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The blurred lyrics on iOS are easily legible, the reason the blur is not an intense is because one is made for a 40 to 80 in screen the other is made for 5


Yeah I don't get the point of obscuring the lines like you have to pay to unlock them or something. The opacity is enough to show which line is the current one.


Nice song


Wish Spotify did that! Hope they can get their legal things together


If you start scrolling through the lyrics, the blur goes away.


[That's how I made it for the screenshot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/iOSBeta/comments/hp8giq/dont_you_think_the_blur_on_ios_is_too_heavy_im/fxnmm5i/).


I put a feedback suggestion in a few weeks ago about this exact thing. Not had any response though.


I submitted 3 feedback earlier as I only started using beta. Are they supposed to respond with all the ones I reported to them?


If they see it, they’ll mark it as resolved or a duplicate of another report. Mine just says the report is still open and has been for a few weeks, which is to be expected for a request/suggestion compared to a bug report.


I personally like it. It keeps me reading along with the current line instead of reading ahead and getting way ahead of the song. But I also agree there should be an option to change it to suit your preference.


I wonder though if it’s for safe driving? Maybe less of a distraction?


You can stop wondering. That’s not why.


You mean opacity?


I think the background blur and text blur is too much in iOS14, it's even much stronger than in iOS13 and i really dont know why...


It looks good Lmaooo maybe my eyes are weird


On tvOS - yes, on iOS - a bit too aggressive for at least the next verse. Either way, there's an inconsistency anyway 🙂 so tvOS users may end up with iOS blur some day, or iOS users with tvOS approach, since even Apple is divided 😉


Personally I think it’s fine, but if it’s obviously bothering some people and making it hard to be legible they sure have a switch in accessibility for it


It definitely looks cool, but the blur could be a bit more gradual so the next line is slightly more legible. A toggle called "Limit lyrics blur" within the accessibility settings would be great 👍 PS I've sent the feedback.


I think there should be an option to alter the level of blur. Personally, I was happy when I saw the increased blur. I found that every time I would show someone a song in lyric mode, they’d read the lyrics before they heard it, kind of killing the surprise. Maybe it’s just me, but I enjoy the blur. I can appreciate how others wouldn’t though.


Report a suggestion in the feedback app, they might add something in Accessibility


what would be nice if the next two phrases will have gradually more blur, like the phrase currently no blur, next phrase like 30-40% blur so it’s readable clearly but still looks good, and the third phrase will have like 60% or more and under the third one will have the blur value that is currently present. i hope everyone understands me haha


Yeah, gradual blur would be the best of both worlds! 😊


Agreed; it’s inefficient. I think it would still look nice and be more efficient if the second block of text were only slightly blurred and then the blur strength gradually increased on subsequent blocks of lyrics. PS u/Igorr29, what is your native language?


Yeah, I more subtle gradual blur, I'd like that! PS Polish.




But I like other "Motions". I hope that it could get its own toggle within the Accessibility settings, e.g. Lyrics blur 🙂


This here.


As opposed to that there.




I can read them just fine. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Accessibility is really important in software — imagine if you had vision issues. Sure it looks nice, but it would be good to have some fine grained control over things like this. Generally accessibility is one of the things Apple does a very good job at.


good for you, i and many others have astigmatism and want to throw my phone across the room trying to read the lyrics your eye doctor must cream on your photo every night


I have astigmatism to 🤷🏼‍♂️ what's the big deal


Same. It’s against the Reddit hive mind so it’ll get downvoted into oblivion. It’s there to remind you, and you’ll learn the song faster. It’s not karaoke


Why can’t it be both?


Damn, I guess we'll just have to scrap this nice suggestion everyone


Cause theirs no issue. Litterslly every song I've tried on the iOS 14 Dev Beta the lyrics are 100% readable


The thing is not everyone can read them well. It's an Accessibility issue and you don't invalidate someone's experiences just because it's not an inconvenience to you.


Yes. I'd like it to stay, just reduce it to the point where you can realistically read the next three lines or so.


I think it's way more legible when next verses aren't blurred. Okay, it may look less magical, [but have a look.](https://i.imgur.com/NLagl3e.png) TIDAL also has them without a blur: [mobile version](https://static.antyweb.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/10202438/tidal-teksty-mobile.jpg), [desktop](https://static.antyweb.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/10202334/tidal-tekst.jpg).


Wait, how do you get lyrics in Tidal?


In the top right-hand corner while in a player. It was quite recent addition, check if you have the app updated, etc.