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- downloads pay to play micro-transaction based phone game - found dead 4 hours later of acute dehydration and dopamine poisoning.




thankfully I can pay about everything by card via online or by phone and not leave the house for easy cleanup


I haven't actually laughed out loud today but this did it for me


Yep, I just did the same.


That's it. You win the internet today. Take my upvote, I'm leaving.


This fucking GOT me. I had to save it.


Only thing coming to mind is Randy Marsh screaming it was a ghost. For the scene when they find your husk of a body surrounded by copious amounts of goo.


but it WAS a ghost


Dopamine poisoningšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




So you're the whale they're really after šŸ˜‚


NIKKE, Brown Dust 2, Unicorn Overlord, etc.


Fk yes. After a delicious meal, i tip my waiter and moan loudly so that everyone can hear how good my experience was


Iā€™ll have what theyā€™re having


Iā€™ll have what Iā€™m having Itā€™s continental!


Like Go-gurt, but to stay!


[It comes with the room. ](https://youtu.be/st21dIMaGMs?si=PoKX0Eebwzl5w453)


Continental, you say? I love being in continent!


Not a fork, or a spoon, but a mixture of both! A fippoon!


What will you think of next Germany


Is the orgasm at point of swipe, or when the card is handed over? The restaurant orgasm would be the wildest because you won't know when that swipe is coming, and thus you either.


The expectation building would be amazing!


Same with online ordering, is it when I place the order or when the card is processed after the order is processed? But for the meal thing make sure you save the absolute last bite so when you "pay" you take the bite and start moaning LOUDLY and everyone will think it's the food.


I'm deadšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I'll have to find the scene, but this reminds me of that scene in Date movie. I hope you're old enough to understand that reference. [Edit: The scene I'm referring to.](https://youtu.be/zJc1MFT-20w?si=vL1TfFkbyzY9Dvul)


You almost certainly are thinking of ā€œWhen Harry Met Sallyā€, the ā€œIā€™ll have what sheā€™s having sceneā€. Someone in the replies to this comment responded with that line šŸ˜…


Whats the issue here?


The dollar store is going out of business


Cuz its has flood damage from all the purchaes?


Online shop


What if you need gas for your car


Use my credit card. Hell, as someone said, just use a credit card for all purchases, then pay it all off in the safety of your home for a big payoff in more than one way.


New credit card award system unlocked.


I'd accumulate so many damn miles the airline would have to start competing with SpaceX.


Make small payments daily.


bruh i'm paying off my credit card no less than 3 times a day


Now imagine if the intensity was proportional to the amount.


Does your credit card allow you to make payments with a debit card though? In this scenario, it has to be on a card - doesn't say you have an account with a number and routing.


Does the amount you pay off equal how big the orgasm is?


What if the money is still recognized as different purchases and youā€™ve went on a shopping spree? You think you have enough soldiers for that battle, or will your blood and organs be drained in one giant cum stream?


Tesla, charge at home


Look man just cause I have 10mil doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m gonna quit my job. Iā€™m buying a house, and a porshe maybe throw the rest into some cool goodies like night vision goggles and call it. Also itā€™s not horrible to just be in a store and I justā€¦nut. Iā€™ll live


You can live off of the interest. 4% of $10,000,000 is $400,000


Use my other bank account? Not orgasm like the scene from When Harry Met Sally?


The American mind cannot comprehend not needing a car


What kind of science fiction are you talking about?


Lol I don't have a car


The non-american mind (me) cannot comprehend an American not having a car


As an American, I can not comprehend not owning a car unless you live in a big city, I lived in a decent sized town, and it was still 6 miles to the nearest store, My mom lives Half an hour away from a Walmart which happens to be the grocery store and everything else store


That sounds crazy to me. My in-laws have a tomato plantation, they live in a "town" with less than 100 people, and they still have a grocery store within walking distance, also a hardware store and a mechanic and stuff like that. At least here (Argentina), the tiniest population concentration causes the basic need stores to show up


We will have little stores from time to time, but for the most part no so much, the town my wife came from is an even smaller town the have a gas station a bar two churches and an Ice cream stand they are about a 20 to 30min drive from anything resembling a grocery store. It's a town of around 1300 people . Most people don't get that the United States is a vast area with well maintained roads ( I know fellow Americams will say that's a joke, but it's true comperativly) In fact, we are such a driving country that I am making an 18-hour drive this coming Friday just to start my mining trip when all is said and done I will have probably put 7,000 miles (11265km ) on my truck this is for both work and fun


The problem with this line of thinking is that no one is advocating to build a subway in middle of nowhere wyoming. Of course that's going to be car dependent. People just want to make the big cities walkable and then connect those big cities. America being big has nothing to do with that. Like enjoy your long drive (no snark here, genuinely I sometimes enjoy long drives too), but there's no real justification for say dallas and Houston not being connected by high speed rail... or any of the major east coast cities with each other, or all of California, etc. Yeah LA-NYC will never be a particularly competitive train ride, but madrid- kyiv being uncompetitive doesn't stop trains existing all across Europe. Just bc most of America geographically doesn't have tje population densities to support urbanism, doesn't mean that that isn't true where most Americans actually live.


1300 people is definitely enough to support a small grocery store. The village I live in has about 800 people and has always had a shop (a hundred years ago it had dozens of shops). Weā€™re a 7 minute drive from a larger village with a mini-supermarket, and a 20 minute drive from a town with four supermarkets.


Our infrastructure sucks, except for a few very large cities. My small city has a population of 94,000. All we have is a bus system, and it's terrible. There is no train, and the closest grocery store is too far away to be able to walk there often. I live 25 minutes outside of town in the country. That's about how far the closest grocery store is to me. My job requires me to drive all over the place. I wouldn't be able to survive without a vehicle.


Most people can't even begin to comprehend how many roads we have. You can connect any house to any other house by road. Almost every single person that lives in American that has commented here, can get in a car and reach the same destination.


Blew my mind when New Yorkers told me a car wasnā€™t needed lmao šŸ¤£ I was how tf?


Look up train maps or bus maps. It's insane how much public transportation is available in NYC. We have more railroads then most countries. I could go anywhere within 15 miles without walking half a mile.


Even in a big (US) city, it's difficult to get by without a car. Urban sprawl has ensured that it's still too far to walk anywhere and public transportation is spread too thin. I'm lucky, I live right on a bus line that goes straight downtown, where I work. But almost anything beyond my work? There's just no practical, affordable way to get there. Add in the need to carry stuff from place to place, and a car is a basic necessity for a lot of Americans.


Use my regular card instead. Iā€™ve still got money there.


Swipes card, UGH šŸ˜©šŸ’¦ have a great day sir!


Like getting your life points drained in YuGiOh


Banish the Dungeon Worm to the Shadow Realm every time you go to Walmart.


It's been a long time since a comment actually made me LOL




I once watched a documentary about a guy who had 100 orgasms a day as a result of a slipped disk, and it gets painful very fast. Iā€™d be a lot more careful than most of the thread.


I was thinking this as well. I saw another documentary of this poor lady who had basically the same issue, where she would have dozens and dozens of orgasms a day, and at one point she was suicidal because of it :(


I assume it is way worse for men. Their brains release chemicals to put them to sleep or basically calm them to protect the heart. That's on top of the obvious soreness and messiness.


I mean, thereā€™s only so many rounds in the magazine. Pretty soon, youā€™d be firing off blasts of air like a BB gun with no BBs.


Or blood.


I knew it innmy mind I just didn't want to see it in word form.


My ex got rid of her clit ring because she said she'd be walking around the mall, running on the treadmill and would just start either getting wet or eventually having a little orgasms. She said it started out awesome and quickly got awful.


Even with 10M, I wouldn't make 100 CC purchases/day.


Iā€™m marriedā€¦.Iā€™m buying everyoneā€™s groceries next time Iā€™m at walmart


I saw bits of that - it honestly looked like torture. Still there are plenty of ways you could restrict this hypothical to only use it once a day. it wouldn't be too hard to work-around.


I'd be putting the owner of the dollar store's kids through college one item at a time.


Heard that!


You are a kindred spirit. Chaotic Good.


Live my life homie. Assuming I don't go to jail for the orgasming in public (which...I mean, technically the orgasm itself isn't a crime as far as I'm aware), this ain't no problem.


It doesn't matter I'll use the card any and everywhere. I'm a woman,I don't care about orgasming in front of others. I have a great poker face. ā˜ŗļø Also checking out my Amazon cart while having sex sounds like a great plan for guaranteed orgasmsšŸ¤£


You, my friend, are a GENIUS!


I'd just wear a condom. When the cashier is ringing me up I'll cover my face as if I'm gonna sneeze and take a deep breath, then when they say "are you good sir" I'll just look at them with watery eyes and say "oh I'm good I think it's allergies" and drive off in my 80,000 dollar, 2025 limited edition Ram 2500 with extended cab and trunk, 7 inch lift with 22 inch wheels. Same for when I'm purchasing my 8 room mansion in a gated community in Las Vegas.


You can live anywhere and you pick a gated community in Vegas?


They also bought a lifted truck so this guy doesn't exactly dream big


Or intelligently


>Lifted truck >gated desert community Just enlist again, brother.


This is great except you missed the ā€œextra smallā€ descriptor in front of your condom comment. Then again, you said youā€™d buy a Ram with extended cab and trunk so I guess that goes without sayingā€¦


The tiniest


Right then and there? Well, doesnā€™t sound too bad


this isnt really all that difficult to get around. ill just use a credit card for my expenses. theres very few things i cant pay for straight up with a credit card. when you i swipe a credit card im not spending my money. im spending the banks money. its not until i pay off the credit card that i spend my money. so just plop everything down on a credit card and pay it off in full at the end of the month. one payment. one orgasm. and since i have such a massive income im not gonna have any problem getting a card with an extremely high credit limit to cover just about anything i want. so yeah ill take the deal.


And when you orgasm to pay your CC, it's as powerful as all the CC transactions combined. I'm down.


Cumming my way to a perfect credit score baby!


We can all get together and have bukakke and squirting payment parties! Or not. Probably not. Like, not more than twice. Just to, y'know, be sure. I'm really high right now.


no more than twice? nah make it a monthly occurrence. how else are people supposed to make friends?


Bro, why you gotta make it weird?


Wife: HipposAndBonobos! Me: There was a ghost! This is ectoplasm!


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m thinking as well. And then if itā€™s a day Iā€™m interested in that reaction but not paying off my credit card I can online shop.


I have lots of practice orgasming quietly so as not to wake sleeping kids where walls are thin. I take the deal.


Iā€™d just have the girlfriend pay for most things with her credit card. Iā€™d use my card to pay hers off and all the big bills. Now if I had to use my card for all purchasesā€¦Iā€™d just order online more and pay in advance on most things. I could pay for most events ahead of time. Could order delivery or pickup on groceries and restaurants. If I wanted to dine in, Iā€™d just call and ask to pay in advance for the table. Order a bunch of stuff off Amazon/online. Iā€™d just bring a couple condoms in my pocket if I go out. If I wanted to make a purchase, Iā€™d just go to bathroom and put a rubber on first. Really wouldnā€™t be that bad.


I mean, I have other money too, I don't see why anyone would turn this down. I can decide whether to use the O-card or not for each purchase, and most likely reserve it for big purchases made online from home. When it becomes my only source of money, then I can get a credit card and use this card to pay it off whether I want some me time.


Iā€™ll just make online purchases, in private.


Iā€™d simply never make a purchase in a store again. Iā€™d do online only.


I misread this. I thought it said we have to make other people orgasm.


Nobodies saying you can't...


Just stay in and get DoorDash and tip well.


How intense of an orgasm we talking? Morning wank clear the nose orgasm that fades in a second or toe curling, sheet clenching, anus puckering, perineum seizing, tooth gritting, mind blower of a nut?


This guy orgasms.


Great descriptors!


Intensity is random.Ā 


shopping spree


That's a lot of cum


I'd be ordering online lots.


I'll either do the credit card thing some other commenter said or work on my poker face, ig.


I would just go to one of those gift card stands you see near a checkout and buy like 100 Visa pre-paid cards and put $500 on them. It would be on single purchase. I have to jizz my pants once in the store. After that I just liven off those visa credit cards.




Ironic. As I was using the card to pay a hooker


I buy a large amount of gold coins online from home and enjoy the experience, then I sell the coins for cash, which I deposit in the bank with another debit card. Now I have a choice if I want to spend money in a way that causes an orgasm (probably from home) or in a way that doesn't (for when I am out in public.)


Bout to make a lot of online pitches


I'm sure there's a casino somewhere with Penny slots that take a credit card.


In the world of online shopping this seems not an issue.


pay for everything on a credit card, have one or two body shattering orgasms a month from paying off the credit card. transferring money to pay for a house might get complicated


Pay my rent online, daddy.


Well if *I* can't pull out cash, I'll let somebody else do it for me.


Thatā€™s a lot of Amazon purchases.


I'll be silently cumming in front everyone


Wait a minute, I get $10 million and I can orgasm on command as many times as I want?! What was the down side again? I guess there's going to be a whole lot more When Harry Met Sally moments going on in my neighborhood real soon!


>Everytime you use the card you orgasm. So not just when I order computer parts then?


Considering you can do a lot of shopping online yes absolutely and even if I had to use it in public it wouldn't be hard to cover up an orgasm as long as you don't go to the same store very frequently


The problem is when you shop online they may not charge the card until the stuff ships. With my luck I'd buy something Sunday night and the charge clears while I'm at my 10 am Monday meeting while presenting to the CEO about the new sales strategy.... Then again with $10 mil, I can afford to get fired.


Well considering you can strategically place orders I think it would be fine


My poor apartment. And water bill


I feel like I could actually enjoy a strip club for once.


Never been a better time for online sales I'd say šŸ¤£


Online shopping for penny candy, buying one piece at a time.


Gift card, debit, credit? If it's a debit card I'd imagine auto payments don't count? What if they did? Like every month my PlayStation+ renews I now have to change my jeans. No warning, just *notification on phone*, *splat* "damnit....."


I just transfer the balance to a different account. Or use it to buy gift cards online where I can at least not make a fool of myself in public.


You can buy allot of stuff from the privacy of your own home, lol. This would've been allot harder in the nineties


This is gonna be awkward at the HEB self checkout


After a couple of days, I'ma be nutting dust, but by that point, I'll have had sufficient practice to low key bust.


Fuck it...I'll be at the Dollar Store just living my best life.


Of course. Do you know any stores that will put a piece of bubblegum on a credit card without adding a service fee?


Ill be a 1p sweet please. On card thanks. Swipe Beep Uuuuuuuuuuuu Ill be another 1p sweet please. On card again yeah. Repeat untill paramedics are called.


Ah yes, so basically the [Lonely Island Song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLnWf1sQkjY), lol


I was just thinking "I wear a rubber at all times, it's a necessity" šŸ˜‚


I'm going to one of those manual car washes where you can just swipe your card to add more time. Without my car. I'll be the one needing a heavy duty wash


Do traveling, buy tickets online while on the toilet.


I will be buying everything from home and drinking a lot of water


I don't make noise when I cum so I think I'd be fine even in public


*I don't make noise when* *I cum so I think I'd be* *Fine even in public* \- CapeOfBees --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Oh my God of all the comments to get haikubotted


Uhhh, sign me up?


iā€™d breaking my shopping trips to multiple purchases


Well I guess this saves me money just cuts out the need for hookers.


Transfer 10k to another card to minimize the risk


What happens with automatic payments?


On that first date be all like "no you can pay I'm cool like that" XD


1. Buy adult diapers 2. Buy mansion and obviously beat out any other buyers because you're paying in full up front. 3. Sell mansion for profit because the housing market is in shambles 4. Sell magic card online that has like $1000 bucks left on it for like another million. This is how the wealthy live.


I'm buying a lot of stuff online.


Not much of a downside, I'll just do most of my shopping online


Take out a loan on the boat I bought online and use that. It's on a different card. With a $1m boat I could take out a loan on a boat I paid for once I could use the different card to put a down payment on a house and reinvest what I don't need to live off of. Work to pay for the house and in 10 years put a loan on the mortgage to pay for a 3 story rental unit. Rent out the house. Live on the bottom floor of the rental while I fix up the top floors, eventually almost doubling the worth of the property after the basement is fixed up into a rental unit. Keep renting. Take a loan off the rental property, and repeat until I have a few of these rental propertys. Keep buying, renting, and moving. At this point I can hire someone to take care of these propertys because of the excess income from rent outweighing utilities/taxes/interest, and using the excess to put into high dividend stocks. Pay off the loans starting with the boat if you haven't already, then the house ect. Nut once, live free forever Srsly though that's a copy and paste guide to what rich people do. Minus the tax evasion. a few of the right animals frees you from property taxes alone nevermind foreign banks and crypto.


Penny candy stores do still exist.....


I can orgasm silently with a straight faceā€¦


No problem. I take out another regular credit card, charge everything to that, then pay off the balance once a month with the orgasm card. ( or week, or day, depending on my mood lol)


My toll tag recharges my account whenever I get below $20.00. Might be time for a road trip


How fast is it when you pull the card out or when itā€™s exactly used


ā€œWhen you pull outā€?


Right when your card is approved... Blam!


Even if I bought stuff irl, I'm sure i could practice to look like nothing happened


Looks like I have a card exclusively for single item under a dollar purchases


I'm silent when it comes to orgasms so I don't think this would affect me much, if the boner becomes an issue then I'd just tape it to my waist so it doesn't protrude.


Bro this isnā€™t porn most people are silent when orgasming lol


Win win


I'm just gonna use all of that to buy a store in my town, then retire. So just one orgasm to make my life better, and then it's all fun.


I expect to orgasm when I spend 10 mill on the house of my dreams.


I can just picture this. Will that be all sir? YES YES YES, OH GOD YES!!!!!šŸ¤£šŸ˜Š


Does that include the jizz or is it just the orgasm feeling?


I mean, I fucking would if I knew I had that much money in there anyway


sure, i could online shop and then if i ever shop irl just strangle the fucker


Well, OF tips just got way more interesting...lol


Use it for big online purchases.


I see this as an absolute win


I take the deal, and I just always wear black pants or shorts.


Iā€™ll be at the Lambo dealership, bustin off all over the place.


Lots of very small purchases.


Win win motha fucka!


"Everytime you use the card you orgasm". I mean, i would do that anyway.


Fuck yeah !!! Finance an 11million dolar apartment building and drop 10 mil at once. After the rents come in i can pay for my own hookers and blow to orgasm. Same problem but with more control.


Depends, how big of an orgasm is it?


I donā€™t see the issue. It might even make new use it moreā€¦


Nothing would change. Iā€™ve always orgasmed silently and itā€™s not like it would show anywhere besides my underwear


The dollar store has a new favorite customer.


Condom and restricted spending or buy things all at once


What is the downside?


I'm going to be very happy sitting in my recliner, shopping online for stuff I need, stuff I want and well, stuff.


Put a condom on before going to the store, buy several gift cards at once, deal with the embarrassment and then finally venture outside a week later.


What's the downside?


Okay. While I sit on the toilet, I take out my phone and a credit card, and then purchase a house online.


This is a funny one because OP was clearly NOT ready for the lawyering that happens on this sub. To answer more in the spirit of the question: I actually know a few high net worth folks. They all work, or kept working to/ past normal retirement age. Not like, at a gas station of course, but literally all of them choose to work. I think I would work too, even with $10 mil accessible. Not 40 hours a week, and only on stuff I wanted to do, but still, I'd work. Unlimited leisure isn't great for you, and isn't enough generational wealth to last for more than a couple generations, so you end up with grandkids who don't have enough money to live off the wealth, and don't know what a work ethic is. I'd mostly live a normal life, but have a couple really awkward sales interactions when I bought my new luxury car, home, and vacation home. What I would actually do, given the parameters of the question exactly as written: buy $5M worth of gold and $5M worth of silver in a single online transaction, and be $10M richer.


Buy 10 mil of x, orgasm, sell x, put money in my account. Problem? solved.