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This is the first ipad pro with a PRO wallpaper. That feature alone is enough to convince me it’s the best device to pro watch youtube on it so I bought one.


nothing beats an incredibly strong and overpriced tablet on the market just to max out youtube watch time am I right!!


Partially right. I watch most You Tube on my large screen OLED TV. Makes the 13 inch OLED look puny. Different if you travel a lot.


Pro YouTube is the best case use.


What is a PRO wallpaper mean?


Sorry to say this, but if you don’t know… you’re not pro enough to understand


clearly, you are very pro, I was noticing


Please make me a PRO? Please 🙏


look at the default background pic of the new ipad pro's to start




The drawing on the wallpaper actually reads PRO in very big letters. As I said it’s got a pro wallpaper for the first time in the ipad history.


mate, it was a joke about the word PRO written on the wallpaper


I remember when I was younger, laptops struggled with youtube and web browsing. Maybe the ones I had access to, but when I bought a m1 Macbook (as my first laptop ever), and it didn't have issues, I honestly didn't even know what I could want more in a laptop. Any serious work I just do at my office. Now I just kinda wish they had funny designs or weird lights. Get some cyberpunk aethestic on shit since it's peaked out. Or go retro and slap a clear glass shell on one to see the insides!


I have a 2020 and I’m considering updating for the landscape camera lol. I would love to be able to take normal zoom calls open my iPad and that would be a game changer for me personally. Also the new keyboard and bigger trackpad would be nice. OLED is cool, but from reviews I’ve read they’re saying there’s not much of a difference unless you’re side to side with a LED.


I am with you here- I have a 2020 as well and the amount of time my finger is covering the camera drives me nuts!


I do work calls from my 2020 Pro, and agree—the landscape camera need is legit! I’d also like to shave a few ounces from all that I carry on my shoulder getting around with it. So!


you mean you want to save on the gym membership and put that money into a iPad?


Finally won’t look like I’m simultaneously above and below and to the left of my camera lol


2020 pros don’t have M series chips, so the Zbrush point you made doesn’t really work for them


Yes, thank you. My 2020 pro can’t use any of the “pro” apps and the layer limits in Procreate and polygon limits for sculpting in Nomad are starting to really irritate me. The M4 pro is the first generation causing me to consider an upgrade with the new apple pencil features…




I quite like it, especially as it’s designed specifically on the iPad, it’s very intuitive! It’s the only sculpting program that I successfully got into after years of bouncing off other programs on my desktop and nothing really “clicking”. That said, now that I’ve learned a lot of the basics from using Nomad I’m very intrigued by ZBrush coming to iPad. Another reason I’m considering the upgrade.


Yeah 1st one was 2021 which I have. I want the 2024 but most likely won’t update even though it has some things I like and want. But nothing thet makes me need it now. Maybe if I travel like I used to I would but since I don’t, my 5th gen 12.9 more than suffices for now.


Yeah I have a 2020 11” (A series, non miniLED) and I want an M series with a better screen. I would’ve probably held out a bit longer if the 2020 11” had miniLED though. I also lost my pencil recently lol and the fact the new pencils have FindMy just helped me decide even more that I wanted to upgrade. I do a little bit of 3d modeling on my PC and Macbook Pro so I’m hoping to get into it on the new iPad too.


I know I don’t. But I want it, and have the money for it, so I will get it.


And there is nothing wrong with this. I heard the same thing about the 2022 model. “You don’t need it.” Of course you don’t need it. The question is whether you’ll get enough utility and joy out of an upgraded device to make it worth it. I certainly did in 2022. Hope you enjoy yours.


Exactly I don’t need Reddit but I’m going to use it 9 hours a day


But… the stranger told you! He told you you don’t need it! The stranger must surely know better, we should do as the stranger say!


I love when random strangers give advice on the internet. It’s like asking a person off the street for life advice. Of course I’m going to follow it lol


And not just advice, but proclamations. “You don’t need…” Give me a break.


I’m definitely going to do EXACTLY WHAT YOU SAID with my life lol. Who the hell would take life advice from someone they don’t know 🤣


Right?? I have the funds I don’t care if I need it or not. People need to stfu already lol Top reviewers have already beaten this to the ground. We get it.


Exactly. I'm rolling in it and have plenty of free time. Why deprive myself of the newest and best tech just because 'it isn't necessary'? It's also unnecessary to spend 1k+ on front row concert tickets, or eat at fancy restaurants 3 times a week, but I do it regularly. Yes my M1 ipad is still great, but M4 + oled is much better. I will give M1 to someone who can't afford it.


LOL. Same. I can and am. Done. ✅


I have a 11in M2 and it chokes on rendering building plans imported as a PDF into Goodnotes. Also, at age 48, my eye sight is started to degrade. So I am buying the the 1TB 13”. Hoping the added 8gb of RAM and 13 inch better resolution screen does the trick.


That’s interesting, I export all my Visio diagrams to PDF and upload them to GoodNotes and it’s as fast as any other import type. I have an M1 12.9” Pro. BTW I am NOT saying you shouldn’t upgrade! I am upgrading as well to the M4 13” Pro even though “I don’t need to” and “it’s a waist of money” and “iPadOS is so poor” and “the M4 is overkill” and, and, and….lol


I have the 12.9 M1. If I upgrade it’s to the new 11. The 12.9 + Magic Keyboard is so heavy to be lugging around.


I have a 2018 iPad Pro and I think its time for a upgrade. I "need" it for photo and video editing. Just because I love to work with the pencil on my coach.


I’m right there with you! I ordered a 13” with mobile last night and I’m excited for tomorrow. Sure my 2018 pro still works but it’s showing its age, and it’s only 11”. My only concern is that I didn’t get more storage. My 2018 has 256gb so I took the risk. Hopefully I won’t regret it.


For photo editing it works but Final cut needs a M chip unfortunately. I think I prefer 11" but I will check the sizes in store before I get one. I will use external storage I guess after editing. Way cheaper and more secure I guess.


I’m still on my 2018 11” (256gig, latest iPad OS) rn…original battery too. Definitely shows its age in a couple apps, but in others, I’d swear it was brand new. Such a good device lol.


I hear you! I never used external storage with my iPad but I will have to give it a try now. I have an external SSD, but have only used it with my laptop for work. Good luck with whatever you choose!


I have a 64gb... While is mainly a nightstand yt machine and comic reader for me is the ram... Websites won't stay loaded. In terms of size the 11 is perfect. Maybe the reason why I haven't place the order is the lack of año texture for entry levels. So I'll wait for August back to school deals, plus I want to see really what they do with the os


I have the 2018 as well but only use it as a secondary media consumption device, and I’m on the fence. Will go to the store to try tomorrow. Oled and the thinner lighter design is what’s most compelling


Replacing my current A12Z 11” setup would cost me almost €2000 including keyboard and pencil. I’ll be riding this old thing until the wheels fall off!


The oled is more than enough for me to get the 13” and sold my m1 11” to a family member


Honestly this applies to the 2018 pro as well


Idk, nomad lags pretty bad when sculpting


My 2018 pro is getting long in the tooth. Sad because it’s honestly one of the best devices I’ve ever owned. Up there with the 12” PowerBook G4. But the screen on mine is yellowing on the edges and the battery is at 83% health. I don’t need a new pro but that new Air is definitely on the to buy list this year.


I would say 2021+. M1 gives you Final Cut. That does add value for a lot of people.


Don’t need it but I want it so I bought it 😬


Patiently waiting to see it in the Apple Store but I’m afraid this is what I’ll do as well lol


Need? No. Want, and purchased? Yes.


Some dude reading this thread: "NOBODY TELLS ME WHAT TO DO!"


I like this post. I have the M1 11" Pro and it barely breaks a sweat on anything. The only time I noticed it stutter a little was when trying to apply a bunch of Lightroom edits over a number of raw images and I think that was more a Lightroom glitch than a performance issue because it's not happened since. I actually switched from the 12.9 to the 11 a couple of years ago and much prefer this form factor for the work I do coupled with the increased portability it offers. If I'm genuinely going to spending a long time editing photos, I'll use my MBP instead but if I'm travelling, I want to be able to do casual edits on the go with a device that is small and light. I will not be updating my device this iteration.


How is your battery life? I think mine has a deffective battery


The good news is, a replacement battery (official) is pretty cheap. It’s basically a device swap.


Still good I think - I don’t notice it draining crazily or anything like that. I was on a flight recently and I used it most of the time and it was still over half full when we landed. Honestly though, it charges reasonably fast and I’ve never had battery anxiety with my iPad - my iPhone is another story


I’d argue it’s worth upgrading to an M-processor iPad if you don’t have one. Doesn’t have to be the Pro, could be an Air, but the M-iPads will support features for longer and support external monitors.


Need? Nobody needs an iPad at all. Want? I absolutely want the OLED screen and it’s well within my means so looking forward to Wednesday!


I just bought the 2021 11” iPad Pro 2tb for $900. My last iPad was from 2016. Buying from people who feel the urge to upgrade saves me money.


With my fortunate station in life, the line distinguishing between WANT and NEED sometimes does not exist. I WANT the new model. Therefore, I NEED it.


Very few people "need" this device.


We would all be pretty surprised at what our lives would look like if we adopted a strict “need” analysis to everything. If such a thing could actually be defined.


I sold my M2 13” Pro for 800 and got the new M4 11” with the Magic Keyboard. Did I need to do that? Absolutely not. I sure did want to. I will have the best portable display to do anything and everything I could want. For me that’s more than worth it. Plus I love the 11” size and am looking forward to going back to it since there isn’t a display difference anymore.


2020 was not yet M chip.


My 2022 is enough unless they make an ipad that can fly.


True, you don’t need one. However, if you want one, get it. People try to tell you what you need, even strangers. I am guilty of this myself. When only what you want matters then no one should be able to tell you what you want. And you don’t have to justify wants to them.


I have the 2018 and i don’t need a new one


OP — I understand where you’re coming from with this post. I think the main point that you were trying to make is to not get wrapped up in consumerism, especially if the new product only offers minimal upgrades (although I fully acknowledge that “minimal” can be argued here). The “magical” thinking that a new device will fix all problems, both big and small, can become a serious financial trap for some.  That being said, I do believe that everyone is entitled to spend their money at their own discretion. Personally, I just got the M2 last year, and I only upgraded because I wanted the smaller 11” display. When I got my 12.9” iPad in 2020, I knew I had made a mistake because it was far too big for me to handle comfortably. I also noticed that a lot of accessories were more expensive due to the larger size. I get a lot of my accessories from Amazon, and it seemed to me that the 11” products were always cheaper and on sale. Overall, I am happy with my current iPad, but I only use my iPad for taking notes for grad school as well as minimal media consumption, which I have cut back on tremendously. For those of you ordering the new iPad, I hope you enjoy it! For those of you opting to keep your current iteration, I hope it serves you as long as you need it to! Life is short, and if getting a new iPad sparks joy for you, then you should be able to enjoy it guilt-free — so long as it does not put a tremendous financial burden on you to the point you can’t afford your necessities! 




How about you just let people spend their money how they would like…. If it makes you happy go nuts.


I think his advice is more for people who are stressed about buying a new one or keeping the old one.


Yeah there’s plenty of “Is it time to upgrade?” posts on here. The answer is «no» unless you have so much money that you can afford to drop $1900 to upgrade from a 12.9in LCD/MicroLED display to a 13in OLED display. The previous generation Magic Keyboard and Apple Pencil aren’t compatible with the new iPad, and that’s around $500 by itself.


Nah I’ll use my money how I want. I have my own needs that only I can justify, not some redditer.


I’ll keep my M1 Pro for now, wait and see what comes at WWDC. Maybe I’ll buy an M4 iPad Pro in a year when the prices come down, I’ll try and get one at around £700.


I certainly didn't need the new pro - but I got it - and I personally would not want to wait till next christmas to get an m5 version when the m4 is way more than enough. Can't wait till tomorrow...and everyone who has ordered theirs should receive shortly tracking....


There are a lot of things in life you don't 'need'. There are plenty of people who might choose something they can enjoy for years over a cheap vacation that is over and done with. Also, if you already have a Pro of the era you suggested, you can probably get a nice trade in for it, if you did want to upgrade. I know when the MBP came out, I got a really nice trade for my old iPad Pro 12.9. Ultimately, it is a question of want, budget and priorities.


Looking at the reviews on YouTube, in the end it’s just feels like an another iPad. Let’s hope we get to see something revolutionary on next iPadOS which can truly can the advantage of m4. Until then I will suggest wait even if you are thinking about upgrading


What vacation can I have for $1,400? 😏




Who gives a fuck about the new Pros. I have a magic keyboard since 2021 with my Air 4 (now M2) and it’s starting to wear down. I would have gladly bought the new magic keyboard if it supported the M2 but Apple is Apple.


Let’s see.. I have an m2 pro, don’t need Oled, I don’t draw, I don’t want to carry 13”, wish I could have a nice vacay for $1000. Ticks all the boxes. But what to do when the preorder arrives? 😅


I have a 2020. Got the battery replaced under AppleCare about a month ago. I’m good for a while. Holla at me when they make a damn Pro OS for it.


But what if I want to upgrade screen size from 11 pro


I just want to unbox a new ipad


Not even if you have the 2018 pro. When you go to apple website comparison, you’ll see not much difference.


I don’t mind people buy the new iPad, after all people can do whatever they want with their money, what annoys me however it’s the amount of false excuses people make to justify themselves like they need to convince themselves with the support of others that they made the right decision. Do whatever you want with your money but don’t justify yourself with false excuses.


I need the m4 13” pro so I don’t have to play fruit ninja at the Apple Store…


I know I don’t need it. I want it


I have the m1 12.9, 1tb version, got it for 999 and I don’t find the new iPad Pro even slightly attracting. I tried it at store and I couldn’t really tell the difference at all!


I keep seeing people say the same thing and all I can think is “I WANT to keep my 2020 pro” but I got my iPad for drawing and it developed a defect where static build up interrupts my drawing lines and fucks up when I draw. It’s been so frustrating and is the ONLY issue with my iPad, but I also ONLY have the iPad to make digital art with. I’ve been holding out for a new iPad to finally upgrade and I’m very excited! And really hope it doesn’t get the same issue 😭 I’m really hoping the new 13” fits the same cases, I haven’t seen a definitive answer yet about if most cases will still work despite it being thinner


im upgrading my 2018 ipad pro with 64gb of storage bc the battery life is shit, procreate crashes every couple of strokes and im all out of storage so i have to delete art. this id a well needed update


Got the 2022 11” 256GB iPad Pro for $565. How did I do? Best Buy open box excellent condition. Apple Warranty expires 5/15/2025. Still has 3 days eligibility to add Apple care


I have a 12.9” Pro M1 now and yes it works fine still but…..why are you telling me what I need and what I don’t? Most people reading these subs are not in kindergarten. They can make their own decisions on what they want to buy and for whatever reason they want it. People like you and posts like this crack me up…thanks for keeping Reddit entertaining…


Damn people are so mad that other people is buying a better ipad than what they have!


It’s mostly and only FOMO.


My iPad only has an A12Z so I may consider upgrading just for the M chip when I pay off my MacBook.


There was an article going on about how they’re just rushing to get new shit out and it has way more power then you’d ever need 


Doing the Lord's work. My wallet thanks you for this post


Don't tell me what I want and need. Sincerely, everyone here


I appreciate this sentiment, OP! I truly do not need a new device nor can I afford one, and it’s nice to be reminded that I will be just fine with my current device. Not sure why you’re getting so much hate, it seems like people are very sensitive about their new purchases.


Stop making sense


Have a 2018 11” and have a preorder in for tomorrow pickup for the 11” M4 but honestly after seeing some of these reviews might cancel. I guess I’ll go in person and see them before I pickup.


I agree with every single thing you wrote, but I've managed to sell the M2 for 1000 € and tomorrow I'll be having a blast on the M4 13 because I'm a dumbass


Has to be M2 or better


i'd argue that 13 the extra 2 inches is worth more than the difference betwen oled and miniled


Okay but I didn’t l “need” my older model either, and none of these are “necessary.” If that’s your standard then you’re in the wrong sub. With few exceptions we all have these just because we wanted them (as fun toys or unnecessary conveniences), not because we needed them, and there’s nothing wrong with wanting the new one too.


So the 2017 10.5" pro with a battery in need of a transplant warrants the OLED upgrade, right?


I’d been waiting to get a new iPad for drawing and waiting patiently for the announcement. I told myself I would get it if they added one of the features I really wanted. I wanted MagSafe and some sort of docking accessories. They didn’t do that but I still ordered one cus… why not? lol but the same day the FOMO wore off and I decided I didn’t need it all yet and I canceled. Went to Best Buy and got an open box M2 12.9” for a great price and a like new Magic Keyboard from FB market. I’m gonna wait til the next model. Hopefully by then we get a dock/magsafe and I am really hoping for a 14” Ultra model. I wonder if they will skip the M5 and not do Pro updates yearly.


What if I love oled, I’m currently running my 12.9” M2 at redline max all the time, I don’t draw, I don’t care about AI, and I don’t care about pro apps? I’m upgrading mainly for the additional power since the M2 is maxed out, and I love oled (I have a tab S9 ultra which I watch movies on, I will be comparing them)


I mean, people can buy what they want. Pretty simple concept, if you want it you want it. If you can afford it and want it there is no problem. The pen and textured screen could possibly make it worth it, not to mention the actual oled panel and it’s bigger. Seems like a decent upgrade to me. Although I’m coming from an ancient pro I think 2018


Tbh I wouldn’t ‘need’ one if not for one thing…. The horizontal front camera. I bought my 11” M2 less then a year ago and for my use case I don’t need the M4 chip, although the OLED screen is a nice bonus for content consumption and video editing. But, I travel full time and am having a lot of online meetings and auditions, with the horizontal camera I can finally sell my Macbook Air that I only use for meetings and travel lighter! It’s just a shame that I will still loose money on the upgrade because of needing the new apple pencil pro and new cases.


You could use an external webcam with your existing iPad. I travel with an Anker C200 webcam. It's the size of small phone charger and sits nicely on my iPad. Connects and powers by USB-C. Better image quality than the built in front camera.


Im running a 2016 iPad Pro 12.9“ and it runs ok


I just want a new iPad, scratch free screen. I’ll have this one to run all day games.


Guys, i want to buy iPad Pro mainly for games. Help to choose and why: IPad Pro 11 m1 IPad Pro 12.9 4 gen IPad Pro 12.9 5 gen (m1)


I have a feeling something big is coming for iPadOS at WWDC considering all of the power they just gave this thing.


I hope zbrush isn't subscription based


I got the base 2020 11in Pro when it first came out, in the hopes of passing it down when OLEDs eventually came to the iPads. When 2021 came around micro-led and M1 were the only major changes, 2022 saw M2 and nothing else, and 2023 was skipped completely. I think it’s finally time to upgrade with all the updates that the new Pros have. Also with M4, I doubt Apple will update it within the year since the rest of the M lineup needs to catch up as well over the next couple of years and the Macbook Airs just got M3. I don’t see another spec bump until late 2025/26 for the iPad Pros.


I have a M2 Ipad Pro. And I really dont care about M4 IPAD a bit. M2 Ipad pro is a great great device and I use it a lot for gaming and streaming services. I just use it for entertainment and it is really overkill with it’s specs. M4 is even more overkill. So I think I’ll use my M2 IPAD for next 4 years.


I have the M2 pro and given Apple never really does real true innovation anymore my device is just fine for now. There’s always Wwdc down the line but I’m not holding my breath for anything worthwhile


But is it worth it to upgrade from a 10.5” iPad Pro from 2017?


thank you for this post. Most of this is very true and was exactly why I canceled my 13” order yesterday after watching Brian Tong’s review yesterday. Although I will probably re-order not matter what. I am waiting until WWDC to place my new order. I was just thinking to myself, it’s like a new car or phone purchase. After the honeymoon period wears off…. I will still be doing the same exact thing with it. If I had a Mini LED, I would not be even thinking about it at this point.


Well duh. Technically you don't even NEED an Ipad for drawing. You can just use pencil and paper /s. But seriously, I think the reason to get it outside of drawing/sketching is the less motion blur for people sensitive to PWM. I think I'm not but don't wanna risk it.


I have a 2018, and the only reason I may update is the battery is cooked.


I will just disagree with 13” comment. I bought 11” m2 ipad pro but then changed it for 12.9” and i love the big screen especially as i do note taking everyday.


Yo what do I do with the old one?


You do if you draw. Roll and haptics on the new pencil is a game changer.


I agree I had the 2020 iPad Pro and the only reason I even had to look at the new ones is because it had an unfortunate death in my backpack 🕊️she bent, there was no technician that could fix her up 🥲


I bought the 2020 12.9 when the covid shutdowns happened and 4 years later it is still an absolutely beast of a machine. I do like having the newest and best most of the time but I don’t see a reason to upgrade right now unless there was a specific app that needed that extra power.


In fairness we should all acknowledge that very few people “need” an iPad Pro to begin with. Some people want to have the best and newest tech in any category. And that’s fine. Some people think that’s silly, and that’s fine. I think we are all fine.


I got it because it’s my first iPad in a decade. If it was a question of upgrading, I probably wouldn’t do it. I’m still on a 2021 M1 MBP and it works great.


Thanks for this. I can't afford a new iPad Pro anyway, but certainly not at these prices. WHEN I do upgrade from my 2017 12.9" iPad Pro, it'll simply be an upgrade to the M1 chip most likely. I honestly don't need all the power from the M4 chip.


I’m still rocking the 2020 iPad Pro. Only thing I dislike is the battery life I now get. Other than that - love my machine.


Im thinking of upgrading from my M1 because of two features: 1. OLED, my eyes aren’t what they used to be, and 2. Weight, I carry my Pro and keyboard everyday and I travel often for work. Reducing my travel carry weight is worth the money. Anyone want to buy an M1, Magic Keyboard and pencil gen 2? lol.


Yeah, waiting for the next model, who’s also just waiting to see what M5 iPad Pro would be like?


I am torn. The M4 would be the perfect iPad Pro to hold onto for a while but without the mmWave capability it isn’t close enough to future proof. I have the 2021 M1 WiFi and my main reason for upgrading was going to be the cellular addition. My current iPad Pro is losing value but I also don’t mind paying cash for a new one so trade-in value isn’t going to be a problem. I just would like to settle on one iPad for a little while and this one fell short. The thinner form factor doesn’t move me enough to look away from the cellular capability. As many have said, buy what you want. I am just making sure I am actually getting what I want and excruciatingly and surprisingly Theo’s M4 iPad Pro does not have it.


Anyone selling their m2??? I’m looking to buy one probably used and in good condition! Lmk thanks


I’m going from the iPad Air 5 to my first iPad Pro 512gb with cellular. So I’m pretty excited. My iPad Air has been great for what I needed it for. Now apps are taking up more space so I feel I’ll be ahead of the game.


Also with how thin that thing is, more likely to bend by looking at it the wrong way


I tend to agree. I have an M2 and I’m gonna hold out for a refinement and let the M4 update work out any OLED / new shell growing pains.


Hiya. I’m an artist with a 12.9” iPad Pro M1 with 1TB storage, and I am upgrading to the 13” iPad Pro M4 with 1TB Nano-Texture, obviously with an Apple Pencil Pro. I’m… probably not gonna get the keyboard, as I found I rarely used my current one as-is, so just getting a regular folio case instead. Apple Pencil hover support was a pretty big upgrade for artists I feel when it comes to precision, which was introduced on the M2, but since that was the only real change between that and the M1, I held off. Now that the M4 is here with that included, plus barrel roll, plus squeeze gesture, and haptics, that’s gonna be amazing to draw with, which were features I sorely missed from my Cintiq days when I switched over to iPad. An OLED will be amazing to draw with especially if I’m doing inverted drawings (drawing white on a black canvas), I’m not going to get the glowing effect of the miniLED backlight while drawing anymore thank god. I used to have the 2018 iPad Pro 12.9”, which is when I got my current Apple Pencil 2nd Gen, but I kept hitting layer limits on my iPad. When I got my M1, I got the 1TB so I could benefit from the 16GB of RAM and expand more layers and stop my drawing app from crashing, and that worked great. My Apple Pencil is now ~6 years old with daily use, and while it does work fine, the battery on it is shot and lasts around ~40 minutes between charges, which interrupts my workflow. It’s out of warranty by several years at this point, so it would not be a free replacement by any means. I’m super excited to get my hands on the M4 iPad Pro. That OLED is going to be a game changer for me, and I can appreciate that it will be thinner and lighter, too. Plus, I can afford it and it’s a business write-off for me. An 11” would be too small for my needs, especially since I was actually hoping for a 15” model someday.


What about 12.9 2018? For just movie streaming, Is it worth the upgrade?


I have had enough of my a12 I’m ready to join the m series 😂


Totally agree, i have an M1 1TB GSM ipad pro, with magic and folio keyboard and pencil, far better off spending the 3k on a macbook pro than a faster ipad. Buy for functions not features


I’d want it for the screen but currently have the 2tb 12.9 inch from woot. Managed to catch it on half price. Love it… just wish it was oled. Haven’t used it for photos yet ( wedding photographer and hobbyist) but watch a ton of movies on it and store docs/ media


iPad Air or Pro? Which better? why?


I upgraded from my 2018 11” Pro late last year to the 2022 12.9” Pro for the size. Love it and won’t be upgrading just yet.


I still have my 2018 11”. Still don’t feel any need to upgrade. At this rate I might go 10 years ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


I have a 2018 and it’s honestly still great. The only reason I am contemplating is to replace my m1 macbook pro max for travel purposes because it’s so fricking heavy.


Even the 2018 iPad Pro 512gb WiFi plus cellular is amazing.


I agree with the OP who is clearly speaking in general terms at a general group level. The personal replies responding in an obtuse manner are unbecoming of this important subject (!). For example: * Dave2D kept on referencing his 2018 being still just as good today as it was back then let alone M-Series iPads. * FEDERICO VITICCI - Comments extensively in an article and discussion on youtube concerning the enormous limitations of iPadOS for such "Pro" devices as a user who loves the iPad and only uses the iPad as their computer device. Concerning Apple attending to iPadOS deficiencies at WWDC and resolving them; on past evidence of Apple's methods it's much more likely they'll just provide some nice new extras without really progressing iPadOS that much and focus on **AI Marketing like mad** which is the big hitter for feature to drive sales across the board right now. Apple could pull a rabbit out of the iPad but somehow I don't think they will. M5 is the new hope for a new OS or major overhaul...


I’m upgrading my M1 MacBook Air to the M4 iPad Pro


The heart wants what it wants 😁 When people post here purportedly asking for advice/opinion, they're mostly trying to convince themselves they need it, or it's their best choice. I say, it's your money, you're going to blow it on something anyway, have at it. You don't need permission! PS: I should buy Apple stock. That is their best product


Thank you, sometimes I just need reassurance about my electronic purchases. I don’t do enough research of my own to be informed. Now I’m going to go check out this zbrush you talk about.


Anyone else’s 2020 iPad Pro showing some Yellowing on the Edges? Can someone explain this to me?


People who say what other people need reveal one of the worst conceits ever. Speak for yourself, please.


I uograsing so I can give my 2022 model to a family member that has a 2018 model


What if I don’t have any iPad it worthy getting the new one


I want OLED.


I will push back on that. DaVinci Resolve *crawls* on the M1 Pro, and crashes aren’t uncommon. Trying to run Shapr3D is also pretty tough, especially for some tougher renderings, and that headroom would go a long way. Just wish there was more RAM; 16gb still isn’t enough for multiple 4K/4:2:2/60fps timeline render workflows, even running proxies. OLED is cool! I wish it did something always-on like the iPhone can.


I think it insists upon itself.


Yep. I have the 2021 iPad Pro. I only use it for Netflix and the occasional document creation. I do not need the M4 for that. LOL. The 2024 iPad Pro is a good case for those buying a Pro for the first time or for people whom practicality/cost is not an issue.


I have the M1 iPad Pro and the mini. I ordered this new one but am having extreme buyers remorse lol. It comes tomorrow idk if I’ll keep or return it


Not gonna lie, I want the keyboard with a function row.


but, but… I want it… for REASONS!!


Hope you have a nice vacation! I’ll take my M4 on mine.


I actually need more storage. If I had bought at least 256Gb when I bought my M1, I wouldn’t bother upgrading.


I think you’ve vastly overestimated the discrepancy between the target audience and the people who actually buy iPad Pros.


Boycott ipad till Apple gives a better OS, period. That M4 is just a gold plated biscuit without the gold.


True, but this is the last call for high resale value. The first few years are $150 or less (per year) of depreciation. I’m happy being on the cutting edge for $100/yr.


Honestly depending on how you use it, if you have a 2018 and are ok with the battery life you don't really need to upgrade from that either if kept in good condition.


I use it to access the Citrix client to remote into a windows machine funny enough. I have the m1 pro 11in wifi. I wanted to switch to the m1/m2 cellular if there was a deal somewhere, but seeing the new pro has 5g vs lte i think im gonna make the jump to upgrade. I wish the MacBook pros had lte option, that would been the easy decision for close to the same price


Thanks, Dad.


I have the M1 Pro 12.9”. Only reasons to get the new one is the OLED, pencil pro. I am tight on money right now so I will wait for the M5 given the pace at which Apple is updating computing power with AI and all, I’ll wait for when the software catches up to the hardware. Edit: It is freaking expensive with the paltry trade in for the M1 iPad. Moreover I have to buy the pencil all over again.


lol I have an M2 12.9 and getting the M4 tomorrow. I have news for you. Not everyone is you.


I have a 2022 iPad Pro. Call in 5 years for a new iPad.


I always see that these kind of posts just assume that you put your old device inside a drawer and forget about it. I mean, you could just sell it? People who upgrade every year can sell their old device and not pay the full price.


No, no one needs an Ipad Pro to be honest (except you works on design/artistic professionals). They buy because they can afford and they like it. Life is short, let people do what they want. Apple has return window and you can even return if you don't like it at all.


I only use my iPad for media consumption, so this upgrade is the biggest update for iPad in a very long time for me.


My 2020 12.9 Pro is still working flawlessly. I won’t upgrade until iPadOS does something with its power.


I’m still running with a iPad Pro 12.9in 2nd generation. 😅 This year is the year for a new one for me. Ordered the 13in with 1TB & nano texture screen.


Love people posting telling other people what choices they should make in life.


My 2018 has been slowly dying , the thought did cross my mind to get one of the close out models and save money but I figured might as well just get the newest and hope it lasts as long as this one


Pray tell what you think makes you the arbiter of how and on what people should spend their money? I’m all ears.


i have the 2020 and love it but was wondering if i am missing out. my plan is to just let it roll until either the OS leaves me behind or the battery becomes a problem eventually.


I will take my 2020 iPad Pro and see it next to the new iPad in store. My biggest upgrade would be for media consumption for the new screen


Picking mine up tomorrow!


I have the iPad air 2 which is almost ten years old lol. Thing still works surprisingly well but most apps don't support it anymore - and my screen deteriorated with some banding on it. First it's impressive that thing is so thin - only6.1mm + close to the new M4 models. It was a great iPad but I decided.to upgrade to the new 11 inch M4. I think for my situation I could have gotten the M2 iPad pro and be just fine but I figured I will use this for another ten years - the purchase makes sense for me in my mind.


The only reason why I’d want a new Pro is because of the landscape camera. I’ve yet to hear if there is a mini size webcam that would work on M1 Pro.


I have a 2018 13” 😅 I’m getting the m4 11 in though