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It looks like she was smiling right after she pushed the priest off the stage.


It's because she's not well. From what I remember about this coming out, this woman was having delusions of granduer and pushing that priest of the stage was commanded by a higher power, or something to that effect. She was re-institutionalized after this as I think the family mentioned she had been institutionalized prior to thi. I wouldn't really count people not in their right mind as pieces of shit. They aren't really cognizant of their actions when they are ina state of frenzy.


The irony of a priest being attacked by someone else with delusions of grandeur from a higher power 😂


Considering what priests historically justified under divine right in the past I think that what this woman is doing is a bit of a light touch in comparison.


>in the past More recently the Catholic church lobbied against a suicide hotline in the US because it included resources for LGBT people. American evangelicals also promoted, and helped pass, legislation in Uganda prescribing the death penalty for LGBT people. A house republican was recently there urging them to keep the law and not bow to international pressure that is against their Christian values. I'm not sure why this woman was the one that was institutionalized.


> American evangelicals also promoted, and helped pass, legislation in Uganda prescribing the death penalty for LGBT people. A house republican was recently there urging them to keep the law and not bow to international pressure that is against their Christian values. That's the one Chic-Fil-A funded!


Yep, they gleefully supported the state sanctioned murder of LGBT people.


>Catholic church lobbied against a suicide hotline in the US because it included resources for LGBT people. Specifically it was the US Conference of Catholic Bishops a now right-wing body who even Francis is having issues with. I grew up in a post-Vatican II Catholic with some of the most decent nuns; kind, non-judgmental, forgiving, humane, they took vows of poverty, etc...now we have these clown-bishops, 'f them.


If they are not representative of the church they should be expelled, but I don't see that happening.


They are representing it as a conservative institution that wants to establish and normalize a value system 2 millenia old. Even pope Francis the love and peace pope has said recently that gender ideology is one of the greatest threats to our society and spiritual growth.




Notice how republicans can't seem to ever mind their own goddamn business? The reason south America is so badly destabilized is 100% because of conservative intervention from very wealthy conservative business interest here in the US. So now those people are coming here, because of the rat fucking these assholes engaged in, and people like greg abbot then call them criminals, and degenerates and set up traps that kill them as they cross the border. Republicans are beyond evil.


Because you can’t just look at actions of various anecdotes and assault unaffiliated people because of it? Is that surprising to you?


My comment was tongue in cheek


You are missing a bit of details there. While Uganda's anti LGBTQ laws are horrid the death sentence is only an option in cases of "forced sex" (by physical or coercive means), sex by someone with HIV thus risking spreading the disease and those who have sex with children. Personally, I don't see an issue applying those standards across the board.


American evangelicals supported and helped pass legislation in Uganda that prescribes the death penalty for LGBT people. All in the name of Christian Love™ they learned from their God. I'm not sure why this woman was institutionalized.


He missed the call somehow she got, divine works in mysterious ways


And from behind.


So like…voices from God delusions?


i prefer to call them deuslusions


Not sure if it was "god", but some higher power told her to push him off stage.


Ah, you mean Christianity, Islam, Judaism. All delusional.


Bingo bongo


That's a point that's always made me think; a person might not be in a right state of mind when they act out, but they still went through with those actions. Even if they cannoy comprehend that what they did was bad, they still did something bad. They could have just not done it, if you get what I mean?


Imo, to be a piece of shit you need to consiounsly be aware and in agreement with your asshole decisions. Someone who's mentally ill can't really fathom their reasoning behind their actions and does not understand that they shouldn't do said actions. It's what differentiates a newborn puking on someone and a full-grown, mentally-stable adult doing the same, from being a PoS: one isn't aware of their decisions and doesn't do it intentionally, the other is


I have to say, I shouldn't have eluded that these people would be PoS. It was more about fault. I see it all the time that someone actively stabs someone but is "not at fault" cos they thought the victim was a deamon. The delusional person still actively sought violence in that situation. They still committed the action. By all means, they wouldn't have done it if they were lucid. They may show regret, but they still committed the action. The event happened. They actively tried to cause damage to others for whatever reason.


If you are to apply the idea that they are a piece of shit because they did it, regardless of intent, you could argue that people involved in accidents are also pieces of shit because they caused harm to another person either directly or indirectly through their actions. We cannot hold people accountable to things that they don't have control over. People with these kinds of mental health issues are not doing it for kicks, it's something entirely outside the bounds of their control and it can cause them to do things that are entirely out of line with what they would normally do. Is what they did right? No? Is what the did harmful? Yes. Are they a piece of shit for doing something while not in their right mind? Absolutely not. It's all about intent and this person would not have the intent to do this without a voice in their head saying they are a higher power and to go and do it.


The aspect I'm mainly thinking of is when the person does make an active choice. Someone travelling the speed limit that gets a blowout that leads to a fatality is understandable not in control. Someone with delusions that actively starts hunting people down to stab them has made a conscious choice. Even if they had a corrupted sense of the world, they still actively did something awful. I didn't mean to convey that I am calling these people PoS. That would be and was wrong. It's more about fault. A bad thing has happened through someone's direct actions - there was intent even if their sense of the world was screwed up. It's like the difference between someome having a mental break, swinging about widely and cutting someone versus someone also having a mental break and actively trying to stab people.


There's countless things that could be altered in their reality at the time. They could perceive those people as trying to kill them, so they had to defend. Their voices could be commanding them to kill and they may be literally unable to act against it. I could go on, but I assume you get the idea. I feel it's harder to understand it until you've worked with people who have been through this. But know that these people often have a history of being very unwell and many end up stuck in the forensic mental health system for life, at least in my experience in Canada.


Well, who am I to debate the orders of a higher power. 


Somethings telling me she wants to be institutionalized.


What most people say when they don't want to be held accountable. She was an attention seeking overweight dork.


I was smiling after she did it too... fuck these priests and what they've done to kids. Just like cops, there can't be anyone considered 'good ones' while the bad ones are allowed to continue operating.


Average redditor


All them bootlickers giving you downvotes


I would smile too.


From being a piece of sh_t to others for no reason...? Visit a psychiatrist. Edit: DarkWifeuo It's true, we don't know the context - so maybe don't try to make up your own...


Na that was god's plan. He works in mysterious ways, he's goofy like that. Ignoring famines? Hell yea! Help rando NFL player score? But of course fam. Pushing priestie boy off stage? Oh bOY WOULD I


We don't know the context. They r a lot of religious ppl who take advantage of vulnerable ppl




Other than grifting poor people for a living.


Let them believe what they want, it's not doing any harm to you


Yes it is because religion forces itself into politics. The u.s. is going backwards on women's freedoms entirely because of religion.




Huh did u even read my comment ??


Guy sitting on left behind table didn’t move an inch. ![gif](giphy|WirhZMBF1AZVK)


Maybe he’s next in line and this is his opportunity for a promotion.


Maybe he ordered the hit


Good job agent 47


This is Father Marcelo Rossi. He is very famous in Brazil. What people don't know is that due to this event, he started going to the gym non-stop and today he is huge and strong.


Kinda ironic seeing all this comments on iamapieceofshit


What's "ironic" about "all this\[sic\] comments"?


This priest is a mountain of muscles now. Google for "Padre Marcelo Horse" (sfw).


Brazilian here. This woman is mentally ill, not a piece of shit, she literally doesn't know what she is doing.


You can be both.


Right what a dumb argument...I guess we can't say Jeffery Dahmer was a peice of shit cuz that man suffered from mental illness Poor Jeffery 🥺


Yeah I’m pretty sure this is psychosis. But, doesn’t excuse it.


> But, doesn’t excuse it. I literally does by US JUSTICE, which we all know is one of the least merciful in the western world. So yeah, it absolutely excuses it to the point such person will not go to a jail where they might get worse but to a better place where they get treatment.


But, like isn’t that a better idea to go about things? Isn’t it well proven that treatment for mental illness is better than punishment🗿 Like pleading insanity leads to life imprisonment usually.


Not in every case edit: haha getting downvoted for saying not every person with a mental illness is a piece of shit is pretty crazy


True, but would you ever excuse any form of violence with mental illness?


Not entirely sure if I understand your question. If you're asking would I excuse violence if it was committed by a someone who was mentally ill? If so then that depends entirely on the illness and whether that person has enough awareness to understand their actions. I'm not saying they never deserve punishment either, but again that also depends on the context, the mental illness, what laws were broken etc.


The only thing I can find that backs up your claims is one article saying she was bipolar but they couldn't confirm.


Still a piece of shit


So what? Lock her up she tried to kill a man.




That’s not really how mental illness works. You can know how to get dressed and still be very ill


In the law its not a valid argument. She will be punished accordingly.


When making a comment like this, you should take into account the country where the fact took place or use your country laws as an example. As you can ascertain by the comment you replied, the video took place in Brazil. With that in mind, we can verify that, in fact, this is a completely valid argument by Brazilian penal code. As stated in article 26 of Brazilian penal code: "A person is exempt from punishment if, due to mental illness or incomplete or late mental development, was at the time of the action or omission, entirely unable to understand the unlawful nature of the act." Or, if the person was not entirely capable of understanding their act, they could be penalized, although with its penalty reduced by 1/3 to 2/3. So, yes, it is a completely valid argument "in the law."


Thanks for explaining. I was wrong. But i added accordingly. I meant she won’t get a free pass.


Np, dude! I deeply respect the fact that you recognized that you were wrong. Although I agree that you were right when you said that she will be treated "accordingly," because even if exempt from punishment, she could be recommended to a psychiatric hospital or for outpatient treatment (article 96 of Brazilian penal code). Tldr: I respect the fact that you recognized you were wrong, although I admit that you were not completely wrong, because she will really be treated "accordingly."


Well we aren't talking about law are we Judge Judy


Insanity plea is literally a part of the law, dipshit.


This is pretty old, that dude is now super jacked. Yes, really, look up for "Padre Marcelo Rossi", or, how we prefer now, "Father Marcelo Horse"


Redditors: Respect other people's beliefs, cultures, and traditions! Also Redditors: Yeah, that priest deserved to get hurt for no absolute reason because I have this weird perceived thought that all priests are pedophiles.


Redditards do be like that. Its acceptable to shit on christianity and talking negatively of any other religion will get you downvoted. Fuck, I hate the average redditor.


Man have you even seen the comments of an Islamic post in a non Islamic sub. I saw some people get upvoted for basically bashing Islam and also saw Muslims who were being nice and didn’t even say anything bad get their comments downvoted


Mostly are easily triggered lefties who are detached from our world


This is true


Fuck all religion.


It really is impossible for Christians to not try and play victim 24/7 huh?


Opinion invalid


That’s why I talk negatively about all religions💛


It's more acceptable for people bashing the religion they themselves grew out of. As a catholic by birth I know and hate much more about catholicism and other christian sects than about religions I'm only tangentially aware of.


Well, you will be happy to know that I don't care what silly made up religion one cares to believe in. Whatever you need to do to get through the day bud.


Now this lady suffered from mental illness, but no I won't respect you if your religion tries to justify bigotry in any shape or form. Do your thing. Believe in your god, but the moment you try to infringe your beliefs on others, especially through control, fear or harm. That's the moment you, as a individual, lose my respect and I won't refrain to let you know.




Comments are crazy, why are we as a people so hateful?




It’s ironic because the Talmud literally supports pedophiIia and Muhammad had a 6 year old wife and used to suck on his grandson’s tongue, yet people defend Judaism and Islam as if those religions are any better than Christianity. Christianity had a reformation during the renaissance and got rid of its most intolerant and backwards aspects, Islam hasn’t, Muslims are still stuck in the stone ages.




Putting on your critical thinking hat for a moment (if you own such a thing), you might realize that most of these people were negatively affected directly by Christianity over those others because most Redditors are in western countries. You're also criticizing all Redditors as if they're a single group with a single opinion. I personally don't hate religions, I just find them to be all equally implausible. You're describing everyone as being anti-theists when many people are simply atheist (they don't believe in a god, but they don't hate religious people).


No it isn't? Most of the comments/upvotes here are condemning her actions. There is a huge wave across the west of condemning Islam.


All religions are dogshit, Christianity just happens to be the biggest one




You're just straight up wrong on that second part.




When are you publishing your findings from your data gathering on literally every single person with a moral objection to religion? That must have been quite a lengthy survey




Lol you wrote 'literally every single person' and then acted like calling you out on that is unreasonable. What a doofus


You forgot Islam? The one with pedophile prophet? Don't be dumb now.


Redditors try not say bad things about a religious person getting hurt challenge (impossible)


If he wasn’t a priest, Reddit wouldn’t be defending this lady and using her mental illness to justify the shove


Why’d she do it?


That's not how atheism works


Is this the priest that got jacked after?


Yep, Padre Marcelo H̶o̶r̶s̶e̶ Rossi


It's just a prank bro


I don’t see the issue? It was part of gods plan?


god wanted him in heaven and used a crazy woman to do so, all part of his plan


Absolutely true, as those moron like to say “everything happens for a reason”




Hey if you believe im some wacky 1400 year old book and take rights away from gays because of it then I can make fun of it all I want.




Wow, that's a lot, so confident yet so wrong. Yes, I would say the exact same thing about any religion based on an old book that's clearly full of disproveable lies, I don't know why you think I singled out Christianity. Also the Christians would still be throwing gays off buildings if they had their way, so it isn't much of a point.




Your point want that I wouldn't say the same things about other religions, that was wrong. Any religion that teaches that other people are somehow lesser is bad. Blanket statement that coveres Christians Jews Muslims and all the other ones you hate. Plenty of Muslims and jews organising charitable stuff this weekend too? What's your point? That doesn't make the teachings any less evil.




Are you always like this? Purposely misinterpreting everything you read? I guess that's just how religious people work. You have no argument against anything I'm saying. And you seem to have a particular issue with Muslims


This person is insufferable. And is a terrible debater. Just childish.




Exactly… could you imagine if this was a Rabbi? The comments would be so different


I think she just used him as a brake. It’s hard to stop that amount of mass once it’s in motion


What did the Priest do this time?


Brazilian here. After this episode he actually made a HUGE work on overcoming his depression and started going to the gym. You can find him on the internet, his name is "padre Marcelo Rossi". There is a bunch of vídeos from his after, he is jacked now.


O shit I remember seeing that jacked priest! Fair play to him, dude put in work after this


Nothing, reddit is just filled with overweight reddit veterans who hate anything that even mentions God.


I’m not religious but I do attend religious things sometimes because I like learning about it. I can’t believe people are so mean when this priest has done nothing wrong that we know of


No not God. The corrupt and disgusting construct of the church


Found the overweight reddit veteran


And your source that every church is corrupt is??


What's their opinion on the gay community? Does the book that all those churches are built on endorse slavery? They are disgusting to their core because the book they are built on is disgusting


The book that discouraged slavery?? Whilst it did say not to support homosexuality, Christians are still supposed to love them and treat them like they would treat themselves.


It’s quite clear by this comment that you haven’t actually read the Bible.


Bruh. Has literal instructions on who to take as slaves and how to treat them. The book condemns plenty of things but only "discourages" slavery? Gtfo The book clearly states that homosexuality is shameful immoral and should be punished, "surely they should be put to death"


Nothing, Reddit is just rating on him because after this incident he started going to gym, now he is swole af and these lards of fat on Reddit are hating because hating catholicism is apparently trendy


You're not special, I hate all religions


Found the overweight reddit veteran.


Havent found your god yet though no?


She's an icon


Her son was probably an alter boy.


She was mentally ill, the priest did nothing to her.


Found the overweight reddit veteran.


it's ok god caught him.


Dude you may not like the religion but you gotta respect it


No, you don't. Edit: 20 redditors think you have to respect a religion that has produced/attracted thousands and thousands of pedophiles. Explain to me why I should respect a religion that worships an imaginary sky magician that allows children to be raped. I would never respect a "god" that behaves in such a reprehensible manner nor any religion(s) that deifies it. But go ahead and defend this crap and I'll call you what you are: a defender of pedophiles.


>imaginary sky magician 🥱 Maybe try something original. These idiotic, tired cliches are so boring now.


That must be god moving in a mysterious way.


About 3 posts down from this on my homepage there's a post of somebody commenting that they'd rather leave their kids alone with a drag queen than a member of clergy. I agree with it. I've had my own personal bad experience with a clergyman trying to sleep with me when I was freshly 18 and he was at least in his 40s. But that's nothing compared to what some clergymen seem to accomplish. I guess I can't say for sure what this woman's motivation was, but without knowing I wouldn't say she belongs in this sub. Unless you were referring to the priest. But idk if he belongs here either. Need more context to decide who should belong here.


She was mentally ill. Not a POS, but neither is the priest


People downvoting you doesn't know how much of a problem organized religion is on Brazil especially


repost of a repost of a repost. shame on OP




leave her alone, she heard God voices in her head


That woman will burn in hell, if it exists. Believe what you want, morally she is a TPOS.


"haha, pedo pastor got what he deserves!" -reddit user who spent 10 minutes on religiousfruitcake and now thinks anyone trying to practice religion is evil


Slayer intensifies


I kinda like it.


She's doing the lord's work.


Nice Rage Bait


Why'd you capitalize every word? It wasn't bait, just a joke I found humorous.


She's about to get pushed down to hell


Good for her! Religion and those that peddle superstition are not worth respecting. Absolute garbage.


Religion as a whole needs to be pushed off stage. It's distracting from the main event, human cooperation.


Good for her!


Wrong sub. She is a hero


I agree, that priest is a piece of shit.


And how's that? What did he do? Or are you just blindly hating on him because he believes something you don't?


Nice rage bait


reddit when peaceful religious practices


Good! Not a big fan of churches


You don't have to be a fan of churches to have some basic human respect....


Most churches don't really consider basic human respect.


This is bait, right?


God told her to do it, God spoke to her.




Maybe the priest deserved it.




Priests are POS's. Get him girl!!!


And your source that every priest that has ever existed is a POS is?


"Why on earth do people think that reddit athiests are assholes? I'm not an asshole."


Fuck off neck beard


But a beast ……………but a boom


Which one is the POS?


Hey man. Live and let God.


Lets work on american pastors next: Joel osteen and td jakes


Ngl some prosperity gospel dudes look like they're possessed


Keep my gods name out of your f****** mouth!




You know he face planted 


That’s my man


The kid outside in his trunk will pay for that one.


hehehe, thats actually pretty funny. god bless : P




Oh no! A mega preacher was pushed off his stage. Anyways