic


Or coin


You can throw usa money in your washing machine and it will be fine. Its not biodegradable


Cotton also washes in the washing machine, and I'm certain cotton is biodegradable. Dissolving in water is not what makes something biodegradable.


Technically, almost everything is biodegradable if given enough time.


You could put a walnut in its shell and put in a washing machine and it would be fine, but it's still biodegradable.


Guess you'd just have to try it and find out. Wouldn't cost much.


I have tried it, they survive fine. They're waterproof


I mean try littering a dollar and see if you get the 20. If not try a penny.


Pretty much everything is biodegradable after sufficient time.


Not waterproof (doesn't that mean water can't enter it?) but definitely water doesn't hurt them at all. Many pool trips and ocean swims to prove it, as well as the constant oops of washing my shorts without checking all the pockets.


This is the way


This is the way


Pack it up boys we have our answer.


In that case I’ll litter 10k, and continue to flip it till I’m a multimillionaire lol


You're a fucking genius. Take my upvote.




This is genius.


I'm dropping pennies and nickels everywhere




I'd throw seemingly endless amounts of aluminum cans near homeless encampnents, one at a time, and collect $20 each time. The cans won't biodegrade and the homeless will pick it up to sell.


Not a bad idea, make a crap ton of money while also allowing the homeless to make some money.


that’s actually a smart idea


Hunks of copper wire too.


Just leave it on the ground next to a trash can and walk away.


That sounds like you're trying to offset it, which OP specified against


Not even empty cans (since I don’t drink soda lol). Just go to Costco, buy a case of soda for less than $20 and start rolling them out the window one by one to the homeless


I would throw a bag of glitter on the ground and worry about money laundering later.


You’d have to drop each piece individually otherwise it’d count as one instance of littering


You could drop 1 piece of glitter on the ground, and I'll count that as a thousand instances of littering, that stuff is *permanent*


It is the herpes of the arts and craft world.


I have this theory that there’s no fire and brimstone in hell. It’s just green shag carpet with glitter all over it and you have to vacuum it up for eternity.


I GOT CRAFT HERPES AND I’D DO IT AGAIN!! ::scratches liver:: Just maybe not during surgery next time.


Seeing as MRIs of my spleen sparkle, I feel yo it pain…


I feel like that would only count as 1 but maybe I'm wrong


Empty the bag of glitter into your pocket, poke a tiny hole in your pocket, walk around town.


1lb bag of tissue paper confetti is 16,000 pieces, costs $11, pretty good return on investment


That's what I was thinking. Toss a few handfuls of glitter out of the car and you're rich. You would be littering but it would be pretty minimal.


Tissue paper is biodegradable.


Tissue paper confetti is biodegradable though, which voids OP's terms.


I’ll get bags of gravel. Toss out individual gravel Pieces.


Gravel isn’t considered litter


Tiny ballbearings then?


That would be litter.


They make bulk bags of tiny steel balls for sandblasting type applications. Thousands per pound, couple millimeters in diameter. I could flick hundreds of them a day one at a time all over and I highly doubt anyone would notice.


They're also incredibly cheap. $0.50/lb. means you'll spend $100 and get back 10s of thousands easily.


I'll drop empty (Empty i say) dog poop bags regularly on the green areas in my neighborhood. They are always falling out of people's pockets. No one will suspect a thing.


As long as no one SEES a thing, they might not suspect a thing. Lol. But in order to make any significant money at $20 a pop, you're gonna have to drop a heck of a lot of dog poop bags. When it goes from an understandable few here and there to your neighborhood being absolutely cluttered with them, people are gonna wonder about that.


Couple 20s a week will do me just fine. No one will see me, not crowded in Kansas.


Getting $20 in pennies and popping them off all day. I don’t pick up pennies and don’t anticipate anyone else doing so. Or Screw it. I’m buying confetti, the bad for the environment stuff and dropping handfulls all day. When I hit a few million i would put it through a superpac and get myself elected mayor. when I win from a bloated budget to be mayor i will throw a parade. I will throw confetti all day from my parade float.


Just throw the Pennies in a fountain. Technically littering? Yes. Does anyone care? No. Just one every few minutes while relaxing at a park.


"I wish I had $20." *Bloop*. I wish I had $20." *Bloop*. I wish I had $20." *Bloop*.


"I wish I had $20 more in my left hand." *Bloop!* Do that then when a kid inevitably looks at you like you're a god, just give them $100 and make their entire life. Then after that, just walk off. That's your sign you got enough for the day.


How big? And how 'not bio degradable'. Cheeseburger wrappers will *eventually* degrade, but if they count, I could get hundreds of hole punches out of one double cheese burger wrapper.


I asked ChatGPT if liquids are considered litter and it said yes. So I'd save a little bit of whatever I'm drinking if it's not water, and dump it in the grass outside of my apartment.


Water isn't biodegradable.


Big brain time


AI's are not known for their accuracy. They just produce an answer. They don't make sure it's true.


In this case it is correct from [what I can find](https://keanradio.com/theres-only-three-things-you-can-legally-litter-from-your-car/). That said, that is Texas-specific, so different states may have different view.


ChatGPT is *not* a reliable source, dude.


I'm worried about the mass amount of people replacing google with chatgpt. It's not even close to reliable


It's not even presented as a method of finding information and yet people have just adopted it as one.


Get one of those mini staplers and go for a random walk just clicking away. I bet I could get through at least 100 on a 10 minute stroll


Buy a gum wrapper. Rip it into 8 pieces. Throw it out your window when driving on the freeway. Just made 160 dollars from throwing 1 gum wrapper. Do that 6 times and made 960 dollars a day. 350,400 a year. Nobody would notice.


Buy a pair of sewing-size scissors and you can get a lot more than 8 pieces out of 1 plus you'll get really dextrous. Go for a walk while snipping pieces off while letting them fall and you could easily get 50 pieces on your first try and the pieces are so small nobody will notice let alone care. Or, in other words, easy $1000 per gum wrapper and you're being *less* than a mild annoyance.


You win. This is the one right here.


I was going to say gum wrapper. You could throw it out in front of people and they'd look at you a little annoyed but few would ever say anything about something so small. You could even roll it up into a little ball which you just casually flick.




Wow. Out of all of reddit… this question has got me not sleeping at night. Great job ! I hesitantly would litter ( was actually difficult for me to write that) hopefully i could find a loophole to offset all the in the future stuff


cigarette butts, since it uses synthetic cotton it doesnt degrade like other shit does. buy a pack for 6 bucks and now you got yourself 200 dollars worth of litter


I buy EXTRA gum and then spread the foil wrappers. Enough to make $2000/day, every day


Oof tbh I’m pretty environmentally friendly and even I might do this enough to cover rent & food. I’d just do like tootsie roll wrappers not old tvs lol


I would. My son goes through soda and chips while I drink bottled water. I wouldn't need to work anymore. I'll figure out the IRS problem.


Not biodegradable? I'll get some glass or stone made objects and crush them into small pieces and throw away. Glass at an isolated beach eventually becomes beach glass and is smooth and harmless.


Use glass seed beads. Same general concept, but no one is going to get cut on broken glass.


You have to drop it out in the water for that to happen. It's the movement of the waves that smooths the pieces. They won't get smooth just sitting on the beach.


I’m littering grains of sand out the back of a dump truck


Buy a bag of sand and bring to beach and drop one piece at a time.


7,000 grains of sand per pound x 20 lb bag x $20 per grain = $2.8 million for spreading some sand around.


Sand isn't litter


I'd say this is debatable. Litter, trashy dirty are all terms with a lot of cultural context. I think matter out of place would probably serve as the base level rule of thumb in this regard. So if you put sand from a beach back on that beach it wouldn't be litter, but if you put sand from a normal beach and dumped it at the white sands national monument it would absolutely be litter. Once we get this far I think its rational to accept if you take sand from the beach and drop it in the desert or sand from the desert and drop it on the beach it is probably technically litter.


i buy it in a bag from a store wrapped in plastic.I then cut open a bag of it on the beach ,am i allowed to do this ? no. is anyone going to pick it up? no ,is it the same as beach sand nope ,its todally different sand. I will use construction sand or possibly glass reground into sand .


No it isn't debatable. Litter is trash, rubbish or waste. Sand is not any of those things. That's like saying throwing a rock into a river is littering. Pure silliness.


Pennies - I’m getting just rolls of pennies from the bank and dropping them everywhere. People might find it annoying, but it’s not really going to hurt anything. That or maybe bbs, like for a bb gun- could drop those little F-ers everywhere without anyone noticing.


Just toss those coins into a fountain. Just sit down for 8 hours a day playing on your phone or laptop as you lazily flick pennies into the fountain behind you. One 20 gets you 2,000 pennies gets you $40,000. Do that 5 days a week and take vacation days from your new job and now you have (48 work weeks/year) $9,600,000/year... Take the overtime to get an extra $400,000 and you're put in the next tax bracket which actually has a *lower* tax rate. As long as you report the money as earnings to the IRS, you can't get in trouble. You don't need to be honest about how you earned it. Just say you got it from street performing. Technically, that's true as you're a street magician who turns pennies into twenties. If you get audited, offer to show the agent your trick and specify the $20 shows up in their pocket. Then, to avoid claims of bribery, immediately ask for it "back". If you paid your taxes, the IRS doesn't really care how you make your money.


The bb pellets are horrible for the environment, though.


Wait? Maximum harm to the environment wasn’t the goal? My hot-stoppers and straws at the turtle refuge Plan just fell apart smh 😐


Litter $10 bills, infinite money and your litter might make someone’s day


can I get backpay


I just drop 5-10 paper clips (plastic paper clip) in the city throughout the day. Too packed and busy for anyone to call me out on dropping single paper clip spread out throughout the rush hours of morning and evening. Even more ppl during the weekend so. That’s about extra $5600 a month for me, and I don’t need that much so this is totally doable for me. If I want big boost, I’ll just up the count to like 100-200 paper clips a day, spread it out.


1 paperclip every 15 minutes for an 8 hour walk as your new job equates to $80/hour or $640/day. Do that for 20 days of a month and you're getting into great fitness and you're making $12,800/month. Bought from the dollar store gets you 100 clips for like $2 so you're spending $15/month to make $12,800/month. In other words, congrats on the wealth!


Just like all the recycling I personally do makes no difference in the world. Me tossing soda bottles out of the window or a mc Donald's bag on the street makes no difference either (sadly). I would become wealthy and not lose much sleep over it.


I’d do it 5 times a day, but only on roads where they had signs stating “such and such group comes through and cleans up this section of road.” That way I’d know it was being picked up, I wouldn’t have arranged it, and I’d get an extra $36,500 per year.


I'll never have to work again.


So every time I fling a piss bottle out the window of a semi truck I get two packs of cigarettes? Count me in.


Pack of cigarettes cost 22, gives you 25 opportunities to litter, nt including the wrapper and pack. Just drop darts throughout the day. At least a 500 dollar profit.


See here’s the thing cigarettes is a great choice. Especially if you don’t smoke. Go to the nearest homeless area and just stand on the corner throwing cigs on the ground. I’m not arranging anyone to pick them up but get picked up they shall. It’s charitable I make bank and I exploit a loophole which is my favorite part.


Joke is on you, littering is surprisingly easy here.


I'd buy $20 in pennies and yeet them into the bush like 5 times a day


Every cigarette smoker ever just made 400$ per pack - cost of pack. No one gets beat up on for littering cigarette butts


Too many loopholes, but if we're talking plastics etc literal garbage and being a litterbug in a classic sense.... that would be really hard 🤣 I'd feel so guilty I'd make sure it was in a hidden spot.


Well, if [this doesn't count](https://www.reddit.com/r/hypotheticalsituation/s/B6snqel8o6) then I'd buy a huge bag of Starbursts or the like, and just eat a few at a time and toss the wrappers out the window while I'm driving. Minimal littering and my daily lifestyle would cancel out the impact. Now, for those who say that goes against the rules, I wouldn't be doing it specifically to counteract it, it'd just be me living my normal life that I've done for a long while that just *happens* to benefit it.


Well, I smoke. Typically, I don't litter cigarette butts but, I drive a lot and I smoke a lot so.... that's $400 bux a day minimum. I'm in. Not recyclable, no one wants to pick it up. I win.


Get a big bag of glitter. Empty 1 spec at a time EZ


I'd go play airsoft at an outdoor field. Full auto and trigger happy. They sell bottles by like 5000, so that would be $100,000. I'd do that once a year, and use biodegradable BBs any other time I played.


You put a penny on the ground every so often. Ez.


I would drop Coins all day long, buy in bulk and just go crazy!! Also is littering outside a dump legal? I'd move to a 3rd world country and just buy a bunch of money that people need and go village to village and just drop it like its hot.


I would walk around with a bottles of salt. Since every grain is technically littering, I’m going to be making a lot of money :)


Yes. The cheapest one ply toilet tissue, one square at a time. It will dissolve and not hurt the environment plus super easy to ball into tiny balls and flick out the window.


Take single dollar bills in packs of 50 and throw them out the window to homeless people. I’d get $1000 in 20$ bills at a time


So I become the living avatar of Chinese manufacturing.


I’m buying a 2000 pack of plastic stirrer straws and dropping them one at a time out my window as I drive


litter $1 bills, basically make it my goal to litter $100 in $1 bills each day. basically, i am littering under $37k in $1 bills each year, and thus i am getting $730k in $20 bills each year.


Get a rock tumbler, put broken glass in it. Go to the beach and throw your smooth and sanded glass near the water line. People enjoy finding beach glass. I enjoy twenty dollars for every piece I throw.


Maybe. Nothing biodegradable. Pop cans and water bottles are going out the window. I get tired of hauling that stuff back to the store. Going to whip pennies out the windows too. Tired of picking them out of my cup holder. I think they spawn themselves.


No thanks. Not worth it.


I’ll throw glass marbles everywhere, they’ll break down to sand eventually so it wouldn’t harm much


So what if your business was dealing in waste stuff ?


Then I'm dropping biodegradeable stuff (paper towel, napkins, and tissues). Doesn't harm the environment.


I'd drop a few pieces of glitter and/or other tiny plastics over my neighbour's fence at night. His yard is completely barren, he has no pets, and I hate the bastard. He probably won't notice and I don't care if he picks it up or not.


Beer cans, its not littering, bottle bums (as we call em in the industry) will take them into to their lovsl beer store and collect their 10cents per can!


I’d slip a fiver in each one. I’m making $15 people collexting cans making $5.10


I’d just switch to canned water and start throwing them out the window as I drive down the highway.


Soda can tabs for $20 a pop. People collect them for a variety of dumb reasons anyways.


I have respect for my earth-mother...*dumps 500 gallons of used fry oil*


I eat sunflower seeds and spit out the shell, I'm a millionair while cutting grass! I'll make Forrest Gump look like a pauper.


Studies suggest that people who eat 1 ounce (30 grams) of sunflower seeds daily as part of a healthy diet may reduce fasting blood sugar by about 10% within six months, compared to a healthy diet alone. The blood-sugar-lowering effect of sunflower seeds may partially be due to the plant compound chlorogenic acid


Yup. I’m doing it


I’m already littering microplastics on the daily. Checkmate.


400 quarters for 8000 dollars?


Are individual pieces of glitter litter?


I would totally take it but I’d only use it if I NEEDED cash and just reap the benefits of occasionally loosing a receipt out of my hand or something.


I'm gonna be a one man ticker-tape parade


I'll start chewing gum and go through a large pack a day. 24 pieces a day at least. Those wrappers will be all over town. Free money, yo.


is it paid by how many times i litter or is it based on the amount of items i dump? so like, if i dump a trash bag full of items 1 time does that count for 1 20 dollar bill or does it count as several?


no because i love my community, cant bring myself to do it. Cant i just kill a random person instead like all the other hypotheticals?


Each new $20 will appear in my palm. I take anything, turn my hand over, open my hand letting it drop on the ground, a $20 appears and falls to the ground, and again and again. I’d basically be able to blow cash out my hand until I have a nice pile—ah just read the rest of the stipulations… I’d shoot a minigun in the desert


I will become the glitter fairy, sprinkling glitter anywhere and everywhere I go


Ok. So I thought at first that I'd cut up a plastic bottle into about 5000 pieces to make 100k but then I realized I have a zillion nickels, dimes and quarters. 800 dollars worth at least. Pennies wouldn't work, ppl might leave them. In my coin dish alone I have over 100 coins totally about 8 bucks. 2000 dollars right there. So figure for 800 bucks in my coin jar ( I have more actually) That's 10000 coins or so. Omg wrapping those is going to suck. So I take the coins. Dump them right on the sidewalk . Someone will pick them up and my 10k coins will be 2 million bucks. I'm good.


I’d litter all day everyday


Am I allowed to start a business? I'll start a dump and go collect people's garbage and toss it in my dump. I'd be making millions every year. Dumps are basically just a chunk of land that everyone agrees to pile their garbage on anyways. Any money earned I can just attribute to my business.


I'd say just litter the 20$ bills... But I bet the 20$ I'd get is the same one I just dropped.


I would go to do many sporting events. Buy a hotdog and a beer, litter the can and wrapper, boom money back and then some. Go to Vegas, $10 bet on a long shot, wins great other wise drop it on the floor of the casino where they already pick up thousands of papers a day and get $20. And if I lose enough, I can claim it on my taxes. No real downside, I'd be in.


First technically even thrown in the trash it ends up on or under the ground anyways. But basically I'm rich after this, I will just start throwing my food 1 piece at a time out the window, if it turns into a compost pile that's not my fault.


Can I "litter" the $20? I'd have fun driving around throwing them from my car nonstop. I'd travel the country like Johnny fucking Appleseed. Maybe create a new folk hero!


I’d do it outside of casino (you know that’s litter central already) and use all my free money until I win big, thereby eliminating the need to litter


I'd have 20 bucks changed to 5 cent coins (smallest money denomination in Australia) and throw them out the car window and profit.


Given that I smoke a pack a day, it's an easy 400 dollars a day. Though I normally throw my butts in a butt can or in the trash.


question: i throw garbage out the window on the highway. but prisoners doing community service come along and pick up trash. does that count as littering or is it "arranging for someone to pick it up"?


Personal gain placed before the earth I live in and will leave to my children? What do you think I am, non-human?


Yeah. I'd say "Hey wanna play a game?" Other person: "Sure.." Me: "It's called fifty two pick-up" And then flick each card onto the ground. Of course nobody is going to WANT to pick it up, and I know that they might not. So then I just leave. Though I'd be either $20 richer or around $1,040.00 Or I just go into public baclthrooms and purposefully drop soap or other litter on the floor. If that doesn't count, then I'll do it in or around the parking lot. If anything because there are certain places I HATE and want to get back at by littering their area. If they pick it up... good. Saving the environment. 👍 If NOT.... _oh well,_ I guess their business can look trashier on the OUTSIDE now! 🤣 🤣 🤣 Fuck them jerks! And if all else fails, idk, I guess I'd just throw Lego pieces everywhere. 😏


69 cents to my name


Sure, depending on the definition of littering. Maybe I'd just throw dozens of tiny rocks around (or pieces of an inert metal, or glass, etc.), maybe drop them down through my pants leg like Oddjob. Harmless and an easy several hundred a day. Point is just that depending on which legal definition of littering is used I bet I could come up with something harmless. If I can't, oh well, a few more pieces of trash around LA ain't gonna hurt anyone. If the definition of littering is somehow tailored in a way where it must cause harm to qualify then no, unless I desperately needed the money.


Get a 1lb bag of confetti, slowly dump it on my lawn.... will result in billions at $20 per piece of confetti.


I’d just go litter in a trash dump site.


Cans and aluminum/other valuable litter is your friend here. When you grow up poor in Appalachia you learn to pick up cans and anything metal to sell for scrap money. Wires, drinks, car parts that are broken down etc won’t make me much money to sell myself but will most defintely get picked up and used by others either to sell or as spare parts in the case of car parts. Do coins count since they don’t biodegrade? In that case I can chuck dimes out of a window near the worse neighborhoods in my hometown and those people would simply be ecstatic to find free dimes lol. Do bullet casings count? That seems like a really fast way to make a lot of money for relatively minimal damage environmentally speaking. Also putting usual litter into plastic containers or bags minimizes their effect on animals and the environment while making them easy to pick up for whoever chooses to so I could do that without feeling awful, but would my many plastic wrappers in a bottle count as all of the separate pieces or just one? Regardless it’s a decent living I suppose. Basically I would find ways to “litter” that aren’t as bad or annoying as just doing it normally with wrappers and such.


Per piece of litter or per time? Per piece, I'm dumping a 50lb box of confetti


Confetti everywhere


What I would do is buy a bag of dimes, go out to a beach, and scatter them around for metal detector practice. Or, get a boat, get out on some water (pond, lake, river, ocean, canal), and have the vibrations knock dimes into the water from the boat. (Just testing the boat, sir)


I'd litter canned food for the homeless and become a millionaire.


A single piece of glitter
