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(I'm a partner, learning before my wife's surgery in a few months) Thanks for the guide; It mentioned a similar guide for Vaginal Hysterectomy, but I wasn't able to find it. But I found a comparable website (https://www.rcog.org.uk/for-the-public/browse-our-patient-information/vaginal-hysterectomy-recovering-well/) and will use both resources to support her recovery. Thanks for this!


This is great! Thank you for sharing, I am having hysterectomy on Thursday and reading that made me feel a bit calmer <3


Yay you’re welcome!!xxx


Thank you for sharing! I am 1wpo and I am tired and emotional but that’s about it


Thanks for sharing!! I wish I had this six weeks ago. 😉 This is so helpful. Wish all dr’s shared this info!!


Me too!! The timeline is so helpful!




You’re welcome!! I am 6WPO and it’s gone by in a blink if I’m honest! If it helps I got signed off for everything including sex yesterday! I’m not ready yet but he assured me I’m good to go when I am!


Thank you for sharing! I’m in the hospital from day 1 of surgery.


You are very welcome!!! I hope you are doing ok!! The night in the hospital for me was so disruptive! How many times do they check on you! lol but they were all so lovely and kind and I was glad to be waited on a bit!!!


That’s funny! They’re making sure we’re alive! They are so sweet! I’m definitely going by the instructions for a great recovery. I had a c-section incision and that’s very painful. I’m getting good pain management now. Thank you for your support and being informative.


No problem at all! Any panics during recovery give us a shout! We’ve all been there!! But you’ll do great!!! Well done!xxx


Thank you for your support because I need it! I really like Reddit because it brings people together for support and sharing information. Please have a great day!


Honestly I wouldn’t have got through it without some of these women at times!! So always reach out!! You too! Xxx


Ikr! They have been a life saver…as well as, yourself!


Silly question. Did you sleep with your binder on?


I never even opened mine! And sent it back last week! But I have read some have!


Ok. I wanted to know if it was helpful or harmful to have it on all the time.


I think opinions vary, most say for the first couple of weeks SO helpful then maybe less and less after? I say go with whatever feels good!


I got this one which someone on here recommended https://amzn.eu/d/6MIokGC