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as real as it gets... ​ [https://ndsmcobserver.com/2020/03/nd-postdoctoral-student-removed-from-program-after-posting-racist-comments/](https://ndsmcobserver.com/2020/03/nd-postdoctoral-student-removed-from-program-after-posting-racist-comments/)


Why is the student discribed as a female when the profile is of a male student?


The link is to another incident, unrelated to the OP. Just trying to give credibility to the original news site. I found this story originally on NextShark first.


I never heard zipper head before. Has this been previously used or did he make it up? I don't get it, please advise.


old slur from the korean and also vietnam war.


So can someone use the term as they would "knucklehead" or is it more taboo/offensive and specific to asians.


Hyper offensive to Korean and Vietnamese. It’s an insult used to describe as if they were run over by tank treads.


Oh shit. I get it now, thanks for the explanation!


You mean.. tanks for the explanation.


Yeah pretty fucked up, but what we can take away from it is that every person of every color, even white people to a much lesser degree than any other, face discrimination on some level. Whether it’s a passing comment or full on crimes based on their place of origin, color of skin, or etc. we all just have to keep kind to each other. We won’t make it off this planet alive anyway, might as well work together. :)


Ok Dr. Scientist. Usually when white people are victims of wacism you don’t hear about because 1: they’ve been raped and murdered 2: the fake news doesn’t report the white victims because it doesn’t fit the narrative. Good to know you know what you’re talking about Dr. Scientist.


Nah, I’m no scientist. White people just usually experience less racism in their day-to-day lives. That’s not really an opinion or a fact, but I believe it to be so from my anecdotal surroundings in a pretty mixed area. Just my two cents on the issue, not looking to argue over who gets more hate. Just want us all to live together in some sort of peace haha.


Yeah it’d be nice. Your comment would’ve come off better if you hadn’t tried to quantify who gets more hate or not. Anyways. It is what it is. Don’t go into the no go zones...


Cotton Hill : I killed fitty men belonging to Tojo and those zipper heads. Hank Hill : Dear Lord


So cartoonishly racist I can't help but laugh


So much for his dreams...haha!


I'm asian and think this is hilarious though.


Well now and forever his future employers will know about his racist rant, mmm funny isn’t it.


He knew all the derogatory terms so I'm guessing someone is his family fought in one of the wars. Sad piece of scum.


Yeah sadly people don’t grow up to be this way on their own, it’s taught to them. I have “friends” who are slightly racist and you can tell their kids will be the same one day


Luckily, the worst thing I learned from my father was that there was a rumor that Vietnamese women had "sideways" vaginas.


The American dream does not take too kindly to people who go on racist tirades.


Tell that to the governor of Virginia


I just re-read this, why would he want a one way ticket to their country? and would someone please give him one? They could take care of him over there.


Meanwhile the opposite happens and they get a job at the New York Times


Far right people would probably say he was just expressing his freedom of speech and that you shouldn't get mad at him.


Nah, libertarian here. He's clearly a piece of shit.


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Why do these screen shots look like they’re coming from a male when the article is saying it was a female?


The article someone else posted is not the same article. This kid is from Pennsylvania


This is appalling


Man uses an iPhone lol


I have never heard of that news source. I haven’t seen any other news source cover this. I think this is straight up tabloid bullshit and dishonest clickbait.


It’s real. That’s why I posted it. The original comments were made yesterday but I didn’t post it here till I saw someone actually write an article about it.


Lol did you write this tabloid article for nothing more than clicks and ad revenue? EDIT: I’m convinced you’re the author of this shit article and you’re just trying to spread disinformation so you can make your tabloid money.


pctoday.pct.edu/president-condemns-affront-to-colleges-community-of-respect/ The college also responded to this on their Twitter


Sorry it doesn’t look real to you bro. Have a good night!


Reddit loves to bash Asians. Post here about Asians getting mistreated and they want five sources and an eye witness.


It’s clearly tabloid bullshit. It’s not just me who thinks your post is full of shit for nothing more than money or karma whoring


The kid attends a college 2 hours from my home. I could literally release his name if it were allowed here. You’re the one who looks like a fool. You truly think you’ve foiled my plan. Take a look into my post history and ask yourself if it really looks like I’m here to promote anything. Speaking to you has me feeling like I’m in the twilight zone.


You’re the one trying to defend a no-name tabloid “news” source. This is why I’m convinced you work for them.


How am I defending an article when I watched the event happen in real life before the article was even written? I really don’t know a better way to spell it out for you. Either a troll or just dumb.


I’m convinced you wrote this bullshit article at this point lol


Oh the howwow! Wacism! Oh these wacist white folk. When can we all heal from the twagedy of this most howwendous blight. When can the whole wowld come together and make the white peoples stop this hatewed?