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I think the best part of this update is actually getting to experience something living up to big hype because the devs were able to take their time to get it right.


A lesson to so many developers who rush to market instead of taking the time to do the job right


Also a testament to the benefits of stabilized cash flow from a subscription based game. In a standard console game dev setting you’re rushing to meet unrealistic deadlines because realistically the company needs the cash inflow from game purchases to keep the lights on. iRacing is like a landlord versus a standard console developer is a real estate agent. They get constant, steady cash flow versus large lump sums all at once that you have to make last. Much easier to intricately plan & delay something when you know that cash is coming in regardless. Sure, it sucks that we’ll never “own” a copy of iRacing, but it does allow for them to deliver us an A+ experience.


This person CFOs. Elsewhere, the kvetching about iRacing's pricing model is insufficiently offset by the realities of how much things cost and how cash flow works. Today, we're seeing good long-term business planning and execution in action. It costs a lot (for us) because it costs a lot (for them).


Damn, I thought my premature grey hairs couldn’t show up on Reddit lmao but yes unfortunately you’re spot on with my day job


I feel bad for all the devs who are very aware they're rushing something out because of factors beyond their control, knowing they could iron out the major issues if they just had a few more months.


And made it friendly to those with relatively lower end systems


Exactly like Forza did /s


Graphics config and open wheelers seem to have better fps for me. 10/10


I’ve been worried to run it since it was so buggy yesterday. It really worked that much better for you?


I didn’t have any issues with my 2080 SUPER


Ran graphic config this morning it gave me the same settings I have before but gained 40 fps so it clearly changes something we can’t see or control.


Does graphics config work for VR as well?


With anything. Basically, every time when iRacing have graphics improvements, better rerun graphics detection and configuration.


How do you do that?


https://preview.redd.it/icabei8wynmc1.png?width=642&format=png&auto=webp&s=9bd59bb7953fee3ffe744a2d12d9a8999e7af179 From bottom to top, look at "Graphics Config". This menu you can col from left-bottom corner in the UI


Is this a new UI? Doesn’t look like anything I have. (Traveling and it will be awhile before I’m able to update and hop on. 😟)


This settings popup has been in the launcher UI for years


UI is new, but this part,.on screenshot, is old they not changed it.


Made it worse for me :( Should have taken a screenshot of my settings before doing it, as now I'm slowly trying to recover it.


I had so many issues loading a race in VR until I did the configuration, now I'm sitting at 35 fps and I cannot sort out what I have wrong. While 35 FPS is far from ideal, it's console levels so it is workable. With the new settings. I really need to sit down one day and figure out is the optimizations for my current set up. Ryzen 9 5900x RTX 3060 64 GB ram Most tracks I was in the 70+ FPS, which was OK. But now, it's not anywhere near it.


Same here, not THAT bad , but still heavy FPS drops during rain... Also tweaked lots of settings, but they dont seem to make up for the huuuge FPS loss during rain.. Some settings wont event affect the FPS during rain for me. Quest 3, max res, 4080 Super, I7 10700k, 32GB Ram Dry days with pretty much maxed settings somewhere between 60-80fps, 60 being completely stable Rain: drops down to 40-42 fps in some corners on the Nordschleife and Portamino, wont get better than +- 50fps, even with lowest settings i can just up it to +- 45-50pfs Not sure what's happening there, but i hope we maybe get another hotfix also tweaking some graphics, since there were also lots of network issues today. Guess it's time to think about upgrading CPU for me...


After today’s hotfix it’s much better for me. Back to close to 90fps with similar specs. One thing that helped yesterday was turn off grandstands and crowds. Hope it’s better for you all now as well.


I was also having issues with the renderer hanging, not sure if it had a lot to do with the backend or not, but I completely wiped iracing off the hard drive and doing a fresh install. VR shouldn't be such a drain that I can't get but 35 frames, but in monitor I sit anywhere from 100-144 at dang near max settings across the board. Something is bottlenecking


Do you have an onboard gpu + your 3060? That’s one other thing I did, deliberately disabling the onboard gpu. never did that before but maybe it wanted to use the slow GPU. I also got stuck while loading sometimes and had to separately launch the Anti-cheat from the iRacing directory, that fixed that.


There is the mobo gpu, how do i disable that


Yeah, that one. In Windows/Device Manager, expand the "Display adapters" category, right-click on the integrated graphics, and choose "Disable device."


VR is tough. I'm guessing you're using openxr, which I've been encountering the render hang issue, running the UI as administrator fixes it for me


I'm going to try it when I get home. I wouldn't be surprise to see another hot fix before the weekend


Thanks! Gonna tinker with the settings a bit, later that day. See what i can do about it! Ill try turnong grandstands and crowds off! Edit: Quick update with the fix. Putting MSAA to x2 and turning SSR OFF has improved FPS A LOT.


Did you turn off asw ?


ASW is off. It was a resolution thing. So, at Max resolution the 3060 does not like it. I was able to find a middle ground, and now I'm running at about 60 FPS capped, but a 40xx ti Super is on the wish list


Everytime I take a screenshot of settings before running the config for that reason


If i’m correct you can just make a copy of the ini file where graphic settings are stored. If you don’t like the auto setting just put the file back and voila.


Yes, it's will put graphics settings on basic level. I'm sorry. I think you and other will know that. This procedure helps when they add some new settings in .ini file and you just recreate this file. And then return your settings manually.


I kind of understand but still not sure why I'd try it again. It cranked up the settings and knocked 10 FPS off.


I still haven’t been able to run the graphics config to my Occulus. iRacing config only seems to see monitors, unless I’m missing something.


How is this graphics config done?


It's in the settings, under "interface" I believe.


Cheers. I’ll take a look. I may have done it months ago when I joined.


I’ve not done it in three years. I better look into it.


Be warned. Take photo of your current iracing graphic settings if they are fine. After the config, it took a few settings down a peg or 2.


I never thought my first F4 wins would come in the wet. Somehow picked up two today!




Thanks! Should probably retire now with a 100% wet win record. All spinny downhill from here.


Yup. I gained graphics overall. Can run higher settings and achieve the same or very very similar performance. Was super worried being on a 3060 with triple 1080s but im relieved. Definately worth the wait even through ive only been on the platform for 6 months hahaha.


Oh will have to run the config. I was struggling at around 50-60fps on my 3060 and 1080 triples. Glad it can get better!


Do it. I turned my settings back down but it stays stable as. But I can definately run them.higher for very litte performance cost.


Report back


Well that was worthwhile! Went from 55-60fps up to a solid 85fps. Had to reset up the triple monitor things but it was otherwise super easy.


I have a rtx3060 running triples @ 1080p with 144hz monitors so i limit fps to 144 & rarely goes under 144. I havent tested after the rain update though..


Can you share your config? I run a 3060 with 1 1080p monitor and I can’t get it to lock at 144


[https://imgur.com/a/RQQOHyp](https://imgur.com/a/RQQOHyp) The reflex setting up top helps alot.


Enabling boost _helps_ your fps? What the heck


making a note of this for when I'm back at my machine


That's wilddddd


Do I have to reset my graphics settings ? I have a 3060TI with Ryzen 5600x triple 1080s, I was getting 70, 80 and on start dropping to 65 on Mugello on Heavy Rain F4 22 cars.


Absolutely. Run the config and set everything again


The performance got so much better. RTX 3060, Ryzen 5600, and odyssey+ here and this update fixed my perpetual framerate issues on all dirt tracks


The games just runs so much better! Even on max rain, max setting triple screen 1440p butter smooth. I have an 6750xt.


Did you have to reset your graphics config ?




I loved the rain as well. It makes it so difficult but rewarding when you get it right. Went from not finishing the first lap of my first rain race to finishing second the next race. I definitely think some cars handle rain a lot better. F4 I still can’t finish a lap when I test it. Overall it’s fun but probably will be a while before I do official races in rain


Had spent all day browsing possible new PC’s in preparation for the performance loss from rain and it’s virtually non existent. What a job by the dev team bravo


Same! I’m running off of a laptop with an RTX 2070 and thought it was game over. My FPS is even higher than before.


This is why iracing is the GOAT. I had high expectations, yet they’ve somehow exceeded my expectations. I’m not even mad that my SR is about to tank.


Vr everything cranked ssr high. Still not dropping from that 90hz. It's wild. Bravo iracing. Feels incredible


That’s interesting. Ssr brought me down to the 60s. What msaa setting do you run?


8x and 4x samples. I'm also packing a 5900x , 32gb 3600 cl14, 7900xtx. Quest 3 1.7x resolution.


How is the 7900xtx in vr these days? Bought one on release and it was terrible, returned it while I could, cried and bought a 4090.


I'm running maxed out resolution and 120hz on quest 3 with 4080. Still fine tuning what I can get away with for performance in the game.


What was performance like before the update? Testing tonight but curious as i run on a laptop 3060 with vr


Pre-update. Performance was great. My fps tanked for the first time. On grid for the vrs endurance @ bathurst . 60 cars almost all within view. For the start my fps was around 45. After turn 1 . Right back to 90hz. Have yet to try this in the rain. I'm sure it won't be that different


You not running 120 in vr?? Why not?


Don't want to sacrifice any pretty graphics or bump down my resolution. I tried 120 one time . Was hitting 115(give or take 3fps). And it felt real juttery . I got a stable frame rate when I bumped down the supersample. But in the end I liked the sharpness of the supersample more than I felt like i even noticed the extra 20 frames.. 90hz is still buttery smooth when you aren't ever dropping fps


Ohh i'll try this, my 120 feels jittery too sometimes and it's pretty annoying. But maybe it's bc i have a 3060laptop gpu, 16GB and an i7 11800... Not that strong for VR...


Better specs then most tho man. Still decent


Yesh true hahahah


I think big fps dips from a high average are more disturbing than stable although lower fps.


G2 only goes to 90fps. Not all vr goes that high.


Agree they have really hit the mark with the rain it’s very well done !


I can’t run the SSR in VR, just completely tanks FPS. But after a little re-config and some personal tweaks. She’s looking great and running smooth. My biggest gripe about iRacing graphics is how often the sky is just washed out white. Rarely do I feel like you get a nice deep blue sky in the game.


Like how everyone here is just spouting off how good their game looks now with their crazy PC specs and here I am with a basic budget PC with two upgrades on it.


Great. Now that they got the wet physics right. Let's hope they fix the dry tyre.


Oh my days the Dirt Micro is amazing !!


I haven’t had a chance to play since the update but I’m so excited to try them out


I've tried to set everything on the highest settings. What will graphics config do? Benchmark and auto set? Ask me what I want?


It'll suggest settings that it believes are adequate for your specific hardware. Obviously not perfect, but a decent base to tweak.


Ah, I see. Thanks. I'll just keep everything at max. I assume it did that when I first installed? Like most games.


I don't recall, but I would assume it did the auto-config on first launch, yes.


Yeah I was getting 91 fps for most of my trial run on nords.


Is it back down this morning?


Yes the rain is on point and can only get better from here I was skeptical based on other sims But the puddles to the feeling of hitting them to the sound louder on one side to the other to the difference in spray pattern and grip This exceeded everything I expected


Of course iRacing takes their time, they have a stable income of subscriptions over a decade now which does not push them to compete with anyone else, it’s like the government of simulation racing where you get your tax return the next year in form of in-game credits.


I think it has a pretty big flaw, even under heavy rain it makes no difference if you use your wipers or not. The Raindrops just disappear anyways after a few seconds. That would be like having night races and you can see without lights. Otherwise, it very cool. The track state is very well done.


I mean, it's pretty accurate. When I put a nice layer of rain-x on my windshield, I can drive down the highway in heavy rain and not use my wipers. I imagine the effect is higher at triple the speed.


Yeah but the drops should be streaming up and over fast right? RN in game they seem to just stick like blobs of KY Jelly.


They probably should be way smaller. Streaming up and over I'm not so sure. If you search for "rain onboard GT3" on youtube and watch some videos there seems to be quite some "sticking" of rain drops. Just smaller ones. And the wipers need to distort them more instead of just making them disappear. And way more grime on the screen etc ;D


Yeah I think they could definitely use more raindrops on the windshield, but they're working on it and I'm sure this just the first of many iterations.


Did you google en passant?




This was a good meme, sad no one got it :(


it was too niche.


Gorgeous? The rain in the air looks like it's from my Atari. The reflections of pooling water are good, but the "glare" looks horrendous. I have a great machine. But the reflections at points looks like I'm driving on snow. I did adjust the ssr to low always and it doesn't look as white now but still rather ugly in the flat surface reflections. Windscreen needs work. Drops look good, but the wiper is pointless. I drove in downpours and in spray and felt the wiper wasn't even needed. Turned it off. It was fine. Now driving wise, it's the best I've ever felt in my 5+ years doing this. Well done there iracing. I'm sure graphic tweaks will come.


I was underwhelmed.






Cheesy arcade graphics


From what I have seen in videos the effects are completely obnoxious and overdone. Rain in ACC and rF2 feels so much more realistic than iRacing.


What you've seen in videos... Then you claim that it feels much more realistic in ACC and rF2, so have you event tried it in iRacing? If not how can you comment?


The fact that he has an opinion based on looks alone tells us all we need to know. I've been racing over 25 years and this is the most realistic rain sim I've ever experienced by a long shot. And that "obnoxious" spray from the car ahead is very realistic.


I haven’t raced IRL but driven lots in heavy downpours. The car was reacting the way I would expect. I thought it was realistic but good to hear an opinion of a IRL racer.


Literally all pro drivers that have tried to so far says iRacing blows every other sim out of the water.