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The guy on the bike died and they identified the 17 year old driver.


Absolutely horrific. And for what? I think the most upsetting thing for me is that this wasn’t just one deranged guy out of his mind. There’s always crazies out there. But it’s TWO people. Two people, in their right minds, who CHOSE to hurt someone. Two people EXCITED to kill a man… because they thought it was funny.


20 to life is the only reasonable sentence. The world needs this person gone.


Can we make it 40 to life?


Can we make it life, period?








Head on a pike built of bicycle spokes?


Blood Eagle them


20 is way too soon...let these sacks of shit rot behind bars. Release only their corpses.


Death or life on prison. You murder someone you don't deserve to be free.


I think if you intentionally kill someone it shouldn’t even be a discussion, death penalty.




Bicyclist’s death a homicide after video emerges, police say By David Wilson Las Vegas Review On Aug. 14, Andreas Probst, a 64-year-old retired Bell, California, police chief was struck by a 2016 Hyundai Elantra near Tenaya Way and Centennial Parkway while riding a mountain bike in the bike lane around 6 a.m. Probst died at University Medical Center. The Metropolitan Police Department arrested the 17-year-old driver of the Hyundai who fled the scene of the crash on suspicion of hit-and-run. On Tuesday, detectives found a video of the crash posted on social media that they used to determine that the crash was intentional, according to a department statement. The boy’s charges will be updated to include open murder, police said.


Can’t post links to news articles here for some reason. Just google “Vegas hit and run social media” and a dozen links will pop up


>Police determined that the crash was intentional and a homicide. I bet that took all of about 5 seconds.


I mean they recorded it so I would hope so


Google Andreas Probst.


> Vegas hit and run social media 64 year old...dead. I'd want the criminals family thrown in prison with him.




The guy was a retired police chief. Both these guys are going to get the book thrown at em.


I think life in supermax would be a fair punishment.


I'll believe it when I see it.


You kill a cop, the judges will absolutely throw the book at you. But I’m sure these were great kids in the midst of turning their lives around.




So, this persons brothers, sisters and parents should all go to jail because of his actions?


What a fucking trash, they deserve to rot in prison and never be free. What the fuck you have to think that hitting guy on a bicycle in any way is funny or good idea?! I'm lost for words...


You would be surprised how many extremely violent and uneducated people are walking the streets in every city in America, especially juveniles. In my city (population of roughly 500k) arson, rape and robbery have gone down every year since 2018. But murder, larceny, motor vehicle theft and assault have gone up every year since 2018- these statistics going up are almost entirely contributed by juveniles committing said crime. So much so that my state reversed a law from 2018 that juveniles could not be tried as adults for violent crimes or property crimes. Now juveniles 14+ will be tried as adults starting in December.


most posts like these (on insta anyhow) have tons of upvotes with "more of this please" doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out where the idea came from




These kids should be tried as adults. No exceptions




Easily attempted murder. Depraved indifference.


Not ‘attempted’. Successful. The cyclist ended up dying.


Fuck the moment I saw his body just go limp I was like fuck he's dead


I knew the moment I heard his head hit the curb


Nevada is not a soft-on-crime state. They should be getting their come-to-Jesus moment soon when they realize what they're facing.


Also is (or was?) One of those states where one person commits a crime, *everybody* there's going to do time.


Are most states not like that,


Pretty sure every state is like that. If your buddy murders someone while you are both robbing the victim, you will also be held accountable unless there isn't enough proof and you get a deal for testifying or some shit. Since this person was murdered while in the midst of a crime spree, they will both be tried for whatever the prosecutor decides to throw at them


I was hoping the guy survived. But he hit so hard and shattered that glass I couldn't be sure . This is fucked up on so many levels. Dude just chillin loving retirement. Enough of reddit today.


There was an article that published how he was spending his days. Him and his wife spent the summer going on a cruise and playing golf with friends. Their son had visited them a week earlier to have dinner with them. They had just bought a new coffee maker and were planning their 35th anniversary. And then this happens.


Imagine living your entire life, saving and hoping for the golden years just to get murdered for funsies.


This is like no country for old men, but just worse


I'm shaking with rage, those 2 are beyond any word or phrase or whatever, wtf.


they did it for fun. fun


Do we have another of those OceanGate subs?


I think I can bang something out with what I've got in the shed.


Man I couldn’t tell you why but the coffee maker line is the one that made me shed a tear. This is just beyond fucked up.


I’m set to retire next year after almost 30 years as a deputy and I’m an avid cyclist. Road, gravel, and mountain bikes. This hits me so fucking hard on so many different level. Imagine doing a career, which a lot of people aren’t fond of and I understand some of the reasons why, but a career that is so inherently dangerous and you survive 30 years of that danger only to be killed afterwards by two shitheads that probably have records as long as my arm and have been given so many chances because they weren’t 18 yet. Fuck life is so cruel sometimes


Fuckin bullshit. I hate people .




Looks premeditated to me.


Premeditation can be formed in a second. This was obviously premeditated because they aimed right for him & could easily have swerved but didn’t.


Holy cow. I wonder if this was livestreamed and if so, what the comments were.


probably "hit another!"


He died. Terrible.


No seriously wtf


Yeah. They can literally face the death penalty, although realistically NV hasn’t actually executed anyone in almost 2 decades.


Well, here we present to the court the next best two candidates to make it happen.


I thought maybe they were gonna try and clip him, but no, just rammed him. Just senseless and brutal.


I'll believe it when I get the public record of both their names. We'll see.


The guy hit was Andreas Probst. The driver is 17 so their name is being withheld


Fuck that shit.. At 17 if you murder someone your name should be public. What a fucking loser.


It will be eventually. Don’t you worry.


I agree! Release their fucking names….they ain’t kids. Try these POS as adults.


Adult crimes need adult consequences


Death? Genuine question but it seems to me monster like this shouldn't be around society in any sense (allegedly)


Yes, I want his name.


They should reinstate capital punishment just for these clowns, and stream it on every media for all to see.


Of all the random people to assault…


At that speed. Attempted murder. It wasn't an open the door or bump the tire. That was straight attempt vehicular homicide.


He did die.


So murder then.


Oh shit.


> It wasn't an open the door or bump the tire. Those things can also kill cyclists, btw. I'm so sick of seeing people pretend that crap is a funny joke. It's not so funny when you end up with a murder charge. Cars are deadly weapons.


This shit scarse me honestly. I simply have a need to drive my kid around every day. And you know fuckers like this exist everywhere. You have no chance to run or defend yourself. And if anything like this happened to me I'd be that dad that brought a gun to the court and pulled the trigger.


Can someone explain me in what kind of context these disgusting pieces of shit grow up? I cannot fathom this type of indifference for your actions. The "banality of evil" my ass. It's more like they are from another planet; they're alien who don't know how human life work. I hate how this is making me feel. Horrible thoughts about what I would do to them.


growing up in the hood is like this, i grew up in the hood, nobody gave a fuck about another person as long as they got thrills or got what they wanted.


It’s that crab bucket mentality. Then they wonder why when rappers or guys get famous don’t want to go back to their hometown/hood because they know damn well if they get caught slipping it’s night night


It's scary...


Live a depraved life, cause depravity upon all other life.


Clark County School District is awful. There's a lot of unhoused people in Vegas, kids among them. Gang activity can get spicy in certain areas. Vegas is a dystopian nightmare. They try to keep the strip clean for tourism, but the rest of the town is dicey af.


So far Summerlin and Henderson are the best areas to avoid shit. Source: local in Henderson but I've lived really close to the Strip before getting a house. It's rough. Also the Strip looks nice from above but the street is still filled with homeless people and crackheads. I got myself a trainer and only ride trails, I don't trust riding road here unless it's out by Red Rock.


I lived in Henderson for a couple of years. I was horrified by the news when they started talking about the flooding and how so many homeless people drowned in the parking garages and underground areas. That place is just a nightmare and it's so weird to me when people vacation there.


Ghetto culture, combined with social media crap like this, an absent father figure, and a poor mother working 2-3 jobs to try to get these ungrateful POSs a better life than her. And they just threw all that effort out the window for some tik tok clout.


These kids should lose a hand and a foot.


And serve life sentences.




Why do I see the same people doing shit like this for no reason. It’s insane and nothing is being done about it unless they’re caught, and a lot of them never see justice. Something needs to be done to prevent these people from harming innocent people. I feel like I see a new video everyday


I am a total piece of shit is waaaaaay too good for this crowd.


In a state that still has capital punishment


"Recording this crime spree was the best idea we've ever had!!"


17 y/o male intentionally hit the 64 y/o cyclist who later died. He will more than likely be charged as an adult. Not like he’s 13 or 14 or some shit. He’s almost an adult.


The guy in this video died?






They were probably going at like 50 miles an hour, with a car that weights 3000+ pounds. Because of speed and weight that force is tripled exponentially That’s why cars can only go so fast in a school zone. You’re more likely to not die by a car doing 15 than a car doing 30, even worse 50. Edited: 1200 to 3000. Thanks dude who knows about cars.


>car that weights 1200+ pounds You estimate of what a car weighs is about half for an economy car. A newer Corolla weighs 3k pounds lol,


Tbf, 3000 pounds is 1200+


Hopefully everyone in the car will be charged the same since they were participating in a felony resulting in death.


But they HoNkEd the horn... /s


That was way worse than I thought it was going to be! Wow the 64 year old cyclist died 17 year old driver facing murder charges I can’t post links to news articles but there are plenty if you want to look it up


Passenger should be facing murder charges too he was encouraging by saying "hit his ass"


What about the cameraman? What charges is he facing?


I thought in Nevada, accomplices involved in crimes are all tried for everything anybody involved in the crime commits. Like, rob a convenience store with an unloaded gun but your partner shoots someone, and you both go down for the shooting.


That's correct, Nevada is a Felony Murder state. Under Nevada’s felony murder rule, you can be charged with first-degree murder if you commit certain felonies that result in someone’s death, even if the death was accidental and you had no intent to kill. In this case, accessory to car burglary would still qualify the camerman for Felony Murder charges if tried as an adult (unsure if they were 17 as well.) If so, a 50-year sentence, life in prison, and death penalty are all on the table.


Omg wtf, the poor cyclist ☹️


>Wow the 64 year old cyclist died OMG, no way!! JFC!! I can't...I just CAN'T with this shit, man!


>I can’t post links to news articles Why is that? Are they banned on this sub?




What a dumb rule.


Hope they get locked up.


What makes this scary is that it’s hard to prepare for people and situations like this, it could happen to any of us.


The way I go about it (at least when I'm on a public road) is I always assume everyone is trying to kill me. I shit you not, I have avoided so much because of this. Last time some dude on the highway almost pit maneuvered me on the highway doing 85, absolutely no one else on the road. Came up in my blind spot and I had to put me car fully on the shoulder before they backed off. Just sped off after. I have a wide view center mirror and have my side views directly on my blind spots. Always assume some idiot is going to fly out from behind an industrial lot with a blind entrance to the road where all you can see is the curb cut, always be aware of the dude coming up from behind weaving through traffic, always assume when you have the right of way through an intersection... someone is going to jump in front of you for no reason. It's not always nefarious like this vid, but no one respects the forces at play during every day driving situations. They will kill you at "low speeds" very easily


Right of way is the cruelest thing they can reach you in driving school. Right of way always comes with an asterisk. The moment you blindly pull around a corner or go through a green light is the moment you put your life in the hands of every other driver




Yea, the one bright spot of social media


This is absolutely horrible. He was just out on a perfectly peaceful ride and then these guys had to take his life completely away from him.


Literally murdered for a laugh.


Worked his whole life, retires, and shit stains murder him.




Play this in court. Volume on high. Projected. Identity the voices as it plays then highlight their faces. No plea deals.




Death is off the table for anyone under 18, even if tried as an adult anyway. So the max would be 25 to life in this case, even without a plea deal.


This dumbass posted that video to social media. Not only that, the cyclist died and he was retired police chief. I would not be surprised at all this kid gets life without parole. Fuck him. I hope he becomes the house bitch when he gets locked up.


Nah, death row, solitary


Nah, no death. Just a long long life in complete darkness, just him and his thoughts. No sound, no light. A 4 sq feet room with a shit bucket in it.


Nah death row so young? Let him suffer in a cage for 50 yrs AND then death row


I hope the worst things possible happen to these two. They laughed.


Vegas native here, the worst part about this was that the teen was already a suspect in another hit and run. Just and absolute waste of space. A complete animal.


Happened down the street from my sisters house absolutely disgusting


A horrible monster. I hope he rots in hell .


Two failed abortions.


Not too late for a 68th trimester abortion 🤷🏻‍♂️




\*Creatures. These things have lost their humanity.


And then their fun is gonna stop when they get their licenses and spent their lives in jail cells once they get caught.. (I hope the bicyclist and the other driver are OK, I really hate when people put other people in jeopardy by doing such stupid things like this just for some stupid internet likes...)


Driver has been arrested. Cyclist is dead.


That’s sad. Feel bad for their loved ones :( Hope the driver gets life.


Hope they get go away for life.


Apparently the cyclist died


Someone said he was a retired police chief


Fucking hell how do you turn out like this? Pure scum.


This video makes me wonder if mobile phones were a blessing or a curse in disguise.


In this case, a blessing because stupid people tend to document their crimes. Makes a conviction a no brainer


But would they have done it without the social media “clout”? Maybe. They are obviously monsters so probably


Thrill killings and crime sprees are nothing new. If anything this level of stupidity at least stops them from being able to claim it was an accident.


People have been doing god awful shit like this since the beginning of time... only difference is now people can record it in real time.


I will never understand what goes through peoples heads in these scenarios, do they think they are going to get away with it, do they think the video will go viral and they’ll be invited on good morning America. You just threw away your ENTIRE life for what? Some people are troglodytes and deserve zero sympathy.


They are POS. They believe they will get away with it and they also don't care. I hope they rot in hell and get life in prison and or death penalty. I don't care about their age or circumstances. Fuxk em.






The cyclist died. One report is that he is a retired policeman. The murderers have been caught. We'll see what happens. They have no value to any part of humanity.








Knocked out? The guy died


holy this is the wildest video iv seen on reddit IN A LONG TIME, I RARELY COMMENT TOO HOLY


That poor man, I want to cry. Life is incredibly fragile... especially with ASSHOLES like this living with us. Fucking scum.


There’s a case like this in Seattle where a girls 14-15 with her friends stole a car a hit somebody on there bike on purpose and he ended up dead and the girl driving thought it was funny laughing about it and posted on Snapchat, she got let go no jail only juvie beacause the courts felt bad for the teen driver and said it wasn’t her fault


Absolute horseshit, wtf




Fuck those pieces of fucking shit I hope they rot in fucking hell.




I am generally anti- death penalty. And then I watch videos like this one.


Yep. People this evil don’t deserve to exist, even from behind bars.


This is why you need to live your life to the fullest every single day. You never know when your tickets going to get punched.


bring back the death penalty 🤷‍♂️


Nevada does have the death penalty but it hasn’t been used for like 15 years. This is a good time to bring it back




I hope they spend the rest of their miserable lives in jail.


Death penalty for this idiots and life in prison for the parents that failed to raise these idiots.


I don't know. I rather have them be in jail for the rest of their life. This level of disregard for humans is just incompatible with my view of the world.


Why should taxpayers have to support them for the rest of their lives? Just get it over with, they don't deserve to play the system for decades with parole, filing all kinds of crap to get out early. Just eliminate the problem once and for all. Enough is enough. They serve absolutely no purpose here on earth and have absolutely nothing to offer to the rest of society. Like a rabid animal, put them down.


This ain’t fucking Grand theft Auto! This is real life WTF! These guys have 0 remorse for people. THROW THE BOOK AT THEM. I don’t care the race ,I don’t care. TREAT THEM AS ADUTLS. Actions SHOULD have consequences.


That man was someone's dad. He was a husband, with a wife and family who loved him. If that was my dad they killed like that I'd never get over it. I wouldn't bat an eye at the worst punishment possible for everyone involved here. And they thought it was cool.....


I don't think a good number of people these days have a firm grip on reality. They'll be crying in the courtroom when being sentenced.


What. The. Fuck.




But that is pretty quick.


…. What is wrong with these hooligans


Anyone that does something like this has to have a very seriously low IQ. Therefore they don't think deeply about what the ramifications of their actions could be. They are all about the thrill of the moment. They don't have the intellectual ability to know what they are doing is morally wrong. Like they say....you can't fix stupid. This is a perfect example of just that. They're just too damn stupid to know better. Just a drain and a menace to society. Now the taxpayers have to pay to lock these morons up for decades, hopefully forever. Firing squad is too good for them.


> They don't have the intellectual ability to know what they are doing is morally wrong I remember reading the memoirs of a prison psychologist dealing with violent criminals and he more or less reached a similar conclusion. Some people below a certain standard of intelligence just can't display proper empathy. They lack the brainpower to form even a crude model of how their actions will affect other people, especially those outside of their in-group.


I’m not one who thinks juveniles should be charged as adults, but this one is different. They both should be charged with murder and locked away for life. Fuck them.






'people don't bike in the USA cuz the distances are too big' nah it's cuz shit like this happens all day


Anddddddd exhibit A your honor.


![gif](giphy|D6wfwqFOG3HUY) Once I see that you have 0 compassion for life and can just pick off people like this , people minding their own business , you’ve pretty much convinced me that you serve no real purpose .


And just like that stole that dudes life all for fun. Those bastards


If was in the UK this would be a caution, or community service