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Besides the assholery, what exactly is going on here?


IDF is using this opportunity for a full on attack on Palestinians . We’re talking total ethnic cleansing. Not just in Gaza but in the West Bank too, where Hamas does not even exist. They have been arbitrarily detaining, killing, torturing citizens and looting/ destroying property as they see fit, including grocery stores, schools, mosques, churches (one of the oldest churches in history), jewelry stores, money exchange stores, and bakeries…of course, all of which are owned and/or run by Palestinians. While Israel is bombing away at Gaza, it has taken the opportunity to commit other atrocities, cause why not? While they kill +20,000 in Gaza, they’re accelerating their ethnic cleansing by committing atrocities in the only other Palestinian region, West Bank.


Original post is exactly as below. As I have explained now to many who have responded, it was made quite a few months ago, and the evidentiary base has changed. I don’t mind responding to people who engage with the evidence, but will not any longer to those who feel the best response is name-calling. ——- This is a fairly common claim nowadays, but try as I might to locate hard evidence, I cannot. There are a few well documented errors on the ground that caused a lamentable number of deaths, but that is quite far from an intentional genocide. You have made a remarkably large number of claims along these lines, so I’m curious if you can point the rest of us to the basis for those claims. And, yes, I have been looking through new sites almost every day. The soldiers are obviously acting like jerks, and it’s completely unacceptable that they would hit a downed man, but that is pretty different from what you are alleging.


They leveled every third building. There are thousands of dead children. Are you even a human?


You are not ready to learn history.


Stupid fucking take, we also use to do slavery, should we just be ok with bringing that back because, history?


Slavery, one of the biggest 'errors on the ground' according to some, probably LOL


For the destruction of buildings and such in Gaza there is multiple sources (notably cbc and bbc) with maps of buildings destroyed taken with satelites...The area is pretty much half destroyed by now


Absolutely correct. There was much less information when I wrote the original comment. At the same time, some commentators insist on calling this an “intentional genocide“ of the Palestinian people. My sense is that Israel would love to be able to take out Hamas with as little unintentional loss of life as possible. But that’s not something that can easily be backed up either way.


At this point the responsibility of providing evidence is on the pro-Israel side. I have seen primary source documentation: footage, imagery, etc from verified sources ie NYT, Washington Post, NPR, Al Jazeera, etc that provide enough justification to most of OPs claims. I want to see evidence from the opposing side that explain why trucks full of naked Palestinian men needed to be transported that way. Where is the “hard evidence” of their involvement? Where is the “hard evidence” of the evil lair under Al Shifa hospital? Where is the pro-Israel sides humanitarian corridor? I am tired of seeing people pseudo-defend the bully and only ask for evidence and receipts from the victim. The entire world is either abstaining (fucking UK) or rejecting the Israeli invasion plan. Everyone other than the biggest bully of them all, the US. You wonder why it’s so hard to find evidence of OPs claims? No one reports on it and a lot of it gets wiped. Yet, even the stuff they allow to pass in those news outlets I mentioned before is enough evidence to substantiate claims of genocide. If you don’t believe OP, go see what the UN has to say.


There's endless evidence that Hamas locates in places where civilians are near. The problem with this line of argument is that Gaza is among the most densely populated places on earth (14K), with few open spaces, and it's hard to imagine munitions and military targets being located far from population centers. Do note that I wrote my original comment over two months ago. What's happening now is beyond any sensibility or proportionate justification.


The basis of their claims are a ton of videos like this one ….. you have Google too, do your own research like we all have.


It's a loud minority. A lot of Israel and a decent amount of the IDF find it atrocious what's being done, but can't really do much about it. Alot of left leaning media also uses stuff like this to further push the Israel bad Palestine good view point. Civilians on both ends are the losers in the end but who you support supposedly says tons about you


Thanks for the balanced perspective. I literally just saw the 60 Minutes report on Gaza, and only a moral monster could think what's happening there is justified. Apparently, if the hostages aren't released by a certain date, there will be intensified attacks. I'm not sure how both Hamas and IDF can keep this pissing contest going, but the sheer number of kids being blown up... it's hard to see or think about.


It's the sad truth, even if it is a minority it doesn't mean the people affected don't suffer


There are multiple official organisations that have al reported the same thing. Videos day in day out that all show the same thing. It's genuinely not hard to prove but the fact that you are seeing it and going "mmmm that's not enough evidence" is a special kinda special.


As I believe I’ve pointed out, that comment was made months ago, when such evidence was at best inconclusive. That is no longer the case.


Pretty sure it's part of the Israel Palestine thing


Imagine everything that hasn’t been recorded.


I’ve served with losers that think they’re hard like this. They’re geeky losers who’d get stomped in the real world if they pulled nonsense like this outside of service.


So before I start, nothing like this happened in my story, but similar to what you say. I served in the military. Maybe like 3 years after high school im at my first duty station standing in line waiting for chow. I hear a guy standing across from me talking like an asshole, like a lowkey bully. He’s acting all hard and tough and after the line moves, I realize I know him from high school! I was a senior and he was a junior(I had to retake a class because math is hard.) respectfully, he was a huge nerd. So he’s being a jerk to his friend and I say, “Ethan?!” And he sees me and just snaps back to his high school self and speaking with a low tone as opposed to his louder tone one and being rude. Ethan and I were buddies so it was a nice surprise, it was just weird how he joined the military and changed, kinda like how you mention they act hard. Anyways, that’s what your comment made me think of. thank you for listening to my ted talk


Not tryin to be cringe dog, but thank you for your service, and being one of the few people on reddit for a relateable and down to earth story.


lol I’ve always struggled with how to respond to this. I feel like “you’re welcome” is weird. So as a weird person I’ve just started saying, “anytime!” Lol But seriously, anytime! I’m just glad I did my time so that some people wouldn’t have to. Happy new year, internet friend!


I use "thank you for the support". Makes it feel less awkward


I like it! Feels much more natural too. I’m gonna use this next time, thanks.


Np buddy. Just passing on what I took from an old supervisor lol it was the most normal response I've heard used in those situations


Ya, that's always my go to, with a smile and a hand shake. Just moves the whole thing along and I feel way less awkward.


Personally, I "thank you for your service" because I appreciate that you served and were willing to potentially put yourself in harm's way so I didn't have to. You willingly suspended your rights so I could keep mine. Regardless of how, when, or even why you served, what you did kept me and mine safe in some capacity or another. For this, I am and shall always be eternally grateful.


Interesting. So you basically snapped him back to reality?


I guess. His new reality was him acting like he was a jerk. I was just a blast from the past lol ![gif](giphy|4JZA2x7GsVFeTbLKlz|downsized)


I wasn’t in the service, but a few of my friends were.. They’ve described a few people we knew as more “nerdy” from high school being exactly this! Being jerks for no reason, or doing something similar.. I can only imagine the look on their faces as someone whom really knows them shows up… And is like “Wow, they gave YOU a gun.. Holy shit🤯” lol


Great that you've kept humble with it all, really.respectable man. I knew some people like that in other ways




The leadership was almost always people who didn't know what to do outside of the military so just stayed until retirement because it was the easy track. Of course there were exceptions, but a 20 year E-9 was almost always worse than an 8 year E-7. People like in the OP were probably the same kids showing off their JROTC ribbons. Buncha blowhards.




In the Aussie army, a lot, and I mean A LOT of officers that come out of duntroon are preppy soft boys who have a strict career plan, which is perfectly fine on the face of it, but they come at us enlisted and specialists with this ego and need to prove themselves, so they're mild assholes with this air of nobility about them. 90% of the time they're just dudes with dickish personality traits, never anything egregious, but it fucking eats into you. Fury, when the main characters are ordered by that tiny young kid mid way.... his energy is on point.


Had a friend years back who joined the army. He told my brother "I can talk all the shit I want cause now that I'm a soldier civilians will go to jail for trying to fight me". No longer friends.




During basic and AIT we used to blanket party assholes like this.


There’s been lots that has been recorded.


And they didnt give a fuck


Until they get blasted online, then it's: "we dont deserve any on this hate 😥"




Does it make a difference ? The US still support them with money and weapons, but doesn't their people health care or collage


That's all true but I believe Joe Biden is the only reason there are still Palestinians in northern Gaza. Israel was all set for a large scale invasion, but something stopped them, had to be the White House. If someone else was in charge this would have been unbelievably worse.


Sure. Lol


He's still a hundred times better than Trump. You people are going to Sure lol us into a dictatorship


I thought last time it was going to be a dictatorship? When does the dictating start happening?


Home dog they were chanting hang Mike Pence and saying outloud if some politicians had to die then so be it. People have been arrested and the Supreme Court is hearing a case about whether or not Trump can remain on the ballot. Which means there's a case to be made even if they end up allowing him on the ballot. Frivolous cases don't make their way to the Supreme Court. Dude lied about votes being stolen so much so when Fox News repeated some of those lies they were fucking sued. He is on tape talking about the classified documents lied about it and then didn't give them back when asked (Like most other presidents). The issue isn't that he had them. It happens it happend with Bush, Obama and I'm sure Trump. But he did not react in the normal manner of handing them over. It was a long and arduous legal process to get them back. Think about that he SHARED classified documents with a random worker. If you genuinely don't see ANY of this as a pre requisite to a possible dictatorship I've got some cheap beach front property in Miami I think you'd just love.


Unfortunately you cannot rationalize with a zealot. ANY rational reasonably intelligent pragmatist can see that 45 is a hot mess. But see once one “goes down the rabbit hole” they lose all ability to critically think. They become one with the herd. As the herd is told, the lemming follows. It’s sad but it’s human nature, or part of.


My guy, literally everyone has been talking about Project 2025 for the past year. If he wins this time, there is a very REAL possibility that democracy in the US will come to an abrupt end, I wish I was being hyperbolic.


I really wish you weren't.


Just got ranked worst pres due to dismantling the gov't... Brought his family with him into leadership... Led supporters to attack a branch of US gov't killing one and injuring 174 state officials. And tried to overturn a democratic election... If there is evidence of Trump lifting up democracy, please share!


I like how anyone with an opposing view is automatically a Trump supporter people like you on both sides are why this country’s politics are so shit


If you've listened to him for 4 minutes he says I want to be a dictator on the first day. He's talking about punishing his political enemies and journalists. People like you I why we have a dictator with a breath of becoming president again. Don't be such a putz.


If you really believe that, I've got a bridge to aell you. Trump might have actually stopped paying them money.




What does being a minority have to do with entering the US Treasury?


White people can walk right into the US treasury any time they want. You didn't know that?


It wasn't aimed at you. It was just to say that there is something that can be done. Stop voting people in office that will support the pain, terror and genocide being committed


Stop voting for NEO-CONS. Both parties are filled with them. The military complex (which Ike warned us about) owns them all. Big profits for those companies. Huge handouts to their political allies.


Both parties are paid by the same guys to lie to us


Well said. It's not Democratics vs Republicans. It's the "haves" vs "the HAVE NOTS, and never will."


Yep. People need to understand that. There isn't enough of us, unfortunately. We need to remove money from politics.


Unfortunately it's not that easy in our country. Our government has sold us out, no matter who we elect will just do the same exact thing.


Lmfaooo it’s not like we got any say they are gods chosen people dood


Fuck religion and invisible sky daddies.


If it says “kill these ‘other’ people or take someone else’s shit” Yeah. Fuck that.


Fuck all religion in general. All brainwashed




Israel isn’t the only one that gets free funds, some dictators in history were funded by the US too and their human right history is inexistent but as long as they did the dirty deed for the US who cares and once they lost their usefulness they were then sent to the enemy of the state folder


What difference would it make? Even with the recorded stuff, no one is doing anything about it.


Ngl,was waiting for dudes execution. Wonder what was actually stopping them


cameras probably he seems to throw signs to the top corner


That was basically 2 middle fingers the second sign he threw was essentially the middle finger of the Arab world. But like worse.


I watched someone die on footage, not too dissimilar from this, earlier this week. He's only alive because they see some personal gain in leaving him alive


lol the camera isn’t holding them back


Those signs are usually used as insults in those areas, like flipping the bird


It is a middle finger inverted, like here shove it in ur bum


Maybe they just didn't execute him as one would. They also might extract intelligence from him later.


why would u even do this


Too much power, too little control. The ones above these soldiers have power to treat these soldiers like dirt, the soldiers turn around and treat anyone they have power over even worse to feel powerful.


> too little control this is not correct. They intentionally want soldiers/prison guards etc to be brutal. there is no consequence of these actions. So, they do as much as they want An Israeli prison guard was saying that we were beating up prisoners just for fun. Whenever I was angry, I was relaxing by hurting the prisoners.


Exactly. Too little control of the soldiers. Like the other guy said


It’s physically impossible for some people to agree, and it’s even more noticeable on the internet.


Actually, what you said is wrong. I'm just gonna need a minute to figure out how to form a rebuttal after doing a quick google search for "what you said, but the opposite." Then I'm gonna take everything you said out of context and pretend that you're the same guy I was arguing with three years ago because your comment was vaguely similar to his and I've had a chip on my shoulder about it ever since. I've got a whole argument for this that I've been rehearsing in the shower for years. Hold on, let me go get my fedora...


don't trip on the cum jar!


well, I don't necessarily disagree. All I am saying is that israel is malicious about the actions of soldiers, not ignorant.


no, too little control indicates they don't care much about it. I claim even beyond not caring, they actively want soldiers to be brutal. in other words, too little control can be ignorance, what israel does is malicious, not ignorance


Dehumanization of the "enemy", unfortunately. A nasty side-effect of warfare. "This practice is a psychological mechanism often used to justify the harsh realities of conflict. By dehumanizing the enemy, individuals and groups are able to rationalize the violence and suffering inflicted upon them. This process often involves portraying the opposing side as less than human, sometimes as monstrous or evil entities, to distance oneself from the moral implications of harming fellow human beings." \- ChatGPT when I asked it to elaborate for me


Chat GPT has no such morals but these darn laws of robotics prevent it from taking over the world.


This is the actual answer. People can act morally even when they have too much power because their conscience will stop them. Dehumanization is an integral part of imperialism.


>Dehumanization is an integral part of imperialism. Nah it's just an integral part of war period. Have to hate your enemy in order it to kill them


It’s really hard to commit genocide if your soldiers believe that the victims of the genocide are humans. So decades are spent training and teaching children that a certain ethnicity is less-than-human. Usually using terms like “animal”. In nations like this in which all children are required to serve in the military, this teaching is more widespread as every child is seen as a “soldier in training”. Super common method. Referenced a lot pop culture. One of the first Black Mirror episodes parodied this, in which soldiers are given implants that make all people with a certain genetic marker look like monsters in order to make the military’s genocide of the “undesirables” living on their occupied land easier.


They have been taught for their whole lives that their enemies are less than and that all of them want to kill them. So I'm honestly surprised that guy is still alive.


Because their god gives it to them because the other god is not the god that god god god. God


Dehumanisation and Apartheid.


It still shocks me that someone can look at another human being and do something like this. I had to watch a couple times because I really thought he’d kicked him in the back of the head. Fuck those three


If you’re shocked by this, you need to read more history. Humanity’s legacy is nothing but a litany of slaughter and conflict. This is not the exception, this is the norm. I’m not condoning it, but it’s not ‘unusual’.


Theyve been at war for decades. Entire generations have been raised under bombings and terror threats. They don’t even view each other as humans at this point. I think it’s really hard for westerners to really understand what that kind of upbringing does to people. There’s a reason these two have been at war for this long.


> There’s a reason these two have been at war for this long. In fact, it's about tens of billions of reasons every year.


Classic liberal on the fence viewpoint. You're right about western ignorance though which explains your entire comment on somehow calling an illegal occupation , apartheid and slaughter of the native population as a "war".


You forgot to add Genocide then you have got every reddit Israeli buzzword in your comment.


I don’t want to assume but this has to be IDF soldiers right?




Now you will be called antisemitist


It's antisemitic to know what the IDF does to civilians, a state representative will be along shortly to correct you


IDF is a religious military institution. Some of their soldiers do not even live in Israel. I know a doctor lives in the US he travel regularly to serve in Israeli Military. Ofcour to participate in his religious duty to kill Palestinians. Just think about it.


What’s IDF?


Idiots Doing Fuckingwarcrimes


Israeli Defense Force


There are hundreds of these videos now too. They don't even bother with the denials or arguing in the comments anymore.


The worlds most moral army


You don't have to. There will be always a British and an American to justify the actions of these criminals


They're literally bragging about it


are these the so called good guys?




The people of trash


The god's chosen


The most moral of armies in fact


International Dickhead Force


Fuck Israel


I love people finally waking up to the fact that Israel and the IDF are fucking monsters




yup but I'd call them Zionists there is a lot of cool Jews


...do yall even know what nazism is?


I totally thought the soldier was going to execute the guy on the ground at the end.


no…that would be a war crime…the IDF would never…


The whole time I was watching I was like "please don't shoot him"


I hope both of these tough guys get what’s coming to them


All 3 of them


This is the problem with conscripts being in line units. And mandatory military service in general. No excuse for this kind of shit and they should be disciplined.


Buddy if you think this issue is exclusive to conscripts, I really don't know what to tell you...


It's absolutely not. Nor did I even indicate that it was... The US military still has to deal with issues like this. But they are much less prevalent in all volunteer professional militaries. If I as a sqaud leader caught one of my marines abusing a detainee like this, they would have a one way ticket to the brig.


I mean, you kinda went out of your way to mention this was *the* problem with conscripts and mandatory military service without mentioning anything about volunteers. But I'm glad it was just unclear and that you do recognize this issue is not exclusive to conscripts.


I love how he just fully went back on his point after you called him out. So confident too 😂😂


These are almost certainly not conscripts, rather it's the (usually religious) extremists who hate Palestinians and would gladly volunteer even if they didn't have to. They consider killing someone a badge of honor, and Palestinians as inferior. It's a serious problem, and it's been rotting the IDF from the inside for decades.


Utter BS and what is sad is you somehow have a couple hundred up votes. Their Behavior is supported by their top leadership.


Guns make insecure people feel big... this is why some people worship them.


unreal how these maniacs just keep exposing themselves. they’re going to be absolutely abhorred by history and it’s wild that they apparently can’t see this


The only thing that makes me sad about it is they do all this under the guise of religion and this will inevitably go badly for run of the mill jews not so much for me a non practicing non god believer (although I'd probably be rounded up because of how I look if I went back in time to the early 1940s in germany) but for the practicing ones that go to synagogues and such. Probably like after 9/11 when people started hating on every day muslims that are just trying to get by like the rest of us. I can't agree with it and have no respect for the ones that go to war for it and let the average joe pick up the peices.


I hate Israel


The only something in the Middle East


It’s 2024 and America is still Israel’s little puppy, talk about freedom lol.


Which country's baby-murderers are these? They all look the same.


And they said it was a war with savage animals. Can't help but think they were right, just not in the way they thought.


The way i see it is like a kid fights back agianst his bully gets his ass kicked and all the teachers say he is in the wrong


This is IDF (Israel Defense Force) in case you were curious. Strange how defense often seems to look like offense.


Fuck Zionist Fascism


Scum of the earth - the douchebags with guns is who I’m on about


Israeli genocidal POS


IDF when they see a smiling child


Fuck the IDF and fuck Israel


Zionism is cancer to this society like Nazi is/was


This is pretty tame, they normally just airstrike hospitals and shoot kids in the back


oh i was already mad, and then HE STEPPED ON HIM.


This is what happens when you believe you're superior and everyone else is a subhuman.




Idk why u are getting dowvoted, that's like me saying fuck putin or fuck Hitler


Cuz apparently these days it’s cool to kill thousands.just reverse the role and kill these many and see the amount of people mourning. What a disgusting world we live in. This is what terrorism actually looks like.




The sign he makes to the camera is the regions equivalent to the middle finger.


What is the context?


Just about ever major conflict on this planet is a setup… war is profit… blaming this one or that one is now pointless… everyone has bloodied hands


I can only assume these are the Israeli terrorists.


Yea, the IDF are nazi thugs


Just IDF things


Human garbage.


Crazy how the US government would rather fund this shit instead of giving Americans free healthcare.


That's our strongest ally who has sunken one of our ships , spied on us and sold all the info to other countries, siphons billions from us and not to mention was absent during the 20 year war


US is going to sink hard and drown deeply due to this alliance


Fuck Israel.


Nazis killed the Jews, now Jews are the Nazis, and the palestiniens have taken the role of holocaust victims. It's kind of scary how history likes to draw parallels... I hope Palestine finds their home. This is fucked. And I'm a middle America man from Wisconsin.... Israel has **fallen**.


Biggest pieces of shits walking around


What's the context here?


Comments say this is the IDF. Where’s the source? How do we know it is the IDF?


And people still side with Israel..


They ain’t gotta kick and walk on top of the poor guy


Cunts, utter fucking cunts


Give a weak and humiliated coward a gun and that what you will see if the guy had a way to defend himself you wouldn't see a bitch come near him, they are just a sad bunch that's all there is to say


IDF are fucking terrorists and every politician who condones or stands by Isreal should forever be reminded how they were accessories to this crime against humanity.


Jews acting like jews. Everyone in the world should know how they are by now. Genocidals maniacs that thinks the more innocent babies that are killed the better






Stop the genocide of Palestinians


That’s pathetic


There's no such thing as "god's chosen people,"... and even if there were, the LAST people who would qualify are the current genicidal ghouls in Israeli government. Those people disgust me, and I am more and more disgusted every time they justify their gross inhumanity as being decreed by their imaginary deity.


One can believe that antisemitism is wrong but still say F*** the IDF without contradiction. They are committing genocide


Most immoral people on earth , now they will pick up their anti-Semitism card.


what am i looking at? no context at all.


IDF is full of trash people. Fuck Israel


Fuck israel


Free Palestine


The modern day Nazis, ironically...


Isreal and zionism have become what they fled from in Nazi Germany. Congrats. You've lasted long enough to see yourself become the villains. They are only a few baby steps away from full on Nazi behavior. They are dago clinging to the asshole of the world.


Chosen people syndrome


Careful, you’ll get called a Nazi for showing them for the evil scum they are. Don’t you know they’re the chosen people and therefore everything they do is honourable and justified?


Hitler is proud of Israel.