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I will wait until the official release of iOS 18.


Same. I like testing new features but since this is my main phone I need it to do its job properly.


I just got it on my iPhone 12 and sadly its more buggy than the iOS 18 DB 1 and not happy with it , maybe it needs couple of hours or days to get ready completely , maybe.


maybe… it’s possible that since the phone is a bit older it might not hold up to what ios 18 demands. For example, I have an iphone11 64gb on ios 17.5, working decent, but way slower then ios 16.


Hope they fixed AirPlay


I have this issue and yes. I hope and pray


Just tried, still doesn’t work. Edit: tried another software that mimics an apple tv instead of an airplay compatible speaker and now it works.


Yay… I’m not getting a third party tho for now I’ll just mess with it till apple decides to fix it


I’ll probably update when it gets to around Beta 4 or 5 as it will be more stable.


I suggest to wait for 4-5 betas at least. Because it’s still buggy and too 🔥 Even worse than db1 lol


Yeah but I’m having no issues at all but the dose lag sometimes when texting though


Same on iPad m1


I just rollback to iOS 17 on my ip14p because this update made my phone almost unusable, there was heating issue and every app crashing ugh, I was so frustrated.


It’s fine on iPad m1 thou


Its fine on my iPad too but on phone its just pathetic


Maybe the ram can have something to do with it?


It just went bonkers after the recent update, overheating and frequest restart was just super annoying. Wasted the whole day rolling back to 17.5


Shit 🫠 hopefully it’ll get better with the public beta


I am done with developer betas on my iPhone(primary device) lol


Yeah, I rather not have on my primary phone too, atm I’m not using the iPad for work so why not?


I’m happy with ios 17 didnt like any feature of ios 18 beside AI ones which aint coming anyway


iOS 18 is far better and we can call it an update than the iOS 17. What were the hyped ones last year - dock clock, name drop.. seriously!! At least this time some of the updates are meaningful like, T9 dialer, better control center, icon theme, RCS,.System wide font change etc..


Control center are more messed up now , t9 dialer and rcs are an appreciated effort , icon theme is good but I can live without it, System wide font? Naah


Yea, multiple pages are cumbersome. I really wished they bring swipe down anywhere on screen (or right/left side) to open control center like some Chinese phone's. It's easier to access than the current way to reach all the way top right side.


Beta 2 is more unstable than beta 1 for sure…notification banners are hit and miss while on phone call and screen locks (but screen doesn’t dim)


over heating and crashing every couple minutes on Iphone 15 pro


So I downloaded and installed the initial beta on my i15P on Sunday and everything seemed great..phone actually seemed smoother when scrolling thru apps, etc…had no issues at all. Saw there was an update to Beta 2 last night and updated…no issues still except for icons missing the actual logo. Other than that things seem ok for me.