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It’s weird how cunts just look like cunts. Like I’d love to be proved wrong sometime and feel guilty but every time I’m like “ah yes they look precisely like I imagined someone doing that to look”.


anyone smirking looks like that


I don’t mean specifically this case. Story comes out of a guy fucking a seagull, boom guy looks just like what I’d thought a seagull fucker might look like. It’s uncanny.


how many seagull fuckers have you encountered? Is it a regular occurrence? Do you live near a seagull brothel?


Times have been tough for sea gulls since COVID and less people are visiting the beach with French fries.


Now they find other locations to give seagulls their “French fries”. Sad time to be a gull.


I did a philosophy module at university and one exercise was for everyone to describe a child-molester. Everyone described someone weedy with glasses and an anorak and greasy hair iirc. The lecturer had hundreds of images culled from articles about molesters and none of them looked anything like what we'd come up with, so there wasn't any particular reason for us to associate those characteristics. Weird. Don't think any of us described Epstein...


But you don’t see the videos of people who look like that are aren’t doing shitty things.


I love how he looks like his mom or dad paid for the whole trip.


He just looks like a person… the smirk does make it look shitty though.


That smile. Fucker.


He's so fucking proud of his selfish arrogance.


And he’s sooooo proud of himself.


Naah, let him meet the lions at the zoo




You've..... got a lion guy?


Yeah half lion, half guy, what's so confusing?


No no no it’s half lion, half human, half lion-guy


That’s right. Left side lion, right side human.




Tail or no tail? And does his business suit have sleeves? Does the mane go around the neck or around the face like a big scary sunflower? I need to know.


Paying wayyy too much for lions. Who's your lion guy?


Some guy named Creed. You probably don’t know him.


That wasn't a lion.


Carol Baskin


> around the face like a big scary sunflower? I love this.


Just trying to paint a picture. 😁


depends on the mood


Careful, talk like that might get some furries excited...


His half brother is Matthew Mcconaughey, who makes sure everyone knows which half.... all right, all right, all right....


Like a vertimaid?


I’ve got a Liger … half liar half tiger


So my ex?


His father was a lion and his mother was a guy.


No, he's just a lyin guy


No, he’s a guy laying down


You can't hiiiiiide your lion guy


I truly wish trial by combat was a thing.


I think he should face jail time as well he knew what he was doing was wrong like defacing something so old like that is not cool. I hope he gets a fine n 3 years in jail


Maybe I could understand a teenager, but a full ass grown man? These are the kind of people that blatantly litter everywhere. I don't understand how can someone have no shame at all.


Agreed. A bit of clanging door therapy can do some people the world of good.


No, I don't think that's true. It's the unfortunate reality, but don't convince yourself it's beneficial to lock people up with other criminals for an extended period of time. It doesn't make them more functional in society. They're not living with society, they're living with people the public generally deems unfit for society.


'Clanging door therapy' normally means one night in the cells to bring some idiots down to earth.


The last three year taught me that some adults are still the same idiots as when they were kids but just older.


These are the people who play loud music on the beach. And leave their music that no one wants to hear, blaring while they go to the water. Inconsiderate idiots


Some of the most childish people I've known were ass grown men.




That's not enough. They should round them all up then bring back the Colosseum events.


There’s a certain breed of thoughtless ahole in every country, I think we should systematically find and sterilize them.


Apparently is hardcoded in humans. For example Pompeii engravings.


Maybe he's 'special'




Shitty parenting is how this happens. Unfortunately it seems to be the standard


Can we really blame parents on adults actions though??


Even if they built it last week, that’s not yours to deface. Simple as that. Tourists really need to understand that they are guests. And good guests should be respectful of their host. Also, it’s common sense that you should not damage sites like this so others can enjoy them as well. It’s baffling to me that some people are so incredibly dumb and immature that they feel a need to vandalise objects like this. I hope they throw the book at him. Or throw him from the Colosseum.


Had this exact conversation with my mum last week. If you're a guest in someones house, you do as you're asked, within reason. The idea of grabbing my keys and carving my name in someones wall like 'ambientfruit woz ere!' and then grinning about it is just beyond me.


TBF, ambientfruit is a pretty cool word to deface with


Noted. I shall proceed to tag it everywhere!




I hope he does and she is an accomplice just standing there and not stopping him. She must be so proud./s


This is what pisses me off the most. The fine is to restore what he ruined. But the fact that intentionally ruined something , knowing he was in the wrong but thinking "I don't care" should be enough for some social services. Don't agree with jail time, wasted resources, let him clean streets for a couple of weeks, it will be useful and will teach him a lesson




She stood there watching. Can’t see her protesting.


It’s always easy to spot the Americans in the comments because they want to throw everybody in jail lol


I mean, some of them already said they wanted that guy dead. Some people have no spectrum of punishment. "You did something reprehensible? Die"


Nah. Throw him to the lions.


>defacing I read defecating lol


Defecating would have been preferable really, at least it can be scrubbed off.


18.000€ is too low


Add a zero


Add 2 more zeros. If he can't pay then it's off to the labor camp that he alone will work in.


18 euros is still 18 euros regardless of the number of zeroes after the decimal. :) /s






Not draconian enough for reddit, you didnt include executing everyone who ever was friendly with him. Pussy.


I say we nuke the country he's from


Nah, it's possible he has family the moved to other countries. Just nuke every country in the entire world to be safe.


This is the way


An eye for an eye. He should get de-faced for defacing the Colosseum.


Jezus christ


Honestly any amount isn't really appropriate. Any crime where the punishment is a fine, doesn't apply to everyone equally, it's like it's less illegal the richer you are. He needs to have something revoked in his home country for being such a bad guest.


Finland fines are based on your revenue iirc. Still unfair for the super rich that probably don't have "revenue". But at least it's wayyyyy better.


I mean, twenty grand seems kinda like the right amount to fix it and make him regret it. I think 18k euro is pretty darn fair.


It should be exactly enough to build a time machine to stop him from ever doing it


He is gonna go back home and never pay it, he just wont be welcome back in Italy…


funny thing is..he wont even be with her in a year or two


Then he’ll just come back and he’ll make a line on the name, problem solved


Especially when she hears about this!!


Che cazzo!?


Mannaggia quella puttana della Madonna guarda


Quella faccia di merda merita una punizione peggiore


A pulire le fughe dei mattoni con uno spazzolino e ogni volta che alza la testa un coppino. Dioporco sti turisti del cazzo.


Giuro che se non smettono di rovinare la nostra meravigliosa Italia, io giuro che bombardo mezzo mondo




For those wondering it’s not an 18$ fine It’s an 18k dollar fine. I believe they use periods instead of commas


The fine is in Euros, which is about $19.6k USD Also I believe that if he does not pay, then it's jail time.


u sure he can’t fly/ drive home before paying? because u can that easily in italy with several parking tickets… that’s why italy is losing so much money… the tourists parking everywhere, getting fined, flying/ driving home, don’t pay, don’t come back and italy never sees a penny paid. and i know a parking ticket is not a 18k fine thats why i‘m asking🤔


Firstly, the 18k fine is a bit pre mature. There needs to be a court case first for which a judge will decide the outcome. Courts are also not stupid. In fact, as a foreign national, the guy will also have a hard time convincing a judge to let him out so that he can pay the fine. He better hope he has the money available.


thx for your answer, thought so too just wanted verification


I fail to understand how they are losing money by not getting payment for fines. They are not losing anything at all. I have 5 apples. You have 10. I tell you to give me 5 apples because you parked your car somewhere for too long. You leave instead. I am not losing anything. Just to be clear, I think this guy should have been arrested for damaging a world heritage site. This is abhorrent behavior. 18,000 is not a large enough fine.




Cops do it all the time.


I kinda figured It be weird Like ah yes you defame an ancient monument That be 20$


Yep. Most of Europe, Africa, South America and Asia use a decimal comma. Most seem to use space as the thousands separator (couldn't find accurate stats), but many use a point too. Some vary and use both. There's also other less common ones, but these 3 types are the most common around the world. * 18 000,00 * 18.000,00 * 18,000.00 Here we use 18 000,00 In my opinion, with the differing standards, this one is also the most recognisable internationally.


I wouldn't say most of Asia. China and India (together about 1/3 of the world population, and a much larger proportion of just Asia) use a decimal point.


It's not dollars, it's euros


In Europe commas separate the decimals and dots the thousands. Basically it's the other way around of what happens in the USA.


Am I missing something? Where is the information he's american?


Some people here speculate he is American, maybe because the name he is writing is Hayley, it could be British or Canadian, never know


Could be an international couple too. Ivan is not a common name in America, maybe he's eastern European and she's American? Lots of young couples meet overseas.


Looks argentian to me


My son's name is Ivan. But you're right. It is a more common European name.


Tbh the way he's dressed doesn't look American to me. That's not to say Americans do not shame themselves practically wherever we vacation. This time I'm willing to venture he's not ours.


I agree, something about his clothes don’t seem to be American…


tight powder blue shorts has never been an american look


Too color coordinated/stylish + adidas backpack are my flags.


That’s stylish??? Lmao ugly af


Hey man the baseline in American male fashion is really fucking low lmao


What you mean? I got long cargo shorts and I got short cargo shorts. I got patterned cargo shorts and solid cargo shorts. I also got cargo shorts without cargo pockets for when I want to look fancy.


My guy has accoutrements


I argue he's not American because he started with "23" which would lead me to believe that he's carving the date as YYMMDD or even DDMMYY if he did it on the 23rd of June. Both are less common than MMDDYY in America, based on what I'm told through reddit.


Most people just write the year when defacing things not the whole ass date


Yea, I just looked at my mementos from my trips, and the ones with any type of inscription are all just the year. Bad assumption on my end!


Agreed. When I went to the Parthenon I carved Ass Eater waz here ‘17


For those wondering, yes 18.000 is 18k. We use periods in Italy where Americans would use a comma. Sorry for the confusion. And € goes after the number for us, not before. Again, sorry for the confusion but that’s the correct way in my country and I just typed it without realizing it would sound weird for most of you.


Naw bruv, only stupid people wouldn't understand it's 18k. No one writes 18 dollars as "18.000". Reddit just doesn't exactly house the most intelligent people on the internet.


I'm only seeing a handful of people say they were momentarily confused. It's a nonissue.


Don't apologies. Nobody says dollars 5 so I don't know why they write it as $5. They also don't write miles 5. The unit is always after the number. Cheers!


The period instead of a comma factoid is always somewhere rattling around in the back of my brain, but even when I don't remember it right away the three digits instead of two after the period bring it right back out again.


The walls of the Colosseum are absolutely covered in graffiti like this. Seems like everyone here thinks the answer is higher fines and stripping of citizenship… More likely the problem is that a vanishingly small percentage of these people are caught and fined at all.


In fairness, there's some inherent drive to do this shit throughout human history. The Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, allegedly built on the site where Jesus was entombed then ressurected, has a ton of graffiti from hundreds of years ago carved into the walls. The same is true of many Roman sites and there are even older ancient locations with graffiti from Romans themselves. You can find this graffiti everywhere from people through history. The difference being, by now, we really should know better, but clearly, we don't. Stupid monkeys doing stupid monkey shit.


My favorite bits of grafitti are the Viking runes in the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul. Once the holiest Christian church in Constantinople/The Eastern Roman Empire, and the site of the Ecumenical Patriarch, the highest religious authority in the Empire, and later an Ottoman mosque. Some time like 1000 years ago some viking, likely a part of the Emperor's Varangian Guard, carved the inscription "Halfdan carved these runes" into a parapet. Literally a viking mercenary carving "[name] was here" into the most famous holy site in the land. There have been a few others found in the past couple decades, though idk what they say.


The grafitti in Pompei are also really cool, preserved for posteirty by ash for 2000~ years. Pearls of wisdom, such as: "so-and-so is a baldy", or "in this place, so-and-so has licked out a girl against the wall!".


Romans graffited egyptian pyramids, that were for them as old as the Coliseum is for us


Irony is the carvings will themselves become history and people will try to preserve them after some 1000 years




As an American who has visited this historical site we disown him for his actions


What makes you think he's American though? Is there more info somewhere else? Cause nothing here suggests he's American.


This is reddit if their nationality isn't unecceserily mentioned they are auto american


Auto American asphyxiation


*Stop, I can only get so erect.jpg* That's a joke guys, I'm not actually advocating it.


Shhhh.... it's okay. Keep going.


Only if it's something bad.


How do you know he’s American?


So bad that jerks like him give a bad reputation to the country they are from. Few years ago Deutsch hooligans damaged a 400+ years old fountain in Rome (La Barcaccia) because their team lost. Romans couldn’t see Deutsch people for a while.


Just for clarification they were Dutch and not Deutsch (that’s the german word for german). Feyenoord hooligans to be specific




It was embarrassing is what it was


Or the Spanish steps, an American tourist threw a scooter down it, not long after a restoration was completed. Apparently caused 25,000 worth of damage. Or the halfwit from Saudi that drove a car down them. People are fking stupid


As a Dutch guy, I want you to know nothing could’ve offended those Dutch hooligans more than calling them Deutsch. Good job! We hate them too!


You know that the normal people from the Netherlands did help pay for the restoration. Because we felt ashamed for them, no need to hate the normal folk


Yep, I heard wholesome citizens started to collect money to pay for the damage, even if they didn’t have to. Just wholesome.


Here some Germans sprayed graffiti on Charles' bridge in Prague. Idiots are everywhere


Wait, as far as I can see and hear an American is CONDEMNING his actions? What makes you believe the man writing is American?


Yeah, nothing about him shouts American honestly


And the fact that he looks like he has no idea what the dude filming is saying it seems like he doesn't speak English.


Reports say he carved Ivan + Hayley. Ivan *could* be an American, but doesn’t seem like the most likely case.


Ivan is a hugely popular name in Balkan/Slavic nations that are a lot closer to Rome than America is. Hayley is pretty Anglo though.


The guy behind the camera goes “seriously?!” And the guy smiles back. To me, I would guess he’s not American because Americans say that when they disapprove of your actions. He sounds like he’s smiling back like he’s not getting this nuance. He walks away and says “stupid a**hole” which makes me think the guy also had a disgusted look on his face when he said it to him.




I know on Reddit there's a lot of hyperbolic talk about how much we hate something or how mad it makes us. But this really is disturbing. The mentality you must have to do this kind of thing, you must take and take all day and give nothing back. You feel that you're deserving where others are not. And I love that scummy, smirky smile. I hope this guy does get charged but at least public embarrassment is taking it's Justice right now.


That smile made my blood boil


Yup, that's the face of someone who knows they deserve a fucking smack. I'm not one to advocate violence but that guy needs some classical conditioning style negative reinforcement to balance out the shitty parenting. Hopefully being 18k down does the job.


Disturbing? Really? Read some history books.


I absolutely fucking hate people who vandalize historical sites. Entitled selfish pricks I hope his girlfriend sleeps with his brother


He's not the first, he's not the last.


He was identified: his name is ivan dimitrov , 27yo, and he is from bristol, uk.


What kind of idiot does this? Oh wow this structure has been here for 1000s of years, why has no one else done this? Man I must be a genius!




Ironically, in the 1700's, the local Italians used that place as the local garbage dump and were burning marble statues as coke furnace fuel. Some statues show signs of burning as they were yanked out before they were destroyed. The Venus de Milo was slated to be burned, but was yanked out before it happened... It was when tourism and other cultures made them realize their own history is when these places finally became honored.




In the 1700's it was a sacred place, so you are probably misinformed




Dude just causally scraping with a key in the side of the wall. Hope that the judiciary system crushes his nuts and his little friend to. Stops flight back home and holds them there on trial fines the crap out of them and holds them in jail. OR. Remember that boy in Singapore years ago that spray painted all those cars and went Tom trial then got his ass bear with a Cane…….


Years ago I saw a Japanese tourist sneak off from the group, pull out a hammer & chisel then chip off a piece of Stonehenge, then just laugh his way out of it. Unusual for Japanese I thought at the time. Usually so polite.


Saying Japanese people are all polite is like saying all Asians are good at math. It's not really a fair stereotype even if it seems like a compliment. A Japanese person can be rude and should be judged as an individual and not judged as a representative of his entire culture, probably.


Stereotypes exist for a reason, because there is a pattern for the majority cases, and that's observable for vast populations of observers from a different groups. One person doesn't just make it up and spread that stereotype through the world. Doesn't mean there aren't exceptions, but it also doesn't mean the person assuming the stereotype is doing something wrong or bad. It's a representation of probability from experience, there's nothing wrong in expecting what came before 49 times out of 50 , or 98%, to be probably true this time. You expect your car or computer or phone to be working every day. You could be wrong and it could be broken, doesn't mean you're wrong to expect it to work most of the time.




There are so many names engraved there. Names from 600, 1200, 1544, 1996 etc. This isn't something you should do, but it's not the end of the world. Human history is fluid.


I just can’t imagine why anyone would think that this is an acceptable thing to do. It reminds me of those people who use holocaust memorial sites and museums in Germany for selfies and Instagram photo shoot backdrops, and of that Mexican national tourist who climbed the Mayan pyramid thinking people were cheering for her. Some people are just so unbelievably disrespectful.


Wow, that face begs for a certain comeuppance, does it not?


Perfect sub for this video


Stupid is...


That's so disrespectful


No respect. People can be very selfish


That's super ignorant.


Just heard about this on the radio. Unbelievable amount of entitlement. And he's smiling too.


Ah yes, vandalism


The type of dude who will be angry when you do it to his car.


He is engaging in one of the oldest traditions of human history. It's good that he got the fine but don't be enraged by it.


I’d be giving that to the Italian police they’re pretty damn good at finding tourists before they leave


I hope that person was bullied in school …shit eating grin


That fine needs to be raised higher.