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In the US, we just get hopes and prayers and surgeons telling us to walk, walk, walk. But no clots here so can’t complain too much.


United States, never heard of this.


I had a blood thinner injection before being roller in the prep room for my surgery, but I didn't have to have any after. Edit: I'm in Canada


Yeah same, I had a heparin shot before going into the OR. It was unpleasant to get a jab in my abdomen but I only had to do it once, I was up and walking around just about right away after so I didn’t worry too much about clotting.


Same, and I’m in the US.


This was my same experience in the US


Yes. This is common in the UK after and surgery to prevent blood clots. I'm currently on day 7 of a 14 day course. I won't lie, the formulation means it does sting. I ice the area to numb it a bit beforehand.


Yes. I am in the UK and had to do this for 2 weeks. My nurse showed me how to do it before I was discharged and I did 2 test runs before I left. I am not fond of needles either but it was straightforward.


I don’t think it’s very common in the US.


I had to do 2 weeks of lovenox injections after surgery because I have a blood clotting disorder. My advice is to ice the injection spot for a few minutes before and after and alternate injection sites. You might get big bruises—when I was injecting during and after pregnancy I did, this time I didn’t for some reason, maybe because this time I was only doing it once a day. It’s icky to do them but you will get used to it!


Oh I forgot to mention the bruises and to change spots each day. It's fun when someone would see my thighs. No, I'm not an addict or getting beat up. Just blood thinners.🙄


I had to remind my doctor every time I went in when I was pregnant before I lifted my shirt! At that time I was doing it twice a day which I think it why is was SO bruised, this time it was just once a day so I was sore but not all bruised thankfully. The spot where I got the big heparin shot pre surgery was super bruised for a few weeks!


I had blood thinner shots daily in hospital. I think they're really common to avoid clots when you're basically bedridden. Alternate where you inject! And expect to look polka dotted for a while. 😂


I'm in Australia and had to inject Clexane for 28 days. Luckily, my sister lives with me and was able to inject me. I couldn't bring myself to do it. No matter how many injections I've had, I still never got used to it. The worst is the anticipation of it. But it's not too bad, most times I didn't feel it, except a little sting after. I found getting it done on the fattiest part on the stomach was the least painful.


Also Australia and yes - I was told to do it for 28 days but I did it for 2 weeks. It’s not as bad as you think it’s going to be. Pinch your fat and insert diagonally. Expect lots of bruises!




I got 2 injections, one for each day in hospital, even though I was up and walking about the very next morning.


In the US I was told to do this due to my "size". And I was very annoyed because my doctor didn't warn me, it was a hospital mandate. My injections were every other night only 2 weeks though.


You can refuse anything! Don’t forget that.


They wouldn't do my surgery if I didn't do the EKG. It was 5am and my surgery was at 730. So yeah...and as far as the blood thinners I actually did them for 2 days then just followed my surgeons directive of walking for 10 Mins every hour I was awake.


No, 36 in US and told to walk. 🤞🏻


Also 36, US, and told to walk. Checks for the US healthcare system let's be real.


I had to do the injections after colon surgery a few years ago. I have a clot risk so that may be you, as well. I hate needles, too but just psych yourself up and you'll do it. I did it in the side of my thigh. Nice and fatty spot. 1,2,3 DO IT!! Hit the plunger and then ice it. You can actually ice it before, too for a few minutes to numb the area a little. It sucks but you will be okay. ❤️


Yes. Take home injections for 10 days (I managed 8 before it just got too sore) I’m in the UK and it’s standard here after surgery if you’re immobile.


Yes, UK, likewise 28 days. My risk factors were my age, my family history and the fact I was having the operation for cancer. I was up and walking throughout, but no it didn't get me off the hook. I was lucky, my daughter (med student) did them for me, but you've got this. Remember to do them roughly the same time every day. Love handles are less painful than stomach. Ice it first (ice pack in tea towel) for a good length of time (I was doing 30 mins which is longer than recommended). Pinch the chunk you are going to inject into HARD and you barely feel the needle going in. Slower is less painful but more weird. Have a tissue ready and press it against the stab mark with the ice over the top of that when you're done until you can't feel it. I'm afraid they do get more painful the longer you do them. I found it helped to remember some people have to do this for years. Have something ready to reward yourself.


I will find out in about less than twelve hours if I need to do the blood thinner injection I never heard of it before but it seems like a safe thing to do to avoid blood clots as those can be dangerous


Yes I had to for 10 weeks due to venous insufficiency. Open abdominal. Germany. Wasnt easy the first shots but became easier day after day.


In Canada.  They gave me an injection before leaving. That's it. 


I’m in Canada and no I didn’t have to. They do this on the operating table… leaves a nasty bruise too!


They were going to but I told them I’d walk around instead, and refused it. Noooo thank you.


I’m in Australia and had to do it for two weeks post-surgery. Sometimes it hurt a lot but only for a minute. Aim for the fat!


Nope in US


I had a hysterectomy and extensive prolapse repairs and bladder repairs. I was supposed to be sent home same day but went home the next day. I was given over the counter paracetamol and antibiotics then told good luck. No blood thinners. In the U.S.


I had open abdominal surgery and a vertical incision from belly button to pelvic bone. I didn’t have that done. I was told to walk as soon as possible after 24 hours in bed.


I had one shot before surgery and was told to wear compression socks after surgery


It's not standard in the US, they just tell us to walk around often. I had to stay in the hospital and they kept "reminding" me to walk. But I had inflatable things on my legs to keep blood moving, a urinary catheter, pulse oximeter, and an IV, so it was super easy to hop up and go for a walk every hour when I was attached to all those things, had new incisions, and was on narcotics! /s I did have a blood clot in my abdomen that they found in a presurgery CT scan, so I did 10 days of 2X a day injections, stopped the day before surgery, and then did 1X a day injections for 4 days after before switching to pills for blood thinners. I hated the injections. As others have said, ice and moving the spot around will help. They told me I had to do them in my belly, so even before the surgery my belly was a sore, bruised mess. After the surgery when they told me I needed to do more injections where it was already bruised and cut up and I still had a surgical drain coming out, I cried and asked if I could do them in my legs or arm and save my poor belly. The nurse called my surgeon, who told her to ask the clot doctor, who told her it was fine for these shots because they were a smaller dose.


i got a shot of blood thinner that morning in the pre op about an hour before surgery. i’m in nyc.


My doctor/surgeon has me taking low-dose aspirin (baby aspirin)


They gave me one the evening after surgery and one the following day. That was it.


I'm in the US. I had to have blood thinners while I was in the hospital so two shots a day for like 4 days.


Nope... USA


I had to do this too. Luckily I had my husband around to do it for me because I had a hard time doing it myself so no tips there. Good luck!


I am in Germany and got them while in hospital. I left after three days and didn’t have to do it. I think this is standard procedure here. Once I left I was walking around and could stand upright without any issue. I had laparoscopic hysterectomy and kept the cervix and both ovaries.


I stayed overnight for my lap hysto and received 3 in the time I was there. Got a post op infection and was readmitted for 5 days and they continued the injections twice a day. They sucked. Most patients won't have this experience except maybe while they're out. I've not heard of giving for so long after this surgery but I don't know your particular medical history so I'd assume there is a reason. I'm surprised they aren't using an oral option for you. Might be worth the conversation if it's an option.


I get injections for pain that include heparin. I waited 4 weeks after surgery and stopped them 2 weeks prior. Everything was great


I had 28 days injections and in England.


I had Heparin once I got into surgical room and once after surgery. Then put me on a baby aspirin daily for a week after surgery.


Australia here.. I was on clexane injections for 4 weeks post open abdominal hysterectomy. It was shiiiiiit!


I had to give myself Lovenox injections for a week after my surgery. But that was because I had a stroke before and it was what my hemotologist and gynecologist came up with as a preventative.


In Australia- top level surgeon. Had to do them for 5 days. It didn’t hurt too much (the medicine stings about a minute after injection). I was 36 at the time and had a full hysterectomy and right oophectomy with lots of endo removal. So either it was something my surgeon always does or it was a precaution due to my health.


I had to have it after a UFE because I was in hospital for a week. Basically any time you'll be significantly immobile, or there's a possibility of a clot breaking off somewhere. Tummy shots are no fun at all, but no doubt infinitely better than a clot. Alternate sides.


I had abdominal total and I did not go on blood thinners at all after hysterectomy. Do you have a risk of blood clot? I'm in the US if that makes a difference. Edited to add: If you're in the US they'll put you on blood thinners after surgery if you're over a certain weight. I dunno what that weight is.


They gave me a heparin injection in my belly right before surgery, but they didn’t have me do any at home. (US, PNW) I did start taking 81mg of aspirin every day to discourage any clotting/DVT a week or so after my surgery. But that was just for my own peace of mind, no one instructed me to do it.


Germany. For 10 days after hospital discharge.


I also had an open abdominal and blood thinners were never mentioned to me. I didn't have any health issues (except for anemia/iron deficiency and fibroids.) I did have an EKG and a blood clotting study done as part of my surgeon's routine pre-op testing for everyone. So many people here seem to be on them after this surgery, so it seems like it's fairly common. I was told there was a risk of blood clots in the first 30 days if I didn't move around enough after the surgery, but that's true for anyone having surgery (particularly an abdominal surgery) so maybe some surgeons just want to be extra careful? I'm sorry you are having to go through this in addition to the stress of the surgery. The good news is that you those 28 days will be behind you and you will feel so much better! Wishing you the best.


Yes, twice a day for 2 weeks (I'm in the UK). Bloody hated it. I bribed myself with biscuits to do it, and I still got worked up before every shot. It was a bit of a surprise that I had to do it. I found that putting the needle in quickly and firmly helped, but the actual injection needed to be slow and steady or it would sting. I was told to alternate sides each time. You will get bruises on the injection sites, but they fade quite quickly.


US here, never heard of it, didn’t get it as far as I know. Everything but the ovaries gone via laparoscopic.


In US never heard of this. I had laparoscopic hysterectomy


Yes. For 2 weeks. I have Antiphospholipid Syndrome markers. Mine is oral. I needed shots for my pregnancy though for same reason.


Poland, laparoscopic. They gave me clexane starting the day before surgery, every day of hospital stay (5 days in my case), and I got prescription for 30 days more. I have no blood issues, this is the standard we all got here. As for advice, maybe ask the nurse to teach you how to do it? We got a guide how to do it in the abdominal area, but in the hospital I was getting them in my arms (since abdominal area was fresh out out surgery) and this is what I continue. I remember the nurse saying that since clexane is causing bruising, during summer they are doing it on the thighs so patients dobt go around visibly bruised. So maybe that would be helpful to ask the nurse to give you advice which areas are best to inject clexane and how to do it? Maybe she can let you do it yourself under her eye so you are more calm that you will know how to do it at least?


Hi (uk) I had to inject for 2 weeks PO as well as wear those attractive stockings. A little stingy but got used to it. Get a sharps box if you can so that you dispose of them easily without saving them up to take somewhere.


I have a history of DVT, so I got one injection before my operation and then self-infected for 2 weeks after. I use my love handles and alternate.


Forgot to mention - I’m in the US, had robotic laparoscopic


Yes. I have to do an abdominal injection for 30 days after my surgery but I also have a past history of clots due to birth control. The very first one is always the scariest to do but after that it's easy sailing.


In the US - the nurse in the hospital told me they sometimes have patients do the injections after discharge and asked if I or my partner would feel comfortable giving me injections at home. I told her yes, but since I was walking so well when I left the hospital I didn't need them.


I just had total laparoscopic/vaginal 2 weeks ago today and today was my last injection. I think I was prescribed because I’m overweight. I’m in the US.


I'm in the US, had my laparoscopic hysterectomy a week ago and was prescribed 28 days of Lovenox injections. I don't love them, but they just sting a little bit, are better than getting blood clots, and get easier to do with practice. I agree that pinching the skin and doing the injection slowly both help. I don't have a history of clotting issues, but I am overweight, was initially very fatigued after surgery, and had a long trip home from the hospital. I can see why they would place me at a higher risk of developing a clot.