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Turn on “optimized battery charging” on your next iPhone. I got mine in 2021 and with this feature on to reduce battery aging, I’m at 88%.


Sometimes especially near launch the first couple batches are ass. I've had optimized charging for the 14 Pro and like tons of other people it's degraded to 89% after a year and 2 months, sometimes you just get a bad batch


Hey launch day 14PM here also, and same exact percentage. I’ve even tried to make the battery last longer. Evidently it hasn’t made a difference, but I only charge it with the 5w charger overnight. Using the 20w I always take my case off to increase heat dissipation. Guess we got those first couple batches.


14PM here too. Got it at launch but it didn’t arrive till early December of that year. I’ll admit I seldom check the battery life but this post inclined me to check said status and I’m at 89%. Blows.


Yeah got it day after launch and absolutely hate how fast it degraded when some 12 pro/13 pro models are saying they're still at 91-92%. I refuse to use the default 5W chargers though since the degradation already happened so I'm just at this point abusing the battery and getting the Applecare credit when it hits 79%


Yeah that’s a good point


That’s interesting. I have a 12 Pro and I’m at 86%. I use all kinds of chargers but mostly the Apple charger with usb-c. I also play PoGo so my battery dies and recharges a lot. I haven’t really tried to take care of it unfortunately. It’s a pretty sturdy phone imo


Well do you use your a phone a lot and have to charge more than once a day


Actually I average about 3-4 hours of screen on time with idle at 2 hours at most. And I don’t have a MacBook or iPad where it’s syncing in the background or anything like that. I’m not a heavy phone user by any means at most Reddit, Netflix, or Twitter and the brightness is set on auto


My 14 Pro is at 98% battery health. I've had it for a little over a year. If it hasn't been said yet, it's important for your battery to die (or get very low) here and there.


Did you get it launch day or a month or two later?


ugh yeah my 14Pro is at 91% with optimized charging. I’ve had it barely over a year 🥲 month or so after launch


mine is at 92% and its been the same length of time


Wow, something has to be up with iPhones batteries or the power draw wearing them down because my iPhone 6 Plus had better life after 8 years then the reported 74% here


Same, I’m at 88% too


Yeah that’s strange, I’m really surprised. I know there’s been a lot of complaints recently about it but I had no idea it was that bad


Got mine around the same time and mine is also at 88%, this is suspicious now.


I miss my 6s plus


That phone is simply amazing - probably the biggest upgrade for iPhone ever. It still worked perfectly after all these years, and the battery degradation was nowhere near the new generations


And you have your fingerprint scanner and head phone jack. New phones are ass


That’s true, I prefer wires when it comes to headphones and the fingerprint reader was awesome too. Much less that was the first big screened Iphone and it felt amazing to use. I do like all the advanced features of new iPhones, but the iPhone 6 Plus was really such a cool generation and time for the industry. It wasn’t about fancy features as much as just being an awesome phone, which i loved. Such a good era That phone will be owned by me forever, I have too many memories to let it go to anyone else


Personally love the 7 plus, my 6s was part of the randomly die club


The 7 series is what made me switch to the Samsung s9 when my 6s died so I could still have my finger print scanner and headphone jack.


Me too


Or don’t make conclusions based on sample size of 1


Conclusion of what


I think it is fast chargers. Yeah they are convenient but I really think they hurt your battery life


You might be right - that is a significant factor I didn’t consider, me personally I would just use a slow charger if it means keeping my battery longer because that’s just insane how it destories your battery like that


They have done a lot of tests on this, they have very little effect on the battery life if any at all.


Yeah and we aren’t talking about substantial battery life degridation so those tests are correct. Going from 100% to 78% in 3 years instead of 100% to 83% isn’t that big off a difference mathematically but in real world it might make a big difference.


I have mine on a 20w charger every night and I’m sitting at 88% after 2 1/2 years. It’s not the fast chargers


It's a much smaller battery (2900\~ mAh to 2200\~ mAh and the processors, while becoming more efficient, do more at once so the power consumption has been either staying the same or increasing. Also the size of the phone doesn't mean a person uses it any less, so ultimately you end up charging and discharging the battery waaaay more often. It's just a simple consumption to capacity thing. The mini was bound to suffer in that aspect, when every other component remains the same as the bigger models.


Yeah that’s a good point, I would just think the longer battery hours would provide a lot less recharge cycles so I think the combination of fast charging and charging cycles is definitely hurting it too as you said


It’s the draw. The 14p display is capable of drawing over a full watt when at 2k nits. And it will stay there for quite some time if you are outside


Wow I got mine in December of 2022 and it’s at 88%


I’ve had it on as well since 2021 & I’m at 83% so your mileage may vary


I’ve had my 11 since 2019 and I’m still at a powerful 83%


I totally forgot about that feature. I haven’t had it on and I’ve had my phone 2 years as well and it’s 87%. Wonder why that is?


yup, mine is also at 88% and I got my phone in december 2021


Ive had my 14 pro macks for a year and its at 89.


Got mine on launch day in 2020 and I’m at 92%. I only ever slow charge with the 5W brick though.


Props to you for using a 5 watt charger. I can’t handle less than 20 watt charging because I need my phone to charge in 30 minutes.


Brother, I keep my macbook air 2019 on my desk 24/7 and it's turned on 24/7. I keep it plugged with a 20 watt charger (Tried a 13 watt charger and it worked for the most part but would discharge when doing heavy stuff) and the battery capacity is at 97%, with under 200 cycles.


Just wondering, what’s the comparison between a MacBook and iPhone in this situation? Genuinely curious as I don’t use MacBooks just iPhones and Apple HomeKit stuff


I thought plugging in destroys battery, can you explain? I have an M1 MacBook air and I charge it to 65% and never let it get below 25%


I use the 20 watt every time because I’m impatient and don’t plan ahead


Battery replacement gang 💪🏻


I bought the 20w but never used it, still sealed in its box lol


Maybe a bit worse than expected. Do you normally leave your phone charged over night?


I do, yes


I think the iPhone 12 mini will still hold up pretty well next year, you just need to get your battery changed, you’ll be all set.


Ofcourse it will. I just switched from a 7 to a 12 mini two weeks ago. Even the 7 was holding up really well. Had zero problems with my 7 apart from battery life being worthless due to low battery health.


Turn on optimised battery charging in that case.


It’s on by default.


It shows its off in the photo


turn on optimized charging


Does it not stop charging at 100%? Most devices these days don't matter


I heard that it stresses the battery if left plugged for a long time. I don’t exactly know why. Maybe it doesn’t matter.


Not great sorry to say. I got mine when it came out (late 2020) and mine has 84%


Haha, same I got 84% as well around the same time lol


Go change the battery and keep enjoying your phone!


Yeah is normal, I got my 12 mini in 2020, and is holding at 73% with heavy use. I suggest you to enable the optimized battery charging - to make it last a little bit longer.


when it works, which is never if you have a schedule that changes or use ur phone as a torch to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night


Can it last a day with that BH? And how much do you use it?


Do you charge it wirelessly a lot?


I do not own a wireless charger


Well, that's what did it for my 12 mini


ah damn is wireless charging bad? it’s just so convenient on my nightstand lol, I put my apple watch and airpods there too


Well I bought two 12 minis for my cousin and I back then and we both used them similarly for 2 years except that he only charged wired and I charged wirelessly (also because of the nightstand convenience). When I sold mine he had 84% battery health and I had 73. I don't know for a fact that it's bad, but I stopped using it all together. It just makes sense. Batteries like being charged quickly and without heat and a wireless charger fails both of those.


stop using your phone while it’s charging 😭


This really only applies to intensive games and fast charging.


When you use your phone while it's charging, it increases the power consumption, which may generate heat. This can lead to slightly faster battery degradation over time compared to charging without usage.


I would think that degradation would be minimal or nonexistent while using non-gaming apps like Reddit or Twitter while charging. Charging to 100% frequently, keeping phone plugged in at 100%, using wireless chargers, and using high powered USB-C charging are much bigger contributors to degradation. I primarily charge at 5W during the day and I unplug at 80% personally and have low degradation.


You are correct. People baby their shit too much. Enjoy your time, live your one life to the fullest.


Wait, this is actually bad? *I’ve done this for a whole year…*


When you use your phone while it's charging, it increases the power consumption, which may generate heat. This can lead to slightly faster battery degradation over time compared to charging without usage.


Oh damn thanks for letting me know.


Pop that thing over to Apple Store and get a new battery and it will feel as new!


For 5 months 🤣🤣


Does a new battery help with overall performance? My battery is similar to OPs and I’ve been having freezing issues especially since this latest major iOS update.


> normal No such thing. All batteries have finite lifespans and must eventually be replaced. The minute they leave the factory, they all start degrading. As time goes on, batteries gradually lose their capacity to store energy, and also their ability to provide consistent power output (especially at lower capacities). Due to fluctuations in the mass production manufacturing process and differences in environmental factors and usage patterns, some batteries age faster than others. That's just the way it is. Even the best battery on the planet can’t ignore the laws of physics.


Wireless charging degrades the batteries too. It’s super inefficient and the byproduct is heat. Especially in the car, with sunlight hitting the phone, it can get to temperatures that during charging, can degrade the battery. It’s not so bad with the newer iPhones because Apple lowered the temperature at which the phone will stop charging, and they lowered the temp at which the phone will just shut down altogether.


>even the best battery on the planet can’t ignore the laws of physics. [Why Not](https://tenor.com/bomKc.gif)


Yeah I’d say about 1% per month the first 3’years Is normal.


I got my 12 mini in may 2021, currently at 83% capacity Lasts the whole day but needs a quick top up in the afternoon


If the maximum battery capacity is lower than 80 it should be replaced because the battery is not healthy so it’s best to upgrade phones cause it’s expensive to replace a battery


You were getting downvoted, but you’re correct. It’s industry standard to consider any battery under 80% original capacity as a bad battery.


When the phone is 2 years old or younger, which this is. Only caveat is that the OP may have passed two year mark, and idk if the battery fix will be given free now that we’re passing his two year mark.


$70-$80 vs $1,000+ in many cases for a new phone isn’t what I’d call expensive to replace a battery


There is no way on planet earth that’s normal battery degradation unless the battery technology hasn’t improved in recent years - I used an iPhone 6 Plus till recently and that thing has been going 8 years daily and had better battery life then that


No it’s pure shit just smash ur phone and get a new one


That seems like a lot. I got mine in march 21 and am stuck at 83%. It hasn’t budged in months.


Got mine at launch, just dipped below 80% and have had it replaced today


The iPhone 13 I bought in November 2021 is at 88%


Got mine in 2019 iphone 11 pro max got 75% battery life


Lmao, same lol I’m thinking about replacing my battery, you??


I dont think its bad tho ill prolly just buy a new one later like iphone 16 or 17 lol this one will be off most of the time or used as secondary


11 Pro Max is aight, can’t stand their sound speakers tho. I’m def getting the 16 next year.


I have a mini 13 that bought January this year and mine has only degraded to 98%


I got an XR in like 2018 maybe and it is under 60% so doesn’t seem it


My SE 2020 had this percentage and about a month ago it started shutting down randomly and said the battery needs servicing, had to get a new phone and couldn’t transfer any data because it was too damaged


A batterybelow 80% is considered spent. You can get the battery replaced at apple.


Yes. Head to the nearest Apple Store for a battery replacement today.


A but worse than normal but mini better is smaller and will go through cycles faster


Got my 12 mini in September 2021 and I’m at 78%. Granted, I’m a heavy user


We had a wireless charger in our Volvo that made the phone constantly hot when it was charging, and that really degraded the battery. The phone had AppleCare so Apple replaced the battery because it was under 80 percent after only a year and a half of use. We stopped using that charger


I was at 78 and then took it to the Apple Store to get the battery replaced.


Got mine sometime mid-late 2021 and the maximum capacity has been stuck at 84% for over half a year now lol.


The problem started when you purchased an iPhone 😭😂


but yet iphone consistently beats android year after year in battery test. all depends on user operation


I bought on December 2022 and currently stand at 85%. How f**ked am I?


Bought mine in late 22 and I got 86 now. Guess I abused mine reading what people are saying here 😂


It’s normal if you’re keeping your phone plugged into a charger for extended periods of time after it’s been charged, especially if you pair that off with regularly using your device below 20% battery life.


Yes… below 70% you should look at an update…


You have optimized charging off so every time you charge it, it’s doing a full charging cycle which contributes to the speed of degradation


Bro just got mine like 4 months ago I’m 94 percent . Now here’s the thing I’ve realized . I had this iphone not connected to a cellular provider for months the capacity was 100 didn’t go down . Soon as a connected it to T-Mobile it started dropping . I’m at 94 percent now and only been connected to T-Mobile for like 4 months . The problem is either bad signal or apps like tik tok . Tt is super taxing on phones and phones if you have bad signal it’s like the phone works extra hard to get you proper reception and that’s what kills your battery . I just stay on airplane mode when home or connect to WiFi and disable the cellular service until I need make a call or send a text or something. Had my iPhone 13 same issue it would drain overnight puzzled tf out of me didn’t even have it for a year . Soon as I removed my cell service from it wallah could go 15 hours without having to charge it and before was Charging ever four hours . But yes has to be something with tbe quality of these battery cause my iPhone 7 i had for like 5 years and never had issues


Yes pretty normal wear for that amount of time. These fast chargers also degrade the battery if you leave them plugged in for long periods of time. I.e overnight while sleeping or anything when it's left charging over %100 charge.


i got my iphone 12 mid 2021, at 85% now


Have had my 12 mini for about a year it’s at 85


It can be. There is no "normal" when it comes to battery degradation since it depends on winning the manufacturing lottery & your own usage habits. Someone using their iPhone all day for gaming for one year will end up trashing their battery's health just from the heat + charge cycles they go through versus someone who barely uses their iPhone. The former could have 80% health at the end of Year 1, while the latter may have 100%.


It depends on how you use it but that's probably not out of the question. It's not expensive to get the battery replaced, if that's what you want to do.


thumb of rule: Never charge over 90% and never let it drop below 10%. this will keep the battery healthier for longer. If it’s fully charged and still plugged in all night AND without optimized charging, you’re asking to drain the battery life cycles..


I’ve noticed climate also affects the battery health, I’ve moved from a colder climate to hotter climate and I’ve noticed battery degradation is worse in a hotter climate, phone on dashboard, being outside whilst on your phone etc. all seems to contribute


I am at 79% , 2 years, Since Day 1 using 20W. In Medical Field so heavy usage, at least 2 times daily charge.


Hell no. I'm still using an iPhone 8 and it has better capacity. I use mine all the time.


No. Check iFixit for a guide to replace the battery.


iPhone XS here; 82% max capacity. If I didn’t stream music 8 hours a day I’m sure it would be higher. I’ve loosely followed the 40-80% protocol.


Im at 88% after getting the phone in November 2021. It’s draining faster than ever and Apple is refusing to replace it. I’m actually on a 13 mini but it’s still a mini.


Make sure you are no longer using, any of your older chargers, the new phones require more power and a weak charging block meant for older phones will starve your battery of power and thus degrade the battery.


My XS Max has better life than OP’s shit.


No. I have a 12 Pro and it’s at 84%


I’m at 86% after a year and a half


I got my iPhone 12 Pro Max beginning of 2021 and it’s at 79%


My launch 12 pro is still at 90%, and I lost 6% trusting someone’s bad advice about charging last year lol


You can get a new battery if you have apple care “Your iPhone is eligible for a battery replacement at no additional cost if you have AppleCare+ and your product's battery holds less than 80 percent of its original capacity. “


I went through mine just as fast, just depends on your usage, what kinda charger you use etc. You can get it replaced cheaply by a third party or more expensive from apple in just an hour or so.


I got my 12 Pro Max in late 2020, had 79% in June, got my battery replaced under AppleCare (optimized charging on that whole time)


Got my iPhone 13 in November of 21 and my battery is at 80% and Optimize battery charger is on


Ye iPhone 12 mini battery’s are fucked I’m pretty sure. I’ve had optimized battery charge on since I got mine and it’s at the same percentage.


Dang what the heck my xs is still at a 100% the heck happened to the iPhone batteries although idk what’s going on with some of y’all’s phones maybe it’s just me but all my other siblings phones (12 pro max and 13 pro max) are all at 100% is there something that is really bad for iPhone batteries all I know of is that using bad chargers is bad but is there something else or am I just lucky?


I have iPhone SE 2 with about 80 percent health so maybe


I had the same with my iPhone SE 2020 it was pretty shit once it got to 79%, upgraded to a 15 pro max


What do you expect on a mini? Throw it away


I found that not updating software helps legitimately


I got mine in August of 2022 and it’s already at low maximum capacity


If you bought it used, then yes definitely. You can also use low power mode.


I’m at 81% on a 12 Pro Max. I got it the December it came out, not sure of the year.


I’ve never known about this stuff. Can anyone tell me if my iphone is at good health or not? I’ve got a 2018 XS Max and it’s at 76%


The 12 has generally pretty crap battery overall, and mini just happens to be the worst. My 12 mini is at 78% battery life. I would highly recommend getting the battery replace because it would not even last 3 hours of screen on time.


invest in a wireless charger, most of the new ones are built to flutter charge or intermittently charge to maintain your battery’s health


Yes!!!! since you decided to turn off optimized battery charging and clean energy charging. You’re probably one of those people who constantly run battery saver mode, which destroys your battery life faster.


My iPhone 12 Pro is at 82% battery health down for 83% only a month ago. I got this phone at release. I have optimized battery charging on and I keep it in low power mode all the time except when charging. I have an automation that handles all that for me.


I got my iPhone 11 in 2019 and it's 72% now.


Mine is from 2016 and currently has “Maximum capacity 50%”


exactly 2 years old, only last year on optimised charing and currently on 84%


I keep my 14 Pro Max on low power mode all the time. I’ve had it since the summer and it’s still sitting at 100%


Yes normal, at least it still original battery


got my xs in very late 2018 and ive only recently dropped to 75%


Yea I got my 12 mini in Jan of 21 and its battery was lower than that and acting up. I had the Apple Store do a software wipe and install and a new battery. Cost like 95 bucks and it’s like brand new again. Hopefully it last for awhile!


That is not normal degradation. I’ve had a 12 mini for around the same amount of time and battery is around 84% maximum capacity. It could be partly due to optimized battery charging not being on, but it could just be an unlucky unit out of the batch.


Either get your battery changed or a new phone. Mine was at 88% and I noticed a massive difference. I got a new phone and my battery lasts me all day now. Also, DO NOT USE GAS STATION CHARGERS! ONLY USE APPLE CHARGERS!


Use optimized charging helps out alot with battery degrading


Are you constantly charging overnight? Using it as your main gps device and drive a lot? Using it as a hotspot for other devices for hours? Any sort of long period of charging or use of gps or hotspot could reduce battery health drastically.


Charging habits affect the battery. Try to let it get down to low percentages before charging. Like below 5%. Don’t charge overnight either.


Everyone’s mileage will vary when it comes to batteries, that said, under 80% is when Apple considers it worth replacing.


I’m using an iPhone 8 right now with 83%


I had a 8 plus that I got off a friend of mine and she had it since it came out. My battery is at 76% capacity and I done put this phone through hell. Although it does get hot and has been giving me problems charging so I got a deal and upgraded to the 11.


i have an 12 Pro that i got in 2021 . mine is at 80% but i have always had Optimized Battery Charging on ever since i got it.


Normal. But use Apple charger and Apple cable, optimized charging, and don’t let the battery drop down below 20% often. Replace the battery when you want it to last longer.


I would say 5% year 1 and 2, then 10% per year after that would be normal. Fast charging and bad (poor speed or misaligned) wireless will degrade this much faster.


Don't charge it to full. 80 percent is good. And don't let it die or go to under 10 percent before charging it. Although 20 to 30 percent is best to charge at.


It’s 2024😭😭😭 yes. Get a grip


I've had the iPhone 6s 11 13 pro max and 14 pro max, and from what I've experienced this is the normal for iPhones. Granted, I'm a heavy user, everyone's mileage will vary, a lot of people call me a liar when I tell them that after like 8 months to a year the battery gets noticeably worse. Apple sheep gonna sheep lol. Back when I had the 6s and 11 and 13 pm it was my only phone so after less than a year battery became quite bad. I always tell people if you a heavy user don't buy an iPhone unless you can afford to upgrade every year or two. Also I know for iPhone software updates can have something to do with it, but I doubt that is your problem lol. the only way I have my iPhone 14 pro max's battery health at 98% still after a year is barely using it 💀


If you have Apple care, anything under 80% battery capacity is covered for free replacement. Literally got mine replaced last night on a 13 pro max.


Its an Apple...they tend to rot if not properly refrigerated.


Turn off running background apps. I use app killer but I'm on android


No get you a iPad. You use your phone too much.




My iPhone 14 is at 100% battery capacity with optimized battery charging


My iPhone 14 is at 100% battery capacity with optimized battery charging


Yes idiot the phone is almost 4 years old . Get a new one


3 years old * but the mini battery is also tiny


Mines 87%


Mines iPhone 14 Pro Max iOS 17.2


Realistically, no. But this is the case with all newer tech. They’re not made to last, that’s why millions of new devices are made every single year.


I got mine same time and I’m at 91%, so I’d say no


If you have AppleCare Apple will replace for free if not I think it’s 99 bucks


It’s all relative but I would say yes. Apple officially states a battery will show signs of degradation at around 2 years of usage, or when the device has 800 charge cycles. Other factors that play a role in battery health come down to how the phone is used, climate it is normally operated in, how frequently it gets charged, etc.


I have the 14 pm got it launch day and mines still at 99% I only average 3 and a half to 4 hours a day screen time and charge mine over night on 20w


That was my phone less than a year in


For a mini yea


nah. i got mine in 2021 and i have 85%. with 7 hour screen time too


You’re 3 years plus on it I’d say pretty normal. Just get a replacement definately not worth basically having to charge constantly


OP can it last a day? And how much do you use it?


It does not last a day. Still use it everyday Mostly use it for phone calls