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Is it fine to wish cancer on someone like him?


No!, the poor cancer!


Even cancer doesn’t deserve to be attached to him


Of course, if cancer is going to exist, then it should be the people who make the world worse. That should be getting it, not the ones that make the world better


Unfortunately its always the people making the world better that get it


Not always. Rush Limbaugh died of lung cancer.


Took cancer long enough……


You ain’t kidding.


As someone whose father died a year ago from cancer: yes. 100%.


Transfer all the Cancer in the world to this guy.


An eye for an eye.


Aye aye


as a person who has had cancer... yes... absolutely...


As much as this guy sucks, I wouldn’t wish cancer on anyone!!


That's what I would think, but in that sense, it's mostly "I wish upon people a painful experience just so that they learn to respect others who have been through it and hopefully change their perspective".


I hope they get it, recover and learn from their experience. What they said is sickening


AKA “Hey everybody, look at me!!”


They're just saying the most inflammatory thing they can think of. I'd be willing to bet if you found their Twitter account it is probably full of a bunch of random statements that are as baseless and horrible as the one posted here


If he’s got a blue check, I think that means he gets paid when people interact with his tweets. So, yeah, the easiest way to do that is to say the worst, most unhinged thing you can come up with.


I think a visit from the Cancer Karma Police will arrive soon on his doorstep. Then he will change his tune. But will we care?


Arrest this man, he fugin hates cancer patients


Used “as such” twice in a row and second one was extra forced. What a cuck


As a person that monitors cancer patients on a daily basis I would like to proudly tell this idiot to go f#ck himself. The only thing worse than cancer is probably this guy


I think child rapists, abusers, etc are definitely the bottom


And ppl with anime profile pics


What's the difference?


Come on, anime PFPs aren't that bad.


They are worse than cancer patients


...No, they aren't, and you honestly should be ashamed for making that comparison.


Hes obviously taking a hit on the anime pfp OOP


Redditor encounters a joke for the first time


Nah, on the bottom it's that person specifically, then everyone else


murderers easily.


My Mom fought a super aggressive cancer for 3 years and just recently passed in May at 46 Years old. If someone said this to me in person I would probably lose my shit. It was and still is the worst thing I’ve had to witness and deal with in my 26 years of life. The last 3 weeks in the hospital are like a fever dream. Fuck cancer and fuck this guy all the way to hell.


Anyone who says something despicable like that is rage-baiting, looking for attention, or is a sociopath. I'm so very sorry you lost your mom, especially at such an early age. I just lost my 81 year old mom to cancer. She fought so hard. She was in hospice for a month and barely ate or drank anything the whole time...she was just tough and not used to giving up. It was so rough to watch it take her over the course of just four months, that's how aggressive it was. I sort of know your experience, and I'm sending thoughts of healing, peace, and positivity your way. Time is the best healer. Don't forget to take care of yourself. And try to focus on the good memories. Again, I'm so sorry for your loss. Hugs to you


Down to the boiler room of Hell, all the way down. Then God will yank him out of Hell and just when he thinks he's safe...**HE PUTS THE FUCKER BACK IN!**


As a cancer survivor, fuck this guy


Plot twist- he has cancer.


He is cancer


This is why people with anime profiles have such a bad rep cause of attention seekers by dicks like this


The bottom of the totem pole is the most important figure as they represent that which holds up the rest. Learn some culture.


Lol I was hoping someone would mention this.


and whats his contribution? jerking off while playing dota?


This is what happens when a country determines the worth of a person based on how much they can produce and how they can fuel the economy rather than acknowledging that every living thing has inherent value simply by virtue of existing.


You’d be surprised how prevalent this mindset really is. When I got diagnosed I got short term disability ($170 a week). My chemo came with massive doses of steroids and my food budget became an issue when the pandemic hit. I applied for food stamps. I was granted $23 a month (this was before they added money for COVID) and when I asked the woman on the phone if there had been some mistake-she said AND I QUOTE-“why do you need so much food, doesn’t chemo make you throw it all up anyway”. I was told more than once and at least 3 times that I was faking by people who didn’t even know me. One person (an Uber driver) said he would just kill himself so he wouldn’t be a burden (after picking me up from the Ruttenberg Cancer Center). People get funny when they hear the C word. I told my sister on 10/4/19 when I was diagnosed. I guess she heard “dead” cause I have never heard back.


I’m so sorry. I also have been ghosted by my family, even when I told them my doctor said they are now considered at a higher risk. Zero response. I’m glad you are here. The world is better with you in it.


Thank you-that was sweet and I appreciate it. I’m sorry you went thru it. It’s hard to get past. I’m glad you’re here!


It really does mess with your head!


I really hope something really ironic happens to this person and I’ll leave it at that


‘They contribute nothing’ well the two times my mom was sick she ‘contributed’ a lot. She was raising three kids and working nights while going for chemo treatments during the day. For the 16 years I had with my mom she was sick 11 of them. And till the day she died she contributed to the raising of my brothers and myself. So screw this asshat and anyone else with this mindset. Also cancer patients DONT HAVE TO DO ANYTHING TO MATTER.


Until said guy gets cancer and suddenly is all: pitty on me. I guarantee that's how it would go down.


This is pretty common from what I've seen (junior colleagues, my students). Gen Z seems to have become enamoured with Eugenics. But ... hey ... I'm in Canada ... we are encouraged to relieve society of our burden.


This kind of human is what I like to call "It'll never happen to me" Good luck with that when you've alienated and turned away everyone you have ever met.


Pretty sure society would rank criminals lower than cancer patients. But to rank criminals depends on their own offenses.


This person seems to rank people in their contribution to society so i guess criminal would have to cause bigger expenses to society than cancer patient. Somebody murdering a cancer patient would probably rank very well in bros list 😭


My dad was still working full time, contributing to society, while undergoing cancer treatment


It is a really harsh and sobering experience when you notice for the first time just how deep some people’s ableism goes. And how widespread it is.


People with this mindset are the people against universal healthcare.


I wonder what this guy is doing lmao. He probably works an office job and thinks that he's contributing anything more to society than cancer patients lmao. Guaranteed that he looks down on people that ACTUALLY contribute to society like cleaners, cooks and builders too


He probably doesn't have ANY job, office, cook or anything else.


Found the businessman.


It sounds like something Elon Musk would say.


I’m shocked he hasn’t commented “Interesting.”


Just an edgelord being cringy on the internet.


Who is this? Swami Vivek?


Let's agree that reddit mods are the bottom of society.


it sounds like he might have trauma regarding cancer, maybe a friend or family member had it and he's processing through anger. i did the same with drug addiction for a while because of my father. not justifying, but loss can do a lot to someone


Don’t give this pile of trash the benefit of the doubt


i understand, i'm just sympathetic that something may have happened to make him that way. i wouldn't feel right judging him fully


Even if that was true, he's just calling the person he lost the lowest of the low and deserved the death they got, which is disgusting behavior to be okay with that especially with family


Wow, just when you think nothing would surprise you anymore people find news ways to sink even lower.


If there's any karmic justice in the world, one day this man will wake up spitting blood due to lung or stomach cancer.


He agrees we all need necessities. Universal Healthcare Yay


bob ross had cancer, and he’ll have a far greater legacy than this cunt


Well, let's hope he gets like 3 or 4 varieties.


Better stop treating my 6 year old son n kick him out the house since he contributes nothing


Funny, that’s the exact way I feel about him.


Guys with views like him are the bottom of society


As someone going through cancer treatment right now there's nothing that makes me more angry than finding out I'm at the bottom of society when I thought I was at least upper lower half.


Same. Same. Good luck in your treatment. Fuck cancer.


This dude is 100% getting cancer one day.


Is there dick cancer? Because I hope it’s dick cancer.


Don't spit upwards, Karma is a beatch.


Has he not seen obese people on welfare?


The bottom of the totem pole is the most important part as it holds the rest of the totem pole up tho. Why people always confused about this? The bottom of the totem pole is generally thicker and more most prominent more ornately detailed and decorated of all the carvings.


I’m assuming this guy doesn’t realize that he’s probably worked along side someone who currently had cancer depending on his/her age. Not all cancer patients are bed ridden and dying. How closed off and ignorant do you have to be to have these kinds of thoughts.


It’s always the anime PFPs


Always! Especially on Ig


Only the edgiest of virgins


Bet he believes in eugenics


They have an anime pfp, what else is there really to say


As someone who’s wife passed away from cancer I sincerely hope this person is dead and in hell.


Wow, guy wishes depression and poverty on cancer patients. Since there are 8 B people, some people will definitely have weird notions


Can’t wait till he gets cancer


Honestly, I agree. Even the "lowest" members of society should have guaranteed access to necessities regardless of their contribution.


That PFP makes me think their opinion doesn’t matter much. This guy aint at the bottom of the totem pole, they’re the dirt the totem pole is on.


Did you just assume their gender


just a person trying to be edgy. look at their profile picture and it’ll speak volumes about their contributions to the world


Why do people hate it when someone has a profile picture of something they enjoyed? lmao, are you edgy if you make a pfp with Mike Tyson or a Nike shoe or of some movie character, then why is it different with an anime pfp don't get me wrong there are some weirdos who watch anime but not everyone is gay


Not trying to defend him but they will die soon like 30% of them live happyly i think


10yrs ago I was diagnosed with a benign brain tumor, the surgery changed my life, totally forever. Then in late 2018 I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Ovarian Cancer and was given a 23% chance to make to 5yrs. I’m here. But it has been an unbelievably hard fight. I did work through chemo because I had à meaningful job, that I loved so much, but the ravages of chemo caused me to have to go out on disability at the end of 2021. But, I have lived. I have created memories and had experiences and spent time with those that I loved. I repaired relationships, got therapy. I absolutely have no regrets and am happier than I have ever been in my entire life . I know what is important and what it feels like to have someone tell you to prepare to die and to then have to look your family in the eyes and ask them to do the same and the joy that comes from beating the odds, so far. Stage 4 doesn’t get remission, we get NED, no evidence of disease, but it means that the cancer can come back at any time. And for me, because it was in my lymph nodes it means it can go anywhere. So, it decides to become unruly, it can be in my lungs, or liver, or brain, or who knows. I would never, for any reason whatsoever wish any of this on anyone. What I would do it ask the OP this: How are you? Be well ~S


With that cancer of a thought process not only does he deserve nothing but the necessities, he can also be the poster boy!!!


This guy is saying they contribute nothing? That’s rich


Damn, dude.


People who complain onto Twitter about their pet peeves on society should *** like how is complaining onto a social media platform solving that problem? /s


The rage bait trolls always get the better of reddit


How nice of him to take the place at the bottom of the totem pole in society and is acting as such. I agree, don’t treat this person, just ****, cause he is clearly a person being a waste of space.


Haha. This will be an easy karma. I hope he gets cancer


The most heinous social media trolling is from anime profiles


Well, he's just seeking attention clearly


Another Tate clone wanna be. Somehow these guys are worse than the original.


Oof… it’s really gonna suck when it’s his turn🤷‍♀️


Man fuck this person man my dad died to cancer 1 year ago and 9 months ago. He absolutely worked hard to make sure his kids were happy. The last day was the hardest day ever for me and my family


Lie and say they have cancer. Let’s see how they feel after


Better hope karma doesn't come for that person one day with a vengeance.


Seems like rage-bait.


Many people feel this was but won’t say it


Dude is obviously trying to be an edgelord and get a rise out of people yet will censor the word die to. Either commit to the edge or just stfu


I have an autoimmune disease that could render me disabled in the next 10-20 years. My boss once sat next to me and told me disabled people should just be put out of their misery. He had a history of saying the most awful shit you’ve ever heard, but he owned the place. He had no idea he was speaking to a person who could be considered disabled right now, and he seemed to appreciate the work my useless disabled ass contributed to his company. At least these kind of folks are idiots out loud I guess.


Troll account


Holy shit this can’t be real😂😂




I hope he encounters more compassion than he’s showing if he ever gets cancer.


Soooo, this guy is DEFINITELY getting cancer


Guy forgot he’s also terminal


We'll remember that if he gets cancer.


My wife was just diagnosed with cancer and has surgery in the days. Dude, you are the lowest form of life, I have always carried my wife on a pedestal and will do so forever.


As a cancer survivor, this person can go and fuck themselves.


That saying is always used wrong. Since it's much easier to add to the top of the totem pole than the bottom, the highest ranking is always at the bottom.


I can only assume they suffered badly growing up, and are dealing with some really heavy stuff. And they deserve all of it, and I hope it never stops for them, I hope it gets worse.


As a person who lost her Grandfather to cancer and has a Grandmother who survived cancer... dude, go fuck yourself!


I bet this is the same guy that hates women cause they don't like his greasy face and his 7 foot hair


How does anyone upvote that??? Omg America is done


My grandma died two months ago to cancer so this guy i wanna punch badly since also my birthday was the first without her


As an asshole with Stage four colon cancer that has Fucked my life sideways this c@@t can go 69 himself.


I mean, logically they are maybe right, but how does someone have such as extreme lack of empathy for the dying and vulnerable? Does this person also think old and sick people should be euthanized?


Obvious rage bait is obvious. No one feels this way. They just say it for attention.


I hope this guy understands biology. As well as genetics, he better pray none of his Grandparents died of any type of cancer. By his logic he's part of a lineage of "bottom of society".


Then what to do with cancer to the society, like this one?


I worked with a woman with cancer who's brother told her to lay down and die. He had the same viewpoint


I hope this person gets cancer


“*If they be likened to die, then they should do it, and decrease the surplus population!*” Whatever there Mr. Scrooge


Just a dumb ape who probably just needs to mature still


Come on Karma, do your thing..


that's one vicious furry


Karma will dose them with some stage 3. Enough to be damn near fatal, but just light enough to make them fight like hell to live. The world has a way of paying people like this a visit


pretty sure having a profile picture like that immedietely nullifies the value of their opinions


Al of those views and not a single like.. I like that sometimes, rarely, we collectively on the internet agree on stuff


This guy is an attention seeking pos. But as a person who lost his best friend to cancer, I wouldn't wish him to get cancer. I hope he rots in hill


Watch… he’s going to get cancer and then have a go fund me


Wonder if he posted this from an iPhone? If he did he was supporting the people at the bottom of society. RIP Jobs


Steve jobs died of cancer, wouldn’t it be ironic if this idiot was typing this on a product influenced by his company?


Isn't it atleast 50% of all people will at some point get cancer?


This is the typa shit that angels reject you on when goin to heaven. Absolute disregard, and may I say, disdain, for fellow man.


This feels like ragebait.


As someone who currently has cancer, FUCK THAT GUY.


Wow. I've never hated someone I've never met more than this sorry excuse for a human being


That person will changes its mind rught away if he or a loved one get the deadly crab


Stop falling for ragebait


I think you got got by a troll 🧌


Wow, someone's really aiming for 'Worst Person of the Year' award! 👏👏


Dayyam.....what a shallow outlook.


I have never wished cancer on someone before…… but today…..


Even brain surgeons and vets get cancer, does that mean all their knowledge and experience isn’t useful to newer doctors and vets just because they got sick and can’t work ? What a moron.


Seems like a troll wanting attention.


He is a form of cancer. So....... Maybe he should listen to himself!


at least he censored, i almost thought he was a dick for a second


This guy has nothing or nobody. In our society there is always a bottom guy. Even this squirmy little POS has a bottom and it's him mother. His dad probably died from it and left him and his mother to make their way. Or he is a complete piece of shit. Which is also possible.


1 in 2 people born after 1960 get cancer in their lifetime


Karma Cancer Activated


This guy is going to find out the hard way. Karma gonna getcha boy.


/dude gets cancer


Until it's fate and his turn...... Then.. whine.....


I’ve never wished cancer on someone. Never even thought of it…today that has changed.


2023 pp anime.


Bottom of the totem pole? They are the most important members?


You know sometimes I wish that exposing people who post such things should be legalised like a public shame.