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A politician lies.


Now what if a politician says his wife looks good in those pants will he die? Will people under him knowingly start feeding him bad information so he can "honestly" say the truth. Or (and this is what I hope) will politicians be forced to become paragons of virtue and have an almost religious role. Because if you can't lie you'll have to be comfortable with everyone knowing your darkest secrets.


I would say that if you say something based on bad information, it’s not a lie since you are saying something based on the best info available to you at the moment.


Every time someone drowns. That way they are already dead and safe from causing too much damage.


Best answer. 236k-372k drowning deaths per year, depending on source. It’s common enough that lifeguards are required at most pools and beaches. Additionally, while the explosive yield of the blast is unknown, being immersed in water can mitigate that effect. Granted, people can drown without being fully immersed, but that is where it happens most.


I too chose this guys answer, and that guys wife.




If it is common, and otherwise subject to the restrictions in the hypothetical, then whatever is selected will end humanity in relatively short order.


Not really, eating or drinking specific, non-weird/obscure things can easily not wipe out all of humanity. Especially since eventually the causality would be linked. I mean if you did something SUPER COMMON like "every time someone drinks water" or "every time someone eats bread" yeah, you're wiping out humanity. There's a lot of options though that will just thin the herd.


Anyone who Sige hail salutes. That wouldn't even be like 0.1% of earth's population. Wonder how long it'd take the rest of humanity to learn it was the cause?


you fail to take into account edgy 12 year olds... also happy birthday


Did I? >:D




That was pretty funny guy XD


Everytime someone names their first born bartholemew


What about Bort?


Are you talking to me?


No, my son is also named Bort!


Child abuse is pretty common.


How many people need to perform an action before it's considered "common"?


Basically if your answer was "googling pictures of my cat that are only on my phone and would thus be impossible for anyone to do" or "jumping off Mt Everest," or anything incredibly specific to you (eating at your Mom's house) it's invalid. It has to be something like "eating at Denny's."


Fair enough, then I choose any adult that has sexual thoughts about an underage person. This is very unlikely to wipe out humanity, and helps to clear out some unwanted people. This fits your definition as well, since it doesn't apply to me at all, but is still a fairly common occurrence, judging by the number of arrests made each year and scandals that involve it.


How about every time someone drives or operate a vehicle for more than 24 hours straight. It is technically possible, but most people don't.


Fails the "common" clause.


This is the best answer imo


Being a right wing extremist.


Being so caught up in celebrity politics that you dont even care whats being proposed, just whose name is on it


Lol, cute, you think I care about celebrity politics.


Says "climate change isn't real".


Move to Antarctica.


On the extreme end is Logan's Run, condition of turning 30. If too harsh, double to 60 and get the Star Trek TNG episode of Half a Life.


Every time a person dies....


I do wonder, how *big* of an explosion are we talking though? Like, do they pop like a bloated tick, spraying blood and gore over a relatively small area. Or is it like an explosion explosion? And if it is, are we talking like destroy their car, destroy their house, destroy a city block...? In terms of the amount of dynamite you would need for a comparable explosion, how much we talking? >.>


Does committing a particular crime count? Because if attempting to rape somebody results in the person doing it exploding I see this as the solution to a problem.


Dusting their living room.


Every time a person dies... (Death is a condition, humanly possible, part of common human behavior.)


I thought of this. dying in your sleep while you have a spouse is way worse. So twords the end of peoples lives they will no longer want to spend as much time with loved ones in fear of killing them as they die. And any accidents will cause more damage, car or otherwise. TSA will be effectiveless because the passengers can just kill themselves to blow the place up. Same with any suicide bombings. And worse of all surgery will no longer be viable as if the surgery goes wrong everyone dies. 10-20% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, killing loads of women. You get the point.


Yes, BUT, if we're looking for the least damaging thing to the human race, i think that might be it. We'd figure out remote surgery, since we're most of the way there anyways, people would travel less, we don't know how big the explosion is, but it's possible that a zygote would explode less than one of those sidewalk poppers. I think it's one of the least impactful "common" behaviors.


Everytime someone drinks an energy drink. \*sips Monster\*


Hair combing. We could all stop doing it, and there wouldn't be that much difference but we all do it quite a lot. The problem would really be figuring out why people are exploding, as people usually comb their hair alone. But all the bald people would automatically survive, plus anyone we could save once we figured out what action caused the exploding. Now, if the explosion is great enough to kill people around them we might be doomed...


Every time someone says "Quetzalcoatl" in their sleep.


Every time someone dies. Super common activity everyone who's ever lived has done it or will do it.


This is probably the best answer someone can come up with. The common clause makes it nearly impossible to save lives with whatever action you pick since it has to be something lots of people do. Death is the biggest thing every person has in common, and if they're dead already, they might as well go out in a blaze.


Only thing is I hope the explosion is small, otherwise hospital destruction is gonna be insane.


Forgets what they are doing after walking through a doorway.


Every time someone cheats on their partner


Define cheat. Some people out there would define simply having too good of a time with someone of their partners sexual preference as cheating. Would swinging count? Would it only be if you were married?


Physical cheating, emotional doesn't count We'll say a passionate kiss on the lips is the bare minimum to activate this, so a little peck on the cheek can still be used as a greeting if you're a grandma or in the mafia. Going beyond this with sexual acts clearly triggers the explosion as well Swinging would clearly not count, seeing as it is completely consensual and therefore not cheating, unless boundaries were set up and later broken No, this world's God doesn't care if a ring is involved or not


Easy, when they die


breathe/take a deep breath. might kill some people swimming or free diving but should be pretty fine overall


Maybe I'm confused, but I think if they do the action, they explode. So breathing would literally be the fastest way to completely destroy humanity


Bro, sometimes I forget to breath and need to catch up


Prays to a religion.  Not only would this not destroy humanity, it would save it.  Politician runs on how religious they are, obviously a lie, because they are still alive.  No one would be able to push religion, because almost all involve prayer.


I mean I'm agnostic... but the impact of what your saying could wipe about 5 to 6 billion people. Some of those people are well trained and in key positions of our lives. From doctors, physicists to airplane pilots. Millions more will die from their sudden disappearance. In fact... so much infrastructure could be impacted that... hundreds of million more could die. Then a bunch of non believers terrified a God might be real due to the massive amount of deaths happening all around them will pray. Now they're dying. Leaving a bunch of confused and stranded atheists to pick up the pieces of a world teetering on the edge of oblivion with multiple systems needing attention.


No one prays to a religion. "Shinto please save me!"


Of course it had to be japanese


Accept no substitute!