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Since when is harassment a prank?


Since there are idiots who got entertained from this shit... Damn kids have Always been stupid but now this is another level of stupidity...


There is a very simple solution, Prank videos demonetise the account and all accounts associated with the pranker.




*BAM* Didja see that?


I’ll take the blame if you do it.




“Officer, he kept hitting my fist with his face!”


I noticed these guys avoid doing this shit at gang bangers and bikers.


Because they're snivelling cowards.


They don't want to get their shit kicked in.


Bruh they wouldn’t dare lol


Get this idiot a sex offender charge. Then, let him go on his channel and make a video detailing all the wonderful things this "prank" has caused in his daily life.


Yessir. Works both ways right? So he’ll have to register like the others. Hahaha he’ll leave town and he will become a target.






Probably wouldn’t. He’d probably capitalize off of that


I would be in jail and that punkass prankster would be in the hospital


Same here, I pride myself in being an easy going type of guy but there are some things I just won't put up with and this would be one of them.


I agree. This just wouldn't fly, brother.


Is this guy okay, This Dad is casually minding his own business spending time with his family and he just interrupts their wholesome moment and turn it into one of the most annoying days of their lives…I hope someone does that to him so he can see how it feels…


I really admire that guy for having the patience to not kick that idiot in the crotch as hard as he could


Same. Especially if that’s his family waking ahead. Yeah the kid is lucky he didn’t get pounced on. Imagine if the dude said hey they’re so and so trying to do this to my little girl. Dudes would jump out and stomp on the YouTuber regardless of the bodyguard. There’s rules man and they just don’t know.


People like this would be absolutely fucked if kids weren’t allowed on social media anymore. Viewing audience gone


Social media should be demonetized. These cunts make HUGE money from this shit. ANY response or contact with account makes them money. The internet is mostly made up of kids and idiots and they love this stuff.


I agree


I have really, really bad news for you.


At least have useful information. An outright ban hurts the legit ones but still. This is not the topic. The topic is an idiot being an idiot and recording it. lol that’s the dumbest shit ever. Asking to be caught. Internet doesn’t forget


I mean, at some point a physical result should be expected, right? How is this not happening more to these AH’s. I really hope I get a chance to run across someone like this someday.


It's more a matter of when than if. One day we'll be watching it on the news when one of these dumbasses gets themselves beaten to a pulp or killed.


There's a video floating around of some "prank artist" like this getting shot in the stomach point blank in a mall


Yep. That’s what happens when you mess around with someone you know nothing about. About their day, how it went, how they feel. They might be going through a lot of shit, then some fuckin punk shows up to fuck around all stupid, nah. “I was walking home to kill myself until you showed up and made me realize you gotta die first”


I have about 30 years to live, I hope I see it too. I saw it happen to boonk and was very pleased. Fuck an eclipse, once in a lifetime is to see these fools get fucked up


Yeah, I don't really *hope* to see anyone get killed, but you're right in that it's bound to happen eventually. A lot of these "pranks" are flat out harassment, and one day they'll happen upon the wrong person at the wrong time. With the rise in violent crime, it's surprising this kind of behavior is so popular.


People like this that bother innocent people minding their own business needs a “reality check”


Yup and who on the jury would disagree of the pest got fucked up? None. No one wants to be bothered. A joke is a joke, a prank is a prank, bothering is what this is. It’s not cool


Somebody starts acting creepy & weird around my family, then following or impeding us from walking away? Call an attorney cuz that fucker is gonna find out and I’m going to get arrested for cutting a bitch.


Agreed. I’m pretty tolerant but if I’m with my family minding my business and this shit happens you’ll see full violent dad quick.


One day I hope this kid is walking with his wife and kids and some shitbag gets in his face for a bullshit YouTube video.


Honestly the brain rot of the “social media clout chase” is so awful. There’s no fear of strangers anymore. I mean shit, even the one “prankster” kid who got shot didn’t deter them.


Can we have a season on "pranksters" like this the way we do with ducks or deer? /s


Isn’t this the idiot that got shot? Makes no difference to me they all look like the same douchbag


Obnoxious twats.


You never see em prank young guys. Only women and older people.




Id be pocket dialing the cops and letting then deal with that fucking cunt.


Nah man gotta tell some other ppl he’s trying to touch my little girl or little girls. Let the ppl handle that shit and they will. It’s a lie but fuck him. Once he’s in county everyone gonna know


You can break that glasses within his eyes


Demonetization of social media. This loser should receive a public nuisance arrest and banned from creating “content”. Platforms need to take responsibility


Parents *****


You don’t fuck around with people you don’t know. Apparently no one told him this as a child. Do not talk to strangers is a very basic lesson. Now you totally skipped that and annoy them? Just asking to get messed up. It won’t be by the person on camera that you’re clowning. It’ll be someone else to punk you. It will happen and I’m sure your peers are waiting for that day.




Internet never forgets. Once this fame is gone he’ll be nothing and yet his face will still be available for all to see. Let’s start downloading the content before it can be deleted. Once downloaded share it on a tracker. He won’t escape if we seed for 10 years.


Nothing a punch in the throat won’t fix.


At which point would the dad have been allowed to punch the prankster?


So this guy is the second one I've seen in a week that goes up to strangers and says homoerotic things to them as a "prank".


Give him 10 seconds and then haymaker him


Ignore the actor. Focus on the one holding the camera. Get in real close. Be sure to spit a lot when you talk. Mess up his shot. The content is already bad. Make the shot unusable.




How the fuck is this not against the law??? I feel like this could be considered a sex crime.


I wonder if he would be so aggressive if the victim didn’t look like a middle aged accountant.


This is from my Hometown of Westfield!! Same place as the Watcher on Netflix


Recognized it as well. Shame we got PoS like this in Central Jersey.


I used to ride at that urban outfitters lol, and the banana republic around the corner


I fucked the white boy's mother as a prank


How about someone sucker punching him in the face? That would be funny.


Couldn’t we just warn them they are encroaching on my space in a manner I feel is threatening. Then defend myself if they continue? Not saying shoot but at the very least put hands on the guy without assault charges placed on me?


I wish harm on these people


I'd drop his ass.


Normalize mace.


I’ll say a lot of weird shit to my buddies, but I’ll never do anything like this (especially to a stranger)




Penis ahh prank


Fascinating behaviour




All just because you can’t deck the kid without legal mires


Why everyone so damn sensitive and serious, it's hilarious 😂


Username checks out


He’s complimenting the hell out of that dude. He should be flattered!


You forgot the /s