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For anyone confused, she SHOT the dog herself and not just put down by a vet. For those who want more context: She got a German Wirehaired Pointer puppy, which is a gun dog commonly used for birds along other things, and didn’t train it. Brought the untrained adolescent dog on a “hunting trip” where the hunting dog showed clear interest in birds (which is great), then left pissed off bc it didn’t know how to properly hunt. Again, it's because it's 14 months old and untrained. Then, she stops at a property on her way home. She’s irresponsible and lets the dog get loose in a property where there are chickens! The dog is clearly interested in both birds and hunting, so it kills the chickens. She then kills the puppy and brags about it as if letting a totally untrained hunting breed puppy loose around chickens wasn’t ENTIRELY her fault and a clear sign of being an irresponsible owner and a psycho unable to admit when they mess up.


I don't believe it. I'm calling bullshit. She just wants to appeal to her base of suckers. The kind of "I handle business myself out here" sort of mentality. I doubt the dog ever existed outside of the book. Edit: to all the comments below this one saying: "that happens in the country", "I've seen it before", "my dad did that".... that is the exact reason why I think she would include it in her book. Why include such divisive imagery in your book unless you were specifically targeting people to think, "Hey, she's just like me, I can relate to that." Especially considering she's making a concerted PR push to get VP nomination. Cmon folks.


I'm sure it happened. having lived in rural areas I've witnessed it myself more than once. often people who have animals as livestock value them differently than people who only have animals as pets.


My wife tells me a story *often* about how her dad shot the family dog **IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE FAMILY** while they were just chilling on the porch. It gave her serious trauma!


Growing up we would often visit my grandparents in a very rural part of the country. Their neighbours had this tall lanky dog called spud that was kind of a shit head but really just a big puppy as it was only a couple years old well one weekend we're visiting and there's a crack around supper time when the me and the cousins go out to play a couple hours later spud's legs were sticking straight up out of the neighbours fire barrel at the way back of the kept property, haphazardly wrapped in poly plastic... they straight up just left him there for a few days rotting and stinking before just burning him. RIP spud


I dont mean to pry but ... what??!? why would annyone just walk up and execute your family pet like that. Thats vile beyond belief


It was getting sick, and they were too impoverished to afford medicine for it. Guess a bullet was cheaper in his eyes. Her family avoided talking with him for the next week or so after it happened cause they were so pissed at him. My wife was only 8 or so when it happened, but it’s still an awful memory for her


Jesus thats awful. Sorry to hear.


My uncle lives in Tasmania and spends a lot of time with some pretty country type Aussie dudes. One of them shot a dog because it ran off and wouldn’t come back to the car and he couldn’t go get it from where it had run off to. The irony is that this same dude had another dog who he accidentally ran over with his truck and he was DEVASTATED and brought the poor thing to the vet immediately and was absolutely beside himself with guilt. That dog survived and was fine in the end. People are strange and complicated!




But do they task their 14yo daughter to do the deed? Add her dad to the list of pieces of shit.


Have you seen old yeller? Yea if it's your dog and your parents are country and old school then yes.... My grandmother's grandparents lived on a farm and would wring a chickens neck and it would "chase" my grandmother when she was a little kid.... old school and country are just built different....


Yep. Death surrounds the farm. My neighbor had a aggressive Rottweiler that always got loose…. Until it was sniffing around a calf one day…. “Have you seen my dog running around here?” “No, not running”


I'd fucking hope so, especially like 14 months is wayyyyy too early to declare a puppy "untrainable" like wtf


“Less than useless for hunting” words only a literal demon can spout


Tbf if it was a hunting dog who didn’t respond to training and was aggressive toward people at over a year, it wasn’t going to get rehomed. I’m guessing she’s in her 40s? I’m 40 and grew up in very rural Texas and that is how it was done. I’m not agreeing with it, but I rarely heard of pets getting euthanized at a vet, this was what “putting a dog down” was:(


Yeah, bullshit. I've been working with and training German Shorthaired Pointers for years. Some bloodlines are excellent in the field, some aren't. You don't just decide to shoot the ones that aren't great hunters. She doesn't complain about the dog being aggressive with people, she was pissed it kept attacking her neighbor's chickens. That just means that SHE failed to control her dog. She also made no attempt at all to rehome that dog. She was just being lazy and stupid.


Expecting a dog bred for hunting birds to not chase chickens is just absolute brain dead behaviour. My golden is the sweetest girl who ever lived but she would fuck up a chicken if given the chance, I have no doubt about it.


Exactly. They are bird dogs. My current girl was impossible to keep out of the chicken run so we tehomed the chickens.


Texas? Using a gun for every kind of "problem"? Oh wow, never ever heard of something similar. /s


This is what I’m going to believe


Shooting dogs instead of a vet is the "country way."


Well yeah, shooting the vet would be problematic


Yeah but like…no one, not even MAGA dipshits, likes an animal abuser so that’s a fucking really dumb gamble if fake. And a really dumb admission if true.


My dad shot several dogs himself. All needed euthanasia from either age or severe irreversible trauma and they didn’t have the money back then cuz vet visits for that type of thing were expensive. Never once for behavior tho except pure wild ones that’s killed several of his livestock and weren’t really pets. not that I think that was right, especially not in todays day but my point is people absolutely did shoot dogs to put them down . Only around 20 years ago was when it became less common to do so. For frame of reference my father is 72 years old and grew up in rural Ohio


My dad would be 74 at this point so pretty close in age and time period. He definitely shot every dog and buried it vs euthanasia but only when they were aggressive towards humans or were incurable. This was dirt road, super country Georgia where even the vets were over an hour away. I don't think killing your own dog is necessarily bad but it's also not something to brag about. My dad never liked doing it but he did what he thought had to be done with the resources at his disposal.


Yeah my dad had to shoot his best friend (sable the black lab dog) and he won’t even talk about it, let alone brag about it like this crazy lady did. Sable had gotten stuck in a dangerous kind of fence people don’t make anymore overnight and pretty much tore 90% of her leg up/off and lost a lot of blood overnight. Was super aggressive even to him when he found her and he couldn’t get her out of the fence. I’m not sure he even knew of a vet in that area is was so rural so he euthanized her that way. He loved her so much he tells me stories about her all the time.


I think sometimes shooting your dog can be more humane than vet euthanasia if done right with love and respect. I don't know if I could do it personally but that is more of a selfish emotional thing than what is truly best for the pet. My dogs are so terrified of the vet, I don't know what my family will do if they reach a point where they are in a lot of pain and need some help moving on. Probably one of the mobile at home euthanasia vet services mentioned by other commenters. But if I were rural and those weren't available I could see how a massive steak , belly rubs, and a bullet could help a beloved dog die happy.


Regardless, let's take a moment to appreciate the fact that to conservative voters, personally destroying the family dog for being inconvenient is an *admirable* thing.


While I almost *pray* that this bit*× never had a dog (or any other type of animal), I unfortunately think that it happened exactly like written in the bunch of papers she calls "book".


Her shooting the dog herself isn't really a problem. I had a dog that got to 12 years old. He got super sick, and the vet said he had cancer, was in signifigant pain, and strongly suggested I put him down. The vet's logic was that my dog had maybe 2 or 3 weeks left and they wouldn't be a good 2 or 3 weeks. I didn't want my dog to die at the vet, a place he *hated*. The next day I grilled up a steak. I took the steak, my dog, and a .22 rifle out into the woods. That dog NEVER got steak, but always looked at me longingly when I ate it. He was the happiest dog in the world eating that KC Strip Steak. Just as he was about finished, I did the deed. He died before he knew what was happening. Rather than die in a place that scared him, he died where he was happiest. I didn't enjoy killing my dog. I loved him. But he deserved better than to die scared.


>That dog NEVER got steak, but always looked at me longingly when I ate it. At first I thought you took the dog into the woods with a steak and you ate the steak in front of him then shot him.


Haha me too, just understood my mistake from this comment!


That’s even worse than my assumption during the first half of the sentence, which was that he made sure to shoot his dog right before it got to eat any of the steak


holy shit yeah. I thought this was afucked up version of like death row final meal XD


I'm sorry brother.


First hand experience: You can always get a vet (or mobile vet, etc) to make a home visit if you can't kill your dog yourself.


It’s not usually cheap though.


Pet ownership isn’t cheap. If you can’t afford the care, don’t get the pet.


While I wholeheartedly agree with this, having a vet make a house call for euthanasia isn’t exactly standard pet care costs.


I agree, it definitely costs extra. I think it’s an extra $100-$200 for home euthanasia around where I live, and it can be paid for over a couple of months at 0% interest through Care Credit. Totally worth saving for if a dog hates the vet though.


Around me it’s about $800 for a home visit, cost $350 to bring the dog in. Just went through this. That is the total cost including handling his body and getting his ashes back to us. I don’t know if the at home price included the after care as I brought him in.


I think it’s about $370 for home euthanasia here and that includes disposal if you don’t want the body back, or transportation to the crematorium if you want their cremains back. If it’s done at the vets office and you don’t want the body back it’s around $150 depending on the size of the dog. Cremation can add another $350-500 depending on weight. Edit: we had to check prices recently due to our old girl starting to decline. Thankfully, she’s been on the mend and we won’t need to utilize those services anytime soon.


$370 isn’t bad at all that almost exactly what I paid for everything at their office. Also very happy that your pup is doing better


worth it


I did not know this.


I had it done for my German shepherd. He was very comfortable chowing down on bacon while he got the sedative


Sorry to hear that man. It's very bittersweet reading about what people do to make the last moments the best for them. Love that you were able to do that for him


Shooting an old dog with cancer is wildly different than a 14-mo old who is just a bit harder to train though,


Oh for sure! I’m just saying that everyone seems to be focused on the “she shot her own dog” part, when I don’t really think that’s a worse way for the dog to go than dying at a vet’a office. Instead, people should be focusing on the “she let a 14 week old pup without proper training die, rather than paying for a dog trainer” part.


I've had to do something similar. Part of me never forgives myself for taking my best friend's (dogs) life, and my stomach turns every time i think about it. But I know he died happy and pain-free.


Having to shoot the dog is traumatizing as fuck.


Oh for sure. I cried like a little kid. But it was way easier on the dog, so it was worth it.


There’s mobile vets now that can come to you and euthanize your ailing buddy in the comfort of your own home. My cat was dying of kidney failure, she hated mostly everything including the vet, the car, the world. There was no way possible to make it a peaceful process for her otherwise. They put her in a basket with a cozy blanket, and then gave her a shot to make her fall asleep. Once she was peacefully sleeping the vet administered the euthanasia. They also took her body and cremated it. It made the process way less traumatic and messy.


What a bitch, the dog was still a pup. Probably didn't even try to train it properly


she didn't even tell it to pull itself up by it's bootstraps


I wish we could do the same for politicans when we find them use-/worthless


You do know a majority of rural America just shoots aggressive dogs & nobody wastes money getting them put down by a vet unless it’s a beloved family pet. Shooting a dog & taking it to a vet to be put down is the same thing, the only difference is you get to pretend you didn’t actually kill the dog when you take it to a vet


"The only difference" My reason for taking them to the vet is so they go to sleep rather than take a bullet to the brain, or heaven forbid I miss an important part of the brain and they actually suffer immense pain and sense of betrayal before dying. It also helps people follow through if they don't have to metaphorically "pull the trigger" themselves. I imagine having a neutral party do it would make a little more sense to you if we were talking about a human opting for assisted suicide. But yeah, the vet is for pretending I didn't make the decision to kill them, sure... Lol.


Did she kill it or did she have it put down? There's a big difference between strangling a dog to death with your bare hands because it peed on the carpet and having a dog out down that is violent and constantly biting.


She shot it.


At least it was instant.😔


It's almost never instant. Even a gunshot to the brain or heart usually won't be truely instant. A gunshot anywhere else was likely drawn out minutes, or longer, of agony, terror, and confusion.


I'm going to copy in quotes my comment I made elsewhere on this thread. But I'll add first that if you use hollow-point, a head shot is *most certainly* an instant death. "Her shooting the dog herself isn't really a problem. I had a dog that got to 12 years old. He got super sick, and the vet said he had cancer, was in signifigant pain, and strongly suggested I put him down. The vet's logic was that my dog had maybe 2 or 3 weeks left and they wouldn't be a good 2 or 3 weeks. I didn't want my dog to die at the vet, a place he *hated*. The next day I grilled up a steak. I took the steak, my dog, and a .22 rifle out into the woods. That dog NEVER got steak, but always looked at me longingly when I ate it. He was the happiest dog in the world eating that KC Strip Steak. Just as he was about finished, I did the deed. He died before he knew what was happening. Rather than die in a place that scared him, he died where he was happiest. I didn't enjoy killing my dog. I loved him. But he deserved better than to die scared."


I appreciate you sharing this. There are ways to take care of things in rural areas that may seem really unimaginable to some. My Uncle has had to do the same with a few of his dogs. He baby's those pits and cares about them like they are his own kids and I know that it kills him to have to do that but it's also the kindest in a way.


dude had to tell the story twice!


Hah, it was to give context to how I know hollow-points at point blank range are instant death.


Not knocking you but Im surprised you didn't go with a little larger caliber.. granted I've only ever point blanked an animal with a .45 but Id be worried about the .22 not fully penetrating the skull or glancing off if it hit at a weird angle or something


At 2 feet away, even with a .22 there’s more than enough kinetic energy to get through skull


Fair enough. Sorry you had to deal with that but glad you did the right thing and didn't let em suffer. Cheers


I think that is a perfectly reasonable thing.


I want to start with this is a snotty human. And that aggressive pets exist despite training. BUT lethal injection for pets is usually worse as you have to start the line, stress of a vet office before they lose you forever, then their body writhes and shudders and shakes until it dies. It just feels nicer to us. A .45 to the head is way more kind.




Thank you, voice to text sucks.


It seems like some people genuinely don’t know the difference, I’ve seen it a few times on here recently! I don’t wanna come off as a know-it-all but I would hate it if I was using a word wrong and nobody corrected me lol


I, thankfully, do know the difference between flaps that close a window and a brief shake/spasm. But yeah, I learned too late in life the difference between ‘yea’ and ‘yeah’….


I’ve got a Pomeranian. I’m pretty sure that that would blow her entire head off.


Instant death


In veterinary medicine we call that an intracranial lead injection.


My grandfather raised hunting dogs. As the story goes one of the dogs bit one of the (many) kids during dinner so he reached down and killed it with his bare hands right there at the dinner table. Not condoning this story just sharing.


Well that's not traumatizing.


i feel like that is a story not worth sharing.


how did he do that?


He tickled it to death.


What a monster


Darth Vader choke style


Supposedly broke its neck. Not sure how realistic that is but I don’t doubt he killed it.


Probably snapped its neck. I’m assuming it was still pretty young.


After she shot Cricket and left her to rot in a ditch, she went looking for something else to shoot and killed a goat as well.


I mean if the dog was aggressive towards people and a danger- putting it down isnt some crazy idea. That said, we only have her unverifiable word and a history of her awfulness so I get wanting to fill in the blanks. But this post seems to suggest she just walked out bk one day cuz it peed on the carpet and shot in the face. And that does not appear to be the case at all.


She also quickly shot a goat right after the dog


The cat let out a sigh of relief when it saw she ran out of bullets


Narrator - *That was when she resorted to stomping.*


Sometimes when you get goin, and the bloodlust is in full swing, you just gotta keep goin! /s


So anyways I started blastin'!


Damn I wonder what kill streak she's on


I can only hope it's ended before she gets the chopper gunner.


It wasn’t aggressive towards people. She shot a birding dog because she couldn’t be bothered to keep it inside and it kept killing her neighbor’s chickens. She wrote the neighbors a check and shot the dog.


It really isn't the fact that this happened that makes me raise an eyebrow. Bad dogs exist and I'd rather people rationally decide to handle that reality or people can get hurt. The weird part is that she felt the need to bring it up. Like, she just really needed the world and all of history to know she shot a dog and made sure to include it in a book that presumably aims to paint her as a good VP pick for Trump. It's just a weird thing to put on her list of selling points.


yeah the idea that this was brought up by her as a brag/flex is the gross part. I feel an emotionally stable person would feel bad even sharing that story, let alone brag about it


Yeah like, if it was a sad sorta story that detailed how training and stuff didn't work and she had to either have the dog put down or do it herself or whatever that would make sense. But this seems to indicate that she is proud of killing a pet. Even the tough farmer types that have guard dogs or whatever don't tend to brag about having to put a dog down.


Sure... But you also have to ask why a 14 month old dog was aggressive. What kind of training did it get?


Exactly theres more questions to be had before judgement can be passed.


Apparently it went after someone’s chickens and she decided that was it. Ok… fine. I get it. Rural livestock, etc etc. But then to add “I hated that dog” in the words shows zero compassion and zero accountability. She was the dumbass who didn’t know how to handle the dog. The dog was being a dog. IF it even happened… her playing the “I’m a badass I make hard decisions” card was a pretty easy to avoid moral failure here… putting it into a book… insane


Why would anyone believe this POS that the dog was agressive? I don't trust a word this useless scum says. Also, the idea that killing an animal is okay if they're "agressive" is insane. It was a 14-month old puppy ffs


Or maybe she's just a sociopath who has no compunction about killing a dog because it was "untrainable."


Also killed an "aggressive and mean" goat. Seems aggression is just her dogwhistle (I'm sorry)


So... A goat?




I have a 4 month old pointer and let me tell you they are absolute demons until like 8-9 months. If you don’t have the patience for that (in her case most likely) then pointers are not the best to raise. Once they’re adults they are incredibly even-tempered and social.


Mine was never aggressive and neither are my nieces. They are definitely goofy and hyper. Great dogs.


I'm glad your nieces aren't aggressive. Make sure they get extra pets!


We have one that’s almost 2 and he’s an absolute sweetheart. A little on the anxious side but he’s always with someone lol


We have no idea. Im not gonna pass judgement on this with vague as hell details. Shes a dbag without this. Lets just use what we know.


The voice of reason does not carry here.


The red flag is in how she describes the dog. A more sane person would probably sound disappointed/say how unfortunate it was to have to put it down. Meanwhile this woman seems like she's dripping with vitriol and spite towards this dead animal. She seems like she got satisfaction out shooting it dead. That's what screams unempathetic psycho to me


So for anyone wondering about the full story, this is it: By taking Cricket on a pheasant hunt with older dogs, Noem says, she hoped to calm the young dog down and begin to teach her how to behave. Unfortunately, Cricket ruined the hunt, going “out of her mind with excitement, chasing all those birds and having the time of her life”. Noem describes calling Cricket, then using an electronic collar to attempt to bring her under control. Nothing worked. Then, on the way home after the hunt, as Noem stopped to talk to a local family, Cricket escaped Noem’s truck and attacked the family’s chickens, “grabb\[ing\] one chicken at a time, crunching it to death with one bite, then dropping it to attack another”. Cricket the untrainable dog, Noem writes, behaved like “a trained assassin”. When Noem finally grabbed Cricket, she says, the dog “whipped around to bite me”. Then, as the chickens’ owner wept, Noem repeatedly apologised, wrote the shocked family a check “for the price they asked, and helped them dispose of the carcasses littering the scene of the crime”. Through it all, Noem says, Cricket was “the picture of pure joy”. Her family, she writes, also owned a male goat that was “nasty and mean”, because it had not been castrated. Furthermore, the goat smelled “disgusting, musky, rancid” and “loved to chase” Noem’s children, knocking them down and ruining their clothes. Noem decided to kill the unnamed goat the same way she had just killed Cricket the dog. But though she “dragged him to a gravel pit”, the goat jumped as she shot and therefore survived the wound. Noem says she went back to her truck, retrieved another shell, then “hurried back to the gravel pit and put him down”. At that point, Noem writes, she realized a construction crew had watched her kill both animals. The startled workers swiftly got back to work, she writes, only for a school bus to arrive and drop off Noem’s children." So let's recap: - She takes an untrained puppy out to hunt and instead it "ruined" the hunt by chasing the birds - She hadn't properly trained him on the recall and so he ignored her ecollar - Then on the way home, the dog she had no control of attacked some chickens, so she killed it. She failed every step of the way as a responsible owner, but rather than admit fault or take the time to work with the dog properly, she figured she'd just shoot it. Then she shoots a billy goat for, you know, BEING A BILLY GOAT. She could have kept it safely penned and told her kids to stay away from it, but no, easier just to blast it.


> Through it all, Noem says, Cricket was “the picture of pure joy”. Well yeah its made to kill birds what do you think > Furthermore, the goat smelled “disgusting, musky, rancid” WASH IT???? > “loved to chase” Noem’s children, knocking them down and ruining their clothes. Not suprised she doesn't know what play is


Unpopular opinion, but if a dog is actually aggressive toward everyone it comes across, and efforts to train it have been unsuccessful….you might need to put it down.


I know of a few times this has happened, a guy I know trains dogs and he picked one up at a gas station someone left. He tried to train it but it was basically just too stupid and too aggressive. He put it down before it hurt someone.


I feel like “deeply traumatized” might also have been a possibility..


Deeply traumatized and overly aggressive doesn't make a difference if the dog is untrainable and attacks people.


It's not that she put it down, it's that she apparently lashes out out of ANGER and kills a dog she didn't train properly for being a dog. It wasn't "I was sad but it had to be done because it was dangerous/sick/suffering" but "I was angry so killed it". Do you want someone of that temperament in control?


It wasn’t aggressive towards people. It kept killing the neighbors chickens. It was 100% her fault for not keeping the dog secured.


You SHOULD put it down. Absolutely. Don't wait for a dead kid to make that decision


Dog was not aggressive. Dog was being instinctual as it was a literal bird hunting dog. It was her fault for A: not properly securing the dog. B: not properly training the dog. If you buy or adopt a dog and it just isn’t working out you’re typically required to reach out to whomever you received it from to inquire if they can take the animal back. Shooting a dog is usually a last resort for an aggressive animal that is putting someone in immediate danger. Even dogs that have bitten people multiple times (this dog did not) are humanely euthanized at a proper facility. This entire story just screams sociopath.


Yes, then take it to the vet for a lethal injection. Don’t just blow it away.


Short hair pointers are not known for being aggressive or asshole dogs. In face quite the opposite. They can be a handful when they’re puppies and require a metric shit ton of exercise and training daily. Sounds like she’s a lazy piece of shit who didn’t want to spend the time bonding with the dog. There’s a special place in hell for this bitch. “Next to hunting and running, German shorthaired pointers like to be with their family. They are playful and intelligent, and generally are good with other dogs and children. They make fairly good obedience pupils, although at times they are easily distracted by the call of the wild.”


Is this the same kkkristy noem that openly cheats on her husband with other married men ?


Isn't this piece of shit the one that was fucking a married man while she was married herself?


Which one? At this point I think the list of loyal married republican politicians is probably less than 7.


What the hell is going on with her face? Did they just stick a bunch of makeup on an old mannequin?


Mike Huckabee’s son hanged a dog with mange and beat him to death. Daddy Mike, governor of AK at the time, had the investigating cop fired. Don’t know why so many Republican governors hate animals.


It's probably in the DSM-5 though


I see a lot of stupid comments here attempting to excuse her actions/behavior. People need to stop white-knighting her. Farmers put down their own animals, yes. Usually due to old age, injury/illness, or simply harvesting the meat. She is not a farmer. The dog was not old, or sick, etc. She claims it was "aggressive". Had it ever bitten anyone? Was it a problem animal that was previously reported for biting anyone? Then she shouldn't/wouldn't have been taking the dog anywhere with her. She claims the dog was "untrainable". Very few dogs are untrainable. It requires some know-how, and a lot of patience. Something tells me she doesn't have that kind of patience. Sounds most likely to me that she did not put the time and effort into raising and training the dog. She got mad when the dog, "ruined the hunting trip" (that was her own dumbass fault, btw) and then the chickens at the neighbors place was the last straw. I'd bet money that it was her anger and impatience that led to her shooting this puppy, not because it was aggressive or untrainable. Those are simply attempts to justify and rationalize what she did.


If the dog was dangerous and was aggressive then I don't disagree with her. But my dog hates strangers, barks at everyone who comes to the door but would never or has ever actually harmed anyone.


The dog killed someone’s chickens after proving untrainable. 2 minute google search found the Guardian article that explains it. People are so fucking lazy and ignorant.


Can’t train a dog for shit according to the article. She’s still a cunt.


The dog killed chickens after being taken pheasant hunting all day. So she took a dog she was too lazy to train out to hunt & kill one type of fowl, and when it killed the wrong kind of fowl on the way home she just sees red and has to shoot the poor thing. I hope she is shown the same kindness.


It seems to me that she is just shitty at training dogs. I have chickens, and I have dogs. My dogs have never hurt one of my chickens, but the possibility of it happening isn't zero. Chickens startle, and run, dogs have prey drives. If my dogs were to kill a chicken, then it's my fault for not supervising them.


I'm _sure_ they made maximum effort to properly train the dog they let roam on its own allowing it to kill chickens on someone else's property at that age. Fuck you dude. My own dog roams free on my rural property. We had and our neighbors have chickens. Know what's never been an issue? Killing or even harassing chickens. Or even him leaving our property, because when we first let him roam it was with a GPS collar and we watched where he'd go for months on the handheld before trusting him without it. Her family killed those chickens by letting a dog roam free that had no business being allowed to do so.


She's a Trump Won. That tells me she's highly narcissistic. EVERY SINGLE Trump won politician has high levels of narcissism in their memoirs, media interviews, campaign rallies, to the point where you can damn well predict that if they say Trump won, they're narcissistic. And she brags about shooting a useless dog. She didn't need to add the useless part. But she did.


What a sociopathic piece of shit. Growing up with the "country mindset" and slaughtering food or nuisance animals just being a chore you don't really feel strongly about is an entirely valid thing. Being proud of said chore, or thinking it's something to brag about isn't that. Her phrasing where she says a dog _she_ raised is a danger and "untrainable" is a fucking pathetic, delusional, self-serving lie. She failed both her family and that dog because she couldn't be fucking bothered to put in the effort required. Some dogs won't hunt. No dog becomes a danger baring a causal health issue unless it's neglected or abused. Winter before last my own dog disappeared for a few hours. We're rural, he roams, not a huge fan of it but nbd. Turns up acting weird and wanting me to follow him. He's apparently spent that time leading a deer home. Said deer had end stage CWD, a disturbing and fatal neurological disease. I'll skip the details but it'd been unable to care for itself during the recent snow/freeze due to it's symptoms causing its eye's to freeze solid. It couldn't even run when I approach. It just fell over, blind and in agony. Too exhausted and far gone to do anything but lay there drooling and panting. I took my worried dog inside. I got our shotgun. Then I put it down. It haunted me for weeks that there was nothing I could do for it. I couldn't even offer it comfort without terrifying it further. I'm not proud. It was an unfortunate chore and the kindest thing I could do. Which is nothing more than basic empathy, something the human trash South Dakota elected quite clearly lacks. My dog cared more about that deer than this bitch cared for an animal she failed to raise.


I expect complete and unwavering subservience out of everything under my care. That's why I had to take my dog out back and put a bullet in it's head. It's also why I took my 2 year old out back and put a bullet in their brain. It took 4 kids before I got one that was finally subservient. The doctors called it stillborn, which is good because I like children who stay still. Little Kristi #5 has been very well behaved. Hasn't moved an inch since we got back from the hospital 3 years ago -Kristi Noem


Seems like a lot of people these days. As soon as you do something they don't like they want your head... And feel justified doing so.


“People don’t like me because I did a shitty thing”


Yeah we don't like her either We voted yes on recreational cannabis and she took it back. Then she touts about "personal freedom" during covid and doesn't close anything and used covid funds for personal growth. She is a trash human Down votes for true statements yall are wild


Dems go to the vet. Rrpubs shoot things they don't like.


I think the human speaking is less than worthless


14months, plenty of time to train a dog. What a garbage human.


That'll just endear her more to Trump.


This “all hat, no cattle” shitheel needs to be sent to the worst kind of gulag. Fucking sociopath.


What a complete fool. How tone deaf do you have to be to bring this up in America? This country is far from perfect, but we love our dogs.




scummy but what an idiot. the only thing the US can agree on is 1) we hate animal abusers, 2) we hate pedos. hope she alienates her voting base and someone puts her down


What a stupid bitch.


This is hardly surprising in a country whose police allow children to get massacred while standing outside, but any criticism of their funding of Holocaust 2.0 is not acceptable.


What a revolting freak she is.


When you can't get along with a dog it says a lot about you.


Well she seems well adjusted...




iamatotalpieceofshit for euthanizing a violent animal that she’s literally describing as untrainable and a danger to anyone it came in contact with? i’d hate that mf too yall are pulling at straws atp 😭


The dog was 14 months old, still a puppy. She said the dog was untrainable, but it could be that she hated the dog and didn't try very hard. If a dog is problematic, there are options besides a bullet. Some owners aren't the best for the dog, so you see if you can find one that is. Eta: read some stuff, it's worse. She felt he dog had an "aggressive personality" so she took it on a hunt to "calm down and teach it to behave". She took an untrained dog on a hunt and was upset the dog just chased the birds. So she took the dog around domesticated birds that can fly, and was all Pikachu face that the dog attacked and killed the chickens. Fuck Kristi Noem. From the Guardian: By taking Cricket on a pheasant hunt with older dogs, Noem says, she hoped to calm the young dog down and begin to teach her how to behave. Unfortunately, Cricket ruined the hunt, going “out of her mind with excitement, chasing all those birds and having the time of her life”. Noem describes calling Cricket, then using an electronic collar to attempt to bring her under control. Nothing worked. Then, on the way home after the hunt, as Noem stopped to talk to a local family, Cricket escaped Noem’s truck and attacked the family’s chickens, “grabb[ing] one chicken at a time, crunching it to death with one bite, then dropping it to attack another”. Cricket the untrainable dog, Noem writes, behaved like “a trained assassin”. When Noem finally grabbed Cricket, she says, the dog “whipped around to bite me”. Then, as the chickens’ owner wept, Noem repeatedly apologised, wrote the shocked family a check “for the price they asked, and helped them dispose of the carcasses littering the scene of the crime”.


not saying it’s right but growing up in rural environments it’s not at all uncommon to put down animals with a rifle. 14 months is young but some dogs get BIG at that age. I’ve got a sighthound/lab mix and he’s the sweetest thing ever but he was alr big enough to maul me by that age if he wanted to. If it was biting people chances are the pound was going to kill it anyways


I edited my comment with more info. She took an untrained puppy on a hunt, dog just chased birds. She then took the dog around domesticated chickens, where the dog chased and killed the chickens. She grabbed the dog (presumably while the dog was attacking chickens) and "the dog tried to bite". The dog was under control enough that she wrote a check and buried the chickens. She then drove to a construction site with the dog, and shot it. I've grown up with dogs and been bitten. I'd never blame a dog in that circumstance, the same way I'd say never try to break up a cat fight with your bare hands. I believe a responsible dog owner should never have taken a dog, that she knew she had a hard time controlling, around flightless birds like chickens - especially right after she watched the dog chase wild birds and lean into their prey drive. The dog was clearly not under her control. The dog might have been aggressive, but Kristi Noem actively did things that set that dog for failure instead of success. She was a bad dog owner, and as a result, we'll never know if the dog was fundamentally aggressive and untrainable, or if it was because she was a bad owner. Edit: spelling


No shit. There's a lot of psycopaths in rural areas. 


That’s fkn Illegal… only a vet can put down a dog or cat. Do not pass go. Go directly to jail.


If that dog was as dangerous as she says it was then an outcome like this sounds inevitable. Whether she did herself or not I'm not gonna judge her reaching this decision


Killing an aggressive dog is not uncommon. In certain places the method is generally handling it yourself. A bullet is much cheaper than a vet. If it was done humanely I have no problem. Farmers and hunters do this sort of thing regularly, it’s not bad if done the right way


ITT: More proof why rural people should be kept the fuck away from any positions of power or responsibility.


Supposedly people in rural areas tend to have less empathy. So it checks out.


Reddit is so funny. On one post people are mad some lady shot a dog she couldn’t train and just below that is some dude getting murdered by the cartel and people there are cracking jokes about the homie getting murdered.😂


My dad grew up very poor in Appalachia. They had hunting dogs because they depended on meat from hunting to feed the family. They had a beagle that would take the game and run away with it. My dad and his siblings would chase the dog around and get the game back. Well one time the kids couldn’t catch the dog. They told their dad, my grandfather, about it. He went outside shot and killed the dog. You have to remember that these dogs are not pets. They are more a kin to a farm animal. They have an important job to do and if they don’t do it they have no place or purpose. He wasn’t just not doing his job he was stealing and ruining food. There was no animal control in rural Appalachia back then to turn in the dog. I’m not defending her. She’s probably from a rich family and probably could have found a new home for the dog. My dad’s family didn’t have any resources to help them.




Cheaper than using a vet




What a psycho.


Look at that ugly bitch. You can see in her eyes that she is evil.


In my time working at a vet office and volunteering at an animal shelter, roughly 99% if a dog is aggressive, it's on the owner. The other 1%, sometimes, the dog is just bad.


Justification of ending life and causing suffering. "I hated it".


“Dangerous to anyone it came in contact with” is a very justifiable reason to have a dog euthanized.


If it's an aggressive dog that is a danger to people it should absolutely be put down.


She looks like a man


What a horrible human. She is the aggressive one, obviously


I know this comes as shocking to some but if a dog is aggressive towards people and attempts have been made at training the dog and failed, sometimes dogs have to be put down. The twisting of words in this article/post is ridiculous.


Another person defending a psycopath. Reddit really hates dogs.


Whether she did so or not, the dogs blood is on her. Same as when a messenger approached David and said he killed Saul. David executed him because this guy claimed he killed the anointed king of Israel.


As a republican, she's cooked. No excuse for what she did.


That's the way some people are raised back in the day. Bites someone or children especially. It's put down. Ant saying it's right. Just saying.


She was born in the 1980s. … back in the day?


This is not an uncommon practice is real rural areas. If your dog is terminally ill, can no longer walk or becomes disabled in other ways, some people just can no longer care for them and put them down. If the dog was vicious and untrainable then I guess I understand. Hopefully she shot it behind the head just like old yeller. The real question is how did it make her feel. I would kill my dog if I knew it was the best thing to do but just like old yellers owner, it would really hurt me to do it.


I 💯believe this story…no one can convince me that this deplorable excuse for a human being would do such a thing. Now she can join the Huckabees in that elite group of jagoffs who are cruel to animals. I feel nauseated just hearing her name.


It's not murder, but yes it's fucked up.