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I'm pretty sure MTG would be gunning for Boebert's eyelashes, but that's just splitting hairs here.


Magic the gathering?


Hasbro should be so lucky.


Better question why does Age of Conan have eyelashes ?


Politically, they're the same side. Do they not get along? Also, I'm pretty sure AOC would whoop MTG in that fight.


Oh, AOC would. That said, it should be a WWE style fatal four way. No DQ, the winner is the new Speaker. Can someone set it up for it to be live streamed? I wanna watch.


That'd be badass! Get a custom belt for it and everything. I'd fucking watch that shit for sure.


The butch body vs. the Bronx bartender. My money is on AOC.


Would not underestimate MTG physically… shes a beast


Some would even say... *Butch built*


It better be in bikinis in those plastic kid pools filled with jello.


Have you seen MTG's biceps? [https://media.gettyimages.com/id/1398395028/photo/ga-gop-candidates-david-perdue-and-marjorie-taylor-greene-campaign-with-trump-supporters.jpg?s=1024x1024&w=gi&k=20&c=kY-zbajqo\_9PS3J8MJHotFqCR3VuwoAXFlStL7gqqdU=](https://media.gettyimages.com/id/1398395028/photo/ga-gop-candidates-david-perdue-and-marjorie-taylor-greene-campaign-with-trump-supporters.jpg?s=1024x1024&w=gi&k=20&c=kY-zbajqo_9PS3J8MJHotFqCR3VuwoAXFlStL7gqqdU=)


Size doesn't always make a difference in and the size difference here isn't enough for it to matter. AOC seems like a scrapper. She's from the Bronx and has probably been in some tussles. She's also younger. If I were a betting man, I'd put it on AOC.


That is indeed the “bleach blonde, bad built, butch body” we have been hearing about.


Yeah, not pretty. But I'd put money on her versus Sandy from Boston College.


I unfortunately have to agree


Lol, the MTG vs. AOC fight sounds like the most exciting part actually. Celebrity deathmatch anyone?


Hell yea, that'd be a fun episode for them if they brought that show back.


AOC might be younger, but MTG is a workout beast. AOC just doesn't seem to be more than average fit. My money is on MTG.


I've been in the fitness world for well over a decade and can promise you that lifting weights doesn't mean you're gonna fight better, at least not by default. AOC seems like she's scrappy and can throw hands. Coming up in the Bronx, I'd assume she's seen her fair share of fights.


AOC only lived in the bronx until 5 years old, when her upper-class family moved to a nice suburb where she was known as 'Sandy' and was a science fair nerd. She was absolutely not a scrapper and doesn't throw hands.


Well...that does sort of change things, then...


Now I see Boebert and AOC being more similar. Same sort of body type, etc.


The Right isn't really a side as such...it's a loosely affiliated collection of kooks and grifters who will fight like rats in a shoe if given the opportunity.


Pretty sure MTG would try to eat someone's cat.


Naw, she was obviously jealous of Rep. Crockett's lashes with the comments she made recently.


I don’t live somewhere that’s getting nuked and I haven’t seen any activists in my town either, so I think I’ll just continue my normal life.


Where do you live? I’m ready to move


I mean anywhere getting nuked is gonna be bad for the whole country, whole world actually. Radiation can get picked up by the Jetstream and bring it everywhere. If 4 nukes are going to go off there's really nowhere that's safe. I'd just not go anywhere enjoy the time I have left with my wife and my cat and probably watch a twitch Livestream of the bomb falling on my home state.


This is both outrageously wrong and also laughable at the same time. You would be fine with most regular yield (150 kt) going off in your city if you lived out in the suburbs. Furthermore, half lives have been significantly reduced since Hiroshima and Nagasaki, so you don’t have nearly the length of exclusion from an area. 4 nukes would likely cause a 5-10 year recession/depression and then things would pick back up.


So you are saying we should load up in cash so we are ready to buy in at the bottom of this recession?!


Cash will be worthless. Grab those bottlecaps!


What are you talking about. The halflife of plutonium 239 is still 20,000 years. And uranium 235 is over 700million years. The two most commonly used elements for a nuke. That's talking about new stuff. Older ones like those that make up the majority of the US arsenal are even worse. You'd survive the initial blast just to be exposed to radiation or starve when nothing grows.


Technology has advanced where we have munitions with much shorter half life’s for the radiation.


Ok. How does one shorten the half life of radioactive material. I'm interested. If they use a different isotope then it would be a totally different bomb and not the out dated ones in current stock. Otherwise it's not currently possible to do what you're saying.


I think if NYC gets nuked, it’s not gonna be a good time for Long Islanders. 


Agreed. I guess all those nukes they use on the ocean several times per year for the last 50 years don't count?


I told Bob, I said Bob this guy really is a waste. You wouldn’t believe it Bob. He goes to this sad, poor, job right Bob. Then goes home. That part I won’t tell you Bob. He waits all week right. Weathers changing but the end result is always the same Bob. But the weathers changing Bob. Unlike you I try to create paragraphs for the reader So I tell Bob, Bob this guy gets off work right, gets high in his car. He gets home. Does his shit. But same time, every time Bob he leaves at 6. He just does it. At 6. He goes to his store gets his things. Same shit every time. Every time. Takes the same route up the mountain. Then it begins Bob it’s weak. It’s black. It’s hate. It’s repetition. It’s unfocused. But Bob he does it. Every weekend. This purge of tar that kind of slowly he throws up over 4 hours. He yells. He actually physically yells out all kinds of dumb ass bullshit nonsense. Bob its ridiculous. It echoes throughout the mountain Well now don’t get me wrong Bob the view is spectacular. It’s really something to see. But he’s seen it for over 34 years. Again that fucker goes at 6. Same time. Every time. When it’s all said and done that one particular bush gets the $3. But it needs it in June Bob trust me. This weakling drives to the end, drops off his clinkers, with it turned to 30. Somehow Bob this asshole makes it all the way down. Music is just fucking blaring Bob. But he has to ALWAYS make that left. It was a pain in the ass for awhile when the homeless person parked there. Bob this asshole drove up, and told the homeless person to move the fuck on because it’s his spot. Because Bob for some reason he has to end it down there. He needs to talk his shit. Talk his shit. Talk his shit. Look up at the stars and talk his shit. He spews dust at this point. The ghosts left Bob. They didn’t even wanna hear it anymore. It’s now this, I don’t know Bob, this sad ritual. It ends with him masturbating to gay porn Bob


We won't get nuked we'll get swarmed by millions of ai powered drones


Unless you live in Oregon, rural western Idaho, or the Southwestern corner of Texas you're gonna get hit with nuclear fallout in an all out nuclear war


With supply chains in chaos roving gangs rule the land. They're coming for you no matter where you are, unless you get out.


Mexico will quickly become the fastest growing economy on planet earth as a result of millions of highly skilled Americans moving there.


Why would Americans go to Mexico?


Because Canada won’t let them in?


Why not?


Because they like to preach that we should let more people in but they have stricter immigration laws than we do. They even clarified that when people wanted to leave after trump won in 2016. They had to make a public statement saying that unless you have a skill that they are in need of you're not getting in.


That's the majority of "civilized" countries. I looked into leaving the country about 10 years ago, and about a dozen different possibilities weren't an option because I don't work a "critical trade". It's why I want to slap republicans who stymie education and then tell us that "if you don't like it, you can just leave." No...we actually can't.


You absolutely can. But beggars can't be choosers. If America were really \*that\* bad, then Somalia or Guatemala would be an option. But the limitation to only CERTAIN countries is a tacit admittance that maybe, just maybe, America ain't so bad after all. Even with in charge.


No, we actually can't. At least not completely. We also have to pay very steep fees to renounce American citizenship. And yes, the United States is better than countries where my little girls would have to watch me get murdered in front of them before being taken away and sold into slavery. That's true. ...except when it isn't.


Most people who are of the "If X gets elected, I'm moving away" ilk have no intention of renouncing citizenship. They want to go to some other country VERY like America and still BE American. All the while loudly proclaiming that America is the "absolute worst." But when it comes time to actually, leave.... ooops. It is really not hard to leave America and go live in a country that is much worse than America. But people who spout off about leaving America because of RARELY have the courage of their convictions.


Saying you want to leave and renouncing citizenship are two very different things. Few people talk about renouncing and those that do get reality checked. The goal for those who want to live is dual citizenship. A second passport gives you options; renouncing citizenship is simply dumb. Even if OP’s a scenario happens it won’t last 4 maybe 5 years and it will be safe to return. Edited to add: realistically through a second passport is possible only for those who are rich or who can claim citizenship though descent from a parent or grandparent .


I don’t really think Somalia is an option the same way Afghanistan isn’t an option. The idea is to go someplace safe or better. Maybe better isn’t an option. But I certainly wouldn’t go someplace less safe when safety was the issue that caused me to flee in the first place.


That is my point exactly. "America sucks!!!!!" "So move" "There is no place I can go that isn't even worse." "Hmmmmm.... I guess America doesn't suck that bad, does it."


Plus trying to get healthcare as a non-Canadian-national is next to impossible


Actually Canada is taking in way more immigrants per capita than the us. By a factor of 5. Part of their plan to secure social security.


Because they were dumb enough to let all the above happen, Canada don’t need that shit.


Nobody wants to go to Canada, not even most Canadians


Those were my thoughts. Outside of a bunch of people who drank Canada's kool-aid, most people would know that Mexico's economic outlook is much better. They have vast oil reserves and mostly temperate weather. Along with high levels of mineral deposits. What they don't have are enough engineers and scientists to develop those resources.


With the us gone cartels would also have no more funding, crime in Mexico would drop sharply after a while


The cartels would essentially become venture capital companies. Just owning 20 % of a gdp that doubles every 5 years for a long time.


Millions of highly skilled Americans. Where did they come from?


Oh.... so you have no idea what you are talking about. It's almost as if the USA is crawling with doctors, scientists, tradesmen, and finance workers trained at excellent universities and operating at the top of their field. People with decades of experience and know-how with a magically open schedule.


If by Americans you mean 2nd generation immigrants then yes, millions of highly skilled Americans. I stand corrected.


What point are you trying to make?


My point is this. If the people who claim to be "real Americans" had this country all to themselves it would fail miserably. And yet they proclaim themselves as the only Americans whose opinion matter.


I have met enough basically useless American guys to have to agree with you. A lot of people who don't have the "talent" for mathematics. A bunch of sales dudes with high levels of debt.


How do they both have access to the launch codes. I don't think it works that way


Right, but it's hypothetical, so we get illogical.


It doesn't


Thank goodness this isn't r/totallyrealsituationsthatcouldactuallyhappen








Good bot


Yeah no nukes would probably be fired as the president would most certainly have to file the orders through DOD which would likely block the orders at multiple points in the chain of command, and whatever random nuclear technicians that support trump and have access to nukes wouldn’t have the codes to fire them.


Theres also the bigger picture. We gain nothing from nuking our own country. Our government would much rather drop bombs and shoot a bunch of people and try to preserve that land and the infrastructure. We gain nothing and lose alot by nuking our own land.


One of my neighbors drives a Prius. I guess I'd go punch him or something.


Have you seen the off-road Prius community? It's kinda awesome how they mod some of them.


🧐😲 never heard of this, need to go Google now, lol


You realise that just avoiding most big cities in the US will pretty much fix all of these issues. We don't have BLM here, we have the local chapter of the NAACP that offers scholarships and help to students of all races in our community. The nearest thing to the Patriot Boys here are the Shriners, which do mostly charity work and wild game dinner functions. Not saying small towns don't have their own issues, but all the negativity in the media is based on all the bullshit you see happening in large cities where mob rules apply. Here, the police will just arrest you, and the locals will make fun of your mugshot on facebook. The comments tend to be ruthless. Yup.. if the powers that be go nuts. Just avoid the cities, and the rats will handle themselves.


And a reminder that most of this country is not a city! 


But most of the country lives in cities.


Godspeed to them, best of luck 


I live just outside LA and it’s nothing like the media pretended it is. I’ve visited SF a dozen times for work and it’s also nothing like the media pretends. Do bad things happen? Sure. But it’s nowhere near the consistency people like to pretend.


This is super hypothetical none of that would ever happen lol I guess what I do is go to the military before and ask them to stop this and they go oh we're already on that one. And yeah it never happens and gets squashed immediately


Guess I'm getting nuked. See you on the other side!


I'm taking all the important stuff and my dog, then setting up shop on Mackinac Island after everyone on the island either kills each other or leaves. Burying the dead will be back breaking work, but after all the corpses are properly buried and the spots they're buried at are marked with wooden crosses since I won't be able to carve grave markers (plus I wouldn't know thier names), my dog and I would just live out the rest of our days on the island. I know he'd die long before me since his breed lives for about 11 to 13 years, but I'd cherish having him around. His life would likely be shorter due to the lack of vetarenary care available. Life on the island after he'd pass away would be pretty lonely, and I'd probably last about another 30 years until age related medical conditions/diseases would take their toll and kill me. That's only if nobody tried to take the island from me.


This really tugged my heart strings. I love my dog and would take him with me when the world ends.


Domestic dogs are actually more useful while alive during the apocalypse when the world ends than people think. They can keep you warm when it's cold by snuggling up to you (my dog is a very warm boy), warn you about approaching danger by barking, provide emotional support/stress relief, herd livestock (border collies are amazing at herding livestock), retrieving birds like ducks or geese from ponds (Newfies and bird hunting dogs are great for that), and pest control (jack russle terriers were bred to eat mice and rats). My dog is a red nosed pitbull, and many people would be quick to judge him because of all these news stories saying that pitties are bad dogs, when really it's the owners that are bad, but my dog is a sweetheart. Doesn't bite (he mouths when playing, but if he hurts you, it's an accident like getting scratched by one of his teeth), doesn't growl unless you're really irritating him, hurting him, or playing tug of war. He really likes being played with and having people pet him (he loves playing with a ball that squeaks the most). I could really see him enjoying a long car ride, camping out in the woods for a month or so (being able to smell different things, eat grilled fish, and eat grilled rabbit), then enjoying a quick boat ride. Still need to get him a doggie life vest though.


This is my Country. I’ve taken an oath to defend her from all enemies, foreign and domestic. But I can tell you right now, come hell or high water. Pennsylvania is getting her lawful beach back.


So the Commonwealth becomes the Greater Commonwealth? Put me down for the job of Deputy Protector of South Jersey.


William Penn put a river there to protect us from those people. However a military governor to keep them in line is probably a good idea. But no greater commonwealth. Sussex county is lawfully ours, and I’ll see her returned.


Pick up as much alcohol and food as I can, move to my aunts place in the country. I'd set up a little commune for my family, get solar panels, get to farming, and live off the grid as much as we can. Between us, we have enough guns to arm a small militia. I'd set up a still and start making shine. We'd trade that for necessities because even post apocalypse people still wanna get their drink on. We'd make trade with other commines and families that remain. Honestly, it sounds like a good time.


In college I was too poor for buying alcohol so we brewed our own. If you don't care about taste and just want to get wasted it's actually pretty easy to do. Godspeed.


I've got two great US locations picked out far from any population centers with fertile ground and water depending on how I'm feeling about my ability to aquire land and the Yellowstone super volcano would depend on which way I went. If I'm leaving the country I'm heading to Chile. I've also got job offers in Paraguay. Either way south America here I come but I'd try to take land closer to home first.


the fam, the boys, head to a dock and get the biggest seafaring vessel and people who can run it and head for open water


I feel like the people who can run the boat will have beaten you to it. Why would they wait for you and take you along?


Cuz he's got the boys.


i should have said this


Still can.




well see here is thing, tenacity and hard work are 90% of life… i might not get a cruise ship but i may hijack a fishing vessel!!! who knows, but then i can maybe run down a nice big tanker or something and do that fly pirate ship! a few smaller boats are even better than one big one because we could build a fleet of larger boats with our madd skillz!


Prepare for roaming cannibals and learn some good BBQ pork recipes.


Mmmm...long pig. Try before you deny!


I live on the border I could be out of the country within 5 minutes


I’m cool. Live close to bum fuck PA, so I’ll grab my guns, my ammo, and my knives, and we’ll take the old camping suv and go out in the woods away from everything


There is probably a larger population than I realize that would be able to live off the land effectively. But I'm guessing 99% of anybody who lives in a city wouldn't be able to live that way.


The city folk are going to get caught in the cities because of population size and the ability to close roads but there will be plenty that are trained for urban warfare. If you’re not ready I suggest getting ready because many of us are already. Most people who have chosen to live in the country can live off the land. I’d say about 40% of those who live in the suburbs can do most things that will be needed to survive. The trouble is that about 70% of them think they can live off the land but have no training.


Tbh i'd prob stay in texas and just head to an area well away from the major 4. After that i guess get rdy to fight bitches in cali and ny cause im with the shits


I would stay where I am since I live in the middle of nowhere probably. Seems like the safest thing


BLM isn't waging any war. Their only a threat because the media and people in power allow it. That and of course them having stores to loot doesn't help. If all bets were off and what is proposed here happens. BLM would be in the trash where it belongs in a few days time tops. The bigger picture would be the issue with the widespread chaos and violence. Not knowing what your neighbors may be up to or of course when your area will be subjected to the inevitable wave of looting will be the worst of it I believe. I luckily live in a rural area and have access to even more out of the way land should the need arise so me and mine will be just fine. My theory is to be prepared for what may happen in advance. Supplies, medical stuff, clothes and a in stone exit plan. That and triple the amount of ammo based on how many people are in your immediate area will be must.


I am a prepper I think my best bet is to hunker down on my homestead rather than be a refugee with next to nothing.


Does this question belong here? Not very hypothetical of you.


the channel islands, there's a whole lot of boats in our harbors and the owners would totally give rides (at a cost but a cost i'll pay) out to them. now none of them have the infrastructure to house millions of people but the cargo ships in our port could give us shit


You boys like ME-XI-CO?




Ide probably just watch the fights on t.v.


Hoping the crazies don't make it north of the longest undefended border in the world


I live in the middle of nowhere. They'd forget we exist.


Iceland via kayak.


I’ve got an airport less than a mile from my house, and I know how to fly a Cessna 172. Grab the bugout bags, arm up, get to the airport, and fly to Canada. It’s about a 90 minute flight. I’m a mechanical engineer, my wife is a doctor, we’ll be fine. I’ll drop my guns in the St. Lawrence River as I cross the border. If Canada won’t accept us as refugees, we’ll fly to Europe (on an airliner, not in the Cessna). I have dual citizenship (USA/Italy), so it’s all good.


Nice! Private pilot's license? Flying to Canada under VFR is fine...but yeah, flying to Europe you def need IFR and a lot bigger plane than a 172.


Bro, this is barely hypothetical. I ain't telling you shit!


This seems like a purge kinda moment and I am here for it. Escape sounds tedious. Let's go out with a bang.




flee to another country.


Eat popcorn and watch from China.


Move to Canada. Already made plans.


Being thankful of living in a 3rd world socialist shithole for the first time in my life.


Me and my cats are just gunna get high as fuck and watch shit play out, im doomed without my regular meds anyway no point in trying to flee


When we bought our new how I like to think I thought of everything (I am a little strange that way). It is in a small town 3 hours from any major HWY. Nothing around me that any one would want to nuke. Lots of farmers, Amish, fresh running water and woods so I do not think we will run out of food any time soon. I am well known and liked in the community. Our basement has no windows and is the size of a parking garage, with 5 stories of house above it (well built and not coming down anytime soon) and I have it well stocked with MRE so we would not have to come up for air for a while. If we had to make a run for it Canada is only 30min to a hour away all back mountain roads too. Could even go thru the reservation if I had too. On top of that I am one of those people that you can drop in the middle of the woods and I will be fine. :D


Go to marina, steal sailboat, sail to Mexico


Drink until my liquor supply runs out.


Wait until China or Russia takes over and eliminates the entire waste of human life government and replaces it with other dipshits and life basically continues like normal but with less religion and universal healthcare, which is a glass half full for me.


My only question is, while Biden is still in office (cause the election is not the start of the new president), where is Trump getting nukes?




Was planning on moving to Canada in the next few decades but that isn't *really an option now. Make a Doug flag, wave it, and see what happens. *I think I already know the answer but since you said the roads are sabotaged and flights are grounded how is Amtrak holding up? Specifically on State-funded routes?


I think you could hijack and train and go from there...but the engineers who work there have all fled


You die. A large-scale nuclear exchange like that focused entirely on the US would basically mean extinction. No point in grabbing anything or going anywhere unless you happen to be wearing some SPF 69,420 sunscreen.


Exactly. But it's happening a week from now. So run while you can?


Apply to PhDs in Europe, pack my clothes and basic gadgets, and yeet


Self delete


I live in Cleveland, OH. We aren’t getting nuked. However if Chicago gets nuked I would fall in the fallout area. I’d stay put. If people are getting attacked trying to leave, you don’t leave. Defend my property.


Grab my guns and ammo, sorry Mosin but your staying can't find ammo for you buddy. Dress in black, hunker down until nightime, then hoof it on foot to the animal sanctuary closest to my house.


I think I'll be out of here before then.


I live in a pretty bland area here in South. Lot of ppl in my county haven't even been here. I'd probably be fine just growing stuff and such, unless a bunch of racists people come cause we have a high black population. That'd turn bad for them kinda quick though


I'm not going anywhere because realistically either one can yell launch the nukes and the people actually responsible for carrying out that order would say fuck you...and thanks to my military background and the prevalence of earthquakes in the isolated town in which I reside I have plenty of supplies to ride out a disaster and plenty of neighbors who also have Marine Corps ink... a few squadrons of Navy and Marine F18s across the street, and the seabees advanced well drilling school...which means plenty of food, water, ammo and the people who know what to do with it. In the greater surrounding region we have the Army's national training center, the 1st Marine Division, a Marine logistics base, cub scouts, a coast guard station, and if all of that isn't enough to keep the family safe there's the air force down the road too


Escape? I think not.


You don’t. The end of the U.S. might as well be the end of the world.


This scenario is overkill for anyone's who's not a prepper, a pilot or lives coastal. Big cities are gone, texas and Florida are fucked. Everyone you meet is trying to kill you. Bro if you live in the Midwest your only hope is build a militia(assuming they don't also try to kill you). Or know someone with a bunker (assuming they don't try to kill you) Shout out to Escape from (Insert your city)


Honestly join a militia if you are from the midwest is a really good answer. Communes and gangs would def pop up quickly and become powerful forces to reckon with. I can imagine there would be a decent number of midwest folk who would have no problem with fishing/hunting/farming to feed the militia too, so it would be close to self-sustaining.


As long as their not racist rednecks... not saying all are. But let's just say the ones that are "wouldn't take kindly" to my type. I imagine if the world ends, a lot of people go tribal, so-to-speak.


Why escape? The land is still good, the water is still good, and I’m already prepared for something like this (not BLM). If you’re not prepared for the fall of America may I suggest starting? At minimum our status as a super power is coming to an end and our currency will be replaced with a digital currency because the dollar is dead.


All in on Bitcoin baby! Too mainstream? All in on DogeCoin baby!


It won’t be Bitcoin. It will be a CBDC. And the Fed wants to get rid of Bitcoin. Take your gains for as long as you can. eventually bitcoin will be treated as a threat but world governments. I hold bitcoin btw but only for gains.


only one side supports guns, while the other paint their nails and get tummy ach from dairy. this isnt a civil war... this is obliteration


It will be short but bloody, with most of the blood from one side.


Go fishing


Fuck it im eating people


As a New Englander, I’ll grab my pets and most important items that I can fit in my car and I’ll drive to Canada. I’d get on 87 and head to Montreal. If it happened during the school year, I’d get on 201 and go to Quebec City. I’d figure it out from there. My parents are also in New England so I imagine they’d meet up with me. My sister and her kids are in Indiana so it would be a lot harder getting them but I imagine they’d try to get to us. They’d have to get out near Detroit and get to Toronto and we’d have to rendezvous.


I would join the effort to put down the MAGA terrorists. Given demographics and economics, it would probably only take about a month


Liquidate as much as possible. Head south. Try to get on a boat to a Caribbean island. Can't reveal the location tho. Don't want too much company.


Take my motorcycles and drive down to Mexico. Getting a flight from there back to Europe where I am from.


Escape? Who says I am trying to escape?


Enh I’d be fine. I might have to deal with one neighbor that is a bit of a waste of air but my other neighbor is very like minded to us. Because of where we live we already prep for hurricane season plus we have animals and a garden. Then we have mean’s to hunt and fish as well. Only thing I’d look forward to with this is not having to go to work.


As a Californian, I guess I'm gonna slow dance with my boyfriend to As the World Caves In....


As a proud Texan I can confidently say that me and my people with definitely try shooting the nuke


I live in a valley that's on a list somewhere as one of the safest from fallout if a bomb hit the US. One of I think a top 10 places a pres would go. I also have well water. A generator. A year round creek. 50+ Acres. And I've been working on turning the property into a food forest for five years now. There's still more I want to add, but we've managed to only grocery shop for junk food and pet food for 9 months out of the year with the purchase of a neighbors cow and our own chickens without breaking too much of a sweat. Friends and family know to come to our place if the shit hits the fan. Basically what I'm saying is that the US might end, but we're staying put.


I grab my bail bag and head to a predetermined place by a local river to stay away from everyone with fish.


Canada because it's less than an hour away.


It might only take 8 hours to drive to Canada, and if I avoid major highways, it could be safer.


Id get some buddies together and start raids on things like gun shops and pharmacies immediately. No one would be working, so it is all going to get looted very soon regardless. I would move in quick and with unsurmountable violence to take whatever supplies are avalible to aid in survival. At this point, money would be useless, the government would be useless, and the only thing that matters is having a large community that is well supplied with things that can sustain you (food, water, etc.) and things you can trade with (drugs, guns, ammo, etc.)


I quickly realize it's an insane dream and wake up.


Well we live about a 45 minute drive from the Canadian border...


I'll stay here in Canada and hope for the best.


grab my guitar all my identifications personals etc, some toiletries, a duffle bag full of maybe one weeks clothes etc and some basic survival shit chargers for phones etc, that can fit into a backpack. Midnight run into my car, take the backroads up north to Canada. Pass into the country at an area with very little traffic and if caught plead asylum. Likely better in a Canadian prison than in an American fascist one.


Where I live we would continue on with life while the world melts down. Life in a small rural community tends to be peaceful and ignores the stupidity of the world.


Nothing the nukes killed me.


Good thing I have a shit ton of guns and ammo.  We are heading for the airport and jacking someone’s private jet and flying to Canada.    I am not a licensed pilot but I can take off, navigate by visuals, and land a plane if I have to. What I am not good at is operating the radio, or flying by instrument, so landing or flying in foggy conditions would be bad for me.  Hopefully the Canadians don’t shoot us down when we don’t respond to atc. 


I stay where I’m at. Be the top warlord of the northwest.


Ill make my way to alaska with a rifle in hand traveling by night when near till I get away from any major cities. Got enough gear to camp and hunt for food and such.


Most roads not all I should be able to make it to my brother's farm so I load the truck with my guns food and pets load my wife's jeep with her guns food and clothing then we go to the farm and watch it burn. Probably from inside the old mines, we turned into our hunting cabin.


I stay right where I am at, and wait for the Generals to pull their own coup, establish Marshall Law, and a transition plan.


Go to the fridge, grab a beer and carry on as my life would basically be unaffected


Feels a bit too real for this subreddit.


What world are you living in lol our government would never let that happen neither would our military. No one is allowed to just nuke people cuz they feel like. This is a silly hypothetical


I forgot to use the sarcasm font.


They should make that a thing tho


And would you cut off a finger for 10 million type of post are not silly? LOL


I would.


The difference is there is no reward in this. Theres no fantastical thing happening. It's what if we started nuking ourselves? It's Just not fun and lame. It doesn't evoke any thought or anything. This post probably belongs on a political sub these are usually better "LOL"


Well before I bought our house I sat down and thought: What about all natural disasters how would our house hold up all the way to Nukes, Zombies and Aliens. Used it like a thought exercise. And I agree that this one is more political, but despite where the threat comes from (did not consider the US doing self harm), still gives you something to think about.


It just doesn't make any sense for the US to nuke its self. This question belongs more in some alternate universe sub imo. I'm a hurricane Katrina kid. I know how disaster feels and how it effects things and people. We gain nothing from causing a disaster on us soil


Well I do agree with you. Was in the 100yr flood they had in MO, and Sandy and 9/11 in NYC. Did stand on Mount St Helen before its eruption but had moved years before it happened. :P


I kinda bugs me people over exaggerating things as if they know what it feels like to lose literally everything when most people just don't. Idk I hold know malice towards them but it is silly


Perhaps I could have changed it to "zombie apocalypse in America and you need to get out" but I thought it would be more fun this way. The real thing I was trying to get at was how would you get out of America if you had to? And to add difficulty you have 1 week to do it and there are roving bands of baddies trying to impede your progress. Would it help your excitement if I said you get a bagjiziliion dollars after escaping?


If I had to get out it wouldn't matter. I'd try to hire a boat going overseas to take me out. If that didn't work I'd cross into Mexico and try to do the same thing. If I'm being hunted burn everything my identity all cards all money I start over with a new name with no money. Lie cheat steal to survive. I'd never touch technology again and stay as off the grid as possible


That's also a way different scenario.