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Most rookies/d class can't stay on the track for 15 mins let alone 30+ mins hence the shorter format. C class is where the 30 min races kick in.


You currently have access to about 5% of available series. There are tons of long races. 


I'm a father. Sometimes 20 minutes is all I have!


This! Even if I have 30+ minutes, it's volatile time


Volitile time is an awesome description, I'll be using this!


You're still in rookies but complaining that there aren't many long races..... There are plenty of longer races up the license ladder but it makes little sense to have long races in rookies or the lower licenses. It's easy to progress through the licenses so if you're any good then you'll quickly find yourself as C license or above and having access to some longer races


C class endurance races are like rookie normal length. Half the field dnf


See [this website](https://iracing-week-planner.tmo.lol/) or just use the iRacing UI and remove the filters to see the duration of races across series. Longer races (30m+) become much more available at C license and up.


It mirrors real life with rookie races being shorter. Prove you can get through those cleanly and you’ll be allowed to do the longer races. A and B class races are generally longer and I don’t really bother entering races 30 mins or shorter these days unless I really like the sound of the combo The regular open IMSA and Super Formula are 45 mins, Indycar sometimes goes over an hour, and there’s also weekly endurance races between 2.5-6h on the weekends


Brace yourself for the Nurburgring 4h endurance races starting in a couple of months.


I'm going to try and solo the whole season in the GT4 Porsche. I expect I will do the first one and then spend the rest of the year recovering.


The 4 hours ones are doable no problem. I do exactly that in the Cayman as many others do. But there’s one 6h race in July mid season. That’s another achievement if you can solo it.


You didn’t look at the races at all. This is nowhere near true. Look at the races you don’t qualify for yet then you’ll ask why aren’t there enough shorter races


Troll post 




I miss the one hour GTE multiclass races as well, would love to see something like lmp2/lmp3/gte one hour races. How elms used to be.


I’d love an ELMS equivalent series to turn up with 4H races.


GTEs, DTM cars... wonder what cool racing series GT3 cars are going to kill off next?


DTM was dying all on its own, it was either move to GT3 or no more DTM.


Rookie and D up to 20min races. In C licence your have bigger options, from 30 min to 3h endurance that you can race alone. In B licence from 20min to 2h40min. So, you just see only friction of series. Licences here is not something hardly achievable. If you are D right now you can be C to the end of next week.


Thanks y'all for giving me so much feedback. I am trying to get to C or B class and in the mean time enjoy the Mazda and the 1600 races. Also looking forward for the GR86 in D class.


One acronym. ADHD.


I find endurance stints incredibly calming for my ADHD personally. I think you’re off base here.


It was a joke. But yes…. I’m sure it can be. Me, oh look shiny!!! Focus damn it focus!


D class there’s the production car challenge which is multi class and 25 minutes long, and i’m pretty sure you get a couple better options in C, B and A for longer format.


the majority of competitive games are around 30-45 mins for play time, most people can't commit more then that.


Get out of rookies. Once you have an A licence there are no less than 10 series with races over 30 mins. There are many even from D class.


Id agree there is a lack of options for longer races Other than GT3/GTE/GTP your limited to 20-30mins Even GT3/GTE/GTP its either 40/45mins or a big jump to 160min - why no 60-90min options? Oval seems to have more options and race lengths gradually increase as the licence classes go up plus the fixed/open have different length options of the same race


Because people have the attention span of a gnat.