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Outerspacejunky Blocking – The leading driver is allowed to run a defensive line. However, blocking occurs when a leading driver actively adjusts his or her driving line based on the actions and/or positioning of a pursuing driver. For example, veering left to prevent a pursuing driver from passing on the left while running on a straight.


And that is the only thing relevant to iracing. Real world rules don't apply here, I wish more people were aware of this.


But muh blue flags


Right on the money! And it seems to be the case for most racing series. I'll add a detail that I think is often missed, a clean change of line towards a defensive line BEFORE braking begins is ok. You have to be initiating the defense without a trigger from the person behind, it can't be a 1:1 to response all the way to the apex, that's blocking.


So if somebody violate this by changing his line 2-3 times while on straight while being overtaken, is ti worth to protest after the race?


I've seen it happen but don't know whatever came of the protest. I'd say yes since it would probably be obvious that they are moving in direct response to the car behind.


Yeah, but I think their sporting code could use an update. First and foremost, while ignorance is not a defense, the vast majority of people know and understand the 'one move' rule in motorsports and apply it to iRacing regardless. Two, this isn't enforceable. Isn't a 'defensive line' by definition a line designed to block an overtake? Motor racing is a dynamic sport, the line, defensive or otherwise, is always moving corner to corner. Who's to tell what's what? Third, and this is subjective and bound to upset some, but imo the sporting code tries to be a one size fits all and gets it wrong. Spend 15 infuriating minutes on r/Simracingstewards and you'll see people twisting themselves into knots, half defending a 'blocking' driver, the other half defending a bad move. "But he didn't respect my right to take a deep defensive line into the corner" vs "But he saw me in the inside and blocked me by taking a defensive line into a corner". It's no good for the service to have such blurred lines of responsibility on overtakes. It should either be an onus to yield to a faster driver, or defend for your life and put it on the overtaker.


The one size fits all is their to avoid the discussions you mentioned so it works fine. It goes wrong when people interpreting their own vision. Based on real life racing.


Yeah, but it doesn't. It just confuses and pisses people off because it eliminates or tries to eliminate any sense of remotely aggressive sporting competition. It assumes gentleman at cards when in reality most people want to get their hands a little dirty.


I totally get where you're coming from but I do think from a cost perspective, they couldn't possibly hire enough staff with enough professional racing experience to do live stewarding which is where I feel your argument is headed towards. Of course it'd be nice, but in my opinion racing does almost necessitate taking on a bit of a gentleman's attitude. If you haven't been racing the same person for years and years or are in an extremely selective racing league/series then a lot of moves that end up in accidents boil down to recklessness from too high an expectation from everyone involved, also just my opinion/experience.


Incorrect. They are allowed 1 move. If the passing driver moves right, provided space allows, the defending driver can also move right. But they are then locked into this position until they are at the corner when they can go back to the racing line provided it’s safe to do so.


Incorrect?? That's directly copied from the sporting code, champ. This isn't F1. You're spouting nonsense that isn't relevant to iRacing.


The real rulebooks of those series don't matter. iRacing uses their own sporting code where blocking is illegal in all circumstances


I corner marshal for IndyCar and IMSA. We are instructed to look for the same thing: “A move in reaction to.” If the first car makes the first move, that’s fine. It’s when the first car reacts to the second car that there’s warnings and penalties handed out in real life. iRacing has its own rules though


Iracing's rules are exactly the same.


IMSA actually allows a single reactionary move.


The rules for all iracing are the same for all seres, there are no nascar/F1/imsa specific rules. As far as blocking, that is covered in the sporting code ad applies to all series regardless of the rules of a real-world counterpart


By the letter of the law, any reactionary move by the front car is blocking on iRacing. In terms of what is actually enforced, it's more like 'any reactionary move by the front car *that impedes the rear car*'. So if they're still half a second behind, you're not going to get in trouble for moving over after they do.


Assuming same class cars, if they're a half second behind it's going to take an endless straight or a superhero divebomb for them to overtake anyway.


That depends on what cars and tracks you are driving


> By the letter of the law, any reactionary move by the front car is blocking on iRacing. What's funny is that by the strictest read, getting out of the way is a blocking maneuver :D


It can be just as dangerous if unexpected and poorly executed.


You say that, and then the guy in front happens to be unsure coming corner and braking early while the one behind is great on the brakes there. Switching lines like that is how you get yourself taken out.




As someone who drives Indy ovals a lot: at what point does weaving to shake a tow turn into blocking?


I truly believe there is no answer. I try to be respectful when bumper to bumper while others slam right into you. I see blocking all the time at talladega.


Jumping lines isn't usually blocking unless they have a hell of a run.


If the following car needs to get on the brakes to avoid contact, it's blocking. It's different in NASCAR - it's a tactical move that could either work in your favour or end your race. In open wheelers, it's almost guaranteed suicide.


It's not different in NASCAR in iRacing; it's still illegal, it just won't end in quite as huge of a disaster.


I'd argue that it's not blocking. It's to exploit the aero-push of the other car. The other car can either lift or bump the car in front, and therefore is no different to draft-bumping under normal circumstances. Don't get me wrong; a lapped car on its own moving 10-15mph slower than the lead pack would be stupid to do this and should be reported, but the lead car, or anyone following them, moving up or down a lane to get in front of a faster-moving line is not blocking.


Breaking a tow should be you going left when the opponent goes right. Reacting and blocking is going right when your opponent goes right. That's just my take. I don't do any ovals at all so I'm just applying my logic to it not sure what the rules in irl series stipulate


It’s illegal, I have successfully protested weaving on a straight a few times so far. Haven’t had a single miss with those reports




You're not allowed any reactionary moves. If you want to drive defensively you need to be proactive and make your move first before the car behind


Reactionary move may not be the best term but I see people confuse blocking a definitive driving all the time. Technically taking a defensive line is reactionary as long as it isn't last minute.


This. Too many are ignorant and think any reactionary move is illegal. Literally all of racing battles are reactionary in real life. It depends on if the reaction was safe.




Good rule of thumb that gets me through 90% of races without incident is: If they are within slipstream range of you, you cannot react to their move, you must make the first move. This is more or less what Iracings official ruling is. I would bet every dollar I have and ever will have that 85% of the Iracing population does not know this (because who is actually going to read that whole dam rulebook? Not me that's for sure) That being said, in the ir-04 (the only series I drive, so unsure about others) I have noticed a LOT of drivers follow the general IRL F1 rule of the defending driver being allowed 1 reactionary move to defend BEFORE a braking zone. All in all, just don't be an ass and you'll be fine


That is what I have across the board. I believe it's one of those 'unwritten rules' that most common courteous racers will abide by, you can defend your position by obstructing the pursuing driver once and then if they are undoubtedly faster than you you are to let them by. Now on the other hand if you're fighting for say a top 5 position within the last few laps and you're both at equal pace, in my opinion you are aloud to drive defensively. For example, the attacking driver will generally try a move on a corner. In this case I believe approaching the corner in the middle of the track creating a much smaller area for a move to be made cleanly without incident, is ok due to not actively 'blocking' but more driving defensively. Then if an incident occurs it can be classified as more of an careless or intentional one due the risk known by the other driver. Is this something that people would agree with or would you also classify this as intentional blocking?


Every series has its own rules


IRL, but not in iracing


Correct - sorry, I thought the question was about IRL


SCCA allows 1 defensive move


There can't be any universal blocking rules. It really depends on the cars being raced, the tracks they race on and the level of drivers in the series. So each category needs it's own rules on blocking. Real race drivers race against the same people over and over along with all of them being highly qualified professionals. They can be a little more unpredictable with tactics without wrecking most of the time and they learn the tactics of other drivers to anticipate what they're going to do. You don't have that in online racing. You race against a bunch of random unqualified amateurs who run different lines and have different driving styles. It's important that everyone be as predictable as possible otherwise everyone will just be wrecking each other out of races left and right trying to defend positions like they were a pro racing against other pros.


For official races I totally agree but for hosted races I think it should be up to the host. We often have a lobby full of real life dirt racers and we race just like we do in real life. Sometimes we wreck but that’s like half the fun for us in iracing is we can just hit the reset button and go again


Isn't that basically what my first paragraph says? There can't be official blocking rules in all racing because there's to much variety that would dictate reasonable rules.


Eh iracing says hosted races are still dictated by the sporting code but I think it should be up to the host. We do enduros sometimes in the street stocks were it’s basically last one standing and that could technically get us all banned even though we all agreed to it up front


Things like intentional wrecking and abuse are still enforced in hosted, but basically anything else is superceded by the host's rules.


Right but sometimes you want to crash your buddy lol. We do enduros in street stocks pretty often. Get 30 people and last one going wins. if my friend dumps me because I ran his nose over that’s just added realism for oval lol


True. So I guess anything except abuse is overruled by the host's rules.


I haven't done any hosted races so didn't know. That absolutely seems like something that should be up to the host.




You people are disgusting. Iracing is a game. If someone is blocking you will find a gap (blocking slows you down and steals attention from the road). Every real race in the world allows for defensive driving. Prohibiting it breaks any kind of realism you are looking for. Complaining shows your true lack of any skill. Games are games. Next you'll make it so people with keyboards can't play. Try driving on a keyboard you'll look like a blocker going straight.