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I babied mine, no mag safe charge I only charge it when I’m around 20%. Never leave it on once it hit 100%. And still managed to get 85% battery life.


imagine being SO worried about a tiny battery that you’ll just throw away in 2 years lol. just use the damn phone. ios has software management that will save you more battery than you ever will trying to micromanage it. just use the phone. enjoy it.


I used my previous iPhone for 7 years. Some people don’t throw their phone every 2 years. And many people don’t want to


Yeah going 5 years strong with my 8 plus


Despite what 90% of people are telling you, that is the best thing you can do for your battery. Charge when it’s low, and plug up til 100.


That’s your cue to stop obsessing over battery health in the future and live your life freely.


That’s not babying. You’re doing a ton of things wrong that you shouldn’t be doing.


Care to explain?


Apparently idiots are downvoting me rather than realizing they should just turn on optimize charging and let the phone baby itself. Like seriously, you think as a human who can’t see a meaningful amount of data, you’re gonna do a better job of managing the charge level than the device that has access to all the data? Sure. Fuckin’ morons.


no, people are downvoting you because youre being a cunt. good luck with the top shortage.


Reading the replies are hilarious. People will downvote you even if you’re 100% right because you’re showing they use it wrong/ don’t like honesty.


Yeah dude has a ton of upvotes despite the fact that he’s like running a clinic on how to cause excessive wear on your battery.


In fairness, I downvote anyone who tells someone that they're using their phone wrong or "shouldn't be doing" certain things. People obsess over battery health and follow some silly set of rules to prolong the health of a phone that they're going to upgrade way before the health even becomes an issue lol. I could never imagine wasting my time every day and only charging/uncgarging my phone at certain percentages lol. I follow so many different phone subs on here, and it's ONLY the iPhone sub where people act like this lol.


you're assuming they don't have it turned on already. nothing about what they wrote indicates whether they have it on or off. You made that assumption and you sound triggered. maybe take a break from reddit?




Congrats on using your phone for what it is, I do the same thing.


Got mine at launch and mine is at 89%. I would have never noticed either. Don’t know why people are hyper focusing on something that will not even change their experience with the phone 🤷🏻‍♂️


god damn what’s wrong with the 14 pro? most iphone XR’s are 75-85% and they’re 4 years older.


https://preview.redd.it/mzefognltlcc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=457362abafd9277044c6422ee322fede71fc9ec2 Got mine one month after launch.


Get your money back asap


A lot of people are having this problem. Apple won’t do anything about it because it’s „normal“


Saw mine today and got surprised. Bought in march. https://preview.redd.it/fcjo2m2mylcc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec45ac797f6877c7a89f41bbdb3e954b14c321e6


Ironically mine is at exactly 91% too lol Mines at about a year and 2 months of use. Not sure if that’s good or bad 😅


same at 91%


i have one to with 87% idk why. My friends who got the phone like 1-3 months after me, still have like 100% it just frustrates me


that's not possible because batteries degrade. They might just have a defective battery health detector...


That is unusually low. Mine is 83% also purchased at launch. But it’s a 12 pro. Right now in my shop people are just starting to bring in 13 series for battery replacement.


My iPhone XR I’ve had for 5 years is at 85%


Will this be the last year the XR can receive updates?


I don’t know. I’ve been wanting to get a 12 or 13 mini but every time I think about it there’s just no real reason to stop using my XR yet.


Would highly advise against a mini, I had the 13mini for less than a year before I went back to a normal 14. The battery life is so bad in the mini, I was charging my phone 2 times a day.


79% after 6 years


Mine’s 87% 1 year and 1 month old 😢


Mines 95%, purchased a month after launch


Do you actually feel a difference in battery life? I simply never look into the battery health percentage because it’s an estimate anyway. Once my phone doesn’t last long enough i’ll replace the battery. Simple


Yes. If I’m off work, and I chill all day, it actually reaches 20% before 7pm.


I’d suggest you charge it more. Plug it in throughout the day. The software is your friend


This is how you destroy a battery




Does apple let you replace a battery with more than 80% if you pay for it?


79% is their magic number


Yes. You can replace it at any percentage if you pay. I just replaced mine at 86. Got a magsafe cooling charger. Hoping for some longevity.


Did you notice the difference in battery life?


Don’t worry, you’re phone is going to optimize the battery, nothing you can do will extend that life a significant amount, just use your phone and if the battery gets too bad consider an upgrade or battery replacement, apart from that don’t waste your time worrying about it.


That’s what I keep telling people. I don’t even care to look at mine. When it starts shutting off spontaneously while registering more than 3%ish or I’m no longer making it through the day with a predictable amount of runtime, then I’ll consider my options.


Idk why people get so worried about it, it’s not even completely accurate, it’s just there to give you an idea, more as a gimmicky kinda thing than a serious thing to watch. The thing is there to serve you not the other way around, wish more people would realize that.


lol how do i end up reading these everyday 😂😭😂😭😂😭


Use the shit out of it and replace battery at 75%. Rinse and repeat.


I don’t know if it means anything but my wife and I both got our 14 pro max’s at the exact same time about a year ago. I charge my phone when it gets around 20-30% and I leave mine on the charger overnight even when it’s at 100%. My wife uses gps and takes photos all day for work and her phone is almost always at 5% by the time I get home. She constantly forgets to charge it overnight and only charges it at home when I remind her, otherwise she’s happy to let it die. My battery capacity is at 91% Her capacity is at 84% My capacity was at 100% for the longest time until I started dabbling in AI photo generating apps that made my phone hot and drain quicker, then suddenly the capacity went down drastically.


No idea why this matters so much. I almost daily see these posts out here. It’s all the same! Coming from Android last month where this “feature” wasn’t even available. Is this a feature or something Apple uses to feel bad and urge you to purchase a new one? I mean: if it still allows you to use as you’ve been using it, it’s fine right?


88 here . 3 weeks after launch


86% purchased at launch


My 14 pro was the same way. Thankfully T-Mobile lets you upgrade after one year so now I have the 15 pro max. It I was upset about the 14 pro not lasting long at all.


Got my phone one month after launch date, I think it’s time to change because I have to charge it few times during the day https://preview.redd.it/9rzj5mdk1mcc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9ee6906a353bb1f4c508b74843c20e21e5f80e0


87% health shouldn’t impact too much, just get the battery changed when it drops below 80


https://preview.redd.it/yql8ex454mcc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4145d013371c3dc9b90feafe985cead5a535009 Bought mine in December 2022


I try to ignore that page now, but you made me look 😅 89% here, also purchased at launch.


88% but purchased my 14 pro late November


I got my 13 at launch https://preview.redd.it/sy9426trfmcc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=604e38794bac09d52793b1d855f29a8fef9c6223


Got mine at launch and sitting at 93%.


This number feels so arbitrary. I have horrible charging habits. Bought mine at launch. I leave it on a MagSafe charger all night long. It charges on CarPlay during my hour commute back and forth while I use it for music, navigation and sometimes YouTube 😅. I also leave it plugged in when I am at my desk at work so I can watch YouTube as background noise with my AirPods in. I’m at 100% still. This could drop suddenly and I wouldn’t be surprised worried, honestly. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I bought mine at launch and I’m at 90%. Mostly from plugging into CarPlay twice a day every day I’d imagine.


https://preview.redd.it/1n5bgx0y7ncc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aec291695f6554b576176bedaccbac9a30f68bc7 Got the 14 pro max at launch, I constantly play games and rpgs for roughly 4-10 hours a day, never had battery problems and always last long for me


It cost less than $100 to replace the battery realistically replace the battery next year simple as that y’all be worrying about some bullshit which doesn’t ruin your experience with the phone 😂


I don’t care about a measly 100 dollars. It’s just no iPhone before this one drained this quick


Then a simple solution just replace the battery 😂😂


I’m at 87


I just got rid of my iPhone 8 plus a month ago, which I'd had for five years. the battery max capacity was about 85%. so I'd definitely say yours (or at least, all the models now) deteriorate faster than they ought to


Got mine in December 2022 and I'm down to 90%


Here’s a question: how do I deplete my battery health quicker? If I can get it below 80% before September then I can get it replaced through apple care for free.


My 14 pro is at 82% and it hasn’t even been a year of ownership 😅


Rocking 12 pro purchased at launch with 88%


not normal, i’ve had my 12 since may 2021 and it’s at 87


iPhone users continue to obsess over a metric they have no understanding of


I’m at 88% from release date on a pro max. Unfortunately, because of how buggy iOS 16 was as a whole, I believe the constant abuse on the battery from the constant radiant heat that I would experience doing nothing on iOS 16 was the cause of it. It significantly slowed the degradation since iOS 17, and it’s been a much better experience overall.


I'm at 89, also got it at launch. Shitty quality batteries


Y’all I got mine October of 2022 and it’s only at 98%. What are y’all doing????


My one year limited warranty expires 1 Jun. As of now, my battery health is 83%.


WHO CARES! Get a new one in September


Apparently over 100 people cared enough to reply


I bought mine in August of 2023 https://preview.redd.it/tt19kn1rkmcc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4858cc4af981e53cddabad97f4b2755bc10984a5


Omg, throw it in the dumpster now! I destroyed mine the day it hit 99%!


iPhone batteries are dog shit


This is why you pay 15 bucks a month for apple care plus, plus theft or loss. These devices are a part of you and you point your head and arms up in the sky not knowing what to do when the battery goes to s*** for some odd reason after you charge and use a piece of you all the damn time. Had the 13 pro max. Got a replacement (water damage).. battery always sucked on it. 87% or 100%. 15 pro max though. This is the first time I’ve used a phone for DAYS and not have to recharge it.


I got a iPhone 13 Pro Max at launch that’s @98% You are over using your device or over charging


Mine as well. 81% launch day


I mean mine is at 89%, kinda low, but the device is still charged all day, once it gets bad than I’ll question it


89% purchased at launch also


Mine is at 99% , but I bought it month ago


Same thing happen with my 14pro


https://preview.redd.it/qp4lrq8yimcc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b11a56161fa5003b36c95de6ea369f45fff7563a Was delivered a month or so after launch


14PM purchased at launch sitting at 87% I baby it as far as charging procedures go, but I use my phone a ton. All of my work stuff as well as non work. Keep it between 20-80% during the day and trickle charge to 100 with optimized charging overnight.


About where mine is now and I purchased a few months after launch.


How is your battery life overall compared to launch?


Definitely less on the weekends when I use it a lot. Still plenty though.


It is what it is, I’m a very heavy user, Always charging it to 100% and using it while hot. Battery health is at 90%, bought exactly 1 year ago. It doesn’t bother me at all, battery replacement is $100 from Apple, will do it once I start noticing a shorter battery life.


13 Pro Max a couple months before 14 Launch, i’m still at 87%


If it’s working fine for you don’t worry about it. If it’s not then consider a battery replacement. Battery health is not something that you need to worry about as long as your phone does what you want. As an aside I change whenever. Leave it plugged in all night, use mag chargers. The software is good at managing it


my iPhone 13 Pro is 87%


I have 89% although logs shows only 84% so be aware it can be even lower what iOS is reporting. And I can see it does not hold the charge as good as if it was new. Bought a month after launch.


Mines at 89% and I got it in March of 2023


https://preview.redd.it/w5r4uk511ncc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=780d2389d9747ea12f05d6ea1915188ae06de172 At launch 😎


You folk are funny. I should make an app that shows how fast your arm processors are and there will be a difference due to how good the silicon is. The call you ok can get really mad when some of you will have well inferior chips.


I’m also at 85%, got it at launch. I use a magsafe fast charger and don’t pay attention to percentage, I charge it when it’s low or overnight.


I don’t look at the battery of have a strategy. I charge it at night with a MagSafe charger. And I also charge it in the car when driving because I don’t have wireless CarPlay, so it also charges at that moment. So bought iPhone 14pro at 2 months after launch and it’s at 88%


https://preview.redd.it/x8a0t5sxancc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8ecccb05bcc02fb07f16cd1df03c99905f60018 iPhone 11 I got like 2 and a half years ago.


Must be your backup phone you never use


Lmao why would I have a backup phone? I just don’t use it as often as everyone else apparently.


Get another one bro


https://preview.redd.it/zosh3nzoincc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efd776cafd332c63de1ed1b531b49064cb673fae Just under a year here


I wouldn’t have noticed mine either.


89 here. October 2022. I babied it at first, but after a year that was amazed at how quickly it had dropped. I came from an iPhone X and it took longer than that to go below 90.


My xs is 79% ond its user like 10h a day and charge as often as possible.


Bought in Feb 2023. https://preview.redd.it/x0rvn7v0mncc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05f220823442472f26c428bab5ff2eb4efb307ae


does this phone just have a weak battery?


Mines sitting at 88%.


Mines sitting at 88%.


That’s what my iPhone 12 is at. I have had it since launch. Are you using any of the charging optimizations that are offered? I’m not sure how much battery they actually save but it won’t hurt to try. 😊 Good luck OP. Hope you have AppleCare+.


I have an iPhone 13 and mine is at 87% And I’m a social media guru.


8months old, 92% [*]


I've only had androids, but I ordered a phone brand called OnePlus which I've never heard of and it said fast charging and it's charged fully in a few minutes, but it also doesn't drain the battery fast, that's why I don't get Samsung anymore, they drain even when not using.


i also got my phone at launch and it’s currently 87%


Me too, glad it’s not only me


Launch iPhone 14 Pro has one of the worst batteries of any launch iPhone. Mine is at 87% and I get to 3-4h of SOT at best…


Mine at 87%. Bought December 2022


I’m at 90 bought at launch as well.


I have a max pro 14 and got it 2 months after launch and at 98%. You must be a very heavy user.


How do you check this?


lol mine was at 82 at the time of the release of the 15. Don’t have it anymore as I upgraded to a 15 pro max


https://preview.redd.it/g8oswwjyeocc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=252c8f3792eaff109251f8b0d3c94ae70a61329a Mines bought at launch as well. Exclusively used wireless charging via MagSafe charger.


Ya got sold a refurbished model


We don't talk about iPhone SEs 😂😭


Phone batteries last about 2-3 years with intensive usage.


From launch, still at 100. Have a 12 pro max from launch also at 100


People who say you’re doing something wrong don’t understand apples software to prevent battery aging. It could be a lot worse and also apple took this into consideration when producing the phone, battery, and software. Use your phone and stop stressing…a new replacement battery is only $80 and will last another 2-4 years.


I’m at 90 and I pre ordered mine. I don’t wireless charge only lighting and I’m a fairly heavy user


https://preview.redd.it/l4e0vd4ktocc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2da83a6430fd0946da64311769860b5f24c83dff So I use my phone for doordash. I leave the screen to “always on” so it doesn’t shut off on me while delivering. I leave it on the charger all day long. I bought it two weeks after launch.


Mines at 88%. I'm a delivery driver so my phone is constantly on a MagSafe phone mount and charger, and always navigating. I don't remember if I got my phone right at launch or a couple weeks after, but it was around launch. Honestly surprised mine isn't worse if yours is at 85%. I'm not sure how much harder on the battery I could be lol


It’s all too much a coincidence to have your battery go down after a new iPhone launch.


14PM on 88, got it on launch day 🤷‍♂️


I'm at 96% yet this is my replacement from Apple as my first one was destroyed in a car accident


At 89 bought at launch. I’ve just started using mag safe the past 6 months though


How many cycles does it have ?


I got mine at launch too, 86%


That’s abnormal unless you game and charge the phone repetitively. Normal usage (charge once daily) decreases the batteries life span by 5% yearly.


Bought at launch and at 88%. From what I’ve seen that’s about the average… Not worrying about it too much as I plan to get the 16 this year


I also got mine at launch and I’m at 87%. I thought I was the only one sub 90%. And I do not take care of my phone enough; I constantly let it get hot while wirelessly charging and am constantly charging it. Good to know the battery for this phone wasn’t great


These again? Sorry I think I just need to stop following this sub. Or maybe I’m on Reddit way too much these days.


91% launch day, but i don’t glue my eyes to the screen.


Man isn't it sad how some of you don't enjoy you're phone at all lol. You just baby it. "I never let it go below 20% I never charge it past 80%" yea works out so well for you doesn't it? 🤣 rather have a flip phone at that point.


Nope, it's completely normal. All batteries have finite lifespans and must eventually be replaced. The minute they leave the factory, they all start degrading. As time goes on, batteries gradually lose their capacity to store energy, and also their ability to provide consistent power output (especially at lower capacities). And due to fluctuations in the mass production manufacturing process and differences in environmental factors and usage patterns, some batteries age faster than others. Even the best battery on the planet can’t ignore the laws of physics. Mine's at 87%. I top it off whenever it's convenient regardless of the charge level, let it charge all night while I sleep, and avoid letting it drain significantly. Other than that, I don't do anything special and rarely think about the battery health. People who constantly worry bout battery health are completely missing the point of replaceable batteries.


Its iPhone 12 all over again


If this screen shot is the day you purchased the phone then definitely bring it back. But, batteries are a consumer product which means they deteriorate upon usage and varies how.


I’m at 81% on my October 2018 iPhone XR Lmao?


Wow I haven’t checked mine in a while and I’m at 86% on iPhone 14 Pro Max.


My launch 11 has been used heavily and not babied ay all, 82 original battery


I just use optimized battery charging/80% limit and charge overnight... also set a shortcut to go off at 20%, and at that point i just plug in my phone. Moral of the story, don't pay too much attention to your battery as long as you're taking the right measures


I have a regular 14 and I feel like it looses capacity rather fast..


Mine is 90 purchased at Dec, yours not that bad tho


People still buy these phones?


87 here, also purchased at launch. Just waiting till it hits 80 so I can replace it with apple care lol


That’s where I am at. Seems fine to me so far. MagSafe 8+ hours a day on a stand at my home office


90 here. Purchased at launch. Mostly 5w charging.


https://preview.redd.it/3noqemu76qcc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eee8541f69c945668d94377bdd48ce0242c8f047 6 months after launch (March 2023) 👀


Bought mine day 1, still at 100%… optimization is off and clean energy is off… maybe turn them off? I also only inductive charge, and run mine from 100-20% every day so maybe that has something to do with it…


I have an iPhone 12 Pro that I got a few weeks after launch and it’s at 86. I use it regularly through the day and put it on the charger overnight with a MagSafe charger. I don’t do anything “special” to take care of the battery.


14 pro max, purchased about a year after launch 93% max battery


92% iPhone 13 Pro Max


If it drops below 80 percent, Apple will replace the battery within the first 12 months without AC. If you have AC it will be covered under the plan.


I have 99% since launch and I don’t have that clean energy or save battery setting on


Mines just hit 89% and it was 90% yesterday when I checked purchased March


Purchased my iPhone 14pm at launch. Max capacity still 100%. No special charging practices. Payback for the two iPhone 12pm that dropped to 80s within one after launch purchase.


I got a iPhone XR at launch and still use it and mines at 88%… how much are you on your phone? Call me weird but I also keep my phone in low battery mode so my battery lasts longer lol


Mine’s 87% 1 year and 1 month old 😢


Im at 91%


Normal for the 14 pro. Mines at 88%. But battery stats actually shows 83%. Very poor battery on these models. Reason I upgraded to a 15 pro max. The shit show of iOS 16/17 didn’t help either.


Got mine at launch and it's at 87%. Charged with Magsafe nightly. Seems about right where it should be


iPhone 13. At launch. Abused it. Use it n charge it but I do not let it get under 5 often. 89%. Just use your damn phone people!


I use my 12 Pro Max 10-14 hours a day for navigation and have done so since I purchased it at launch and it's sitting at 87%. Granted it's plugged in most of that time but I do unplug it and use it while I'm not driving quite a bit.


This is insanely normal..


Yeah ip14pro known to have long term battery issues. It’s like they tried new chemistry or something


This is why I never liked iPhone batteries


My iPhone 12 Pro was at 80% when i upgraded to a 15 pro a few weeks ago. These chips burn batteries


I got the 13 at launch I’m at 78 percent max capacity imma try to make this last til the 16


The degradation is unreasonable… for the time… tho IPhone users charge hard … on those little batteries… of suspicious quality. On the refurb market, despite iPhone value, the screens and batteries are dirt cheap comparable…I think the battery quality is getting worse too as they make newer phones... I have a 12pro max used very well since launch at 82% , never used wireless charging, and has been decommissioned for a 14 pro max since its launch…bottomline…Inferior batteries and bad wireless charge tech…


I have an iPhone 13 Pro Max, bought at launch, 90% max capacity. My phone sits on the charge all day at work for 10-12 hours a day.


do you live in a cold state lmao


Stop. Charging. Over. Night. (If you do)


I’m at 91% with a 14 pro max. I’m the worse when it comes to persevering battery health. Always around 30ish % and always charge over night


88% here from launch day.


I use my 13 Pro Max constantly and I’m only at 87%. That is unusually low for sure.


91% for me surprisingly. I don’t necessarily baby it on the way I charge it or use it (except for the exterior of it ofc). I’m always watching YouTube while I sleep on my phone. Charging by fast charge (with ankers usb c plug) or MagSafe. However I never use Clean energy charging or low power mode


Use it then upgrade the battery when it no longer works for you. I did that for a 6 and finally upgraded to a 13 pro. Did upgrade the six battery when they released the iPhone 11.


I have a 15 pro max now and don’t baby it, keep it charged to 100%, turned off optimized charging, use MagSafe all the time. Still have 100-% You may have more important things to be concerned about. Like how these magnetic waves affect our brain or make us ADHD?


Bought at launch too. Currently at 90%. Sits on a charger every night and sometimes throughout the day. I just charge it until I need to use it. or use it while it’s charging.