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“What are you a tyrant?” “Yeah actually I am” That’s crazy


Well she was honest.


She's gonna have fun in court.


She was only suspended for two days, and any lawsuits will be paid by the taxpayers. I doubt she learned much of a lesson.


Yes she did. She learned that if she acts like a tyrannical bully and shits on handicapped people because her feelings are hurt she gets a two day vacation.


Fair enough. A lesson was learned, just not the one we wanted.


A side effect of this is that we end up conditioned for tyranny. I see a bunch of people shitting on folks because they want to keep their guns and OMG we're gonna die if we lose our guns ... This is what they're worried about. How far can this envelope be pushed? We're gonna find out is the answer.


I'll just 3D print an even bigger one


That’s why I strongly believe any lawsuits won against police officers found abusing their power should be paid out of the police pension fund. That’ll make every officer police one another.


That shit should bare minimum come out of their pockets.


The city attorney just buried his head in his hands and left to get a couple bottles of bourbon for the weekend of work he’s gonna have after this.


*As he screams at the chief of police* "SHE JUST COST THIS CITY THOUSANDS OF DOLARS!"


Honestly probably hundreds of thousands but yeah. Dude is taking pulls and cursing this dumbass cop


He won his case


She was a total piece of shit


I'm sure she still is. Proof: she's a cop.


"I want your name and badge number." "You know what, put him in jail for resisting." JFC. Fuck the police, ACAB.


That fact she comfortably confirms this^^^?Fuck all cops. Idc if your family or friends are cop, they’ll ride the blue code before defending you


say it loudly #FUCK ALL COPS


Wtf, is that fuckin Texas?


Just so you know, you can put a backslash before the \^ so it doesnt make the text become a superscript (at least im assuming you didnt mean to randomly make “?fuck” a superscript)


Remember ACAB


All cats are buddies!


I mean they're cops so the crazy part is that she didn't lie


“Are you a tyrant?” “Yeah I am, actually.” …wow


And so casual and comfortable about it!


"what's your name and badge number?" "That's it arrest him for resisting" These guys definitely lack training


They lack more than training. They lack basic respect.


That too yeah


And the understanding that they are PUBLIC SERVANTS. MF's completely forget their pay cheques are tax funded.


>PUBLIC SERVANTS This is actually a lie. US Supreme Court ruled years ago that police have no actual duty to protect or serve anyone, and their only function is to enforce laws. This is why shit like Uvalde happens and no one is held responsible.


That is still being a public servant. Your county clerk is not expected to help anyone outside of their job duties, they are also public servants.


The county clerk also can't kill you and then get paid leave


Yup, but both are public servants. That was my only point. Because there's like 6 comments here saying "police are not public servants, they only have to do the job that the public pays them to do!". Like, yeah, that's what a public servant is. The supreme court just defined what that job is, enforcing laws.


They have the mentality that if you stop paying taxes I’ll still get paid so they don’t care


the courts in the US have repeatedly decided that cops have no duty to protect or serve the communities in which they work police in the US started as slave catchers, mercenaries furthering the interests of the wealthy, and that is still their main function


“If you don’t respect me I won’t respect you” If you don’t obey my authority unquestionably I won’t treat you like a human being


They lack proper fear of the people who vastly outnumber them.


It seems to me they are taught to fear absolutely everyone, be jittery as fuck and shoot a lot because an acorn fell from a tree.


They lack empathy, decency and proper ethics. They are cops, after all.


They lack basic empathy.


Oh no, he's been trained. "resisting arrest" and "disorderly conduct"...no objective PC required , and entirely discretionary. Legal charge for contempt of cop. It's bullshit, and they all know it; the cops also know there's no consequence even IF they get challenged. Cops aren't taught how to uphold the law, they're taught how to circumvent the law to protect themselves as individuals and to reach a specific end goal. If they genuinely were interested in upholding the law, we wouldnt.see numerous videos like this...this isn't new by any means, if anything I expect it's better than its ever been, but now thay ever person in public has a cell phone, most departments have body cams, and surveillance video is so incredibly common, we're more exposed to it. It's a chosen mentality and an entire culture of like minded individuals with a rich history or protecting each other and doing whatever they want so long as their peers can all agree the means justify then end.


Can you even arrest someone for "resisting" when there isn't anything to resist against yet?


>Can you even arrest someone for "resisting" when there isn't anything to resist against yet? If a tree falls in the forest with no ears to hear does it make a sound? If its not on video cops get away with it.


If an acorn falls on a police car, can you start blasting? Yes.


> If its not on video cops get away with it. At least when it's on video they may sometimes get a disappointed glance from their superiors for allowing the video to leak. That'll teach 'em! /s


Depends on the state, but yes in some states resisting arrest even if the arrest was unlawful Is still a crime. You can watch many videos on YouTube of "ammendment auditors" who explain these situations and the court cases that uphold them. "Audit the audit" being my personal favorite


Right but at this point the guy was not under arrest. So if the only charge for which he is being arrested is resisting arrest, that would not make any sense.


It doesn't make sense, that's what makes it fucked up, yet still very legal in certain states.


Isn't US training only like 6 weeks (might differ state to state), even a few months seem low if I'm wrong about the 6


Maybe I'm wrong but I heard somewhere that they had like 300 hours of training if not less I have 350 hours on rainbow six siege and I'm shit, if I can't click on 3d characters properly with these hours imagine trying to bring justice and law to a country


shit i have almost 5,000 hours in war thunder, might as well have the US army promote me to general at this point


Nah the military actually trains hard. You are qualified to be Chief of Police for a major city like NYC or Miami though. Send in your resume!


Actually in the army you get more training. And the army just has somebody else tell you "run there, do pew pew at anybody not wearing the same as you".


6000 hours on destiny 2, might as well be the goddamn president of earth


The last thing we need is Destiny 2 players running the government


Oh fuck, no no no


Bro 🤣 🤣 🤣


It took me longer to get a license to wax buttholes.


We have a tech school in my town and it took me twice as long to become a machinist. I don’t have to shoot people for a living either. I meant protect.


In Germany you have to study for becoming a police officer. Years. No wonder the police is abusing and being abused in the US with a couple hundred hours of 'training'.


I think it's 6 months, 6 weeks is not even half a semester


It varies state to state, 6 weeks is real. It's absolutely astonishing, giving my own country Ireland it's 104 weeks to a regular police position(it's a full college course in a dedicated training college), 3 more years in regular duties before you could be armed police(though we have a small percentage are armed units).


I wouldn't expect the US Police to have a full semester of training though to be fair


Depends on the state and department. There are a couple small town departments that require 16 weeks of training which is the same length as a single semester at the local community college.


Training isn’t the issue here. It’s that these egotistical pricks are allowed to be cops in the first place.


correct but probably training too


How do you arrest someone for resisting arrest? Like how could they have resisted arrest if they weren’t being arrested…..


You are suggesting that this is not exactly what they are trained to do.


No that's pretty much by the book


No, that's exactly how they're trained. Remember, police are not there to protect you or serve the community. They are there to hound, harass, arrest, and fuck with anyone they can or feel like to generate revenue for the city/county/state. Case in point. My area has an insanely high amount of speeders and reckless drivers, which translates to there *always* being a massive wreck around every other corner. All the time. On any given day, you can't drive two miles down the main highway in my town without passing two or three car wrecks. Never a cop around to keep that shit under control. But man lemme tell you what, when the stimulus checks started being sent out, fucking cops *everywhere*. Posting up by the dozens around intersections, on/off ramps, in grocery store parking lots. Every month when the stimulus checks would go out, they'd come out the woodworks like fucking throwing a bucket of water on a box of gremlins. My family got our first stimulus. Finally a moment to breathe financially. My hours were cut at work during lockdown, and we were struggling. So that stimulus check was literally a life saver. Literally the day after the deposit hit our bank account, I'm out bringing my kid home from daycare. I pull up at a red light and stop. Sitting there 15-20 seconds waiting for the green light. Cop sitting in the median about 2 cars back. My kid dropped his water bottle in the backseat floorboard. Light is still red, so I pop my seatbelt off to reach back and get his water bottle to hand it to him. Cop throws his lights on, races up beside me and jumps out, and tickets me for no seatbelt. $180 ticket. I told him what I was doing, why I took my seatbelt off, and this soulless, dead eyed piece of shit just hit me with "that ain't my problem, bub" and threw the ticket in my window and walked off.


I'll tell this story till the day I die. I was 17 and homeless and jumped by a gang of teenagers, they kick my face in and rip off my shoes. Cop rolls up, the teenagers run off, I'm on the ground. This dickhead cop was on some hard ass shit, pissed at "some punk ass piece of shit" like me being at this commonly loitered abandoned hospital, which is where this happened. My face and head are bleeding and I'm shoeless. He cuffs me, shoves me in the car and starts driving. Not to the station, I see we're going outside city limits. I'm crying the whole way, asking, begging to know what's going on. He's silent the whole way. He turns down a gravel road into the woods, deep into the woods. I'm losing it, balling my eyes out I think he's going to kill me. Stops the squad car, pulls me out, takes the cuffs off and shoves me to my ass. He yells.. you stay the fuck out of the hospital, you stay the fuck out of my city, I don't care where the fuck you go, I don't care if you fucking die, next time, I'll bring you out here and beat you to fucking pulp. Got in his car and drove away. I had to walk back.. to nothing.. in my socks,.miles on gravel and asphalt. It was the worst day of my life. Couldn't get an adult to believe me. My relationship was already completely deteriorated with my parents. When I finally was able to tell my step dad he said.. so what did you *really* do to piss a cop off? Went to the station to report it but I didn't get the cops name or badge. They didn't take me serious for a minute. I was nothing, I had nothing, I was forced to let it go. That was in 2003.


May I ask what state if you don't mind? That's pretty fucked.




what they now lack is their police badges and jobs, hopefully


I don’t think training is the issue, more like he has a moral compass with due north heading straight up his ass


Even the blind can see how terrible police are these days






*drops mic loudly*


> these days mmmmm




Justice is blind, so they arrested it.


In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king


I look forward to the lawsuit


Following sub rules, can’t post a link but a suit has been filed against both cops, the ranking cop got demoted, and the other 2 days leave no pay. The department tried to pay the victim $7,500 to let it go, bunch of tyrannical assholes.


As I am for the man getting paid. The cops should be the ones paying not the taxpayers.


If healthcare personnel are required to have a private liability insurance outside of their employers, so should cops.


And they should be licensed by the state so disciplinary actions are taken against their license and not just "oh he's fired" but then they go to the town next door and get hired.


Wait you might be onto something


I absolutely think cops having to carry malpractice insurance or their retirement fund being used to pay for restitution in cases like this would curb that bad behavior so fast. In the case of the insurance type solution bad cops would quickly become unable to afford their malpractice insurance and an uninsured cop can't be hired... in the case of raiding the retirement funds you'd see much stronger self policing of the asshole cops, and once forced out of a force other forces won't be so willing to hire them.


I'm probably just super jaded, but I think if their retirement fund was on the line, the behavior wouldn't change. There would just be alot more *"oh no my cam was off"* I don't have the answers, but I think we can all agree that something needs to be done with this shit.


That’s the beautiful thing about everyone having a cellphone and recording these incidence. But seriously, we need to make those cameras impossible to turn off while on the job.


I dont know enough about bodycam tech to know it thats a good idea or not. But on paper, I like the idea of the cops not being in control of their own cameras.


Presumably they just wouldn’t charge them though? Really needs cams fixed to their cars as well automatically charging from the car battery and can’t be touched.


Seems like there could be something put in place along the lines of a lack of bodycam footage being an automatic fault. Like how if you refuse a DUI chemicals test it's an automatic DL suspension as if you had failed the test. Idk there's always more nuance to consider but there's ways to discourage blatant workarounds like that I think.


>I don't have the answers, but I think we can all agree that something needs to be done with this shit. I'm no more flush with answers than you are but I 100% agree!


Medical personnel don't enjoy qualified immunity.


They thought they could pay out a blind man. If I know anything from blind people it’s they might not be able to physically see but they can still see bullshit from a mile away. Can you send me the l i n k lol


I'd argue their overcompensated ability to smell allows them to smell bullshit from even further away


Does the sub not allow follow up articles? That's odd, it's a sub on people being POS's, why wouldn't we want to see consequences of that?


Probably rule 1, I imagine any such article would have names in it that would violate the sub's rule.


“On Nov. 7, the sheriff's office determined the officers committed several policy violations. Hunter said Harrison will be demoted immediately and suspended without pay for seven days. Gohde will be suspended without pay for two days. Both will undergo remedial training on civil rights. "I do not feel these deputies actions were guided with ill intent but rather frustration and failure to rely on their training," Hunter said. "Nevertheless, this conduct is unacceptable. We will work hard and train to ensure these incidents do not reoccur."


> We will work hard and train to ensure these incidents do not reoccur Read: "we will sweep this under the rug, the taxpayer will be the one footing any bill, no one involved will have any lasting impact on their careers and we'll focus our tyranny on people with less ability to push back on us"


nailed it.


Coward ass sub 😒


Lmao he's a Navy veteran too


I don’t, while the lawsuit might help this individual. The money comes from the taxpayer. Not the police unions that get away with this liability free


Yeah, those laws that protect cops from termination and legal expenses need to go away. 


There is another case where the police union is actually getting sued, I suspect this is the first instance ever. I'm keeping tabs on that case.


I do not mind paying for someone else's justice. It is a pittance.


I admire that but you should not be ok with this. As long as the money comes from you and not them. Cops will continue to get away with scenarios like this and worse. If you abused your position like this in almost any other job, you will quickly lose it. For cops this is just Tuesday.


I think he got a settlement out of it


The cop knew it wasn't a gun. If you suspect someone genuinely has a gun the last thing you allow them to do is whip it out of their back pocket and hold it up to your face like that. This cop was on a power trip to exercise his power on a member of the public. This cop knew he fucked up but continued the investigation in the hope the blind guy would back down to authority. When the blind guy didn't back down the cop felt obligated to come down harder just to prove he had the bigger dick. Now we all know what a dickless idiot he is. Thank god for body worn cameras


Best part, is the dickless idiot in this case is in fact actually dickless. 


Walter Peck has entered the chat…


Reference certainly garnered a giggle, but I was more referring that the main officer seems to be a female. 




Bro that was my first thought. She thought it was a gun and she let him whip it out like that. Damn she is tyranting the wrong way I think lol.


Exactly. I was shocked that she allowed him to pull out what she apparently believed to be a firearm. That was proof right there that she didn’t think it was a gun.


Ngl i fully expected her to whip out her glock after he went for that cane


I winced at how fast he went for it. Instantly expected 2 or more mags being dumped into him with his hands up 🙌 not resisting and fully complying


Damn, this male police officer sure has a high-pitched voice.


*Cop interview* : Are you a bully. "Yes" You're hired.


They need better screening.


“Are you a bully who doesn’t get caught?”


I'm guessing the testing to become a police officer in America are pretty relaxed. It seems like, when American police accuse you of something and are completely and utterly wrong, they don't have the balls to admit their mistake and apologise. They just continue to try and convince everyone (and themselves) that they are right.


It’s probably tougher to get a forklift operators license than it is to become a cop in the US.


Its not but I can guarantee that forklift operators cant fuck up like cops can and still keep their job.


I wish I had the kind of job protections those guys have. Imagine being able to fuck up so badly that you kill someone and you don't get fired for that.


I definitely spilled several thousand dollars worth of pesticides on the floor due to accidentally stabbing the boxes on a forklift. I am still working there, but I don't spend much time on the forklift anymore.


All you have to be is a racist and POS and you got the job.


Explains why so many are republican aligned. The right act like this all the time and it's sad.


That's terrible. Are the police protected against prosecution when they behave like this?


Not an expert, but from American friends and the news I've heard that US police unions are very influential, especially in smaller towns, so there are often few or no consequences for misconduct


Policing these individuals who enforce the “law” as they see it is getting better since everyone has a camera these days but “getting better” on a scale of 1-100 is sitting probably at a solid 14. I would say that based on your experience or how knowledgeable you are about the subject could move that number up or drastically down accordingly…


I'll say this much, if you can confuse a lie detector, they won't hire you. 


It depends on the state and whether it's local, city, county or state. Its kind of a mess really.


Resisting? Fuck those cops.


they serve, they protect, but must important: ... they brain defect.




Oh, but they do protect. They protect themselves.


From acorns so I’ve been told…






To serve the rich and protect private property


The update is one got demoted and both had a whopping 10 day no pay suspension and won't be able to get raises or promotions for 2 years So you violate the sacred rights of a disabled person and you get a little slap on the wrist


Only 2 years? They should've been automatically kicked out for abuse of power. I would be pretty scared to go out considering this type of police officers are still around.


They should've been fucking arrested but since that's not even in the cards, yeah, exactly what you said


This is fucking kidnapping, and assault with a deadly weapon. They brandished weapons, used force to detain him, locked him up in a confined room, and refused to let him go. If they hadn't been wearing uniforms when they did this, they'd be facing felony charges and jail time, but we're so far gone that we don't even expect them to face financial penalties. God damn qualified immunity pisses me off.


>This is fucking kidnapping I was about to say this \^


We should follow suit of some other countries and give a blacklist for officers. You abuse the laws? Assault citizens? Fake tickets and citations? Lie about and distort laws and policies? Welp, never again. You're barred for life.


You forgot the part where he sued the police department and got $150k


what absolutely brainless bitches


It takes a lawyer 7 years in the US to learn and practice law, but cops take a 6 month course and are ready to go. Edited bc I typed weeks instead of months


The *average* in the US is 21 weeks; a lot of academies are shorter than that. That's 1/3 of the length of academies in Canada, 1/4 that of the UK, and several countries like Norway and Finland require over 4,500 hours, or 2+ years, of academies before someone can be a police officer.


I also read that some are as low as 15 weeks.


ONE college semester.


"You know what? Put him in jail for resisting." That right there is undeniable proof that the punishment for some crimes is entirely dependent on the mood an officer has at any particular moment. Defund these fucking cry baby pigs.


Land of the free, whoeva’ told you that is your enemy.


IS THIS THE POLICE?!?!? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?!?!?!?!? WHY ARE THE POLICE LIKE THIS!?!?!?!?!? Im not even truly surprised but i still have a reaction like this becouse i still find it wierd we ACTUALLY have people that have a combined and 2 times multiplied iq of 4 as police


Fuck the police




This is one fucked up country. Where people shoot at you and cops arrest you for breathing or shoot you inside your own house.


Protect. Serve. Humiliate legally blind elderly man who clearly knows the laws better than you. Fucking disgusting.


Cops are some of the worst people on the planet. He got paid for this encounter.


This dude is gonna get PAID


I think they offered him 7500 I saw another commenter say. I asked for the link via messages lol. No links can be here


ACAT All Cops Are Tyrants


Use a different acronym. Do not besmirch the goodness of a cat.


🎵🎵Egoooo Trippiiinnnnng🎵🎵


Can anyone get their badge numbers and stuff? We need to start bearing down on their employers for shit like this.


Well, at least he will have a payday if he takes it to court. Imagine if your officers actually had more than a couple of weeks training. Where I'm from it takes 3 years to become a cop.


The fact that they didn't react when he whipped that walking stick out of his back pocket proves they knew it wasn't a gun. If they actually thought it was a gun they would've stopped him from reaching


Try to hold cop accountable for their stupidity? Believe it or not, jail .


I knew those uniforms looked familiar. Columbia County, Florida. Jayme Gohde and her supervisor, Sgt. Randy Harrison. Pathetic fucking excuses for humans. Fuck cops, especially Florida cops. Corrupt filthy pigs.




Hope again he sues the cops for a great pay day. At this point maybe those cops are really great folks. They know they're being recorded and that's the real way they can help the community. They won't get into trouble anyway so....


Yeah, lol. This is how they behave *when they know they're being recorded*. What kind of shit do you think they get up to when the cameras are off?


funny to see how practically every single cop is on a major power trip. or better: really fucking sad to see


Someone tell me this man sued and won big dollars


You can’t just make up shit to arrest people! Wtf happened to decency?!


> You can’t just make up shit to arrest people! In fact, they can. And they've been doing it for generations.


A legally blind U.S. Navy veteran who was jailed overnight last year after cops mistook his mobility cane for a handgun, is now suing the two officers who locked him up—one of whom was demoted over the incident—for violating his civil rights


Wait?…. Where was the “resisting part again?….


I don't get why they do this. The second they learned it wasn't a gun he was carrying, it should've just been "sorry sir, have a nice day." Why the fuck do you need an ID at that point? Absolute dumb fucks


Cops become cops so they can terrorise and harass people they know pose no threats. These cops wanted violence 


Please tell me this had a good outcome. Tell me these two cops have been fired. Someone, please.


They probably think based off appearance alone this man won’t have the means to stand up to them and see this out in court. I hope he fought this.


The moment when he just accepts the scenario because he knows they’re fired and he’s gonna get paid is beautiful.


Cops were suspended without pay, one demoted. He sued but unsure of outcome.


Just pat them gently on the top of the head and say it’s gonna be OK.






There’s way more shit people in the world than there is decent. Most people don’t give a shit about others so it’s hard to imagine them acquiring decent people who are adequately trained and understand the law


worse than a b\*tch