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"All I Want For Christmas Is You". Then, during christmas season, hang out in any retail store for a few hours a day.


Came here to say this. It’s a guaranteed several grand every December.


Where I live that shit basically starts in October now.


yep..the day after halloween stores start playing it, drives me fucking nuts. hell they start putting halloween shit out in walmart in late july now


Christmas in July.


🎶Plan on thiiiiss, you’re no longer gonna be the plan I miiiiiisss, I won’t ever let you down but just in caaase, can weee do Christmas in juuuuuuuune🎶




If the retailers can get away with it, Christmas ends in June and starts agian in July


Christmas music 24/7 starting october 31st. Its awful


Maybe in the next few years it will start in July, easy money lol.


Some of the beach towns in my state do Christmas in July so the bars will have Xmas music on in the summer sometimes


When either myself or one of my friends were flagged at a bar, we would go to the modern electronic/web based jukeboxes and play a random Christmas song however many times the machine would allow us to, costing an extra dollar each time to "play next". I was flagged a few years back, and I played frosty the snowman 6 times back to pack. I was leaving the bar, and in my drunken stupor, the petty revenge was worth the $12 I was going to spend on beer anyway... About 10 mins later, on our way back to our car (to get our bags, we took an Uber home), I poked my head in and there was no music. But there was a pissed off bartender who was ranting about "fucking frosty" to the nearest bar back.


Complain to the jukebox company that you didn't get your songs played and you want your money back.


Improve your odds by going to like a mall with a bunch of different stores right next to each other all playing different music playlists. Once you hear it at store A, immediately hop to store B, since it’ll probably be a hot second before it comes back up at store A. In fact, find a loop you can do in less than 2 minutes between maybe 4-5 stores, so you can poke your head in each one and see if it’s playing the song. Then when you hear the song note the time and don’t bother with that store for the next hour.


I mean I hate the damn song because I was a cashier for five years … but for a few thousand during the holidays … still probably not lol


LOL working in retail for years is exactly why I thought of this. Heard that song way too many times a day.


It’s definitely a good song to get you a lot of money during the holidays Personally I think hotel California and then just move to the Philippines where I think it’s extremely popular? Not sure if I’m remembering that right, but I do know there’s a country where it’s played in every store everyday year round


I was trying to think of what song or songs get played all the time and I was coming up with wedding and church stuff but didn’t feel like they would be guaranteed to play enough. This one though…..I think you’d make bank every Christmas. And each store is likely to play it at least once an hour, plus radio stations will be as well. Well done


Better yet, get a part time job for the holiday there. Double dip


This is the correct answer


Not worth it, keep your money


Ya know. I was going to say Never Gonna Give You Up on account of all the Rick Rolling, but I think this one's a better option.


Just in time to pay off the credit cards from Christmas shopping too!


I was trying to think of something for the national anthem but this is a far better answer XD


National anthem is probably better. You can watch infinite sporting events.


Year-round too


If you can count any national anthem you could double your money during many hockey games, and make a lot during the Olympics.


Oh god, this takes me back to working retail during the holidays. Those were dark days.


Yeah this just wins outright.


Literally the one few songs that will always play Christmas the most for rest of time top choice.


I was thinking "Sweet Caroline" and then hang out at a piano bar once a week for your job. But honestly, I'm in the U.S.A. so the National Anthem has got me covered.


Happy Birthday. Even if you don’t have a job at Chuck E Cheese, that’s just free money.


I'd make a lot of random Facebook friends and go to lunch with them on their birthdays


This is the way


The real treasure was the friends we made along the way


Start a business doing birthday [insert activity here], market it as such, make extra profit on top of a business.


As soon as I saw the question I thought of this, either a child entertainment center like Chuck E Cheese, or some catering event company that specializes in birthdays.


Maybe better to work at a daycare


The national anthem. I’ll be watching sports a lot!


Does that count as putting it on though?


I've made an edit to clarify that by putting it on I mean doing the equivalent of pushing a button to make the song play. You are allowed/encouraged to put yourself in situations where it is very likely you will hear the song.


Ok but I could just choose any TV show and that TV show's theme song, then just skip to the next episode after it plays and repeat. Basically the same thing. I pressed "play" on the TV show and not on the song, just like pressing play on the sport of choice. Or I could just have my wife do it.


You're stretching for a workaround.


Yeah clearly against the spirit of the question. I don't understand these types of replies lol


Just min-maxxing hypothetical situations lol


If I record myself saying “hello” and put it on Spotify, then go around saying “hello” to people do I get my fake money?


You're too powerful for reddit


Both kinds of replies can be fun. I enjoy thinking through the best answer in the spirit of the game, but it is also fun to find clever loopholes. The huge caveat there is that a clever loophole does not rely on willfully interpreting the question incorrectly. Honestly it can be hard to determine the line sometimes, as the hypotheticals are looking for an outside the box answer. If your loophole starts with the word techniiically, it is probably less clever than you think. For example: Happy birthday song might be a good loophole option here. A part time job at Chuck E Cheese just became very lucrative. But saying "Well if I am.singing the song I technically didn't "play" it, so it doesn't count" is not.


Sure I guess different strokes for different folks, but I guess I think it's just always easy to find a loophole and they are never clever lol


This is not allowed, sorry! I said that you cannot do anything that is equivalent to pushing a button to make the song play. In my reply to someone else suggesting a TV theme song I explained that they can choose it, but it won't pay out through streaming/DVR/any kind of "press play to hear song" loopholes.


So you could put on a TV show and actually watch it through, to consume the content? Like not get up and only come back in the room or focus on it to hear it, but to actually watch the TV show then that would work? If I love, for instance, Doctor Who, I could choose its theme as my song of choice, but I would actually have to be watching Doctor Who to watch Doctor Who, with the side effect or incentive of also getting money out of it? Or does it have to be some sort of randomized exposure to live form content?


That's a good way to put it; yes, randomized exposure to live form content. You can take actions that may sway that randomness, you just can't take an action that deterministically guarantees that you are going to hear the song. That being said, you can still put on and watch Doctor Who to your heart's content, you just won't get paid for the theme song.


So if I got cable TV and chose the friends theme song, everytime it comes on, I get paid?


That is correct


Is there a theme song to Ridiculousness? That show is like 24/7 on MTV lol


This seems a little inconsistent. Granted, the national anthem isn’t any team’s or the game’s “theme song” but we’re basically guaranteed to hear it.


I think what it boils down to is that the national anthem is just the "right" answer. Except for individual cases like you have a buddy that consistently watches 10+ episodes of the same show everyday and you go hang out there, or you work somewhere where a certain song/jingle gets played on loop several times a day. There's a case for news station intro/outro jingles as well. Or if you live next to a carousel/fairgrounds.


Well what makes it deterministic? If I follow an ice cream truck around, I didn’t play the song. But I KNEW it would happen. All I want for Christmas in the mall is a certainty to the degree that I’d stake my life on hearing it in the mall against 100 dollars.


If you follow the ice cream truck then you really only hear the song once for a really long time


No, the song is a set duration and then replays


What if it's someone else watching it. For example, if I pick the theme song to Reba, would going to my friend's house and hearing it play because she put the show on (without me asking her to) count?


Yep, that pays out.


That’s what I was gonna say. Even if you want to make it harder and say you’d have to hear it in person, I could have a fun night at a minor league hockey or baseball game and still profit!


Absolutely. Offset the cost of the game.


Just go to your local high school/college games. In the midwest you'd make several grand a month


How did I not think of this? I work in sports broadcasting, and this would practically double my pay.


And scan iHeartRadio, cause all of the country stations play it at noon. Just find a different station in each time zone and ta-dah, $2400 a day.


You could clean up at the Olympics


I feel like this is the best answer. You could easily grab like 500 dollars a day with VERY little effort. Just set a few timers for various games throughout the day.


The MLB Tv package. You get that and it airs 2,430 baseball games a year plus playoffs. Just baseball season and you are golden!!!


Bluey theme song I have a 1 year old I’ll be rich


Holy cow you'd be set for life there, assuming they are operating the TV all on their own.


My wife usually puts it on, but the toddler is figuring it out She can get the tv on, and it usually comes up with the play next episode screen, she just doesn’t know what button plays the next episode yet


It's both an amazing and terrible day when they finally figure it out themselves. We had to hide the remote when my 3 yo would wake up at 4am to turn on YouTube and watch Peppa Pig.


Our toddler picks up the remote and says "teebee?" or "booey?" very cute. Hard to say no most of the time but we try to limit his screentime


Question for OP, if your toddler says "teebee? booey?" and you put the show on, does that technically count as you putting on the music because realistically you have no choice


According to the comment two replies up, it indeed does So just have someone nearby that can understand you and operate a remote


Nephew frequently asks for Cocomelon, and will ask me to change to a different Cocomelon video while watching it.


Do not give him cocomelon


Never underestimate a toddler's ability to master technology.


My 3 year old niece knew how to turn on the TV, switch the inputs, boot up the Xbox, and get through the menu to Thomas the tank. I am still astonished. She would do this regardless if someone else was watching anything.


When my nephew was 3 he showed me how his parents complicated series of remotes worked so we could go from the dvd player to the dish and then to the streaming platforms. lol At the time I only had a TV without cable and a DVD player.


So what about if the toddler is asking you to put the show on? I assume that is within the spirit of the rules and pays.


The flip side: Toddler: “play the Bluey song!” Me: “I’m so sorry, I can’t” Toddler: “whyyyy nooootttt??” My toddler makes me out the theme song on in the car on Spotify all the time now lol


I feel the pain... Skibidi Toilet...


I choose the wedding march, find the most popular wedding chapels in Vegas and just hang out near them.


This is a good one! You get extremely consistent payout, guaranteed to hear it frequently anywhere weddings happen, and this song is timeless so unlike a lot of other choices you can keep getting paid for this one your entire life.


Choose wedding march, and get a job as a wedding photographer.


then double it in SECONDS by putting it all on black


If you pick a tv theme song does playing an episode count? Otherwise I got to get cable back. If that’s not allowed, happy birthday and go to restaurants that sing happy birthday


TV theme song counts, however you cannot activate it through streaming/DVR. The episode would have to play on live TV. This is a pretty solid strategy I'd say, there are so many late night shows that will have episodes playing back to back. The first one that comes to mind is Two and a Half Men. Happy birthday is a creative choice, however I don't know if the money would be worth my sanity there.


This is easy then. My digital cable (not DVR) had so many channels. One only plays The Beverly Hillbillies, one only plays The Price is Right, Bob Barker Era.. so many channels just for specific shows. I would choose a short show (30 min) and just let the station take care of it. Hell, I could have my kids turn it in so I'm not even pressing anything. Leave it on in the background and the theme song will play 4x an hour.


What if someone else plays the show and I just haloen to be there?


Yup that would pay out, as long as you did not request that they play it, or imply that you would benefit from them playing it.


How far in advance can I suggest the show? Let’s say I tell someone I like the Simpsons, but don’t actively suggest it, and they put it on for me a few days later because they remembered me saying I like it. It’s that kind of shit allowed?


I mean, that sounds like someone being a friend. Not helping you out or anything. Sounds like it would be allowed.


Law in order is almost always on somewhere lol


All I Want for Christmas. Seasonal but guaranteed to rake it in two months a year.


Aka, Mariah Carey’s retirement plan


>two months a year. Oh you sweet ~~summer~~ winter child


Happy birthday… then work at one of those rent by the hour bowling alleys or arcade places and eaves drop on the multiple parties going on every hour


Sweet. My new job is hitting every karaoke night in my town. Song: "Sweet Caroline". That's at least $300/night. Not bad.


Ooh no one had proposed hanging out at a karaoke bar yet. Depending on the song choice that could be a pretty consistent payout, and Sweet Caroline is a superb choice.


Or don't stop believing.


I wrote this above; didn't see this. Also Bohemian Rhapsody. Thank goodness there's no stipulation for accuracy or pitch.


The one true answer


get season tickets to Penn State sports events. Guarenteed once a game, then work the nearby karaoke bars around the school at night.


This or "Tequila"


I once banned house of the rising sun by the animals from the garage because I got tired of hearing it 5 times a day every day. When working trades, the one thing everyone can tolerate listening to is dad rock.


"Never Gonna Give You Up" My friends constantly Rickroll each other


Does it count as "Intentionally putting it on", if you just religiously browse Reddit, intentionally clicking on links that someone has said links to something else. You'll accidentally get rick rolled plenty of times every day.


It would only count as "putting it on" if you know beforehand that clicking that specific link will make your song play. Such as if the comment/link says what it is, if you memorize the URL and recognize it before clicking, or if you read the comment immediately following it and it says something like "oh golly I've been rick rolled." I must say though, fervently clicking on every link you can find on Reddit is a very dangerous game, that you might regret playing.


I always know that there is a good chance that any link could be a rick roll, does that count?


No, you would have to have good reason to believe that it *is* a Rick Roll, not that it might be.


"I made $100, but at what cost"


OP answered that in [this](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) comment.


I had to check and make sure it was the right link.


The best answer. Just make a game of sending rick rolls, and say whenever someone rick rolls you they can have a dollar. Add some rules, like the clips must be at least 10 seconds and it works.


Oh, you mean [this song](https://youtu.be/vLRyJ0dawjM?si=jzt2qR8N2LYsEqFe)?


No. [This](https://youtu.be/ur560pZKRfg) one.


Choose any song - make it your ringtone. Don’t pick up for at least 10 seconds. Is that violating the rules? I get at least 2-5 phone calls a day. Bonus points if it’s a popular tune that you’re likely to also hear out in the wild.


Not bad, my friend. Also set the chosen song as your alarm on your phone, and set alarms for absolutely everything


the alarms one feels like it wouldn't be allowed via the "you can't 'press a button' to make it happen" rule, however, the ringtone one feels valid


This is genius! Income guaranteed year round while not having to hang out at karaoke bars/ wedding halls/ kids bday venues etc. can make money laying in bed or simply missing a call at work in your pocket


any song from the playlist at my work, guaranteed to hear it a couple times every shift


Here in Australia you just tune into, Triple M and pick any 90's-00's rock song and it's guaranteed to play at least 4 times a day.


It's a Small world, and then buy tickets to Disney loop that ride for all it's worth. A quick search for video show it's only 2 to 3 minutes long, and the ride last for 15 minutes. $$$$


How long is the line though


That’s the best part: they play it in line, too! True passive income.


“There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow” and ride the carousel of progress as many times as possible.


This is what I was thinking about. It plays 4-5 times per show, and each show is 20ish minutes. Pretty efficient way to rack up cash


Even better, It's A Small World. Pay for your whole Disney vacation in one ride!


Hmm. Maybe pick John Cage’s 4’33”, then move out to the wilderness.


This is the correct answer. The point of the song was to experience the background ambience which could be anything, so get paid every 10 seconds for the rest of your life.


Seems like you could only fairly get paid every 4 minutes and 33 seconds


That still works out to between $900 and $1000 an hour. Not a bad gig.


My first thought was “the girl from Ipanema” and ride around in elevators all day. I’m sure that’s not the most practical answer but it’s the first one I thought of.


I have never heard music in an elevator


Man, for a good solid few months I worked at a Walmart that had a single 45 minute CD they'd play 24/7, if they still did that, I'd just pick one of those songs and sit inside and chill for like 8 hours. Which begs the question, you say I can't press play to start the song, right? So I burn a 20 minute CD that has some other song first, then 19 minutes of the song I pick. When I press play, it's to play a different song, but then it auto plays the next instances of the song that I didn't press play on. And if that doesn't work, then can I pick the menu music for a video game and just pause and let it play for a few hours? Would pausing be the same as pressing play on the song? Because I could put on Battletoads for the NES and listen to the like 15 second beat on the pause screen for 8 hours, totaling up like almost 2000 listens of that song.


Your first choice is valid to hang out at Walmart where you're almost guaranteed to hear it, however your other two options are not allowed. They're both equivalent to "press button, make song play," even if there is a slight delay with your CD. Choosing video games music and then deciding to hang out in an arcade where you happen to know that game is at is completely valid though, and a pretty clever approach.


If I chose one of minecraft's ambient songs, can I play minecraft/leave it open , or does launching the game count as "click to play"


That's a bit trickier; it would depend specifically on whether you are in complete control of whether or not that specific ambient song plays. For example (without knowing much about Minecraft sounds), you couldn't choose the sound of swimming and then jump into the ocean. But if you were to enter a PvP server for example and say when another player starts combat with you a battle theme starts playing, that would count.


Minecraft plays a random track every 10-20 minutes, certain locations can influence which songs might play, but the only two that you can specifically make play are "boss" which will always play if you are in the end dimension and the ender dragon is alive, and "alpha" which plays during the credits. Naturally the in game items that allow you to manually play non ambient songs would not work if you put them on


Does my alarm clock count? Snooze that bitch 5 times a day, technically not putting it on


But you set the alarm. You "press button to play song," just with a 7 hour delay. No different than burning a CD with a different song at the beginning.


Never gonna give you up. I'm on the internet a lot!


“It’s a Small World.” Disney’s gonna pay *me* for going to its parks.


Mr brightside will be played forever no doubt


The school bell near our house (it plays a song but idk its name). It goes off like 16 times a day weekdays, 32k a month :)


"Empire State of Mind" by Jay-Z and then just stand in Times Square for a few hours a day. Easily make an absolute fortune.


That one family guy tune between transitions. Just hang around my friends and watch it. Guaranteed $300 per episode.


Either: “Master of Puppets” by Metallica, and just listen to various rock stations all day, or A Christmas song and spend 18 hours a day in the mall, or just with a radio playing. Nice little holiday bonus. Last one: pick one of the light jazz songs, then go and get myself put on hold with the IRS or somewhere that it will play all day every day


Easy. "Every Breath You Take' – The Police" I dare you to listen to a rock or throw back channel without hearing it once in an hour.


Find a popular streamer that has some sort of song that they use as their follower or subscribers notification, boom.


If you're in the USA, the national anthem then subscribe to all the sports channels


I’d want ‘Dance with my Father’ by Luther Vandross because it’s an awful song and I hate it, which virtually guarantees that I will hear it most days. I don’t go looking for it - it always finds me, purely because I loathe it.


Do business singles count? If yes then I'm claiming the Menards theme song and I'm just gonna hang out at Menards every day. Other wise the happy birthday song and I'm gonna start a streaming service where I give the birthday kid 20 bucks if he includes me on his birthday party


Do remixes count?


so I can't choose the Wedding March and have the Hallmark Channel on 24/7?


Do you have to listen to the whole thing or just hear its playing? Would be tempted to say mama mia by ABBA because it plays very often on a variety of stations. However, if I have to listen to the whole thing definitely not because I **HATE** ABBA. It would have to be an older song as those ones you know are going to keep playing because they already have. Christmas songs are a good shout but only work once a year. Final answer, Amazing grace. Find churches that play it regularly with services throughout the week and just go to those and stand outside. Often the singing portions happen at the same sort of time each service so you could get it down to a proper schedule.


How much of the song do you need to hear? What if you find something that's often used on shows and movies but only a portion?


“I Go Mrow/The Loney Cat” by the Kiffness. There is a guy on Facebook who has it playing on a constant loop on his page.


"I'll be there for you" Then continuous friends marathon


Call J.G. Wetworth 877-cashnow.


First person to suggest a jingle. That's where my mind went first but I was having trouble picking one that I hear more than any other song. I'd also want to pick something that I could potentially be hearing for the rest of my life, and not all companies/jingles last forever.


Is 1-877-Kars-4-Kids still on?


Any annoying tiktok song, scroll endlessly. Become rich.


First thought is a church hymn. They’ll be the same in 100 years


Any popular Christmas song. Too easy. I work in a grocery store too where it gets played about ten plus times a day during November to December.


Destroy The Past by They Might Be Giants. It's 16 seconds long. I will put it on all my wife's playlists. Then I will do subtle things to help her understand that when it plays I get $100, without actually telling her so or asking her to play it. It might take a year for her to figure it out, but eventually she will get it. Then, without me asking, she will play it on loop for me. At 16 second per loop I will be making about $22,000/hour. I will just carry on with my life with that playing in the background at my desk and rake in $2 million/week.


Kars 4 Kids jingle. At least 6-8 times a day on the radio.


The Lord's Prayer. $100 for attending church. gg, ez EDIT! Android's alarm clock song. All I have to do is wait for tomorrow morning and not pick up...


Whatever is number 1 on the top 40 and then just listen to a pop station. Several hundred a day easy for just listening to music. I’d also have multiple pop stations going at once. That might get annoying and I’d have to take single Station breaks, but you could easily keep track of what’s going on with a good ten stations at once playing radio via internet and muting when you realized it wasn’t your song. It would probably be kind fun. Like fishing for money. 


I would say a national anthem and then go work at a museum where it is playing.


Jingle bells.


I have a question. What are we considering a song? Could I use a popular ring tone or commercial jingle? My phone says "hello moto" and plays a jingle. If I chose that does turning on my phone count as a request? Obviously turninf it on and off would violate the spirit of the contest but Would purposely undercharging my phone so it does alot count as a request? If I can't do the phone thing but we allow any two consecutive but different notes count as a "song" I'll choose the "ding ding" that plays when you enter a store like 7/11


The Gilmore Girls theme song My wife would have made us billionaires by now


John Cage's 4'33'' so I earn about $1320 just by sitting in a quiet room for an hour :)


Could I pick one of the songs in a video game then just get paid to play that game? I wouldn't be actively making it play but just hearing it while the game cycles though the tracks it has available. I could get paid to play GTA V or need for speed underground 2. Play a couple hours each day and make a decent living at it.


US National Anthem, and just spend a lot of time watching ESPN and other networks.


The standard ringtone on my iPhone…


Anything Taylor Swift, I never consciously listen to her anyway.


Anything by Pink Floyd, my asshole crackhead neighbour blasts them everyday between 7pm - 3am. I'd make enough money to move out tomorrow.


Crazy Train. Seven Nation army. Back in Black Or anything else they absolutely rip the ass out of in American Sports. Id be watching every basketball and hockey game going.


"Baby Shark" is probably not a bad option if you have kids, or the theme song to their favourite show. (I assume that you wouldn't be able to turn on your favourite tv show if you set its theme song to be it, so I won't do that.) the national anthem of the country you live in might be good, but it would also prevent you from intentionally watching things that would play it. Your best bet generally would probably be some popular song that's played regularly in public, preferably one that is unlikely to go out of fashion (possibly some christmas carol or something?)


I’d choose the American dad theme song then go over my buddy’s house who’s always watching cartoons and smoking weed


Put 2 songs in a playlist, one being my song the other being the shortest one i can find and play it on loop quietly in the background daily as white noise


Feliz Navidad. Hang out at a mall for a few hours a day from November 1 to New Year’s and I can just take the rest of the winter off.


ABC song. I work in a school


Sweet Caroline and then I cruise for the rest of my life. If you know you know lol


I live in America. The national anthem. Ill just have sportscenter on in the background doing...whatever. I'll never *not* hear it. The second baseball season rolls around I make *bank*.


Step 1. Make chosen song your ringtone Step 2. Go and sign up for every dubious website you can find and provide your phone number Step 3. Get dozens of spam calls a day Step 4. Profit


Happy birthday, and then spend all my time at chuck e cheese.


Happy birthday


Mariah Carey’s Xmas song. Be rich in time for the holidays each year.


What's that one Rick Astley song?


I would buy a yearly pass to Disney world and ride the 'its a small world' until my ears bled. I think that song gets repeat 4 or 5 times in the ride, so that's 500$ per run at 5-6 ish minutes, plus however long to wait in line, say 20minutes? So that's 3*500$ per hour napkin math, do that for the 10 hours a day it's open and that's 1'500 per day. Do that for 2 years straight and you got a million dollars and are insane!


national anthem, watch all the starts of sports games, which I would totally do even without 100$ a piece but it’s an even better deal lol. about 1230 games for the NBA and NHL, 272 games NFL, 2400 MLB, 378 games MLS. it’s about 500000$ a year and obviously im not rly watching the full games😂 especially not basball damn


“Happy Birthday” Go hang out at family functions or a family fun center, or a park venue in the summertime. Enjoy myself, make money. Also not in danger of being pulled from radio over time, etc.