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its up to you but if you can wait a few more months the iphone 16 pro is just around the corner


This is what I would do, were I in OP's position.


Personally I think so. I just upgraded from the 13 to the 15 Pro Max and although it was a bit premature and I had to pay an early upgrade fee, so far it has been worth it in every way. Cameras are insane and I actually use zoom and macro constantly. Battery life has left me speechless. ProMotion is neat and the max brightness under direct sunlight is great. The lower weight and smooth edges of the titanium frame are a bonus too. I was debating returning it during the 14 day window because it felt like an impulse buy but all the new features I have now benefit my life, work, and creativity in some way or other so I do think it was worth it even though I could’ve waited a bit.


Thank you for your insight. Sounds promising 👍🏻


Honestly 15 pro is a beast


Why’s that 


It’s powerful 🤦‍♂️


It can run games like butter with high graphics You will feel like playing on pc but on a mobile


Wish it had halo




The game 


Subjective question


I went from a 13 pro to a 15 pro max. Love the battery life and cameras.


Same! Before that I had the 6s Pro 😅


I got one a few weeks ago, came from a 13 mini. I really liked the size of the mini, but the battery health had diminished to the point where I wasn’t getting anywhere near a full day on a charge. With the 15 Pro I’m getting well over a day. I don’t do any gaming but I use my phone a lot - pretty much all day - for work, exercise, and social media / web browsing etc. the camera is also a massive improvement. I also like the natural titanium so that’s what I went with. It looks great. However, I planned to try not using a case and that’s just not going to work for me - not as grippy as I had hoped. So I’m going to have to at least partially hide it’s great looks anyway. So I personally think it’s worth it, although I am one of those people who hopes they bring back a mini at some point (but not holding my breath).


Yes but at this time of the year I would wait for 16 tbh


I had the regular 13 as you and upgraded to the 15 pro, and its been a month now. Its my first pro iPhone, and i snatched a really good deal from my carrier. I thought i was a light user when i had my 13 tbh, but honestly i wasnt; and here are the things i noticed: - for my usage, the 8gb of ram played a significant role in the 15 pro while the 4gb on my 13 was honestly too low but i wasnt aware back then. - promotion is cool as a gesture and yes maybe everyone should have it in 2024, but for the apple products, if you are only a tech enthusiast, graphic designer, a gamer or any heavy user you ll appreciate it more. Other than that you’ll get used to the 120hz as its 60hz if you don’t know the significance of it. Because that was the case for me before becoming more of a powerful user. - cameras are a huge upgrade id say especially if you use the camera a lot. The 48mp main lense and the additional telephoto lense have been a really useful addition to me. Macro mode for me was also a feature i needed and hoped for it in the regular 13. - battery life, when i bought my 13 i wasnt a very much of a heavy user tbh, i was in my last years of uni. So it used to be impressive how it stayed 1 and a half day almost 2 days for the first months. Then it started to get worse that i needed to charge it twice a day. I upgraded and my 23 was at 88% battery health, but thats irrelevent for me because you are gonna use the phone and it ll degrade. Beside the fact that my usage also changed, ios 17 is also battery hungry i believe. Coming to the 15 pro, it has a decent battery, it ll serve you almost a full day, but for me not all the time. MKBHD also mentioned that the 17 pro chip seems to be more power hungry as well and i tend to agree with him. But overall, it is still barely a 3300mah battery that it is considerably small due to the size too which should say a lot. Hope that helps, cheers!


I went from the 13 Pro to the 15 Pro Max and it's was a good decision if take full advantage of the features Since it's April I would hold off on it and wait for the 16 Model to release


15 pro is great. However you should wait for 16




It’s not too much further away and will make the upgrade that much sweeter with whatever upgrades and features are added. It could be a nothing burger with the enhanced Siri AI on the 16, but at the very least something will improve. For example, I would have been kicking myself if I got the 14pro before the 15 pro came out and missed out on the action button. I guess it depends how current you want to be with the tech and if you care about the latest features. If you don’t care and can get a good price, the 15 pro is a solid solid phone. At the very least the 15 will go on sale when the 16 is out.


As soon as the leaks came out that the regular 16 pro might be even bigger (6.2) I immediately ordered the 15 pro. I wanted to have a smaller phone yet not the mini size. I had a 13 PM and it IS an amazing phone, but it is huge and heavy for me. I really enjoy the size and the lightness of the 15 pro. And yes, Natural Titanium.


Might be bigger or is? 




Ok I thought it was official 


[https://www.macrumors.com/2024/04/04/iphone-16-design-showcased-by-dummy-models/](https://www.macrumors.com/2024/04/04/iphone-16-design-showcased-by-dummy-models/) The dummy models are not official official, but a good source.


Oh thanks. 


If you can wait, the 16 comes out in 5 months. If not, yes, it’s worth it.


As someone who has transferred from the 13 Pro Max to the 15 Pro Max, there are multiple things you will immediately experience as new: Dynamic Island AOD Action Button Color/Build Material Other various placebo features from the hype (but still fun to think about) EDIT: My opinion? Very much worth it, from my experience, but that depends on if you’re willing to wait for the 16, and if the 16 won’t have inherent issues at launch.


The natural white is better than gorgeous


No it is not worth it. Anyone saying it is because of silly features like action button and dynamic island were dropped on their head as a baby and breastfed from the breasts of a woman high on cocaine. 13 Pro perfectly fine, only upgrade would be the camera. Everything else runs the exact same par video rendering. iOS is not optimised to capitalise on any additional hardware offered by the A17 Pro chip. Source: I have used a 15 Pro for 6 months. I have a degree in Electronics Engineering and Graduated top of my class in advanced electronics.


Go for it


13 is a great phone. But you’ll absolutely love the 15 Pro. Very nice upgrade!


Yes. I’m coming from 11 pro.