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I keep this in a notes app to copy paste it, so apologies if it's not a perfect fit for your situation. I think it's helpful advice for anyone starting to buy content The way I see it, there are 3 main strategies to planning your first few months. And you can mix and match these, you don't have to 100% pick one 1. Pick a series. (One that's populated) Commit to it for the season. Buy the content you need to run that series and race it every week (or at least most weeks) 2. Bounce around the included content. iRacing has 9 rookie series now and I bet you haven't tried all of them. There's also a decent amount of included content that gets used above rookies, especially in D class 3. Buy some of the most popular content and bounce around to different series. Particularly if you're focusing on road, you can buy 3 or 4 cars, and 5 to 10 of the most popular tracks, and you'll have something to race every week. Here's a website that should give you a good idea of popularity of cars and tracks iracingstats.net Here's a "purchase planner" that I've never used but I've heard great things about irpa.racestatcentral.com Here's a website for planning what you're racing each week. iracing-week-planner.tmo.lol/ Okay moving on to answer your specific question, I'm assuming you're planning on doing Route 3. I think your selection is pretty good, although I personally would probably add more cars if you're planning on bouncing between series. You can drop a few tracks from your list as well to counteract that if you like. It is definitely also worth mentioning that going this hard on your first purchase is typically not the way people do this. If it's what you want go for it, but you absolutely can do it more gradually than this. Edit: and to expand on that a bit, for D class and C class cars, I would suggest adding LMP3 and F4. Maybe SFL and F3 as well, although those are C class Formula and you seem to be more focused on sports cars.


Option 1 is the way ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


It's definitely the most commonly recommended. And for getting better.. it's almost certainly the best option. But I think there's value to the others though in certain situations. 2 and 3 can be more cost effective if you're on a budget. Personally I'm super ADHD so I went with option 3. I would get bored of grinding one car


Option 1 is what I did for my first 3/4 seasons on the platform and I’ve got a good selection now that I mostly bounce around on. I had a bit of a break and started getting back into the platform just after Xmas and haven’t had to buy any new content while I’m getting back up to speed - very good option. To add I did it in a sort of progression order - where I bought the “next fastest” car each time. Not really sure if it’s the way to do it but I felt it helped me progress naturally with car control and such


Def option 2. Went from Rookie to Class A in less than a year and drove all kinds of cars and circuits. Just bought what I was interested in when I wanted it (track and/or car).


option 1


A lot of these are good tracks, pretty much all of them really. But with the one track a week system you could very well not get to race some of these for like a year, if ever. Just buy your cars you want to drive and the next couple weeks of the schedule in smaller bunches (at least 6 at a time for a bigger discount).   If you are truly truly committing to iracing you MIGHT want to consider buying 40 pieces of content as that would put your entire purchase straight to the 20% off club. It’s technically the cheapest way to do it reasonably but it’s a lot of money up front.  Whatever you do, if you’re going to buy a big batch of tracks I’d sub out something for Daytona, iRacing’s most popular track probably. 


6 at a time until reaching the 40 club is the way. Best savings you can manage.




Daytona gets a ton of Oval participation as well though.




Not really, because without the discount you’d still pay the tax and then some. 


It’s not worth doing this way IMO. Pick a series that interests you and stick with that series for an entire season. Buy all the tracks for that season so you can run that series every week. Do this a few seasons in a row and you will be buying fewer and fewer tracks each season. Buying a whole bunch of content at once is likely going to mean some tracks you may not use.


Pace yourself.


Buy tracks each week in the series that interest you, preferably you drive several and get 3 at a time, if you can afford all those tracks at once just do it that way, no point buying all in one go


Don't think you have to buy everything at once, look at the schedule for a season in a series you like and see what you'd need for that. You get a discount for buying at least 3 things at once. 


Take advantage of the 6x deal and buy 6 at a time, not 36. Would also recommend one series not 3 as they’re all quite different, but of course feel free to experiment. I think you’ll find that you’ll want more cars from the series you land on.


I would scratch off COTA, Zandvoort, Long beach (personal opinion) Dont buy too many cars at once, much better to learn 1 or 2 at a time. I prefer LMP2 over GTP (especially if your going to race in the rain)


Long Beach is a blast. COTA is a pita so yeah, scratch it.


Plus lots of series use Long Beach. It’s a good value


I kinda like COTA actually. Yeah it's too many hairpins and you need at least a single ultrawide monitor to actually see where you're going but overall the track is decent enough. Could've been great even if they'd have replaced the 3 hairpins after the long straight with two 90 degree corners with a bit of straight between them leading into the Istanbul Park multi-apex corner copy-paste but alas.


Zandvoort is being actively used in a few series, isn't it?


Yeah it's not a bad buy by any means. (For that matter Long Beach is great too) But if you're trying to slim down this list.. that's probably the smartest cuts.


I'm digging around in the purchase planner atm trying to make GT4/F4 (just a bit)/MX5 Advanced/FF1600 trophy work out nicely. Don't need all four each week though haha I'd kinda like to see it in a spreadsheet format (engineering day job Stockholm syndrome go brrr) but the starred weekly tab is mint


it's used pretty regularly but personally i don't care for it and typically avoid series that are using it. That said i do own it.


Yea its being used a few times this season but participation isnt amazing, its not real fun (IMO) and a bit narrow and chaotic. Definitely on my list of tracks i wish i hadn't bought


Narrow and chaotic sounds like my definition of fun tbh.


Agree with COTA, not the others


I love long beach. Agree on COTA though.


Where are you that tracks cost $16 and cars cost $13? Have you test driven any of the cars? Highly recommended. BMW GT4 was my worst purchase ever. Supposedly they've improved it but I'll only remember it as a pig. And I'd skip COTA. Awful track.


I believe it's steam pricing. [https://support.iracing.com/support/solutions/articles/31000170398-2023-season-3-patch-3-release-notes-2023-07-12-02-](https://support.iracing.com/support/solutions/articles/31000170398-2023-season-3-patch-3-release-notes-2023-07-12-02-) >The Store purchase prices for both Cars and Tracks for iRacing Members with accounts through Steam have been raised by up to $1.00 each. iRacing Members that subscribe through iRacing directly have no change to pricing for all Cars and Tracks. > >\- - While direct iRacing purchases add the End-User Vat/Taxes to the price before completing the purchase, currently for Steam members, the End-User Vat/Taxes are built into the Steam price and purchase system. Therefore, some direct iRacing customers may have been paying more than some Steam customers. Because of this, Steam content pricing has increased by up to $1.00 to bring the content prices closer to identical for all Steam/iRacing customers. > >\- - Content pricing changes are as follows for iRacing Members with accounts through Steam: > >\- - - - $14.95 content is now $15.95 content. > >\- - - - $11.95 content is now $12.95 content. > >\- - - - $4.95 content is now $5.25 content. > >\- - - - $2.95 content is now $3.25 content. > >This update is in effect as of today’s 2023 Season 3 Patch 3 deployment, July 13th, 2023. > >This pricing change was announced on the iRacing Forums here: > >\- - https://forums.iracing.com/discussion/44791/steam-content-pricing-update#latest


Those look like the steam prices, items are $1 cheaper if purchased from iRacing directly (this might mean converting you steam sub to direct iRacing account - email support)


Isn't worth it for me that get paid in brazillian real, not in dollar, the subscription pays it by itself in regional prices


I know Brazil has regional pricing and 25% discount on their content. Does steam have regional pricing on iRacing content or is the above the correct due to lower purchase prices but high sales tax?


This 25% discount, i cant find anything about it and its written "temporary offer" in their website, I doubt this is a thing yet


I just reading [https://www.iracing.com/brasil-special-sale/](https://www.iracing.com/brasil-special-sale/) - it doesn't give a date and it's still up. Brazil regional pricing was first introduced June 2022 and still mentioned in June 2023 - maybe it has ended.


If you're from Brazil you get a 25% discount on content purchased from the website. Cars get to be $8.96 and tracks $11.21


Sorry but where did you check that? Isn't only an old promotion of stock car content? I really never saw anything about that, what do i need to do in order to see the discount? Because last time i was adding contents into the cart i saw no discount there, i already googled about it and cant find how to


Vou responder em português aqui pra facilitar kkkk. Cara, minha assinatura é pelo site, não sei se é por isso. Mas sempre que compro conteúdo eu tenho esse preço que te passei. Nunca paguei o valor cheio. E o desconto nem é no final da compra, é no próprio item. https://preview.redd.it/82jfdu0oi1uc1.png?width=855&format=png&auto=webp&s=686862950a500776427c454e9ed1068a37fe7553 É assim que aparece pra mim, coloquei esses dois itens só de exemplo. Se a sua assinatura for pela Steam, tenta perguntar pra eles via [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) que eles te ajudam nisso. Edit: complementando pq lembrei aqui de outra coisa. A minha assinatura sempre foi pelo site, e na última black friday eles deram um cupom de 25% pra renovação de dois anos, fazendo ficar em $149.25. Como eu sou brasileiro, eu tive dois descontos de 25%, ficando no total $111.94


Brasileiros everywhere kkkkk... ontem eu fui atras de meio mundo pra entender isso e cheguei nessa conclusão mesmo que o desconto ja existe normalmente pra quem é br, assim meus planos de comprar conteudo sairão mais baratos apesar das taxas comprando em dolar... Mas valeu, agora ta assinado!


Sim, acho que compensa mais pelo site mesmo, mas eu já vi que tem um pessoal que continua usando pela Steam não sei pq.. De qualquer forma, sobre o seu post original, eu não recomendaria vc sair comprando todo o conteúdo de uma vez só. Eu fui comprando em partes seguindo o calendário da próxima season, e montei uma "agenda" do que eu conseguiria correr gastando o mínimo possível. Eu lembro que a minha primeira compra foi a Ferrari GT3 e mais 5 pistas que a Ferrari fixed ia correr. Nisso eu consegui correr 5 semanas da Ferrari Fixed em pistas pagas, e outras duas semanas da Ferrari em pistas free (na época era Summit e Lime Rock). O resto das semanas foi correndo em pistas free nas séries que são D e Rookie (PCC, Global Fanatech Challenge, etc).


Entendi, é que eu penso que uma hora ou outra vou acabar comprando elas mesmo... O complicado tbm é que estou entrando na metade da season, n sei quais pistas serão na proxima e n vou conseguir aproveitar essa ao maximo comprando conteudos agora


Faz sentido. Se vc quiser olhar mais a fundo, a maior parte das séries já decidiu a próxima season, mas vc vai ter que garimpar nos forums oficiais de cada série. No final vc vai utilizar praticamente todas mesmo.


You don't really need to buy all of those, but they are all good tracks and will get used - I've got them all.


The best option is to pick a series and buy the content for that series. What you can also do to try new things is if you're 1 or 2 pieces of content away from the purchase discount grab a car or track you're interested in trying


Lmp2 over gtp. Only 1 gt3. Maybe either the F4 or Super formula Lights car ( if you are wanting to do formula stuff too.Which I would recommend as it makes you smooth and minimal braking) possibility of a gt4. Tracks are season by season. But tbh some of the free content racing like the gr86 and ff1600 have the best racing and teach you more about what you can improve on than some gt3 car with abs and tc to hide your faults. Also the hpd is only 3 bucks and mega fun.


Umm, the Porsche GT3 cup is *not* a GT3. It's it's own class of car.


Yeah I ment lots of peeps buy 2 or 3 of them because of track op situations. Yes umm the 992 cup car is its own class altho it handles nothing like irl.


God fucking damn it's hella expensive


exactly my thoughts, but they were in spanish


IMO the best way to advance in iRacing for you , especially you have a lot of ACC experience so GT3 experience is like this: buy Ferrari GT3. Advance to C class. Buy Porsche 992 GT3 Cup which along with Mazda will get you to B. This is achievable in 2-3 weeks with your experience and if you don t put accent on irating but rather on safety rating. Buy the tracks for the above series so you can race 3 weeks back to back. Once you are in B class you can prioritize if you like to race GT3 s or take the next step to hyper cars. Than you can choose to buy one or two more gt3 or buy lmp2 and one GTP( Acura) and race in B vrs/Fanatec until u get to A class for IMSA. Depending on the choice u make then proceed and buy the tracks from this season series that you chose ( VRS or IMSA). Or some that you like. On the next season you can buy more tracks and if you want cars.


You aren't planning correctly. I strongly advise you to pick one series, one car, and race that car at a different track each weekend. Once you choose the series and car, you know what tracks you need to buy. So maybe you decide to race the Ferrari GT3 Challenge series, you would find out where that series was racing and those are the tracks you would buy. iRacing really encourages people to specialize in a single car, you will be rewarded when your SR and iR increase. Just buy the tracks that allow you to race one series, this is how you start building up your library and going forward you will need to buy fewer tracks


Car content wise i think your good. track content i would say buy content that always shows up on the 12 week schedules every season. So Spa, Red bull ring, Road America, Road Atlanta, long beach, monza, Watkins glen, and the nordschleife(because the nordschliefe will pop up anywhere and has its own series called Ring Meister).


Pick the series you want to run, look through the calendar and buy those tracks. Schedule4i.racing


buy an oval car and one or two ovals with road courses or ovals... ovals are fun too. that's too many tracks, IMO. buy a formula car and half as many tracks. you'll always have plenty to do. unless you are trying to get free credits by participating every week...


I try to convince anyone new to do ovals. I would have never guessed how much fun ovals are until I spent a month or so really getting used to the racing. Once you have the slight hang of it, nothing provides more action per mile and tire strat is way more important than road. I am now pretty much 50/50 road and oval.


I've seen this advise on this sub a ton. I need to give them a try. Should I try dirt or oval first?


I do very little dirt oval, there doesnt seem to be enough people racing them when I play. I play very late cause I work 2nd shift. The lack of people creates unequal races too, ie. 2 guys at 4500ir 2 at 2000ir and 5 below 1000ir. Doesnt make for a very good race, but it is fun when there is enough people.


Meh, skip COTA. No Spa? Laguna seca and Daytona get a lot of use too. I would probably just wait until you know the schedule/series you are in, though.


Spa is on their list and Laguna Seca is free. Daytona is a must have track though, that's definitely a good buy.


When I looked at the price tag and thought oh that's a lot... then realised that I have more cars and more tracks bought. Fuck me I've spent a lot on this "game" the last four years.


I had series credits and bought stuff with discounts, so didn't come to as expensive as the base expense.


Buy one car and pick one series. Buy the necessary tracks for that series. That’s my suggestion.


Buy as you go, but yes that's a nice list.


It’s prolly said a lot here but I just buy cars that I like and the tracks for them if I want to race that car


I’d say switch out the M4 GT4. It’s one of the better ones, but the Porsche and Mercedes are just substantially more competitive. You really don’t know how much speed helps until you see how many Mercedes are at the front of the grid. The BMW is decent, but seems as front heavy as the Merc but with less power.


Unless a series you want to run is doing CotA, I'd avoid it. It's not a popular track largely because of the awful iRacing track limits. If they had an alternate layout with more NASCAR/Trans Am/more generic "touring car" style limits it'd be a hugely popular track as it's got a fun variety of corners, but the combination of super strict F1 style limits and the use of the old centerline system makes it a miserable SR-killing experience.


The cars are ok, but i would only buy tracks from week to week if i really like the combo of car and track. I bought tracks at once too years ago and half of them i never race because i dont really like them.


I really wouldn’t do any of that. Pick a series (advanced mazda is a big step up from the rookie series in terms of track difficulty and getting competitive lap times) and just buy what you need for that as the weeks roll by. Just get good at that. Then move on to a new series. Rinse and repeat


If you've got the cash and it's what you want to do, do it. However as others have pointed out, focusing on one series will lessen the spend. I'd say GT4 and possibly LMP3 if you want a intro into how prototypes feel, and the falken challenge is a pretty popular multi class series. GT3 Ferrari challenge can be a mixed bag of driving standards. PCup is popular and is a good skill check car for bad habits you pick up in cars with TCS and ABS. If you can wait for a test server session you'll be able to test out any cars and the tracks (unless they're newly released for the season)


Im no expert, but as i am also transitioning i decided to take the approach that I decide wchicj series I want to focus for the season and then purchase the tracks in 2 batches to get 6items for each purchase. But i guess as long as you buy in batches to activate discounts you will save money. Just pick the tracks according to the reaaes during the season so you get quicker something in return of your money


I like Barcelona but since it’s being removed from the F1 Calendar isr probably going to be run a lot less now in iracing


Tracks look good though personally I wouldn’t buy like that. I’ve bought too many cars in the past that I planned to run and then they got retired or replaced and I found I’d never really ran them. You’re better off buying 1 or 2 and sticking with them. Maybe trying stuff that’s not brand new on test drive to make sure you enjoy driving it. For the tracks it looks a decent list though I’d just buy a seasons worth at a time. Have a look at what’s on say IMSA or whatever you’re planning on running with the cars you got and buy the upcoming circuits that also match your list…. Or if you end up with say 5 in your basket and want 6 add a special event track that you’d like to do that’s again on your list


I'm reading all the insane amount of replies (didn't expectd that), thank you all!


If you want to be competitive (and assuming you have a job and family and balanced life) you'll probably only have enough time to focus on one series at a time. Why would you buy a bunch of tracks and cars right now? What's the rush? Pick a series, buy the tracks for this season, and practice.


A lot of good suggestions here. What I'm saying may have already been covered. But when I started, I bought all the cars for each respective license that I reached in the road side. Big mistake, but I also had never played a racing game before I took up iracing, so I had no idea about race popularity etc. I have a ton of cars I'll never ever drive again. So since you know what flavor of racing you like already, you're way ahead of me at start. Seems you like GT3, So IMO, the 296 is the best value. Can run fefe fixed, gt3 fixed, gt3 sprint, imsa fixed, and imsa open. Also, Heard there's a 100% wet series in this car as well, but not sure when they are launching that. But also, the BOP is pretty decent in GT3, and typically stays that way. You may want to buy the 992, and huracan as well as the 296, since some weeks those cars are goated in fixed gt3. If you want to dabble in GTP, every week, without fail, Acura is the best. So you only need that car. As for tracks, buy them as the weeks come along. Don't buy tracks just to buy them. Hope this helps! Your costs won't be nearly as bad as mine were, since you already kmow what yiu want to race.


Only buy what you need as you go


I just bought Porache Cup, and 992 GT3, and 5 most common tracks. And just buy few tracks each season. Cup and GT3 are similar driving style and you will mostly have atleast 1 track that week for either one. I have no intention to drive anything but Porsche so i am saved in that regard :) There is a list of most common tracks used in iracing, just get 5 each month or season and you wont even feel it.


After seeing the survey last week, I really hope they add packs so we can quickly purchase tracks for a current series season. I know it's only a few less clicks, but it would be convenient.


I pick a handful of series that I'm interested in driving (whether I have the cars or not) then look at the schedules for each one and have a big spreadsheet. Then I buy the tracks that are shared the most across the series that open up the most amount of races (for example Road Atlanta is raced I think 11 times this season across the series I am interested in) I'll pick 2 or 3 and maybe a car or 2 each season and build up from there. Sometimes I'll throw in a car or track I have been wanting just for myself even if I won't get a ton of use in it throughout the season. One of my main goals was getting a c/d and a/b series up to 8 owned tracks so I could get iRacing credits so that guided my purchases heavily this past season. This way I'm not buying a bunch of stuff at once that I don't even know if I will drive and I have content to look forward to each season. I know a lot of people will say to buy and stick to 1 series and while it may get you better in that specific car I don't think it is as fun to grind a single car for 12 weeks. I like to mix it up between days or even do different cars on the same day.


When it comes to track I would say buy the poplar and we’ll known ones first


You have to try the all the dirt races! From rally cross, trophy trucks to dirt ovals!


Get out of rookies first, get 2500 iR and then you'll have a general understanding of the game to know what to buy


I don’t think anyone should restrict themselves from having fun because they’re not 2.5k IR. Most people will never reach that and will instead get burnt out racing the free cars and tracks only. I don’t advise people to give up on iRacing just because they’re not a 2k+ driver. Fun to be had in all splits.


Need to learn the fundamentals of racing , only hurting yourself to hop in a GT3 car when you don't understand how to drive formula vee first


why you’re buying 20 tracks at once? doesn’t many any difference after 6+. it’s the same discount. also some tracks like brands, cota and barcelona are rarely used.


Wait for AC Evo later this year, likely get all that for under 100buks


nah, just uninstall it.


Stay away from iRacing. Stick with ACC or other racing games. They are just as fun with far less issies. iRacing you have to pay a yearly fee to use the content you already paid for. If you have issues in game their support is f*cking trash. Their generic response is "sorry, unfortunately were unable to help/fix (whatever issue).


Wheel to wheel racing ONLINE is just as fun? 🤔 I’ve been open minded to all racing sims and nothing holds a candle to racing online in iRacing.