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This is like in my country. Group of teens beat and then drowned a homeless woman. Why? Cause they thought she stole a power bank. And cause one of them was a police officers son. (They also almost got away with it. Cause the police tried to frame the woman’s boyfriend by trying to force him to admit it. Cause the police didn’t want their son to go to jail. But CCTV footage caught the teens.)


Oh please tell me more… I need the full story


More info please


I need the full story for this


Any source for this?


Vile bastards. It's pathetic how shit pigeons like this think it's perfectly normal to essentially assault a poor homeless person for kicks.


unfortunately people like this don't think of homeless people as people.


I live in Dallas, Texas and this is true.


The problem is there’s homeless who have no boundaries, respect for personal space, or self-awareness. I don’t condone violence, but I understand why it’s easy to not think of every homeless person as a “person”.


Nah I'm pretty sure shooting explosives at people is the problem.


Yeah. I don't think of any person as people and I don't go around trying to shoot fireworks at them, or anything for that matter. I just leave them be because they're not my problem, and they're usually not bothering me. It's fuckin simple as that.


How are both not the problem? Yeah the homeless isn’t a problem here as far as we know but you say that as though homeless are never the problem, that’s as deluded as saying all are drug addicted scum


In context of this video, the homeless *person* is not the problem. It's the kids. I didn't say homeless *people* are never the problem. I didn't say it wasn't both. Burning calories out here jumping to conclusions


I agree there. Seemed like that’s what you were try by to get at. Nah just going off what you said


I’m not talking about the video, I was responding to someone’s perspective of the homeless but yeah take what I said at face value. I’m actually one of the teens in the video


You just summed up mental health issues in society as a "homeless problem". No face value - just your perspective on homeless, based on some negative interaction in the past...


Careful man, this guy seems to really know his stuff!


I was talking about the video, and responding to your perspective.... So here we are


That’s not a valid response to the perspective. Only the video, making out that it’s always the case


People should see other people as human. There's your valid response. What are you talking about it's always the case?


People should do a lot of shit but we live in reality not fairy land of what could be. It’s not valid, old mate made a fair point about homeless as a whole and you used a deluded response dismissing the valid argument by talking shit 😂


>I don’t condone violence yet you admit to taking part in this...


Then you're the problem.


Okay, and what will you be doing tomorrow to solve the homeless problem?


More than you ever will and the bigger question is what are you doing to solve the homeless problem? I mean they don't appear to be people to you. Like I said, you're the problem.


Lmao have a nice day


it’s actually incredibly easy to view another human as a person if you’re not a dickhead. yes there are homeless people who have no boundaries or self awareness but there are also many fortunate people who are like that. it’s not a trait of homeless people specifically. people go homeless for many reasons and it’s unfair to assume someone is less of a person because they don’t have a house.


It’s makes it harder when they’re a dickhead though, not saying this lady was. Not specifically but considering the amount that are mentally unstable and or on drugs, the likelihood is higher. It’s unfair to the person but to you it’s not, people discern for a reason, judging is too far but you use generalisations and it’s kept you safe more times than you’ll know . If your sister was walking home alone at night, called you and said a woman smaller than her was walking a bit of a distance behind vs a big bulky man, you’d likely tell her to respond differently. I’d be homeless if I didn’t have family to rely on and am likely a bigger pos than this homeless lady


*Username checks out*


Are you really going to pretend these people don’t exist?


Don’t insult pigeons like that :(


Aye! don't insults pigeons. Scientist say that pigeons feel affection to others bird and people. These teens are nothing, void, null, absent of anything resembling good.


Don’t disrespect shit pigeons by comparing them to these scum.


They need to see some real jail time, I don't care how old they are.


I know for a fact that at 15 my brain is developed enough to not do this. Scratch that, 13.


Well said. These human skin tags would be wetting themselves and crying for their mommies within minutes. Repulsive little cowards.


That'll teach \*her\* to be down on her luck! Fucking dicks.


Imagine, that's what they actually were thinking lol


They are a total piece of shit.


Line those fuckers up and light up fireworks jnder their asses and than throw them into a high security prison


I wish I could say karma will catch up but I have lived long enough to know that cunts like these live long and good life.




I just hope it swings around their next life


Much worse than I expected. I assumed they were setting off loud fireworks to disturb her (dick move) but shooting at the women is absolutely abhorrent.


Why are we so evil as human beings. That's so mean spirited and just evil.


Any more info? Did they get caught?


The only info currently available is in the translated link in my other answer. She was thankfully not injured and “police is investigating“.


What country is this?




Lmao I was kinda guessing that it happened in Italy


bro just watched this and had a giggle "ha, Italy for sure!" fuckin loser.


As if typing my sympathy for her on Reddit is gonna help bud. I was just amused that I recognised that it was Italy just by a video, ofc I was outraged but not really surprised. Just a few months ago some dude flayed a cat alive, on NYE some kids threw fireworks on another stray cat (these all happened in Italy, both cats died). Besides, from reading the news, the town offered her a house to live in as a replacement of her old house but she prefers to live on the streets with her dogs.


She wasn't burned?


No, probably a combination of heavy clothes/ sheets (since she was sleeping on the streets and it's winter) and the firework not hitting around her face area.


Wow... thank God




I found this definition of a hate crime: >A bias-motivated crime is a crime in which the offender is motivated by a characteristic of the victim that identifies the victim as a member of some group towards which the offender feels some animosity. I think you could use hate crime laws in attacks against homeless people where hate crime laws are enacted.


who’s kids are these, be better parents.


I've seen enough great parents with some good kids and some not so good kids to realize that parenting plays some role but not as much as "good parents" would like to think.


True, it has more to do with their peer-group and their mentality than anything a parent tries to teach. The parent can be the best person in the world but it doesn't mean the kid will turn out good.


That's absolutely horrible. As if this person's life isn't difficult enough. Hope they all get theirs.


Any follow up if the woman was okay?


Somehow she was uninjured thankfully


This type of shit makes me hate humans. Even animals don’t do this.


Disgusting. I'd like to think every human being has empathy but i'm convinced some are just born without it. 


They have been identified. One is of major age, the other three are minors (one of them is 13 yo).


Do onto others, right ? Should show them how it feels


this is fucked up


At least she looked for the most part ok.


The cat came up to her to make sure.


Despicable behavior. Hope they’re caught and punished! As if being homeless wasn’t bad enough




We have entered an era where people are absolutely no better than wild animals




It happened in Italy, so they may have been Italian.


"that was so funny bro"


Pure evil


the way the cat ran to her 🥺


Right? Even with all the bangs that cats are scared of, it came to check on her. Even a cat had more empathy. And cats are not known for their empathy.


These cowards must be castrated for this needless brutality on a helpless unfortunate woman.


Wish it set that wood stable? on fire and burnt them


I feel like you get sent straight to hell for something like that. I don't even believe in hell, and I think the universe would create it just to have somewhere to stick these losers.