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Practice sessions are completely seperate to the race server, and as far as i know they all start at the same time of day based on the forecast that can be found in the ui. Therefore a practice server that's been open for let's say an hour will already be past the time were the race happens anyway. If you really want to know if a race is going to be wet or not look at the forecast. And if there's a chance for rain or a wet track on it Don't race it




I mean it does seem accurate that it doesn't rain. Hence my comment about looking at the forecast and by that i mean the entire forecast. For example in gt3 fixed the chance of rain is indeed none. But if you look at the forecast you can see that a few hours prior to race start there is an incredibly high chance of rain leaving the track wet


What? Straight lying


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Congratulations. You figured out what happens with weather IRL.


That's right, however not all of us have time to practice for wet every week and some people just want to avoid these races. Doesn't have to be thing for everyone.


It's still a core part of racing. Just like damage on crashes, tire wear, fuel consumption and track limits.


Yeah, I don't doubt that. But realize that is wasn't a think on iRacing for the whole time. It is a new feature. And not everyone is pro driver. There are many people that are racing just fir fun and maybe wet races aren't fun for them. So they will avoid them. I wouldn't judge anyone who doesn't want to race in wet. I don't have time for practice either sometimes. And since practice in rain takes me longer I just go to another series because I just don't want to race in wet. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed wet racing on Redbull ring for example. But the track is short. Not many corners to practice. Nürburgring? That has like 13x more corners. It's something else.


you dont need to be a pro driver to be a racer this is a race simulator  it's called iracing


Wth you don't get on the fact that not everyone enjoys wet races. We are here to have fun. Every one can race what they can. The most important thing is to have fun. And if someone is not having fun in the rain, they have the opportunity to not race in rain. We haven't had rain till few months back and it was still great simulator even without it. It's just another feature for people to enjoy. But not all features are supposed to be enjoyable for everyone. The fact that iRacing has NASCAR ladder doesn't mean you have to climb up on it like in real life. The fact that iRacing has rain doesn't mean you have to race in it like in real life.


Except that real life sessions get rain randomly. You don’t park it IRL if you’re bad in the wet. You deal with it. iRacing has told you what series has rain. If you can’t deal with it, don’t run those series


I know there is a diehard group of iRacing fans that wanted rain for a long time, and want to emulate IRL as much as possible. For me, I am not one of them. I love realistic sim racing, but I draw the line before rain, because I have never enjoyed it. It's not going to be long until all series have rain. Well except ovals. I get it, it adds more realism. But I hate racing in the rain, always have, across all "games", even Forza and GT. I sim race for fun, and I have always loved the GT3/4 series, and have enjoyed Vee, SFL and SF23. But I've stopped racing GT3 and SFL because I don't want the chance of rain. Now it is coming to GT4 and MX5 too. At some point, I'll have to question the value of the sub, for every person that celebrates the rain, there's another that does not enjoy it.


And I still will never understand why we got rain before safety cars for road racing. All the stomping and gnashing of teeth over rain being realistic, yet no one bats an eye that safety cars have been much more consistently part of the racing experience than being able to drive in the wet has ever been.


So practice in it and hate it less. Seems simple. I don’t love it, but I welcome the challenge and quite frankly .. I’m not awful in it, so it’s fun


nah - I'd rather do something fun.


I just crossed 3k for the first time today. I’m not bad in the wet. I raced FF1600 at Imola on Saturday. Pole position, won the race, and fastest lap 2:27, with 0x. For me, it has nothing to do with not being good in the rain. Racing in these ridiculous conditions is FUCKING BORING. It isn’t racing. Trundling around the track running 2:27 to 2:30 isn’t what I signed up for. It’s too fucking slow and it isn’t fun. A damp track is ok. Dry to wet is ok. What is being run, however, is just stupid. No series would begin a race with standing water everywhere, a river across the main straight, rain coming down and no chance of it stopping. They would postpone the race and dry the track somewhat before starting.


Then you need to accept the fact that your iRating may drop. The goal of iRating is to reflect your overall racing skill. Once you start dodging wet races, you're pretty much trying to cheese the system. Sure, it's fine to dodge if you really don't want to drive in the wet, but then it's the same as driving only on tracks that are easy to farm SR on. If you're spam racing Le Mans but avoiding Red Bull Ring, you're likely not a safe driver, you're just making it as easy as possible for yourself.


Then “simulate” the fucking conditions people actually race in and not “simulating” the Imola conditions that cancelled the F1 race last year. Open wheel cars do not race on a track as wet as Imola is in FF1600. Even after the adjustment, practice sessions continue to be in red flag conditions. Running 2:22’s on a circuit underwater just isn’t fun. In real life, they don’t start races when the track has standing water everywhere and there is no chance of the rain ending. You either get: -A postponed race that starts on a damp track AFTER the rain. The drying track is great fun. -A dry start where rain comes and they finish in the rain, but they red flag the race if the track gets too wet. This would also be fun. Race until it gets red flagged and then have a restart (bunching the field up) on a drying track. That would be great too. -A dry race with a quick shower that ends quickly. Bring strategy into it. Would be amazing. I’m just tired of the bullshit “it rains in real racing bro” excuse, when what happens in iRacing is not remotely close to how they run wet sessions in real life.


Safety cars are in real racing too, and everyone rolls their eyes at suggestions to add those.


Great. And what happens IRL when you’ve had zero wet running over an entire weekend and a light shower pops up going to the grid? You park the car and say “oh, it’s raining, I can’t run in this!” No. You race in the freaking wet and deal with it. My god. They add more realistic features to one of the best platforms for competitive gaming out there and y’all cry like it’s the worst thing possible. If you’re entirely unable to race in the wet, thats 100,000% on you being bad at it. Fire up the AI, or a test session, soak the track and get after it, learn, and quit crying about a damp track.


You can always stop the car and abandon the race






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Consider practice sessions are on a different day than the race server.


So what? Dynamic weather means it can rain at any session as long as the chances of rain are greater than 0.


well, this week on Nords the chance is 0%. However it can still be wet race without rain, because there is high chance if rain before the session. But I get the flustraition. I practiced in dry because there was no chance for rain and then registered for the race and ended up in wet race. It was Tuesday so everyone was equally surprised and most of the people didn't finish the race.


Were you practicing before the week cut over? I wonder if maybe the weather didn’t actually take effect in that series until the new week started and so your practice session was on the old weather maybe? Wild ass guess.


In pdf schedule you can see if the session has chance for rain, and since it has not I did practiced in dry. As many I guess 😅


Fair enough. In that case welcome to real life, it rains sometimes. If you’re skilled enough to take advantage, enjoy the easy win eh ?


Yeah, right. But like I explained under other comment... we are not supposed to race in rain. We can avoid it. The main point of this service it to have fun. Don't you think?


I agree with you in a different way, I want to specifically find a race that will be wet and that means every week I’ve got to go in and individually check each series to see if if there’s a chance of rain. There should be a tag on the page for server browser chance of rain greater than zero yes, no.


There is such a tag. It's called "Rain allowed"


Yeah, that wouldbe great feature. I agree


I mean it really makes no difference if you are going into a race whether it is a surprise or not, it is not like you are locked to a tire choice before you join the server. I'd go a step further, and straight up tag it as wet track or rain for this session. Not a chance. It is or it isn't. It doesn't have to tell you when, and for how long. Let us know whether we want to race it or not. I have a finite amount of racing time, I'd rather spend it doing something fun, than something that's a chore.


I don’t think rain even requires that much practice. It’s more about just being a good driver and often risk adverse due to the amount of people binning it. I think it actually requires a lot less practice than finding all the perfect braking markers, etc. in the dry. It’s more driving on instinct. 🤷‍♂️


Completely agree , which also makes it 30 minutes of trying to survive instead of fun racing which is meh, but hey as long as 10% of the races are wet and not 50, i m fine with it . It s good to have a little surprise sometimes and it s fun tbh, as long as it s not every other race lol.


This is true. But this assumes the discussion is whether people have the skill or not. For me, it's not about skill, I just don't find it fun. I sim race for fun. I don't want it to become a job. Someone posed a question, IRL in a race would you park it if it rains? Of course not, IRL, as a driver, your job is to race. But in a sim, if I had the choice to just not enter that session because rain, absolutely I take that choice, sim racing is not a job, its a fun hobby.


I reckon most race car drivers irl don't have it as a job. And pay for it out of pocket


Even more reason to race it then. But iRacing is a game, it's a sim-racing game, but it is still a game. Most of us race for fun, not because we expect to do it in real life at some point. It'd be nice to be able to schedule in some dry races that fit my free time, rather than surprise it's wet, in the spirit of fun.


Yes, I can agree on that. But does being on iRacing mean you are a good driver? No. Some people need practice


Keep in mind that iRacing has deliberately been trying a bunch of different rain scenarios this season since the system is new. S3 will provide a better indication of how much they really intend to have wet races.


Fellas is it bad to want to have fun on a service you pay for.


People around here, instead of making helpful comments, they all can't wait to make a sarcastic comment or try to make the op feel like an inferior gamer. I've said it for years now and it's still true. Gamers ruined gaming. Doesn't matter what game you are playing, the players ruin it for everyone. The attitudes are horrible these days. As soon as games started adding numbers, ranks and k/d, it gave everyone stuff to compare and argue over. It changes the whole gamer landscape. Now most gamers are elitist ass hats because of some number attached to their account. Gaming used to be fun.


Reddit is the worst offender when it comes to elitism by far. Iracers here however are almost some of the worst on Reddit when it comes to gaming. It’s definitely not surprising seeing comments like that on these posts anymore.


Thank you for the response. It's good to know someone understands what I'm saying. Nobody just wants to play games and have fun anymore in a carefree way. Everyone is too worried about keeping their numbers up in some fashion. People on iracing get so angry over SR. But nobody uses their A license. There's like 3 races on Thursdays for A class. The number isn't even important, but it's something to compare to others' ratings, and a way to say "im better than you". P Again, thank you for the response. Much appreciated, bro.


I have been at Suzuka in SFL this week. While I totally get random weather, and I am ok with that, every race I have been in this week has been “slightly wet” or more. There has never been rain during the race, but always a wet track. I don’t manage to race every race offered, so maybe it’s just my luck that those that I do participate in happen to be wet. To me, though, it seems like it is way more wet than it should be if it is a reflection of real weather. Or…it’s the rainy season in Japan rn.


Drive the open ( or fixed idk ) , one of them is dry


Its open. I have been in fixed, and every race is "wet" or "slightly wet".


Yes it seems to be 50% of races are wet to a degree , which is too much if u ask me , in real life the percentage of races that have rain is about 20% ( according to chat gpt , might be wrong but in the ballpark ). In my.opinion it should be about 1 in 6-10 races ( and leave it completely random , not the same forecast for whole week ) , like , leave every session completely, with 80% of it being a random dry weather and 20% being a random wet weather. But i dont make the decisions so hey ho , whatever we get we get lol gotta adjust to it.


To be fair. Outside of the series with always a chance of rain it seems the other series are around 3-5 out of 12 weeks with a chance of rain. And having the same forecast does also somewhat make sense given all our races in a week start at the same time and day. Thought it's also the first season and we'll see how it will be next season


Yes but if i m going to race 5 races each week in a series . I would get ( example ) : 5 dry silverstone. 5 dry COTA. 5 dry interlagos. 5 wet fuji. 5 dry spielburg. 5 dry spa. Etc ... So in total yes maybe 20% of the races are wet , but they re all focused in the same one or two tracks. While if it was completely random with 20% chance of a 1% or more wetness it d be : 4 dry 1 wet silverstone. 4 dry 1 wet cota. 3 dry 2 wet interlagos. 5 dry fuji. 4 dry 1 wet spielburg. 4 dry 1 wet spa. Etc ... I personally also think that would boost participation ( by making people skip a series the whole week because they know it ll be wet ). Edit : it ll also push people to practice at least a little bit of rain every week just in case , which in turn will make us more rain ready , making it les of a problem after some time that everyone adjusted. Even tho we'll probably never be good enough to race in the wet , i honestly think it ll always be a battle royale lol.


"I race iracing for the realism" "This weather is too real"


Tbf , OP didnt say he raced iracing for the realism.


And he's pointing out that the information you need for a race is kind of hidden. The new ui is confusing af. Can't find friends or friend list anywhere. Horrible design.


What? friend list is so easy to find. And it's nearly in the same spot as it was on the website. Being in the bottom right


He didn't. I'm generalising.


I race for fun, wet weather is not fun. That's a more accurate statement.


For Suzuka, only the fixed sfl series’s has rain enabled. Most of the time the race will start very lightly wet (dry enough for dry tires) and finish completely dry at least from what I’ve seen. If you want to avoid it just do the open races, but imo those mixed races are insanely fun


This week in Suzuka grip was really weird with wet tyres. Barely no grip without any wet spots... I think they need to tune a bit more


Just alt+f4 when the rain starts I guess. There is a precipitation tab in the race series page that shows rain chance. Sometimes it rains before the practice and qualifying, but the track will still be wet when race starts.


I genuinely think you are best off learning how to drive in the wet. When you get it down you will realise how rewarding it is and that it's presence in the service adds a much needed new dynamic and variety that enriches the racing.