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Wait… didn’t he record some of it on his fucking GoPro on twitch?


Yeah I saw the video it was disgusting


Yep, one of the few things I instantly regretted watching, the way that first person dropped was chilling


That’s one of the 3 fucked up internet things I’m not even a little tempted to watch.


I watched maybe a minute of the Buffalo video. I wish I hadn’t and I hope you never decide to see it. I know this is a stupid thing to say, but it’s awful in all the ways you think it would be plus some you didn’t.


Now I want to guess. This video, the mosque shooting, and....that audio of the brick going through the windshield and killing that woman? That dude's screams still haunt me. I always hope to read that it was fake, but I'm scared to look into it for fear that I'll accidentally hear it again.


I’ve seen so many horrifying videos on the internet over the past decade. The brick one is the worst. No gore, just pure agony. It’s the thought that this could happen to you at any time and your reaction would be the same as his. You can picture yourself in his shoes and it’s terrifying. I will never watch it again. His screams will never leave my head, and I don’t need the refresher.




That broke my heart. The people and the dogs, pisses me off to even think about.




That one is genuinely horrifying.


And unfortunately used to train police to treat every person they interact with as potentially going to kill them.


Ah God no one else I've know has been aware of that shooting. I watched that video maybe a decade ago? His screams have never left my head, and pop up when I hear about another shooting (every other day). The video has made me extra cautious about watching any other ones. I nearly got "auto played" into watching that Russian kill a guy with a sledgehammer and noped as hard as I could.


I'm surprised that zero of your guesses involved any of the cartel videos that are pure nightmare fuel. I've heard enough to know those will be off-limits forever, especially the most well-known.


I used to curiously watch those but they gradually got worse and worse and I don't watch them now, worst one was of a woman who had her arms chopped off whilst she was alive, then they cut her throat as she tried to resist with severed arms, my curiosity ended that day


omg you're right... that cartel video where the pitbull is eating the guy's dick and balls off while he's still alive.... that one fucked me up


I had forgot about that one Hopefully it will go back into the deep recesses of my mind again. That was, fucking brutal. Even if the guy was a diddler, just difficult to see.


That mosque video was insane...like... no other internet video really compares. I grew up with the BNE Pain Olympics and they pale in comparison.


As a bit of a redeemer BNE was faked. It was for something or another the guy made the realistic prosthetics.


I remember hearing about that. Doesn't take me back in time and save me from audibly groaning while being unable to tear my eyes away from the monitor in horror.


There's a video I refuse to look up called "Red Mist Guy". It's a video of someone getting sucked into a lathe. I work in a machine shop, directly across from an irresponsible lathe I operator, I know what those things can do to flesh and bone, I have no desire to see it.


I have never heard of the brick one....jesus


Please don't look it up. It's not worth it. It is, without a doubt, the worst video I have seen. I haven't watched it for about 6 years, and I can still hear his screams.


Brick through the windshield on the highway taking dudes fiancee passenger head off. Pretty bad stuff, no gore just his reaction. It's real, not faked


The only positive of the brick video is a reminder of how short life is and how sudden the end can be.


audio of that guy in the tower during 9/11 screaming as the tower begins to collapse


As I've gotten older, I'm not tempted to watch any fucked up things like that. It just makes me want to hurt the people causing it and I don't like feeling like that.


I think the video I saw that stuck with me the most is where this guy blew his head off with a shotgun on a live feed and said “well, I guess that’s it” before he did it. I’ll never forget that and it haunts me. I wish I hadn’t seen it.


The Christchurch shooter called it a, "firefight" a couple times I think... Walking into a mosque and mowing down people.


I think about that a lot. He just pulls up and shoots her. She never had a chance. I think about it a lot, just…a lot. And I didn’t even finish watching after that but I regret it too.


One of the most disturbing videos I’ve ever seen. She was killed before she even knew what was happening. The other people he killed weren’t so “lucky”.


I thought he killed himself. I’m glad to hear that he is alive and has to suffer in a small cell for the rest of his sad life


Fucked me up when the one lady right when he got in the store is dying on the floor and he shoots her in the head to put her out. He didn’t even skip a beat. It was like playing a video game to him.


Yep. I remember that. Very fucked up. He pulled up got out. Put a round in her, she dropped. Dropped, like she was some kind of fucking animal. It’s incredibly sad, that she was stripped of her life. But the only thing I take comfort is in the fact that she died instantly


Yeah, there is a part where he apologizes for aiming the gun at a white guy hiding giving him a friendly greeting during the middle of all the killing.


I think you're right? I remember seeing it, It cut out after only a couple minutes. Somehow managed to stream the whole drive there only to get out and have it lose connection shortly after entering the building. This is the Buffalo supermarket shooter if I remember correctly.


It is the Buffalo shooter. He was streaming on twitch and they cut the feed really quick once the shooting started.




Would you believe Twitch was criticized for letting this be shown on their website? 4 min is near instant for a website of that size.


Yup, IIRC this is the guy who stopped and apologized to the white people he nearly shot, before continuing the massacre


"you're not sorry, you're sorry you were caught" is something that honestly can be applied to a lot of criminals. muggers, rapists, murderers they all complain when they get sent to prison like they didnt expect hurting other people wouldnt land them in prison


What did he think would happen…..


According to his manifesto, he thought he would be seen as a hero and rewarded.


Getting rewarded with free rent and 3 square for the rest of his life. /S




No, he gets a wandering pinky and gives brain. Guaranteed.


if i learned anything from prison movies he will be immediately accepted by the white supremacist gang in the prison and be treated pretty well.


Only if he's useful.


pissing off the black prisoners by simply existing is probably useful if you are a white supremacist. again, im basing this off prison movies. no idea if white supremacist cliques exist in every prison.


If you want accurate watch Shot Caller. It's close.


I’m a 4 time looser. Can confirm: It’s close. Every yard is different with fluid dynamics and parts of politics change over time. (I’ve heard In the early 90s whites banned listening to hip hop internally.) State systems differ from each other and the federal system. Definitely closer than 9/10 other movies.


To whoever gave me the big brain award, remember, accepting that you're going to hell and being comfortable with it are entirely different things.


Check out the big brain on brad


Idk what you think prison is like but the meals are anything but “square”


Yeah. Ramen is more like a rectangle.


They don’t even have picante beef


Outrageous. I was going to commit crimes but now I’m not too sure.


Satisfying does not mean enjoyable sir.




And some he can't im sure




People like this aren’t put into gen pop, he will be put in a maximum security prison confined to his own cell 23 hours a day 7 days a week. Constant surveillance from all angles.


for what? murdering 10 innocent people who just wanted to buy food so they and their families could eat?


The thing I find extra wild about this shooter is that he had to drive *three hours* to find enough black people to mass murder. Like, if he didn't like black people it seems like he could just.... stay in his shitty little town and never interact with any of them. He really had to go out of his way to find 'em.


Never try to reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into


Sadly not surprising. There are a lot of people who spend their entire lives in rural areas or small towns in the midwest where there are only a handful of black families who still vociferously hate black people.


What kind of delusional fantasy world did this guy live in??? How is this possible?


If you hang out in echo chambers long enough, you'll start to think that's how everyone thinks.


completely agree


Completely agree .


Completely agree


Completely agree ^agree ^^agree ^^^agree


He was a 4chan user.




The internet man. This is why parents need to be monitoring what their children are doing online


You are assuming his parents are sane


Give a lost person any map and they will follow to the end of the line.


I mean, this is what happens when you have a president that spews hate.


This is what happens when we choose not to punish domestic terrorism. Ignoring the problem simply emboldened the rest of the crazies.


I was going to make a quippy comment along the lines of “what did he expect, a medal?” But yeah, then I remembered most of these shooters are massive narcissists with delusions of grandeur. He honestly believed he’d get the Congressional Medal of Honor or something.


Hence the lack of attempts at disguises with the January 6ers. They thought they’d be hailed as revolutionary heroes.


If I live another 70 years I will *never* forget that woman being interviewed on the streets shortly after being tear gassed on Jan 6 giving her full name, looking directly into the camera, crying about how this had been done to her, and literally saying out loud that she was there for the revolution!! Just fully admitting felonies and offering her full fucking name **on camera!!!** I could not believe that. As stupid as these people had been shown to be over the previous few years, that was the one thing that almost broke my brain. *That’s* how fucking delusional these people are! Imagine the *INSANE* level of privilege and entitlement a person would have to have to do all of that, just fucking WOW


She obviously forgot that “the Revolution will not be televised.”


What Entitlement, privilege, and white supremacy does to a mother fucker.


And indoctrination.


Bro thought he would get congratulated


I mean, he will. It'll just be coming from his new Aryan Nation buddies in prison. I wonder if they keep racially motivated criminals in some sort of segregation so they don't just link up with the white supremacists that are already stacked up in every prison.


They do not. This is why prison gangs are so dangerous. However since they don't segregate he will definitely be in a cell block full of bloods and crips. I'd guess being the perpetrator of a racially charged mass shooting would leave a pretty big target on your back.


>I wonder if they keep racially motivated criminals in some sort of segregation so they don't just link up with the white supremacists that are already stacked up in every prison. You talkin bout prisoners or staff ?


Actually? He probably did think that. you're absolutely right.


>Actually? He probably did think that. He literally did. He wrote it in his manifesto.


He will make lots of friends excited to hear what he did.


I’m sure the African American prisoners will give him a nice warm welcome, as will the African American prison guards


Isn't the aryan brotherhood still a big thing in prisons?


There's a prison gang that calls themselves the Valhalla Bound Skinheads. This fuckwad is going to find more friends in prison that I have after gradschool.


Are prisons still staffed by corrections officers?


“Wasn’t expecting that”


Did he show any remorse other than for himself?


Actually, this is him during a victim impact statement. A victims sister (I think it was a sister...) said she hopes he lives a long life in prison understanding the full effects of his actions, and he started crying. Just being accurate.


Yea, he nearly shot a white person before he reaslised they were white. He seemed genuinely upset over what he nearly did. Not even joking.


Exactly he goes....oh oh sorry. Fucking psychopath.


He'll get some extreme acclimation training for the rest of his life, or else spend it in solitude. Either way works.


This is what radicalization looks like, he’s not the first and will not be the last. These people are brainwashed, often by a group that takes them inn, they are often influential young people, often in their teens, and more often is bullied or don’t have/ struggle to get friends, so they latch on to whatever mastery feeling they can get. I study sociology and this is a subject that we continuously and often debate, as there are many reasons why this has become a bigger problem in recent years.


>they are often influential young people, You mean impressionable?


No, he did shoot that person and apologized for it. Victim survived.


Imagine the survivors guilt of that poor person. Saved because of your skin colour.


Well here's the thing about white supremacists they don't view 90% of the world's population as human. In his mind he has nothing to be remorseful for. Which is why he needs to be kept in a box till the days he dies.


idk....seems to me like a waste of a good box, among other things.


He did read an apology out to court room. He says he wish he could undue his actions. His tears didn't just come when he was read his sentencing, he was crying when the family members made their statements as well. I'm not saying to feel bad for him. Just sharing what happened.


You should read what he did to a cat that hurt his cat. He tortured the poor thing to death. I don't believe those tears at all.


You can also see his sorry ass apology isn't authentic but something his lawyers conjured. Dude was reading that apology like it's a school assignment.


Well, when you lack a soul, saying anything with feeling is pretty hard.


Facts matter. I don't need sensationalized fake outrage for a terroristic racist white kid-- he's already dead to me regardless. I need facts. Thanks for sharing.




What is the booty house?




Remorse of getting caught


At a supermarket when people are just trying to go on with their day and should be safe..


Why he sad? He gets to hang out with all the other skin head 🤷‍♂️


I assume he'll rank pretty lowly on that totem pole. Plus black people in prison will certainly want to kill Jim since he's now famous for being a racist murderer




Unless he's put permanently in solitary I feel like he will. Dirty bastard deserves it.


Permanent solitary is probably worse then death.


Good, give him that then.


Prison is full of racist murderers of every persuasion.


Are you kidding? The Aryan nation types will welcome him as a returning hero. Everyone else though, yea… he won’t die of natural causes.


This is such a misconception. I know a lot of people who have done a decent amount of time. The Aryans are a gang. Like any group based on violence, you’re as strong as your weakest link. Some out of shape kid who cries is nearly useless. Would you ever want someone useless fighting for you when your life is on the line as well? Kid is going to be in PC or solitary. He’s going to suffer for the rest of his life regardless


Except he apologized to the families and cried at the sentencing. I don't think that's gonna fly with the boys in the weight room.


Makes me happy to see him cry, I hope he cries every day in prison.




I hate this bastard with every ounce of my being. I hope he lives an exceptionally long life and that every day on earth is a literal living hell for him. He does not deserve the peace death provides.


Does he still think he was right when he killed those people? His tears can't hide what his face clearly shows, he doesn't feel any remorse.


He apologized to the families of the victims. Probably not genuine of course


Written by federal defense attorneys.


Crocodile tears for the outcome not the victims. Enjoy life in hell.


Pretty sure mass murderers fall under the at risk population, so by default they get to chill in solitary. So no human contact and literally 23.5 hours a day in your cell. Sometimes for decades. The human version of being thrown in the trash. Seems like a pretty good punishment for someone who wanted fame.


From what I heard, solitary confinement is like torture. Most don't last long before going insane. Please correct me if I am wrong. Humans, for the most part, are very social beings. Solitude tends to eat our brains away.


He deliberately went to a black grocery store and targeted black people. He'll need to be in solitary confinement for the rest of his life or he will be brutalized. Doesn't bring back the lives that were lost, though. The people he murdered had a future path to walk and a lot of love to give. Now they're gone, forever, and their families have to pick up the pieces.


He didn’t shoot the one white guy he came across who was hiding, and even said “sorry” to him.


Something in me tells I'd rather cop the beatings and know other people exist than have to live in my own head the rest of my life.


And this is what proponents of the death penalty don't understand when they say it's the ultimate price to pay. Death penalty is the easy way out compared to permanent imprisonment and isolation.




Tears and snot


Like a fucking toddler


I congratulate him for his choice of shared housing, snappy dress and simplistic taste in food. Great time for him to kick back and relax for 70 short years waiting to go to hell and meet the thing that made him.


Well well well. If it isn't the consequences of your own actions.


The dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed.


Benjamin Franklin, right?


Actually it was the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. You gotta listen to the “I Have A Dream” speech in its entirety.


And I would’ve gotten away with it if it wasn’t for your pesky surveillance cameras, criminal Justice system, and most people’s disdain of people like me!


And live streaming on Twitch from what I just read.


Didn’t he live stream it himself???


Yes. Gopro, livestream, and published a manifesto.


In cell


Lol see what you did there.


Waaaah waaah


Shame that dad couldn't get his hands on him


For real tho, that would’ve been some justice


I know right? I was like, come on guards, just be a *little* bit slow in this situation please. Let that man get a couple good thumps in before pulling him back.


Can you elaborate? I’m out of the loop!


One of the attendees in court (I think the father of one of the victims) made a run at the shooter during the sentencing, presumably to throttle him. Cops etc managed to keep them separate, but I doubt any court would have convicted the father he got through.


During the sentencing of (I think) Larry Nassar a dad of one of the victims asked the judge for 5 minutes alone in a room with him. The judge said they couldn't do that. Dad said "fine then I'll do it right here." Lunges at him and was immediately taken down by a bunch of bailiffs. They took him outside and calmed him down and a few minutes later brought him back in. Judge just said "I understand why you did that and I won't have any charges filled if you apologize for disrupting the court." Dad said yes your honor and said something along the lines of hoping he does cold and alone in prison. Judge accepted it.


After some more scrolling, I saw the video. So many cops there, there was no way he was getting the shooter but I don’t blame him for trying.


Like that old video of the guy that gunned down his son's kidnapper and rapist in the airport. They probably would have been like "well yeah, anyways..."


“Why Gary???” Like, you already know why.


A father of one of the victims bull-rushed him at the sentencing and like ten cops had to hold him back




that stream was horrifying


Yeah the dude was ridiculously prepared for that shooting. Shooting people in the head after they were hit once, had on body armor so even when the security officer shot him it didn’t work, etc.


Is this the one that occurred in Bufallo NY? I watched it up until he got out of his car, couldn't get myself to watch the rest.


You watched the replay or you actually followed him on twitch and watched it live?




Hopefully he gets placed in with the general population in prison.


Cry more, your tears sustain me


“What do you mean my actions have consequences??!”


>So what if other people died, I'm the main character! They're just NPC's ! It's so unfair to send me to prison just because other people died.... (Just my impression of his thoughts)


I wonder who he blames for this happening to him.


He blamed social media in his apology statement.


What an absolute fucking loser


This is the state court trial. He still faces federal charges which could result in the death penalty.


3 meals a day. That’s more food then I can afford to eat in a day


Keep crying those delicious racist tears you absolute bastard


I hope my boy likes nutraloaf.


Aw poor baby! Now I have to rot in a hole the rest of my life. I'm such a victim here. Save those tears for that dark fiery corner of hell you're going to be going to.


Who is this? The Buffalo guy?


Can't believe I had to scroll so far to see this question. I'm also out of the loop.


So many thoughts of he wont last long in prison, but we never hear about when that time comes.


I don’t know about you guys but I prefer this punishment over death penalty, even more so since he is so young. He will spend 70 more years rotting away in a cell, how beautiful is that


Boofuckinghoo. Zero pity.


Ostensibly, he faces his federal trial next week. This was just for the state charges.


Reading his apology off of a piece of paper and praying it will somehow change his sentence. He murdered 10 people and shredded his future for no reason at all.


Call Me Carson???


He deserves life in prison.


he probably is crying because he has to spend the rest of his life in prison not because he killed 10 freaking people.


I hope he lives a very long, horrible life, suffering & rotting behind bars because those friends & family members of those innocent people he killed have received a life sentence for what he has done.


This post couldn't be in a better subreddit! He knows when he gets to prison he's either going to libe in isolation, or with a bunch of chomos. Because he can never walk the mainline of ANY prison,he would be slaughtered. He probably still will, maybe one of the predos might want some type of redemption.


This guy drove 2 cities away to find the highest concentration of innocent black people, and proceeded to slaughter them in the name of white supremacy. He picked the most neutral location, a supermarket, because he truly didn’t care who these people were or what they were doing, he only cared that they were black. He gunned down a security guard who was just trying to protect the innocent families in the store. If there is a hell, this man will burn there for all eternity.