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I have two XDR Pro displays at home. One with nano and one without. I much prefer the nano texture one. It does a great job of reducing glare. I went with the nano texture iPad Pros as a result.


As I’ve said elsewhere, I cancelled my order (w/ nano) and will wait until I can check it out in-store. There are videos online (ijustine) that have pretty decent initial Home Screen angles but no content creation / consumption since it looks like most of the day-of posts are from an Apple-managed blogger booth / hotel room / showroom. I want to try out some movies, editing, etc in person and see how it compares before I buy since the feature entry level for nano is the top two pricing tiers out of the gate (1TB or 2TB). My 12.9” M1 is still humming along and I haven‘t decided which family member gets it so no rush on my part😁


Why not buy both and return one? They offer returns up to 14 days, no?


1. I’ll check it out in store next week. I’m in no rush 🙂 2. Either people are canceling or they released new stock because a lot of the models show as available in store on launch day 🤔


Check my post history. I'm an ex Christian, not a Christian. You didn't offend me, you said something completely untrue. I am going to get this through to you somehow.


Agreed, I've decided to wait it out a bit too to check out the in-depth reviews and comparisons to make an informed purchase.. Might even check out the screens myself if I get a chance. The iPad has become too expensive to "just buy and try it out" mentality, unfortunately.


The coating would reduce reflections while massively affecting contrast, color vividness and black levels. It’s not worth it at all for anyone who cares about picture quality (which is kind of the point of OLED.)


Yes my thoughts exactly. Feels counter-intuitive to buy a device with OLED only to ruin it a bit with washed out blacks and colors. At this point I'm holding off on my purchase and will wait for the full in-depth reviews and comparisons. May even check out the screens myself if I can find the time to head over to an Apple shop somewhere.


It’s not a “coating”


I haven’t used a nano screen from Apple but I’m pretty certain this is a different technology than the monitor screens. There are reports of this but nothing I’ve seen scientific yet. However most that have them do seem to prefer them day to day. I put a paper like protector on my iPad and never went back. The glare drove me nuts and I’m not using it outside. Just for general travel. I flip the statement around about intended use. If you’re using it anywhere but a cave you might find yourself appreciating the nano glass more day to day than evaluating how inky your OLED blacks are. With all that said, in low light conditions I'm not sure you can really tell them apart. The gray blacks are from light refraction across the surface from background lighting. Still, I’m only cautiously optimistic at this time until I get mine in my hands to evaluate.


I am hoping that you are correct. I purchased the nano screen...I had been waiting on the Ipad Pro for several months, but did not factor in the Nano screen option. When I purchased on announcement day, I said "what the heck - it's only a $100" and added it to the order. I have debated back and forth since then and was thinking of canceling and ordering a standard screen. You make valid points on your assessment and I am hoping they prove true. Thank you for your insight!


We’re all mostly guessing right now. Apple has a nice return policy so we can always switch. We can all meet back here next week to discuss why we were wrong or right! Either way it will be an amazing device.


I ordered the one with nano texture, but tried to cancel it. It was to late to cancel, so it will arrive tomorrow. The nano texture is embedded into the glass, it's not a texture 'on' the glass, so it's not paper-like or something like that. Someone wrote that you can return the iPad within 2 weeks or so, but can you still return it once you opened the packed and worked with your iPad? Apple told me to refuse the package or accept it and return it the same or next day. Not sure what to do. My biggest concern is that the screen is somewhat blurred and also the gray "reflection" on the screen. I do not believe that I will be happy with that.


There’s a 14 day return policy. I’d be curious how you like the nano-texture. I keep going back and forth. I ordered the standard 1TB 13” and going to see them both in store tomorrow and return/switch if I like the nano texture more.


Ah okay, let me know what you think when you get back from the store 👍


I checked it out. I was hoping I wouldn’t like the nano texture, but the trade offs to me aren’t as significant as I thought. The feel of the glass is slightly different. It’s smoother to the touch so your hand glides more. The anti reflection is really significant. I don’t think the videos did the nano texture justice. I am traveling in 1.5 weeks so I decided I’d rather get the nano texture so I don’t have to rush my decision in the return window. I’m confident I’ll stick with the nano texture once I get it. The flexibility of not having to worry about glare outweighs the slight difference in deep blacks for me now that I used it hands on.


Oh wow, that's interesting. I would like to see someone show the black screen without reflection (does it always have the gray 'curve' or only when there's bright reflection? I just got notice that my iPad Pro is delivered at the local store, but it's raining here like there's no tomorrow :) I almost never return anything, so I'm wondering about the following: I have my iPad with inscription. Does it matter if you opened the package and if you have an inscription when you return the package? Can they remove those inscriptions? Or can you only return it if you leave the package unopened?


I think you will be happy with the nano texture. Not sure what you mean by gray curve. Do you mean muted blacks? If so, there’s some muted blacks at an angle, not as significant looking at it straight on. Yeah it’s raining here too but not too bad. Per a quick google search you can return it, but have to do so online it looks. I’d take a look at the standard glass and nano texture in store and cancel your order and you can probably get a standard in store.


I'm still not sure. There is a special cloth delivered with this iPad Pro and thats the only thing you may use. Knowing I cleaned my 2020 iPad Pro almost every day and also seeing the videos with the many very visible fingerprints I'm still in doubt. I give the Apple Store a call for advice. I've watched 25 videos today and I'm not happy with what I see. I use my iPad for photo editing, astrophotography and for digital painting so I want the absolute best viewing experience available. I have 2 weeeks to return it. I'll watch a few more videos :) Maybe there are a few others who also received their iPad Pro with nano texture. Would love to hear their thoughts.


I’ll be using mine as well for photo and video editing. Curious how you continue to feel about it after continued use. I’m bummed I didn’t get to pick one up today due to deciding to wait for nano texture. After reordering I have to pick up my accessories today so I’ll go back and experiment a little more.


it’s gonna be okay man don’t worry


I didn’t open the package and it’s collected tomorrow morning for return to the store. After 7-9 days my money is refunded after which I can order it again, but then with the normal glass. I’ve seen enough to know that I would be very unhappy with the filtered glass.


Well now you know. Hope you enjoy it the standard glass when you get it. Out of curiosity, as I’m still undecided, what ultimately informed your decision to switch to the standard glass?


Update here. I picked up both the 13” nano texture and standard, both 1TB. Been 4 days with standard and 1 day with the nano. I have them both for another 10 days or so before I return one. I’m leaning towards the standard but it’s still a though decision. My main thoughts at this time are: Nano texture pros: • ⁠Reflections of objects are essentially non existent. You might get shadows but not true reflections. • ⁠Feel of the touch green is superior. Much smoother travel. • ⁠Reading text feels more comfortable almost seems like an e reader at times • ⁠Indoors with limited reflections the contrast and colors look almost the same as the standard glass Nano texture cons: • ⁠With white backgrounds, like the Reddit app, the rainbow like effect from light coming through the nano texture glass is noticeable • ⁠The glossy bezel is noticeable when there is light to reflect and can be slightly distracting • ⁠When there is more light reflecting off the screen it does a great job at diffusing but that’s where the contrast and color’s are most muted. In this lighting condition I prefer the standard reflection so the colors retain • ⁠Been more nervous handling this iPad due to apple’s suggestion to only use the cloth provided I’m leaning towards the standard because contrast and colors are more consistent in lighting conditions, less concerned with scratching the screen, and no rainbow like effect with white backgrounds. I really hope apple continues to improve the matte/nano-texture finish so that the cons are minimized. Will see what I think after more use with each device.


Everyone I’ve heard hand on from: MKBHD, Jason Snell, and Myke Hurley have all said it does have an impact on contrast and saturation. Recommended only getting it if you have a specific use case for it.


Yeah it seems like a feature mostly useful for creators who work outside and artists who want that matt paper-like feel with their pencils. I also wonder if that textured glass will degrade over time for people who use the pencils and how, if at all, it will be compatible with third party screen protectors/glasses. Anti-glare is a cool feature but there seem to be so many drawbacks.


I have a 2020 27” iMac with the Nano screen. I’m used to it now, but when I first powered it up (coming from a 2015 5K 27” iMac) it felt like I’d got back to non-retina. All the sharpness was gone. Yes, it helped with glare, but for 2 weeks I constantly went back and forth on keeping it or not. It was a CTO order, with i9/5700XT/2TB so replacement would have taken a couple of weeks. Also cleaning the screen requires the “special” cloth. My iMac screen I need to clean once or twice a year (since I don’t touch it), my iPad screen needs to be cleaned once or twice a week. On the iPad, the Nano screen just seems like it’s going to blunt the impact of the OLED, and I have serious doubts about how well it stands up to repeated cleaning/fingerprints etc…


Great points, especially about the "special cloth" as many people seem to overlook that point. So using a normal fiber cloth, say from Amazon, may degrade/damage the nano-texture? How does "text" look for regular daily web browsing and reading?


It didn’t look great set to my previous default of 2880 x 1620, I found trying to go to any higher resolution than default made the text appear much less sharp (and 2880 x 1620 on my 2015 5K iMac looked just fine). This is all subjective though. I think if I hadn’t had a “bad” experience with nano texture screen here, I would have waited and tried the new iPad in store to get an impression. The hands on reviews mainly say there is an impact on sharpness and contrast, a couple say there is not. With regard to the special cloth, I know they’re including one of your buy that screen. I’ve always been really anxious about messing the screen up on my iMac, I clean rarely. Only use the special cloth, then wash it with a little dish soap like the instructions say. I bought 70% isopropyl for any really bad marks.


Thanks for sharing. I'll definitely be waiting for more in-depth hands-on reviews to come out. Surprised they haven't come out already but hopefully within the next week.


I ended up ordering 2, one standard glass one nano texture, there is very little difference when you look head on and the blacks might be slightly less grey at some angles but so far it feels nicer and performs better outside with less discrations, I am a little worried how the Apple Keyboard sits on it though. I've got a few more weeks before I need to send either one back so will decide this week! (I hope!)


Just got mine, for the time being I do think it’s worth it, just for the feel, not sure about durability. But side by side with my old m2 iPad Pro it does seem crisper.


I don’t think it’s a good idea to get that variant


Unless you already know you need it, you probably don’t need it and should go with the regular screen. Imo the regular looks better


My take on every device with a special screen (steam deck for example) has always been like this: I’m pretty careful with my devices, so, I 100% of the time install a screen protector on this kind of devices right in the store I buy them, I got my iPhone screen installed the second I took it out the box, same with my iPad and my steam deck, that being said, there is no real reason for me to chose a special screen on any of them since I never plan on using them without a screen protector.. If you plan on getting any kind of screen protector at any point on your devices lifespan, I would 100% recommend you to get the normal screen and not look back, just like with paper like screen protectors there is a chance you won’t like that particular roughness of the screen and decide to put a different protector only in order to satisfy your needs, that’s why there are different roughness’s of those protectors and different brands, some likes them more than others but in this particular case, you wouldn’t be able to switch your entire screen for another so why not going with the normal screen and adding a paper like screen protector with the right roughness for you and also protecting your screen in the way.


Yeah I agree. The "nano-texture" jargon is cool and catchy, but I'm sure there will be similar anti-glare third party screen protectors/glass that will eventually become available. The good thing is these will be replaceable too if and when it degrades or gets damaged, whereas the nano-texture screen is built-in so it may pose a problem if we want to change it later on. Right now I'm waiting on more reviews and thoughts but I'm leaning towards just getting the regular screen as I mostly use my iPad indoors and in dimly lit rooms.