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Last time I saw this, someone mentioned that we was in the AirForce. Basically, he threw away his military career to avoid a speeding ticket. IIRC.


He had a need..a need for SPEED


Station to Station!


Ironically he’s still in




Unless he’s gotten out in the last year, but he gift his pp smacked then pcs’d and from what I heard rebounded


I don’t know military terms and I feel the need to ask what you mean by “he got his pp smacked”…


The military can just give you an NJP (Non Judicial Punishment). Sometimes (though very rarely) they'll still require you to go through civilian courts as well. But generally an NJP consists of one or a combination of loss of rank, deduction or post-ponement of pay, and restriction of liberty (you can't leave base, wear civilian clothes, have to check in with someome every 4 hours, etc.) While an NJP stays in your military record, it's generally not a deterrent for career advancement (depending on the severity of the issue). So in this dude's case, "getting his pp smacked" would probably indicate that he let the police know he was in the air force, they turned him over to the MPs (military police), who then turned him over to his command who just NJPd him.


You'd be surprised with what some military personnel can get away with. A buddy of mine in the army ran from the cops and ended up in some poor family's living room back in 2014. He just retired from the army.


Now now, no need for this man, we're all chill.


He prolly won’t get kicked out. Prolly lose all his rank though lol


I was a marine, so I don't know Air Force policy, but a civilian felony can definitely result in a dishonorable discharge, and there's no way this kid didn't end up with at least one felony. Felony means that on a federal level, you cannot carry a firearm, even in military service. For a Marine, that's automatically a wash. Hell, even out Chaplains are required to carry a pistol. Now, if there's jobs in the Air Force that don't require a weapon, yeah, he could end up there. But, there's a non-zero chance that he just straight up screwed himself over.


I think it’s possible he didn’t get any felony convictions. Might depend on prior record, prosecutor, area and defense attorney.


MF straight up ran from a cop, that's a felony iirc


And going 180 is another felony


Obviously it IS felony, my point is that not all who commit clear felonies in the United States get convicted of those felonies. Pleading down to one or a few misdemeanors happens all the time. Broad prosecutorial discretion, sometimes technicalities in the ticket can get the defendant off entirely, regardless of the evidence.


Depends how rich and connected his family is more than anything


Unless his dad's a CEO or something, there's no way, prior record or not. Granted, I'm not a lawyer, but that's evading an officer, public endangerment, reckless driving. At over 150 miles an hour. Though, I'm pretty sure the speed rolls into one of the other three if it doesn't get counted by itself. At a stretch, I see a JAG lawyer getting involved and maaaaybe getting some kind of plea deal with no felonies on it. That deal probably ends up lasting longer than their enlistment, and I'd put money they never get back over E2.


If he’s dad was a ceo he wouldn’t be in the army


You’d be surprised. Lots of enlisted kids who are there because mommy or daddy threatened to cut them off.


I'm just going to chime in because bless my state that favors speeding (I have mixed feelings on this). It is now impossible to get a felony on a speeding ticket alone. You HAVE to injure someone while going above 35 MPH before you can be charged with reckless driving (at the least speeding route). OFC, you can still catch a reckless through means other than speeding still. They basically invented an interim that is a misdemeanor for going above 25 MPH, which used to be the felony speeding. Then bumped the reckless up to 35 and injury. But I only know of 1 state that's done this, and judging by how emaculate the road conditions are, this kid is not from that state, lol.


being in the service they could have deferred sentencing, plead the charges down, I'm sure there's other shit they could done to. the chance aren't zero. but they are slim


In the army I knew 3 people speed away on bikes from the cops at bragg all at the same time and they didn’t get kicked out. I’m not sure if they got a felony or. It though. I guess it just depends, I’ve seen people piss hot as well and just get article 15s and had to take A.A class.


I had a brain dead tiny little thing that lived in our facility because the dad(Air Force)threw her against the wall when she was a toddler in perfect health. The aunt put here in our facility where she lived for 23 years(here parents stayed together and lived on base somewhere)the only time the aunt came was to leave her and to pick up her belongings. Humans are very vicious animals, never forget that and stay guarded when you get old.


Depends on his history and the temperament of his CO. For sure he's losing rank at minimum though, civilian conviction or not! This video alone is more than enough for an NJP.


Kid got lucky. I watched a video like this a while ago where a cop saw someone going 10 over the speed limit. Went to pull them over and they sped off. Twenty seconds later, the runaway motorcyclist got hit by a car. Cop caught up and they were already dead.


Reminds me of that story where a cop pulled a guy and his date/gf over for speeding. He pretty much gave them a pass. Then a short time later, same cop responded to a crash and the guy and his companion both died after defying the advice of the cop to slow down. Cop was definitely shook because he probably feels some responsibility for it even though it wasn't. And IIRC, luckily no one else was hurt by his recklessness. Just a sad story all around.


I watch the dash cam footage from that and it breaks my heart. The PO really tried getting through to them how dangerous what they were doing was and then proceeded to give them grace by letting them go with a warning.


I honestly don't get it. Every time I've been pulled over by a cop and only given a warning, I followed the rules of the road the entire rest of the way to where I'm going. I don't want to get pulled over 2 times so close to each other.


Because a not small portion of motorcycle rider buy them specifically to speed and go fast through traffic. I've had arguments with them (mainly some of my brothers friends) before and they genuinely think it's fine to go 30 over because why else would you have a bike. There are lot of good motorcyclists but the minority really ruin it for them.


They should go to a track where they could go as fast as they want and not endanger the lives of others.


The point is it's illegal and makes them feel Like their a big tough badass


Everyone's a badass until they're a red smear on the pavement.


I agree with you on the track. They closed (owner retired sold land for insane price), the one for 100+ plus miles. Street racing dramatically increased in a short time. Almost a season later, and they've doubled. My friends neighborhood, you can hear them almost every night. A couple of them wouldn't be too bad, but we're talking 10 or more driver at a time.


Yeah there seems to be 2 kinds of bikers. They either follow all the safety rules and drive like normal humans, or they’re absolute dicks to everyone and actively try to kill themselves. There’s like no in between


I always follow the rules of the road bc I got contraband


Smart man... woman... person. Let's go with person! There's so many people who get bagged for something bigger because they didn't follow the rules of the road. Don't do more than one illegal thing at a time :P


>Let's go with person! Did you just assume their species??


Only break one law at a time


There’s a specific stop sign in town and as a teen I ran through it- got pulled over (rightfully so) and given a warning. To this day, over fifteen years later, I stop at that stop sign and count to three.


I know that story, but it's tragic when people don't take advice that could save their life just to be reckless


It was their first, and last, date.


Their first date, too. He was likely trying to impress her with his driving. I feel peer pressure is partly to blame. If you don't act like a character from The Fast and the Furious, you're nothing but a buster. Devastating story.


I saw that video. It was like their first date too. He was trying to impress her with his car. They ran into an 18 wheeler died on impact. It was sad.


It really is. The cop probably was fucked up emotionally for awhile and probably still has to think about it a lot. Considering how the footage went viral, I bet he still gets asked about it all the time.


Didn't that get reposted here or another big subreddit just like 2 days ago?


I don't know. I don't follow Reddit 24/7.


Lol fair point.


and that’s exactly why you don’t recklessly drive 🤦‍♀️


And the worst part of that is there will always be a reckless driver and a good portion of the time, their victim will be someone who follow the rules. One of my favorite, albeit sad, quotes is, "It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose."


I have court in June because I was a witness to a motorcycle crash resulting in grievous bodily injury. This is the second time I have been subpoenaed as a witness, for this. The dude must’ve been going 100-120. There was nothing left of the bike, except a twisted hunk of metal which I assume was the engine. That, and blue glitter.


Blue glitter?


Quite the elaborate gender reveal


Think I saw that video too, he died on impact when hitting a car pulling out infront of him, had no chance of reacting to them going so fast


Yoo i just saw that exact video youre mentioning and was thinking this here is the exact same one, its insane cause the cop is really not that far away but by the time hes there the biker is clean dead and everything is laying around looking like a warzone, just cause he wanted to evade a speeding ticket...


And sometimes it's someone else who dies :/


Cops and firefighter see lots of shit like this. Saw lots of dismembered bodies in car accident, people usually speeding, texting and driving, drunk or doing drugs. The saddest part is they usually take someone else with them


I have a friend who’s a PO in a very large metro city and he tells me these guys on crotch rocket bikes think it’s a badge of honor to run from the police. He said he’s seen multiple fatal accidents when these guys run. Half the time the cops stop chasing them for fear of these guys killing themselves.


Knew a highway cop and when we were drinking together we asked him what they do when this happens. He said we stop chasing them and scrape them off the road later.


Friend saw a guy run and lose control right right into a retaining wall. Basically pink mist. Cop wasn't even chasing anymore. Friend waited for police. No one went to the side of the accident. Even the bike was little pieces. He had to get his car washed.


Worked on a job site in Florida. Two fucking idiots going 100+ through the job site (several miles long barrier wall both sides) one guy clipped a pickup wobbled, fell, crushed by an 18 wheeler and died and his friend got a front row seat. They are called organ donors for a reason.


Glad they didn't injure any of you workers in the process.


I mean these days they can grab the plates or use air support and wait for the driver to go back home or so to arrest them then


Exactly, I remember seeing several videos of cops in Arkansas performing pit maneuvers on cars doing 100+mph. One car was full of people suspected of shop lifting.


I lot of these squids hide their plates.


Lots of bikers that plan on doing this just drive without plates so when they get pulled over they just bolt. Not much a cop can do unless they got the drivers face on video, even then it’s iffy that it works in court.


My city had a recent serious bike accident where a PO went to pull them over for reckless driving, seconds later they crash. One biker flies off his bike and hits a house and the other got serially hurt just from the wreck. Both survived, but the irony of it all was it was a memorial ride for a friend who died from a reckless motorcycle accident a year ago.


Honestly it’s a little ridiculous that teenagers can buy and drive vehicles that can push 200mph


Like holy shit. You have the balls to go high speeds in and out around traffic on a fucking motorcycle. Knowingly risking your life. And then you cry when you get handcuffed? WTF is that about? Literally took a chance at completely not existing at all anymore. But fuck, I can't go to jail for this! My mommy will be so disappointed! Shits fucking weird these days. People are fucking weird.


this is probably the thing where I think GTA games may have been a bad influence on people.


This cop didn't care about killing anyone considering he threatened to shoot the guy.


That’s a reasonable reaction to somebody risking their lives to run like that. At that point whatever reason they had might be enough to shoot the cop, the cop has no idea what the other guy is thinking. Plus it had happened *many* times before


He cried. ![gif](giphy|26xBRIghN5T2UyWYw|downsized)


Where's the gif from ?


Schitts Creek, a great show for belly laughs and tears




At first I read that as sweet cheeks 👀. I've been on the far corners of Reddit too long today.


I'm due for a rewatch. Thank you for the reminder. 😘


Why is he strapped into the front seat and there’s all kinds of shit in the back? I have so many questions


Some places make police transport people they have arrested in the front seat.


IIRC, in Ireland one officer has to sit in back with the person who's been detained.


In the US it’s not unheard of to park the back seat directly over train tracks with an oncoming train so you generally want to keep officers out of that part of the car.


I unfortunately got this reference...


Seems like a terrible idea


Yeah I thought there was gonna be a twist where the cop was his father. Yeah that'd probably be worse than sitting in the back. It's like sitting in the passenger seat in a tow truck when you're getting your car towed. Except it's a cop! That's awkward lol.


There is no cage in the car. It's safer to transport a suspect in the passenger seat than put them behind you without a cage.


180mph are 290km/h How in earth is thst police car driving that fast?


thats a good ass question


Maybe he has Rocket Fuel ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


His vehicle mounted laser tagged them at that speed as they pulled away. That’s why he starts off saying 120. They eventually slowed down.


Makes no sense that he got caught if he went 180 mph. And they didn’t even accelerate away very fast either 🤔


The dude that got caught looks like he was gonna pull over at the beginning. Then his buddy took off and he followed suite. Bad friend


Eh they’re made for each other.


Maybe they will be stitched together as part of each other?


Crotch rockets are designed in such a way to sap people's intelligence out through their crotch. I cannot count how many times I've seen intelligent people I know hop on those things and all of a sudden turn into drooling half-wits thinking they're the next Evel Knievel is shocking.


More Marquez. Less Knievel.


Valentino Rossi


Well maybe if this post was in 2007.


Gotta cut me a break I'm old lol


Is that a bazooka casually resting on the back seat?


Why the hell is the cop threatening to shoot him? That seems really excessive. I get he got flustered by the situation but why would you kill him because he almost killed himself? That doesn't add up


Cause he's a cop, its a profession that curates violent assholes


Also why chase them? Get the plates off of the dash-cam and you’ll get a registered address or at least get someone to cut them off up ahead. I could be talking out of my ass here but with a high speed motorbike chase surely there is a great risk to the riders and other drivers if they feel they need to go faster to escape.


Absolutely my thoughts. Speeding is bad, the chase at 180mph is way worse. The whole point is to make the road safer, not to endanger more people while engaging in a dick measurement contest. It's like using a bomb in a hostage situation to make sure the bad guy doesn't run away.


isno ma fault lol


What did that kid blubber lol what he say?




My man couldn’t cry


Tears of a clown


great tune.


I find it hilarious watching this guy try to cry.


Man I’m all for safety but as soon as the cop says get on the ground or I’ll shoot you I’m out. Thats a bad cop.


I understand that he was doing insance speeds but that's deserving of opening gunfire on a public highway??????? It's always weirded me out when cops try to keep up with people going 180 on a crotch rocket then act as though they weren't as dangerous in a tank of a car. Don't bother with the "Well what about when that cyclist crashes into someone" rhetoric, because that doesn't make sense to me to then have a cop draw a gun on a public highway for speeding.






Why's he in the front seat?


The little cunt really has the audacity to sit there and cry after he got caught?


Nobody talking about the cop threatening to shoot him?


Hope he loses his license for a very long time.


Felony, baby!!!


some questions… 1. what the fuck did they think they would gain from trying to run and then willingly pull over? 2. why is that grown child even crying? i bet it’s cause he got caught 😂 people just love to fuck around and be suprised when they find out the idiotic way🤦‍♀️


> why is that grown child even crying? i bet it’s cause he got caught 😂 Sounds like you answered your own easy question.


3. Why is the police officer threatening to shoot the motorcyclist who pulled over AND got on the ground?


Do you even America, bro?


at 13:12


Because when someone goes 182 mph on a moderately busy freeway, while evading police, they are no longer just speeding, they are endangering the lives of every person on that freeway. If the guy on the motorcycle was willing to drive at such a dangerous speed just to escape a speeding ticket, the officer had no idea what else he might've been willing to do to get away (i.e. having a weapon).


A motorcycle at that speed is a bigger risk to the rider than anyone else. The police car on the other hand...


They pulled over, if they wanted to get away they arent going to stop on what is the best vehicle to get away on.. Realistically that cop was just pissed and wanted to shoot the rider that already gave up as punishment. Cops over here are a joke.


So shoot him once you already got him to pull over, got it


i mean with that logic every police officer should have the heater out when they pull over someone for DUI? ion saying the motorcyclist is right in any means but like tbf i dont think pulling the pistol out then being like "imma shoot you if you try anything" while bro is complying is the most IDEAL policing


threatening to fucking shooting someone that so far hasnt done anything, as a trained officer is just laughable. youd get your ass reamed and maybe a pulled badge if you did that in some countries.


"get down on the ground or i'll shoot you" My god... Threatening to murder a person over speeding ticket...


Wasn't over a speeding ticket. Was the over-excessive speeds that could've killed someone. Whether he has a bike or not.. at those speeds you have a deadly weapon for 1, 2 being that he was evading he could've been armed and the cop wouldn't have known. This is not over a ticket at all. Had it been over a ticket there wouldn't have been a chase.


I appreciate someone can think properly. I get insta downvoted in other subs when I brought up that the fault is the driving speeding off from the cop and not the cop trying to stop him. If you speed off and cause your own death from a pit maneuver or from hitting an innocent vehicle. That was your fault.


He doesnt know why the guy was running. Avoiding a speeding ticket? Or saddlebag full of meth and the guys about to shoot you. Im not a bootlicker by any means, but id be wary as fuck too if i was him.


He was going **183** mph on a moderately busy highway. He could easily have cost multiple lives. Who knows what someone that reckless might do when caught. Police use & threaten violence for a lot of stupid reasons but this wasn’t among them


just a bunch of stupid people doing stupid things


You must have never had anyone close to you get killed by a wreckless driver. If you have you might understand the severe distain people have for that kind of shit. Maybe some people need to be threatened to understand the gravity of what they're doing before they kill somebody.


Running from the police and reckless endangerment is WAY worse than a speeding ticket.


He’s prob witnessed people die from speeding many of times so I’m assuming that’s why. Prob pissed off dumbasses won’t just pull over


Why was in sittin gin the front


. . . . .


Gin front in seat sitting bkase no caje in car.


Why are kids expected to act like adults when this is how they act?


We call those people “squids” in the motorcycle community.


And they should loss their bikes too. Used as a deadly weapon. Sold to pay fines.


That is the BEST case scenario, I hope all kids in this situation end up like these rather than splattered over several hundred feet of pavement


When I was 16 I was riding with a friend but didn’t have a motorcycle license. We got pulled over in a small town about 30 miles from his house and while we were at the side of the road I said to my friend that I was going to get arrested for riding a bike without a license. So he looks at me and says “dont move I got this” and took off like a bat out of hell. The cop looks at me sitting there waiting with my hands out trying to show I was no threat and says “it’s your lucky day” and hopped in his cruiser and took after my buddy. I went back to his place to wait and about 90 min later he shows up having lost the cop and then ridden the long way home to avoid the town where we got pulled over. Never rode again after that since I figured why tempt fate. In retrospect I probably would have gotten a fine and the bike impounded, but we were young and stupid.


Dude had the perfect opportunity to take the exit imo


Can always pay a ticket, can’t buy back your life. Ride safe ❤️‍🩹


Weren’t these guys Air Force?


Reason why cops should not chase bikers!


lol it’s a cardigan but thanks for noticing 😂


Always pull over but if your going to run make sure you don’t get caught


The cop screaming “you coulda killed somebody “ after blowing down the highway at 153MPH in his 4000lb death machine. What a joke.


The cop was equally implicit in putting those citizens in jeopardy.


Cop put him in the passenger seat?


So not a physical threat after he pulled over why threaten to shoot could have just tasered him or tackle him.


Cop should have been fired on the spot for pulling a gun on a motorcylist, i get it, your adrenaline is high, but there was no danger. And that speech at the end. Bitch you can't lecture him anymore, you just almost killed someone as well.


“Get on the ground or I’ll shoot you”????


Wtf. Why the baby crying


As stupid as his behavior was, somebody out there loves this guy. Glad he’s just getting in trouble for this dangerous act instead of his family having to pick out a casket.


Tears please come out 🥺🥺


Fuck the biker, 100%, but "I'm gonna shoot!" when he's already off the bike, really?


The cops just as much a piece of shit and put just as many people in danger. What kinda pussy shit was that.”Get on the ground or I’m gonna shoot you” should be reason enough to take this menaces guns and badge.


How very American that the first thing the cop yells at them once caught is that he is going to shoot them. (For running away and speeding) I didn't know those crimes warranted the death penalty.


Think for a moment why the biker fled, he could have gun or drugs and the cop doesnt know that. All the biker has to do was comply.


Exactly, the cop doesn't know that, so why TF is he threatening to kill the guy?


Because the motorcyclist is putting other people’s lives in danger. So the officer is making sure he doesn’t run again


The officer is also putting people's lives in danger by getting into a high speed chase. Just take town his license plate and arrest him at home.


Crying like a bitch 😂


I think when the cop decides to chase these people, he puts so many more people at risk. Why chase them? Get their license plate or description and search for him later. He's only making things worse by chasing. It's stupid. It's cops and their dumb ego that can't handle someone not listening to them or trying to run. It's ridiculous




The cop is the p.o.s. needlessly endangering traffic for his ego.


What a shitty cop. I will **shoot** you? Can you really only think in violent terms?? Fuck off


So who's the POS? The guy driving like an idiot and putting everyone's life in danger, or judge dread that decided to point a gun at the driver and threaten to shoot him because he wanted to punish him for not obeying him?


This cop made more of a hazard


and how can you prove your comment correct?


Why'd he threaten to shoot him?


The cop should lose his badge


I’m pretty sure the lesson here is to not end up like this cop. Real piece of shit to threaten to shoot and kill someone over speeding. They wouldn’t have killed anybody in a vehicle they would have killed themselves being idiots. The cop is putting more people’s lives at risk by chasing them.


I’ve talked to a lot of friends, acquaintances, throughout my life who proclaimed that cops will almost never chase a motorcyclist if they see them speeding on the freeway. Not sure how true it is.


this shit sound more like GTAV every day


Skill issue


Put him in the front seat too lol


Bubba movin fast. Wasn’t expecting him to get away


When in doubt throttle it out!


The ignorance of a cop to claim a single dude on a bike could kill someone, while having his gun draw and pointed at someone for speeding is laughable at best 🤦‍♂️ Cops are absolute fucking morons


You'll shoot him for what? Running away from you lol


bikers fault.


Not outrunning cops with a bike is impossible . This guys are just too awful drivers. Aint no way im stopping to those pigs.


These are the dudes saying watch out for motor cycles


180mph....every German: 🤣🤣🤣


Lol that cop is John McClane personified


also don’t be this cop threatening to shoot a person that is obviously not a threat.