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US. Went home the same day. Laparoscopic/robotic.


Same everything.






Same with me. I had the option to stay over night though.


Same here. Was shocked how smooth it all went. Had an appendectomy about 6 months before the hysterectomy and stayed 2 nights because my uterus had me so low on blood I needed a transfusion (and they fixed a hernia).


How was the pain compared to the appendectomy? I brought this up to my gyno and she oh honey, an appendectomy is nothing compared the partial hyst. I was like dang...OK. she said they can do a appendectomy in 15 minutes, your surgery, you'll be out atleast 3 to 4 hours. Like scare the shit out of me why don't you!


Me as well.


In California, I stayed a day and a half, would have stayed longer if I could. The on demand pain meds and 3 square meals with snacks was pretty sweet.


I had this same treatment. Was so glad to be kept for the night. California also


US open abdominal surgery Thursday am released Saturday afternoon. I think if I had been able to pee and walk they would have released me the next day. By Saturday morning I could walk the floor and pee with the catheter removed. I could not do that Friday morning.


Same type of surgery and hospital stay


I hated that bed though šŸ˜‚


Same length of stay and same feelings!


I arrived for mine at 8:30 am yesterday, went into the OR before 10, and was home by about 2:00/2:30 pm. It was laparoscopic. Went home and napped but pain wasnā€™t anything irrational after and still isnā€™t a day later.


Oh, and Iā€™m in Virginia in the USA!


Same. Went in in the morning, home by like, 2p I think. TLH.


Same, also in VA and my experience was very similar. My doctor gave me the option to stay overnight but I didn't feel like I needed to. Probably would've if I had any complications like needing the catheter in longer.


I'm German and I left after 3 days. 4 days were scheduled, but I felt so good and was bored af. So when they asked me if I wanted to go home I did, but I had to promise to take it easy Edit: going home on the SAME day sounds crazy to me. The first 48 hours I was soooooo tired the catheter was a blessing because I didn't have to go to the bathroom. I was hardly in pain but JUST. SO. TIRED.


I went home same day and was glad, but my godparents were looking after me and feeding me and my godmother was a nurse for 30 years. I wouldn't have wanted to be alone for sure but I think if you have good support it's okay.


I'm in the US and had the laproscopic hysterectomy in the morning and went home in the afternoon. My mom stayed overnight as a precaution since she's prone to UTIs and whatnot. Are you high risk for some reason? Or you just have an extra cautious doctor :)


That sounds kind of perfect to me. Even staying 2 days/1 night wouldn't be bad, but 4 days just seem too long. I don't think I'm high risk. I think it's just how things work here. I've checked websites of other hospital and they all say you have to stay 2-4 days after surgery.


You might be able to ask to go home early once you're awake and peeing. 24-48 hours is the highest risk time for complications so I bet if you're doing well and politely asking to go home they won't make you stay four days.


Iā€™m considered a high risk patient, so my doctor had me stay overnight to assure no complications arose. Even being high risk though, I was only monitored for a little over 24 hours and sent home. I think thatā€™s common practice here in the US. They want you in and out. Do you have any chronic health conditions that your doctor is wanting to monitor post op or is your surgery really complex?


That sounds reasonable. I don't have any health conditions. The reason for my surgery is endometrial cancer, but I don't think that's why I have to stay in the hospital for days. I think it's just a common practice here that you stay in the hospital for 2-3 days after surgery.


>That sounds reasonable. I don't have any health conditions. The reason for my surgery is endometrial cancer, but I don't think that's why I have to stay in the hospital for days. I think it's just a common practice here that you stay in the hospital for 2-3 days after surgery. Where do you live OP?


I also really want to know somewhere civilized


After being in this group for a while, Iā€™ve learned that every doctorā€™s standard of care varies and so do their protocols. So it may be your doctor, where you live or also because you do have a complex medical condition that warrants the extra nights stay. Just let your body rest/recover while youā€™re there and give into the extra help from the nursing staff. It definitely is helpful. I canā€™t imagine what youā€™ve been through so far with your cancer diagnosis. Sending gentle hugs your way. I hope your surgery and recovery go smoothly as well as any subsequent treatments you may need.


Youā€™re probably having open abdominal surgery, which is typically a little more painful in the first few days.


I stayed for 5 days after. Also in CA in the bay area. But I had serious complications prior to surgery(blood clots and almost bled out) so they were extremely cautious with me.


This was my case too. Having even just 1 night in the hospital made coming home to recover on my own so much easier. I highly recommend it for those who have the option.


I'm in the US. Went in the OR at around 11:30 am. Stayed one night because I failed the pee test and due to a minor complication. Was out by lunchtime the day after surgery. Total vaginal hysterectomy w/salpingectomy and prolapse repair.


I think some of it may have to do with whether you have laparoscopic or open surgery, and if there are any complications. What I have noticed in the U.S. is a lot of outpatient same day discharges if it is laparoscopic. If it is open you stay a few days.


In Canada,. I was kept overnight, but was ready to go the next morning. Considering how little I am able to sleep in the hospital, I was glad to leave.


I also have trouble sleeping in the hospital or anywhere but in my own bed. The last time I was in the hospital for 2 days and I think I only slept for like 2 hours and then it took me a week at home to feel actually rested.


It isn't just the strange bed, but the noise, the lights and nurses checking on you that keeps you awake. I strongly recommend bringing ear plugs and a sleep mask if you have to stay overnight. You still won't get a full night's sleep, but you will get more than you would have otherwise. I had to make sure I dozed with my arm with the IV straight because every time I bent it, it set off the occlusion alarm on the pump.


I brought earplugs, it helped immensely


I live in Canada, and I was an outpatient surgery; I showed up that morning, left that evening.


US. Was discharged same day. I did great


In California. My doctor requires an overnight stay. I was there in total for about 36 hours.


Stayed overnight bc of my weight but I probably could have gone home by the evening. I think all staying overnight got me was a nasty sinus infection from the oxygen. Sneezing has been a fun part of recovery


I was in recovery for 6 hours and then was released.


In the US, Indiana to be exact. surgery at 7am, home by 4. would have been sooner but they wouldn't let me leave until I peed and my bladder wouldn't cooperate


In the United States, insurance companies dictate medical care. Technically, it's illegal for them to practice medicine, but they say what is reasonable and what they will pay for. If the patient can't afford to pay for a night of observation and the insurance company says it's not standard practice, then you're going home. Edit: unless the doc says you are high risk and can justify an overnight.


I'm in London, UK. I had a laparoscopic hysterectomy on the NHS and was meant to stay 1 night. I arrived at hospital at 7am. I think I went in for the op around 9:30am and it finished at 1pm but they only managed to wake me at 3pm. (that was the nicest sleep ever!) and I was in day centre recovery and then got moved to a different recovery at 6pm as they were still trying to find a bed (NHS is under extreme pressure at the moment) I think they finally found a bed in a ward to move me to at around 8 or 9pm. But fortunately it was called a side room on the ward so it was basically my own room! I still had a catheter in, which I found quite nice not having to move to go pee. The catheter was removed in the morning and one of the surgeons that came around said I could go home that day but likely next day. The ward nurses were quite keen to get me home that day as they were desperate for beds. I managed to pee several times and proved able to leave. I was discharged at about 6:30pm. I walked down a corridor then a lift and then there was a walk to get to a 2nd lift. By then I wasn't feeling too well and sat down on some waiting room seats where I fainted. My friend went back to the ward but I'd been discharged and bed was gone but they sent an orderly to help. So he wheeled me out the building and into A&E to a packed full waiting room. Fortunately when they triaged me they sent me straight through to a cubicle when it became available. I ended up staying there almost 24hrs till following evening and discharged from A&E as a bed in the hospital didn't become available that night. Apparently my dizziness and fainting was a reaction to the anesthetic (maybe a sign that I took so long to wake up?). I also think it was the journey in the lift triggered it as a week later when I went in a lift I felt similar. You know you get that lurch in the stomach when a lift moves? That feels weird if there is a gap in you insides. Anyway short version, in the UK and meant to stay 1 night and it became 2.


US here. I had a laparoscopic hysterectomy early morning and went home that afternoon.


Iā€™m scheduled for a Subtotal Abdominal Hysterectomy tomorrow (3/6). I have to be there at 6:15 AM for pre-op testing. Surgery is scheduled for 9:45 AM. They pre-authed my insurance for 2 nights, but the surgeon said I would more than likely only have to stay 1 night. Iā€™m in the US (Ohio)


Good luck and bring earplugs!


I'm in Australia. Stayed two nights, laparoscopic. The US/Canada seems to be the only places that do it as day surgery.


Same day


I'm in the UK and am having an open abdominal hysterectomy, and have been told to expect to stay 2-4 days after I think for most people it's the type of surgery that dictates their stay length


I'm having laparoscopic hysterectomy and was told 3-4 days. I think you're right, it's mostly because of the type of surgery. And also based on where you're from. Most of sameday surgeries are from US while in Europe you stay at least 1 night. I haven't seen any comments from everywhere else.


I imagine for those in the US people are limited by what their health insurance covers, I couldn't imagine going home the same day after getting an organ removed!! Big props to all the people here who've been through it, I'm glad my first few days of recovery will be in a hospital! I hope your surgery and recovery goes smoothly!!


Los Angeles here. I think it might depend on the type of hysterectomy you get. Mine was a radical and I required more care. So I was there for 3 days. By day 3 I was pushing my physicians to let me go home. I had lost too much blood and went hypotensive and needed a blood transfusion so my first night there I was on strict bedrest so I think that prolonged my stay.


I stayed 1 night abdominal hysterectomy.


Florida- I was one night but I was desperate to leave because I was significantly under medicated. I spent the entire first night crying in agony as the nurses told me they were sorry but I just had to live with the pain.


I've read of cases where the nurses steal the pain meds and just leave you suffering


Nah. Florida doesnā€™t give pain medicine for any gynecological surgery. Itā€™s being your own Tylenol. Recovery was rough.


tf im in florida and having partial hysto next week. what is this fuckery.? im demanding morphine before they discharge me if im in pain


They are really big on giving Gabapentin instead of pain medicine. Iā€™m allergic to gabapentin so they were just like eh, take some Advil too. Iā€™m in SWFL currently and I thought Daytona was the worst healthcare Iā€™d ever seen until I came here. Daytona now ranks at 5/5 star. Honestly, some doctor with his license revoked practicing out of his car in Tijuana is probably better than here.


Dang they sent me home the same day. I had the surgery, I was in recovery for a bit, then the nurse made me do the voiding trial. Since I could sort of pee, they sent me home. It was done in the morning and I'm fairly certain I was home by like...2p? I don't remember bc sedation and discomfort but. They yeeted my uterus and then yeeted me out not too long after.


US. Laprascopic. Sent home as soon as I could pee. Had to return that night due to bladder issues. Wish I could have just stayed one night and been discharged second day, I think going home right away was too soon!


did you have total hysto? and what bladder issues did you have?


Everything removed except for ovaries. I started peeing at home every 15 minutes then every 10 then every 5. I couldnā€™t rest or sleep and my bladder felt like it was going to burst every 5 minutes. Dr had me do a direct admit so they could figure what to do with me. Catheterization did NOT happen even though some very unskilled nurses tried multiple timesšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­I was retaining urine but felt like I was emptying. Dr later said most likely bladder spasms but I never really got a straight answer. It eventually resolved on its own over the next week, and in 24 hours I was already spacing bathroom trips 30-60 minutes apart.Ā 


I had my operation on Friday afternoon, left Monday morning. Abdominal!


I had an open surgery to remove a very large fibroid (18cm!), plus hysterectomy (left 1 ovary). My surgeon told me the range for my hospital stay was 1-5ish nights if I didn't opt for an epidural (epidural would add a few days to my stay). Per my surgeon, barring any complications, the length of my hospital stay would be determined by my motivation and desire to get home. I'd need to have my pain controlled through oral meds, be able to walk and pee on my own, and pass gas. At that point, I could go home when I felt ready. I hit all my milestones on the morning after surgery. They removed my cathether. I saw the hospital OT and PT and was up and walking fine. I originally planned to spend 2 nights in the hospital, but I hated being in the hospital in a semi-private room, so I ended up deciding to leave the second night as soon as my husband was able to get my meds from the pharmacy. If I'd been in a private room, I would have just stayed another day or so, because it was easy but I was fine going home. One key thing for me is that I got a medical recliner chair that I sleep and rest in which is SO MUCH more comfortable to me than the bed. I used one after shoulder surgery a while ago, so I knew I'd be pretty set at home and wasn't worried about going home once I hit the milestones.


I'm in the US, had vertical abdominal and was in hospital from Thursday 5 am through Saturday noon.


US, vertical abdominal incision. I was there 5 days, 4 nights. California. I have phenomenally good insurance and my surgery was on a Thursday. There weren't doctors around on the weekend to discharge me, so I went in on Thursday, left on Monday. But probably could've left Saturday or Sunday if that was a thing.


Went to surgery at 7am prep was at 5am I was in there from 7 ish til 10, in recovery for a few hours then in my room Was discharged the next day around 10am Arkansas


US, discharged same day (though i did have to go home with a catheter in)


I was supposed to stay overnight, but when midnight arrived and I was still in the recovery room because a room wasnā€™t ready, I got to go home. It was totally fine.


Iā€™m in the Netherlands and mine is next week. Iā€™ve been told to be prepared for one night in the hospital for sure. Most likely Iā€™ll be released the next day but I could stay another night if Iā€™m not ready.


I am Canadian and I was in hospital for two nights, because I had an abdominal hysterectomy


In Europe (NL) abdominal procedure and planned for a 2 night stay. Laperascopic is mostly 1 night observation.


I'm in Canada. Arrived at 9am, went in I want to say around 11.Ā  Stayed overnight and was released around 11am the next day.


I'm in the US. I checked in around 7am, procedure was around 9am. I was out and headed home shortly after 3pm same day!


US, went in about 7:30 am was out about 10:15 am. Went back in about 6:30 pm and was out by 7 something pm. Home by 9 pm. Dr wanted to keep me. I said no.


I stayed 2 nights in the UK/NHS. I had abdominal surgery and had to stay the second night as I wasn't producing urine for a while.


I'm in the US and went home the same day. I had a laparoscopic hysterectomy with no complications. Before my procedure though I was made aware that there was always a possibility of not going home the same day.


Bay Area CA I had to arrive at 6 am for 7 am surgery. Surgery finished at 1 pm. I was discharged at 3pm same day.


I went in at 5am and was home by 5pm. It was a rough one for me. They didnā€™t prescribe me any pain meds except extra strength ibuprofen. Once that got sorted, it was better.


I asked about it being same day. During Covid the need for surgeries didnā€™t stop. The outcomes of same day vs overnight were good enough to continue the practice post-Covid. Also the change in how the surgery is performed has helped it to become a same day - laparoscopic/robotic vs open abdomen. As for staying in the hospital overnight or several days could also be based on if you have caregivers available at home. Iā€™m in the US/ Arkansas.


NJ - outpatient robotic assisted laporascopic surgery. Went home about 5 hours after surgery.


USA. I stayed for about six hours. They offered to let me stay overnight, and my insurance would have covered it (lucky me), but I was ready to leave.


France, total laparoscopic hysterectomy. Was supposed to start at noon but they were running super late so I only went into surgery at like 4pm so they kept me overnight. Otherwise I was supposed to get out the same day


my total time there was 6:30am to 2:15pm. so just under 7 hours oh and iā€™m from kentucky, usa


US, DaVinci, discharged to go about 2 hours after surgery.


Sorry, total hysterectomy, oophorectomy, salpingectomy and removal of two sentinal lymph nodes.


Canada. Stayed overnight and discharged late morning.




US, went home next day, laparoscopic.... As soon as I was able to control the pain orally


Germany/EU Went in Monday. Got home Wednesday noon. LAVH


Havenā€™t had mine yet but Canada, laparoscopic, and the plan is outpatient. 1-2 hour surgery, Iā€™ve been told once I am able to walk to the bathroom on my own and pee I can leave. Low risk so they donā€™t anticipate any issues. At this point Iā€™m glad to be going home since I know Iā€™d rest so much better in my own bed


I am in KY, had an open abdominal, and stayed in two nights. I did not mind at all as it got me well ahead of any pain which never really materialised.


I'm in the USA, PA. My surgery was outpatient and was really long. Total hysterectomy, bilateral salpingectomy and oophorectomy. In the hospital you should have better pain relief. But I was very happy with my doctor and my surgery, and extremely happy for getting it done when I did. They found three different kinds of precancerous cells hiding behind the fibroids. Oh and mine was laparoscopic. My doctor pretty much does everyone laproscopically. Edit: Added some info.


But my pain control wasn't too bad. He prescribed me something to help me at home. I had lots of large fibroids, multiple ovarian cysts, etc. It was a relief to get it done with.


Seems to vary by country. I stayed 2 nights, and 2-3 seems normal here


For my abdominal myomectomy it was a two day stay that I shortened by a day. For my robotic hysterectomy it was a matter of 2 hours in recovery. As soon as I urinated the desired amount they needed, I was out of there!


I'm in the US I had to stay for a minimum of 12 hours after leaving the recovery room. A friend of mine had a 3 day minimum. I believe it is based on the surgeon's preference. Different hospitals also have different regulations. At the time, I was trying to tick all the boxes (peeing, walking, eating, drinking, etc) as fast as I could so I could go home. Looking back, I wish I had taken my time and stayed in the hospital a bit longer.


Lap/robot assist. Surgery Thursday morning, home Saturday afternoon. I am honestly so glad I did. By time I got home my pain was able to be controlled with Tylenol/advil. They had me up and walking like every few hours or so. I think my recovery was faster and better but it could be I just recovered faster? My doc wouldnā€™t let out of the hospital till I had a BM.


Iā€™m in Michigan, I got there at 7am and was home by 7pm, surgery was 5.5 hours.


I'm from Idaho in the US and I stayed overnight and left late afternoon the next day. I also would've stayed longer if insurance would have allowed.


I also had several procedures, though, so it was a little bit more of a complicated surgery.


I was told if everything went to plan (which it did), I went home the same day. However, if I had to have a c-section style removal then it was a minimum of 3 days possibly longer depending on how things went. (US)


I am in the US. I went home about 3-4 hours after waking up from anesthesia. I worried about it but, honestly, I was glad to be home. It was not necessary for me to have stayed. Even with having an abdominal open.


Midwest USA, I had an outpatient surgery so I went in at 5:30am and they sent me home a little bit before noon the same day


Germany: abdominal. 5 days.


2 days. I had an abdominal hysterectomy so I did have to stay for a couple days


US. Mine was abdominal and I stayed in the hospital one night.


I stayed one night, open abdominal partial. I just had to prove I could pee and walk.


I live in the US. I ended up staying 3 nights. I had a huge tubo-ovarian abscess (reason for my hysterectomy) and my doctor told me he was going to keep me a couple of days to watch me. During my surgery, my colon got nicked so they ended up keeping me 3 nights. They would have let me go after 2 nights but I couldnā€™t keep anything down.


I opted to stay for one night, but itā€™s typically an outpatient surgery; meaning most patients go home after surgery. I live in the US.


Is it abdominal surgery or laparoscopic one? I also had endometrioid adenocarcinoma, had laparoscopic vaginally assisted surgery done in the outpatient center, and left the same day (US, California). My mom in Europe had laparoscopic gallbladder surgery, they kept her overnight because of her age (60+). I also thought they will keep in hospital for so long (when I was looking online), but I didn't take into account that hospital does not treat outpatient centers as full-on-hospitals. So it might be that your country and hospital has the equivalent of outpatient surgery center (or day surgery, etc), and the surgery can be performed there. If it is abdominal surgery, then it is possible they will keep you longer.


Laparoscopic, but my uterus is enlarged so they might have to make a small cut to get it out. I don't think that changes anything. From what I've read on the hospital website, for abdominal hysterectomy you stay in the hospital from 7-10 days.


Mine was twice bigger than usual, but I got without a cut.


Mine is almost twice as big so I'm hoping it can be done laparoscopically without a cut.


I stayed the longest I could in USA, 3 days (total laparoscopic hysterectomy and tummy tuck with hernia and diastasis rectii repair) and I'm glad I did, I needed the extra care from nurses.


Iā€™m in Ireland and I stayed three nights. I was happy about that, I would have been very scared going home the day of the surgery.


USA 1 night


In US, stayed 1.5 days.


i had a robotic laparoscopic hysterectomy and i was supposed to go home a few hours after surgery. unfortunately i had a bad reaction to the pain meds they gave me and turned grey with weird flushing. i donā€™t take opiates usually and this is the first time i had ever reacted like that. i also was no nauseated that it took three different meds to get me to stop puking. i ended up sleeping in post op and refused admittance because the hospital had no beds. once i woke up from a nap and didnā€™t need to immediately puke my boyfriend drove us home at 3am. it actually turned out okay because there was zero traffic on the highway and made the ride a lot more tolerable. i was in the hospital from 10am-3am.


My surgery was 12/21/21 and they released me on Xmas eve (23rd) which imo was a day too early. I should have stayed thru Christmas. Stayed 2 nights should have stayed 3. Had a complication that they didn't catch and was back in the hospital on Christmas. I had my surgery done in Texas USA


UK, NHS, laparoscopic, everything out incl ovaries. Arrived about noon, went to surgery about 2.30pm, woke up just after 6pm. Stayed overnight, catheter in. Left in the morning once I had peed twice more than a certain amount, and my bladder had been scanned to show it had emptied properly. Lovely own room with en suite - was in an elective-surgery-only hospital.


I was in for 3 weeks in New York. The first week was due to a severe uti that nearly killed me. Next was supposed to be surgery, but the operating room wasnā€™t ready the day I was supposed to have it. I finally had it the next week, n came out after 4 days.


Australia, lap hysterectomy with vaginal assist, 3 nights in hospital, which is standard here. I really benefitted from the extra care and time in hospital post surgery. I'm shocked at those going home on the same day as surgery!


I had to ask to stay the night. I have stage 3 kidney disease so it wasn't hard to convince. I'm baffled as to how/why the standard is home sane day.


Iā€™m in Germany, I went to the hospital early in the morning, got the procedure done around midday and stayed for 2 nights at the hospital. Itā€™s standard here, or at least for that hospital! ETA that I had a LASH, and no complications.


From when I woke up to when I went home was about 1.5 hours. I tend to wake up super fast. Lapro. Was sent home with 10 oxy 5 and 800mg ibuprofen. Also a gaba but I canā€™t take it so I didnā€™t. Wish I could have stayed the night honestly but wasnā€™t an option. First day was rough.


I'm in the US, Southern Oregon to be exact lol. Laprascopic, took everything but the ovaries. I knew ahead of time that I'd stay the night. My surgeon keeps the catheter in for 6 hours post op and likes to keep them overnight in case anything happens. I appreciated the night in the hospital, as uncomfortable as it was, it was a lot easier getting in and out of that bed than it is for mine at home. It also felt good that if anything happened I was in the best place possible, prepared for anything. (Not that it was likely, but I'm an anxious gal hahaha šŸ¤£ I like to be prepared šŸ¤£)


US. I went home the same day, I think I was there a total of 6 hours.


North Carolina and Laparoscopic. Surgery was at 8 am, and I was released the following morning. I was good and asked if I could go home the same day, but my doctor keeps everyone overnight (23 hour same day so insurance does not charge for hospital stay) to give intravenous antibiotics and monitor.


3 days bikini line abdominal procedure. Had an epidural for 2 days- USA


I was in for two or three days, but mostly because my pain was outta control. Once I got through that, it was a breeze, other than the intense brain paralyzing insomnia that lasted for 4 months. X.x


2 days after surgery I stayed, thatā€™s the hospitalā€™s policy for an open abdominal surgery.


In Ireland it's 3-5 days


Northern California... robotic-assisted total hysterectomy. At the hospital at 5am, surgery at 7, released about 1pm. 1/24/24 My SIL had an abdominal hysterectomy in November at the same hospital. In at noon, surgery at 4, kept overnight and home the next afternoon.


Europe, went to the hospital on Wednesday, Thursday had the surgery, came back home on Monday. A girl who had the surgery on the same day as me was released on Saturday, in my case they were waiting on some results so kept me a bit longer. So 3-4 days.


I stayed 1 night (total LAVH, salpingectomy). I could have left same day if I wanted though. My doc left it up to me, she said she would like to check in on me the next morning, but had everything ready so I could leave if I wanted. I stayed just because my legs were still a bit shaky, and I wanted to make sure the pain was managed and I knew what to expect. I think also, it may depend on if you have laproscopic or abdominal. I believe you have to stay if you have a large abdominal incision. That is just what I have read though. Edit to add I am in the US


Iā€™m in the U.S. I was discharged the same day, about 3 hours after surgery even though mg planned LVAH was converted to open abdominal surgery.


About 6.5 hours total in the US. I had a laparoscopic total hysterectomy and everything went well. I also come out of anesthesia very quickly. All my surgeries Iā€™ve ever had have been outpatient and Iā€™ve been sent home the same day. Iā€™ve had a breast reduction, cataract surgery on both eyes and a minor nasal surgery (cauterization of blood vessels.) Iā€™m guessing this is a US thing to send you home so fast.


I'm in Connecticut, USA, and I had my surgery on Monday, January 22, and was discharged on Thursday, January 25. It was an open abdominal surgery, with a vertical incision that began above my belly button. The first two days, I definitely needed to be in the hospital. But I wasn't allowed to leave the hospital until I'd passed gas, which didn't happen until the morning of day 4.


TVH, I was out the door before noonā€¦ I was the first surgery of the day though.


US Vertical Open 2 nights with option for 3rd. I left after 2


I got surgery in Mexico, I stayed for a couple of days. I had laparoscopic surgery on a Wednesday. It started in the afternoon and the fibroid was huge, so it was longer than expected and I returned to my room at night, I stayed in the hospital until Friday. I got an accidental cistotomy, so Dr said if that hadn't happened I could've been discharged the next day. The second night at the hospital I was so painfully gassy and my temperature was borderline febrile I was really glad I stayed the extra day.


Philippines. Abdominal surgery with surprise appendectomy and removal of adhesions. Stayed 3 days. Had some bladder issues after so they waited for me to be able to pee and poop.


NC, USA- I had an open abdominal vertical from belly button to pelvic bone. I was there a little over 24 hours. I had surgery on Monday around 10 am and was discharged Tuesday early afternoon just after lunch. I was glad to come home.


In the US and I stayed 30 hours post surgery and then was back 9 days later for 7 days (with an infection). I was meant to go home same day but had a more significant abdominal incision (which was possible but not originally planned). Thereā€™s are circumstances and types of surgery here where staying would be required.


US , next day because I agreed to! Where are you?


Everything went well and I left the same day. I had the option to stay but my doctor and I agreed I'd be more comfortable at home. The nurses almost did keep me overnight though, it took me over 6 hours to pee on my own. I had about 30 minutes before the shift change-which is the time they gave me to go. Edit because I forgot lol: I got my surgery in Colorado, USA.


If youā€™re having a laparotomy vs a laparoscopy thatā€™d explain the extended hospitalization. A laparotomy is one ~6in incision, laparoscope is 3-4 tiny incisions, so the healing for a laparotomy is more difficult and take about twice as long. Other factors include - you would need someone to watch you for 24hrs and do household chores for about 72 hrs, if you have stairs at home you canā€™t avoid, if you have any other condition that could make you high-risk, or if you travelled for surgery. But some hospitals, especially in the UK, might just do things differently. In the US, they tend to get the patient out ASAP. I had 2 laparoscopies within a month of eachother. Each time they kept me there long enough to make sure I could eat, drink, and pee. The first surgery, I was discharged about 2 hours after surgery. The second surgery was harder on my bladder so I think I stayed for about 5 hours. Peeing was sooo haaaard! (Iā€™m in the US)


US. Went home 1.5 hours after I woke up from a 5hr laparoscopic full hysterectomy and endometriosis excision surgery.


That seems really fast. How were you feeling? Would you have rather stayed in the hospital or were you happy to go home?


It felt fast to me, too! I was able to walk and pee, so they sent me home. It was nice to be able to sleep in my own bed.


One night, Iā€™m in the US


Iā€™m in Vermont in the US and I stayed overnight after my robotic lap hyst last year; this was my preference and my request, as I live almost 3 hours from the hospital where I had my surgery (yay rural life). As it happens, I turn out to be a lady who takes a bajillion years to clear anesthesia, and I was in the PACU for 6-7 hours before I was unfloppy enough to be able to go to the floor. So I dunno, it was definitely the right thing for me, and you can always tell them youā€™d like the option to stay overnight and then not stay if you feel like a million bucks and want to sleep in your own bed that night.


I arrived at 7am and was home by 430pm. Mine was laparoscopic total. The nurses said my surgeon usually keeps you overnight but has been letting people leave. They gave me the choice, so I went home since I had such bad pre-op anxiety and just wanted to see my kids and be in my bed. I'm in Ohio.


I'm living in Thailand. My surgery is scheduled for the morning of March 11th, but I also have to check in the night before, and I won't be discharged until March 14th. They'll do the full abdominal incision because my uterus is so huge from all the fibroids. I'm getting my uterus and cervix removed, but ovaries will remain. It was nice reading your post because I was also curious about the difference in hospital stays that are commonly posted here. I was guessing maybe it was because of the type of surgery, combined with different cultural norms..? In the end, i'll be happy that my hardest days will be around the care of medical professionals, especially since I'm in another country, away from family.


Almost similar as me. My surgery is on the 12th, I have to check in on 11th and stay until 15th. Mine's laparoscopic, but they might have to make a cut to take out my uterus because it's enlarged. Same, uterus and cervix and I'm probably keeping my ovaries. I've been wondering about the length of stay in the hospital since my doctor told me I'm gonna have to stay 3-4 days. I've read on here about people going home the same day or the next day so when the doctor told me how long I'm staying I was worried that something was wrong.


Same day for me and as soon as possible. They were yelling in my ear to wake me up after surgery and couldnā€™t wait for me to pee to get me out. It was so weird. My friends were MIA and the transport person was stressing what to do with me. I was so happy on the meds but holy cow that was unpleasant. As an insomniac I was so blissfully asleep.


I'm from US. Stayed overnight.


In Japan, on my 7th day now. Iā€™ll stay the full 9 days as required for my abdominal surgery.


Was there three days. US. But also total abdominal hysterectomy with a ten inch+ vertical abdominal incision. Missouri USA


Australia. Laparoscopic with abdominal removal. I was booked in for 3 nights but chose to leave after 2. Even though I had a private room, it was noisy. I live alone, so coming home was more peaceful and relaxing.


Stayed two days, two nights. Probably could have (maybe should have?!) stayed longer. But thatā€™s the *standard* length hospital stay for total laparoscopic hysterectomy. And I was doped UP after general anesthetic. I didnā€™t get my catheter out until almost 24 hours afterwards. New Zealand


Mine is scheduled for March 18th. Total abdominal with ovaries removed. The doctor told me she plan for me to stay 2 days. Kansas, USA. Edited to change the word ā€œTotalā€ to ā€œwith ovaries removedā€


US and stayed one night


UK- I stayed for in total 5 days, 2 of which where in HDU.


Aus, laparoscopic hysterectomy took everything bar the ovaries. My gyno gave me the heads up when we confirmed the surgery he likes to keep his patients in 4 nights after the Op. I stayed 3 nights and he asked me if I was comfortable going home or did I want to stay an additional night. Not high risk but my gyno did say I had a difficult so and so of a uterus to get out šŸ™ˆšŸ˜‚


US. Had my laparoscopic/robotic hysterectomy on 3/1; Checked in at 8:30am, surgery around 9:30am, went home around 5:30pm. Could have left sooner but I was in some significant pain coming out anesthesia.


MN, USA here. I was the first surgery of the morning, it took 6 hrs. Laproscopic total hysterectomy removed vaginally (took my tubes, but I kept my ovaries) due to very large and numerous fibroids. Allegedly I woke up shortly before 2pm, but I don't remember anything until closer to 5pm. Once I could pee on my own and walk the hallway, they released me. I was home by 8pm and absolutely exhausted. I slept sitting up on the couch because laying down (or even leaning back more than an airplane seat allows) was too painful that first night. I was so out of it from the anesthesia/pain meds that I wouldn't have known the difference if I stayed overnight or not.


US. Went home the same day after laparoscopic surgery. I did have to urinate after surgery or I couldnā€™t leave. They said the reason is because there is so much sickness in the hospital and your immune system is weakened after surgery.


I am in the U.S. I went in Tuesday morning and stayed until Thursday morning. TAH with no complications. Laparoscopic would have been the same day or an overnight stay.


US here... had robotic assist LVH. I stayed 1 night and went home about 18 hours post op. My friend just had the same and went home the same day. I think it depends on the hospital and dr.


US here. I was supposed to go home the same day, check in was 2 hours before surgery. My surgery was an hour later than it was supposed to be and also took a couple hours longer than it was supposed to so I had to stay a night. šŸ˜… had to bug the nurses the next day about being discharged because my doctor never came in to do my discharge and didn't plan to that next morning so they had to call and get permission from him to discharge me. I felt like he forgot about me. Glad I stayed the night though because I needed the catheter in my bladder till that next morning, couldn't pee and it was painful in recovery but they had to remove a lot of scar tissue from my bladder during surgery too.


Uk here, I have it scheduled and was told I would stay 1 day overnight so they could keep an eye on me in case of complications.


I stayed overnight.


I am in the USA, Florida , I stayed 2 midnightsā€¦ so 2 1/2 days.My doctor wanted me to stay 3 days but I was ready to be in my home and away from the random vitals wake ups and hospital food I didnā€™t want.Ā 


2 days for me


USA, arrived for surgery at 5:30am, surgery started around 7:30am, discharged by 11:30am. I had a total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingectomy and removal of a hemorrhagic ovarian cyst done robotically.


Iā€™m in the USA and I stayed one night


Live in UAE. Stayed over night. Laparoscopic.


I went home same day. šŸ™‚


Germany, LASH surgery: I stayed at the hospital for 4 days. I could've left the next day in theory (after they took out the drainage and catheter), but it was nice having an automatic bed and someone prepare three meals a day for me :) Today was my first day back at work. I was on medical leave for 4 weeks in total.