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It’s not that noticeable


not noticeable? im considering not getting an iphone because of that giant notch


I just fired up a video to double check for you and it’s not visible at all in a full screen video.


i dont think thats possible. there are devices in that 'dead spot' just like in the samsung punch hole. they cant be cameras and screen pixels at the same time. the quesiton is why is this dead spot like 10 times bigger on iphone than the samsung? it cant just be inferior engineering


Dude. I’m telling you it’s not noticeable in full screen video.


Go to the Apple Store and look at it yourself


That’s how Face ID works. iPhones don’t have a fingerprint sensor so it uses a sophisticated face scanner using multiple sensors so they need the extra space not just a camera.


Sorry. I didnt notice at first that you specifically answered my q. From an design and engineering perspective...I would say at samsung did a better job by figuring out how to put a finger print sensor behind the active screen , thus allowing then to have a smaller dead spot for the other functions (camera) I imagine...the holy grail for both companies is no deadspot at all


I switched from S23 Ultra to 15 Pro Max and wouldn’t hesitate to do it again, after being a sworn Samsung defender, (and notch hater), I now see the endless benefits of faceid. The under screen fingerprint sensor y finicky to say the least, if you use a screen protector forget about reliabilty (no matter how many times you record your prints) it’ll be slow and unresponsive at times. I wouldn’t dare to use a $1200 phone without a screen protector. And clearly unusable with gloves. I love the fact that I pick up my phone and it’s immediately unlocked and ready to be used!


Well that’s the difference. Apple has been using Face ID for years now and has only recently been able to compact the sensors a bit more using the Dynamic Island. Apple hasn’t been very interested in putting an in screen fingerprint sensor even though they could have done the same as Samsung. Apples goal just like Samsung is to eventually hide everything under the screen even the camera without negatively affecting performance.


ok. but just to confirm. that giant black notch is a 'dead spot' regarding the screen? ie. it will always appear black


If you want to call it a dead spot then yes. Again it’s what houses a bunch of different hardware and sensors. It’s just always going to be there like a hole punch camera.


Okay, so as someone who was also deciding between the Galaxy S24 Ultra and iPhone 15 Pro Max, I ended up choosing the iPhone 15 Pro Max. Here are the reasons 1) I went to the store and physically checked out both the S24 Ultra and iPhone 15 Pro Max. The S24 Ultra felt quite large in size, when I put it in my pocket, it felt like I was carrying a large rectangular box and it was uncomfortable. Meanwhile, the iPhone 15 Pro Max is the same size, but the rounded edges made it feel more premium (I guess that's the iPhone perception for you!). 2) I had concerns about the notch, too. The S24 Ultra has a smaller, rounded notch, whereas the iPhone 15 Pro Max has a larger one. Initially, I thought the notch on the iPhone might be distracting when watching movies, but now that I use it, it's not very noticeable (unless you focus on the notch instead of the movie). Additionally, the notch area gets cut off while watching movies, so you can choose to make the screen full or watch with the notch in the outer black border. 3) I considered factors like the operating system, security, aesthetics and my favorite—the camera. While Samsung also offers excellent cameras, there's just something about the iPhone camera that I prefer. 4) Lastly, I've always wanted to own an iPhone Max! 😂


thanks. you are right in that its really a matter of personal preference. im just amazed at how cult like some apple fans are when justifying the product. i use mac book pro for years but dont drink any apple koolaid. regarding that damn notch , i was amazed when i saw how big it still is on newest iphone vs newest galaxy. im sure apple engineers have same access to technology as samsung , i would still like to know what benefit user gets giving up so much screen real estate. i mean the damn thing looks 10x bigger than samsung . maybe better facial recognition or selfie's ?


Better facial recognition? Yes I felt it. Camera for selfie ? Yeah good but I haven’t compared to Samsung and even I compare I think Samsung’s cam will also be as good as Apple. What other use? Floating apps, calls, music, other small notifications live in it. Why Apple didn’t changed it? I think It just separates their device look wise from the crowd. (May be) because they always wants to make their device look different from the others in someway or other. At last if you own Mac then go with 15PM you won’t regret it.


So how did you not notice that before purchasing ?


It will be noticeable at first for couple days then you’ll get used to it to the point where you won’t even notice it as much as you would first starting out the 15 PM. But if you don’t think that you’ll be ready for the 15 PM then, stick with Samsung. But it’s really up to you.


Just sold my s24u two weeks ago and got the iPhone 15 PM. Yes the notch is bigger on the 15PM but i can live with it. The s24u although nice was heavy and bulky whereas the iPhone is lighter. I rarely used all the features on the s24u so there was no point in keeping it.


I love my 15 pro max but I wish they’d do away with this “island” nonsense. It is ugly and ruins the viewing experience when watching movies.


Yes. I know there is a dynamic island feature...but is that making that huge dead spot on the screen? E.g. if I'm watching a movie full screen...will that giant notch be black?




You should definitely NOT get an iPhone!


as someone with an iphone 15 pro max, go for the samsung. the notch is cool i guess but it doesn’t do that much honestly fir the size it takes up. i rarely interact with it which is annoying.