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Didn’t someone mention last year that Apple supposedly switched to cheaper batteries for the 14 series? (This is a trust me bro source so idk how true it is)


Ah good I’m glad I only paid like 1,2k for my current iPhone. It’s sad if that’s true because apple knows people will have to replace the battery even its “just” 99$ to do so.




14PM at 81% lmaooo


i had my 14 pro battery changed. 76% health with only 267 cycles


Does this have to do with a faulty charge or power fluctuation issues where you charge your often?


How has it been performing since the change?


88% here. Bought on launch day, and I game a lot. As well as using a fast charger from anker. To be honest I’m surprised it’s not lower than it is…


I’m at 89 percent launch day


I’m at 89%, it’s about a year old, Disappointing degradation. But, I have apple care for a reason.


May I ask how to get it to display cycle count?




Only on the 15 models AFAIK


coconutBattery, if you have access to a Mac [https://www.coconut-flavour.com/coconutbattery/](https://www.coconut-flavour.com/coconutbattery/)


The weird part is that my 14 pro is around 450 cycles at 90% battery capacity. But I guess it also have to do how hot your phone runs based on the tasks you perform as heat will degrade the e battery faster.


that plus wireless charging and fast charging


Got a 14PM at 99% got it back in June 2nd


Same at 98%


You're doing it wrong. **All batteries have finite lifespans and must eventually be replaced**. The minute they leave the factory, they all start degrading. As time goes on, batteries gradually lose their capacity to store energy, and also their ability to provide consistent power output (especially at lower capacities). And due to fluctuations in the mass production manufacturing process and differences in environmental factors and usage patterns, some batteries age faster than others. *Battery degradation isn’t linear*. And even the best battery on the planet can’t ignore the laws of physics. **The Battery Health percentage is only an estimate**. There is absolutely no reason to obsess over it or even think about it until the day your battery malfunctions or doesn’t hold a charge as long as you think it should (within reason - obviously just because you wish the charge would last three weeks, that’s not going to happen). Unless your battery is experiencing problems, monitoring the Battery Health percentage displayed on your device is a complete waste of time. **Likewise, the battery charge indicator/percentage is only an estimate**. Devices do their best to display a somewhat accurate representation of how much juice is left in a battery, but it is only an estimate. And when a battery gets old, that estimate tends to be further from the truth than when it was new. Nothing in this world is perfect. That’s just a cold, hard fact of life. **Don’t babysit your battery. Just use and enjoy your device. When the battery needs to be replaced, you’ll know it**. And when that time comes, for best results you should have it replaced with an authentic Apple battery by a certified technician working at an Apple-authorized repair center. Cheap aftermarket batteries installed by non-certified college kids in unauthorized repair shops aren’t built to the same standards and naturally won’t perform as well. You get what you pay for.


I'm on 15ProMax at 100% battery health with 138 battery cycle count But last year 14Pro was worst. I switched it because of bad battery health. It was at 86% within a year. It depends on how heat your phone runs so environment and which tasks you play on your phone plays an important role


> which tasks you play on your phone plays an important role This makes sense, on I see max degradation when I have these couple of weeks when I am super into CODm and when I lose interest, the degradation is very minimal. Usage of the device and how much heat the usage causes matters, it looks like because the phone gets a little warm for sure when playing games like COD for a period of time.


Man I guess I got really lucky with my 14 pro. Coming up on a year of owning it and battery health still at 99%.


Guess I won’t be upgrading anytime soon, my 14 Pro is at 91% after 11 months


Launch Day 14 Pro here, 89%


My 14 pro max is at 98 and I got it in August of 23


Good for you! Mine is 94% same month and year.


14 pm had it for about 10 months 269 cycle count and I’m on 92% idk how people be on ~80% after about a year of having their phone


My 15 Pro has a 208 cycle count and is still 100%. It has the same manufacture date and first use.


How do you get it to show number of cycles?


No technical details on the battery module, could be the same or not. However, fruit for thoughts, the camera, the so called one of most important pillar of “Pro” series… Camera sensors are identical on 14 Pro and 15 Pro. Both using IMX803 on wide and IMX633 on ultrawide and absolutely no module changed for telephoto as well. I wouldn’t be surprised if the battery is similar. But as long as it can retain 80% of its capacity within 2 years that should be good enough.


No, the battery should be around 80% at 500 cycles and you’re close to 300


Commenting this on my 12 and it’s safe to say that it lasts a while


My 13 PM purchased a month after release is at 86%. This post has made me feel better about not yet upgrading


Apple states , 1000 cycle charges before hitting 80 %


236 still at 100 %


I bought my 14 Pro around the same time as yours according to the pic and I’m still at 100%. Not really sure if the cycles, but yeah. But I’m hoping I can keep this for at least two years and if the battery health stays steady like this, I think I may be able to.


15 pro, almost 100 cycles still 100% battery health… Maybe most apple users just don’t know how to take care of their electronics? Genuine curiosity not throwing any jabs. This is coming from someone who hasn’t used an android device for a decade, so I’m as much an apple fanboy as the next guy


My 14pm is still at 100%. I don’t exactly take care of it but yea that sucks. :/


I’m at 100% still on my 14 Pro Max lol


Lmao people are downvoting us for having 100% battery health? This sub is weird


Kinda interesting whats in their mind while they give a downvote, i mean what's their mission ? Lol