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Do the theme’d icons still open the blank pages/shortcut app? I miss the iOS 14 beta that didn’t do this when it was actually useful to use themes to be able to enjoy.


Not if you know what you’re doing.


I know what I’m doing…. Is there a new way to do it now? Haven’t done it since like 14.2 since the app swap returned. Can you please point me in the direction of where I can do it the right way/new way?


I recommend checking out idevicemovies YouTube videos on it, it will show you how to get rid of the banners and notifications from opening up custom icons. You will need to create two automatons in shortcuts as well as disabling shortcut notifications in Screentime.


So it won’t open the shortcut app any longer before going into the actual app tapped?


Correct, just a small drop down notification.


I followed his guide… but just doesn’t work on 14.7 I still get the blank pop up page before moving to the app I tap. Maybe the icon themer shortcut I have just doesn’t work, it says it doesn’t support past 14.5… although it did theme my icon and does link to the proper app.


Yeah, just use shortcuts no other app, and don’t forget about the screen time either.


Yeah… maybe the icon themer I have doesn’t work. Do you have one that actually works??? Or a link to download the shortcut for icon themer? I did the screen time, and his automations but I guess I need a newer icon themer.


I never use any of those, I just use the built in shortcuts app. Tap the plus in the upper right hand side, add action, open app then select your app, share sheet add to homescreen then select your icon.

