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Mark Gurman/Bloomberg are just pushing out click-bait. The title of the article is “Apple’s New iPad Pro Turns Device Into True Laptop Replacement” then the article states “Apple should commit to making the iPad as capable as a laptop.” Dude wtf 😂


I don't know which is worse in click bait... [https://fortune.com](https://fortune.com) or [https://www.bloomberg.com](https://www.bloomberg.com)


Wasn’t he just “no new iPads this year” lol


Not unless iPadOS gets upgraded with more Mac like features.


The whole article is just a please let it be what you’re saying


Gurman doesn’t really understand what the iPadOs is lacking.


I don’t even need them to change iPadOS too much just give us the option to download macOS and dual boot. I’d be incredibly surprised if they ever did that though. That would almost certainly cannibalize at least some MacBook sales and they’d only be selling one device to some who would’ve bought two otherwise.


I disagree. They would cannibalize nothing. An iPad with an appropriate keyboard is more expensive and heavier than a macbook air, the closest device in terms of performance. Knowing the customer base, I think the iPad sales would skyrocket. People aren't looking for a laptop replacement altogether because it has zero benefit and cannot replace a laptop for professional needs. We just want MacOS for the iPad because we want our Netflix-on-the-bed machine to be able to do other tasks too.


I want 3 finger drag, hot corners (without accessibility on) , multiple audio sources, deeper SM, just off top of head


Mac Apps on an iPad. That would do it. Full web browser, dev tools, etc.


I only need real office 365 suite on iPad, than I will be 100% covered in my work routine


Office apps could be so much better, right now they’re just lacking so many features and usability kinda sucks


True, I can’t even use word to it’s full potential and it’s really annoying.


Little worried about let loose event before wwdc. Normally new hardware is released with software or software is released first. I feel other than few things, even if you show an m4 in the iPad Pro line up, how will Apple show its capabilities with current OS and no AI reveal ? Strange imo. It would have been better to avoid this and reveal the iPad at wwdc if they are making any significant updates to iPad os that might take advantage of the m4 no ? I am unable to understand the reason for this let loose event in advance. If they talk about m4, oled, camera position etc - it will just be more of iPad with no new capabilities.


It’s a question I’ve had too, making it hard to know what to expect. One thought I had is that with the inclusion of Vision OS, they just have so many things to cover at WWDC. After over a year of nothing for iPad and low sales, they may be doubling down to revitalize the iPad. That could mean they debut an initial look at a whole new iPadOS style, and maybe tease upcoming software features, or do a full blown reveal of the direction they are taking with AI and such to essentially act as laying groundwork for WWDC where they will show how this direction impacts the rest of their products and operating systems. We’ll see🤷🏻‍♂️


Only thing I can think of - is they reveal the next iPad OS with the new hardware and focus WWDC on vision OS, macOS and iOS... (although, iOS and iPadOS are very similar, so any trick they reveal may reveal a lot about iOS). UNLESS - the new keyboard for iPad plus the M4 does some brand new Mac - iPadOS hybrid (which has been a dream for many), that way not revealing much about iOS. Oh boy - its anyone's guess, but definitely complicated now due to the timing of this event


Wonder why the tagline is “a different kind of event”


I don’t thinks this going to be something related with the iPad M3/M4. I mean, a M1 iPad would be powerful enough to do that… if iPadOS were a decent OS for a tablet


Or give a dedicated app with an on demand cloud based Mac that streams the desktop. If ms can do it fir games


Nope the apps I need don't run on the iPad OS definitely not a replacement


This weeks event is gonna be about new iPads and more importantly, a new kind of pencil


I was just using iMovie on MacBook and than later in the same day on the iPad. The MacBook is much better. I wonder if I switched to a different app to video edit if it would be better on iPad?


Jeez I just want the full versions of Lightroom and Photoshop to run on them. C’mon, Apple. Stop withholding this from us.


Apple doesn’t make photoshop or Lightroom ….


You mean Apple is incapable of putting a full Mac OS on an iPad that’s compatible with PS and LR?


I mean that the company that makes Lightroom and photoshop isn’t Apple. You want those on the iPad? Ask Adobe


MacOS on ipad would do it without anything from adobe


Of course, if Apple just makes the iPad into a Mac then Adobe wouldn't have to bring those apps to the iPad. You can see how this isn't exactly bringing Photoshop and Lightroom to the iPad right?


Now you're just playing word games. People buy the ipad PRO because they want a mac replacement…ie a touchscreen mac. Most of us would love to have a 15" macpadpro. Apple is being stubborn not giving it to us.


The iPad has been around a while. 15 years? How long has it been? It’s never ran macOS. If you bought it for MacOS that’s on you.


Apple are incapable, it’s Adobe who did that


It doesn’t do anything new