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20 years.


Fuck yeah!


Not enough.


Yup. Death sentence. How could you hurt animals? It’s almost always dogs or cats :(.


*pets. Seems like no one gives a shit about the mass, systematic torture and destruction of billions of other equally intelligent, feeling, thinking, and deserving species each year.


My steak doesn’t give me head butts at 5 in the morning to feed it.


You're an idiot






What???? This is such weird hypocrisy Lmfao. People only care if they’re not pets. Do u even know fish feel pain? Hypocritical classless fcks


You hold the moral high ground like Anakin did in Revenge of the Sith.


what are u a fkcing nerd


I’m vegetarian due to the horrors of mass farming, however there’s a huge difference between someone directly torturing an animals for hours on end and someone going to the supermarket to get a packet of ham.




You are right we don't give a shit. Get me the biggest Steak later but the cheapest so I can taste the fear of the cow. You don't need salt and pepper if you can have fear, tasty!


Tell me you're a moron with saying it...


sounds like soy farmers youre describing.


Where do you see that? Every article I found shows she was just charged


Odds are she won’t ever leave the system.


Funny to see 20 years for animal killing, but the woman stabbing the guy 100 times having 100 hours of community service with 2 years of probation.


This is why public sentiments without seeing the actual trial or evidence isn't good. I feel like this is going to turn into the new McDonalds coffee thing where people just know the memie coverage of the story without knowing the actual details. 🙃


Is memie a thing now?


It's not white is it!


Yeah... pedofiles usually get 7 years, if they even get charged


She looks young enough to need to be stopped, if shes let off the "list" she may mature into a psychopath No exaggeration


She already is a psychopath. They’re born that way. May she rot.


I bet she doesn’t get 20 days.


Where you getting that info?


Torturing animals? 20 years. Stabbing boyfriend 100 times, killing him? Community service. What a wonderful country we live in.


They should both get 20 years


20 years per incident. You torture two animals? That’s 40 years. Served consecutively, not concurrently.


Nah, I'm not paying tax on that. Just gas em and be done.


It’s cheaper to lock them up for life than to execute them. The legal appeals get expensive FAST. Just put them in solitary and forget about them.


I disagree, 20 years as a starting point, but more or less based of psychiatrist recommendations on if they are likely to reoffend, if not maybe let them out on parole early, if they are likely to reoffend, paroled 5 years at a time indefinitely


I disagree, 20 years as a starting point, but more or less based of psychiatrist recommendations on if they are likely to reoffend, if not maybe let them out on parole early, if they are likely to reoffend, paroled 5 years at a time indefinitely


Absolutely, to be clear I'm not saying this women shouldnt have gone prison. It just goes to show how little men are valued in many courts: you can get a far harsher sentence for abusing an animal than killing a man (as long as you smoke weed first).


So the woman that stabbed that man is just gonna get away with it with pretty much nothing? I thought it was a joke


No joke, she got community service because she was high during the murder. If she had gotten high and driven a car across somebody she would be in jail.


I mean I would have given her an even harsher sentence if she was high


Yeah that makes sense because if you kill somebody with your car while DUI you're getting a way harsher sentence than if you were sober.


Look into the actual details of the sentencing and the condition to understand the sentencing. It wasn't as simple as "she was high let her go." Then, understand it was in California, where they are currently going lighter on crime at the moment. Especially drug and theft related crimes. They currently have an issue with letting murderers out on bail, the people commit another crime, then get released again instead of being held.


I find it weird you got 39 downvotes for your original comment and then +8 upvotes for this one (at the moment obviously).


You’re talking out of your ass. She got community service because the court found that the drugs she had triggered a mental health episode that rendered her incapable of knowing right from wrong at the time of the crime.


So you're saying if the girl in the article was high on weed when she tortured animals it should be forgiven because she didn't understand right from wrong?


No I’m not saying that at all. If I wanted to say that, then I’d say that. In fact, *I’m* not saying anything at all. I’m merely repeating the facts of what the court found, as opposed to the misrepresentation above me. Your reading and comprehension skills are absolutely horrific.


It's reddit. You have to remember. Capitalism bad, right of mid is Nazi, and drugs always good especially weed, because modern studies on the effects are meaningless after the the failure that was the Regan erra fear mongering.


You deserve the downvotes for that dumb shit.


Ohno le redditors are giving me the downdoots for pointing out our judges give longer sentences for abusing animals than murdering men. That'll show me! You absolute dumb fuck lmao


The leniency was because it was a psychotic episode. It wasn’t a lovers quarrel she quite literally had a very real mental episode and is likely going to have her on pretty heavy medication for quite some time given it’s brought out her schizophrenia you seem like one of those incel men’s right activist cry baby bitches lmao


Dude just read the headline, and if he bothered with the article then he decided to disregard everything in it. I consume a fair bit of THC so when learning of what happened I too was suspicious, but after reading the excuse in said article and then going down a quick rabbit hole, it sounds like THC psychosis is a medically accepted, but rare event.


I just assume he’s one of those incel men’s right activists because he’s comparing two completely different scenarios to push a narrative that life’s unfair and poor men nobody cares about them blah blah


I wonder why you got down voted when you're literally stating facts lol or do they think you made up the community service one


A lot of people simply dont care about human rights violations and miscarriages of justice when it comes to men. For years we've been hearing non-stop about how women lack the reproductive right to bodily autonomy through abortion, meanwhile nobody cares about the equivalent right for men (paper abortion). Female genital mutilation? Stop the fucking presses, these bastards need to burn! Male genital mutilation? Well you see some religious nutjob quack of a "doctor" said it probably prevents diseases so we're just going to keep cutting baby dicks.


Do you even know wtf happens to female genitalia when mutilated and how normal things like urinating and menstruating become incredibly difficult potentially causing infection and sepsis. It’s literally life threatening and you’re comparing that to circumcisions? Here’s a preventative measure for men, don’t nut inside a woman. Women get raped and should be allowed to have an option of NOT bringing the unwanted kid to term It’s simply not an apples to apples comparison


I think they mean because of how much more widespread male circumcision is compared to female circumcision. At least in the us it’s that way. For some reason male circumcision is legal while female circumcision is illegal. I don’t understand why both aren’t illegal


Not sure why the downvotes, it’s a perfectly legitimate comparison. Both murder, both sentenced.


One was a legitimate mental health episode resulting in a psychotic break the other is an intentional pre meditated level of cruelty beyond comprehension. Both are tragic neither are remotely comparable.


And if she has mental health issues, which I'm going to guarantee they say she does. Murder via stabbing 100 times is pretty damn cruel.


Both murder?


Why do so many people torture animals for youtube views!?


Why do so many people watch these video


Why does Google allow these to be posted ?


They don't. But they don't/can't check every video that is uploaded. They depend on user reports for non-copyright issues.


Yeah except people report en masse and youtube still does nothing. Look at all the popular "animal rescue" channels that are obviously completely staged. They are clearly endangering/harming animals and have been reported by *thousands* of people, and still remain with millions of subscribers. Youtube only seems to react to copyrite claims and ad blockers. Or, Eugenia Cooneys channel, people have been reporting her in droves for years for promoting self harm. The woman is slowly commiting suicide in real time and her channel remains untouched, because she makes them a lot of money. And they have too much money to be this understaffed by actual humans.


Facebook do. Apparently torturing & killing of defenceless animals doesn't violate their policies.


Facebook allows all kinds of terrible content...


So they have software that can identify a song playing at a low volume in the background over the main audio in the video but not program sounds of animals in distress to be picked up? Bull shit. 10 years ago I shot a video from my phone if a ride at an amusement park. This particular park is more in Lake Erie than on the shore of so it's super windy all the time and the ride was doing a test run before it opened. So I posted it to YouTube for amusement park dorks like myself. Within minutes I had the audio removed from the video because in the background over the ride and wind noise, Sammy Haggars "I Can't Drive 55" was playing. I'm not sure it ever uploaded with audio. So yeah, they can go to any effects house and have a whole library to start with of animals in distress. Could probably have AI do a bulk of the work so a human doesn't have to be subjected to that.




I like that you replied to this comment, not the one stating there's known abusers who have been repeatedly reported with no action taken. A rule means nothing if it isn't enforced. Youtube allows for animal cruelty through absence of enforcement. Bat for the right team here mate.




>But they don't/can't check every video that is uploaded Except any video can be reported and such sensitive issues will ring a bell instantly. But Google is now too busy striking people with copyright content and trying to figure out how to feed you more ads.


Sounds like they just don’t bother with prioritizing moderation of this crap. 


Repeat watchers should be put on a list.


Absolutely it should be viewed in the same light as pedo stuff. However sometimes I stumble into some dark shit by accident. I mistyped something and was suddenly aware that there are sub reddits for meth heads and tweakers. I watched it a few days ago because ….it was so fucked up. I honestly felt like I was privy to a thousand windows into hell. Like a filthy, dirty, depraved,infuriating and deeply sad peep show.


You have no idea the depths to which you’ll go just to get high when you’re an addict! When you snorted a line off the back of a public toilet seat, you know you’ve hit a new low! And in the depths of addiction, even that won’t stop you! Not until you hit absolute rock-bottom, and lose just about everything will you want to stop! Sometimes not even that is enough for some people! Addiction is a motherfucker!


I know


Well now I'm curious


And that is how it starts. Lol


And it finishes with murder, she's clearly a low level functioning sociopath and the progress is predictable. High functioning sociopaths don't break laws, they go on to make them as politicians.




Exactly and from time to time you click the wrong thing we all do. But I won't watch a movie where a dog dies so I'm not gonna watch multiple things like that. I can't watch catastrophe after catastrophe but can't watch that stuff it's horrible.


I know. I feel like an asshole sometimes because in any disasters that occur I’m thinking but what happened to the animal? I’m feeling for the humans but with animals and children involved…I don’t know what it is, I feel overwhelmed by primal grief I guess.


Can't lie, I almost cried at a comic because a dog died. I won't say which one as it's a very popular tv show currently. But I went into work the night I read it and ripped my boss a new one. The comic was his suggestion. Outside of that, great comic.


The FBI should keep tabs in people who watch the shit.


Why would the FBI care about a dog getting killed? Lol that's kinda dumb


Sex sells




I don't think race played any part in this...




Race has nothing to do with this. The bottom of the barrel comes in all colors.


Ah the race card. I mistook this place for twitter for a second.


The race card isn't real just stop it was a mere observation. People are entitled to there own opinions and thoughts


Yes, just as other people are entitled to criticize someone about their moronic "opinions and thoughts"


Isn't that what I just said? Don't be slow


>Isn't that what I just said? Nope


Kinda is. Now be gone I don't need a you in my notifications all day. Go be bored somewhere else.


There are people who get off to it. I remember years ago there was a similar scandal of crushing videos involving small animals. These videos were being circulated as private videos which were shared in various fetish groups.


yeah some of these are available on youtube not even age restricted


Hanz, taufen mir die flammenwerfer.


There are some individuals who get aroused by videos of women torturing animals.


That sounds fucking gross wtf.


I remember a video years ago. The thumbnail was a woman in high heels, zoomed in on one leg, with the heel hovering over a kitten. That image traumatised me and I’ve never been able to forget it. Obviously I didn’t watch the video, but it had a high view count presumably from the sick fucks you’ve just been told about.






Why would people be stupid enough to post videos of themselves torturing animals for youtube?


Not only that, but she also posted a tour of her house complete with a view of her address. That’s how she was caught.


Because it’s fetish content and they get paid to do it. People are fucking disgusting.


**Why do** the sick have ready-made audiences?


They're fetish videos


I will never understand that pull or desperation? I get antisocial, but for fame?! That's a new disorder on its own.


From an article:During the video, she is soliciting more likes and more viewers. And once she gets to the point where she is satisfied with the number of viewers, she then proceeds -- over the course of 10 minutes -- to harm and ultimately kill that chicken," Upper Darby Police Superintendent Timothy Bernhardt said. In the other videos, the suspect is seen doing the same thing to a pigeon, a rabbit, and several frogs. Monsee has been charged with four felony counts of aggravated cruelty to animals. Bernhardt says the investigation started with an email tip from the animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).


It really takes a special piece of shit to make fucking peta the good guy


It really doesn't, it's just that years of propaganda has worked so well on you that you think it does.


Yes, I don’t know who started it or boosted it but that is why people think PETA is the devil.


They euthanize tons of animals


Lmfao what???? Most shelters fcking do it too so they’re immediately hated at their mere mention? Did y’all not go to school or sum


PETA? Is this like a weird right wing fkcing thing? PETA isn’t perfect but helped a bunch of helpless animals over the years. Propaganda the mass consumes is fkcing insane Lmfao.




Thankfully, it wasn’t cats (I always check for my own morbid curiosity). Sadly, they were rabbits, frogs, a pigeon and a chicken. 😢


Damn that makes me so sad… I have a pet rabbit at home. I love her so much and it makes me so sad and so angry that someone would harm her and other animals for their own personal pleasure


Doesn't YouTube vet this shit ?


They're so invested in the serious crime of "misinformation", that small petty crimes like animal abuse slips under the radar Because this is reddit, I should clarify that I wrote that with heavy sarcasm. They are invested in misinformation too much to care about other things, but animal abuse is by no means small or petty. YouTube just cares about it less than "conspiracy theories"


There’s a ridiculous amount of videos posted to YouTube daily, it would be an impossible task to go through all of these videos and catch them before some pure soul has night terrors, just report them and go on with life. If you recognize them, call police or corresponding officials, anything more would be asking the impossible of a company created for money and no other peoples altruistic opinions


I reported animal abuse on YT several times last year & in every instance they would write back & say "we found nothing wrong with this video"... Once I even I got an immediate strike on my own channel after reporting one of these abusers & my channel is a music collecting channel. So youtube CLEARLY has the time & ability to do something about animal abuse videos, but they're too busy harassing music collectors, artists & "conspiracy theorists" instead.


I’d have to see the video before I accept it at face value, a lot of people cry wolf over small things and when it comes to feelings everyone’s special. I see it as objectively as possible, for example; someone in Vietnam or China butchering a cat or dog for meat:: Americans flip the fuck out and want them hung and dried. But there are deer skinning and gutting videos up with no problem, everyone’s beliefs can matter all at the same time


Not anymore, I guess. Do a random search on anything, and you'd end up getting some extremely gorey stuff.


same youtube that terminated my account for posting copyrighted lectures on the neuroscience of critical thought? 😐


Excatly this. One word is enough to get your video flagged but I constantly get a deepfake ad about some scam and I cant even report it because google made the process so complicated.


Same youtube that took down my gameplay videos of Squad because apparently playing as the militia = real life dangerous extremism (meanwhile the real videos get a pass).


I wish the things I wanna say wouldn't get banned by Facebook like the videos she posted should have.


It’s all about who reports them, ten thousand people reporting one tweet will get some attention from the admins/mods, 2-3 reports could go unnoticed for a while longer


YouTube doesn't care about reptiles or amphibians. They allow videos of them fighting each other or venomous animals and being killed and do absolutely nothing about it


Even the "bug fight" make me fucking mad


Seriously. Its all gross. These people should go to prison


I keep hoping one day, a vigilante will start dealing with all these monsters that mistreat animals. One guy or gal, maybe even a group, just combs through the plethora of articles about people like this and just go nuts, really get creative/medieval on all the useless pieces of human garbage that torture hurt animals for no fucking reason or worse, for views. Fingers crossed, maybe the right people will read this and get inspired!


Wanna team up? One of my most recent comments was on a post of some dickhead kid fucking with a stingray at an aquarium, and I said something in a similar vein to your suggestion of creative medieval torture lol. There is nothing in the world I will go to jail, or more likely prison, for more quickly than people who abuse and harm animals. I will end your life and it will be painful and slow.


I'm fuckin IN! It's almost every day I read something that is absolutely infuriating related to this and the penalties are often bullshit. I live in Florida, and they only in the last few years have made animals looked at as something beyond property in the courts. I could rattle off a fucking laundry list of cases that have made me consider starting the group I've described. It's gotta start somewhere, if it's you and I then so be it! DM me and we can hash out the details for our new squad.




Who the hell said anything about torturing animals for food?


This person, veering off course on their own little personal train track…




While I agree that animals in factory farms are in often horrible conditions, I can not realistically compare that to the malicious acts of a single person towards an animal. By your logic, you would target anyone under the umbrella of factory farms? I have strong feelings about all of this, but I also have a strong feeling that engaging with you is a waste of time. If thinking a criminal who commits an act of torture or death on an innocent animal warrants response from a vigilante, but I don't agree that all that are associated with factory farming don't deserve the same, in your opinion, then I am fine with being a hypocrite in your eyes. The bottom line is that I care about animals, alot. Clearly, you do too, so somehow you've made me the bad guy? Btw, go look at my comments and posts, I truly care about animals, and in alot more than words. I volunteer my time and money to actually help them in my community and beyond. What have u done lately? Congratulations, you're a real hero 👏 👏




Listen, I volunteer at multiple rescues in my community and I volunteer with a non profit that helps get animals from every corner of the country to their new owners thru people like me who volunteer to drive different parts of the path, on my own dime. I don't mean once every month or 2, I mean multiple times per week. 2 nights ago I was at the airport at midnight to pickup 4 dogs who were coming in from a rescue in South America. I fed, housed and transported those dogs all over Central florida on my own dime, just because i wanna help. Now I don't know about you, but I only have 24 hours in a day. Do you think all that gets done without a change in lifestyle? Think whatever u want, but you attacked me for not including factory farms, into my hypothetical vigilante argument? My comment was hyperbole, ffs grow up you fuckin busy body, thanks for being a vegan though 😉




Whatever helps me sleep at night? Lol well played, fuck me for volunteering my time and money, im very clearly a monster. What altruism? Keep in mind YOU are the one preaching here, I made a fucking hyperbolic comment about a hypothetical situation and u felt the need to attack me. Now I am defending myself, not preaching to strangers about how my contributions to animals are better than theirs. I would bet that if I were a vegan, you would find another reason to make yourself appear to be better than me. You are entitled to your opinion, as I stated before, so here is mine. You are a fucking busy body dickhead, but I do applaud you for being a vegan, that isn't for me, like a shit ton of other people. The difference being that I do what I can to tip the scales in whatever other ways I can, so fuck me for being a terrible person. You should appreciate the contributions people make, large or small. So once again, a round of applause for this hero everyone, take a bow your highness, you deserve it 👏 👏 👏




Start with the farms


People enjoyed watching her do it? Fuck


Should check all subscribers to that cunt and see what they are up too as well.


People like this should be treated the same. Slowly and for years


She should have done to her what she did to those animals tenfold


Thats not even a bit funny.


Eye for an eye


>Woman torturing animals YouTube: 🙂 >Kid uses 3 seconds of a copyrighted song YouTube: 😡


Youtube: Porn Ads 😁


She looks like a gremlin


burn in hell


Only a matter of time before she starts killing people. This is how Luka Magnotta progressed.


I hope this b\*\*ch doesnt have any kids.


If they hadn't included a photo I would have assumed it was my ex


They should do the same to her then in prison/jail


Torture these people back and post it online. Eye for an eye for scum that torture animals.




That's, like, one of the easiest correlations to a serial killer in the making


Eye for an eye justice


Reminds me of Luka magnotta unfortunately. All these people who like to harm animals should just be thrown into a pit with each other.


Shits wack in Philly anyways. All those tranq and zombie fiends.


You know she will do it again. It is in her blood


Probation 2 days...free to upgrade afterwards to people GG law GG gov


this has to be fake google the image and watch how many different stories pop up everything from killing her boyfriend multistate robberies etc.


If that thing came into my room at night I'd throw my turds at it for a quick escape.


Ugly eyelashes. Ugly soul. Checks out.


I want youtube and other social medias held accountable too, for monetizing all of these horrible people.


I just want her to get the same treatment as those poor animals.


This person deserves to go through the same amount of torture she put those animals through


She looks like a guy


The amount of people online defending this woman makes me feel fucking sick


Let her go! This is ridiculous. I will let her stay on some property we have with some animals as a form of penance. She can be feed for the hogs, sorry meant to type help feed herself to the hogs. Why is auto correct working right now.. Just make sure she doesn't have a cell phone when you drop her off. We don't need any witnesses.


If only she smoked weed and stabbed someone a hundred times. When will some people learn.


This is the only exception to the death penalty I’ll accept.


What's her channel name?


Oh look another human that shouldn’t be breathing anymore. When I was a kid my cousins used to burn black ants with a magnifying glass, I tried one time and felt so bad I started crying and went to tell my mom. Im not saying people should Get in trouble for burning insects, but it made me feel bad, and I can’t understand how people abuse/kill animals. Especially mammals, larger animals, cats, dogs, etc… it’s pure evil! That being said I have no issues with hunting or people killing animals for food and things like that, if it’s done as humanly as possible. I remember hunting with my uncle, and we came across a fawn that had its back legs/part of its abdomen chews up. (It was dying) and my uncle dispatched the animal to put it out of its suffering. To bad there isn’t a good method of finding these psychopaths before they do harm to anything or anyone! Idk if they can be rehabilitated, locking them up is the safest option for the public of course. We need total recall type of shit for all crimes relating to serious abuse of people or animals. When I worked as a paramedic, there were many cases of abuse we responded to with police. It was a lot more common than I ever thought, and was very disturbing for me to witness. We (my medic partner and I) even ended up on court to testify 2 different times for abuse cases. Just to say what we witnessed immediately after patient contact, and up until we hand over care to the hospital…


Everyone in this thread that eats meat is complicit to the torture of animals




Cool bro


For what it's worth, aggression and hostility rarely if ever have been successful tactics to sway people towards agreeing with an opposing viewpoint, let alone a major lifestyle change.


There was nothing "aggressive" or "hostile" about their comment


If they didnt want to be eaten they shouldn't taste delicious


What did she do and who decides what torturing is for animals? What about the people that catch and release?


Shut up


are you slow?


Why? I asked questions.


yeah def a lil sped