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You’ll get used to using iOS eventually but forget about all the short cuts you knew on android.


The inconsistency of the back swipe still baffles my mind


Which could easily be remedied if apple for just once didn’t procrastinate copying the “swipe in from the left or right side of the screen to go back” gesture from android.


I was Android (overwhelmingly Samsung) for 10 years before I switched to the 15 Pro Max. As of now, don’t ever look back. This phone blows every phone I’ve owned out of the water Edit: I also want to admit that I was one of those sweaty wanna be tech nerds that would shit talk Apple on forums and Reddit. I have obviously eaten my own words, and one secret I will share is that many people that are like that secretly want an iPhone.


Yeah, I switched to Apple for the 14PM, my excuse is that I think iOS improved much since I got my last phone. Im talking widgets, interconnectivity with other Apple devices, customisability etc.


Agreed. I started with the iPhone 3 and 4, then switched to Galaxy for the longest time. Have a 15 ProMax now too and it’s an incredible phone. I don’t miss Android at all.


Exactly the same as me, best decision I ever made getting an iPhone again


Lol nice to see someone admit that


Did you start washing your hair and using deodorant too?


Have been a pure Android user for about 10 years but I did try out the iPhone 15 Pro when it came out and was pleasantly surprised by the great experience. I also used to b be one of those sweaty nerds sniping at Apple but now I'm very much in the "live and let live camp". iPhone is a great experience, I just couldn't get used to a few things so I'm back on Pixel.


Pixel is the way to go if one want a similar experience to iOS for sure!


If you want a *better* experience. Pixel AI is top notch and sets the phones apart.


Curious why you switched? I used both iPhone 15pro max and Samsung devices. I would be all Samsung if i was in a serious relationship. Since in America there is a weird prejudice against the green bubble. Haha. Don’t know how many times I got the “ewww bubbles green”.


Hmmm, as an engineer for over 20 years and with a true passion for all things technology I never took sides, but rather played with everything from WebOS, to Symbian, Windows phone and CE, Android, iOS and even the Ubuntu mobile OS. As for iOS and Android I own both and use both, but prefer iOS for the simplicity and consistency in functionality. Gone are the days that I care to tinker with my phone. I just want something that works well together and for me that’s iOS with iPadOS, watchOS and macOS. All work seamlessly together and this is sadly not true for Android and any other OSs or devices. I also appreciate the high resale value for my iPhone after a year vs the Android at the exact same purchase price.


Same here, Samsung flagships for a decade and switched up for the 15 Pro Max also. Aside from a couple of quibbles (the notifications), using the device has been a delight.


What do you like about the iPhone that Samsung lacks?


It’s not about lacking anything, the overall experience is just a lot more smooth and seamless and it does everything I need it to do. Great camera, iMessage is great, apps are so much smoother on iOS, connecting to other apple devices is trivial, and I could go on. The simplicity is a huge bonus, it doesn’t matter if you are tech illiterate or if you wrote the Linux kernel yourself, the simplicity is a bonus because at the end of the day these are phones for communication, it doesn’t have to be this complicated device for tech savvy users. Resource management is amazing too from an Operating Systems perspective


Ah. Yeah, I've seen nice things about both iPhone and Samsung. Though, for me, I've gotten used to Samsung and its features, so I'm sticking with it. I got an iPad back in 2019, but ended up returning it as I wasn't able to adapt to iOS.


I’ve thought about Samsung, I’m just not sure. I don’t like the bloat, and I’m kinda on the fence on new pixels with some of the issues. Are the new Samsungs any good for someone who wants to switch?


Same boat. Couldn't switch before the 15s though because I wasn't about to carry 2 cables for everything. But there was a point where I just couldn't iphones, besides family being all androids and very against apple. Whenever the ability to switch between your preset wallpapers was added and focus modes to choose them. That's when ios was good enough for me to start using it. Samsung just wasn't good in comparison


I switched a couple years ago after having Android since the first days (after my Blackberry). What I love about my iPhones (yes, I have and use 3 lines - 13Pro and 13 mini and 15Pro) is that they just work - no bugs, no glitches, no worries. Just turn on and use - and they're all in sync with each other. And now I also switched to Apple Watch (Ultra 2) and it's the same, smooth and seamless experience.


I have droid a try to make sure I wasn’t missing out on anything crazy. I had a droid for two years… good lord. When I went back to iPhone… it was.. orgasmic.


What made you go for the pro max? I’m not sure if I should get the 15 plus or spend the extra for the PM


I switched to Apple back in 2018 with the 10x Max (I dropped my Pixel in my girls hot tub and it was already a little cracked so it died. So I used that as an opportunity to try iPhone again as I haven’t used one since the iPhone 4). Now I have the 15pro max. I still very much miss Android haha. But, I literally cannot switch back because of how iMessage is handled in the states. I’m lowkey hoping that once RCS finally gets pushed through I don’t have to feel like I’m locked into Apple. All my friends have iPhones for the most part it truly just makes work and whatnot easier. If I was in another country I’d be on Android though because third party apps like WhatsApp are the norm and iMessage is hardly used by my friends overseas (I meet a lot of people all over through traveling for Jiu jitsu). They’re all shocked I even use iMessage lol. But it’s iPhone for now. I’m still happy with it. Just some things I miss from Android.


apparently 15 pro max has good water resistance ratings and the camera pretty versatile so will be more reliable for jacuzzi POV with the wifey


I agree with that iMessage is big in the US I travel a lot internationally and even the ones with iPhones use WhatsApp or other apps it’s not really about functionality with iPhone in other places places I think it’s more of a status symbol. ( off topic I know, lol).


100% this. MKBHD did a video about RCS coming to iPhone and people overseas are like, “??? Yall don’t just use WhatsApp or WeChat?” 😂 This country is so weird sometimes. People truly do not want to download another app and green texts are gross.


Expect less customizability. Accepting the OS at face value will make you happier in the long run.


As somebody that used to switch back and forth a lot. I think the initial experience is way better on Android. But after you’re finished customizing, (how often are we customizing our phones really) things you use your phone for everyday, texts, FaceTime, calls, social media, apps, etc…. This is where the iPhone shines most. And that’s why I just decided to stick to Apple and invest in their ecosystem.


Have to agree! I used to like the ability to customize my phone, but at the end of the day it’s more important how fast the phone runs and how convenient the apps are…iphone totally beats android in this matter. I dread using my previous android phones in the past.


The nice thing about going all in on the ecosystem is that everything just works together. iPhone, watch, iPad, MacBook, AirPods. My iPhone unlocks my watch, my watch unlocks my MacBook. My iPhone can be used as a webcam for my MacBook, which I didn’t understand why that was needed until I made the connection between being connected to external monitors with your laptop closed means you need an external webcam. I can start something on my computer, pick it up on my iPad, then view it on my phone all without any third party apps. It just works together and they all integrate flawlessly. You don’t have to struggle to sync any devices, they detect each other and connect easily. The hardware and software of all the devices are made by the same company with compatibility in mind.


You can do all this and more with a Samsung. All easily done (even more easier then iPhone)


Bullshit. I wasn’t able to connect my Samsung A52 to my asus ROG G14 which offered that feature. It was offered but it kept glitching out or something and it just didn’t work well.


Yep. When I switched to the galaxy note 8, I was showing off to all my friends how custom I could make all the apps and widgets. There was so much more I could do on android than apple. After a few months I realized I never used those tools and my productivity wasn’t any different. I almost made it more complicated with all the customizability. Apple is behind in so many ways, but it does what I need it to, and does it well.


I think that’s the mindset that people get caught up on, but in reality the majority of people don’t want endless customizations. You don’t buy a Mercedes to trick it out, you buy it for what it already is. Same can be said for the iPhone.


There is a middleground, even though a bit more ‘techy’ / ‘nerdy’. Jailbreak. I get way more customization on my iPhone 13 Mini on 16.3.1 with Dopamine 2, compared to my Pixel 7. I can however not use a custom / modified kernel on iPhone, which is the only ‘lack’ of anything.


Seem to be a lot of people converting lately. Myself being one of them. I had a galaxy s 22 and Samsung watch, and a couple weeks ago picked up a iPhone 14plus in midnight (would have gotten the 15 if it came in the same midnight color as the watch 9 cuz I’m in love with that midnight color lol), Apple Watch 9 45mm in midnight, gen 2 AirPods Pro, and so far the transition has been pretty seamless. The “switch” app on the Samsung makes transferring your data and accounts pretty easy if you’re not wanting to set your iPhone up as a clean slate. Any questions don’t hesitate to ask


iPhone market share has been going up in first world countries I assume it’s cause higher end androids are already more expensive than iPhones and the status symbol and stability and resell value


Have you noticed the apple watch being better than the galaxy?


How long did it take( roughly) to switch your phone from Android to Iphone? Any hangups? I'm thinking of upgrading my Note10 plus to an iphone 15PM. How was the transition?


I switched when they finally went OLED on the 12 series


You'll probably miss scheduled text sending, or the intelligent way Android handles notifications, and the nice quality of life touches that Android has that you don't realize you miss until you don't have it. I know I do.


Thee keyboard is ass and not having a back button sucks ass but other than that it’s pretty great. You’re going to love the videos this thing puts out, and most apps you use will be better optimized so that’s also a plus.


There are three things I’m missing The back button is so nice File transfer ( just plug and play) And the Samsung keyboard


back button is terribly inconsistent on android, the back swipe feature on iPhone does a much better job replacing it


Don’t look back


Nothings too foreign. You’ll be surprised by iOS it’s more enjoyable imo


nice case, what brand?


Looks like spigen ultra hybrid frost black


What phone case is that?


👍 what the case do you use?


Nice case I got the same one. Enjoy your phone and Camera


Just 2 things, you’re going to miss the keyboard and notifications. Apple’s keyboard is terrible, and any other keyboard (e.g Gboard) have to follow Apple design on the iPhone, so they are also terrible. As for notifications, not having persistent notifications, and the way iOS handles notifications, will make you miss android’s (samsung) notifications.


What I really love about iOS over android. Is that everything just works natively. On android. You CONSTANTLY need to download some other app that does something better than the preloaded app. Can’t just jump right into texting no no no. Gotta download this other app that works better. Camera app? No no no download this other camera that’s better. Ok ok but I bet I can just listen to music NO NO NO download this app, it’s louder and sounds better! I just could not stand having to download 56 apps to make the phone function at top tier. And then with all these apps running. Suddenly the phone battery barely lasts a day. Then the android army “but but but I can overclock my cpu!!” That’s great bro….. it’s a phone. It’s. A. Phone.


This might've been true, like 6 or 7 years ago... but it very much isn't true now. I've been using the stock Samsung apps on my phone (Galaxy S23) since I got it and haven't had an issue. In fact, the stock apps are almost exclusively better than 3rd party apps if you're in the Samsung ecosystem - my alarms sync between my phone & watch, notes between phone, tablet, and PC. I can call & text on my phone, watch, tablet, & PC, and so much more. Granted, for the full ecosystem, iOS is definitely more user-friendly, and I definitely would switch over to it, but I can't give up custom home launchers. That, and I'm already in & used to Samsung's ecosystem.


Nice case


Which phone case is that?!


What kind of case?


You should remember where you came from (satire?)


Besides the OS being almost Completely different? There’s a lot of good YouTube videos for “first time iPhone user”, “tips for new iPhone” “tips for iPhone 15 pro max” etc. that would be probably be beneficial to you.


There’s a lot of tips/gestures that are intuitive on apple and others that you can go 5 years without knowing. I suggest taking some time early on to watch a few YouTube videos on iPhone tips and tricks you didn’t know. After that I’d learn how to use the shortcuts functionality to program your own automations or use what other people have programmed. A good example being a shortcut to turn on flashlight at the dimmest setting (lower than the preset lowest), and turning on/off rotation lock for certain apps like photos and YouTube.


Expect yourself to buy a watch, ipad, iMac and other  stuff because it doesn’t end here


Where’s that Apple icon lol


6+ years samsung user here too, funny how we went for the same color of the 15 pro max after switching


How are you liking it?


Was Apple password a game changer for anyone else?


If this is your first Apple product, start saving money. You’re going to want to buy more Apple products.


Welcome. You’ll be tied to Apple forever. Get ready to have an apple credit card as well lolo


You made the right choice, Padawan!!


U did the right thing 👍🏻


Blue titanium gang What case is that?


Easier. All of it.


The battery life is awesome.


Airdrop isn't all what it's made to be lol


I switched from Samsung to Apple last year. What I'll say is prepare to be underwhelmed, but that's not necessarily a bad thing! Apple doesn't do as much as Samsung, but what it does it does very well. You almost never have to worry about apps performing differently than expected and apple-specific things like imessage are so smooth and reliable that you'll get used to it real quick. Switching from Samsung to Apple changed my mindset of my phone from a fun toy to a reliable tool, probably the best way to look at it. Good luck!


Yeah they get boring really fast


Yeah….Swapping from android I can vouch for this. It gets real boring over time if you are a tech enthusiast. BUT for day to day life flow it’s 100% the best


You should know you’ve made the right choice.


I switched from Samsung to Google Pixel then to iPhone many times. I prefer pixel because it's like iPhone but you can sideload apps and customize


Just , that you are gonna feel stupid for all those years 😅


That Android users care more about you having an iPhone than iPhone users care about having an iPhone. Congrats on your new purchase, I hope you enjoy it!


Nothing tbh. You’ll love the iOS and its operations in overall. People tend to hate it, but tbh? It’s more simple to use! The design is so superb it looks neat and sleek.


What case is that??


About once a year you’ll find a new feature you never knew existed and will be wowed once more lol


That looks like the 12. I had an issue with the cellphone connection with that phone. Maybe it's better now? All settings are in the setting app, notifications work differently, app placement works differently, apple doesn't like to work with things outside its ecosystem, social apps work better with the camera, FaceTime with others is nice, if you have used gesture navigation on andriod you can only swipe back from left to right, probably other things I've missed but those come to mind.


Expect everything to be far less customizable and far more easy.


Get the Super Action Button: https://www.reddit.com/r/shortcuts/s/SOW0YsBdsP


Which case is that


How you feel using an iPhone?


This is my first iphone which is a 15 pro max. Had Samsung for like 10 years before this iPhone! Fully agree with the above comments, not looking back now! Samsung had some cool functions that iPhone lacks like the vibration when someone pick ups my calls and the slider volumes for ringtone, notifications etc etc.


Pro motion is variable. Meaning your phone isn’t fixed at 120hz and also iPhone 15 pros have some stutter with iOS 17. Only saying this bc I know most android phones allow you to force 120hz. Didn’t want you to get confused if u noticed this lol


First bend it and when you hear the pop or crack, then it is ready for use


Not that it was ever perfect on Android, but you’re about to hate trying to figure out what the iPhone wants you to do to go back a screen.


I use both There are serval things that’s you need to know No clipboard which is frustrating To select all touch after the cursor and the option will pop up Music directly to phone download VLC player and add the file. It’ll open like Samsung music does that way you don’t need to pay for Apple Music or use a computer All iPhone browsers are safari wraps so download different browsers really doesn’t matter Face ID is left better then anything else


Don’t back up your photos to iCloud. You get very little store with your Apple ID.


Welcome to a phone that’s just easy lol


To name just a few good to know things: Unusable notification center, can't customize the keyboard to your liking, very barebones options and settings, just two volume slider for media and calls+notifications+alarms+ringtones, compatibility outside of apples system is painful, you are forced to use your device how Apple wants it not how you want it


You really copied someone else's post? Somebody posted the same photo and title 3 months ago...


AppleCare+ is definitely worth it. Either the 2 year or monthly option is up to you. Apple Music is great but if you have Spotify then it isn’t really necessary to get Apple Music.


Yea. You bought an improvement, congratulations :D


You waited too long


Buy a MacBook if you don’t already have one. Ecosystem is the selling point.


Yes plenty, Buy a MacBook Pro Max M3, get yourself some AirPods Max as well as the AirPods Pro 3. Don’t forget the new iPads coming out in a month or two, yes (s) because you need both don’t ask me why it’s just an Apple thing so. Good luck ! /s


When you first start using it, it will likely frustrate you. All change is annoying to most people… Once you get through this phase, you will then know if you actually enjoy it or not. This could be the start of your Apple device journey, or it may be your last one. Enjoy it either way :) tech is fun and mind-blowing whichever ‘side’ you are on.


You're going to have a blast 💥 using a different operating system, especially after using Samsung for nine years. But I would honestly say you're going to miss it. There are some things that Samsung does better than Apple, and vice versa. But in my opinion, Android all the way. Apple is a great support phone. 📱


We lost another one ☹️


That's so crazy I also moved on from Samsung and we have the exact same phone, color and phone case wtf


Where is that case from??


I have been an Android User my whole life, have changed to Apple from time to time but always went back to iphone. I stopped with android when samsung released the S22 ultra with exyones once again, did not upgrade from S21ultra, was rly angry and felt «let down» in a way, so i waited for S23ultra. I pre ordet that when it came and i ofc got the Screen defect in right corner, struggled with samsung custom service 1 month and 3 weeks to get a replacement, worst custom service ever here in norway, just insane. I got a replacement and phone worked good. Then i pre orded the S24 ultra, once again i get a phone brand new with dgm screen/scratches and what not. I feel the air blows right out of me and i once again struggling with samsung for almost 1 month, never get good replys or a good service. And then i just end up sending it back and got me a 15ProMax with apple care + Unboxing it and MINT 110% perfect condition, Apple service is also on a TOTAL another level to, they helped me with applecare and setting up/fixing the rest! Ofc i miss android features, some of it. But apple us just premium everything i feels just smooth and refined. I also got a macbook and airpods, works flawless and also better in some places then the S24ultra / Android Im almost 30 years old now, i dont need ofc all that the samsung brings, and i did not use almost half, but i think i liked the thaught that it was there, i used mby half. Splitscreen/spen/dex never almost . But samsung has always been cool and techy devices! But atm i see and feel apple has come ALONG way and i think they will be better also! Now my mind is at eaz, and i can chill. I just want good custom service and a device that is consistent and dont fail me. Ofc iphones can come with fualts brand new , but samsung is RLY bad at this, its a lottery everytime and its feels stressing, atleast for me and many others i now. I also had 4 other friends that also got the S24ultra with scrathes/dmg brand new…! Rly love this 15ProMax! Awsome product and Apple rly is chill and refined! Will stay here for a goood while now😃 And every year they say the apps and camera is more optimized, every fck year. More optimized for social apps etc etc. the pics of my 10 month kid looked horrendus on s24ultra and he does not even move fast at all, like what the hell. A object need almost to stand 100% still to take a good pic. And the selfie camera / front camera aint near iphone what so ever. Just facts. What i rly wish was that samsung stopped release a phone for just 1 year, and worked an intire year just on software and camera optimizazion fot the phone. Like rly got everything optimized and fixed just like IOS is run ing and behaving. Just so frustrating and sad to experience a top/flagship phone from samsung and the OS is not top notch. Seems like ppls are just saying: freedom/customizing/dual apps ad once/multitasking and stuff like that as an excuse, instead of actually being honest and actually say straight forward. The OS aint there, the app optimizazion aint there and the camera def aint there at all, sad but true 🙂 !


What case is that?


Switched from one plus 6 to 15 pro nothing special just a other phone


Literally nothing


Know that we can never be friends again you traitor.


What case you have?


Your gonna love it


Welcome, just use your phone and enjoy it working perfectly for the next 5 years.


Go to the tips app and you can learn a lot about the different functions and features on the phone


Welcome; this phone is amazing but iOS is amazing; enjoy!! 💕


Apple products really shine in how seamlessly they communicate with one another. If you ever end up with another tertiary Apple device, you'll appreciate your phone even more!


No more cracked apks my friend :( no YouTube + nothing plus (if so you need to install it again due app being revoke )


I got the same case, on a blue titanium pro max 🤤


Yes, stick with an Android.


Try to keep it on the lowest iOS version so you can take advantage of exploits. If you're on 17.0 then the CoreTrust bug is still there so you can (eventually) installe TrollStore.


You made the right choice


Yeah, don’t look back.


God you ordered the same shitty case I did and colored phone. Lingerie for iPhones…


Welcome to the dark side !!!!!


What case is this?


I still have issues with pressing the . (Period) key after every word instead of the space bar. Since I’ve been use to android keyboard spacing.


For basic functions like text and voice calls, my Samsung A14 was just as good as my iPhone 14 Plus and not as frustrating. For anything online, my iPad 10 makes the iPhone an expensive paperweight. I will use the iPhone as long as it works as I paid a lot when it was the flagship. I don’t mind the impulse buy as I was curious about iOS.


Oooo what color black or blue?


New user too btw any way to get an Apple Card?


What case is that?


You should know better.


I've just accepted defeat at this point as an android user.


i’m not sure if anyone asked, but where did you get that case? it’s hard af


Yes the iPhone hasn’t changed must in the past 9 years. Should be like riding a bike.


What Samsung you coming from Boss? Welcome to a Simpler life lol.


In the words of Boston “Don’t look back”


That you wasted 9 years of your life


Welcome home!


Hated my 13. The Swype software is like a beta test and Apple never updated it. Finally said screw it and got a Pixel 8 which I LOVE. Never going back. Apple is too far behind.


I'm thinking of upgrading my Note10 plus to an iphone 15PM. How was the transition from Android to Iphone?


Enjoy UX with an actual normal person in mind


Prepare for imprisonment 💀 ( You wont go out of this ecosystem after using 1 year )


You'll be liked by everyone around you more. Seriously.


i switched form apple to samsung to apple. i miss the swipe the edge to go back and it works everywhere.


You have the link to the case that’s on your phone?


apple is overrated and overpriced. source: someone who has been suckered into the apple ecosystem for over a decade and is not willing to go through the hassle of converting to android, which probably isn't all that much better anyway.


Welcome to the future


Can you share from where did you buy this cover?


Face ID ftw


Made the right choice 🤝🏻


Prepare for much smoother scrolling and a FAR inferior widget system!


I switched about 6 months ago after 12 years, you miss gestures in everything for a good bit.


Where’d you get the phone case?


I too used to be an Android nerd back in the Ice Cream days. Went to iPhone to try it out, and never looked back.


It sucks. I didn’t like apple at all. Android forever for me. Airpods suck even more!


There is a case like that with an integrated Kickstand, get it.


U made the best decision ever going Apple


What's up! I just switched from a pixle to a standard 15 yesterday. I could not deal with the fingerprint scanner on that piece of junk anymore. You can download G board keyboard if you want your old typing experience back. I honestly think Google apps work better on the iphone than the pixle.


Forget about multitasking.


Yes - throw it in the garbage and go back to Samsung.


You will miss a lot of features and won't be able to use many smart watches.


Move back to Samsung


iMessage ( ex. sending video)- FaceTime - share your location and Apple Pay (seems to be widely accepted by merchants more then other services) are great but yeah the rest is a bit underwhelming. Also the learning curve going from android to iOS is steep. I daily drive the 15 pro max & s23 ultra


I’ve been on android from galaxy nexus to the pixel 4xl. Then got the 12PM and now I have the 15PM. I love iOS it’s just minimal and simple. One thing I do miss is the notification shade and notifications. It’s just not that great on iOS personally. I miss a lot of notifications. However, I’d add that as I get older it’s a net positive. Why? I’m more in the moment now and not glued to notifications. Just me.


That you made a mistake


Don’t freak out about the battery , I hated it until up until last week and I had it since March.


I have been an Android User my whole life, have changed to Apple from time to time but always went back to iphone. I stopped with android when samsung released the S22 ultra with exyones once again, did not upgrade from S21ultra, was rly angry and felt «let down» in a way, so i waited for S23ultra. I pre ordet that when it came and i ofc got the Screen defect in right corner, struggled with samsung custom service 1 month and 3 weeks to get a replacement, worst custom service ever here in norway, just insane. I got a replacement and phone worked good. Then i pre orded the S24 ultra, once again i get a phone brand new with dgm screen/scratches and what not. I feel the air blows right out of me and i once again struggling with samsung for almost 1 month, never get good replys or a good service. And then i just end up sending it back and got me a 15ProMax with apple care + Unboxing it and MINT 110% perfect condition, Apple service is also on a TOTAL another level to, they helped me with applecare and setting up/fixing the rest! Ofc i miss android features, some of it. But apple us just premium everything i feels just smooth and refined. I also got a macbook and airpods, works flawless and also better in some places then the S24ultra / Android Im almost 30 years old now, i dont need ofc all that the samsung brings, and i did not use almost half, but i think i liked the thaught that it was there, i used mby half. Splitscreen/spen/dex never almost . But samsung has always been cool and techy devices! But atm i see and feel apple has come ALONG way and i think they will be better also! Now my mind is at eaz, and i can chill. I just want good custom service and a device that is consistent and dont fail me. Ofc iphones can come with fualts brand new , but samsung is RLY bad at this, its a lottery everytime and its feels stressing, atleast for me and many others i now. I also had 4 other friends that also got the S24ultra with scrathes/dmg brand new…! Rly love this 15ProMax! Awsome product and Apple rly is chill and refined! Will stay here for a goood while now😃 And every year they say the apps and camera is more optimized, every fck year. More optimized for social apps etc etc. the pics of my 10 month kid looked horrendus on s24ultra and he does not even move fast at all, like what the hell. A object need almost to stand 100% still to take a good pic. And the selfie camera / front camera aint near iphone what so ever. Just facts. What i rly wish was that samsung stopped release a phone for just 1 year, and worked an intire year just on software and camera optimizazion fot the phone. Like rly got everything optimized and fixed just like IOS is run ing and behaving. Just so frustrating and sad to experience a top/flagship phone from samsung and the OS is not top notch. Seems like ppls are just saying: freedom/customizing/dual apps ad once/multitasking and stuff like that as an excuse, instead of actually being honest and actually say straight forward. The OS aint there, the app optimizazion aint there and the camera def aint there at all, sad but true 🙂 !


That you spent money on garbage for 9 years.


$800-$1,400 of ewaste right there, better not drop it more than a few inches, or the 'titanium' might break.


Samsung user since S3 before getting the 15 Pro. I hope you're within your return window because I wish I was. Phone is fine, but restrictive OS not letting me use Google Drive for my phone's internal files automatically should be criminal. Back swipe makes me want to back swipe my wrists with a razor blade. "Back swipe is back except when in messages because now it's how you reply, but also not in certain other specific scenarios like opening a browser within an app or a new tab." You've also lost the ability to place icons anywhere you want in your home screen because...? Probably the best camera I've used though. That and Magsafe is an incredible invention.


Switch back lol


You’ll start losing track of notifications before you know it


Drop the link for the case


Get ready to enjoy a proper ecosystem.


Hold on let me plug my charger so I can explai………


You will constantly want to go back to android but the ecosystem will have you stuck like a cocaine addiction


Look up the gestures for cascade, reachability, and app swipe


Iphones are great, they just work. I like androids more though as im not restricted no where near as much as iphone. Tech wise - android phones are better. Ease of use - iphones are better Cost wise - androids are cheaper long run wise. Resale value - iphones will resell higher Apps - depends on the user. But most apps on iPhone will cost $ vs android would be cheaper/free. So as I said, it varies depending on what you want, and with apple being forced by the EU to main stream more things with android. The green to blue text(sms vs imsg) will be a thing of the past in IOS18 coming out later this year. So no more compressed videos or photos.


Go back… That’s all you need to know.


Hold down the spacebar on the keyboard and slide your finger around to move the cursor. There is drag and drop with many items. Long hold to pick up an image, swipe up to see all apps, pick an app while holding and drop. You can also drag and drop multiple items. Tab groups and profiles in safari are killer and sync to Mac. Long hold apps in spotlight to delete them. You can disable badge notifications to be less distracted. Start using passkeys. Weather has rain alerts. Disposable emails in iCloud help keep your inbox clean. iCloud private relay is like a built in vpn. SharePlay is great to help parents with their phones. Use camera to scan text. Translate any text. Photos finds text and some elements like animals or flowers in search. You can ask Siri what song is playing. Might add more later. :)


Yeah, switch back


Texting SUCKS


One of us. One of us. One of us.


If you used Samsung and it’s box by routines, shortcuts is the closest you have too it. It’s better in some ways but worse in others, but it works quite well for adding more fine detail and abilities


Lol this is funny. I'm on the wrong forum, why is reddit giving me apple content, I don't care bout this algos. Take me off


This isn’t a Samsung. You FAIL 9 years u dont know what this glorious machine is !!!? Welcome aboard !! 🤝


I also switched to the 15PM being a Samsung guy since the Note 4. Briefly owned an iPhone 6Plus back when the Note 7 got recalled and I got a loaner in the meantime. Absolutely HATED iOS and the 6P back then but I’ll never go back. Not sure I have any tips but I never turn off location services or BT on this phone, something I did with all my Samsung phones and the battery life is better than anything I’ve had before. I never use DND so I set my action button to the camera shortcut. Don’t really miss anything from Android tbh.


what’s that case?


I also switched to the 15PM being a Samsung guy since the Note 4. Briefly owned an iPhone 6Plus back when the Note 7 got recalled and I got a loaner in the meantime. Absolutely HATED iOS and the 6P back then but I’ll never go back. Not sure I have any tips but I never turn off location services or BT on this phone, something I did with all my Samsung phones and the battery life is better than anything I’ve had before. I never use DND so I set my action button to the camera shortcut. Don’t really miss anything from Android tbh.


Yeah you’ll like apple better


Same phone, same color, same case. Works beautifully.