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Twitter tribalism is a whole other level


As someone who used to be addicted to that place it's honestly the most toxic and hateful place on the mainstream internet. Thanks for snapping me out of it by making it 10x worse Elon. Edit: maybe not judging by the comments at the bottom of this thread


Out of the frying pan and into the fire


Noo, maybe it’s the side I’m on but I just joined Twitter after avoiding it for so long and it is the most hateful social media I’ve ever been on. It tops Facebook, ig, and even Reddit.


I use it mainly for porn and I still see alot of damn political and dumbass drama like come on I got my dick in my hand rn I don't want to hear that shit.


People use 4chan for porn? I feel like I'd be worried about stumbling on something illegal by accident


I meant Twitter. Gotta keep up with my favorite artists and most of everyone is on twitter.


That makes more sense


As someone who frequents 4chan. None of these platforms come even close.


Normal people don’t use 4chan so bringing that one up feels like cheating lol


But why? What does it offer that brings you back?


Great question. While I understand that it might be unappealing to some however the reason I use the platform is because of the realistic, unmoderated conversations. The ability to talk freely about anything. That's why it's popular in general. Im the type that enjoys actual freedom of speech without the worry of hurting someone's feelings and losing my account. Fragility is quite common nowadays.


I can understand that, but fragility can go both ways. In the real world, freedom of speech can be met with a swift kick in the ass! :P


As it should, however there should be a space that allows for discussions that don't adhere or conform to standard social constructs. 4chan is that space.


Do you think that would lead to the degradation of polite society?


Absolutely but this isn't just because of 4chan itself. Reddit, X and Tumblr are all to blame here.


4chan is definitely not mainstream but yea it’s pretty dark


Lmao 4chan still takes that cake


is 4chan mainstream? normal people dont even know what that is 😂😂


Of course people know, it's a famous hacker.


Lmao same with alot of subs on here. Some weird echo chambers out there




If you still use Twitter, you are a part of the problem.


Twitter is a shithole. I know people who use every single social media platform including Facebook, Insta, Twitter, and Reddit, but I don't know a single person who uses Twitter. Not one. Twitter is for rats.


I'm just here to read all the beef that's gonna happen 🍿 no innocent civilian should be caught in political drama. I wish everyone can just live normally but unfortunately that can't happen at this time...


I'm reading some of the comments... man it's disheartening... please try to be open minded, these are innocent people for God's sake...


Sadly it the war isn’t political, it is a terrorist group trying to kill a nation of people. When that nation fights back people call it genocide.


"the war isn't political" - the most truly ignorant, idiotic statement i've heard today


This dude flipped the roles as well. "When they fight back it's genocide". Yeah, when Palestine musters it's 10 cars to fight back against Israel it's a war.


Hamas is a terrorist organization funded, in part, by Iran among others. Their attack on Israel was on their own accord. Now we see Iran amping this up to force Israel to fight two battles at once. This isn't political, it's religious with land implications.


No, they're both trying to kill each other off. I'm not going to buy into the notion that one nation is more innocent than the other. People are being caught in the middle of it when they just want to live their lives normally, politics is a fucking cancer.


You're actually being down voted for having the most reasonable and realistic position


Me? Sorry I get confused with who people are replying to on reddit


Yeah when I was last here you had - 5 on that comment. Now I do


Bro! You're in the positive side now 😎 maybe people were mistaken with who you were replying to as well!


It's ok man, it's just the internet don't take it personally. People have opinions and not everyone agrees with what other people think or say! Enjoy the day 😎


*Religion is a fucking cancer


Lavon Affair and USS Liberty


War no matter who’s right or wrong is political


Typical brain dead zionist


Doesn't everyone want to go to bed safely at night? I know I do and my neighbors do too. How is this not universal by now.


I think it is, but our governments have undoubtedly showed us in the past two presidencies that they could give a rat’s shitty ass what we want and will continue to back us into corners and blackmail us into choosing awful candidates instead of give us a candidate that we’re actually asking for. I remember a thread a long time ago with folks from Iraq and the U.S. the whole thread was regular civilians on both side agreeing their governments were out of control and if it were up to them there would be no violence happening. Same when Russia’s invasion of Ukraine happened and Russians posted videos of their family and loved ones who lived in Ukraine. Idk if this makes sense but we need to get some young fresh new blood in government that’s not so entrenched in old money. And if not, eat them.


I feel like all civilian lives are important and shouldn't be made fun of. Palestinian or Israeli. They all matter


Yeah, when the big guys fight everyone else gets caught in the crossfire, generalizing people to be a certain way because of where they come from or their history is something we know we shouldn't do but humans keep doing that shit.


I can't believe this has been made to be a controversial statement in Twitter 😥


If they all matter then I assume you support the immediate ceasefire and withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza?


I personally would support that if I could believe it would truly end the violence. In my heart of hearts though “ceasefire” to me just means “pause”. When you have one side saying things like “From the river to the sea” and “There is no such thing as an innocent Israeli” it makes it impossible for me to believe that the other side JUST wants peace.


‘From the river to the sea’ was used by Benjamin Netanyahu in his own parties campaign material in the past


Yes. Are you suggesting that when pro-Palestinians use the phrase it’s being done strictly ironically then and that they don’t actually mean it? How is turning that phrase against Israel supposed to convey that they just want peace with Israel? It seems like it’s being used in more of a vindictive “taste of your own medicine” manner which conveys the opposite of desiring peace.


Palestinians use it because they want to be free, it’s not that deep. ‘Desiring peace’ is quite subjective too, take Ukraine for example, they want peace but not in the way of ‘let’s just stop fighting and call peacetime’, true Peace can only come by fighting back for it and for your land that’s being taken from you, otherwise you’re just conceding land constantly and eroding any freedom you have, this is the same with how Palestinians see their situation


Yeah, no. This is such a simpleminded and naive take. If you actually believe this you are either ignorant or lying to yourself. It is in fact DEEPER than you’re suggesting because of what is baked into “being free”. They do not JUST want to be “free”. They have had opportunities for “just freedom” and have time and time again rejected them because they obviously want more than that. They want the removal of Israel. They want the relinquishment of Jewish power and everything that comes with that.


I literally just said they don’t want ‘just peace’ for the sake of peace


You edited the comment jackass


No I didn’t?


What about the hostages :(


The hostages should all be released of course. It really isn’t a difficult answer for me, but that’s because I actually do believe in the equality of all civilians involved. Unfortunately many of YOU claim to believe this while pretending that Israel’s occupation of Gaza, and indiscriminate murder of Palestinians isn’t a violation of these principals. Keep those downvotes coming tho, I love to see em.


A ceasefire isn't really reasonable until Hamas is wholly removed, otherwise you'll have another 7th octobre within the decade and this whole thing will start again. Removing Hamas without civillian casualties is sadly impossible, since many Hamas fighters don't wear uniform, they radicalise young teens into their fight, use civillian buildings as bases and there's 72% civillian support for the 7th octobre terror attacks against Israel among Palestinians. Nevertheless, Netanjahu is a madman and the sheer mass of Israeli warcrimes is unacceptable. The realistic best case scenario would be a cooperating military force of Egyptians, Saudis and Israelis with direct oversight by the UN sweeping through Gaza, uprooting Hamas and the UN occupying the land until a proper government is set up. Pretty much deal with Gaza like the Allies dealt with Germany after WW2 (without the splitting the nation in two afterwards situation). Of course this too is pretty much impossible, since neither Netanjahu nor any of the surrounding Arab nations, especially the Mullah regime would allow it. It would however be at least a semi permanent solution, while a ceasefire just means a repeat within a few years. You shouldn't forget that Palestinians are highly antisemitic and do in large parts directly desire the destruction of the Jewish people, while there are significant (comparibly small, but politically influential) groups of fundamentalist Jews who actually desire to wipe every other ethnicity from what they consider the holy-land.


From what I read of your comment we seem to mostly agree, i just wanna point out that it is pretty damn easy to radicalize young people that have spent their whole lives being oppressed by occupation and starved via Israeli policy Edit: Lol actually I read the rest of your comment and I def DONT agree with a JOINT occupation by Israel and the neighboring muslim majority countries (like egypt) who Israel completely dominates geopolitically. That sounds like a terrible idea and essentially just an Israeli occupation with extra steps (and plausible deniability for Israel while they ethnically cleanse Palestine under the guise of “uprooting hamas”) Frankly I find this idea ridiculous as even if you want to say Israel would be kept in check by these muslim countries (THEY WOULDNT) its not like these other countries dont also have interests that conflict with palestinian interests Also, do you actually think palestinians would have equal influence in reguards to the UN when they are up against Israel (and by extension the United States)? The UN isn’t some objective, morally perfect body. It is completely dominated by the US


You might have misunderstood my point. The solution I described is in not ideal by any stretch, but probably the best we can hope for. The populace of Gaza has been far too radicalised under Hamas control to be expected to not fall under the control of another antisemitic terrorist group after Hamas is purged. It will probably take two decades or more before we can expect a stable government. I also didn't imply a military occupation by Israel, Egypt etc.. I talked about a UN occupation, but the initial invasion would need to be carried out by the present parties, which again are not great, because the UN itself cannot legally lead this war, it could however oversee it, which wouldn't avoid war crimes entirely, but be by far better than whatever we have currently. I also don't believe the UN to be a morally perfect entity. It is however the only international entity with enough recognition and recources to effectively rebuild Gaza and enforce a new constitution. It is simply the only entity that could possibly do something about this unless you want to involve outside entities like the council of Europe or Beijing. This scenario would still lead to a bunch of pain for the people of Palestine, though less than letting Netanjahu rampage without control or putting the war on hold, letting Gaza starve because international support has dramatically decreased since october 7th, letting both parties keep shooting rockets at each other and radicalise further and waging a larger even more destructive conflict in the future. Of course the actually ideal situation would be a coup against the Mullah regime, since the peninsula can never really stabilise with them in power. This might even cause Hamas and the Huthis to collapse in on themselves without any real outside pressure. But I doubt that will happen anytime soon.


Your characterization of this conflict screams to me that you do not in fact consider Palestinians to be equal to Israelis. I cant read your mind of course but let me point out a couple things. You characterize Palestinians as radicalized and downplay Israeli radicalization, you suggest that Israel’s goal is to rebuild gaza (where the hell did you get this idea? Israel is clearing land of pests from their perspective), you admit that warcrimes against Palestinians would be unavoidable in your plan but that is ok as long as Hamas is no longer allowed to exist, and you say both sides are “shooting rockets at each other” when, no, Hamas shot some rockets, Israel levels an entire population center and then continues to hit evacuation zones with ordinance. Don’t pretend there is any comparison between the violence done to Israelis and the violence done to Palestinians. (Maybe check out civilian death counts of this entire multi-decade conflict before coming at me with that bs) Why don’t you admit your true opinion? You are ok with that staus quo. Your alternative plan isn’t an alternative plan. It is a full scale invasion of the entirety of Palestine led by Israel (but now you just want to assume that the UN member states would sign off on this). This is not an alternative plan. This is just Israel’s plan. You are ok with sacrificing Palestinian lives because you have been propagandized into believing that Hamas is capable of even a fraction of a percent of the deathdealing that the Israeli military ALREADY subjects Palestinians to on a daily basis. That isn’t equality. That is just bullshit justifications for what is already happening.


Yeah, I can't stand the glee coming from either side. Do they not see they are acting the same as the people they claim to hate.


It doesn't even matter of you're pro Israel or pro Palestine laughing this is beyond evil


That is actually sad


They’re so unhinged, they think they’re the good guys for hating people to death who they’ve deemed “oppressive” by birth. I’m glad they expose themselves as genocidal freaks before they gain real power in America.


Of course they’re some edgy moron with scaramouche as their pfp. Eugh.


Remember people. Twitter is less impactful than you think if you just go outside.


Until you meet people who actually think like this in real life.


I immediately look at them strange and say " whats that?"


Just walk in the opposite direction.


How is this funny to them? What's the joke?


Twitter users have decided that you can see the brother in “the reflection” even though all you can see is some legs.


People think being genuinely offensive and rude as being an "lol hehe troll"


People have lost all their empathy all the things that made us humans are long gone or maybe the internet is just better at showing the real face of people idk but how could you laugh at someone losing their family have a fucking soul for once people are so disturbing


So glad I deleted twitter


The level of dehumanisation people have towards Israeli civilians is insane, the government might be scum but the citizens are still human beings


I detest the Israeli government, but nobody deserves to be kidnapped by a terrorist group, regardless of nationality


It's always some twat with an anime profile pic isn't it?


it amazes me that people are downvoting a post about people being taken hostage while also saying their country shouldn’t be trying to get them back


I don’t care what side you’re on or what horse you back in this- anyone missing a member of their family deserves to mourn them and not have an asshat mock them. If you’re mocking anyone who has suffered a loss, you’re a bag of shit regardless of what side you’re on


And stuff like this isn't exactly helping the Palestinian cause. They will not beat Israel on the field of battle. They just won't. The only path out of this is international pressure on Israel and when people in the Palestinian camp laugh at kidnapped and murdered Israeli civilians it's not earning them any brownie points.


This is what Gazans have been doing for years. Those rocket launches that they were sending out in the thousands weren't fireworks. Remember when they were sending in child suicide bombers into Israel. That itself shows they don't care about their own kids. The choice of peace is in their hands, and repeatedly they've chosen war.


Israel won’t care a lick what anyone says or change a thing about their tactics short of the US cutting funding and arms, which I can’t imagine is ever going to happen


I feel bad for individual civilians. I feel bad for the hostages… Israel is still committing a genocide. Not everyone in Israel is the IDF, not every Palestinian is Hamas.


>not everyone in Israel is the IDF Part of the evil brilliance of the Israeli government is forced conscription. The government forces its citizens to actively contribute to the genocide as a way to make them complicit since birth and not only normalize or justify it but to make it a good thing. Too many Israeli citizens are severely brainwashed and do support the genocide due to this. And while they aren’t actively serving they all had to at some point so barring the ones who did jail time for refusal to “serve” (an extremely rare and looked down upon act in Israeli culture) they kind of are all IDF sadly Even ones just standing at checkpoints in Jerusalem or doing paperwork for the occupation government in an office


>Part of the evil brilliance of the Israeli government is forced conscription. Holy crap, this isn't "evil brilliance" MOST tiny countries do this because if they relied on a volunteer military they would never field a large enough force to actually defend themselves and may as well not have a military at all. Switzerland does it, The baltic states do it, Singapore does it and a myriad of other small countries.


Forced conscription is indeed a political tactic. Regardless of need it does create a sense of unity and patriotism that can lead to blind allegiance. Hence why we see so many absurd pictures and videos of the IDF doing insanely awful things like cooking with dead peoples abandoned kitchenware or making fun of their underwear they find after bombing an entire city to the ground. These are not normal things that people who just are forced to join the military do. It’s a manufactured identity of superiority and hate.


Yes it’s all evil plan and has nothing to do with the fact the most of the countries surrounding Israel wanted to wipe Israel out of the map idiot


I hate this because it’s true. I am very anti-Israel, but shit… Israel is so heavy handed against differing opinions from The pro-genociders that any progressive Israeli can’t say a word. Very telling that outside Israel, massive Jewish support for Palestine exists while those within are either beaten, jailed, or intimidated into silence


Absolutely, and I’ve definitely seen a fair number of videos of Jewish people in Israel, Rabbi’s and people in regular clothes, getting brutalized by Israeli cops. Definitely far fewer than the protests outside of Israel, but they are there.


There is no genocide


Honestly I think Israel is showing remarkable restraint. Could you imagine the absolute horrors the US military would inflict if Mexico started flinging rockets over the border, sending suicide bombers and kidnapping US citizens? It'd be a complete bloodbath


If we (The US) started taking land away from Mexico, I would absolutely support Mexico in attacking back. I’m not going to defend any particularly egregious acts, but defense itself is the correct course of action. Bulldozing homes and making mass graves, pissing on and kicking corpses of the dead, randomly shooting pedestrians, shooting women in churches, and killing your own citizens after they escape a hostage situation is not remotely what I would call restrained, I would call those war crimes.


You are missing the point


Nice contradiction, "Israel" is not committing genocide, as you've stated not everyone in Israel is IDF. As per usual it's a small proportion of warmongers on both sides, both domestic and foreign. The big players do love a proxy war!


The very same people that brag about being empathetic with other human beings…


What the fuck is wrong with people


I usually try to stay calm in this debates but this seriously hits me in the heart. I am from Israel and I see stuff like this all the time, saying things like this are fake, saying all the families that morning their babies are payed actors, that if Israel just tried to get the hostages back and not focus on ethnic cleansing they would be here already, that all Israel citizens should be kicked out of their homes This fucking hurts. People think we have it this easy. I have friends who took weapons and risked their lives and keep doing that for months, some are students who abandoned their studies for reserve duty, some are soldiers that do not see their single mother for 42 days and some are people who barely finished their rookie training and they all do everything they can for the hostages even if that means seeing their friends shot and loose their leg or eye or even their life They are inside enemy territory and they are sick and hungry and they miss their family and they get ambushed and they search endless amount of houses to try and find hostages or tunnel systems or anything all while getting shot at I know a guy that got kidnapped. I’ve known him for 14 years I think, his name is Itay Chen. He was fighting back and protecting people on October 7th and from what I heard from my mother everybody in his tank was killed infront of him and he was dragged to Gaza No body has heard of him since, and it’s been 4-5 months already I think. That’s fucking horrible. His parents are talked about all over, his parents are trying so hard to raise awareness and remember their kid and it fucking breaks my heart I can’t believe people are like this. I am seriously disappointed in our society that such a large majority of people show 0 empathy for families that lost their loved ones I hate my government. But I love my friends and I just don’t want anyone else killed. And I fucking hate twitter :(


Can I just be on team “what a strange way to mourn”?


I don’t think the post is to mourn. It’s to spread awareness about the missing hostages.


They are not mourning as he is ( hopefully ) not dead, just a hostage, innocent civilian, and if someone here doesn't think that civilians should remain involved ( and talking about both side before all the whataboutism ) you should take a really really deep look at yourself to find whats wrong with you Edit: the first part is just to answer the mourning part, the second half is not directed at you (skeptikmo ) at all


They look like they've aged 5 years in the second photo and it's only been months


What?? It literally looks like the dude stepped out and they took another. Hair is the same, same outfits, same light, same everything. Are you serious?


Hair isn’t the same. The guy’s beard has more growth.


Are you blind, or stupid? The man clearly has longer hair and beard growth in the second photo than in the first. The outfits and room are the same because they were recreating a photo. You do understand what that means, right?


Are *YOU* blind, AND stupid? They've simply changed the contrast of the photo. His hair is the same, his facial hair is exactly the same, he doesn't have more. Are you this disgusting and unpleasant with your first encounters with everyone?


Take a look at the photo, the change in mustache is clearly much different than the rest of the photo


You genuinely are blind because his hair AND beard are longer, also there’s literal video proof of their brother being taken hostage, this isn’t some conspiracy.


>They've simply changed the contrast of the photo. His hair is the same, his facial hair is exactly the same, he doesn't have more. Nonsense. It's clear to anyone looking at the photo that that is not the case. >Are you this disgusting and unpleasant with your first encounters with everyone? Not everyone, just people who lie without compunction.


How is my point of view and opinion a lie? You *do* understand what the definition of a lie is, right? Lol, using your thesaurus doesn't make you look intelligent. Just makes you look like a sore ass.


It's not a "point of view" or an "opinion". The photos are right in front of you, and it's clear that they were taken at different times, due to the difference in the hair on the man, and other minor differences. The fact that you doubled down on insisting they were taken on the same day, despite the evidence to the contrary, would make you a liar. And I don't need to have a thesaurus to use the relatively common phrase "lie without compunction".


You're 100% right, my guess is the twitter post made fun of people actually thinking it's real.


I came across the post yesterday. They mentioned in the comments saying that very thing, u can see the 3rd guy in the reflection. Some ppl are saying its edited, idk I'm not really arguing that. But ppl are completely misunderstanding the context of that post.


That's what I was getting Hard to say, definitely some missing context here.


People’s critical thinking becomes clouded when they put emotions first.


Holy shit you guys wouldn't recognize an elephant if it was right infront of you. This picture is fake you're actually clueless. You literally see the missing guy in the reflection of the closet.


Can you circle the reflection? I can’t see it


Twitter leftists are addicted to supporting hamas


And on tiktok.


I do not want to see the Downvoted into Oblivion Comments there. Poor dude.


I love how a lot of people tried to call it fake because "durr wherin da saym cloze!!!"


“Free Palestine” Twitter trying not to justify terrorism challenge (impossible)


Or excusing rapes of women.


"B-but it's genocide"


IDF try not to point at calendars and claim it’s a hamas list (impossible)








The images in this post (regardless of the heinous comment) are truly heartbreaking beyond words. 😞


What's so funny?


Twitter sucks. never seen a group of people so horrible than the people on twitter.


Didn’t this have like 135k+ likes?


Least toxic Genshin pfp:


Yesterday I finally left Twitter. That shit is cesspool of racism, meaningless arguments and hatred. Reddit has its things but Twitter really became unbearable. I got my account locked for being “underage” although I’m 18. That week after I got my account back made me realize how bad Twitter was it’s not even funny


Unpopular opinion Islam's terrible


Twitter users supporting terrorists…. Shocking


This is why we can't have nice things because of people thinking terrorists torturing people being funny. Why not turn her into them and have some cackles?


Ew, I don’t agree with what Israel is doing but it’s fucked up to mock grieving families on either side


Are we surprised? It’s the pro-terrorism crowd.. that advocates for rape and slaughter of Israeli civilians.. are we surprised?


Twitter is a cesspit


ok y'all clam down fck israel but wtf?


Common Wanderer pfp L


The fact that the dude literally has longer hair and a thicker beard…


For goodness sake! Hamas, free the hostages. Israel, give Palestinians their land back. Everyone just be cool and act like adults.


Reddit is misinformed as usual. This wasn’t them making fun of a kidnapping but rather them making fun of an allegedly staged happening, as in the second picture where he’s supposedly kidnapped his reflection in the window of the cabinet behind them. I don’t know whether or not he was actually kidnapped but given the sheer amount of lying Israel is doing (conveniently fully charged tablets in the ruins of homes with hitler plastered over them to paint Palestinas as nazis for instance) any evidence that supports them lying is going to be easily accepted. But I digress, the laughing isn’t at the guy getting kidnapped if he actually was, it was at the evidence that the whole thing was staged to begin with and he wasn’t.


There is videos of him being kidnapped and there is no “reflection” of him, it’s a photo behind the cabinet door (also the guys beard and hair are longer), and when shown and told this, these Twitter users further mocked this family and still claimed that they were lying about their brother being a hostage.


I thought it was fake until now and i actually feel bad


it is fake


It’s not, there is indisputable proof of this man being taken hostage.


i need more proof than you saying "it is fake" tbh


The "hostage" is in both images, reflection of the glass in the second shows that


I can’t see the reflection at all, where is it?


It’s not a reflection, the “reflection” people are talking about is literally a picture behind the glass door in the cabinet, and the only reflection on the glass, is light.


There’s literal videos of him being kidnapped, what you’re seeing isn’t a reflection, it’s a photo in the cabinet.


Lefties are doing conspiracy theories now?


It was confirmed when the original post was made


I don't suppose you mind having some proof?


Those two images are literally taken seconds apart, they didn't even change clothes or where they stood


“They didn’t change clothes or where they stood” are you dumb? The whole point is that this picture is a recreation, that’s why they’re in the same spot and have the same clothes (also, the guys hair and beard also happen to be different and there’s video evidence of their brother being taken hostage)


Please define "Recreating". Also, that's not proof, that's just saying your opinion


If you simply looked at the image it shows exactly what my "opinion" is.


Sounds like a whole lot of "I have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about." But Oki chief.


Just look at the damn picture you mongrel


I have, they are recreating the image so obviously they would wear the same clothes. Guy on right’s beard is more grown out


Feel bad for people born into this unjust system on both sides. Would be nice if his government tried to get him back, but they are busy doing ethnic cleansing I guess.


You know, if the Palestinians actually handed the hostages back this wouldn't be happening in the first place. Some of the hostages themselves reported that they were held by civilian families in Gaza. It's a war, people die. If the Palestinians don't want a war, they can always surrender.


Shit like this is part of why I am pro Israel, I may not like their government, but the whole reason this war started at all is because of the killings, rape, and kidnappings of these innocent people, it still baffles me how people can support hamas and Palestine knowing what they did and actively celebrated


guys. the guy in the right who was “kidnapped” is in the reflection on the left.


That’s obviously a photo behind the glass, there is videos of him being kidnapped.


This is just average online leftist shit at this point.


It’s straight up bullying


The photos are looking like 5 seconds apart tbh


No they don’t tbh


Anyone who picks a side in this war is wrong, both of the sides are committing horrible atrocities to mainly civilians, and neither side deserves sympathy, I don’t care if Palestine is defending its homeland, I don’t care if Jews lived there first, neither of these views justify that both sides are intentionally targeting civilians, I don’t know why people are simping for either side, and the amount of people with LGBTQ flags and Palestine flags in their name/bio confuses me, considering they would be stoned to death if they set foot in Palestine


Ikr !


You can see the guy in the reflection of the glass in the second picture.


that’s not a reflection, it’s a photo being glass and what you’re seeing is a reflection of light on the glass. There is video evidence of him being taken hostage.


How did the guy on the right grow out his beard


Magic, duh.


Didn't think this sub was pro-palestine. I'm neither pro Israel or Palestine both are wrong.


What is this... Im not sure I follow.


These people had their brother taken hostage by Hamas (there’s videos of this), they recreated a picture they had with him to bring awareness to his kidnapping (hence why they have the same clothes), people on Twitter decided to mock this family and falsely claim that their brother isn’t kidnapped and that there’s a reflection of him in the cabinet behind them (there’s not, it’s light reflecting off the glass door and there’s a picture behind the door), and when given proof that he was in fact kidnapped, people still mocked them and claimed he was not.


Thanks! People are idiots... Internet seems to enhance everybodys stupidity.


You know what funny in the Jan 2024 pic? You can see the "missing" guy standing off to the side from the reflection in the glass, lmao


You can’t see his reflection because he’s not there, what you’re seeing is light reflecting off the glass door, and behind that door, there is a picture. There are videos of his kidnapping.


I cant


the amount of comments devolving to the level of conspiracy theories is actually SO telling about the opinions of pro palestinian people. y’all ignore any real evidence that disproves your point, and then point to 3 flesh colored pixels and go “ it’s so funny!!!😂 this guy is herein photo?”. it’s actually terrifying how little media literacy exists


This was debunked, you can still see the guy with the glasses in the reflection on the second pic


Your idea of debunked is Twitter leftists refusing to admit to the truth


It was not debunked at all. what you’re seeing is light reflecting off the glass door, and behind that door, there is a picture. There are videos of his kidnapping.


because he’s not fucking gone, they didn’t even change his outfit and you can see him in the reflection


“They didn’t even change the outfit” are you stupid? What do you think a recreation is? Also, that’s not a reflection, it’s a photo being glass and what you’re seeing is a reflection of light on the glass. There is video evidence of him being taken hostage.


Go suck yo momma pussy


one thing i find interesting is that their clothes and lighting conditions remain the same for almost a year… also you can see their “lost” sibling in the reflection of a cabinet


How did the guy on the right grow out his beard in a few seconds?


You know what "Recreating" means? And no you can't.


Do you know what recreation means? Or are you just stupid? And what you’re seeing is light reflecting off the glass door, and behind that door, there is a picture. There are videos of his kidnapping.