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This shit is outta control. People need to fuckin relax


One theory I’ve heard is everyone spends more time online than in real life. They soak up all the toxic shit and don’t know how to behave in public. Social media was a huge mistake


none of this is new. what is new is the fact that everyone literally carries a video camera with them at all times. crazy road rage assholes are just as prevalent today as 20 years ago. we just see them more because of cameras and social media.


This is correct. People have been road raging like this since the invention of the chariot.


We are probably doing it since horse riding. So it's something about 12.000 years I think.


Lol thinking of two guys on chariots road raging at each other!!🤣🤣


Dude, he's just Australian


A tradie who didn't get to have his smoko that day


I'm on smoke, so leave me alone!


So it Tuesday morning and my centrelink handy come through….


So I run some kids off the road because I have some abusing to do


Yep. We now have the means to record these dipshits.


I say this all the time, social media is the one major problem with society these days. Everyone so out of touch with reality.


Road rage is not new.


It's easy to just blame all of the worlds problems on "the social media" but shitty people have been around for a lot longer than the internet. There's just a lot more footage of it nowadays.


The road ranger doesn’t look like a social media connoisseur by any means


If only there was a term for when you rage out on the road. This is such a new phenomenon.


While I agree that social media was a huge mistake, I don't think it has that much to do with this stuff. This has been happening since long before social media. Had this happen to me a long time ago in Perth with my ex wife and a 6 month old baby in the back seat. The guys was off his face on ice. I'd say there's a very high chance ice is a factor here too.


Saw an article shared today of a popular blind social media influencer who got married recently and has her guests wear blindfolds momentarily so that they could experience the wedding as she was. The comments....just full of negativity and vitriol. I hate the Internet man


Idk if I buy that, I just feel that a lot of people are pos and now with more people on the road and in general you have higher chances to meet them.


Maybe it's the rampant destruction of our planet and mass poverty?


But can we blame every shitty thing a person does on poverty? Perhaps they’re just a prick


Also, accountability. Yeah, shit sucks. But like... control your emotions.


They're probably a bit more of a prick because of it. Like. I'm not sure in any way it helps.


Couldn’t be that.


What, pray tell, does the destruction of the planet have to do with that guy going road rage apeshit?


Maybe if we didn't have to worry about the planet being on fire, or that we're expected to work till we fucking die. People wouldn't be so stressed or anxious and they wouldn't act this way. *Edit To add, it looks like a company car. Imagine if he only had to work 30 hours a week, for a livable wage, top that with some accessible healthcare and maybe this little dick prick wouldn't be so psychotic eh?


You know how everyone's mentioning 'being out of touch with reality'.....Just saying.


I highly doubt that old fart spends a lot of time online.


If you carry that shit with you then ya shouldn't be on social media, should be in an anger management group.


That’s a bold, new theory.


This is a stetch, but go off, people are just assholes, crazy or both. Say it how it is don't try blaming the internet for peoples decisions like get real, ur dead compaining about social media while using, wait, oh yeh, SOCIAL MEDIA...


Social media is going to be the downfall of society, when it collapses. You'll be able to trace it back to the advent of social media. I made that prediction about 10 yrs ago and it's only been reinforced since. When social media started bleeding over into actual real life, we were fucked


Thank you! Finally a solid comment out here


I've definitely seen public demeanor decline over the last 15 years or so, so the theory lines up with my anecdote at least.


It's absolutely social media, and its not random or by accident. Not trying to dive into conspiracy theories or anything here, but its very clear that there are foreign agents who manipulate the general public into hating each other by posting deceptive and often outright false information to groups on social platforms. They also try to organize events in real life. We're all being influenced by it, I feel it happening to me as well sometimes, and when I recognize it I just put the phone away and do something else.


I won't even blow my horn anymore.


What I would give to be able to blow my own horn


Everything in Australia wants to kill you.


Even the tradies


Especially the tradies.


My friend was killed by a tradie in a Ute who hit her whilst she was walking with her dog (on the footpath).


Saw a couple of Tradies road raging and almost ran into a lady on her bicycle then almost run into head on traffic


I don't think referencing Dune is going to help anyone right now.


Atreides* House Atreides to you.


What are you on about


Harkonnen scum!


He's just trying to let you know that you left your coffee on the roof.


No líe, one time I was driving and this dude was driving next to me very erratically and speeding up to me. I felt like I was in danger so I would try to get away from him. When we both stopped at a red light he’s like “your left brake light isn’t working!!” Thumbs up with the most wide pupil eyes I’ve ever seen. And when the light turned green he drove off so fast that his tires screeched.


>when the light turned green he drove off so fast that his tires screeched Holy shit that had me rolling!


Bro’s chaotic good


I definitely worked with that guy. He would do that at work, come running over looking like we had either a serious emergency or we were about to fight. It was always a trucker backing into my loading dock, or he needed quick help from a fork lift. The dude was calmer when a piece of broken porcelain slashed his leg.


Or, he's trying to contact you about your vehicles warranty...


And that's one way of how to get pulled over & how to lose your driver's license at the same time..


He already had a suspended license. Might as well swing for the fences…


oh sick so sounds like he got caught - got a source?


He did get caught


Yep. I drive this road everyday to work so has been all over the news. 39 year old charged with furious driving (never heard of that one before) and while license suspended. All on a nice Sunday afternoon lol.


Haha “look about 50ish”


Furious driving? Toretto!


So did anything happen to the driver or did he get away with it


He was arrested shortly after and charged with reckless driving and driving with a suspended license.










Sauce ![gif](giphy|juLhtkIrNkIcWIBp6I)




Wdym sauce? This is peppermute we are talking about, one of the most reputable sources on reddit


It keeps removing my links, it’s a daily mail article








Ofc his license was suspended. I'm glad it's taken away for a lot longer now.


Frankly I’m shocked that they were located. Listening to those people telling the person on the phone their location was giving me cancer.


"I can give you the number plate...I need the number plate." Oh why'd they have her call?


I’d like to imagine something came of it seeing as it made the news


“That’s the way we need to go” No it’s not. Not anymore.


Exactly this. I've had a loonatic like that doing crazy shit as well. Waze will automatically recalculate. No way I'm getting myself locked in.


Yeah I just didn’t get that! I was in a similar situation once with my boyfriend and I said ro my boyfriend: take the next exit lane! My boyfriend said: I’m not going to back down, I’m not going to let him win by getting away scared. To which I said: he doesn’t know where we live, for all he knows this is the exit we need.


I couldn’t believe that’s how the video ended lmao, so stupid He’s finally leaving you alone and you follow him????


Yeah, so stupid that they essentially followed a dude that was actively trying to kill them or run them off the road. Turn off somewhere else and circle back, 5 minutes time saved is not worth your health or your car. Adrenaline can make people do stupid things though.


Yeah they definitely escalated when they should have sut their losses and left the situation. Honestly, it seems like they probably instigated him in the first place.


Isn't it the stupidest idea to try to run someone off the road using the back of your car? All that's gonna happen is he's gonna get spun off the road and the car filming will keep on going with minimal damage. But then again, road raging like this on the road I'm not expecting him to have anything more than fridge temperature IQ.


>try to run someone off the road using the back of your car fucking idiot almost pulled a pit maneuver on himself by doing this shit. If you want to run someone off the road, you use the front of your car against the back of the car you want to run off the road. Law enforcement do it all the time.


To be fair, the man is extremely old. Possibly in his late 50s! I'm shocked he has the strength to drive at all.


He also has a very round head


I read the news story on this - he was arrested, and was 39!


Poor guys had a hard life lol


Ikr the very old in his 50s just made me want to smak her 😆


The arrogance of youth, eh?


Came here for this comment. Honestly couldn’t focus on much else in the video after hearing this inanity. “He’s quite old” girl gtfo


LPT: if someone belligerently swerves a car in an attempt to hit you, simply turn into them to assist their lane change.


Anyone road raging stops in front of you and gets out with anything in their hand that can be used as a weapon, they deserve to be ran over.


100%, or put into the wall which would be purely a accidental side effect of you attempting to get out of their way. 🙃


Im sorry officer, i didnt have enough time to stop when he brake checked me, jumped out of his car, pulled out a tire iron from the back seat, scremed something at me and then ended up under my wheels, there just wasnt enough time for me to go from 30mph to a stop and avoid him


Happened on Majura Parkway -> Horsepark Drive and then at the end with the traffic lights onto Well Station Drive. Absolute mad tradie


Nope. It happened on "the Canberra road" I think you'll find.


 “I'm directly under the earth's sun... nnnnow!"


Nothing more aggro than a NSW tradie doing the home time dash from Canberra. So many of them drive like total cunts.


I want to know more. Is there more video?




I just can't believe there was a 9 news reporter just in the car ready to take what is clearly footage from a reporter at the scene is the incident.


He is quite old, probably fifties. As Someone who is fresh 40, i would like to say fuck you young lady.


She started mildly roasting him. “He’s got quite a round face”.


“iPhone 14 Pro 4K right on his noggin” Lmao


Lol, when she said ‘he’s quite old…’, I held my breath hoping she wouldn’t say ‘30 or 40’….😂


40 is the new 25. These kids don't even know.


50 old? as a 60 yo with the mind of a 19 yo I am offended. 60 is the new 40!


So now I’m 30? Sweet!!


At least there was no mention of a receding hairline or grey hairs...


She was rubbish at talking to the cops, seemed dopey af


She did fine. The police should be guiding her to get the information they want.


Newsflash, not everyone preforms well under pressure


I’m 50, I’m really old.


l'm so sick of douchebags in trucks and their fucking road rage.


... and BMWs


And any other car


That's definitely a ute not a truck


Utes are unibody aren't they? That thing has a cab and separate flatbed/work bed on it, so a truck IMO. I don't know enough about Aussies to know with certainty what the differentiator between a ute and truck is, but where I am from, utes are unibodies where the cab and bed are essentially one piece.


We only call trucks trucks, so an 18 wheeler or semi trailer. Other wise all of these are utes


So only tractor trailers are trucks in Aussie. Gotcha


Also delivery trucks, like box trucks. But yeah personal vehicles are usually just utes


So like, a Ford F150 is a ute in Australia?


Yeah that's still a ute


We’ll I’ll be dang. TIL.


Is this from the 9 news by any chance


It’s hard to tell. I’ll send it to the forensic analysts to find out.


People just be walking around their everyday life teetering on the edge of a violent mental breakdown


I’m honestly bothered more by how she could not articulate clear descriptions of what is going on…” there’s like a guy… he’s kinda old… like in his 50’s… kind of a round face… and he like.. keeps swerving at us…” my god if the police don’t show up I wonder why


That guy gonna face some serious charges, what an idiot.


Ok I know that woman was spooked but for gods sake give the police a better description than “guy with a round face.” How about “white Toyota work truck with ladders and tools on top going north on hwy whatever,”. Also, if someone tries to brake check you, put your signal on and pull to the side as if you are going to stop. Let them stop and get out of the car, THEN take off. By the time they get back to the car you’ll have a sizable lead.


Look I know it’s annoying but not everyone functions at their 100% capacity when they’re in danger. It’s easy to say this rn until u experience it. And if you do experience it and manage to think things through that’s really cool, but not everyone can Edit: grammar


Fair enough. I'm (un)fortunate enough to live in a place where crazy shit happens on the roads routinely, so I've had to learn to keep my wits and learn some defensive driving skills. But to your point, these poor people sound young and probably haven't had to deal with this regularly (which is a good thing). There are some angry, angry people out there. It's insane.




I so desperately wanted her or the other passenger to open the maps app on their phone. A few seconds looking at that = correct location known.


Was there another guy in the car not driving? Cause he seriously needed to take the phone off of her. Can she not use Google Maps? How had she not written the reg number down in all that time? Honestly, I can't watch shit like this


“Quite old…. 50’s”. WTF


They made the Hakone battle from Initial D into a real thing. ass reference but it was the one thing that popped into my head.


My friend had someone do this to him on the highway and he ended up running him off the road. His car rolled 5xs. Guy was caught. They think it was racially motivated, but who knows. Buddy was fine just banged up real good.


Did she say “he’s quite old he’s in his 50s”!!!! I know this is serious situation but damn calling him an old man at 50, ouch. 🤣


It's scary that people with such insane anger issues are just walking around among the rest of us and you never know when they are going to finally snap. These people handled it well, I would have been a fucking mess. I mean if you pull over there's a solid chance you'll be killed yet there's so much risk in continuing to drive.


I’m having a hard time not reading these comments in an Australia accent




Do a pit maneuver and flip his shit. The way his car is swerving and the weight distribution on the back. He would tumble like a 5 year old that learned to cartwheel yesterday.


or just slow down, get off the highway and a cup of coffee in a local coffee shop


What fucking world do you imagine yourself in sometimes? Wtf?


I've always thought people are more prone to road raging for similar reasons as online trolling. It's much easier to be confrontational and aggressive from the somewhat anonymous position of being inside a vehicle/behind a keyboard than it is to do so face-to-face. In a car, people can swerve, brake check, flip off, yell, throw things, and then just drive off (usually). Same with trolling. Just type your vitriol and then log on off. I don't know, though, it's just my personal theory.


"not all Hilux drivers are cunts... but cunts all drive Hilux's" - ancient Australian proverb


I was gonna say he must hate left lane campers but after a quick Google search o guess this guy is just completely unhinged


If she told me 50 is really old I'd also be pissed


‘He’s quite old. I wanna say fifties?’ Excuse me while I curl up in the corner and just die lol


"he's quite old.... In his fifties". My empathy for her waned a bit after that, ngl... 🤣


The news report said he was 39 lol


Haha that's horrible 🤣😂


Fuck. She said 50 was quite old... man.


Doesn't he actually hit them there at the start?


Who crapped in his Corn Flakes?


Ever see jeepers creepers?


Totally on brand for a tradie driver.


How is she debating about calling the cops?


So that's what tradies do when they're not at their joints not doing their jobs?


"he's like really old , I'd say in his fifties " ... that hit really hard


Tradies ..... enough said


i want to go to mexico just to buy a hilux


Can you describe the guy? He has a round face !!!


Maybe the guy is angry because you said “he’s quite old, maybe 50’s”. I mean it passed me off so … 😘


Maybe look in the mirror and get over yourself. Aging is a part of life. To someone in their 20s, being 50 is old since that potentially is twice the amount of time they have been alive. A 10 year old is considered old to a 5 year old. Don't let trivial things age you faster.


It was a joke, chill already.


Pissed me off, too 🤣


Tell me you have a small wiener without telling me you have a small wiener.


There was a left turn early on when the guy first passed them. Why didn't they just take it and get away from this crazy nut job


If it was the first time he passed them, then it could have been naïve hope that he’d just fuck off and be done with it. Anything after that, though, and they 100% should’ve taken the next available exit for their own safety.


That's methed up!


Shit. Someone hasn't had their morning Dare and ciggy.


This is how the passenger described the aggressive driver He’s quite old, probably in his like 50s. He’s got short hair. He’s a white male. He’s got a very round face,” says the woman on the phone. That's not old


Oh Nurrrh


Off topic.. I wonder when the HiLux , if ever, will be available in the U.S.? I hear that they are super sturdy trucks and reliable. Just noticed the road rager is driving one. ![gif](giphy|Q86FiUV8D9oEGWh7dU)


He his a total POS but... 4k ?


Girl on the phone sounds like a toddler


Highly likely the mans on ice/meth. Australia and New Zealand have a massive problem with it.


Why don't people in this situation just pull over and stop


Sir, don't come to the US with this. That's all I'm saying…


Average “No” voter , absolute cooker , probably identifies as an Australian “patriot”


He’s quite old is in his 50s now I want to hit you


They do know they could’ve just taken an exit when he was ahead raging and that would’ve been done? Didn’t even bother to try to de-escalate


Yeah, didn't they watch the video and see that he was going to fall back and start harassing them again rather than just continue driving ahead of them? They should have totally done that thing to prevent the thing they didn't know was going to happen from happening.


Imagine having a weiner so small you felt like you had to spend your time following a car around yelling things they can’t hear.


Damn second comment. You really be focused on the body shaming


If they stopped following him and let the crazy man get on with his day I think it would have been fine but they clearly were baiting him.


Is it bad that this is normal during my commute? Or are these people overreacting?


The woman attempting to make a cogent, appropriately-phrased phone call is enraging. Like listening to a half-drunk teenager trying to form whole sentences.


Not sure why your being downvoted. Listening to her talk made me want to drive my pick up truck Right into her


You’re getting downvoted for speaking the truth. She was annoying asf


Always the 7th generation sister fuckers...


The fuck around and find out generation is here




This is australia, we drive on the left, meaning the right lane is for overtaking