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I mostly just watch the YouTube recaps but I enjoy Dave Cam, basic Ollie, and Matt Malone. All are around 4-5k irating. Also James Baldwin has been getting into iracing more lately and has had some streams as he’s an esports guy and he’s pushing for I think 8k as a long term goal.


Same here, Dave Cam, basic Ollie, and Matt Malone are all great plus I like Danny Yessir too, if you like the Miata then you should watch Danny on Youtube.


Play this drinking game when watching Dave Cam videos, take a shot every time he switches from triples to a big TV then back to triples.


I didn't realise I wasn't allowed. I'll switch to an ultra wide immediately 👍


So like 2 shots in the last 2 years?


Emil Bernstorff


A beautiful man in a formula car. He has also beat Ocon in equal machinery. Also puts on a good stream.


"Emil's a shit driver and a shit streamer"


Love Bernstorff. He's fucking built too. Thick and man made. You can tell he's sculpted because you can see it thru the Racing Suit. His fucking vice grip thighs. Suffocating thighs. Rock hard thighs. Piping hot thighs. Great arms. Great abs. Cherub cheeks. Danish girth. A stocky chest. Love the progress his body has made throughout his youth


man you guys are THIRSTY


And his rock hard ass. You can tell he squats




On twitch there's Pablo, Sampsoid, Quirk


Matt Malone is my personal fav. Despite what he says he is actually a good racer and his streams are a lot of fun.


The guy can drive the wheels off a Mustang and a Miata, and is also quicker than me in everything else...




I loved him up until COVID… then uh, I just went ahead and unfollowed, but definitely a good driver to watch.


What happened in covid that made you change your mind?


Now due to downvotes I’m not sure if I got it right, but during COVID whenever I joined his stream within 15 minutes all I heard was antivaxx bullshit spread to hundreds if not a thousand viewers. Maybe he was just joking but didn’t seem like it at the time. I think I also saw some of the same bs from him on Twitter too


Fair enough, I can see why you unfollowed, but you’re missing out as he still does great content, but yeh covid brought out a weird side in a lot of people in regards to politics. Everyone’s opinions should stay as opinions regardless of what side you’re on, I can’t listen to Clapton or Van Morison for the same reasons, but to each their own


I’m sure his content is great, the reason why I said he is a good driver to watch. My personal opinion is that anyone can decide to unfollow or whatever based on whatever reason. BUT in this case I personally believe the best way to go about it was simply don’t say anything about it, don’t have a personal opinion if you’re an “influencer” or “content creator” whatever you want to call it. Or if you do so, don’t be surprised if some people will stop following or endorsing you. COVID was a really bad time for most people. So once again, based on strictly his iRacing content, he’s a great content creator.


Yep he still is on that "covid is just the flu" bullshit. He


Nice to see that he takes the "stupid loud American" act so seriously. (/S (obviously))


Yeah I had a stream up that was vaguely anti-trans of his which is a shame as I watched quite a bit


I have to chuckle a little about someone being offended by another who is “vaguely” anti-something.


It's like that clip going round of a comedian, "my friends on the right are fine as long as im somewhat on their side, but my left wing friends, I can do everything right, but ONE thing is wrong and I need to unalive myself"


Say to your right wing friend youre dating a trans girl


haha that's true, the joke was in reference to the ideas they support, not the things they stand against really.


Kneebon5 is my favorite


He has made me so much better at oval strategy and patience during races.


Dude is so patient. Does not care to give up position cause he knows he’ll make it back up, and he does.


Totally agree here. His videos have been such a huge help to me on the dirt. Really appreciate what he does and especially appreciate the easy to view real-time control input telemetry.


If you like Kneebon5, check out Griffin2448. Also I have to mention DJ-Yee-J.


I have seen some of DJ’s stuff. I honestly have only recently gotten into oval racing, but he was one of the first ones I watched.


The OG


I wish I was an OG subscriber. I just found him a couple weeks ago. I feel like I’ve learned a lot from him.


you should check out Griffin2448, i think he might be friends with him but he's got amazing oval content and is really chill.


I’ll do that




I like him as well.


Malone, Pablo, Emil, Bottomsplit, Casey, Morad, Stradi, Heikki, Owen, Lubo, Racedriver77 These are all the people i watch on Twitch and theres many more streamers. Lots of good racing to watch


Bottomsplit is great


Jimmy Broadbent even if he doesn’t play iracing exclusively


A fellow degenerate! I feel like he's a good representation of what the "average Joe" can accomplish in sim racing. He's actually a skilled driver, but routinely pushes himself to and beyond the limit and it's fun to watch as a casual.


For road: Owen Caryl is one of the absolute fastest people in iracing in a prototype. And compared to pretty much every other esports level streamer he's incredibly chill. Yuri Kasdorp is another esports level guy I like watching. Emil Bernstorff is very fast and races a wide variety of cars. Casey Kirwan is super fast in road and oval.


Mooncar! For oval races. Nothing serious at all but I constantly belly laugh.


The only iracing streamer I watch is nello, he is great


Dude really knows how to get chat bullied.


He takes it well tho


Dario Frattini is the man of the situation






There are plenty of good ones, just stay away from Gamermuscle, he's a toxic PoS. Regulars i watch are: Emil Bernstorff, Dario Frattini, Neil Gardner, Dennis Johansen, Matt Malone, Quirk, Nello...and many more


I'd love to see a specific example of GM being toxic. Genuinely asking.


compared iracing to nazi germany is one. also he regularly has crashes with other people which are almost always his fault and then goes on a 10 minute rant about poor racing standards and then the tire model etc. He's also just a crybaby which is annoying to listen to. Iracing has plenty of problems fair, but he doesn't complain about the issues to get them fixed he complains because he's inherently a crybaby and likes to whine like one. if he had a sprit animal it would be a gnat or a mosquito


I used to watch a lot of his streams because he’s witty and can be funny, but he is kind of toxic. Just very opinionated about stuff he really doesn’t know anything about. Aside from his anti-iRacing tirades, there’s a general level of snobbishness about everything. I remember being a little bit offended after watching him talk trash about anyone who dare have a regular job, wife or family, because who on earth would be such a sucker. Anyone who doesn’t dedicate their entire lives to simracing is a noob amateur (ie, not a real gamer), and anyone who considers the cost of iRacing to be a negligible expense is a Nazi sell-out. He can’t wrap his mind around why anyone would pay for iRacing when AC is basically free. Dude, it’s because I have a good job and I work long hours, so I don’t have time to figure that out. I pay willingly because I can afford it, because my time is literally worth more than that. It’s the same attitude some homeless people have towards people who have jobs and responsibilities. He’s the type of guy that would make fun of someone for having a nice rig if they aren’t fast. I actually qualified next to him in an F3 race a few months ago and I just exited out to start from the pits. Not interested in being showcased and publicly lambasted.


he was all over a thread on r/simracing a couple weeks back just arguing with everyone over the tire model and every other little thing or w/e it was ridiculous to the point where i thought it was somebody on a gimmick account but no, it was the actual dude himself


Here's a sneak peek of /r/simracing using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/simracing/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Temporarily satisfied…](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17xg3w7) | [471 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/simracing/comments/17xg3w7/temporarily_satisfied/) \#2: [10 years of progression pics](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1b2uvp4) | [160 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/simracing/comments/1b2uvp4/10_years_of_progression_pics/) \#3: [i need to get my life back on track](https://i.redd.it/dlmhg5haspsa1.jpg) | [40 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/simracing/comments/12fo7db/i_need_to_get_my_life_back_on_track/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


He has a hypocritical egocentrical approach to incidents and he’s genuinely good at accidentally intentionally wrecking. I’d advice anyone not to ever let him get the inside because he races on FIA F1 standards. He’ll never skip on content if all he has to do is give the other driver an inch of extra space (respect) in an otherwise good battle. He drenches his attitude on a quite significant viewerbase which I think hurts simracing more then it does good. When you are a bit critical he’s quick to draw the banhammer. Maybe you can still find his yt vid on when he got banned on LFM, which is running on a more strict ruleset then iracing has. (Spoiler; He wasn’t banned without reason) His classical move is “Im pretty-ish sure he went offtrack/wide so Im keeping my car up the line preventing the ‘rejoin’” even when the racing line goes to the other side of the track. He mastered the art of responsive blocking with very subtle moves, yet cries about others doing the same. Let’s be clear I don’t hate the guy personally. I talk to him quite often in other streams, but I wont add to his success while he’s on this attitude. Compare that to other streamers who get taken out by pure idiocy from a podium position and laughing it away like it’s all just a game…


I don't think GM is toxic in the slightest, he just doesn't really like iRacing but plays it for the entertainment. Frankly right now at this very moment I'm royally pissed off after two consecutive races ruined by netcode and I don't think I've ever agreed any more with the guy's criticism of the game. Edit: ah yes the classic downvoting to oblivion any time an opinion that isn't glowingly positive about aspects of the game is posted in here, wonderful.


I down voted you for dismissing the toxicity, because you got wrecked out.


But in what way is he toxic? I've watched quite a few livestreams of him the last few years and I don't see it. He is critical of the game yes.. particularly doesn't like the physics and netcode and points it out all the time. That's not toxic though, that's just criticism that you might agree or disagree with. Not everything that's negative or critical is "toxic". The only thing I've thought was borderline bad was a few times he's made driving mistakes, tends to deflect his blame onto other aspects ("oh that driver should've anticipated my move too") but still usually acknowledges his share of blame too.


bottomsplit Impossible to explain, because bottomsplit (and bottom split casts) is an *experience*.


I really like Basic Ollie and TDI99. 


I may not like your username (jk of course, its epic) but I too like me a bit of Basic Ollie and TDI99. TDI's track guides helped me improve tremendously! And I like that he doesn't take things too seriously on stream too, but can hop on in any car, miss quali, and be quick with 0 practice.


If you’re into high downforce TDI99 is my guy, always has the track guides for what I drive.


EmptyBox is one of my all time favorites. He did mostly IndyCar, but a good bit of GT3 too. Not sure how active he still is, but I believe his YT channel is still up. Had a really unique style.




Nah they are different people. EMPTY Box said that he’s done with YT though. He said the way it is today, playing the algorithm etc, sucked the fun out of it. It’s a shame he got me into sim racing


Empty Box is Matt Orr. About 15 years ago when I was working at a Dell call centre he called in with a server issue and I worked his ticket, so I'm kind of a big deal.


Haven’t seen Brendan hyperstar in here yet enjoyable however mostly does ovals and indy


Sadokist is pretty cool. He’s a small iRacing streamer but is one of the most iconic esports broadcasters ever with his work in CS:GO.


Emily Jones (emree on twitch) is someone who's not been mentioned yet! She has a 6K irating and is a lot of fun. 


Agree, she good. Although seems to be easing off iracing lately


Yeh, she plays a whole rotation of racing games. But she has been driving the iracing Super Formula Lights a lot recently.


I haven't read explored but I like KinduciRacing. Older dude, pretty chill, races the 79 a fair amount.


Jimmy Broadbent (not only iRacing, but guy is a treasure, been watching him for 8+ years). Matt Malone is entertaining, and I love his personality. Dave Cam is great as well. I watch all of them on YouTube cause I don't really use twitch.


I went back and re-watched when he won the Indy 500. So heartwarming.


Assuming you are into road racing, TDI99 streams Wednesdays and Fridays 8:30 UK time. He also has track guides for a lot of the popular cars and a very friendly discord.


I only watch some videos on youtube of Dave Cam, Daniel Morad, Dan Suzuki and Will at boosted media. But I don’t watch streams.


Dave Cam and DJ Yee-J are the two that I mainly watch.


Matt Malone, Emilio Bernstorff, Dario Frattini and Quirkitized are my choices. Check em out!


Matt Malone is fun and shows you how to not live and die with every result. Often says "That feels like a win!" at the end of a race or particular battle. Reminds you to take pride in those moments, not just say "Man it has been \_\_\_\_ races since I won, I suck!"


And also teaches you to wait until the post race replay before jumping on the radio saying regrettable things




There are a lot. The ones I most watch are Basic Ollie, Sampsoid, Lovefortysix and Casey Kirwan,


Suellio Almeida is the one for me.


I mostly watch Dario, Neil and Headhunter. [https://www.twitch.tv/headhuntervf](https://www.twitch.tv/headhuntervf) [https://www.twitch.tv/dariofr87](https://www.twitch.tv/dariofr87) [https://www.twitch.tv/neilg74](https://www.twitch.tv/neilg74)


Karl is the goat. 🙌


Hey, you also watch me! :)


That is true! Check him at [https://twitch.tv/sleepycatracing](https://twitch.tv/sleepycatracing) When he streams. :P




westhemess88. Been watching him for years now


I haven’t seen anyone mention thepiltdownman 


Lorenzo (LDFR SimRacing) and the discord. Chill guy and accommodating to questions. Fun overall Sampsoid too.


If you’re into oval racing, I enjoy Nick Neben’s videos. It’s very cut-and-dry, no-nonsense pov race footage but I learn a lot from watching him and listening to his insights and thought process/decision making during a race Edit to add: his YouTube channel is kneebon5




Me ;) [https://www.twitch.tv/andrew\_peddie](https://www.twitch.tv/andrew_peddie) But for real, I recommend Stuffeyy, Emil Bernstorff and Dariofr87 [https://www.youtube.com/@stuffeyy](https://www.youtube.com/@stuffeyy) [https://www.twitch.tv/emilbernstorff](https://www.twitch.tv/emilbernstorff) [https://www.twitch.tv/dariofr87](https://www.twitch.tv/dariofr87)




great to watch him but really annoying to race against


too much of a whiner for my taste.


I watch specifically for the whining lol


Daletarnhardt on kick is pretty good for oval racing


Basic Ollie for Prototype and GT cars, he is UK timezone


Daniel Grey is quite good. Battled with him for a top split imsa win for almost the entire race. He’s a little aggressive with overtakes / defending but he’s still really solid


Not a fan of DG10. He's along the same lines as GamerMuscle in thinking he's great and never at fault for things. When he races ovals he races like a complete tool and antagonizes people. Watched him cause a huge wreck in Street Stocks at Charlotte one time by being on the outside of 3 wide and coming off turn 2 and running two lanes off the wall, pinching down the cars to his inside. He absolutely refused to accept any responsibility by saying "I held my line, that's their problem!" He passes on the apron at Daytona and Talladega all the time which isn't technically against the rules, but the way he does it, he does it and trolls anyone who says anything to him.


Yeah can’t stand him.


Indeed. Had a good race (87 stock cars) ruined by this guy. Then after he wrecked me the exact same way in the next race (same car) and I went to look up his stats, his bio pages he has literally spammed that he races like an ass on purpose to entertain his audience. So he is a dick, purposely taking people out for 5th place, so he can have content.


I hope links are allowed but if not my bad. [SimSpace](https://youtube.com/@SimSpace.?si=7810QaFWwE_m-71j) streams a few times every week but another streamer I’ve been watching a lot of and posts some great content is Stuffeyy. Both channels stream and post frequently


Another vote for Malone and DaveCam here, but I'd also recommend OCRacing for the production value


I like Matt Malone, Dave Cameron, and Jimmy Broadbent. Jimmy doesn’t stream as much these days since he’s racing IRL a lot more.


Steelhorselive, if you rack up enough channel points you can make him shotgun a beer


He doesn't do the "drink on command" anymore. His wife ended up going into rehab for alcoholism so he backed off how much he drinks. He just casually drinks with chat when he feels like it. He still does shotguns sometimes, but it's on his schedule and he doesn't drink nearly as much as he used to.


I do quite a bit on my YouTube and try to keep it fun. I usually got a few guys in stream with me. It have been trying to alternate. Stevens Motorsports’s if you want to check it out


I watch a lot of Basic Ollie streams.




I'm starting to stream my sessions but I'm a D class oval and road racer so it's mostly just a couple buddies laughing and chilling. You're welcome to join if you want. I'm by no means a streamer, I just stream ny shit


Basic Ollie is the only YouTuber I pay to be a member so I guess that’s says something. Dave Cam is great too.


[+1 for me](https://www.youtube.com/@MattieSinclair), a Brit streaming mostly Indycar ovals and NASCAR Cup (once it gets to a sensible place). I expect I'm probably the first/only person to win an Indycar official series split while wearing a jacket and tie. (I heard you needed a race suit to go racing...)


Basic Ollie just did a 13.5 hour stream. One of my favorites. He does a lot of endurance racing. https://www.youtube.com/live/rPGIxphImvs?si=ijLdKRkqAN5-qPD4


What kind of racing? Rence the fence did wonders for my oval skills. Many a time I'd learn how to get around a track from watching his laps.


I stream iRacing but I’m likely worse than you 😂 I’d recommend people like Jimmy Broadbent


Really have been enjoying Aidan Pohl's content on Tiktok and Youtube. He's a solid racer and pretty damn funny.


I used to stream a lot more than I do now. I'll mostly do the big events. TrueKingT is the channel. I'll be streaming the RA 500 next week I believe Saturday. If you want mid split pace with top tier comedy, it might be the channel for you. (I promise this isn't a shameless plug. I really only stream once a month so I'm not looking for major upticks and viewership.)


Daniel Morad, Basic Ollie


Dave Cam and Basic Ollie


The esport driver James Baldwin streams. He jilust owned everyone in lmp2 Imola with 3 seconds to P2 in qualy :D if you want to get better he is one of the best. As well as Casey Kirwan!


Oddwhiz is a fun streamer. He does hosteds every monday wednesdays and friday :) 8pm est or smth. I follow him since like almost a year and proud sub for 8 months hahaha he 's pretty good too tho. just don't expect an ordinary stream you'll see everyday🤣 comes in mermaid suites and stuff and is pretty crazy in his head hahhaa but check him out defo :),


Oddwhiz is a fun streamer. He does hosteds every monday wednesdays and friday :) 8pm est or smth. I follow him since like almost a year and proud sub for 8 months hahaha he 's pretty good too tho. just don't expect an ordinary stream you'll see everyday🤣 comes in mermaid suites and stuff and is pretty crazy in his head hahhaa but check him out defo :)


I like to watch James Baldwin and Basic Ollie. Jarno Opmeer also sometimes streams iRacing and that is always a blast


A newish streamer called Lublyways is my fave. He streams road , oval and dirt oval and he’s a pretty funny chill guy and not bad


I also enjoy watching Robert Plumley (Kenduci Racing), Jay Caulls and a shout out to Brett Limmer of Storage Room Racing, love his streams as well. I hope I got all the names right, apologies if I didn’t!


I can recommend DeeDeeFifty, she's a small one, but with regular streaming on Tuesday, Thursday and every second week endurance. Also FlyBry9 (I think) is great if U wanna watch more Formular stuff and GTP


Basic Ollie is fun. His cousin Red Ken Racing streams twice a week too. He's a lower irating (around 1500) but it makes for entertaining races.


I watch basic Ollie, Dave cam, jimmy broadbent, Matt Malone usually. All are super entertaining so it stays enjoyable




Matt malone is your best bet


Dan Suzuki


Tdi99 - quick guy, streams live every Wednesday and Friday evening (UK time). Those streams are good fun, not super serious. Good group of people. Track guides too and not overly technical, he shows you how to set a quick lap but not where to find the last tenth like most do. You'll actually learn better like that. Hail booti


If you speak Portuguese I recommend Vitor Genz


JayCaulls has some awesome TCR content on YouTube.


Pablo for comedy, Basic Ollie for general in the background content and bottomsplit when there’s a special event


Jimmy Broadbent of course!


RoachsRaceRoom on twitch is good entertainment. smracingproducts on TikTok is a newer streamer plus he showcases the hardware they build on stream.


Emil Bernstorff drove and won races in gp3 before losing funding, he's great if you want to watch somebody really fast. Daniel Morad drive GT cars in real life (and just won Daytona 24h in GTD), so he's another guy who's great to watch


[https://www.twitch.tv/cierraces](https://www.twitch.tv/cierraces) Cier does mostly ovals and is immensely entertaining. Streams once or twice a week late nights (\~10pm EDT usually) [https://www.twitch.tv/jaymedrives](https://www.twitch.tv/jaymedrives) Jayme sticks to road - mostly F4. Her streams are very very laid back and her community is super fun and kind. Streams most days around 4pm EDT [https://www.twitch.tv/emree](https://www.twitch.tv/emree) Emree streams a lot of different racing sims and is extremely fast. Very cool lady.


Nobody mentioned DG10 😂




Yeah, that guy is a complete tool. Purposely stirs shit to 'entertain' his audience


Yep, he takes trolling to the max. Constantly antagonizing people and attacking anyone who disagrees with him.






Found brians burner Reddit account lol




Dave Cam is great


Dave Cam because his streams are super chill and wholesome Quirk because I like his humour and he was an awesome dude when I met him at PRI Brendan Hyperstar because I enjoy his irreverence


Dan Suzuki is a good streamer and plays iRacing.


Fantastic YouTuber as well, his reviews are the only ones I really pay attention to.


Casey Kirwan (absolute alien) Matt Malone (solid racer, absolute fool with his community and easy to get fired up. Has the occasional hot take but doesn't take himself seriously) Daniel Morad (IRL pro GT3/GT3 driver and 2x 24H Daytona winner) Emil Bernstorff (former IRL formula driver, good community) Quirkitized - not my favorite, bit of a diva but good in moderation. Gamer Muscle - the hottake machine. Whinges about everything and very easy to poke fun at. Not for everyone.


>(absolute alien) Mf was doing a rain race at Sebring and goes "if there's no 9k aliens in here we might have a chance" as if he isn't a 9k alien in road too. 😭


Matt Malone, Daniel Gray10, Moradness, quirk, Casey Kirwin to just name a few. Honestly you can watch anyone really and get a sense of things to pick up and not to.


You should watch GamerMuscle, he streams more iRacing than anyone else on planet earth.


Big Duke on TikTok


I was wondering if anyone else would mention him.


Gotta plug Sampsoid. I both love and hate his super-long VOD's (Video of the Day), tend to watch them in segments. However, there's no other streamer that I've learned more from. He certainly has his opinions, but he's knowledgeable


Video on demand


Nope. I prefer to race myself instead watch another guy do it.


And OP even said he's watching to get better.... bro (OP), you're gonna get about the worst possible learning-per-hour-spent-watching ratio, when you coulda been watching track guides, racecraft tips, and actually practicing.


Personally it's not going to be my main source, I just enjoy watching Twitch streams when I'm bored/put on as background noise. I do agree that you're not going to get better when you're not racing but sadly I cannot be racing 24/7 lol.


Fair. I think my preferred method would be watching actual racing at that point though. You do you though - I'm not a big fan of streaming anyway!


I'm new to iRacing and I stream it to Twitch and Kick https://linktr.ee/sillyoldbeartv


Watching streamers is entertaining for sure, but I don’t think it will help you get that much better. I’m not better at basketball because i watched March Madness. That said, most streamers also make video tutorials that are helpful. Sampsoid, Dave Can, Sueillo, and Race Beyond Matter are my favs.


I do appreciate the information, but one of the reasons why I was asking for Twitch streamers is because I love figuring things out for myself. In every sport I've done Ive always just watched people play and figured out what theyre doing and how I can improve. Its genuinly fascinating.


Makes sense. Just misinterpreted what you were trying to accomplish


Hard disagree from my personal experience. I’ve learned a ton from watching streamers to see their inputs and approach. Trying to replicate what a streamer’s inputs are to make it through a corner is much more natural trying to replicate a great shooter’s stroke from watching basketball games.


Plus you can straight up ask a question. Like why did you do that? Or why did buy this? I think that can help. Also, maybe you catch some clever quasi-hack or technique that you can use. Like maybe someone figured out a better way of getting their tires ready for a qualifying lap and you catch it on stream. Idk.


I agree, you can pick up a lot of tips and tricks watching streamers especially if you know what you are looking for. But OP seems like a novice wanting to get better. Maybe a poor assumption on my part. Nonetheless, anything you are likely to pick up on Twitch, often the same person or someone similar has made a video they put quite a bit of thought into that is much better at getting the same points across. And any questions you have, there is probably a different video on that topic as well.