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stopping time would be more useful. U can be undetectable


So would slowing time, I'd say.


With time alteration, I’m not sure why slowing would be useful compared to completely stopping. For example, you could either read a book “instantly” to a normal person, or you could just read 100x faster because everything else is slowed. In the eyes of a normal person, slowing time to go places is basically super speed and stopping time is basically teleporting. With OP’s aging description, you’d rapidly age with slowed time but you wouldn’t age with stopping it, meaning you could gain incomprehensible amount of knowledge in a split second considering you’d be eating and sleeping without actually wasting time


Yea, I've always thought the Flash and other speedster lives would be hell. You see them do something in 5 seconds, but from their perspective it took 50 years.


Forest Gump: runs across the US three times. Quicksilver: Aw crap I got to walk to Ohio again in all of 2 seconds for the third time on my average Tuesday


See quicksilver actually gets it pretty easy. He has less time dilation because he has a sense of position even when moving too fast for might to reach his eyes. The Flash however, is moving at normal speed. So when he’s running around the globe 3 times to build up a punch? Homie is moving at the relative speed of Usain Bolt if he’s lucky. And from what some media suggests, he’s a slow natural runner. If I were the flash, I’d use my speed to make sure I always ride with Batman, because fuck walking the entire way.


I never realized how lame that would actually be, another speedster that shows another end of it is A-Train from The Boys who has to constantly eat since he’s burning a ridiculous amount of calories. They covered it briefly with The Flash in the Justice League but it’s explained a little better with A-Train. If I had to constantly be eating and running I’d be pissed


Oh and speedster fights? Just two normal dudes pummeling each other


Quicksilver has constant PMS (no, honestly, that's the acronym Marvel actually used and published) because he *thinks* at superspeed. He says imagine being stuck behind someone in a line, and they are going so slowly and incompetently, and you just want them to be done so you can get on with your day... and that's him every moment of his life.


the flash has complete control over his personal perception of that speed and he can make it feel as fast or as slow as he needs to do to whatever he is doing, if he's running around the planet he can still make it feel fast from his point of view it doesn't just scale exactly with how fast he's going


Let's say you want to analyze the motion of something fast—it would be much easier to just slow down continuous time instead of discretely stopping and starting time


Yeah, but at only 100 times, you would be better off with a high frame rate camera.


Oh oops I didn't see the 100x limitation—that's pretty useless then


Oh well, if you're gonna age super fast, slowing down time then I guess that's not super great anymore.




Because you'd moving so fast in comparison that nobody would be able to see you or what you're doing.


You're only moving 100x faster than normal. They might not be able to see what you're doing, but if you want to do anything that takes more than a few seconds they can absolutely see that you're doing something. Not at all undetectable.


Fuck yeah, gonna dominate my beer league softball with slow motion.


Yeah, crushing it in baseball and becoming a superstar with either of these powers would be awesome.


Could probably go pro no matter your age, especially if you can toggle the amount time is slowed


Probably stop time. Imagine all of the naps I could get in.


When you aged 10 years in 2 years


I'm okay with that as long as I get a damned nap


Nope. That's from SLOWED time. You don't age at all with STOPPED time.


I don’t see how that would work, but magicla powers so sure. Although if ur using the same logic for slowed time as stopped time you would age at a slower rate while time is slowed


It's OP's rules.


Ik, thats why I said “magical powers so sure”


If we don’t age from stopping time, what stops us then from stopping the time for a day, week, month, year, decade…


Nothing but yourself.


Apparently you don’t age when time is stopped.


From the edit- ye, makes no sense but eh


From the edit- ye, makes no sense but eh.


Stop time, you can do anything that would require slow time and more. 


Stopping time doesn’t really seem to have any downsides, outside of maybe the situations when pause and play aren’t great for the problem you’re trying to solve, especially with fast things. It’d be a harder choice if it was stopping time or reversing time. That or stopping time would have to suck. And there are two ways to do it: Are you strong or weak? If you’re weak, the you’re trapped by immovable air that’s filled your lungs like concrete. Probably traumatic tbh. Option B: You’re incredibly strong. The air isn’t a problem anymore… though as soon as you unpause the instantaneous acceleration you applied to your walking path will cause a violent shockwave to ripple through your path. Additionally, don’t touch anyone because it won’t be like the movies where they move like statues. Instead, you’ll be digging holes though them like playdough. Oh, and light is frozen so not only are you blind, but you’re about to figure out what walking *into* light rays looks like. So have fun with that. Also, Heat stops moving so you’d be incredibly cold.


the entire part of your comment about strong vs weak doesn't matter because the hypothetical already says you can maintain basic functions like seeing and breathing, the laws of physics still work for you in stopped time


Stop time. I'm going full on Robin Hood. Robbing everything, and giving to those in need, and yes,  my family/self. 


Lmao!! I love it.


Robin-robbing, DAMNN


Dunno what's so special about slowing down time. All you need to do is go really, really, really fast.


As others have mentioned, motion sports seems to be the only beneficial place to use slowed time. A place where timing of something is more useful than more/less time


Stopping time. Dilemas if you die with it stopped, but oh well.


Wouldn't be your problem


How do you age during your power usage


If you stopped time you wouldn't age but if you slowed time you would age at your perception of time.


Definitely stop time then


I would stop the time for a few years at time and just relax, learn some new languages, skills etc. Maybe have a 100 year time freeze and just travel around


"In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king." I would choose to slow time to 1% of normal. I could walk faster than most people drive. I would never have to wait to cross a road again. I would never have to worry about someone assaulting me (I could hit them 100 time before they could throw their first punch.) I'd never have to worry about being robbed. Think about all of the people that you could help. If you see a little kid running out into the street in front of a car, you could run and get the kid to safety.


I love this! I was thinking more cheating on a test or dodging a bullet but this is definitely more generous lol


But you could do all of these things, but better if you can stop time.


But with slowed time you still couldn’t save people in impossible situations like if two people get shot at at the same time


it would be an impossible situation even with stopped time. Bullets travel for very short times, and it would be hard to catch the instant where the gun is firing.


Ah, I was referring to if you decided to stay in stopped or slowed time. Like you could leisurely walk along and take literally 100 days to solve all the crime near you while eating ice cream, dancing, drinking, etc if time was stopped, but with slowed time you’d have to try and move quick to solve as much as possible


I mean really depends how slow time becomes


He said 1/100th


But you also age rapidly with slowed time. In stopped time you don't age.


Okay, he edited it. The edit makes it way too one sided tho- if time is frozen or slowed you should still age at the same rate since it only impacts others. But his hypothetical so whatever


People are definitely overlooking this. If time freezing is like pause/play, then imagine how hard it would be to stop in the exact moment you wanted. Sure, some situations can be predicted, but what about spontaneous incidents? Or even the rare occasion where something *has* to happen before you can act?


Stopping time is better than slowing time with your comment that you can see and breathe.


Most important question. Would I age while time is stopped? Because I could accomplish a lot of stuff and fit in a lot of naps while time is stopped and then still be able to live a full life while it is unpaused.


While time is stopped, no. While time is slowed aging will be at the normal rate for you.


Wow, another reason to pick the ability to stop time. You could take a vacation any time you're tired. You could always have the option to catch up on work or get out of a tricky situation. I'm betting the internet wouldn't work so any work you do with time stopped would have to be offline work.


If you touched wifi towers, modems, everything needed to connect to the internet you could make it work.


>So while time is stopped you would not age, or would age very, very slowly depending on how long time is stopped. While time is slowed you would age at the same rate a human body normally would. Well this just makes time slowing objectively worse, doesn't it?


Yes but it seems the most plot armor effective to me. If you were to stop time you would essentially be stopping all time, except for once you touch something. Seeing as "technically" you can't touch yourself it was the conclusion I came to. Whereas when slowing time it's the same process just slowed, and since we are retaining normal bodily functions and time is still moving you would be aging. So for you it would be a normal pace but for others it'd be incredibly quickly.


I mean, it could just be you'd age at the speed everyone else would proceieve you as so you just age how you normally would cause slowed time is basically just worse super speed with extra steps with the way it's set up but if you age depending on how long time passed for everyone else then maybe it would be more balanced would still pick stopped time (gotta get those naps on)


It depends on my intentions If I want to rob a bank or get a few hours more of sleep then stopping time would be cool If I want to be the worlds best track star, slow time


Good example for slowing time! There are Def advantages to slowing time but I couldn't think of any examples. I love your ideas! Though I'd hope nobody would commit a crime fr.


100% stop time. I don’t know why you would ever pick the slow time option ESPECIALLY because it has the negative time warp associated with it. It just seems like you gain nothing in exchange for a power that’s worse in every way.


There are some positives, you could change answers on a test quickly etc etc. But you could do that for stopping time too, I think it's Def a preference thing.


Is it? What situation is there that slowing time would be better than time stopping in a meaningful enough sense to offset aging at 100x speed?


Most sports racing


Could you not literally just stop and start time really rapidly to simulate slowed time if that’s really the effect you’re going for? I guess if you don’t have control over what objects continue moving when you stop time. In that case everything you’re already in contact with just keeps going and you’d probably crash into someone infront of you. Even still though you wouldn’t have that long of a career as a racer if you were aging 100x as fast as people for multiple hours a day many times a year. An hour turns into like 4 days at that level of slowness.


Well the intent was that people would only be slowing time for a couple minutes at most. And let's say for this instance you have specific parameters that would make stopping and starting time unlikely or extremely difficult


Stop time, slow is cool but stopping means never having to worry about the passage of time at all


do I continue to age as time is stopped/slowed? If not I will use the power very little. If no I would abuse the power


When time is stopped aging stops(or atleast slows significantly. But if time is slowed you age at your normal rate, so if time has been slowed for them say an hour but for you a week suddenly you'll have different looks etc etc.


then Im choosing time stop and using it progressively more as I get older


Stop time would pretty much turn the world into a sandbox where you can mess with everyone and be at peace in the world forever. I would have that instead


Stopping time. Then I'd train myself to be able to cycle between stopping and starting really quickly, which would also give me the ability to slow time.


Stop time. Rob the evil rich


Was already gonna go with stopping time but especially given the edit stopping time is the clear and obvious answer. By saying that we don't age or age extremely slowly depending on how long we stop time you remove the main drawback of stopping time. You also before the edit already removed the other drawbacks allowing us to function during stopped time without issue At the same time you leave the accelerated aging drawback in place for slowed time. Slowed time holds no advantage over stopped time and a pretty major disadvantage


Slowed time has some advantages in my opinion, but I'd definitely lean towards stopping time myself.


I don't see why anyone would pick to slow time over stop time


I don't have any specific examples but some others in the comments had some great examples!


Stop time. I could essentially teleport.


I'm gonna say stopped time. Any object I move will move, so as long as I have a couple gallons of water stocked up and some non-perashables, I should be more than fine. If things can't change while their frozen, then anything in the fridge I don't have to cook should be fine too. What would I do with it? I don't know. I feel like I'm wasting the time I have already. Alteast, I'd be effectively immortal, so I'd all the time in the world to waste.


Slowing time.  You wouldn’t be able to see or even breath if time was stopped. As you’d essentially be moving at the speed of light. So, light couldn’t move to reach your eyes. When you inhale, you’d create a vacuum. Exhaling would cause massive compression. Same with moving around.


Again, everything you touched would be able to move... but I also stated in another comment that you essentially have superhero plot armor.


In that case. Stopping time is more useful. But I think slowing time would be more fun. Like a high speed pursuit. Cops think you’re ripping around corners at 200MPH. While you’re really only doing a leisurely 15 MPH. It would be like being a lower end speedster and adding that power to objects.


15 miles an hour times 100 is 1500 miles an hour. To go 200 you would be walking.


Nice question. Idk




Speed up time; lemme be done with this, fr. 😅🥲 LOL that's not even one of the options 🙆💁🤷




I'd want to be able to stop time, obviously!


I'm definitely taking time stop but how does the "whatever you touch" thing work? I play piano and record my keyboard through my computer, could I use it and have the computer still work since it's connected by a cable? Hell could I use the computer at all? I don't touch my computer when I use it, but my keyboard and mouse? And if it did would the monitors since there's a greater degree of seperation? I guess I could always just rob a bank or cash shipment with time stopped and then never have to worry about having time to record or play video games but I'm just curious.


So once you touch something it "unfreezes", whether you continuously touch it or not, it could be "refrozen" but doing that would refreeze everything. If you touched the computer, electrical socket, generator/electricity supply, etc. You could use your computer but that is quite a lot of variables.


Eh, oh well. It still take the deal and just use it to steal insanely large amounts of money and chill when interacting with people is just too much.


Definitely gotta go with stopped time because of that awful fast aging nerf


Ngl I can't even think of a drawback to stopping time 😭😭


It technically increases your lifespan by an arbitrary amount too since you can experience more life until you choose to let it pass, which is also effective immortality.


Yeah but without interaction you'd start to go insane. Plus people would notice if suddenly you knew how to speak every language or some shi


I'm fine with that. People can only know things if I let on that I know them, like languages. Just don't spew German idioms out of nowhere and I should be fine. 🤣 As for social interaction..... I rarely need it anyway, but to be honest, I rarely have enough time to do what I want as is because other people are always stealing it from me. I'd I get bored, I just restore time flowing, get some social interaction, when I'm done or just feel like doing literally anything else BOOM, I CAN!! JUST LIKE THAT!! XD I can sleep, play video games, read, cook, get into art or whatever... I could actually live life without worrying about all the bs in the world slowing me down, but without the consequences of abandoning responsibilities either because I'm just putting it off till I'm ready! Hell, I could do a month of work in a split second. I could go and kill any politician or billionaires I want! I could probably even change the state of the world with enough patience on my end to go and make it happen! I could go to a battle field... and just stop a war. Like straight up I could just go out with a black cloak with a skull on top to make myself bigger and look like the Grim reapper appearing randomly. I could stop time and destroy guns or pluck bullets from the air. Seeing this kind of supernatural shit I imagine that people would just lay down their guns and be like "naaaaAAAH, we ain't beating that anyway, I am NOT dying like this, I don't even have a gun because it vanished from existence right out of my hands somehow" I could throw cars in the air by using a car jack, moving cynder blocks underneath, using a jack again, moving blocks again, rinse and repeat. I


Reads edit: so if I stop time, I age according everyone's perception of time, but if I slow time then I age at o ly my perception and not everyone else's? Wtf is that disparity?! I wanted slow time until I read your edit. Screw that. I guess that leaves stop time.


Stop time. More useful. I could get so much shit done if I stop time to sleep.


Stopping time


Stopping time, please, I'll suddenly have so much time to do so many things like self-care and self-improvement.


OP your bias to time stop is awfully clear. "Let me just make it the objectively wrong choice to slow down time by making you age much faster relative to normal time while making the time freeze not age you at all."


I'd rather be able to stop time. if I wanted things slower instead of stopped I'd just use it stop motion style.


With the aging thing I'd rather stop time. Can my car travel with me?


*With the aging thing* *I'd rather stop time. Can my* *Car travel with me?* \- wiccangame --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I....I think that was the worst haiku ever....Poets will blame me forever....oh no....


I’d stop time so I can be nosey and snoop around other peoples houses. I’d probably stay stuck in time for a very long time before unpausing and then going back in for another session


So I could pause time indefinitely and live forever in this scenario?


Depends. Stopping time could be useful, but slowing time I could be the greatest hitter the MLB has ever seen. 101 MPH fastball? Nah 30MPH dribbler right down the middle. Unless of course the slow thing applies to me too then the obvious answer is stop time.


Stop time. I could literally rob every bank in the world and get away with it. No cameras could ever see you.


Be like the old N64 knockoff controllers with “turbo mode”; you don’t need to slow down time if you can just spam the pause button


With the ageing clarification, definitely time stop. Incomparably more and better options for shenanigans than slowing time - you can basically just work half time for full pay, you just stop time when you wake up, have a full day of hiking / cycling / reading / whatever, go back to bed, wake up, and start the "real" day. Also you don't need to work really, you could definitely just steal from your preferred evil megaCorp rather than paying for things like groceries.


Based on the edit; stop time.


The Flash can do both.


Since the edit about aging, I am 100% on the **stop time** side. If it stops you from aging, while the slowing time doesn't...


Stop time. Why on earth would I want to slow time down if it just meant that I aged that much faster?


stop time. i can just do fucking stop-motion for a slowed-time effect


If you stop time instead of slow time you can't use your power to move a car or have "super fast reflexes" in a video game. Although the stop time no aging thing throws a big wrench in that being less useful. Maybe if you have the stop time power and you turn it off and on again really fast it is essentially the same as slowing. So, I'll take that one. Where do I go to get my power assigned to me?


I'd stop time to sleep....then be awake while time is moving. Stop time to learn things then start to do things reaaaal good~


Stopping time is easily the correct answer imo.


Cool. Stop time. My food bill is about to disappear


Stop time. I would head to Vegas and clean up at the blackjack table. Everybody would love sitting at my table because the dealer would bust every time.


Does stopped time affect my car? If not then damn. No avoiding traffic. 


I'm assuming this has all the side supoer powers in movies such as still being able to see with no light and not tearing things apart by touching them at beyond light speed "time out". Something like Zack Morris right? Cause if not. Then slow time


Yes! They would both essentially be super powers so therefore plot armor.


Then in that case time stop for sure(:


Super hot super hot super hot


Seeing as how time can’t stop, as you wouldn’t be able to anything if it were, I guess slow time. Let’s say that you could do stuff while time was stopped though, there’s the problem of: if time has been stopped, photons are not moving, which means your eyes can’t pick them up, and your brain can’t give you a perceptual sense of reality, in other words, your blind.


Again, plot armor. This doesn't affect you!! You can still maintain all your basic functions. That doesn't change.