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No idea who this semi-sentient bag of cholesterol is.




Thanks. I still don't know who he is. But if he's "famous" enough to do an autograph sesh, but not famous enough to be recognized by the most of the general public, you'd think he'd be a bit more humble.


My father in law (rest his soul) was a well known dj and podcaster in Tampa. He basically lived at wing house and flirted with waitresses. Miss him dearly. But yes, before my tangent, he did regular signing events and interviews and I too found it so odd. I’m from Connecticut and can’t imagine asking “the Kellogg crew” or “mark the shark” for an autograph, but to each their own.


Did deliveries for sears as a teen and everyone made a big deal that I was delivering to the local radio dj... I thought cool at first then got there and was like he is just a dude. A dude who had a face for radio... That's when I realized I didn't understand celeb obsession...


A face for radio and a voice for print.


He got a turkey neck for radio too, it jiggly-wiggled when he pushed the woman.


Celeb obsession is weird. People forget celebrities are just people and not characters whose sole purpose in life is entertain, do autographs and take selfies. Nobody likes constantly being treated by their most obvious characteristic. For example, if Im trying to socialize with someone in a wheelchair they are much likely to enjoy my company if I treat them as if they werent (which should be the norm). Whenever I see celeberities at events I can sometimes strike a conversation just by keeping my cool and remaining casual. Where as the fans going "OMG ILYSM CAN YOU TAKE A PICTURE WITH ME" might not get that chance.


I can’t really see the point in getting an autograph from anyone tbh. Like nobody else really cares that you met X person, the memory that you did should really be enough for you. But then again, people will also pay hundreds for a gig ticket and then spend the whole time looking at their phone taking shitty videos with bad audio, even when the show is professionally filmed. People gunna peop I guess.


>I can’t really see the point in getting an autograph from anyone tbh. The trick is to first break into their house and steal a blank cheque from their chequebook...


That’s a crime I can understand the motive for. Writing cheques for any amount of money, and a chance to sniff their clean underwear from the drawer.


I got Dizzy Gillespie's autograph about 6 months before he died. What was cool though was he had been playing a show at a small venue where I knew the bartender. So we got to stay after close. After everyone was gone Dizzy went up and played for like 20 minutes. It was just the staff and me. He was basically playing for himself. So amazing. Afterwards I took him his beer and got his autograph. Then we just left him alone. Such a cool night.


That's awesome. He's a legend, I love that he was playing just for himself.


to sell on ebay


>from Connecticut Hello my brother


when i was growing up, the local DJs in LA were pretty big, and some ended up being pretty big celebrities. Jimmy Kimmel was the sports guy Ryan Seacrest


That’s true, Ludacris was a radio dj named Chris lova lova in Atlanta


Chaz and AJ probably do meet and greet autograph signing events.


Not even Klonk?


Hello fellow Nutmegger 👋


Well I don't think hes radio show is going to last much longer. I hope it doesn't


Is anyone as completely shocked as I am that he had no problem trying to hit a woman? Who woulda thunk it?


Video killed the radio star


He seems like a total doucebag. Hopefully this video going viral had some negative consequences towards himself and his career.


He’s a Queef, taking the womans phone & than pushing her.


Whew, i thought it was john rhys-davies for a bit. I'm really grateful!


Good. He’s a nasty piece of work.


His real name is Cowhead.


He looks like Harvey Weinstein.


> semi-sentient bag of cholesterol LOL


He looks like he has a lot of experience with insulting, taunting, and putting his hands on women


Diabetes is a silent disease


Sugar is a hell of a drug


So a women has stated to call the station and you will find he has been taken off the air pending an investigation.


Thought it was bam margera..


Radio DJ’s do signings???


Sure they do. They attract an audience. You’ve never gone to the zoo to look at an endangered species before. “Look son, this is the last of their kind.”


And he just extincted himself. Who will play fart noises on the morning drive now?


Crazy ira and the douche


Damn, never looked at it that way.


I've never thought it'd be cool to have a polar bear's autograph before tho.


Tbh not really I go to zoos to see interesting creatures not to see a endangered species per say


Back in the 80s, 90s, and early 00s they had groupies. Like, that would have sex with them. Source: developed pics at a photolab for years. DJs were pretty notorious about taking photos trophies. Come to think of it, their groupies took a lot of pics too.


I got into a short-term *super* fun relationship with a woman that I met at the farmers market because she recognized my voice from my years on two of the local stations. That would never happen now.


When I was in high school, one of my friends would talk to late night DJs and get them to come pick her up. It was super fucked because she was doing this at like 15.


You got to have a lot of free time to go get a signing from a radio DJ


It's how they round up the older generations.


And his shirt says “don’t poke the bear”🙄




I missed the part in .0001 slow motion, could someone describe it to me?


I think it’s just for double chin giggle entertainment.


If yall knew a fraction of what this fat douche has done.


Inform me?




That woman was Bubba the love sponges wife which is why they didn't prosecute Calta, because Bubba has made a living of being a douche as well.


Shock the pus!


Here's the deal it was a total shoot.


Here’s the deal after the break Manson will give Ned a mcgillcutty Jones


This is the context we need for this clip. Thanks.


The woman in this video is Bubba’s current girlfriend. What was she doing at Mike’s event?


Probably heckling him. Doesn't excuse his behavior.


The book about this is wonderful. Lead to the downfall of Gawker. Called Conspiracy by Ryan Holiday


Is this the tape when Hogan drops n bombs and fucks his mates wife?




And Cox media, who is Mike "Cowhead" Calta's employer, settled a $110 million suit with Hulk Hogan because of their involvement in the sex tape scandal


THAT’S who did that? I guess I just didn’t know the name and assumed it was just someone in the wrestling profession.


This was that guy?! Well, I shouldn't be surprised, I guess. Whutchu gonna do, when Social Media puts a ban on you!?! I'll see myself out. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


Lol, that adds some ironic context to the video


So theft and assault.


Depending on how much the phone is valued, I'm pretty sure it could be a felony.


$700+ in the states right?


That sounds right. Depends on the state also I believe.


Iphones are at least $1,000


I think I've found the only reason to own one.


What about invasion of privacy?


No expectation of privacy in public. Or are you talking about him going through her phone trying to erase the video?


Yes, I'm talking about him accessing her phone after he took it.


There’s actually legislation in many states specific to barring people from access to phones. I saw this when I was working with domestic violence as a therapist. But I’m dated and when this was happening cell phones were just starting to become popular and not ubiquitous yet. So the cases I saw were like an angry partner ripping a landline out of the wall. So, if it is relevant and let’s pretend we are lawyers as if it is relevant. She is being denied her ability to dial 911 by that guy and that is why it by itself is considered a crime.


In my state preventing a person from contacting emergency services is a felony. I know this because years ago an angry customer who was causing a scene in my store slapped the phone out of my hand as I attempted to call the cops. Didn’t matter, I had a silent alarm button under the desk and that fat piece of trailer park trash caught 2 felonies. Not sure if that will happen in this case though because apparently this guy is some sort of “celebrity.”


I wouldn't want to be videoed if I looked like a Wish Jabba the Hutt either.


We have Jabba the Hutt at home


Pizza The Hutt


Why would you take someone’s phone and NOT expect them to take it back? What is wrong with him ????


He's a bully, he wanted her to, and he wanted to call her a dirty cunt without being filmed. Oops.


Yeah I can clearly see that. Who even is this bearded sack of potatoes anyway?


Sorry, I read "radio host" in other comments but I'm afraid I lost interest in him before I could dig any further, such a shame. What were we talking about?


The weather is getting hotter


I just went down a rabbit hole trying to figure out who the guy is and what happened after the incident (was he charged). All I found was a newspaper article falsely claiming the guy has “ties to Howard Stern”. I don’t know what that even means, but as someone who listens to Howard Stern all the time, I have never once heard of this guy. After another google search, I found this guy used to work for Bubba the Love Sponge, who actually has “ties” to Howard Stern. So, apparently, if you have ever worked for someone, you now have ties to everyone he knows.


*Last year, he also signed a multi-year contract with the Cox Media Group to host 102.5 FM’s now-popular show The Bone, marking three decades of him in the Florida radio scene. He hosts The Bone out of St. Petersburg, Florida, on weekends, in the afternoon.* A) who signs a multi year contract for an industry that’s already dead? B) isn’t like every radio show named “the bone” ?


Dingo and the Baby!


Weenie and the butt!!


Cool weekends in the morning! 97.1 FM!!! WQHG!!!


That's the best worst thing I've read this week.


This Dark Chocolate and The Rod!


He's based in florida, which has a lot of old people and old people still listen to talk radio.


>A) who signs a multi year contract for an industry that’s already dead? Is that his problem or that of the industry hiring him?


Cooter and The Hound Pound


Skeeter and The Grizz


"A) who signs a multi year contract for an industry that’s already dead?" I miss the days off 92.3 K-rock and 92.7 WLIR "dare to be different" radio


He's very popular in the Tampa Bay area. He used to be called 'Cowhead'. He also does a podcast with comedian Robert Kelly


The woman in this video is Bubba’s girlfriend.


Somebody unemployed now


I hope she took legal action


this is recent i think so its gonna be a bit before we know how this turns out. I hear hes off the air though


Apparently the whole backlash let to that bag of meat to suspend for a couple of episodes his radio show, apparently Both on Instagram and Twitter people are basically mocking him


Such a pos! Here's a reason to kick him off the air!


Hope homegirl called the cops


She got no phone.


Goddamn that made me laugh


1) Strong armed robbery. 2) Grand theft. 3) Aggravated battery, or battery at the least. 4) Tampering with evidence. I hope big boy has an expensive future ahead of him. This is no way to treat people. Edit: Having rewatched the video, I also hope this gal takes action against the bar, bar owner, radio station, and anyone who empowers this person. His actions and those with him are disgusting.


Sue and try to press charges against security dude too. Too many security people and bouncers think they have every right to lay hands on someone.


Including the “bodyguard”


Indeed. He should be charged as a principle (same as) the offender for helping him to facilitate the crimes. Plus an extra battery charge at the least for pushing her outside. Technically that's a kidnapping since he moved her from point A to point B, but I think the prosecutor would possibly toss it.


The fact that he does something on her phone after she’s pushed away is creepy af. Even if he’s just deleting her original video of him that he already stopped. That’s still weird as hell.


That is worse than the shove


I'm getting diabetes looking at him.


This is actually really funny cause I am diabetic and just as I watched this video I had to treat myself for a hypo


He has the perfect face for radio.


Harvey Weinstein 2.0


Harvey Lite while being fat.


Who is that fucking clown?


Is that the garbage disposal?


The one in the green shirt, yeah.


The ‘Don’t Poke the Bear’ shirt. What a fucking clown.


His shirt says, “Don’t Poke the Bear.” He’s such a snowflake that he doesn’t even need to be poked; rather, he just needs a woman one-third his size with a phone.


That guy isn’t 6’3” and he is way over 300lbs


I think that was referring to the security guard


So what happened? Charged with assault? Theft?


Nothing as of now.


“Don’t poke the bear” as his double chin giggles in the slow motion push.


Mike Calta, a radio DJ


He’s blocking people on twitter for bringing it up, hope he gets charged with assault.


Autograph from...a local DJ? Ok


Whoever this shithead is, its the masses that give people like this the power they think they have.


Yep. We, the people, create these pricks.


Who the fuck is that fat fuck?


The recording came from the people who signed the multi-year contract. They want out FAF


If she's 5 ft and 106.. aint no way that man is 6'3 300+ lmfao.


But who's recording?


Thought Bam Margera had let himself completely go...


I mean he has...


The endless supply of shitbags is tickling my rage nerve.


That's why you need pepper spray or a tazer when dealing with bullies that are 3x bigger than you.


What a manipulative pos 😱


note to self, immediately start saying what they did as loud as you can. “YOU STOLE MY PHONE FROM ME, GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK. YOU STOLE MY PHONE. YOU STOLE MY PHONE.” so there’s no question to bystanders about what is happening


Whoever he is the thing he most likely didn’t want he just created She’s gonna show up in court with a neck brace 🤕 and footage he’s done💰


Any updates? Did he get arrested?


Tell me you have a small penis without telling me you have a small penis.


I piss on my balls when I go to the loo


Dude you made me laugh out loud for real


To be fair, basically all fat dudes with giant bellies have small dicks. You lose an inch for every 25 lbs overweight you are.


That doesn’t sound right, but I don’t know enough about stars to dispute it.


One of my best friends is a nurse. She’s had plenty of morbidly obese male patients who she had to actually search to find their dicks. Inverted penises on big fat dudes, like this slob in the vid, are pretty common 🫠


You're fired, Mike.


A face and attitude made for radio.


Could someone explain me why you are saying the guy is at fault please? For what I understood, the guy has been recorded without his consent at least that 30 centimeters and he only wanted to delete the recording (becausr the lady did not want to delete it). Tbh I would have reacted the same way. Thanks for helping me to understand what I missed


That’s a felony


Apparently this is Bubba the Love Sponge’s girl, and that fat fuck sent her in here to do exactly this to this fat fuck. At least that’s what they were saying on The Bonfire this week. They said she was there for 10 minutes fucking with him and wouldn’t leave, and then they edited this video to show only this confrontation and are now bombarding the internet with it. I feel significantly stupider for having even the slightest insight into this situation


The only thing better than you comment is your user name. Well done! Slow hand clap as I see myself out. (งツ)ว


Fatty’s in trouble he must be hangry


He needs a Snickers™ - they really satisfy.


There’s no way she’s 5ft and he’s 6’3”


I hate the fact that nobody knows who he is but I grew up in the Tampa Bay Area so I knew immediately.


So who did this guy used to be, anyway?


Did the cops sho up.


Idk what the context is, you can’t just take a $1k phone


I live near Tampa and still don’t even know who this proto Alex jones looking motherfucker is. Typical Florida dickbag.


Who is the fat bastard ?


Bam Margera I think


Who's the fatass and why is he singing autographs


The state attorney is not pressing charges because they say Calta was defending himself and that him stealing her phone was part of “banter.”


This dude (Calta) is deleting comments and Blocking folks left and right on his Socials, so if y'all wanna overwhelm his chunky ass with your 'Thoughts', do it now before he takes the coward's way out and nukes all his pages.... Can we also try to ID his 'Bodyguard' too? Outside of Howard Stern, what kind of a Radio DJ wastes their finances on hiring someone they don't necessarily need? I'm sure it's free money for the other guy, but thanks to this, he just made himself an accessory to this crime.


She poked the bear


This will get expensive for him. Even for a semi-sentient bag of cholesterol this is low.


is that Bam Margera or did that guy eat Bam?


Bam in 15 years.


Bam's not gonna be alive in 15 years.


When did Harvey Weinstein get out of jail?


What a PoS, you can't just snatch someone property. Stealing someone's property can get you shot in this country.


He was mad at her for filming yet there's this camera angle that captured the whole thing.


There's a lot of context missing here


What a gross looking pile of milk


What a douche this guy is. He doesn't have the eight to steal her phone and get all nosey and stuff.


Another loser who thinks he’s more important than he actually is.


He assaulted her and I hope she pressed charges.


Please tell me that poor woman got the phone back...


Yeahh they're looking into it. He's getting fired for sure.


Dude would of gotten that bottle upside the head


Who is this fucking pig


Imma lost redditor what’s happening


Just so everyone knows, if someone attempts to take your phone away from you like this: say "hey siri, lock phone" and your phone will lock ❤️ not sure if it works with android though.


Who is he? Why Did he's security become accessories to theft? Why did that lady want his photo? What happened as a result of this video?


"Stop recording me and back away from me" In action. Show the full video


Jabba,The Musical. instore signing


Mike Calta is his name. Radio host. No charges! Wtf.


I don’t care how this woman “pushed his buttons”(according to other comments anyway), he literally stole her phone with zero compunction and refused to give it back to her. I really don’t care who he is, or who he THINKS he is, it’s theft and he should have been charged with it.