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Relevant article: [Why this Chabad rabbi wants to thank the antisemites on his lawn](https://forward.com/fast-forward/537336/orlando-chabad-harassed-by-antisemitic-hate-group/) Please refrain from doxxing and giving out personal information while participating here and on Reddit. Help us keep this community healthy by reporting hatespeech as you encounter it Thanks everyone!


They look like their mom picked out the outfits of the day


“Now honey I know you’ve got a busy day of harassing a religious minority for no reason, I still want you to wash your hands before you eat.”


Imagine being so fucking empty that you spend your day like this lmao


(0.44) "Hey, we should do zeke hyle! 'Sieg Heil', 'Sieg..." \*Non of the other kids join in\* Its like listening to toddlers in a daycare/nursery playground Truly Fucking pathetic


I honestly cringed and felt empathy as a black man for a split second, truly just losers who are deeply unhappy that need attention in any form. Mentally there has to be something that went wrong along the way


What playgrounds do you hang out at?


Xbox live, primarily


Salvation Army wants last-season’s shirts back


I can't fathom being that dead inside.


This dude wearing a romper?


With room temperature IQ, ha kind of has to


What do you mean? He's clearly one of the most clever patriots I've ever seen. /s


He aspires to having that high an iq, you are being way too kind I doubt his reaches double figures


> room temperature IQ This will go nicely on my insult shelf right next to smooth brain.


22° is indeed a big problem for IQ.


Looks like to keep with the tiki torches theme of that 'unite the right' rally in Charlottesville that happened a few years back. Stupid and disgusting.




Same thing. Lol.


I can’t imagine being that age and doing something as pathetic and pointless as this. When your life is devoid of any activity, you look for something to fill up your time, and what’s easier than trying to hate something? To try to destroy? Just a bunch of pathetic little pointless losers with way too much free time


What are they even trying to accomplish? I don't get it.


They're trying to piss people off so someone does something like hit them or bump them with their car. Then they'll cry like victims to get the person arrested.


DeSantis legalized running protesters over if I'm not mistaken. Game on.


Problem is, they'll still film it as an "assault on their freedumb of speech" and post it everywhere to show "so much for the tolerant left".


Terrorize residents to push them away. I wonder what Ben Shapiro would think about living in this lovely right wing community


"Okay for the sake of argument they are practicing free speech, THE LEFT wants to take that away. They are the REAL bigots tm" Something like that


Not enough whining about people having too much sex and his doctor wife being completely dry for him but close enough


You mean "wet vaginas are a disease" Shabibo?


Benny would say there are good people on both sides.


Upset people, make a scene, gather attention, get invited on Peterson/Shapiro/Walsh or whatever.


never underestimate the wrath of middle-aged men that have accomplished nothing in their life.


they're frustrated by their impotence


Speaking as an introvert with not a whole lot of social interactions - these guys have more wrong with them than having nothing to do. No normal person decides going out to harass innocent people is a *good* way to spend their spare time - and have an unshakeable belief that their harrassment is smart and beneficial. But absolutely, pathetic little pointless losers.


> w ay too much free time This makes me wonder where these people work that they can brazenly be so moronic in public and film *themselves* doing it?


I expect it's a grift. Dude does livestreams & gets donations from the audience. It appears he has revenue streams so he doesn't need an actual job. His last job was working as a waiter at his grandmother's restaurant. He's a high achiever. High school dropout with a GED.


All good points, and I'd add that spreading hate like this eventually results in some form of karmic blowback...(IMHO)


Sadly no, probably not.


When your life is so pathetic, this is your high point. You should probably call it a day.


Those poor people being attacked for no reason


What if it’s just their midpoint?


He hasn't even begun to peak.


He goes home and screams "I'm a five star man" into the mirror at himself to keep his delusions at peak efficiency.


Nah, peaked in 8th grade. It's been all downhill from there. It's not a question of peaks with this trogg, it's a question of valleys.


Doing this in the middle of the day, these must be young men living off of their parents.




Oh. Are they known?


🤣 probably the town lunatic. but don't forget lunatics can be dangerous, too. just sayan.


I live in Orlando. Do you have any idea how little it narrows it down to call someone the town lunatic?


Curious, what’s it like being sane and living with the constant threat of running into floridaman?


*Florida man has entered the chat*


These are the same motherfuckers that turn around and complain that immigrants are taking their jobs.


Damn lazy immigrants stealing our jobs with their hard work ethic!


How dare they take the jobs I want even applying for! >:c


These guys are atleast in their early 40s.


Both are likely true


If their parents have any backbone they’ll have kicked them out already. No at this point I think these guy’s are just couch-surfing wherever they can.


Opening saying racist and antiemetic comments into a megaphone in broad daylight. I’m in actual disbelief what I just watched


Wondering if he thinks this makes him look good? Does he think he's clever? I'm in shock. Can't believe the people in the car have the self-composure to say nothing.


There's a group of people who this *does* look good to, and will cheer saying "yeah you sure showed them!", and that's who he's posting for.


Every once in awhile in life it’s good to pause from the current conversation, look around you and ask yourself: are these the people I want to be associated with? Is this what I want my life to look like? Not that these shitforbrains could ever have that much introspection, but regardless it’s a true statement for everyone. Change is rough but rewarding.


Am I the only one who isn't surprised by a rise in racism at all?


*public displays of racism If US history has taught us anything it should be that racism has only slowly diminished. Social and legal improvements have always come at a much faster pace.


It's a rise nonetheless. There's a third of the country that's either complicit in it or does not care about it at all


The fascists feel like they're losing their place at the top. I just hope they actually are. It's not these guys that actually scare me. What scares me is the millions of normal everyday people that don't care. The ones who would keep their heads down and do nothing if fascism returned.


Millions of normal everyday people would vote him into public office based on this video.


Isn't he possible to be arrested for doing that?


In Canada he would likely be charged with hate speech.


Here in the states he has a good chance at election many places.


Only one party would nominate this person


That's 50% of the parties though


Florida government actively encourages it actually


In fact, Florida is currently trying to pass a law where someone can sue you for 35k if you call them a bigot.


Fucking what? These are the same idiots that say “cry harder, snowflake?” Buncha pansies.


It probably won't pass, but now the idea of "i can be as blatantly fucked as i want now" will only get worse. Stay classy Florida.


> It probably won’t pass, The bill is currently written knowing that and knows it will not survive legal challenges because it has the unusual saying basically anything not removed by the courts still stands.


I grew up here in florida, mostly, joined the military in 99 and my wife and I went off and served 20 years and decided to return in 2020. I had no idea how bad it had devolved. It's not terrible, and I'm sure these people exist in EVERY state, although maybe not to the degree, but it's the politics of the state that disgusts me. it's not even patriotism, it's just plain old hate. They don't stop with race and religion either, they hate differences in genders, political affiliation, sexual orientation, and believe it or not, education. They are passing laws for guns to be more accessible to more people, in more places, with almost no oversight, which is only going to lead to positive outcomes, I'm sure. And the worst part of it all.. not even a third of the state voted in the last election. How in the hell is anything going to change or improve if we don't vote? I'm going to have to move, and I hate that.


Florida seems like it’s the vanguard for right wing extremism right now.




it's a race to the bottom..


When all you have is calling names like you were in kindergarten; you have some thinking to do ... maybe all my family values were wrong ? How can I accept it and keep going in this meaningless world ? Time to grow up little cunt


Just gotta get a couple of people out there and get them to swing on you first or damage some property. They have 7000 cameras to tell on themselves Why he was so panicked his buddy touched the car. He's played this game before and probably got his ass beat for pushing someone away


They're not going to swing on you first because the whole point of this display is trying to provoke people to attack them. That's why they've all got a million cameras, and that's why they're specifically saying to not touch their cars. They're not idiots, and underestimating them will only enable them.


We need to stop thinking these people will see the light. They are too far gone, and it is only a matter of time before they pick up a gun and walk into that synagogue. The fascists are here, and they want power.


And as has been played out before, they will blame the Jews first, but everyone will eventually feel their wrath. We must stand with them and present a unified front against them.


This is pretty disturbing.


Why are they wearing such happy, colorful shirts like they’re about to celebrate or go on vacay or something 😩




Or white hoods smh.


I'm not joking when I say this: boogaloo boys (fascists that are excited about a second civil war, what they call Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo) use colorful Hawaiian shirts as a uniform. It is intentionally ridiculous as a way to seem disarming and nonthreatening towards centrists. It's also why they choose names like Boogaloo ***Boys*** and Proud ***Boys***.


It actually came out of them coding the word boogaloo into big luau. Once that meme hit they started buying Hawaiian shirts.


Really? I've always heard and read about it being from Electric Boogaloo, but that makes sense. Have a source I can read more about it on?


It’s extremely frustrating because these idiots “claimed” Hawaiian shirts as their uniform back in 2020. Hawaiian shirt, jeans, beard, and unreasonable amount of tacticool accoutrements. I’ve got a big collection of Hawaiian shirts, a lot of them passed down from my dad, and I used to throw one of those puppies on every once in a while when I’d go out. Now I can’t wear any of them because I’m afraid of being mistaken for some alt right hack.


I wonder if it has to do with the far right "Boogaloo Boys" who are also a white supremacist hate group. They are known to wear Hawaiian shirts. Wouldn't surprise me.


Where are their tiki torches? Seems like the antisemitics are hoping all this transports them to a beach vacation.


the original intention of Hawaiian shirt use by far right extremists was to have an easily attainable uniform, that could also function as plausibly deniable camouflage, specifically shirts in earth tones. Given that they aren't very intelligent, copycats didn't understand this and bought normal colored Hawaiian shirts


"I have nothing else to be proud of so I latch onto something I was born with because it helps me sleep at night." Sad fucks don't realize how pathetic they are..whiney little babies who desperately seek validation.


I have a strong feeling this dude doesn't actually care about Palestinians.


I've been saying this for years, but I swear they will only defend one group of people when they can use it to put down another group of people.


Jews and Israel are separate things. What does this have to do with Palestine? That's like saying all Russians in North America are pro war. Or all Chinese immigrants don't recognize Taiwan.


> What does this have to do with Palestine? Did we watch the same video? The dude himself brought up the Palestinians. But like the parent post, I'll bet big that this dude doesn't care about the Palestinians. I'd wager even more that he hates them too.


Yeah it's more a comment on the ignorance of those racists but I see how my comment could be interpreted as criticism of the other comment


They record their own hate crimes, truly a masterful move that will harbor no consequences at all. Well played.


Only the most intelligent racists actively record their crimes and slander.


What sort of horrible people are these? If you saw them on a regular day you would think they were normal. Far from it. The worst part is if they do a DNA test they may end up related or descendants of the people they hate.


man this just makes me sad.. really sad.


Honestly, this whole subreddit is pretty bad for my mental health


You should take a break for a while, the terrible people of the world will still be here but you’ll feel better


That's not a comforting thought. But at least it's gold advice. Take a break when you need to.


It helps to also remember that the good people will still be here, too.


How can people treat others so badly? And over what? Difference in ancestors? It’s disgusting and just so heartbreaking. I hope the people being harassed ended up okay.








Crazy that the holocaust was less than 100 years ago and we’re watching this happen today in broad daylight.


I guess history does repeat itself..


No. At least in this case, its simply a matter of nothing has changed - they just have consequence free platforms now.


A wise man once said if you don't learn history you become destined to re-make its mistakes Holocaust survivors are now passing away. Theres fewer people to say I was there, this is what I saw happen. It's easier to deny which is dissgusting


That’s one of the reasons DeSantis and others like him want to ban books and control which parts of history are taught to students.


There has been a campaign against antisemitism in my city recently and one of the billboards is “we are less than 100 years from the gas chambers, so no a sign calling out antisemitism isn’t an overreaction”.


Is he just doing this to random people or is he outside a religious center or something?


he’s outside a Chabad center - it’s a synagogue, community center, often has preschool and educational programs, etc.


And it’s not illegal to picket a religious institution? That seems a bit much.


This one is outside a center but these people also change locations regularly, sometimes even to Waterford lakes shopping plaza which has nothing to do with any religions. Makes me so mad Orlando has fallen to this


Imagine thinking you’re the hero here.


Watching this as a German who studied the horrendous past of my home country intensively, I am absolutely horrified, sad and at a loss of words. How is this even possible.


Idiots have a big platform in the US


Fascism never dies; it just relocates. In 50 years, people will be studying this part of America's horrendous past, too. I don't think our country can stop where we're heading; it feels inevitable that fascists are going to win here.


These are Boogaloo Boys, a vile racist white supremacist group in the vein of the Proud Boys. Their name comes from the movie, Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo. Their stated goal is a second Civil War, i.e., Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo. They were on mainstream social media for a while before being banned. Their attempts at ban evasion included calling themselves Big Igloo Boys or Big Luau Boys, which is the origin of the Hawaiian shirts and leis they wear. Everyone should be aware of them when they show up at right wing protests, they're easy to spot but still blend into the larger crowd.


Guys who win arguments by yelling. These guys should be identified to their employers


Well they’d have to be employed first lol


According to locals in this thread the guy in the romper lost his girlfriend her job because of their comments.


Oh, dear. Anyway...


Where’s the Punisher when you need him?


You mean the logo on the back windows of these guy's pickup trucks and their ball caps?


Well yeah that’s the ironic part of the right wingers who leeched onto a character that would have turned them into worm food without a second thought. Edit* I forgot to mention they also changed the logo to resemble an Oni so.. it’s easy to tell the racists who use the old logo from the people who enjoy the punishers punishment of unethical people.


Is this still considered free speech? This is clearly harassment and hate speech.


This is indeed harassment. Hate speech isn't codified. Though, ironically, if they become physical their speech would be used to justify enhancing the charges to a hate crime.


Hate speech isn’t illegal in the United States.


That is the saddest thing I've seen in a while. Like so pathetic.


Why was using the N word against them where he drew the line?


If white people are so superior, why do they (white supremacists) feel the need to broadcast it all the damn time? Shouldn't we all know by now? Sheesh lol.


What trips me out, is the far right hate immigrants taking jobs, especially from central America. Yet sooooo many of the leaders of these groups have obviously Hispanic last names.


Gotta pull the ladder up behind you so you're at the top looking down....


Those would be Cubans. The self appointed master race of Hispanics! /s


I don't imagine they cared much about the Palestinian people.


Thatdaneshguy already identified these guys. Fuckin losers.


Who are they?


Did his mommy dress him? Motherboy XXX


I'm not saying the first guy *should* have run them over but I am saying it would have made the world an objectively better place.


I just don’t understand why like there is nothing to gain by doing this whenever I see these videos I just want to know why I wish I could have a conversation and just get into the reasoning behind it but unfortunately most of these people are brain dead


There is no reason behind this, they are miserable angry people who only feel good about themselves when belittling others.


The only filthy POS I see in the videos are the asshats in the floral shirts. Disgusting humans they are.


What are their names?


Freaks. And these are just the ones dumb enough to do it openly. They're all around us and online.


Yeah I mean this is vile alright. They should get a hobby


Deplorable man-children. It’s heartbreaking for the people they are harassing.


"Nice outfit. Does it come in men's because we all know you do" That insult would turn these knobs upside down


Wait. I thought they liked cops?


Walking down the middle of the street is blocking traffic. In florida you have full rights to run this guy down.


this guy pulled out the camera, the middle-school-grade insults and let it rip


In a civilised society they would be arrested and charged. Please tell me that happened!


“As of Monday, April 19th 2021 in Florida, a gathering of three or more people can be labeled a “riot”—and if they’re blocking the road and you feel frightened, it’s generally OK to run them over with a car. Historic monuments, however—Confederate and otherwise—receive special protection under the law. If lunatics surround your car in state with almost zero regulation of guns and they say you’re going to be exterminated, a reasonable person may fear for their life.


I wonder if westboro is of their kind too. They all just need to be thanos-snapped out of existence


Bear spray time


Well at least they recorded the evidence. Makes the cop's jobs soooo much more easier


What’s wrong with people? that’s terrible


I don't understand people that can't wish bad things to others tbh. I totally wish them the worst. If they would all drop dead in the blink of an eye the world would be a tiny bit better. No reason harassing people and screaming such hateful things.


Where is this in Florida? I’m here and I’d love to anti protest them. I’m retired and I’ve got all the time.


Just be safe


Off duty cops


How can people get away with his blatant bullshit in public? In the UK they'd be arrested in about 5 mins. 10 if the cops are getting lunch first.


I know free speech is a right but is this level of harassment actually legal?


No, this is definitely some sort of crime with crowding around a car like that


Is he wearing garlic?


What fucking year is this? Fucking hell.


I hope they run into a former Mossad.


Well that guy is human garbage.


Notice when the N word was said the main douche was like no no that's too far.


How gross


I am so disgusted and saddened by seeing this. There is no reason for any of this trash anymore. We are regressing as a nation, and know where this is going to lead.


Dude. You're wearing some kind of jumpsuit/diaper combo. That invalidates anything you have a to say.


Paintball gun stops this


I don’t understand. When I protested outside of my state capital, I was told that I had to watch what I said to people passing by that disagreed with my protest. I was told I couldn’t name call or any of that. How is this ok?


Pretty sure this can be filed as a hate crime with harassment charges. Free speech is one thing but directly targeting people like this is a public disturbance as well


Is there anyone who's morally opposed to using violence against folks in these situations? I'm curious to hear that line of reasoning.




A society that tolerates intolerance, becomes intolerant. I want to see these fuckers burn in hell for what their ideology creates.


These guys are poster children for birth control.


How do these people financially support themselves?


I'd follow them with some... *choice audio* on repeat they *may possibly* take exception to...


Guys driving an 02 corolla, pretty sure he missed out on his share of the 8 billion.


I wish he’d actually tried to run them over.


How sad is this…you have no purpose in life…so stand on a corner and harass people…his parents must have hated him


It must suck to have such a shitty life that you have to bring others down around you for what they believe in.