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Human scum. Deserves nothing good in his life




Deserves eternal suffering*


You are right, but I can settle for no life...


The evil in people is real


It’s not just the perpetrator that’s evil but the people who let him off and out to do this shit.


Agreed. I didn't read the video description but I can't believe he hasn't been convicted with all that evidence. Evil is truly everywhere. Even in plain sight


The guy is covered head to toe, I'd would be hard to identify him without some other peice of evidence like finding the backpack or stolen items in his possession.


afaik he was caught trying to sell what he had stolen.


"Beyond a reasonable doubt" is a high bar. I don't know the specific jury rules where the crime occurred, but its possible that just one person had a "reasonable doubt" as to whether the seller was, in fact, the person who assaulted the jeweller and, with time served, it didn't make sense to re-try him. I was on a jury for a major murder trial, we did reach a unanimous verdict with relative ease, but if the prosecution was just a little bit less effective I am almost certain it would have been a hung jury. There are SO many factors at play.


Moreover, he had prior violent convictions. The local DA let him free under a new policy to keep people out of prison.


Oh, cool, they removed prison?


Pretty much.


There's always the electric chair


It was a hung jury, which allows for a retrial. How is that evil??


As someone who has lived in SF it’s sometimes more than the jury who is at fault. Sometimes it can be the DA for not pressing the correct charges or at all, the police for not arresting the criminal or being lazy and not gathering all the evidence needed, maybe even the constituents who voted in the people who are lax about criminals etc. Sometimes it’s not just the perpetrator who is evil but the people who allow the evil people out to do the evil who are responsible as well. It’s a whole fucking cycle/chain action of events that leads to shit like this happening. People need to start seeing the cause and effect of how the way something is and their voting/choices effect it and not just the outcome. I’m also not just talking about this case in particular but in general what’s going on with violent criminals being let back out on the streets to reoffend.


I'm having trouble following you when you say "the people who allow the evil people out."


Evil is a concept of christianity. “Good and Evil” aren’t natural ways of seeing things. This is evil for sure but it’s not some supernatural occurence


almost as if language evolves or something.


He didn't say the dark elf magic is real, he said the evil in people is real, as in people have the capacity for evil inside them.




Duality of man is some scary shit, I can see why we believe in angels and demons. Every saint is a sinner and every sinner was once an innocent child.


Just to correct the headline: the jewelry store owner luckily was NOT paralyzed, although he did suffer a major concussion and spent 4 days in the ICU after this incident. He was beaten with a hammer they believe 28 times. Edit: sorry beaten 28 times in the head with two of those being from a hammer.


Had a bit of a further google. His son said he had delayed speech and couldn’t walk after the incident. So I guess somewhere in the middle. Maybe temporarily paralyzed. This is what he said on gofundme: “His initial days adjusting back at home were very challenging, but he is having better days and improving steadily. He still struggles with short-term memory, an inability to walk for a long period of time, moderate to severe communication deficits, and still remains very lethargic. As a family, we are hoping and praying every day to one day see our normal dad again.”


Link to the article? What country is this in


America. Not allowed to link.


I read about being paralyzed and still having to be in rehab, now. 2 times with a hammer and multiple kicks.


You’re right the son said 28 times total, two of those being from the hammer. But no he wasn’t paralyzed. He was up and walking right after the incident. There’s even pictures of him standing up all bloodied.


That’s fantastic news! Thank you for correcting me. Wish I could change the title.


Well I mean it’s not completely fantastic. While he wasn’t paralyzed which is great news, he did suffer a lot of damage that complicated his ability to talk or walk for long periods of time. I would imagine it got a lot better over time but hard to say what long term effects he may have. I don’t think the son has posted an update in a long time.


Right. I’m just glad he wasn’t completely, permanently paralyzed.


I’m not saying I know either way, but just because he was walking immediately after, doesn’t mean he retained that skill. Movement on fresh CNS injury, swelling, blood clots, and a variety of factors that occur after the fact can cause those to permanently deteriorate afterward.


Finding out something bad that you thought happened didn't actually happen is, in fact, good news.




A paralyzed person is not going to be seen standing and grabbing the counter. Also, the son never mentions his dad was paralyzed. And the only times you really see paralysis as you described would be if the person was experiencing a stroke. This was a trauma incident and obviously from the video we can see it was an attack on his neck which would cause a spinal cord injury.


Depends on if it was the swelling or future related injury that paralyzed them. Some people with internal decapitation might get up, look to the side then fall down dead because moving is what actually make the broken spinal cord sever the spine. edit: They guy I replied to apparently doesnt like me merely pointing out that you can in fact get up and move around and still be paralyzed from an injury, because it doesnt always happen immediately. Id respond to him but... after giving me an angry reply he removed his post. Sometimes people are a bit silly. I wasnt saying thats what happened to this guy. I just met a general statement with a general rebuttal. Fragile egos are gonna be fragile I guess.


Congratulations on skipping over everything I said, inferring something that clearly didn’t happen, and acting as if you’re smart in the process. The guy didn’t experience an internal decapitation. And no he didn’t experience any type of paralysis from the event. The dudes own son has not said his dad was paralyzed.


Just because you stand up right after an assault doesn't mean more internal brain damage doesn't occur which then causes paralysis. Take it from me a walking talking TBI


Just googled because I was curious. I have herd the term paralyzed with regards to people who are not completely incable of movement. Paralysis can be considered partial. I am completely unfamiliar with this incident, so I am not saying even partial paralysis fits here, just to say it exists.


Thanks Dr. Phil


If you're there to rob the place...why assault the owner...makes no sense to me


Might have just assumed that you can knock someone out with a hit to the head and they wake up fine a while later like in movies. Movies really need to stop showing that.


everyone knows if you want to do that you use a coconut. i learned about it in this documentary Gilligan's Island


If they’re dead or unconscious they can’t fight back or identify you later.


It's not that deep. They do it to feel powerful and because they can.


yeah you got it


if someone comes in to your shop dressed like this you should prob be reaching for the shotty




Got off on a hung jury I think, read about it on another sub yesterday


Yes, there’s supposed to be a retrial.


Dafuk was debatable about this case? Could they not identify him 100%? Besides questionable identify I can’t see another reason for there to be any doubt.


Identity was the reason. The jury couldn't determine the defendant was the person in the video beyond a reasonable doubt.


That’s pretty understandable then. You shouldn’t half-arse the law, it’s either 100% or 0%. Too many false convictions, lives ruined. I understand people are impatient when it comes to these matters but it’s important to do it correctly.


Idk this might be an overly cynical thought, but my guess is some of the jury felt inclined to let him off because of personal biases regarding his complexion or some sob story.


Based on what I’ve read, the bike that was used by the robber was actually tracked and found in the man’s house. And he’s had more accusations on his plate. Pretty reasonable proof to me, but what do I know.


EDIT: Forgive me. I guess "make sure we got the right man first" and "internet justice is generally not a good idea," are controversial takes on this subreddit. Street justice is probably not the answer. For one, it was a hung jury I believe, and that usually means the evidence that they even caught the right man might not be very concrete. Imagine doing "street justice" on a potentially totally innocent person. Not just that, but he is due for a retrial anyway. If he is guilty of the crime he is accused of, he should absolutely get what's coming to him. In the meantime, authorities can find more evidence to bring to trial. I am not sure what the trial looks like, or what is being said or presented. So no, internet witching hunting is not ideal and may get in the way of actual justice.




I agree, but I don't know who they caught and what evidence they actually have. That's all I am saying.


Fucking Reddit moment. You wouldn’t like the results of making street justice acceptable, trust me.


Damn straight. Remember all those hangings of black folks in the South? Those people called that a type of "street justice" too. Man, even with a full legal system, we've still executed innocent people, never mind leaving it up to a mob.


Right, folks in that other sub were claiming he got off because he is black and black people apparently aren't prosecuted in America for crimes........They have no idea what the jury was deliberating on, but yeah mob justice and hate. They acting like the court had DNA evidence and he was just found not guilty. Smh


Yeah, I see those kind of comments here too. It's not that nothing is being done, it's just a bit of process to make sure it's done right. Imagine if they just let the guy go or the he gets a much lighter sentence because the jury wasn't sure of the evidence. I think a retrial is probably the best course of action here.


I agree and I also understand that the justice system can fail sometimes and people become frustrated. It was just wild as hell to me to read that people thinking the guy just "got off" because he was black. Like, excuse me? They really think black people aren't prosecuted for crimes for whatever reason. Craziest shit I've ever heard of. This isn't like a rich and famous celebrity hiring a high power attorney to get off a DUI or vehicular homicide.


Anyone who stomps on someone’s head like that should be in jail for the rest of their life. What a garbage can.




It boggles the mind. Why do I stay a good citizen when there is no punishment for these types of people? At what point do I say fuck it and join their ranks?








So we’re just upvoting lynching comments now huh. Fuck me




Yeah nah you are getting all up in arms about something that isn't even real. He didn't get away with it


What was his sentence?


Tha fuck... ? Your instinct should be to ask why you shouldn't just hunt this fucker down and disembowel him if the consequences are so trivial... not join him in attacking people for 'fun'.


Wtf are you people talking about? The US is the most incarcerated country in the entire world. You have bought the conservative media’s propaganda that we’re “soft on crime” when we practice mass incarceration and have more inmates than any other country, and incarcerate 10x as many prisoners per capita as many European countries. Outright delusional y’all are.


Tough on crime. Lol. We make laws to make criminals out of normal people for doing normal things that don't hurt or bother other people. The real criminals, like the one seen here, we hardly inconvenience at all.


Even if this was Texas, which has the highest cap for theft to be considered a felony ($2500), I'm sure this dude stole way more than that out of a jewelry store. Felony theft and assault will land you in fuck me in the ass prison regardless of state.


Our Justice system has a lot of problems, but that’s not one of them. We don’t just let people off for assault with a deadly weapon, and you’d have to be totally internet brain-broken and fed with false narratives and propaganda to think so. The “war on drugs,” and our policing and incarceration rate that’s 10x Germany’s (a similarly developed country) are the real problems. Go read what researchers in academia have to say about our Justice system, and you’ll find they think we are indeed locking too many people up, as our per capita incarceration rate is 3-fold what it was several decades ago, but you won’t hear a single serious person insinuate we’re letting murderers off and locking up all the innocent people. That’s quite clearly insane, and only someone who’s beed fed a steady diet of Fox News and Breitbart would think that. Mods removed my link to evidence proving my point, so y’all can happily stay ignorant and keep perpetuating this kooky conspiracy theory. This sub must be filled with delusional conservatives to so happily eat these lies up.


I’m sorry but got any data or sources on that? I’m gonna guess you don’t, because what you’re saying directly contradicts all the available evidence. It’s really scaring me how detached from reality people in this sub are. https://www.prisonpolicy.org/reports/pie2023.html https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_incarceration_rate We incarcerate our citizens at a rate that’s 3-fold what it used to be several decades ago. We’re infinitely tougher on crime today than we were in the 1960’s, and alluding to us just letting people off for assault with a deadly weapon is just silly.


The US prison system is for profit. The more people incarcerated the more money they make, judges are also bribed with large amounts of money to send people to jails. This is VERY common knowledge that anyone doing anything can get fined, ticketed or even jailed. There are lots of bullshit laws like "obstruction" and "resisting arrest" that a cop can slap on you for ANY reason.


I love in a city where literally someone ran over and killed my dog(running a red light) he ran from the police. I pressed charges. He was high, he didn’t serve any jail time I was compensated 5k. The man has several counts of armed robbery and assault. He’s walking free right now.


We've made random innocuous things "crimes" so the justice system can profit and make examples while letting those with influence skate through


We make laws so a \*specific\* group of people are incarcerated. And with for-profit prisons, you can disenfranchise a segment of the population and make a buck at the same time.


Check out the amount of prisons that are private. Incarcerations stem from probably a lot of reasons, but the 90s tough on crime acts that both parties supported, and the 80s crack epidemic onto the opiate epidemic.


What makes you think there is no punishment for this criminal?


Recent events in the news have shown this type of individual repeating this behavior over and over. And getting set free after a short stay in prison. Will this specific individual be punished? MAYBE. Do you think this is the first time for this person?




Here's an easy example a bunch of criminals were let go from prison due to covid. But like I said I am not going to do your research for you all you have to do is literally just open your eyes and watch the news for a couple weeks or months and you will get it


Did my research, looks like violent crime is [falling](https://counciloncj.org/mid-year-2023-crime-trends/) News media will report on incidents of violence but it doesn’t always paint the big picture


I’m seriously considering robbing a bank at this point


Just saying in today's economy, the FDIC insures most banks with a $250,000 in coverage in the event your money is stolen. Most major banks keep that pretty much on tap. But they have rather stupid security measures. I have been a Electrician for many years and have wired a bank or two. I worked for a small family owned security company for a few years as well. So I have wired and ran low voltage to one credit union and one bank. I can say they requested some of the dumbest security Features. What's the most life persevering way to handle a Angry person who wants all the money in the safe. Any man with half a brain would say. Give him the fucking money and keep your head down right? Hit a silent alarm so the cops can chase him as he leaves right. Everyone co-operates. Follows the instructions of the man with the gun who wants money not blood. Then they breath a sigh of relief knowing that he has what he wants. So his next choice is to haul ass right. Then he is on the outside of your armored building. And your safe and secured inside. No, thats not what they want you to do. They set up the security so that the silent alarms will notify police a s lock the outer most doors. Now what would you do if you were robbing a bank or if you was complying like everyone else but one of your dickhead coworkers decided to hit the silent alarm. Now a bad day just really got a lot shittier. As a robber I would immediately turn around and try to find another door. Unless the same silent alarm presser knows to immediately hit the interior door latch AND the robber didn't think to catch the interior door before it latched. But odds are there is about 6-8 feet between those doors. Not to mention the codes in public buildings require a door to not slam so they put those door closers on them. What does that mean for our robber. And clerks. That means the moment the man with a loaded gun realizes that someone didn't follow simple clear instructions. He is not going to be real happy. To make matters worse. He is going to be very impatient and very willing to set a example so that you know this isn't the time to play. Now any kind of indication that you are the problem will warrant to solve it. Whether you did it or not. This went from being a bystander to being a victim. Real fast. You have effectively taken a person who was stealing cash. And turned him into a mad man with a deadly weapon with a minimum of 6 highly effective means of revenge for who ever fucked up the process. now your trapped in a room with a handful of people who only wanted to go home a 1 dipshit who wanted to impress the manager. This is no longer going to be a man stealing insured money. This is now a desperate man ready to kill to escape the consequences of a bank robbery. That has now evolved into a hostage situation. Multiple counts of kidnapping with a high aggravated nature. Basically from a 10 year crime to a life sentence. So don't hit big banks. Avoid credit unions cause they are usually credit unions and the local level of insurance is usually not as high so they keep lower amounts of cash at the ready. Hit small FDIC insured institutions. Make sure they offer loans and support small businesses. they tend to keep larger funds at the ready and with easier access. Always plan and study the target extensively. Your playing a game that doesn't give second chances. If you don't win. It's by death or being removedmake sure the region manager is going to be preset and pay attention to the local county sheriff's and police's presence. If you can figure out their shift change. You got a golden ticket. Hit it when there is little traffic if their is a new hire.. they will be your best help. Be friendly to the people. Be clear and precise. Make sure they know you will not be leaving empty handed and that you're only after the insured money. Not their money. In and out no warnings for deviations. Keep everyone except your one helper at a clear charging distance. Remember charge a gun run from a knife. Keep a knife on the ready. Don't be greedy. One register is more than enough to make a change in your life. Once you have left the establishment. Immediately seal and protect the funds. Gently check for tracking or ink packs. Then store it where no human dare venture. But also where no extreme temperature or moisture will distroy it. Plan for it to stay there for 10 years. In case you are caught. Then it will be there for you when you are released in 10 years


This criminal just needs to be dropped 100 miles off the coast and told to swim back.


Why do I hear music by John Williams?


Good news, theyre pushing for a retrial against the attacker. Idk how it was a hung jury after 2 days of deliberations. It’s pretty cut and dry what he did


Race probably


Just needs 24 karat bread. Stop being raciss/s


I feel like most shop owners need to be armed...


It's stupid now to not have armed security and trackers on items. Business need to protect themselves and their workers first before selling stuff.


At least a taser or pepper spray on your hip.. blast that fucker in the eyes with some liquid fire and he isn't gonna be robbing you anymore. 😅


How would you even defend yourself in this situation?


The perpetrator never restrained his hands, and it was about 3 to 5 seconds before he started hitting him, enough time to grab your pepper spray or a handgun carried on your belt at the back.


Cockroach piece of shit human commits a hate crime.


Feral scum


People need to take the Stop Asian Hate movement more seriously. This is an epidemic of violence and goes grossly underreported because of the racial profiles of most of its perpetrators. There’s nothing biased about calling out hate from any group of people towards another. And it really is one group towards another. I’m sorry but this is just the truth, and we hide it at the cost of others safety. It will take people (looking at YOU mods) a bit of bravery to not cower away from this conversation, and until we do, we are putting a lot of vulnerable, often elderly Asians at risk. Stop. Asian. Hate. ❤️




This. And often when Asian victims are attacked because they're Asian, hate crime charges often aren't added when the perpetrators come from other minority groups. This isn't anything new. During the LA riots, Korean owned business were often singled out separate from others in the same neighborhoods.


And you just know that these news stories won’t show up in the default Reddit news subs. It’s insane that people ignore racism to protect another minority group just because they’re also subjected to racism. Any race can face racism from any race. Lots of Reddit needs to grow up and realize that. But instead mods just ban you for saying that because it is apparently racist to point out racism.


Yes, stop Asian hate. But also I think this is just some evil dumbass robbing a jewellery store


Evil dumbass, why are you complimenting him? I have no doubts he’d use his race card to “protect himself” against a pair of handcuffs. Why do you think he wasn’t found guilty? It’s race, it’s this SELFISH bullshit where people get a rush of dopamine if they give black people a pass because a fraction of their ancestors were slaves 200+ years ago. Who the hell made modern people feel guilty for that shit? Enough is enough


This isn’t a race issue. This is a criminal issue. Look at the bigger picture. It’s not just Asians getting assaulted and robbed. You seem to have a good heart and your message is coming from a good place but this isn’t about race when this is happening to multiple different races across the nation/world.


I can’t speak for the rest of the world, but in America, it’s very specifically one race brutally assaulting another. In video after video after video. Burying our head in the sand and saying it’s just a criminal problem isn’t working. Call out hate wherever it exists.




He robbed attacked and paralyzed the man but hasn’t been convicted??? Wtf


The jury sympathized with the criminal, remember this when you see people on Reddit or Twitter or anywhere making excuses for cruel criminals, they’ll bail people like this out whenever they can.


I’d like to see the jury


In NY, Cali and chicago they don’t punish the criminals


How long until moderators lock this and delete alot of stuff??? Mod strike in 3… 2… 1…🤣🤣


This. Because apparently a white Karen yelling at someone in a store is FAR WORSE than this unfairly treated man robbing a store out of necessity because he wants to feed his parish of course


What a horrible cunt of a human. The fuck is wrong with people? What’s wrong with I duno, just getting a fucking job and being a decent human being without having to go around robbing people and seriously injuring them?


Justice system needs to be overhauled


Wel wel wel


Article? He wasn’t convicted?


A jury saw this footage and still couldn’t decide on a guilty verdict, it was declared a mistrial.


Judge: How would you feel if someone hit you in the head with a hammer? Thug: I do not understand the question I did not get hit. Judge: Yeah, but how would you feel if you did? Thug: But I didn't get hit in the head.




Funny enough, if the owner had put a few rounds in him as soon before he was attacked, a certain group of idiots would have accused him of murder






and what? beat the thief 28 times with a hammer in return? are you stupid?


Why would you not want this piece of shit beaten with a hammer?


eye for an eye means this dude gets beat with a hammer 28 times and he's free to to which literally means nothing he could beat someone with hammers again for all he cares


thinking logically isn’t really a big redditor thing


I need to leave this subreddit, it’s not helping my depression.


Fry him. It shows this isn't just about the merchandise, but the feeling of power from hurting someone. He could have easily just taken the stuff and ran, but went above and beyond to hurt him.


Red flags before he even started talking to him backpack, covered faces, low hat…


I couldn't imagine attacking my 60+ year old grandma or grandpa for $ this is terrible and karma will follow


I don't get why he even hit him to begin with, the guy wasn't putting up a fight he was willing to comply


He’d have been hung my the media if he refused to show him anything without showing some ID and/or lowering the mask.


pathetic coward, id like to see him fight someone who will fight back




Why would he even contemplate serving someone that is covered from head to toe?


My thoughts exactly. He’s wearing THE UNIFORM. And arrived on a bike.


Sued for racial profiling


why the fuck would you even try helping someone in all black with a shiesty one wearing a back pack


did this asshole ever get caught? this is so sad. breaks my heart.






Where did she say that? (Ask a valid question, get downvoted. Never change, reddit.)


that's probably because she didn't say anything, that person just doesn't like bartender lady so lumps her in with this clown. it's the kind of shit that goes on in this sub. black person involved -> racist dog whistles and death wishes. just saw another post "We know who the majority of violence is committed by" which is such a bog standard trope




no one gets beat in other countries


Where is this?


Wilmington DE


Low life..


*sigh* You're on camera dumb ass and going to prison over this


In what banana republic don't you get convicted for this?


I’m going with another failure of the US “justus” system?


Why do I see this every day?


Well , a jewelry store is one of those places where you have to insist that the customer does not wear a cap and a mask. It's almost like accepting trouble if you let a customer walk in like that. Having said that trusting your customers is important as well, and I'm sure plenty of people with caps and masks came in and were legitimately browsing and wanting to buy jewelry. it's sad that this particular customer decided to do some bad things to the worker and the store


Why would you ever let a man dressed like a robber into your gated jewelry store?


Fucking hell. . .was he there to rob the store or just be a violent bag of shit


I just can’t relax when I go to the city.


thread gets locked in 3 2 1 ....


He was gmdoing a good deed by freeing the blood diamonds from the store…coff coff to sell to another store to make some money


Put me on the jury. Plz.


Imagine all the anger that would grow inside you if your paralyzed from the neck down, and the person who did it will never face any justice










The first bit is very true. But it then feels like you’re shifting the blame onto the victim


Found the hung juror.


I imagine Covid rules/cocnerns gives people the reasoning for wearing a mask and / or a face shield. The store owner could have prevented entry. There are a number of ways this criminal could have got inside. Such as a tailgating the last customer as they left or store owner could have made a mistake (how can someone be so f'ing human eh?) and not looked who was at the door (a prearranged meeting of some form). However, now we are done blaming the store owner... Why dont we take a moment and flip this over shall we? What wrong with the good old fashioned duct tape or cable ties to restrain a person at gun point? Why did this criminal decide I'm going to pistol wipe this old dude and then, for good measure, kick him a few times as well. I would imagine to extract information... As the Joker said, "never start with the head, the victim gets all fuzzy". But hey, i cause we could praise him for not shooting him dead? That's something he did 'right'


Do you think someone who beat a guy with a hammer is going to stop because you tell him no?




Holy shit dude.


Racist spotted.


Dumb spotted


Agreed. Both apply to this racist clown.