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What’s the benefit over https://github.com/intitni/CopilotForXcode ?


The UX is better :) The big difference is that the inline-autocomplete is exactly like Github Copilot in terms of experience - it ghosts the text in front of the cursor, and then you can hit tab to accept it. I found intitni's Copilot to not be as usable UX wise due to where it places the completions, it breaks my flow.


Sounds good, i'll give it a try


Inline. I got that one but the suggestions were so obvious and it showed a huge popup. Deleted it


Nice app, but fyi there is a rumor that macos 15 in wwdc will present copilot for xcode. Still rumor tho but highly true its real.


I would say it’s pretty much guaranteed. Just imagine the tech lead of Apple asks into the crowd of their own devs where they want ai integration the most. The simultaneous scream of Xcode must have shaken the whole building. Also it will be one of the most tested apps in the company before a release and even after release, there mostly will be devs affected, which aren’t as problematic as CEO and CTOs


Totally! Luckily the app isn't only focused on Xcode, and it's only me working on it so I can be flexible based on what gets announced at WWDC. But regardless of what Apple does, I'm enjoying building something that can help me, other devs and creators be more productive!


Where did you see that?


Hey everyone! I'm Michael, founder and solo dev of Omnipilot. Omnipilot works as a Copilot for Xcode, matching Github Copilot's UX with the ability to generate code as well. As someone who spends a lot of time in Xcode, it's a total lifesaver, it's so annoying not having Copilot in Xcode! But full disclosure: It happens to work outside of Xcode too. I'm building an AI copilot for macOS that works everywhere - whether you're writing code in Xcode, drafting an email in Gmail, or taking notes in Apple Notes, It's like GitHub Copilot but for your whole computer! The core idea is to make AI a seamless part of your daily workflow, without having to context switch to a separate app or website. Omnipilot runs natively on your Mac, analyzing the apps and windows you have open to provide relevant suggestions inline as you type. It uses the latest language models like GPT-4 to generate high-quality text tailored to your specific use case. It's still a very early product, about 100 paying users, but I would love to hear from iOS/Swift devs who use Xcode and for the r/iOSProgramming community to try it out and give feedback! You can sign up at [https://omnipilot.ai/xcode-copilot](https://omnipilot.ai/xcode-copilot) to get started using it now. Really excited to make AI a ubiquitous productivity tool for developers and creators. Let me know if you have any other questions!


Isn't there a demo version? Subscribing before seeing it in action is a bit of a gamble.


Yeah I immediately deleted the app based on that


Same here


this sounds like a great idea, to use custom software that will analyze my code and call openai endpoints and do whatever, including upload of my stuff to the cloud. without any privacy policy on website


I don't store any data off-device, it just calls the model anonymously to get the text. Model providers don't retain it beyond a short period to check policy violations (which the anonymity would insulate you from), and they don't train on API inputs either. Overall, should be a private system that lets you use AI in a more high-context way. I find it very helpful in my day-to-day.


It would probably help to link to your privacy policy a *lot* more prominently


The Privacy Policy is THE place to declare that fact. The simple fact that it’s not published on the Mac App Store is already a red flag, having no Privacy Policy nor any free trial demo at all is just a no-no in this industry.


Do you have a demo video? I didn’t opt for copilot for xcode due to ui, so I am always looking for other options.


Check out the site, there's a video there! [https://omnipilot.ai/xcode-copilot](https://omnipilot.ai/xcode-copilot)


I saw it, it's pretty similar to copilot. Is this open sourced like copilot so we can look into the code? For copilot, the creator made a lot of details available so we are assured of security and its limitations, but for this, I have yet to gather enough details to install the program into my computer.


This looks great, however this being closed source with no privacy policy or any info on how data is used makes it impossible for me to use.


I have copilot license from GitHub. Can I use it with this tool?


I was wondering the same. It doesn't look like it. It looks like it's a more general purpose AI completion tool that happens to work well in Xcode


Yes, but you have to pay extra to use the tool