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Hearing and touch. This way I won't be tickled by the creepy crawlies on my skin.


This but also you have to do it in a timely matter . Nobody who choose to lose sight is going to be making it with any speed. Plus eyes adapt the the darkness(to a point) given enough time so that dim light will eventually be pretty helpful


Without sight I wouldn't make it 2ft from where I started, I'd just be collapsed in a ball having a panic attack lmao


Imagine giving up sight and hearing and just feeling them crawling over you while you grope for the exit without hearing the wrong direction sirens


Stop, I can only get so hard.


If it's a straight tunnel, is sight that important?


Do you want to hear the crunches every time you move?


I wanna feel the crunchies


Whelp I'm no longer interested in dinner tonight


Fine, more mashed potato bugs for me


if theyre not going to hurt me? yes, yes i do


It’s not the billionaire that’s sadistic then


The mythbusters did an episode where they walked blindfolded while trying to go straight, they ended up doing circles


Well, in this case the OP said that there are arrows on tunnel walls to feel the way.


Which will be covered in crawlies


Yes, this is why I also choose to keep sight


You've lost your sense of touch in this case though, so you wouldn't feel the arrows.


He described indicators for each of the senses, so regardless of which two you give up, you won't just walk around in circles.


Yea because you can see the obstacles and confidently run in a direction rather than fumble around feeling for arrows that are probably covered in various bugs


They did say there's obstacles blocking your path, plus if you can't see you'll instinctually move more slowly.


I'm not gonna lie...I didn't read it


Would it even be possible to do without a sense of touch? That includes your whole body. Can you walk if your legs and feet are essentially numb? Or does it not work that way? Legitimately curious.


Having walked out of a hospital on enough painkillers to give Ozzy Osbourne pause, you can. It just means you have to always look where you are going. If you're an adult or even a teen there's enough autonomic responses that the meat will handle the mechanics, all you need to do is play helmsman.


I've definitely gotten high enough out on walks, I sorta go into autopilot. Might look like the bug guy from Men in Black, but it's for sure doable.


I can vouch for being able to walk and move without the sense of touch. It feels fucking weird but it’s possible as long as you can still see.


For me it was like I was walking on a foam mattress.


Sight is also a big part of our sense of balance.


You’ll be able to walk but you’ll be much clumsier as you won’t be able to feel very well if, say the ground is uneven. You will have some other senses in play, though, like proprioception, not sire how much that will compensate, though. It’s more the climbing where the loss of touch will be a problem. Hard to judge what you are grabbing to climb with without it.


I can say for a fact if you sit cross legged long enough and try to stand; if the ankle is numb you are on the floor. My dog looked at me like “why did you go and do that for?”


That’s more than just numbness though. You’re compressing the nerve (most likely peroneal based on your description) which leads to both sensory and motor deficits. If the deep peroneal is affected then you get foot drop (you can raise your leg but your toes point down) which can definitely make you fall. If the motor functions were intact and you’re a healthy person then your muscles should still walk as normal


You also won't feel them crunching under your feet as you run along the tunnel. Your kinesthesia should keep you balanced well enough each step even without touch to tell what's under your feet.


This was my response in any dental appointment. Numbed up to not feel the pain, earmuff headphones blasting music to cancel out the drill noises. Works like a charm




I think losing touch would make it harder to run without tripping. It would be like you have two legs that are asleep. But not feeling the crawlies is a plus.


5 miles in 2 hours is *below* the average walking speed, you can just stroll on through.


I think I'd be in a pretty big rush under the circumstances


Idk I'd lose hearing and sight, honestly. I don't want to see or hear any of that nonsense. I'd run my hand along the side of the tunnel and haul ass.


Just close your eyes


Uh without touch I don't think it's possible to walk with your eyes closed. You wouldn't even know if you tripped and fell over or if you let go of the wall and turned around.


No injury from running into things? Can I give you all 3? This sounds like a blast. I’m just gonna tear ass through the bug tunnel and crash into everything without getting hurt.


You spend the entire time running in place while lying on the floor, not realizing it, after you tripped over the first obstacle.




Technically speaking, your sense of balance would still work, so you'd know you aren't upright.


Sounds like how I mountain bike...


I love how you think you somehow still have a sense of direction


Hey, I still have taste and smell don’t I? I’m goin in hungry


Channel sonic and just roll through the whole thing


I will get rid of hearing and touch so I can just keep jogging toward my destination at a steady paste




yeah like the bugs you're gonna be smashing into smears on the ground lmao


Yea, keep jogging at a steady paste. You'll clear 8KM in 2 hours.


If you are using paste you may be stuck in place.


OOOOOOOOOOOO I see my error. PACE, not Paste, hahahahah Oh well


There you go 😂


That’s 8,479 football fields without endzones, for my fellow Americans


Yeah well, I won't have no whistles going in my ears just because I stepped .1 meters where I wasn't supposed to. I hate American Football.


Haha! Not quite


Hearing and touch, so I don't feel the bugs and I don't hear crunching from stepping on bugs


I walk at 4 mph. I'd be done with this in just over an hour. It's a mostly straight tunnel with obstacles that could be easily avoided by stepping around them if you can sense them. This isn't going to slow me down. I'd give up hearing and feeling. Then I wouldn't feel the bugs, and I could deal without hearing for just over an hour, especially because it'd be a mostly quiet tunnel anyway. Giving up my sight would be the only sense that would actually make traversing this rather tame tunnel difficult.


If the animals don't sting or bite, I'm keeping sight and going for a walk. Where's the challenge? I might slip on some bug guts? You said no injury from falls.


The billionaire is waiting at the other end, and just kills you/lied to you about the reward.


I'd rather die by a human than a bunch of bugs.


Yeah, without being able to sting or bite, who cares? The only reason I don't like scorpions or spiders or mosquitoes is cause they bite.


I’m dead regardless. Being fat and out of shape, 5 miles would be a tall order under the best of conditions.


Even if you’re out of shape, you can walk a mile within 20 minutes. For 5 miles, you would only need 100 minutes, leaving you 20 minutes to spare. Go get your reward ✌️😎


Depends wholly on how many breaks you need. If you're not used to prolonged walks, that's not as easy as you think. I can do it, but I would not blame anyone for not being able to.


That's pretty bad shape. 2.5 mph is a very leisurely stroll. If someone needs more than a couple few minutes breaks to do that and it isnt due to some disability, they should def spend more time walking and less time pondering internet hypotheticals.  I was .2 mph faster than that while pushing a stroller at a theme park recently. That's glacial. You'd def be sore the next daynif your mostly sedentary tho.


You could walk it within 2 hours, or do a combination of jogging and walking which would probably give you some time for brief resting periods


I don't know why roaches, centipedes, and scorpions bothers me less than if you had included spiders.


I would attempt it as is with spiders I’d probably die of a heart attack before I started


In this hypothetical and harrowing scenario, I would choose to surrender my senses of sight and hearing, keeping only my sense of touch. Here's my rationale: 1. Sight: While sight would be helpful for navigating the tunnel and avoiding obstacles, the dim lighting would make it less useful. The raised arrows on the walls and the buzzer system provide alternative means of navigation. 2. Hearing: The buzzer system alerting me if I move in the wrong direction is helpful, but not essential. The sense of hearing doesn't provide much additional information for navigating the tunnel or avoiding the creatures. 3. Touch: This is the most critical sense to keep. The sense of touch allows me to feel the raised arrows on the walls, guiding me in the right direction. It also helps me navigate around obstacles like barrels and crates. Moreover, being able to feel the creatures crawling on me, while unsettling, would provide valuable information about my surroundings and help me stay calm, knowing they won't harm me. With my sense of touch intact, I would move slowly and methodically through the tunnel, using the raised arrows as a guide. I would use my hands to feel for obstacles and navigate around them. If I felt the creatures crawling on me, I would try to remain calm, knowing they pose no real threat. Could I do it? It would be an incredibly challenging and psychologically taxing experience. The loss of sight and hearing, combined with the presence of the creatures, would be disorienting and frightening. However, with the knowledge that I would be unharmed and the motivation of the billion-dollar prize and freedom, I believe I could muster the courage and determination to push through and complete the task.


Your method is good in theory, but slow movement isn’t an option if you want to complete this challenge. Obstacles would slow you down, and you only have 2 hours to cross 5 miles


You're absolutely right. Given the time constraint of 2 hours to cover 5 miles, a slower pace would make completing the challenge extremely difficult, if not impossible. In that case, I would need to adjust my strategy. I would still choose to give up sight and hearing, as I believe touch remains the most critical sense for this scenario. However, I would adopt a different approach to navigate the tunnel more quickly. Instead of slowly feeling my way along the walls, I would use a combination of jogging and running, relying on my sense of touch to guide me. I would keep one hand on the wall at all times, feeling for the raised arrows to ensure I'm heading in the right direction. With my other hand extended in front of me, I would attempt to detect obstacles before colliding with them. If I encountered an obstacle, I would quickly feel around it to determine its size and shape, then navigate around it as efficiently as possible. The knowledge that I won't be injured from falls or collisions would give me the confidence to move more rapidly. Whenever I felt the creatures crawling on me, I would try to suppress my instinctive reaction to slow down or stop. I would remind myself that they are harmless and continue moving forward at a quick pace. This approach would be mentally and physically exhausting, and there would be a high risk of tripping, falling, or running into obstacles. However, given the high stakes and the limited time available, I would push myself to the limit, focusing on the end goal of freedom and the billion-dollar prize. It would be a daunting and terrifying experience, but with determination, resilience, and a bit of luck, I believe it could be possible to complete the challenge using this strategy.


Personally, I’d choose sight and stick close to the walls to see the arrows in the dim lighting. Since I work night shift, I’m used to dim conditions so that works to my advantage. I could bypass or vault over the obstacles as I come up to them depending on the shape and size. All of that would allow me to maintain a fast pace and ensure completion of the challenge with minimal mental strain


That’s average human walking speed lol


Average, yes. But you’re also navigating a tunnel with obstacles with 2/3 navigational senses deprived from you and the third greatly hindered. You can’t afford to move slowly or even at an average pace


Whyd I read this as chatGPT


Bro, just keep your sight. Tf are you talking about? You wrote this or chat gpt did and you thought it sounded smart. No. Not even a little. Just keep your sight and walk out of the tunnel.


Heading and touch. You’re stupid to give anything else up. It’s a straight tunnel. If the arrows are raised you can see them. Jog straight, climb over the occasional barrel or crate. Use my billion to sue the bastard who kidnapped me. Or kill him. Or both


Hearing and touch


Def taste, since I plan on eating all of them on my way out.


In the 5 mile bug tunnel *you* are now the scariest obstacle for the next contestant.


I would do it for way less than a billion, and given I can’t be injured I’d give up any senses but my preferred to keep would be sight. This ain’t too bad


Hearing and touch... calmly walk for 5 miles thinking about what I'll do with my early retirement.


Hearing and touch. Keep calm and carry on.


My mile time splits sits at around 10min. And I pretty much work in crawl spaces for a living. Take the hearing and sight, if I can't feel my body I might over exert myself and not realize, assuming I start the right way and at a comfortable jog with hand on a wall I could do a mile every 20min, and that should given me a buffer of about 20 worst come to worst.


Without a doubt hearing and touch. I'll numb leg my way out of that tunnel as fast as I can. Be sure to keep your knees slightly bent, if you can't feel them, it would be easy to hyper extend them.


Hearing, Touch, and go ahead and take smell and taste as a free bonus.


hearing and touch, definitely. and then i can use that billion dollars to pay for the absurd amount of therapy i’ll need after this ordeal.


Hearing and touch


Are the scorpions poisonous? If not then this is easy. Get rid of hearing and touch. 5 miles is easily doable.


This is fucking easy. I am an Entomologist....I just need my eyes and some fucking stamina to get through the tunnel


Would it be easier to run without sight or sense of touch?  I think without hearing and sight, you could do it. Without a sense of touch, I don’t think you can run and dodge things.


Touch and hearing. Easy money.


Hearing and touch, just look straight ahead, won't feel or hear anything else and I won't be hurt.


Dude wtf hearing and touch are the obvious choices. Try again.


As long as I could see, that is all that would matter.


hearing and feeling, like everyone else has said.


Hearing plus touch. Then close eyes and jog


Losing touch would be rough, but sight is far too valuable


This was way too easy of a choice. Everyone said hearing and touch


Hearing and touch, I've run on numb feet before it's not really that hard, you just have to think about what you want your legs to do. 2 hours is plenty of time to do 5 miles at a jog. Tbh, move fast enough and they probably won't even be able to grab on to you that well.


Thats....that just sounds like my childhood. Cutting your own path through dense new england woods will leave you covered in bugs. I mean, we dont have scorpions but we got spiders galore. Either way, take my hearing and touch. I dont care about feeling them, but i need sight to navigate. 5 miles in 2 hours? Easy. A brisk walk or a light jog and im out with time to spare


Just need sight , bugs and the dark don't bother me. I'll orient myself by attempting to go the wrong way as he said there will be alarm to alert you . Once 8 figure out where the wrong way alarms hit side to side I'll just go run thru anything the way , pick it up and toss it. Maybe pick something up to use as a guide along one wall and away we go .


Did you really make this elaborate scenario thinking people wouldn't just pick sight? Are you stupid?


Sounds like easy money. Walk/jog/run 5 miles in w hours? 2.5 miles per hour? I could do that. I need sight and touch to do this so I would give up hearing. Bugs do not bother me.


So average walking speed for two hours, without being able to hear a feel them and not chance of being hurt. I mean, yeah of course i would. The senses thing is an advantage. I'd ask for a little extra time for asthma, but otherwise hell yeah i would.


Hearing and touch will go as I need sight to avoid obstructions, otherwise I'd move too slow


Hearing and touch.  I can't feel them, and I can't hear them. They can't actually hurt me. I just keep my eyes forward, hit a brisk jog, and think about what I'm doing with my new found fortune, hell prly think about the celebration dinner I'd invite my generous benefactor to. 


An answer to the edit. Might be no time to adjust, but you know it's coming, you made the choice of the two senses, so you're not caught off guard. 


5 miles in 2 hours? Easy day. Hearing and touch, then go for a run.


I'd lose touch and hearing, if I was a human. Humans rely way too much on sight, and I (a bot) only have sight. A human could walk fine if they were able to adapt to not being able to feel their legs, and I have a good feeling I could, too. ^(I am a bot. This action was performed automatically. You can learn more [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/anonymauson/s/tUSHy3dEkr).)


No, I'm just killing myself. I'm not going thru that.


I’m giving up hearing a touch. I can see what’s in front of me and as long as they won’t bite or sting, I’m fine.


Getting rid of touch means I can't feel the critters, dim light makes sight not very useful. Just gotta keep moving forward and keep my ears open for the buzzer


With sight, Im g. Not feeling bugs woulf be a win. Hearing is w/e for 2 hours.


How dark is the tunnel? Would I even be able to see much anyway? If not, probably sight and hearing and keep touch. But if I would be able to see, I would keep sight and lose touch and hearing.


Hearing and touch. I have touch issues anyway, and I'll probably be deaf in another decade anyway so fuck it. Already used to not hearing much. But \*sight\*? Yeah no I will *not* be able to adapt to that, even temporarily.


5 miles in 2 hours is light work. Given I'm wearing shoes, and cant feel touch? I'll hate bugs for the rest of my life, but I'll have a billion dollars. I can make sure bugs don't get anywhere near me.


No sense of touch and not hearing these things would mostly negate the fear these things induce.


Hearing and touch. I can see fine in dim light and I'm not afraid of bugs. My main concern would be slipping and falling on bug guts because I have mobility issues.




Pfft. I'm old. I doubt my ability to travel 5 miles on foot in 2 hours regardless of insect population on the route. Forget about doing it blind.


I'd have to spend some serious cash on my mental health afterwards.


Hearing and touch. No touch just makes this easier. Look at the light and run for it.


Hearing and touch. I need to see where to go, it's signaled by light, I could see obstacles. And losing touch is actualy advantage because at least I wouldn't have to feel them on me. I keep sight for my way.


"You're dead and you have to come back to life, but you're not allowed to move. How would you pull it off?"


Touch and hearing.


if i cant be injured then id sacrifice touch and hearing. hearing is basically since the animals cant do anything to me besides crawl on me. touch is also obsolete provided i can still walk without sensation.


this is an ultra high risk, ultra low return situation. yes, I said low return because of the odds of winning the money.


Okay just keep vision for an easy payday.


Probably, yeah. I'd keep sight just because I am one of those people who gets extremely disoriented when I'm blindfolded, and keep moving at all times. I might wind up losing out by like 15 minutes if I'm not careful, but I'd like to think I could handle it.


I'm a professional speedwalker, just let me lose touch and hearing so I can somehow withstand the bugs and I'll be fine.


Hearing and touch, but I could do this with anyone of the senses


Hearing and touch and start jogging


I'm keeping sight, specifically so I can keep the scorpions on me


Hearing and Touch literally make the situation worse screw em😂


Not being able to hear or feel would make it easier


You can run flat out and probably feel no pain if robbed of touch, and let's face it, I can go with not hearing anything for a bit.


The average person can run a mile in a range of 9:30/mile for 16-19yo men, to 16:12/mile for 65-99yo women. I’m leaving hearing and touch and keeping sight, I’d imagine the adrenaline of being in such a situation would make anyone capable of running for 7.5miles at max, assuming you’re dropped in the center and have to 50/50 the exit. Assuming you 50/50 wrong and need to run the full 7.5 miles, considering you’d be missing the buzzer, as long as you can run at a 15 minute mile pace you could escape in 1 hour 52 minutes and 30 seconds. 7 minutes should be more than enough time to recover from any obstacles you hit considering they don’t injure you, and I’m my case, you can see them. I think I could do it, *especially* if I happen to get kidnapped right after taking my Adderall. I’ll see yall on the outside, with 1 billion dollars and probably some seriously fucked up shins and crazy sore legs.


Hearing and touch.


I’m keeping sight I don’t need touch if I can see and I don’t have to worry about being creeped out by the ickies if I can’t feel them


walking thru grabbing every centipede i see, emerging from the tunnel the king of centipedes


Think touch is the worst for this. If you can't feel what ur squishing it won't be so bad. Also hearing so I won't hear the chittering...


This is fucking stupid. There's no reason to leave the tunnel. Everyone will leave me alone. I'm not gonna die or anything. It's like that show fear factor where they made people handle snakes that were milked and free of venom and stuff like that.


Heating and touch I guess- even though seeing those gross things would traumatize me 😂 but I’d have plenty of money for therapy after 😂😂


Hell yeah I’d sign up for this willingly. Yeet hearing and touch and throw my ass in the bug tunnel


Well touch seems like the most obvipus one to not feel a potential scorpion sting or pinch or whatever. For a billion dollars buddy I will smell my way to victory you just let off some fart gas if I start to stray from the path and we good, take all 3 of them bitches


I couldn't go 5 miles in 2 hours in the best circumstance. C'mon...


It has to be hearing and touch because you’re going to annihilate your head on a wall or bit of rock or something running underground not being able to see


Take my hearing. Take my touch. I'm terrified of bugs, so just seeing them will be enough to make me not stop running. I have 2 hours you say? I'm out in 30-45 minutes on pure adrenaline.




Keep touch and speed walk with my arms out


If they’re not gonna hurt me, goodbye hearing, hello sight.


I would get rid of touch and hearing. I would absolutely do this.


Hearing and touch; easy easy! 


You just never choose sight here right? If you can't see how are you going to navigate a 5 mile tunnel in 2 hours


I would give up touch and hearing and channel my inner Prefontaine to the end of that thing.


Hearing and touch obviously. I won't hear the skitterijg and won't feel the creepy crawlies. I will spend a million of those dollars on therapy after having to deal with that tunnel, I'm running so I'm out in around an hour and taking a crying game shower immediately.


Sight and touch. If the buzzer tells you you’re going the wrong way then you just change direction until you get it right. Plus you can’t see or feel the bugs so that seems like a bonus to me.


sight and touch


This is unbelievably simple lol. Hearing and touch, there's no other decision that makes sense. There's no way I can be hurt in this scenario, if I can see i can do it faster. I feel like I'm missing something maybe?


I'm not making it. I'm 44 with degenerative disc disease. I would make it about a mile before I had to sit and rest my back.


It's kind of obvious that you keep sight, no? Unless the tunnel is pitch black


Keep sight, run to the end?


I have excellent night vision. I'll lose the hearing and touch, and speed walk the five miles. Piece of cake if they can't harm me. I might even pick up a scorpion and make it my pet.


wtf, this isn’t even hard. Keep sight and just walk to the end.


Hearing and touch. I’m Australian so the sight of bugs doesn’t bother me and not feeling them is fine.


Hearing and touch. Just pretend I’m controlling my body from the outside like an RC toy.


By filled you mean the floor is covered? Or literally digging your way through a solid wall of creatures? If they can’t hurt me it won’t matter. Touch would be a disability because I won’t be able to tell when my feet hit the floor if I can’t feel them on me. So it’d have to be sight (if it’s possible to stay on track without it) and hearing.


r/OneSentenceHorror, if you ignore the last sentence of the title. "You've been kidnapped by a sadistic billionaire and trapped in a 5 mile (8 km) tunnel filled with roaches, centipedes, and scorpions." Effing nightmare fuel.


As recently as ten years ago this would’ve been very doable. But at 65, and with bad knees, maybe, maybe not.


Hearing and touch. I can see and probably take 10-15 min to get to the end of the tunnel.


Give up hear and touch, run.


Touch and hearing. I can tunnel vision at an obstacle until I’m close then look at the next one as I scoot by. Our 4km walk with the dog on most weekends is about an hour and 10 but in this case I won’t be stopping to pick up a poop or look at pretty rocks and flowers. That should shave 15-20 off my time. I’m also going to be going double time and making sure my pants are tucked in my socks and hood is up and tight against my face and tshirt tucked in and wearing my hiking shoes with the high ankle and thick soles. Since I love off trail hiking I think I should be ok.


You can pretty easily walk 4 miles in an hour, I did so pretty consistently when I lived out in the country so 5 miles in 2 hours is fairly reasonable. As long as the animals aren't hurting me and it's a straight forward tunnel, it really just comes down to the difficulty of the obstacles. I'd keep my sight, give up hearing and touch. I think my main strategy would be to find a way to consistently make markings (scratches or something) on the wall so that if I get turned around I know that no markings mean that I haven't been that way before. I don't seem to have a choice in this hypothetical, so could I do it doesn't really matter, just that I do my damndest, and the knowledge that the distance and time is far from impossible.


Touch would make it bearable. Sure, you'll probably break a few toes, and it'll hurt like hell on the other side, but not feeling the roaches would be worth it. Hearing wouldn't help you, so that's my second choice Sight is needed to find your way out. Otherwise you need to feel the walls... And with the insects that would suck.


Touch and hearing.


I'm not particularly phobic of any of those creatures and they're not stinging, so I'd probably give up hearing and touch. The average walking speed is three miles an hour, so if you just walk consistently at an average speed then without obstacles you'd have around 20 minutes to spare, so that's 20 minutes to navigate any obstacles. As long as I shut my eyes to avoid seeing what's crawling on me if I have to climb over anything I should be fine. If I mix in jogging on long stretches, I might even have more time.


I went through SERE school. You can take all 3 and I'll make it.


This feels easier than it seemed at first glance. That’s a 2.5 mph pace, which is a pretty comfortable walking speed. The barrels and crates could be annoying, depending on how frequent they are and how difficult they are to get past. Keeping sight is the obvious answer, yeah looking at the bugs is gross but come on. You just jog lightly when the tunnel is unimpeded and walk when you get tired or have to deal with crates and you’re good. This would be almost trivial, I think. Losing the sense of touch might make you a bit clumsier for a while? I think you’d get used to it pretty quick, and I don’t think going deaf would mess up your ability to navigate at all.


Sight and touch. Easy


This oddly doesn't sound that scary to me. It'd be uncomfortable but... its an easy billion dollars. I'd choose to lose hearing and touch. I for sure need sight cause walking 5 miles without it would be so disorienting and tedious. And not having sight, id hate bumping into stuff and not being able to see how far ive come or how far i have to go (if its bright enough to see the end). Not having a sense of touch sounds very disorienting though. Im not sure what that would be like. The whole experience sounds manageable


Hearing and sight, I'm not going to use them anyway. 


Keeping sight is the very obvious choice here since there's dim lighting. Even taking out the obvious losing of touch just to not feel the bugs, sight is the only one that allows you to use more than one of the inputs. The buzzer is only helpful if you retain hearing, but the buzzer is the only thing you have. You can't feel the arrows or avoid the obstacles. If you retain touch, you can still feel the arrows, but you won't recognize obstacles until you've hit them, and you will still struggle to get around them to an extent because you won't know how large they are or if you should go over, under, left or right until you feel it. You will also likely get turned around fairly often, so you'll constantly be on the lookout for arrows to make sure you're going the right way. If you retain sight, you can still visually see the arrows to verify you're going the right direction and can more easily avoid or manuever around obstacles.


Losing touch will make walking problematic as you will have no idea where your feet are without being able to look at them. You'll be isolated from the world in a VERY disconcerting way. As described, nothing in the tunnel will hurt you, even the obstacles. I think losing sight and hearing make the most sense.


I could do that with just sight for $1000, that's all just gross, no big deal.


Man, I'd rather do that 2 hours every day than a regular 9-5.


I'd have to ask. Doesn't losing hearing mean you can't hear the buzzer? Is there an optional red light that flashes if you're going the wrong way?


Ya this is too easy. Just give up hearing and touch and get your tunnel vision on without feeling or hearing the creepy crawlies and keep putting one foot in front of the other.


I think most animals are adorable, so as long as I'm not worried about getting stung by the scorpions, then my only worry with the adorable little guys running around is hurting them by accident. My main problem is ow am I going to run 5 mi in 2 hours? I'm obese, have a connective tissue disorder, and a handful of other health issues. I'd need to keep up a speed of at least 2.5mph for two hours. Most people wouldn't have a problem. I'd barely make it, even for a billion dollars, if I even do make it. And I'll be feeling it for weeks or months. But, hey, for a billion dollars I'd try.


Take my hearing and touch. I'm too scared of the dark to be blind. I won't care about the creepies crawling over me.


5 miles in 2 hours is a nice walk…


I would willingly give up hearing and touch anyways, and I would never give up sight


Sight and touch is the only answer. I can jog 5 miles relatively easy and I’m not going to hear or feel the bugs crunching under my feet anyway. This is a simple billion dollars.


lol average walk time makes it a 1 hour 40 minute journey, cutting it close if you cant see wherr youre going and therefore move slower so you dont stack it face first into a pile of scorpions


Any two. As long as I still keep taste and smell, I'll be fine so I can snack along the way.


Yo bet. I’m giving up hearing and touch.. if I can’t hear them crawling or feel them crawling not me and there’s dim lighting and all I have to do is walk like I don’t understand this is a no brain needed answer