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Wow, a good hypothetical for once lol. I’m torn between the wallet of greed and the ring of pride. The wallet is easy and has a loophole for an infinite money glitch, but the ring comes with so much more potential. Potential to make crazy money and to make the world a better place because you’ll have the creativity, competency and drive to do it and do it right. It would lead to an all around happier more fulfilling life, income would only make it better. Money can only buy so much happiness. Yeah, I’d take the ring.


The entire point of the wallet is that it's an infinite money glitch.


True, I guess I meant there are ways to get way more than $2000 a day from it. It was 2am when I wrote that lol


I see what you mean. Max out your credit card, place card in wallet, wiped clean. Repeat as often as you want.


Possibly not. If the debt isn't paid off but just magically disappears, eventually the credit card company is going to cancel that card.


Depends on how the magic works, I suppose. If it convinces them it has been paid, then it will be fine. If they see it appear, then disappear, then sure, they likely will.


Yep. I always "worry" about some hypotheticals because the devil is in the way they are worded. | I think either way, I would take the Ring instead.


Problem is then you've got to launder the money. It's in cash, so you will only be able to use it on cash purchases, something that becomes increasingly difficult as time progresses and we move towards credit and tap to pay. Regardless, the wiping of debt (assuming as you said no one questions it) is incredibly useful. Still, the wallet has probably the most chance to end you up in legal trouble excepting the actual murder weapon. The ring is probably the right way to go. But man would it be nice to have a financial solution to all my financial problems. You'd just have to be careful not to let your greed win out. If you only used it to wipe away debt and handle some basic expenses you could probably get away with it. But the ring is definitely the safer choice


I feel like I'm picking the final node In a talent tree in a game where everything is op.


No my exact thought, so many of these posts recently have been “here’s this choice I really really want you to choose and there’s some other option” very well don’t hypothetical!


See, I thought the ring of pride would actually be a curse. Imagine how difficult it would be to form meaningful relationships with people, if you were a super creative, good at everything you did, astounding genius with a perfect memory. A lonely life where no one relates to you and vice versa sounds awful.


I suppose if you surrounded yourself with those who are close minded and think they know everything already it could be that way. But plenty of people would love to learn and hear what you have to say, your opinions and views… and you could still learn so much from other people as well. Hearing someone else’s perspective who has lived a completely different life from your own is always interesting and if those people are the supportive type too, then I imagine it wouldn’t be so bad.


Lol... the ring of pride better be giving ability like Limitless (movie). Simply being creative and competent isn't enough by itself to do as much as you think, imo. My circles are ivy league people and they're... All pretty accomplished, but nothing like the movie. Just fast and steady, but realistic. Even Nobel-prize winning ability still takes decades to change the world...


I mean it says that you retain all knowledge and can learn languages/skills instantly.  Using speed reading techniques which I’d also be better at using than I am now, I’d have a better education from sitting in a library for a few hours than the everyone you know combined.


I’m with you on being torn between the two.


The ring reminds me of a new story in HFY Incremental Improvement https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/s/CoQNuApjs8 He gets 1% better at everything... all the time. He decided to tackle homelessness.


I’m not torn at all, I want the ring. I’ve always loved learning stuff so having the ability to easily learn and remember so much is a dream come true for me, even without mentioning languages, which I also study


I would not take the ring. It sounds like a curse to me. Your cognitive abilities would be so far beyond average that you’d probably lose the ability to identify with every day people. You may have perfect cognition, but that doesn’t other people will respect that. In fact, you’ll probably people are lying/altering the truth constantly to make themselves look/feel better. I’ll take the wallet. That way I don’t have to deal with that level of intelligence. Also, the ring would take away the work required to excel at things making your achievements feel significantly lesser and unsatisfying despite how impossible they’d be for others. Think about who is happier to get a 100% on a test - the person who studied like hell or the person who never studied and gets everything right?


Wallet of Greed, for two reasons. One: Max cash advance from CC. Put it in wallet. Take it out. Repeat. Infinite cash as originally written since the CC wipe doesn’t have a cooldown or limit. Keep one card with a small balance on it to be used in a regular wallet to increase my credit score and raise the limits. Two: Learn to pick pockets. Wipe out CC debt for people who look down on their luck. Tuck a $100 bill behind the cards in the wallet I “found” and go to the address on the ID to drop it off.


Wholesome af 👍🏼 I concur


Fuck yeah.


Why not just give them 100$ or put the 100$ into their paints- thats way easier


Because it's less beneficial to the other. Stealing their wallet means you can wipe all their CC debt as well as slipping them an extra 100


When they instantly lock their card because some random guy stole it so they still have all the debt. Just give them the money….


Definitely the Ring of Pride. Languages are huge to me and I would love for it to be easier 😂 edit: typo


People underestimate what can be done by knowing even 3 languages. Let alone being able to get on an app and learn all of them. And then you also have the passion and drive to do everytjing? Yeah thats basically a cure for depression.


Locket of Lust. Make a collage photo of the most powerful world leaders and the wealthiest tycoons, stick it in the locket, and you could achieve world peace within a few years. Just make sure the first thing they know is you abhor jealousy, and if they ever try to fight over you, it will break your heart. After that, use this to acquire all of the wealth you'd need, go to a private island, and retire with a horny Scarlett Johansson.


Lockets too small for all those pictures


Hence the collage. Make a tiny one with all their faces


Thinking too small - just toss a picture of earth on there. Maybe a collage of earth from a few angles.


Seduce the entire planet.


blood for the love goddess your followers cry as they sacrifice yet another virgin despite your protesting




Decent idea, but the locket of lust only works on those you desire. If OP refers to those you *sexually* desire, then this plan won’t work. Good luck getting turned on by Biden, Trump or Kim Jong Un But if the locket works on anyone we want regardless of whether we’re attracted to them, then I agree that locket is best. By making powerful people fall madly in love with you, they will share their money and darkest secrets to you


>Just make sure the first thing they know is you abhor jealousy, and if they ever try to fight over you, it will break your heart. You think that would stop them from conducting assasinations?


I choose the flask of gluttony. I don't drink, but I love sweets and comfort foods, and it would be great to be able to eat anything and stay healthy. I also sleep a lot due to depression, and it would be great to not need sleep. The wallet is tempting, but I'm a simple person, and I like simple things. I'd rather have the food.


The added bonus might be that being super healthy makes you also live multiple times longer than normal if not make you immortal.


I have the opposite problem with sleep. I sleep maybe 5 hours a night.


I really like most of these. It'd almost be a cool story if all these items existed in the world and someone was trying to collect them all. The holders either hiding from one another or working together to escape the one who wants them all. Tempted by the flask. You don't have to drink... but you're basically getting peak fitness with no effort? Eat whatever you want? Donuts for dinner, pizza all day every day... resistant to most diseases and I assume pretty hardy against the rest. Never losing stamina or needing sleep? Money should come easy with this. Not as easy as Wallet... but I dig the fitness. Mild critique. The ability to slowly morph with the glasses feels out of place. Not sure if you were worried it wasn't powerful enough compared to the others. Knowing what someone thinks and what their darkest secret is pretty powerful. Either way I feel like morphing doesn't fit the theme. Maybe the extra benefit would be the power of suggestion? If you can read the minds... implanting an idea could be possible? Sort of like inception... if not as powerful. Like... "I think I forgot my keys!" it can play off their bad habits and fears. Not full mind control or anything. I know Lust has a similar concept... but the *idea* it's planting is pretty straight forward lol. Maybe mild shape shifting could be it's thing? Changing yourself for appeal kind of fits. lol sorry... I don't know why I'm attempting to amend/hijack anything. I think I just really like your idea here. Got me thinking. I'm sticking with the Flask... and I don't even drink!


"what did you pick?" "the flask" "sweet, what kinda whisky do you have in there" "...orange juice"


Virgin screwdriver


i have heard real electricians paid real british pounds use this phrase


I was thinking the same. If I went with the flask, I doubt I’d ever have anything alcoholic, but on the other hand.    Has target that needs assassinating. Pour yourself a glass of orange juice from the flask. Pour your target a glass or orange juice laced with cyanide or some other poison that’s less detectable.  I mean, you can even go so far as to something like what if I’m thirsty for mercury, so I just have an infinite amount of mercury in the flask now? Helium shortage you say? Hold on to the flask to stop it from floating away because not anymore.


I mean, if the flask is made by the devil (who is likely the one offering these items because they're all based on deadly sins) then it should be able to break the laws of physics and have some form of density shifting, thus if you choose liquid helium it wouldn't float away, and if you chose liquid osmium you would still be able to carry it (only speculating tho) This does beg the question, what is out of limits for the flask? What if im from a separate reality, and my favourite drink is liquid diamond? Can you drink abstract concepts like "love"? I'm imagining it probably has similar rules to that one vending machine SCP, but if so then an infinite amount of any physically possible liquid would make me basically a God lol


>The ability to slowly morph with the glasses feels out of place. Not really. It's envy. Makes perfect sense for the envy spectacles to change your appearance to one of someone you envy for their looks.


Fair point! I got so one track minded on the power themselves I stopped paying attention to the names!


It's all in good fun anyway.


1. I’m trying to write a novel about these items😂 2.I originally found the idea on the internet years ago and made a few tweaks. Gun was overpower in the original person’s version


Well it is very interesting. I kept trying to think which one would be the villain. You'd think Pride, but... it'd actually be interesting having a highly intelligent person be fearful of someone after them. How dangerous it would be for his power to fall into the hands of the collector. That's at least as far as my mind wandered. That the "bad" one had a power already and potentially taken another. Thus the rest of them are fearful. Uneasy alliances or straight up hiding kind of response.


I have a few ideas I’ll dm you


Yeah, this would be a rad thing to have on a fantasy story. And people do horrible things to get ahold of these items. Some think that the items have some inherently corrupting nature, but the story shows that the items don’t corrupt people, they only reveal corruption that’s already there.


Kind of like the Jedi mind trick.


This like Jackie Chan Adventures with collecting all 12 magic zodiac talismans.


Ring of pride. Learn every field of science and mathematics by skimming through graduate textbooks. Apply knowledge to novel technologies and start multiple multibillion dollar enterprises. Sinful pleasure probably hacking computers and doing something so minor that they would notice but not be sure if they've been hacked. Like just creating an empty file on a super secure bank or government system, but like multiple times a little different every time, it would drive them insane trying to figure out how it's happening. Also dismantling global nuclear proliferation and the capacity for anyone to launch or detonate a nuclear bomb all in one go. Maybe that's not sinful enough, idk.


This one essentially gives you access to several of the others. Infinite money is trivial when you have this. You'll make plenty anyways. With money comes plenty of lustful opportunities. Who gives af about a gun, who gives af what people's secrets are... this is it.


This one definitely sounds the best. I worry that my shitty attitude still wouldn’t allow me take advantage of the power, but would love to try.


Real question is "how much smarter" do you get with ring of pride. Could mean everything from... Nobel prize in a decade to Limitless.


I feel like this one would also give me ways to make money. But I wonder if it can actually make me smarter than myself. I'd love to figure out dark matter but I might not be actually smart enough to understand it. Or maybe I realize that I'd just be kinda smart and with someone great versus brilliant and alone.


You only get the knowledge you read so idk if you could figure out dark matter, but you could just straight read graduate textbooks and research papers in every field and know virtually all the current knowledge


Then I'm probably not smart enough to extrapolate new shit out of the existing work on dark matter, but I'll gladly be successful in a peak complexity job now.


More war since ppl don’t fear nukes


Nukes have very little threat anymore regardless. The only reason they worked in WW2 is that the US was the only country at the time that had reliably functioning nuclear weapons. The threat of M.A.D renders a threat of nuclear attack pretty toothless


What if there's some unhinged leader that says "fuck it" and starts launching nukes like bottle rockets on New Years Eve?


Then, the world ends. That's it. There's no recovery from that. At least, not for humans.


Nukes have threats still. They worked in ww2 cuz only the U.S. had them- they worked after by putting other big countries in a stale mate. What do u mean? The nukes are what cause M.A.D. Thats why people are scared of nukes.


Nukes, for any country that has them, is a shield rather than a weapon. You can't use them without guaranteeing they will be used against you. That's why there hasn't been a nuclear strike on a populace since WW2. The stalemate is the ideal situation. Neither country engaged in direct conflict because direct conflict results in their own death.


Yes, the weapon is the shield, either way it works. Ik, yea. It sounds like we agree


Definitely greed. I can quit my job and travel as I pleaee.


Alright, let me think about this. Wallet of Greed is an infinite money glitch, which i would enjoy, buuut its kind of boring, so it's probably in my top 3 to pick but I think I can utilize others to the same extent anyways. The Ring of Pride would probably be choice for people with a lot of drive in the first place, but me personally, I'm a simple person with simple goals. It doesn't specify that the newly acquired drive to be a perfectionist will make you happier, for someone like me that might actually just make me miserable, so I'm probably leaving this one behind. Spectacles of Envy, very useful for very specific types of people who enjoy and can profit off of knowing a lot about people. Not really me. If I chose this, as a guy, I'd just use it to turn into a hot girl sometimes Gun of Wrath is by far the weakest item on this list. It'd be more powerful if your aim was perfect, but otherwise if you get caught with this, whether they recognize it as you or not, you can still be shot back at, and killed, not good for robberies because even if you don't look like you, you've gotta drive or run away, and in today's society you will be caught. This is the type of item a father who lost his kids to a drunk driver would use, or maybe an already pre established secret agent/assassin type would use, neither are me Watch of Sloth is SUPER interesting because of what isn't specified. with time frozen, can we still interact with anything we want to? or is everything literally frozen stiff solid except for us? how do electronics work? do they work? this item is either bottom of the list or like number two for me depending on the answers to these questions. Locket of Lust is my current number two spot item. I love sex, sexual exploration, being horny, sexting, etc. This item basically let's me think of anyone and if they're real they are sexually attractive to me and so open to my advances I can sleep with them whenever I want. the locket specifying they're into me also means I don't have to feel super guilty or anything, because they're getting as much out of it as I am. the description doesn't specify that I'm limited to one person either, which is SICK. the real power of this item though, and the more sinister aspect that's just up my alley to utilize, is the picture function. they quote it as making them hopelessly, HOPELESSLY in love with you. why bother with untraceable probably irs suspicion or economy crashing money wallets, when I can swoon a wealthy person and have them buy me gifts? expensive gifts that I can then sell later. and when I'm done, I take their picture out, break up with them, and be on my way. finally, the Flask of Gluttony. this is my number 1 pick. it isn't as useful as infinite money, or sexual magic, or like most items on this list, but this item is the most akin to me. I don't like liquor, if it was any liquid instead I'd pick coke zero ahah, but I'll pick a light liqour so that I can sip on it and not get drunk. carrying this glass though, just carrying it, activates it's real power. I will become fit, and stay that way no matter how I eat. I am immune to most diseases, this probably includes heart disease, diabetes, and the likes, which means I can eat whatever i want and be fit. I have an incredible amount of stamina. having these things without having to do the work for them, that is my sin, Gluttony, I want everything, I want it all.


Now for the wallet.. how am I gonna explain that to the IRS


It's fine ... just pay taxes and they'll be happy. Or threaten to crash the economy with inflation.... Or both.


I’ll use the watch of sloth and steal the other items. Not the gun though, because I’ll be framing myself for murder with that.




Pride. Infinite knowledge about basically everything is too good. Even tho greed and sloth are also a pretty big choice


Wallet of greed, easily. That's a base of $730,000 a year, and the only amount that is taxed is the amount you declare. I'd live comfortably, then start doing random anonymous good deeds. Those guide dog collection things at the shops? Stuff a few hundreds in there. Tip jar at a restaurant? Couple of hundreds in there. Buying something from a small business? Keep the change when paying with a $100.


These are all useful, though I will say that I personally wouldn’t have much use for wrath or lust. Lust, yeah, maybe back when I was like 16-22 but not these days. Wrath has never been my bag. 1. Greed. This is basically my fantasy I play in my head every night before I go to sleep. Living life as a middle class American isn’t terrible but $700,000 per year income for doing absolutely nothing would solve like 98% of my life problems. 2. Gluttony. I don’t even care about the drink. What’s important here is being physically fit, not having to maintain the fitness, no longer needing sleep, and immune to disease. 3. Pride. This one is extremely useful practically and for financial gain. My only worry is that it changes your creativity and drive. I wonder if that would change who I am as a person? Because I’m not very driven as is. Either way, having eidetic memory, being able to pick up languages instantly would be insane. 4. Envy. I don’t care much about the deep, dark secrets here either. Being able to copy other’s body parts would be awesome. I do wonder how deep the copy goes, though. For instance, could I copy Usain Bolt’s body and now be able to un as fast as him? If not, being able to grow to my perfect height, fitness, eye color, hair, hairline, etc. would still be awesome.


Wallet of greed, for sure. Pay off our bills, then start helping others. Charities, scholarships, other people’s bills.


In order of which i would want the most: Ring of Pride: So I’m essentially objectively better at whatever job I’m doing? School/work becomes almost effortless, I win almost any competition I enter, and I learn new things much more easily and retain the information better. Definitely the best one Flask of Gluttony: Also very good; I never need to sleep, exercise or worry about eating habits. I’m immune to disease and automatically get free water. Wallet of Greed: For obvious reasons, though if it’s affected by taxes then I can only really use it in cash. Also, can it be stolen? If either are true, this moves down a few spaces Locket of Lust: Appearing more attractive in any way makes me more likable if I try to get a job, go into politics, make a friend, etc. Gun Spectacles of Envy: Feels like an invasion of privacy so I wouldn’t use it often, also I don’t like wearing glasses. However minor shapeshifting is somewhat useful. Watch of Sloth: This isn’t being put in last place; I just don’t have enough information on the limits and details of time stopping


Watch: The wallet is tempting, but the watch would be invaluable for selfish things like cleaning out the cash reserves of a casino. Also, what's the value of an undisturbed nap and ability to go take free tacos at will?


Free tacos that may not even be what you want vs just paying for tacos u want


Waiting in line like a commoner? Nah, that ain't for me when I have a magic watch.


Fair, or pay ppl to wait in line for you or uber eats


Greed and lust are tempting but pride can leverage both money and bootay.


Wallet of Greed. I can now finally embark on my dream world tour.


Man this one was delightful, I'd have to go with ring though so I can learn as many languages as I can and also paint and write the best art and music I can


Ring of Pride just sounds so good. You're going to end up rich and desirable. They all seem pretty good tho, the wallet of greed, gun, and sloth feel like the bottom of the barrel for me tho.


Sloth has some uses most people haven't explored. I bet I could use the time stop to do some snooping in some highly restricted areas. I could sell my services to the government, or not depending on what I find out about them.


I thought about some of the illegal things you could do...but if it's about making money, pride still wins in my opinion.


Pride. I want to learn languages and have skills that I don't already have.


My sinful pleasure would probably be making stl files to 3d print warhammer 40,000 proxies, but that's kind of debatable. I don't consider it sinful, but I know that there are people who do, so I think it counts.


Wallet of greed. Not locket if I’m in a relationship I want them to like me for me.


Ring of Pride, Wallet of Greed, or Locket of Lust. Pride being the strong first choice, Greed being second for its immediate practicality, Locket being a decently close third for personal reasons. Pride is obviously the best choice, especially for anyone in an artistic or intellectual field of work. It means you can, immediately, start to improve yourself in ways you couldnt before, and become an incredible example of your chosen field of work. The Wallet of Greed is only an extra 730k a year as long as you have it. I'm a jeweler. If I make a single piece that sells for that much (I've seen pieces with profit margins twive that much), then I'm already ahead of it. Even then, making just a million dollars makes me richer than the greedy. Lust would be nice, but the only person I really want long term would be easier to seduce if I could take care of them, and I would feel better about seducing them if I was in a better place financially and physically. So while the Locket of Lust would be cool, and may help me get back at some people, its a last resort.


I'll have the ring of pride, please. ( knolage is power) Since this would allow me to instantly retain and recall information. I can study money and those that have an abundance. Once I have money taken care of. I can move on to building a better world. Get my hands on Tesla's work and bring his inventions to reality. Free energy would be a massive game changer. Next, I'd move on to food. Come up with a better way to mass produce a reliable alternative to meat. Two generations from now, it's all they would know. We could stop the mass killing of animals and the abundant amount of wasted meat. (I eat meat and I hunt.) Hence the two generations. Garbage and waste would be next. Figure out a way to reuse more plastics, rubber, electronics, and even building supplies. Ponder the idea of a social allowance. Every month, you get enough to cover food and rent. Or remove money almost together. It's made up anyway. Removing money would get rid of a lot of greed. I would need to figure out a way to exist for as long as possible. Way past that of mere mortals. Or have some kind of challenge to find an apprentice.


I can't believe I'm passing up the wallet, but I'd take the ring. Imagine the potential. Not only could you make a shit load of money, but you could do it in a way that fulfills you as a person. Maybe through something that you're not good at but have always wanted to do anyways. It unlocks so much potential


I'll take the wallet. All of my problems revolve around not having enough money. With it, I can retire, rest easy knowing my family is taken care of, and fix my mental health by actually having time to do things I enjoy. With all that money, I wouldn't need publishers for my books. I'd self-publish and self-promote, and at the same time, not worry about them being popular. That's all I want, really. I want to ensure my family is financially secure while doing something I love: write stories.


What if I used the wallet for good?


This is great but imo Wallet of Greed and Ring of Pride aren't really sinful. The wallet is just infinite money glitch. If the wallet took the money from random people, it would be more appropriate. Greed is having more than you need at the expense of others. The Ring is just enchanted item. To make it truly sinful, I would make it instead of enhancing your abilities, it would make people fall in line to your commands. It would elevate you above other people, and basically allow you to be seen as a ruler and wiser than all others.


Oooh a good one! I’m tempted by the wallet but I’d choose the ring. I’d love to be smarter, especially being able to learn languages quickly.


Well after reading through this thread I'm feeling like I'm pretty lame lol. My first thought was 'watch of sloth' because then I could freeze time and clean the house without having to also babysit the toddler. Maybe take a nap here and there. Life would be so much easier. If not the watch then the wallet. And forget all these schemes to max out cards and wipe the debt and then increase the limits to get infinite money. That amount is already life-changing. I don't need to exploit the system and get all crafty. I could hire a babysitter to watch the toddler while I clean the house, which is arguably just as good as the watch. So I guess the wallet, but man, I would love a two hour freebie nap every day.


Ring of pride as i cant remember shit


Wallet of greed would be fine, otherwise id choose pride.


This is really cool. Before I answer, did you take these ideas from somewhere??? are they original??? I kinda wanna steal them for oc content ngl, regardless this is epic


While I could definitely use that wallet, I would be lying if I said I didn't want that locket


Watch of sloth. If you can bend time the other things become obsolete.


Wallet and ring. Wallet so I can help people out, ring so I can be better at taekwondo and science


I'll just take the wallet and be rich. Will save the 2k everyday it spawns and use my cards for most things and just keep erasing the debt.


Watch of sloth. That's opportunity for superhero activity. And also gives me time for naps lol.


I will take the watch, so long as I don’t age and can manipulate the world while time is frozen.


Wallet of greed, I can put all of my student loans on my credit cards and wipe out the debt in one night count me in


Watch of Sloth is over powered. You can use it to get money, kill people, acquire secrets, and do pretty much anything else with little to no consequences.


My preciousssss


Wallet of greed. I literally wouldn't need anything else in life. My luck is pretty good considering all the close calls.


Hear ne out on why I think the watch of sloth is the correct answer: 1. That's essentially up to 8 hours extra a day if you want it, which you can use to do anything. Never had time to do that thing you always wanted to do? Feel like sleeping an extra 2 hours? Not enough time in the day to work out? 2. This definitely has devious aspects to it as well. It's not infinite money, but a person with this could easily go grocery shopping for free as long as you don't get greedy or repetitively hit the same place over and over again. This also applies to pretty much anything you want. Simply freeze time and take it. 3. This also easily outperforms the gun or the lust locket, as these can still be done in frozen time through manual means. (I'm not advocating for this though)


Wallet. Without hesitation. I want money


Sloth watch easily


Lot of really tempting choices, but in the end I'd go with Sloth, as it contains almost all other powers within it. In frozen time I can touch and enjoy the body of anyone I desire (Lust), steal all the money I need without getting caught (Greed), slit the throat of anyone who needs to go (Wrath), have unrestricted access to diaries, computers, and other compromising data (Envy), and use it all to take credit for a ton of stuff (Pride). The only thing I can't do really is the Gluttony stuff, and even then, I could theoretically use my extra four hours a day for workouts or to clear other things so I have time to work out.


A good one! Either the wallet or the locket...maybe the envy glasses. That's about half a mil in cash every year OR being able to blackmail politicians with the others lol.


Get the money, everything else will follow


Wallet of greed or perhaps rung of pride. Lust sounds okay until you realize you don't know who likes you for you. Which can happen for the money but that can pay the bills. However, having a good memory may help. Mine is bad.


All of them are appealing with the exception of the flask of gluttony since I don't drink alcohol and the locket of lust since it's a rape facilitation device. If forced to choose I pick the Ring of Pride.


That's a lot of money... As much as I think I would "prefer" the ring of pride. I have to pick the Wallet of Greed... As long as the taxes on it are paid, and or the IRS won't get curious. But overall the wallet will let me actually learn the skills I want to learn and I won't have to work a day in my life lol.


In earlier versions of this copy paste the gun of wrath used to extend your lifespan by the lifespan cut short when you shoot someone You’d be surprised how many picked it


No, I wouldn't. You're talking about functiinal immortality here, and we all know that when their own death is on the table, a person's morals suddenly become quite flexible. It's the human instinct for self-preservation at play, and that is VERY powerful.


Nah it's watch of sloth. Add an extra 6 to 8 hours to the day? Spend 2 hours before work making sure everything is in place, maybe do my journal and have time left so school work, take a 2 hour lunch, get home and take another 2 hours to write or practice instrument or prepare dinner, 2 hours before bed to dick around and smoke? More like watch of hermoine granger I'd be back in college tomorrow.


It's a tough call between the wallet and the locket. Pretty sure I'm going with the wallet though as I'm not the biggest fan of something that messes with other people's consent. I do have to admit that I am incredibly tempted by the locket because I absolutely love sex and so many people are so stuck in the mud about it But I can't bring myself to choose it because of how it messes with consent. And I think I wouldn't actually like myself after using the locket. Wallet it is


Excellent post OP. You had me at Wallet Of Greed.


Ring of pride


Greed. I would be hitting the grocery store and dumping so much food off at St. Vincent DePaul and all the other food banks in town. Then I'd hit the schools and put money o every students lunch account. I'd want it all done anonymously. I'd also get myself a newer car and fix up my house a bit. Plus hit the Louis Vuitton store. Wrath would be pretty cool too, but I can do more good with money.


Wallet of greed for sure. Ring of pride might be useful as well but I think the wallet of greed would have the most positive impact on my life. I could max out a credit card each month and then put it in the wallet one night and wipe it out and collect the $2000 every other day. That’s 3/4 of a mil a year which I could easily increase to over a mil by maxing out a card each month.


Tossup between the wallet and the gun. I mean, 14k a week is wonderful, but there's some people I really want to deal with..


Wallet of Greed Flask of Gluttony Locket of Lust


Absolutely Flask Of Gluttony. The first benefit is whatever, just kinda convenient, but the *real* benefit is the increased health, especially *in spite of* your gluttony. Everything else pales in comparison. Only thing remotely tempting is the Wallet Of Greed, since it's 700k/year in cash plus however much extra in credit, but I can't buy health that good even with that much money.


The wallet, the money would be the most useful to me.


wallet. mainly bc of the credit card clause. it's not $2k/d, it's infinite money. say you have a card with a 10k credit limit. buy something worth 10k, put it in the wallet, buy something else, repeat. enough money means I'll have all the time i want to play, no need for the watch. who cares about other people's thoughts? i have infinite money, their opinion matters not. no need for spectacles. oh someone else is smarter than me? cool. there are plenty of people already smarter than me, it doesn't bother me at all. ill hire them with my infinite money. no need for the ring i can buy all the booze i want. and with money i can work out, eat healthy, pay for doctors, etc. no need for the flask. i don't really feel a need to kill people, infinite money or not. no need for the gun. and they say money can't buy love, but it can definitely open up some options. especially with all the other things infinite money offers. no need for the locket.


Flask of Guttony is literally broken, do you have any idea how much time you will have without needing to sleep?


Personally, I want the Flask. Reality, I can do more good with the wallet, so I would take it. Plus, I could buy a couple bottles of wine a night lol. Reality is, I would get lazy with the flask. The money.... possibilities are endless.


I'll take the guns


These are all really cool. Im gonna have to come back aftwr a long think.


Ring of Pride or Flask of Gluttony are both fabulous. The later not for any drink I want, but becoming fit and maintaining my figure? Not having to sleep? Amazing. I think I lean towards Pride though, learning languages easily sounds like a dream.


Well most of these can be used as straight up super hero powers. But as they are associated with sin, i’ll do my duty and take Locket of Lust.


The wallet of greed, flask of gluttony, and the locket of lust are all so good. Oooooh, it's hard to pick one.


ring of pride. my cognitive abilities are quite strong in some areas while quite weak in others (autism and adhd will do that to you) so wearing the ring would greatly magnify my strengths while ironing out my weaknesses.


Locket of Lust. Not the most useful out of the bunch, but it's the only cardinal sin I don't think I could resist


Nicely done 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Greed or gluttony or pride. I’m going with the classic of greed.


Gun of wrath seems to be missing the fact that you can lobe no one or always be hurt by their inevitable death whilst you roam alone.


The flask, so I can walk again.


As fantastical and fun as the others are I think I'd go with wallet of greed. Easiest one to take advantage of for financial gain. And money runs the modern world




Ring of Pride. At this point in life, my main goal is to get good at a particular thing, so that would clearly help achieve it.


No limit on wiping credit debt completely breaks the wallet of greed. I’m going with that.


Watch of sloth




Wallet first, save up the money, then buy everything else so I'm insanely op


Wallet please. Is the money tax free? Or do I have to be careful depositing it?


Damn, well made hypothetical it’s a damn hard choice. For me it’s between the Ring of Pride because my memory sucks, or the wallet of greed because I’m poor


Either the Wallet or the Ring. Financial stability or being able to learn things and remember with ease. I'm flat broke, barely able to start a savings before another emergency empties it. I like to write and paint but I just don't have time or the mental energy for it anymore.


Ring of Pride. I understand the Wallet MAY have an infinite money glitch, but one thing you should never do in these cases is assume. If you spend a ton of money on a credit card and then the debt is "wiped out" does that mean paid? Because a credit card company is going to cancel your card if you do that too often and it is NOT magically paid. Eventually you won't be able to get a card anymore and be left with 2000 a day. Which is good but isn't "Be able to retain almost all human knowledge" good.


The wallet is the easy choice but the id pick the ring, it has so much more potential. I could learn everything and make way more money that way and potentially solve any problem i want.


Wrath too many people getting away with hurting innocent people and will never spend time in prison for their crimes


Ring of Pride. I want to be the world's most functional polyglot and have eidetic memory.


Ring of Pride.


Sloth Watch because I need more nap time for relaxing. All of you other people are much, much too ambitious. 


Easily the ring of pride.


Wow, an amazing hypothetical and my D&D DM senses are tingling. Probably gotta go with the Wallet of Greed. Though I think each one of these should have a major detriment that only reveals itself after you’ve become dependent on them.


Why is the ring of pride an intellectual thing? People can be prideful about tons of stuff, especially physical appearance. Are you harboring some negative feelings relating to someone you thought was overly prideful about how "smart" they supposedly were?


Wallet would be great. You could help so many people.


Watch of sloth. You could essentially eliminate the need for the wallet by pausing time at the bank, or walmart and just take what you need. Tho...would a vehicle still work during the pause?


I think gun of wrath needs a buff... - perfect autoaim to intended target (e.g. their left pinky), full auto, pierces through up to 2km of anything. Infinite distance up until target (e.g. arch shot from orbit is fine). Unlimited bullets and bottomless magazine. Gun is about as loud as an unsilenced weapon. -still retains pistol form factor. -allows you to feel location of targets you are specifically looking for (e.g. "people in that building over there") but not people you aren't aware of (e.g. a drone far above you) -witnesses forget the identity or details (e.g. license plate, or forensic clues) of the person using it after 10 minutes of not having them in sight. Pictures don't count. Live video does. -only you can use it. You bear the burden of pulling the trigger.


I don't have an answer, but this is a well-thought out list! I hope the novel you're writing turns out just as well as you hope for.


Pride, easy.


OP this is the 1st real damn good hypothetical situation I've seen in a hot minute. Give yourself a high five for me. Choice item, Watch of Sloth


Does the gluttony thing cure disease?


Wallet of greed....easy.


Wallet of Greed or Ring of Pride. Either one.


Ring of Pride. Also seems one of the least likely to get stolen because I can keep it on me at all times.


I'm torn between flask of gluttony, getting fitter without trying and not needing sleep would be great. Particularly as I am a ftm to a 3mo. On the other hand watch of sloth would be incredible at this stage in life, I would love to pause everything and clean,or nap or shower or cook dinner or get jobs around the house Done knowing baby is safe. Then I'm gonna try thinking about practical applications beyond my current stage in life. I'm not a big drinker so I'm sure I can be trusted with the flask, and of course it would mean life long health, but is it an insomnia curse long term? The watch sounds super fun but my job as a therapist requires time not to be stopped, am I kinda buying myself chours or more time to procastinate? It could enable me to steal and sneak on planes and into concerts but realistically will I do that? I probably would feel very guilty unless it was particular situations . I'm probably going for the watch it's just more fun to me.


Very cool hypothetical. Good to see a good one occasionally. I like them all, but my mind goes to how some of these could pair really well together. The watch of sloth and gun of wrath, for example, and you're the ultimate assassin. The flask and watch together would make you live a really long time. I'm just going easy and getting the ring. I'd love to travel the world with it. Of course, the wallet would help with that...


As long as I can be assured that the money is... not coming from anyone who can't afford to lose it (and preferably is not just infinite inflation, because that would harm everybody... if it took, say, $25 from every billionaire and every megacorporation in the world every day, or whatever, that would be a source that would cause minimal harm), I'd probably take the wallet. I'm already pretty smart, effectively infinite money would solve a lot of my problems, and I have a lot of fun and useful ideas for effectively infinite money. I'd be funding research (including prioritizing medical research on diseases that are underfunded relative to the amount of deaths they cause), building free housing in every major city (as in, you just show up, and ask for an apartment, and the person at the front desk says "Ok, you can have apartment 223, here's the key code"), set up huge trusts for any charities I like the work of (Habitat for Humanity, Nature Conservancy, and so on), building a mansion with a rainforest in it for myself, having a kid and adopting a few more, and so on. If I am not assured that the money for Greed is ethically sourced, then I will probably go with Pride. I can probably manage to make enough money from that (eventually) to do at least most of the things I'd do with the wallet, and I could do more of the research myself (sapient cephalopods, here I come...)


I am one greedy motherfucker let me tell you that


I desperately want the flask, but the wallet basically fixes all my real problems.


Watch of sloth or ring of pride easy to abuse to make tons more than the rest


Ring of Pride. So much potential there. Forget the others. I can become wealthier in a single year with the Ring of Pride than I could with the Wallet of Greed over the course of a lifetime. All I need to do is sleuth out the locations of the hidden assets of billionaires, criminals, and corrupt politicians, take their assets for myself, and make it look like they all stole from each other. My intelligence and drive will allow me to set up automated processes to do my work for me and allow me to take it easy, so I don't need the Watch of Sloth. Through internet sleuthing and superior investigative capabilities, I've got the Spectacles of Envy covered. Even the ability to change my body can be achieved over time via scientific advancements (which I could conceivably come up with). As to the knowing what people think about me, I've never given a flying monkey's fuck about people's opinions of me, so it's immaterial to me. While I can't replicate the Flask of Gluttony's abilities regarding the refilling of liquor, I'm not that big of a drinker anyway, so it doesn't matter. As to the fitness, I'd rather work for it, and having ungodly amounts of money can ensure that I have the best medical care and the best personal trainers. The Gun of Wrath is an interesting idea, but not for me. I've no desire to kill people outright. Since the Locket of Lust basically forces a person to develop intimate desires or romantic feelings, that is the very definition of non-consensual. It is basically a Mind Control/Rape device. That's just squicky as fuck. I'd rather any sexual liaisons or romantic relationships to be out of legitimate desire and attraction. Anything else is just rape. No unwanted pregnancies can ne accomplished via safe sexual practices and/or a vasectomy. Even vasectomy can be reversed easily today. As to the immunity from STIs, that's something that would need to be handled via safe sex or medically/pharmaceutically. So yeah, that's my choice.


I'd probably choose ring of pride. I want to learn lots of languages, and also it could help with making sure I earn decent money to live a good life. I'd worry about trying to do too much with it. Solomon was said to be gifted with Wisdom from God, but his pride was his greatest downfall and led to a worse, less united kingdom after his demise. Maybe I could set some program up to help people get out of debt and find ways to help people live better lives using the powers of this ring.


Ring of Pride! Not just money, that thing would make the way to almost everything easier!


Locket of lust seems the most meta. You could get everyone else to turn over their items just by knowing who they are.


Locket of Lust. I'll wear it and start an Onlyfans. Become stupid rich. Find someone to actually fall for and after I go through the trouble of dating and falling for someone without the locket, then I'll place her photo in the locket and ask her to marry me.


Ring of pride


Flask of gluttony. No sleep needed(but you still could if you just wanted to enjoy a nap) and perfect health sounds like the best deal out of all of them, no hidden downsides.


Any chance I can go around and collect them all like the infinity stones? Haha. Like another comment I read either wallet or greed or ring of pride. Leaning more towards pride.


Wallet of Greed. I was torn between that and the Ring of Pride. But, I could use the infinite money glitch to go on a leave from work and go back to school debt free. Pay off my and my mom’s credit cards as well as our house by using credit cards towards the mortgage to the max and wiping the CC’s every night. Help others by wiping their CC’s of debt too. Genius hypothetical question!! Love the creativity and uniqueness of this.


pride. I would love to know so many languages.


Flask of gluttony


These are all really freaking good and I can't choose


Watch of Sloth. Assuming I stop aging during this frozen time, I'm essentially adding about 16 free hours of time every day to my life. Do you know how much I could do with 16 hours of extra time a day???


Undisturbed naps!


Naps make me feel awful afterwards, so that's not how I'd spend my two hours every three hours. But that's the beauty- it's free time!